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ADL 02 Marketing Management V3

Assignment - A
Question 1. Examine the nature and scope of Organizational Development.
Question 2. Explain the concept of transformational change, its
and steps involved.
Question 3. What is an OD intervention? Explain different types of
oriented to 'task' and 'people'.
Question 4. How do you base the Classification of OD interventions? Briefly
explain each one of them.
Question 5. Why is it necessary for a manager to be the change agent? As a
change agent what are the responsibilities of a manger.

Assignment - B
Question 1. Explain different kinds of OD interventions specially designed
improve team
Question performance. Explain the human process approach to OD.
Question 2. (a) State and explain various theories of planned change in
(b) List and explain the steps that managers can take to minimize
to change.
Question 3. Discuss and exemplify the relevance of intergroup development
intervention in the organisation.
Case Study
Emily, who has the reputation of being an excellent worker, is a machine
operator in a furniture manufacturing plant that has been growing at a rate
15% to 20% each year for the past decade. New additions have been built
onto the
plant, new plants opened in the region, workers hired, new product lines
developed, lots of expansion, but with no significant change in overall
to operations, plant lay-out, ways of managing workers, or in the design
processes. Plant operations as well as organizational culture are rooted in
traditional Western management practices and logic, based largely on the
of mass production and economies of scale. Over the past four years, the
has been growing in number and variety of products produced and in market
penetration; however, profitability has been flattening and showing signs
decline. As a result, management is beginning to focus more on production
operations (internal focus) rather than new market strategies, new
products, and
new market segments (external focus), in developing their strategic plans.
hope to get manufacturing costs down, improve consistency of quality and
to meet delivery times better, while decreasing inventory and increasing
One of several new programs initiated by management in this effort to
flexibility and lower costs was to get workers cross-trained. However, when
representative from Human Resources explained this program to Emily's
supervisor, Jim, he reluctantly agreed to cross-train most of his workers,
NOT Emily.
Jim explained to the Human Resources person that Emily works on a machine
is very complex and not easy to effectively operate. He has tried many
on it, tried to train them, but Emily is the only one that can consistently
product through the machine that is within specification and still meet
production schedules. When anyone else tries to operate the machine, which
performs a key function in the manufacturing process, it either ends up
being a
big bottle neck or producing excessive waste, which creates a lot of
trouble for
Jim goes on to explain that Emily knows this sophisticated and complicated
machine inside and out, she has been running it for five years. She likes
challenge; she says it makes the day go by faster, too. She is meticulous
in her
work, a very skilled employee who really cares about the quality of her
Jim told the HR person that he wished all of his workers were like Emily.
was adamant about keeping Emily on this machine and not cross-training her.
HR person was frustrated. He could see Jim's point but he had to follow
executive orders: "Get these people cross-trained."
Around the same period of time, a university student was doing a field
study in
the section of the plant where Emily worked and Emily was one of the
workers he
interviewed. Emily told the student that, in spite of the fact that the
had some problems with employee morale and excessive employee turnover, she
really liked working there. She also mentioned that she is hoping that she
not have to participate in the recent "Program of the Month" which was
operators learn each other's jobs. She told the student that it would just
create more waste if they tried to have other employees run her machine.
Emily seemed to take a special liking for the student and began to open up
him. She told him that her machine really didn't need to be so difficult
touchy to operate, with a couple of rather minor design changes in the
and better maintenance, virtually anyone could run it. She had tried to
this to her supervisor a couple of years ago but he just told her to "do
work and leave operations to the manufacturing engineers." She also said
if workers up stream in the process would spend a little more time and care
keep the raw material in slightly tighter specifications, it would go
her machine much more easily and trouble-free, but that they were too
focused on
going fast. She expressed a lack of respect for the managers who couldn't
this and even joked about how "managers didn't know anything." Questions:
Question 1. Identify the sources of resistance to change in this case.
Question 2. Discuss whether this resistance is justified or could be
Question 3. Recommend ways to minimize resistance to change in this
Assignment - C
1. Change efforts to overcome the pressures of both individual resistance
group conformity is called:
a) Refreezing
b) Mobilizing
c) Unfreezing
d) Planned change
2. "First-order change" is change that:
a) Is multidimensional, multilevel, discontinuous, and radical
b) Provides insight into the ability of some individuals to resist
c) Is linear and continuous
d) Is very threatening
3. ________ is an OC approach that focuses on data collection and analysis
a scientific methodology
a) Action research
b) Lewin's three step model
c) Organizational development
d) Process consultation
4. When people resist change because they hear what they want to hear and
ignore information that
challenges those perception, they are resisting change because:
a) economic factors
b) the fear of unknown
c) selective information processing
d) the security needs
5. John Kotter built on Lewin's three-step model to create a more detailed
approach for implementing ______.
a) Action research
b) Economic shocks
c) Change
d) Social trends
6. Which of the following is a source of organizational resistance to
a) Security
b) Group Inertia
c) Economic factors
d) Habit
7. Basically an operational change on a calculated basis as response to
and external demands is a
a) Fundamental change
b) Planned Change
c) Strategic Change
d) Transformational change
8. Kurt Lewin's three-step model for successful change in organizations
a) Unthawing, changing, freezing
b) Unfreezing, moving, freezing
c) Unfreezing, moving, and refreezing
d) Unfreezing, changing, and refreezing
9. Action Research was first defined by
a) Kurt Lewin
b) John Collier
b) French and Bell
c) None of the above
10. Which is not an Internal Change?
a) Change in Equipments
b) Job restructuring
c) Change in Employee Attitude
d) Change in Business cycles
11. In Incremental change there is a
a) small change
b) radical change
c) gradual change
d) significant change
12. A change agent is:
a) an external or an internal agent
b) a behavioral scientist
c) both a and b
d) a national scientist
13. Which of the following is a tactic that managers can use to reduce
resistance to change?
a) Coercion
b) Manipulation
c) Education & Communication
d) all of the above
14. Which one of the following is not a part of Effective Change
a) Motivating Change
b) Initiating Change
c) Creating Vision
d) Developing political support
15. In the moving stage of the Lewin's Model
a) driving forces within the organization provide disconfirming
that shows discrepancies between the organization's desired state and its
current state to reduce potentially resisting forces
b) supporting mechanism stabilize the organization at a new state of
c) driving forces focus on developing new behaviors that may differ from
prior habits
d) none of the above
16. What is not true about Organizational Development?
a) It's a systematic approach
b) It's a response to change
c) It's an unplanned change
d) It's a scientific approach
17. An OD technique that involves unstructured group interaction in which
members learn by observing and
participating rather than being told is:
a) Survey Feedback
b) Team Building
c) Sensitivity Training
d) Process Consultation
18. Interventions that are aimed at improving communication ability are:
a) Structural interventions
b) Intergroup interventions
c) Interpersonal interventions
d) Process consultation
19. Inter group development seeks to
a) facilitate entry and exit of members into groups
b) change attitudes, stereotypes and the perceptions the group have of
c) change the group structure and leadership
d) Merge two groups into functioning teams
20. When organizational development involves radical change that is
multidimensional and multilevel it is
most likely going through
a) Structural change
b) Technological change
c) First order change
d) Second order change
21. Grid Organization Development technique was designed by
a) Robert R Blake
b) Jane S Mouton
c) Roger Harrison
d) Both a and b
22. Team building intervention which is designed to clarify role
expectation is
a) Grid OD
b) Role Analysis Technique
c) Role negotiation Technique
d) Job design
23 In managerial Grid, an individual's style can be best described as which
the following:
a) the way one dresses
b) one's concern for production and people
c) how one interacts with management
d) the way one deals with the problem
24. The assumption underlying the use of survey feedback in OD is
a) surveys are the best way to collect data
b) a great deal of data is collected
c) it is used to provide feed back and to initiate change in the
d) responses can be easily be interpreted
25. The first T group was formed
a) to facilitate decision making
b) to work on group projects
c) to make group more cohesive
d) as people reacted to data as their own behavior
26. The following is not the stem of OD
a) Laboratory training
b) Action research / Survey feedback
c) Strategic change
d) managerial Grid
27. Strategic change interventions involve improving
a) The alignment among an organization's environment, strategy and
organization design
b) The organization's relationship to its environment
c) The fit between the organization's technical, political and cultural
d) All of the above
28. The third party attempts to make intervention aimed at opening
and confronting the
problem including which of the following
a) ensuring mutual motivation
b) coordinating confrontation efforts
c) both the above two
d) collecting data
29. Which of the following is not a fundamental assumption underlying
a) the group is the building block of organization
b) groups are the basic units of change
c) a skilled party can help the group in joint diagnosis
d) it is an agenda less meeting
30. Which of the following is not a step of Role analysis technique?
a) role incumbent's expectations of others
b) Role negotiation
c) role expectations
d) role profile
31. Which of the following areas do OD practitioner needs to be familiar
with to
bring about strategic change
a) competitive strategy
b) team building
c) negotiation
d) all of the above
32. In fundamental change there is
a) redefinition of current purpose or mission
b) abrupt change in organization's strategy
c) change of all or most of the organization components
d) response to an even or a series of events
33. Coaching and Counseling is an OD technique which is used for
a) Individuals
b) Dyads
c) Groups
d) Organization
34. Third Party Intervention an OD technique which is used for
a) Individuals
b) Dyads
c) organization
d) Intergroup
35. Role Negotiation an OD technique which is used for
a) Individuals
b) Dyads
c) Groups
d) Organization
36. Consultant client relationship does not follow
a) Understanding the actual client..
b) Slowly and gradually understanding of the whole system
c) Finding out the inter-related and inter-dependent groups.
d) misrepresentation and collusion
37. Which of the following statements is false?
a) In an organization, it is not essential to have regular changes and
development in order to bring
b) Organization brings a change mainly because of planned and unplanned
c) Sometimes organization is resistant to change
d) Organizational change is important to usher in long-term success in
38. OD is often defined as:
a) anything done to better an organization
b) a planned effort to improve the effectiveness of the organization
c) training function of the organization
d) all of the above
39. Which is not the area of issue in consultant-client relationship?
a) Mutual Trust
b) Career Development
c) Nature of Consultant's Expertise
d) Entry and Contracting
40. Which of the following is an external change?
a) performance gaps
b) change in products
c) advances in information process
d) change in organizational size

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