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The project aims to demonstrate how local mobility problems can be dealt with
through an open democratic concentration procedure involving the active
participation of the users concerned within deprived urban areas i.e. local SMEs
and work force, local authorities and traveling residents, in connection with
urban centrality and sustainability.


The CITUM network sets the issue of � Transport and Environment � within a local
authority context referred to planning and implementing new types of mobility and
traffic management based on European good practices and the potential of new
technologies. In addition, the ability of local authorities to activate,
sensitize, stimulate and coordinate is highly sought for.


Elaborate and disseminate a common framework for planning, implementing, financing

and managing urban mobility measures and policies that take into account the
social sensitivities and constraints occurring in European cities with similar
mobility problems, through the exchange and common assessment of the partners�


�Enhancement of the centrality of the urban fringe through improved accessibility.

�Integration of innovative technologies in mobility planning and management.
�Use of inner - city mobility as a means of upgrading disadvantaged areas.
�Enhancing adequate public transport and alternative transport modes such as
walking and cycling to complement heavy public transport infrastructure such as
metro, regional rail and tramway.
�Ensure the safe access of handicapped
�Ensure accessibility to disadvantaged groups such as immigrants and rapatriates
and, thus, enhance their social integration through adequate use of information
and publicity.


Review of current methods and processes regarding Urban Transport System

Management (UTSM) as a tool for urban development focusing on the experience of
the participants in the URBAN, UPP and related programs, using a commonly agreed

This will be achieved by a series of case studies proposed by the project partners
and agreed in common as representative of the context under study.
This work is to be carried out by each participant separately, based on a common
template developed by the project expert and by thematic groups in which of
participants should be represented based on the interests expressed by each.

� Carry out a series of surveys , a cross-sectional core survey using a common

tool (questionnaire or other appropriate tool), and a context/city-specific tool
designed on the basis of a commonly agreed format.

� Development of a common model to evaluate achievements, failures, risks and


� Establish one monitoring mechanism by participant, as well as a cross-city

monitoring group to follow and assess the mobility-related case studies involved
individually and by theme.

Organize workshops to present and discuss the results of the assessment carried
out in each participating city and the ensemble. Outcome: lessons learned and
issues arising.

Identify and suggest new approaches to raise citizens� awareness, interest and
activation for different contexts, individually and by cluster. Who decides and
how - democratic procedures (government vs. governance) -citizen�s participation.

� Produce a Good Practice Guide , based on the case studies involved, to be

discussed with the associations of local authorities, the central authorities and
NGO�s in the respective countries of the participants, as well as the European-
level bodies concerned.

� Organize a congress to present and discuss the results of the activities carried
out at all levels. Outcome: The pan-European Handbook for Citizen-Friendly
Mobility Planning and Management, which will present the proceedings of the final


The project strategy comprises the involvement of the intermediate- and end- users
of mobility plans directly in its activities so that their viewpoints are clearly
reflected on the project outcome. To achieve this: �users� representatives will be
invited to participate at the project meetings and present their viewpoints on the
issues discussed therein, and �users� and non-users� attitudes and expectations
will be dealt with during the surveys mentioned above (re. project objectives )
�Wide dissemination of the project outcome to the representatives of the
population groups will facilitate their involvement.


A podium for a democratic open dialogue , where the project partners would have
the opportunity of promoting and demonstrating their own ideas, thoughts and
factual proposals always in connection with the network�s activities and goals.

Links and access ensured to :

� social partners and other groups concerned (professional associations, labor

unions, traveling citizens etc.)

� third parties such as other municipalities, metropolitan centers and local


� Development of a website hosted at the ASDA portal ; mirror sites created in the
websites of the participants, where available; a mini-site within the URBACT
website to facilitate pan-European dissemination of the project outcome.

� Presentation and appraisal workshops

� Meetings between all partners concerned to evaluate successes, failures and

future prospects of the policies and practices considered.

� A final convention to assess the conclusions achieved at all levels.

� Informational reports and a regular newsletter

� Wide diffusion of a manual where final conclusions will be summarized

� Wide diffusion of the CITUM � Good Practice Guide �

� Extensive coverage by the local media operating in all participating cities on

the occasion of each separate meeting.

� All meeting proceedings that will be uploaded in the CITUM website and will be
extensively promoted by all possible means (local media, posters, banners in
parent websites and so forth.

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