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(09.00 AM 12.00 PM!
DATE: MAY 03" 2010
1. Answer ALL questions.
2. There are FORTY (#0! questions in SECTION A.
3. There are SIX ($! questions in SECTION B. Answer ALL questions.
You are permitted to use a non-programmable electronic calculator in this
A%&'() ALL *+(&,-.%&

1. When using a light microscope, magniication o the structure being obser!ed can be
increased b" a !ariation in the #############.
A. light intensit"
$. stage position
%. ob&ecti!e lens power
'. iris diaphragm setting
2. A pro(ar"otic cell contains ###########.
A. a nucleus
$. a !acuole
%. ribosomes
'. endoplasmic reticulum
U&( ,/( 0.11.'-%2 3-42)45 ,. 4%&'() *+(&,-.% 3.
3. A protein being pac(aged and modiied or export would be ound in ########.
A. W
$. )
%. Y
'. *
+. Two unctions o rough endoplasmic reticulum are to #######.
A. detoxi" and transport drugs
$. modi" and acti!ate hormones
%. s"nthesi,e and transport en,"mes
'. &oin with and h"drol",e ood !acuoles

-. The most abundant molecules in the cell membrane are ######.
A. steroids
$. proteins
%. phospholipids
'. carboh"drates
.. %ells which require large amounts o energ" would 1-6(17 contain relati!el" high
numbers o ###########.
A. centrioles
$. chloroplasts
%. /olgi bodies
'. mitochondria
0. The rate o diusion across the cell membrane is aected b" the ####.
A. temperature and pinoc"tosis
$. temperature and si,e o the molecule
%. membrane structure and phagoc"tosis
'. shape o gl"colipids and gl"coproteins
1. Which statement about mitosis is true2
A. 3t orms our daughter cells
$. 3t produces haploid nuclei
%. 3t does not aect the nuclear en!elope
'. 4rophase is the irst acti!e phase
5. 6itosis in plant cells dier rom that in animal cells as ollows #######.
A. animal cells do not orm a spindle
$. animal cells lac( c"to(inesis
%. plant cells lac( a cell plate
'. plant cells lac( centrioles
17. Two water molecules are produced b" the union o glucose molecules during
deh"dration s"nthesis. The new molecule ormed is #####.
A. a dipeptide
$. a disaccharide
%. a pol"saccharide
'. a monosaccharide
U&( ,/( 0.11.'-%2 3-42)45 ,. 4%&'() *+(&,-.% 11
11. The t"pe o bond represented b" X is ########.
A. ionic
$. peptide
%. co!alent
'. h"drogen
12. 8ow are carboh"drates, lipids, proteins and nucleic acids similar2
A. The" act as catal"sts
$. The" are made up o carbon atoms
%. The" ha!e a tertiar" shape held together b" h"drogen bonds
'. The" orm part o the phospholipid bila"er in the cell membrane
13. What accounts or the secondar" structure o a protein molecule2
A. 8"drol"sis
$. 'enaturation
%. 3onic bonding
'. 8"drogen bonding
U&( ,/( 0.11.'-%2 3-42)45 ,. 4%&'() *+(&,-.% 1#
1+. Which o the ollowing molecules is a component o X2
A. /lucose
$. 9att" acids
%. :ucleotides
'. Amino acids
1-. The structure ormed b" h"drogen bonding between amino acids that are !er"
close to one another in a pol"peptide chain is a ######## structure o protein.
A. primar"
$. secondar"
%. tertiar"
'. quaternar"
1.. When a protein loses its normal three-dimensional coniguration, it is said to be
A. saturated
$. denatured
%. neutrali,ed
'. s"nthesi,ed
10. 8ow are coen,"mes in!ol!ed in en,"matic reactions2
A. The" pro!ide atoms or the reaction.
$. The" increase en,"me concentration.
%. The" pro!ide energ" or the reaction.
'. The" increase substrate concentration
U&( ,/( 0.11.'-%2 2)48/ ,. 4%&'() *+(&,-.% 19
11. The graph shows changes in the reaction rate o an en,"me-catal",ed reaction.
What accounts or the shape o the graph between X and Y2
A. There is not enough substrate
$. All the acti!e sites are occupied
%. 6ore coen,"me has been added
'. 8ea!" metal ions ha!e been added
U&( ,/( 0.11.'-%2 3-42)45 ,. 4%&'() *+(&,-.% 19
15. 3n an experiment, substrate S was added to a bea(er containing equal amounts
o en,"mes E1 to E:. The metabolic pathwa" in the diagram shows the reactions that
occurred. Ater 1- minutes a competiti!e inhibitor or E3 is added to the bea(er and
the reactions continue to completion. What would occur2
A. The rate o production o T would increase
$. The rate o production o * would increase
%. The rate o production o ) would increase
'. The rate o production o ;+ would decrease
U&( ,/( 0.11.'-%2 2)48/ ,. 4%&'() *+(&,-.% 20
27. Which line on the graph abo!e represents the data rom an experiment exploring the
eect o p8 on the acti!it" o pepsin2
A. W
$. )
%. Y
'. *
U&( ,/( 0.11.'-%2 3-42)45& ,. 4%&'() *+(&,-.% 21
21. The structure labelled X is a<n= ##########.
A. product
$. en,"me
%. complex
'. substrate
U&( ,/( 0.11.'-%2 2)48/& ,. 4%&'() *+(&,-.% 22
22. /raph 1 represents the rate o reaction between lipase and its substrate. 3n graph 2,
what occurred at time X that caused the change in the reaction2
A. 9at was added
$. The p8 was changed rom - to 1
%. A competiti!e inhibitor was added
'. The temperature o the reaction was raised to 177>%
23. ?itamins unction as ###########.
A. en,"mes
$. coen,"mes
%. emulsiiers
'. competiti!e inhibitors
2+. The process that is best described b" the statement@
A Light energy is absorbed by organic pigment molecules is
A. aerobic respiration
$. anaerobic respiration
%. photochemical reactions o photos"nthesis
'. carbon-ixation reactions o photos"nthesis
2-. An organic compound ormed is the dar( reactions o photos"nthesis is #######.
A. 4/AB
$. chloroph"ll
%. ox"gen
'. water
2.. Which o the ollowing statements is alse2
A. Bight independent reactions ta(e place in stroma
$. Bight dependent reaction ta(es place in th"la(oids
%. $oth c"clic and non-c"clic photophosphor"lation produce AT4 and :A'48
'. :on c"clic photophosphor"lation produces AT4, :A'48 and C
20. What does the process o photos"nthesis produce2
A. starch, which is metaboli,ed into less complex molecules b" deh"dration
$. protein, which is metaboli,ed into less complex molecules b" deh"dration
%. gl"cerol, which is metaboli,ed into more complex carboh"drates b" deh"dration
'. glucose, which is metaboli,ed into more complex carboh"drates b" deh"dration
21. A compound that is s"nthesi,ed b" both humans and pea plants is ########### .
A. cellulose
$. AT4
%. eth"l alcohol
'. chloroph"ll
25. The reactants in the equation or cellular respiration is #########.
A. ox"gen and lactic acid
$. carbon dioxide and water
%. glucose and ox"gen
'. water and glucose
37. /l"col"sis pro!ides a cell with a net gain o ########.
A. 2 AT4 molecules
$. + AT4 molecules
%. 11 AT4 molecules
'. 3. AT4 molecules
31. Which o the ollowing acts as an electron carrier in cellular respiration2
A. :A'
$. p"ru!ic acid
%. A'4
'. AT4
32. Bactic acid ermentation occurs in ########.
A. bread dough
$. an" en!ironment containing ox"gen
%. muscle cells
'. mitochondria
U&( ,/( 0.11.'-%2 3-42)45 ,. 4%&'() *+(&,-.% 33

33. Where in the cell does this process ta(e place2
A. in the nucleus
$. in the ribosome
%. in the /olgi bod"
'. in the rough endoplasmic reticulum
3+. Which o the ollowing are characteristics o ':A but NOT o E:A2
U&( ,/( 0.11.'-%2 3-42)45 ,. 4%&'() *+(&,-.%& 3;" 3$ 4%3 3: -%<1+&-=(
3-. The process which produces molecule X is #########.
A. translation
$. replication
%. denaturation
'. transcription
3.. The t"pe o bond which &oins the structure in box Y with the structure in box > is
A. ionic
$. peptide
%. co!alent
'. h"drogen
30. The two components which are part o the structure shown in box Y are
A. ribose and guanine
$. ribose and c"tosine
%. deox"ribose and uracil
'. deox"ribose and adenine
31. 'uring translation ######### are produced.
A.messenger E:A
$. steroid hormones
%. pol"peptide chains
'. new ':A molecules
35. Cne section o a pol"peptide has the amino acid sequence
Ala . %"s . B"s . 3le . Asn
The codons or these amino acids are Ala /%A /%% /%/ /%F
%"s F/% F/F
The sequence o ':A coding or this section o the pol"peptide could be #######.
+7. 3n the ollowing pedigree the shaded indi!idual has the trait under in!estigation.
The mode o inheritance o the trait is #########.
A. autosomal dominant
$. autosomal recessi!e
%. )-lin(ed dominant
'. )-lin(ed recessi!e
(T.,41: #0 54)6&!
A%&'() ALL *+(&,-.%&
@+(&,-.% 1
U&( ,/( 0.11.'-%2 3-42)45 ,. 4%&'() *+(&,-.% 1
<a= 3denti" each part o the cell indicated and gi!e ONE (1! role or each structure in
the secretion andGor s"nthesis o a protein.
($ 54)6&: 1A2 54)6 0.) (4</ %45(B 1 54)6 0.) (4</ 0+%<,-.%!
<b= 'raw the cell c"cle o a eu(ar"ote as outlined below in "our answer sheet. 9ill in the
blan(s. 6a(e sure the stages are in the correct order.
(2 54)6&: C 54)6 (4</!
<c= Htate ONE (1! unction o each o the ollowing in mitosis.
(2 54)6&: 1 54)6 (4</!
<i= Hpindle ibres
<ii= %entromeres
(T.,41: 10 54)6&!
@+(&,-.% 2
<a= Water has man" unctions in the human bod". Htate THREE (3! o these unctions.
(3 54)6&!
<b= <i= Bist THREE (3! main unctions o carboh"drates in li!ing organisms.
(3 54)6&!
<ii= What do coconut or palm oil contains that is associated with coronar"
(1 54)6!

<iii= %holesterol has been associated with heart disease, but what are some o its
beneicial unctions in the bod"2 (2 54)6&!
<c= ;xplain the ad!antages o gl"cogen as an energ" storage molecule in the human
(3 54)6&!

(T.,41 12:

@+(&,-.% 3
U&( ,/( 0.11.'-%2 3-42)45 ,. 4%&'() *+(&,-.% 2
<a= A student set up the experiment illustrated abo!e and (ept it at 30
%. Ater i!e
minutes, the distilled water in the bea(er was tested and ound to contain a sugar but
no starch.
<i= What had occurred inside the tube2 (1 54)6!
<ii= What statement can "ou ma(e about the permeabilit" o the membrane2
(1 54)6!
<iii= 'escribe TWO (2! wa"s to increase the rate o diusion across the
(2 54)6&!
<b= ;xplain wh" a cell membrane is described as selectively permeable.
(2 54)6&!
<c= 'ierentiate between the ollowing terms used in the mo!ement o molecules
through a cell membrane@

<i= passi!e transport and acti!e transport
(2 54)6&!
<ii= pinoc"tosis and phagoc"tosis
(2 54)6&!
(T.,41: 10
@+(&,-.% #
a= ;xplain how each o the ollowing aects the rate o an en,"me-catal",ed
reaction that occurs in the mouth.
<i= adding more en,"me
<ii= changing the p8 rom 0.2 to 12
<iii= lowering the temperature rom 30>% to 17>%
($ 54)6&: 2 54)6& (4</!
b= ;xplain the Iloc( and (e"J model o en,"matic action.
(2 54)6&!
c= ;xplain how denaturation stops en,"matic action.
(1 54)6!
(T.,41: 9
@+(&,-.% ;
U&( ,/( 0.11.'-%2 3-42)45 .0 4 </1.).814&, ,. 4%&'() *+(&,-.% # (4!
<a= <i= :ame the photos"nthetic sub-reactions which occur in areas X and Y in
The diagram abo!e.
(2 54)6&: 1 54)6 (4</!
<ii= /i!e ONE (1! possible result in each photos"nthetic sub-reaction i
carbon dioxide is not a!ailable to the cell.
(2 54)6&!
<b= <i= What is the irst stage process o respiration called2
(1 54)6!
<ii= 3n this irst stage there is a release o AT4 as glucose is con!erted to another
substance. :ame this other substance.
(1 54)6!

<iii= To what is the substance "ou ha!e named in <b= con!erted under anaerobic
conditions in@
1. Yeast2
2. A human muscle cell2
(2 54)6&: 1 54)6 (4</!
<i!= Fnder aerobic conditions the substance that "ou ha!e named in <ii= is con!erted
to an acet"l group and in the process a small molecule is released.
:ame this small molecule.
(1 54)6!
<!= The acet"l group now enters a c"cle o reactions.
What name is gi!en to this c"cle2
(1 54)6!
<!i= Where in the cell does this c"cle ta(e place2
(1 54)6!

(T.,41: 11
@+(&,-.% $
<a= 'emonstrate "our understanding o the structure o ':A b" describing the
ollowing eatures o the ':A molecule. You ma" use drawings in "our answers.
<i= 'escribe the &/48( o the ':A molecule.
(1 54)6!
<ii= 'escribe the &,)+<,+)( o the strands <bac(bone= o ':A.
(1 54)6!
<iii= 'escribe complementar" base pairing.
(1 54)6!
<i!= 'escribe the bonding that occurs between bases.
(1 54)6!
<b= 'escribe how each o the ollowing contributes to the production o a protein.
(# 54)6&: 1 54)6 (4</!
<i= tE:A
<ii= %odon
<iii= Eibosome
<i!= mE:A

(T.,41: 9

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