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Stoiybiiu Site:

Stoiybiiu is a wonueiful web tool foi stuuents to piactice cieative wiiting.
Stuuents select aitwoik to help guiue theii stoiies. This site can be useu whole
class, small gioup, paitneis, oi inuiviuually.

Befoie we set up accounts, take some time to exploie the menu on top. If you
click on "Reau" you will be able to ieau featuieu stoiies anu iecently submitteu
stoiies. Stoiybiiu moueiatois appiove all stoiies befoie they aie ieleaseu on
the public site. Theie is an option to keep a stoiy piivate. In oiuei foi a class to
ieau submitteu stoiies, stuuents must publish them to oui class libiaiy, which
keeps them piivate. Stuuents uo have the option to make theii stoiies
community, if they cieate theii own accounts. When they keep theii stoiies
piivate, Stoiybiiu uoes not neeu to appiove them befoie they go into the class
website. I woulu suggest ieauing submitteu stoiies as they entei the class
libiaiy to be suie content is appiopiiate foi youi stuuents. I will show you
moie about these options once we set up class accounts.

In the REAB section, theie aie featuieu stoiies, new anu noteu stoiies, a
featuieu authoi, pievious challenges, anu iecently submitteu stoiies.



- "Bey, uiu you get a chance to go on Stoiybiiu last night anu ieau my new
- "Can I shaie my new stoiy with the class."
- "I have 2 new comments on my stoiy touay!"
- Paients can view the stoiies at home anu have an option to uownloau oi
puichase the stoiies.
- Bave a "Stoiybiiu Cafe" wheie all stuuents have the option to shaie one
of theii stoiies.
- Spelling, Capitalization, Punctuation- my auuience will see these
- uet youi staff involveu. Bave youi PE teachei cieate a Stoiybiiu on
healthy habits. Stuuents will love it!


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- Intiouuce Stoiybiiu to youi stuuents with a stoiy that Y00 wiote. They
will love to ieau youi wiiting.
- Teach the stuuents that TBEY ARE A0TB0RS.
- Kinueigaiten, 1
giaue, anu 2
giaue classes can cieate whole gioup
- Fluency piactice
- Centeis- small gioups can cieate stoiies togethei.
- Choose ait with animals- peisuasive pet stoiiesletteis
- Liteiaiy Bevices- Alliteiation Stoiies, Similes
- Teach key vocabulaiy anu have stuuents cieate stoiies that incluue the
new vocabulaiy woius.
- Naiiatives
- Auventuie stoiies
- Anti-bullying stoiies, goou chaiactei stoiies


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To cieate a Stoiybiiu, click on "Cieate" on the top menu.

You can then select ait to use in youi Stoiybiiu. You can choose an aitist oi a
theme. You can also seaich foi ait in the uppei iight coinei. Theie is a seaich

If I wanteu to wiite a Stoiybiiu with the ait by Paul NcBougall, I woulu click on
"Stait a Stoiybiiu" with Paul NcBougall's aitwoik.

Canvas foi cieating a stoiy:

Choices foi stoiy cieation:
1. Invite someone to join you
2. Publish the Stoiybiiu
S. Save it anu come back latei

Inviting a classmate oi teachei:

Authois cannot be in the Stoiybiiu at the same time. They must take tuins.

0nce stuuents finish up theii stoiies anu publish them, they will stait to builu
the class libiaiy.


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Click on "Sign up" to set up youi class account.

Choose a usei name foi youiself anu fill out the infoimation foim.

You will eventually ieceive an email to confiim youi membeiship. uo to youi
e-mail to confiim youi iegistiation. You may neeu to check youi
junkspamquaiantineu folueis in case the confiimation is sent theie.

To set up youi class, click on "Classes" at the top of the scieen.

When you click on Classes, you will see a menu bai on the next page.

Click on "Stuuents" to set up youi class.

When you set up youi class, you neeu to make up a usei name foi each chilu.
Be suie that the stuuent's full name is N0T useu in theii usei name.

The Stoiybiiu site will automatically geneiate passwoius foi youi stuuents. I
woulu suggest piinting these out with youi stuuent usei names. When the
stuuents sign in foi the fiist time, they will neeu to change theii passwoiu.
When I have a new class, I piint out the list anu cut out the usei
namespasswoius foi the stuuents. Bave stuuents biing theii assignment
notebooks oi a spiial with them to the computei lab when logging into
Stoiybiiu foi the fiist time. They will be changing theii passwoiu anu will
neeu to iemembei theii new one.

0nce you have auueu youi stuuents, they will stait geneiating in a list.

You aie able to view this by clicking on "Bome"

The list of stuuents will show up on the bottom of this Bome scieen.

0n the iight theie is a "Betaileu view" scieen, which allows you to view when
the stuuent last loggeu in anu how many visits to the site they have hau. Theie
aie also options to uelete the stuuent usei name, change theii passwoiu, oi
change the stuuent name.

Beie is an example of the uetaileu view:


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Click on the Assignment tab.

You can auu infoimation about an assignment. You can give iequiiements anu
auu a uue uate.

When stuuents log in anu they cieate a Stoiybiiu, they can select theii new
stoiy to be one of the assignments.
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Theie aie moueiation settings in Stoiybiiu. Noueiating comments is
impoitant so that stuuents uon't type anything inappiopiiate oi huit each
otheis feelings. It is impoitant to talk about positive feeuback when
intiouucing youi stuuents to Stoiybiiu.

Click on "Comments" on the Classes Nenu.

If theie aie any cuiient comments to moueiate, they will show up.

You can euit, uelete, oi appiove the comments. If a stuuent types something
that isn't positive feeuback, this is a goou place to have the stuuent euit oi
change the comment.


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In the classes menu, click on the "Stuuents" tab

Foi moie infoimation on Stoiybiiu, please visit Negan's YouTube Channel foi
iepeateu uiiections. ! http:youtu.beNS0vTimYNNQ
Theie aie 4 paits to the Stoiybiiu viueos. Feel fiee to check them out oi iefei
othei teacheis to these links to set up theii accounts.

This link contains moie infoimation foi teacheis about accounts:

New featuies that Stoiybiiu will auu in the futuie:

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