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This manual and information is for Karuna Ki Masters, Practitioners and students. If you have not had
some Usui Reiki Training, this information will be of little use to you or make little sense. This Manual is
here for my students, and those interested in learning or articiating in Karuna Ki.
Karuna Ki is an art that I develoed from my ractices with Karuna and the Karuna !ymbols. Karuna Ki is
the "ay of #omassionate $nergy and a %ealing and Meditative ractice using the Karuna Ki energy and
symbols to be the &ivine %eart of #omassion. The %istory of Karuna Ki tries to be balanced in its
understanding of how the Karuna arts came to be, and tries to give due credit to those who invested time
and effort in its develoment. Karuna Ki reresents my develoment and ractice with the Karuna, the
symbols, Karuna Ki &o meditations and other ractices. Karuna Ki shares the symbols and early
develoment with Karuna Reiki', and Tera Mai(Reiki. Karuna Ki has new attunements and Karuna Ki &o
meditations, and is a new develoment aart from either Karuna Reiki' and Tera Mai(Reiki. The basic
rincile of Karuna Ki is the connection to )and becoming* the embodiment of comassion both for healing
self and others, and to send healing and comassion to all creation. The attunement and subse+uent
meditations link us to the comassion of ,od )which we all already are and have-*, and it is through this
ower that we heal. &uring the healing we strive to reflect comassion and love not only to those we heal,
but to all creation. .or those uncomfortable with the use of /,od/, this rincile is reflected wonderfully in
the 0uddhist ,oddess of #omassion, Kuan 1in )Kannon in 2aanese*. This is a /heart centered
comassion/ and a heart centered healing. It is sharing in the comassion of ,od, or the comassion of
Kuan 1in for all the universe. It is only in this erfect love that one is truly healed.
Karuna Ki evolved from other Karuna arts. !imilarities include that it shares the !ymbols 3onar, %alu,
%arth, Rama, ,nosa, Kriya, !hanti, Iava, 4m, .ire !erent, and the Tibetan Master !ymbol. Karuna Reiki'
uses a rocess of 5 attunements. In reality there are only 6 attunements. There is a Karuna I and a Karuna II
attunement. "hen learning Karuna Practitioner 7evel I, you receive the first of the two attunements. "hen
you learn Karuna Practitioner 7evel II, you receive the second attunement. "hen you learn the two master
levels, you receive the same attunements again with the intent that they be master attunements this time. In
Tera Mai(Reiki, there are three attunements. These are 7evel I, 7evel II, and Master 7evel. There is also a
"ater ceremony and a 1od initiation. Karuna Ki is very different. It has a two faceted attunement system.
.or those who are already Reiki or !eichim Masters, there is a !ingular Karuna Ki Master 8ttunement that
attunes you to all the symbols to the Master level in one attunement. .or those with less than master energy
work, there is a three leveled attunement system. The theoretical underinnings of this are discussed in
more deth in the attunement section of this manual.
It should be noted that I do not claim anything suernatural or mystic in develoing this Karuna Ki system
or these attunement rocesses. They do not come from 8scendant Masters, #hanneled beings, /from ,od/
or anything else. They come from a human being who studied carefully the rocess, how it worked and
what was necessary for it to work. These ractices develoed naturally out of my ractices. These days,
there are many claims by some systems being /higher fre+uency/, /faster healing/ and /better than Usui
Reiki/. It must be noted that the Karuna Ki !ystem makes none of these claims. %onesty and Integrity are
more imortant to me than self romotion and sales.
Karuna Ki is offered as a healing art and siritual ractice. 9o other claims are made than that. 8s the
founder of this style of Karuna Ki, I acknowledge that meditation and ractice of any energy system or art
has the effect of increasing your caacity to handle energy as well as your own ersonal vibration. That
includes consistent ractice with Usui Reiki or ersonal meditation.
I n develoing Karuna Ki, I have redesigned and incororated new develoments in a manner that I
ersonally feel resonates better for with the "ay of #omassionate $nergy. I have designed new
meditations, develoed new uses for the symbols, and designed new attunements. Karuna Ki is a uni+ue
creation that is searate and different from the !ai 0aba Reiki and Karuna Reiki.
The Karuna Ki !ystem resects the traditional sanctity of the Teacher and !tudent Relationshi, which has
stood the test of time for centuries. It is my belief that the healing and teaching relationshi should be an
individual relationshi free of outside controls, conflicting loyalties, and other re+uirements. This is the
case with the vast ma:ority of the Indeendent Usui Reiki Masters. 8s such, the Karuna Ki system is
offered as an alternative. The Karuna Ki system is free of trademarks, registrations, conflicting loyalties
and e;ternal controls. It is a system, like Usui Reiki, that is for everyone. Teachers of this system are free to
add material as they see fit to address the needs of their individual students. This manual is #oyright by
<incent 8mador =>>>. It is offered for Karuna Ki Teachers to use, without obligation, with the e;cetion
that if it is used in a class as a student manual that it is given in its entirety. Karuna Ki Teachers are always
free to use their own materials, develo their own materials, establish whatever re+uirements for
certification that they wish for their individual students and teach however they choose. Those who are
Karuna Masters from other Karuna traditions finding themselves disenfranchised due to registration issues
are welcome to ractice Karuna Ki, and free to use the name for their ractice. It is not trademarked and
oen to all. The manual is a resource for all to use. It will be udated regularly. 8ny wishing to contribute
to the develoment of this manual may submit material. 8roriate credit will be given to those
submitting work, as well as aroriate links to e(mail or web ages.
Karuna Ki and Karuna Ki &o are in no way affiliated with Karuna Reiki', the International #enter for
Reiki !tudies' or "illiam Rand. Karuna Ki and Karuna Ki &o are in no way affiliated with Tera Mai(
Reiki, or Kathleen Milner.
Karuna Ki means #omassionate energy or as it is more aroriately /The "ay of #omassionate
$nergy/. It is healing and sreading the #omassion of the #reator to all, and all creation. It is /being/ the
comassion of ,od, as !t. Paul calls us to be, or as Kuan 1in ersonifies. Karuna Ki is a heart centered
healing. It is a loving, heart centered comassionate healing art. It works best with the focus on the loving
comassion of all creation flowing through you. /#omassionate %eart Reiki/ is the term I use to best
describe it. "hether you concetuali?e this in !t. Paul@s words where we are called to be the /#omassion
of ,od/, or the /#omassionate %eart of 2esus/, or in the 0uddhist ractices of Kuan 1in, goddess of
comassion the net result is the same. The attunements are erformed with the Intent of connecting to and
becoming this /#omassion of ,od/. They are truly loving and a blessing to do and to receive. In this, I
think Karuna Ki is very secific in its understanding of what this comassion is. 8nd it is not :ust
comassion in healing others, but in sreading it throughout the world and universe in all that we do. The
meditations of Karuna Ki are to foster this comassion and to sread it throughout the universe.
It needs to be stated here very clearly that this is not a religion. This is a healing art and meditative ractice
designed to cultivate comassion. !reading love and comassion is always a worthwhile and wondrous
endeavor in its own right. The ractice of contemlating, develoing and sreading comassion is found in
many religious faiths throughout the world. #hristian mystics, such as !t. Ignatus 7oyola used meditation
)contemlation* and Imagery to connect to the sacred heart of 2esus and the comassion of ,od, as did !t.
.rancis. This was art of their intimate connection to ,od. In Tibetan 0uddhist ractices there are many
ractices designed to cultivate comassion. Three of the most notable are the Tonglen, the chant /4m Mani
Pedme %um/, and the 0odhicitta. In the Tonglen, one meditates to fill and warm their heart with
comassion and then sread it to all the world. The 4m Mani Pedme %um is a mantra of love and
comassion. The 0odhicitta is a cultivation of comassion based on the idea that since there are a limited
number of souls reincarnating, we have all be mother to another many times. Therefore since there is no
greater love on earth than a mother@s love for her child, we should strive to reflect and share that love to all
at all times.
In ure love we are healed, and all are one in the love of ,od.
Karuna Ki is the hands on healing art of loving comassion, and a way to connect to this comassion and
share it with all creation. There are several asects of Karuna Ki which include %ealing, Meditation
)Karuna Ki &o*, and #hanting )or Toning*. Karuna Ki healing uses this connection to the "ay of
#omassion to bring comassionate life energy into a erson to heal and balance. 8s said by #hrist and
Kuan 1in, it is only in erfect love and comassion that we are truly healed. This healing love of ,od is
truly a gift and is wondrous to share. Karuna Ki &o Meditation is the embodiment of #omassionate
$nergy. It is focusing on the connection to the loving comassionate energy of the source and the sending it
out everywhere, to all that need and to all creation so that all are in the rocess of healing.
Karuna Ki also uses the ractice of chanting or /toning/. The simlest of these ractices is In(toning or
chanting the name of the symbol as you use it during meditation or healing. It is thought that the ower and
energy of the symbol asses with the breath into the client, intensifying the effect of the healing. More
comle; ractices can include focusing on the symbol and allowing the uni+ue ersonal e;ression of the
symbol to be e;ress through you as a tone. )!ome ossible chants might be 4m(!hanti(4m, or 4m(
!hanti(4m, or 4m(Iava(4m. Many atterns are ossible using the symbols names and the intent of the
symbol as the guide to what you are trying to accomlish.* .or more information on Toning and #hanting
visit the !ymbols !ection of this Manual, and the Karuna Ki &o Meditation age. 8nother art of the
Karuna Ki e;erience is to ractice the energy use consistently so that the true nature of the loving
comassionate heart of Karuna develos. The ractice of connecting to your siritual guides who are
connected with the Karuna Ki &o is also a legitimate ath to e;lore. Peole I know have e;erienced
guides like 2esus, Mother Mary, Kuan 1in )Kannon*, !t. ,ermaine, and angels and archangels, sirit guide
animals and others.
It is my oinion that the guides we connect to most likely will be directly related to our ersonal beliefs.
Peole who are #hristian are likely to see 2esus, Mary, or angels. Peole with more new age beliefs might
see ascended masters or !t. ,ermaine. 1ou may e;erience !iritual guides such as these, or none at all.
0oth are accetable and /right/ for you.
8ll Karuna systems can trace their roots to the early work of Kathleen Milner. "hat is now referred to as
Karuna Reiki' andAor Tera Mai Reiki was reviously known as !ai 0aba Reiki. "e begin by e;amining the
early foundations of !ai 0aba Reiki and continue on with Karuna Ki in our history.
The $arly "ork of Kathleen Milner
8ll the Karuna !ystems started off their life in the early work of Kathleen Milner. It@s initial beginnings
were from Usui Reiki. .rom reading Kathleen@s books she reorted that she learned Reiki, and began to feel
that what she was taught in Reiki and Raku Kai was incomlete. I believe that she later learned !eichim at
the whole life $;o in #alifornia, most likely from 8ugust !tar )a student of Phoeni; !ummerfield*. This
would aear to have been several months before she began her work on the remodification of Reiki )later
to be known as !ai 0aba Reiki andAor Tera Mai(Reiki*. .rom !eichim she would have learned the /seed/
symbols of !eichim including the Infinity, the story in the yramid that Patrick 3eigler e;erienced, and
other elements of the !eichim Reiki )B facet system*. 8dditionally, it should be noted that one very
common e;erience of learning !eichimA!K%M, is )according to Patrick 3eigler ( the founder* seeing
sacred geometry or seeing symbols. Indeed T@om !eaman, &ave 7owry , and Phoeni; !ummerfield all saw
many symbols as they e;anded !eichim. The most basic seed symbols of !eichim involve the Infinity
symbol, which is a art of both the 3onar and %alu, as is the Pyramid that is art of %alu. 0ecause of this
some have recently +uestioned whether !ai 0aba Reiki was really a form of !eichim. My oinion is that the
!eichim was a formational art, but that the intent was different and thus it was a uni+ue connection to the
source energy. To my knowledge, I am not sure that there is much acknowledgement of the contribution
that !eichim had uon the develoment of the early foundations of !ai 0aba Reiki. )8uthor@s 9oteC !ai
0aba Reiki no longer e;ists and was transformed by "illiam Rand into Karuna Reiki'.*8ccording to
Kathleen@s books, she felt Reiki was /incomlete/ and missing arts of the attunement rocess as assed by
%awayo Takata. 8ccording to Kathleen@s writing she began to ask .atherAMotherA,od for the missing arts.
8s our story continues to unfold, after asking for this information from god, the Indian ,uru !atya !ai
0aba aeared to her )in a bi(located form ( !ai 0aba was urorted to do this miracle* and to Marcy
Miller )one of Kathleen@s Reiki !tudents*. It was reorted that Marcy )who has since broken ties with
Kathleen* reorted that !ai 0aba, gave her another symbol and additions to the attunement. Then !ai 0aba
aeared to Kathleen on the /inner lanes/, reviewed the attunement rocess and gave her a name for the
symbol. !everal months later Kathleen and Marcy were given the other symbols with additional
instructions. Kathleen was told to tell eole she was working with !ai 0aba. "hen teaching Tera Mai
Reiki, !he uses the new symbols, the modified attunement rocess any additional symbols necessary.
)8gain remember Patrick 3eigler@s observation that eole can ta into the sacred geometry of the universe
and it is common to see symbols. 8lso it is my observation that eole tend to concetuali?e this siritual
force in whatever schema that is most comfortable to them. #hristians see 2esus and Mary and 8ngels, 9ew
8ge believers see ascended masters, Kathleen and Marcy would aear to have been interested in !ai 0aba,
and coincidentally enough they saw him.*
This /9ew Reiki/ system was originally channeled by Kathleen Milner and Marcy Miller in =>>=. "hat
needs to be ointed out here is that Kathleen and Marcy did not talk to !ai 0aba in erson or on the hone
but thought they connected with him sychically. !o at this oint, we have Kathleen and Marcy channeling
an afro hairdo being in 4range Robes believing it to be !ai 0aba. 9o one contacted him in erson or
attemted to at this time to my knowledge. 7ater, when contact was sought out to confirm !ai 0aba@s
involvement, the !ai 0aba organi?ation stated ublicly that they knew nothing about !ai 0aba Reiki. !o it
would seem that this is something that has come urely though channeling. The first three symbols )3onar,
%arth, and %alu* was given by /!ai 0aba/ to Kathleen and A or Marcy. The 8ttunements were given to
Kathleen by /!ai 0aba/. The Rama symbols was given to Kellie(Ray Marine. 4ther symbols were added
by others )see the section on !ymbols in this manual*. The !ai 0aba 8ttunements and subse+uent Tera
Mai(Reiki and ancillary techni+ues of the "ater #eremony, and the 0reath of the .ire &ragon seem to be
rimarily taken from Reiki Kai Reiki. It would seem, uon final insection and in my oinion, that !ai
0aba Reiki was a hybridi?ed modification of Raku Kai Reiki, along with !eichim and the infinity symbol,
traditional Usui Reiki, and the symbols and attunements received by Kathleen and Marcy. Karuna Ki
retains the use of the %ui 1in, and the 0reath of the .ire &ragon )<iolet 0reath*.
It should be noted that both Marcy Miller and Kathleen Milner now admit the being who gave them the
Tera Mai attunements was not !ai 0aba but /a higher being./ )This is my caveat with all channeled
information, it is influenced by your intent and desire and concetual framework. 8sk and you may truly
receive, as it were. 0e careful giving your ower away to anyone, hysical or not. *
The !ai 0aba Reiki lineage started with Kathleen Milner receiving the new symbols and attunements. .rom
Kathleen it was taught to $li?abeth 8ma?on, Isabelle &ussault and to ,lenn &errick. ,lenn taught "illiam
7ee Rand who re(worked the system and develoed Karuna Reiki'. "hat I find articularly interesting is
that in the Karuna Materials I have seen, )and I have by no means seen all the materials out there* is that
there is little or no mention of this revious history, Kathleen Milner or her contribution to the develoment
of Karuna Reiki'. )My understanding is that there was legal action involved between the two, although at
resent I have not heard what the outcome is. )I am currently in the rocess of finding the court records,
unless they are sealed, to see what the actual litigation was about and who won.*
.rom Rand@s information, he reorts that he, and other Reiki Masters who were initiated into these new
symbols )Kathleen@s system before she called it Tera Mai(Reiki*, began e;erimenting with the symbols.
%e stated that the masters who had these symbols /saw the value of the system/, and began teaching it as
!ai 0aba Reiki. It was reorted that legal difficulties came about from using the !ai 0aba name, and so the
name Karuna Reiki' was taken and used. The name Karuna Reiki' is trademarked by "illiam Rand. There
is information available about the Karuna Reiki' !ystem on Rand@s !ite at the International #enter for
Reiki !tudies "ebage.
"illiam Rand says the following about the origin of Karuna Reiki' )from the Rand "ebsite*C /The Karuna
system of Reiki has come from a number of sources. The first three symbols were channeled by Marcy
Miller in =>>=. It was originally thought that these first three symbols were channeled from the $astern
Indian ,uru, !ai 0aba. %owever, after checking with the !ai 0aba organi?ation, I was told that this was not
the case. 8fter working with several to clairvoyants, it has been determined that these first three symbols
came directly from ,od. These symbols and attunement rocesses were assed on to me by ,lenn &errick
in the fall of =>>D. The system was very owerful and effective. %owever, at that time, there was some
confusion about the origin of the system. !ome thought it had come from !ai 0aba, while others were
stating that it contained the original Usui symbols. Research has roven both of these ideas to be
inaccurate. .urther research indicated that the attunements were a combination of other attunement
rocesses. Meditating on what to do, I was guided to make several small changes in the attunement
rocesses. I was also guided to give the system a new name that would more accurately reflect the urose
of the system. Most eole feel a significant difference between energies of Usui Reiki and those of Karuna
Reiki. 4nce you have both, it is simly a matter of using whichever system you are guided to use or feel is
aroriate for the situation./
It would aear from the receding aragrah, that the involvement Kathleen Milner had in the
develoment of the system is negligible or non(e;istent .Personally I find this odd, since the root material
obviously comes from her. 8t this oint, a discussion of the term /Reiki/ in Karuna Reiki' is in order.
Reiki is a term used generically for both the /system/ Reiki in Usui Reiki, and for the energy.
These days there are more Reiki@s than I can even name. The connection to Usui Reiki and these systems is
both intimate and diverse. The connection with Usui Reiki and these systems, as reviously outlined, has
come via Usui Reiki, Raku Kai Reiki, and Kathleen and Marcy@s #hanneled !ymbols. The attunement
rocesses are modified Reiki attunements. The 0reath of the .ire &ragon techni+ue is modified from the
0reath of the .ire &ragon in Raku Kai )Rand@s modification is the <iolet 0reath*. There is little similarity
to Usui Reiki ast these techni+ues. Usui Reiki is the ultimate in simlicity, which is its greatest strength.
There are few symbols because, +uite frankly, no more are needed. It is my oinion that when you are
attuned to the master level of Usui Reiki, you have a total connection to the source. 8ll these symbols will
work, and so will any others you can think of. It is a +uestion of intent, and simly using the symbols. 1ou
do not even need to be attuned to them to use them. )If you doubt the veracity of this statement I suggest
you try using them. 8lso kee in mind that no one attuned the develoers of these systems to these
symbols......* %aving said that, one might wonder of what necessity it is to learn additional /Reiki/ systems.
That is a legitimate +uestion that needs answering. )8nd boy do I not have a good answer-* My resonse is
that each /system/ reresents a slightly different way of concetuali?ing, connecting to, and using this
universal life energy that comes from the divine source. &ifferent systems give us different ways of using
and e;eriencing this energy. Karuna Ki and Karuna Ki &o are methods to access the total loving
comassion of the source. It is no better or worse than any other method of doing this. It is, however,
different. 1ou might ask, /couldn@t I do this with lain old vanilla tye Usui ReikiE/. My answer is
absolutely. "hen using or meditating with Usui Reiki, concentrate on comassion and love and do this
focusing on the &ai K4 Mio !ymbol. Try it and you will understand what I mean.
In summary of our %istory )and remember history doesn@t reeat itself, %istorians merely reeat each
other-*, we have e;amined the evolution of this uni+ue system of /Reiki/. "e see that it evolved from
Kathleen Milner in what aeared to be a hybrid of Usui Reiki, Raku Kei Reiki, and !eichim, along with
her and Marcy Miller@s channeled symbols. "illiam Rand learned this system from ,lenn &errick as !ai
0aba Reiki and develoed Karuna Reiki'.
In the Karuna Ki !ystem and Karuna Ki &o Meditations, I have redesigned and incororated new
develoments in a manner that I ersonally feel resonates better with me and the 7oving #omassionate
$nergy. I have designed new meditations, new uses for the symbols, and new attunements. Karuna Ki and
Karuna Ki &o are a uni+ue creation that is searate and different from the !ai 0aba Reiki and Karuna
Reiki' that came before it. These days, there are many claims by some systems being /higher fre+uency/,
/faster healing/ and /better than Usui Reiki/. It must be noted that the Karuna Ki !ystem makes none of
these claims. Karuna Ki is offered as a healing art and siritual ractice. 9o other claims are made than
that. 8s the founder of this style of Karuna Ki, I acknowledge that meditation and ractice of any energy
system or art has the effect of increasing your caacity to handle energy as well as your own ersonal
vibration. That includes consistent ractice with Usui Reiki or ersonal meditation. Karuna Reiki' is
trademarked by "illiam Rand. I have been told that the trademark was to insure that the attunements and
symbols stay the same, are taught the same to all students and do not suffer the slintering that Usui Reiki
did. In my oinion, of late "illiam has become +uite rorietary in his licensing of the Karuna Reiki'
system. The new registration re+uirements are available for viewing at 9ew Karuna Reiki' Registration.
8t this oint in time, it would aear that a /slintering/ of Karuna Reiki' is occurring as haened in Usui
Reiki following the death of Mrs. Takata. .rom what I have observed some ractitioners now oenly call
what they ractice /Karuna )re(Trademark !tyle*/, /Karuna Ki/, or simly /Karuna/. I have also heard a
number of masters talk of being +uite annoyed to shocked that they must register and follow these new
ractices. I would imagine that they would feel betrayed that they are now told they cannot teach something
they were certified in and aid for in the manner that they choose. I am not registered with the center, and
in no way am affiliated with the center. .or those who wish to be #enter #ertified in Karuna Reiki', then
Karuna Ki and Karuna Ki &o might not be for you, and I encourage you to visit the International #enter for
Reiki !tudies "ebsite for further information.
1ou can use the Karuna Ki symbols :ust like using the Usui Reiki symbols. They can be drawn at the
beginning of a session to gain raort with the Karuna, they can be drawn on the alms rior to healing, or
they can be drawn on the erson receiving healing. The names of the symbols can be chanted or in(toned
)as reviously described*.
The following descritions of these symbols are comlied from various sources including 7ight and
8donea@s Karuna Manual, Kathleen Milner@s 0ooks, and from various Karuna "ebsites on the "eb.
This symbol is ronounced /?oe nar/. It was channeled by Marcy Miller and urortedly given to Marcy
from !ai 0aba during a meditation. 3onar means /infinity/ or eternity. To draw the symbol, first draw the
/3/ and then the infinity three times. This symbol is thought to work with ast lives. The theory being that
the cells carry the memory of trauma, and ideas from both this life and revious lives. This symbols is
thought to hel us work through these issues and release them and the associated Karma. 0ecause of this it
is thought to work well with child abuse. It is also to hel with things or formulate issues not clearly
defined, and allow us to oen ourselves to the awareness of these issues and our humanity. 7astly it is used
for dimensional access. In Karuna Ki, the secific techni+ue for using 3onar is to connect to the loving
comassionate energy of the divine source which is infinite, and use this infinite love for healing.
This symbol is ronounced /hay(lou/ It was channeled by Kathleen and Marcy and was given urortedly
by !ai 0aba during a meditation. %alu means love, truth and beauty. It can also mean harmony. It is
suosed to be a deeer ray of healing. This symbol is an amlification of 3onar. To draw this, the 3 is
comleted and the yramid is added. %alu is thought to be more owerful than 3onar and works in higher
dimensions and at deeer levels. %alu is said to restore balance. It is thought to bring about /dee healing/
at causal and karmic levels. 7ike the Usui Reiki symbol, !ei %ei Ki, it is suosed to hel dissolve negative
atterns in the unconscious mind that we use to kee ourselves from truth, and also to break u delusion
and denial. It is also used to oen a channel to higher consciousness. It can be used to reel and disel
sychic attack and sychological attacks. To use %alu for this urose, draw the symbol in the air and
connect at your heart center to the divine comassion. Infuse and surround yourself with the symbol and
this energy. Know and intent that no sychic or sychological attacks can harm you in the oneness of this
love. raise your hands and send this loving energy to those that might be attacking. 0oth 2esus and ,handi
believed in /loving your enemies/ and /raying for those that ersecute you/. This techni+ue is the
embodiment of that belief.
This symbol is ronounced e;actly as selled. It was channeled by Kathleen Milner and Marcy Miller.
%arth means 7ove, Truth, 0eauty, %armony and 0alance. It is the main symbol of Karuna Ki. It reresents
the Infinite 7ove and #omassion of the source. %arth is a symbol for the heart from which healing and
love flow. It is used to heal the heart and issues of the heart, and hels one develo Karuna )comassion*. It
is useful and helful in healing relationshis. %arth restores our love of life and for the things we do. %arth
is good to use for addictions of all kinds.
This symbol is ronounced /ra ma/. It was channeled by Kellie(ray Marine. Rama translated means abiding
:oy and is interchangeable with Ram or ,od. Rama grounds to the si; directions, connects with earth
energy. It oens, connects and balances lower chakras to the earth %armoni?es the uer chakras with the
lower. Rama clears lower chakra energy. It can hel to get a erson out of lower chakra issues )survival,
lack, over indulgence or lack of desire for se;, ower struggles, etc.* Rama can be used to clear crystals and
to clear a room of negative energy. It emowers material goals and hels to manifest them. Rama creates
steadfastness and determination. If you initiate the feet with Rama and the ower symbol, it will oen the
feet chakras, and connect with the earth energy bringing balance and increasing the amount of Ki energy
This symbols is ronounced /know sa/. It was channeled by Maria 8braham. It is also called /Planetary
%ealing and $nlightenment/ by Maria and Kathleen. The word /,nosa/ is derived from the ,reek
/,nosis/ meaning mystical and siritual knowledge ac+uired through feeling and rohecies from ,od.
,nosis is also the belief that ,od reveals e+ually to all creation, and through ersonal intimate connections.
,nosa links you more strongly with the higher self, and brings higher consciousness into the hysical body.
,nosa increases awareness of dimensional levels of self. It can create a sinning merkaba at the heart
center ulifting consciousness. This symbol, like %arth is a rimary symbol in Karuna Ki. It is through
,nosis that we develo the oneness with the comassion of ,od.
This symbol is ronounced /kree yah/. It reresents erfect balance. It was channeled by Pat Miller. It is
also called /#ho Ku Rei/ by Kathleen Milner, or double #ho Ku Rei by others. Kriya means action. The
7aw of Kriya is that of creation and of action. &raw the symbol with both hands simultaneously. Kriya is
used for hysical manifestation. It is thought to hel to heal the human race. Kriya brings in andAor releases
energy creating balance. Kriya raises awarenessF and transforms thoughts into action and manifestation. It
is used in the attunement, drawing over the body and sweeing off the hands )resting on knees*, saying
something like /1ou are in Perfect 0alance and 4neness with all that is/
This symbol is ronounced /ee(ah(vah/. It was channeled by #atherine Mills. The symbols balances the
four elements. "hen drawing the four small loos, say /$arth/ with the first, /"ater/ with the second,
/"ind or 8ir/ with the third, and /.ire/ with the fourth. Iava hels ierce the veil of illusion that is our
conditioned thoughts and beliefs. 0y doing this we see things as they are, not as our conditioned beliefs
would lead us to believe. In this oneness of mind, we are free to resond to another in the moment rather
that react from ast conditionings. Iava can heightens awareness to reality. It is used to hel you to take
action on your own lans. Iava is used for lanetary healing. It will hel to heal the $arth )situations,
laces, disasters, disease, etc.*.
This symbol is ronounced /shawn(tee/. It was channeled by Pat #ourtney. !hanti translated means Peace.
!hanti hels heal the ast. !hanti can hel you to live harmoniously in the resent and to release the ast
and future. "e often hold onto ast hurts and dreams that revent us from healing. !hanti hels us to sto
re(creating for ourselves the feelings stemming from the ast and our beliefs about them. 0y using !hanti
and sending eace to these ast situations, we free ourselves from the attachments we hold onto the ast. It
is in this love that we heal. !hanti can be used for manifesting the best ossible results. It releases fears and
nightmares. !hanti soothes the aura creating a feeling of eace #reates integration )Kathleen Milner and
"illiam Rand state this occurs on B dimensions*. !hanti is used in the attunement, drawing over the body
and sweeing off the hands )resting on knees*, saying, /1ou are filled with &ivine Peace/.
This symbol is ronounced /do moe/. )8lso known as Tibetan Master !ymbol or Tibetan &ai Ko Mio.* It
reresents the swirling fiery heat of the Kundalini. &umo or &umo .ire is the heat which ascends over the
sine as a result of Kundalini awakening. The unification of mind and body roduce the emanation of heat.
%eat is the lowest range of vibration, radiating out to roduce form )0ody*. &umo is the igniter of the
!acred .lame or Kundalini fire. &umo unifies the mind and body and works with the fire in the base
chakra. &umo ulls negative energy and disease out of a body, room, or situation and releases it. It is
thought to heals the soul, brings siritual growth. It can be used on crystals to self(clear. &umo@s main
focus is healing. It is used in the attunement rocess with <iolet 0reath where it is visuali?ed in gold. It is
not the goddess siral used in "iccan based faiths.
The Usui Master !ymbol is used as the highest level of healing. In the Usui Reiki !ystem it is used in all
healings. The name of the symbol can mean /,reat 0eing of the Universe !hine on Me/. It can also mean
the /great shining light/. It is 3en e;ression for one@s own true nature or 0uddha(nature, through which
one becomes cogni?ant in the e;erience of enlightenment or satori. The siritual body is thought to be the
temlate from which the hysical body emerges. It is thought that all disease comes from clouds forming
on the siritual body, and the &ai Ko Mio cleanses and heals the siritual body. It is used in the
attunements and for healing. The Usui &ai Ko Mio is used in Karuna Ki as a reresentation of the total
connection to the comassion of the divine source.
The .ire !erent reresents the /!leeing !erent/ coiling at the base of the sine. The fire !erent is used
during an attunement with hori?ontal line over to of crown, snaking down the sine, and siraling
clockwise at base of sineF grounds energy into lower )feet to tailbone* body. 0y reversing the siral
)counterclockwise* starting at base of sine, snaking u sine and ending with hori?ontal line over the
crownF it ushes energy u to four uer chakras. It does not allow energy to escae out of crown chakra.
The fire serent connects and oens all chakras. It oens the central channel allowing the flow of Kundalini
fire , or the / &umo/. It can be used in healing or meditation for more balance and recetivity.
This symbol is ronounced /8h uu mm/. It is a !anskrit symbol used in many eastern siritual ractices.
Reresents the Universe functioning as a whole unitF 8 fatherAmother beckoning creation, U G sonAdaughter
the evolution of individual soulsF and M absorbing of all that is created. The sacred sound of the Universe.
4m cleans, stabili?es and seals the aura. It brings in light, urifies, rotects and connects with ,4&. 4m is
chanted and visuali?ed in gold by and individual or in grous to be used for healing or sychic attunementF
sound sychically charges the air with rana which is under the direction of thought and can be directed
secifically. It is recogni?ed as the rimal sound and chanted to control natural manifestationsF reresents
the three manifestations of all lifeC creation, reservation and destruction Use in the initiation rocess to
seal in the other symbols or to seal each art of the attunement. 4m oens the crown and if drawn above
the head oens a athway to ,od and higher consciousness.
Raku is used in assing attunements, but not in individual healings. Raku hels to lift negative Karma, and
takes the initiate to higher levels of consciousness. It activates the %ara 7ine and brings Reiki energy in
through the Ki channels, and grounds it in the %ara. It is used at the end of an attunements in Karuna Ki &o
to searate the auras of the master and the student. Raku is an initiatory symbol.
In Karuna Ki, there are no secific hand ositions as in Usui Reiki. "hen using Karuna Ki for healing, a
more intuitive aroach is used. Techni+ues such as scanning )sensing for changes in the reciient@s energy
field* are used. 8dditionally, the ractitioner of Karuna Ki is encouraged to use their own intuition by
lacing their hands where they are guided. In a tyical treatment using Karuna Ki, I generally do the first
four Usui %ead ositions. 9e;t, I will erform scanning to sense for any changes in the energy field and
treat those. 7astly, I will allow myself to lace my hands where they are guided to any lace that might be
in need of treatment. In contrast, you can use the standard Usui Reiki hand ositions and this will work
nicely as well. )To view different sets of hand ositions, visit the 7evel I Reiki Manual on this site. .or
more information about basic !canning Techni+ues, visit the 7evel III Reiki Manual on this site.*
In Karuna Ki !canning can be done using the basic scanning techni+ues or an advanced rocess using the
mudra /Kai/ as art of the rocess. 0oth are effective. Using the Kai Mudra consistently hels develo the
ability to sense roblem areas more readily. To read and learn about using the Kai Mudra in !canning
Karuna Ki Mura!
There are two mudras that I have incororated into the Karuna Ki racticed in this style. Kai is used for
develoing intuition in treating. !ha is used to develo and strengthen the Karuna Ki #hannel and bring
about health, clarity of mind and urose, and the cultivation of comassion.

Karuna Ki Meditation to develop and strengthen the Channel using the Sha Mudra
!ha Mudra and %ealing Meditation
This is a meditation using the !ha Mudra to hel develo and strengthen the Karuna Ki #hannel. This is
taught to all Karuna Ki !tudents and they are strongly ecouraged to ractice this daily. #onsistent ractice
clears and focuses the mind and hels one to cultivate comassion toward all beings.

This Mudra is called !ha in 2aanese. It is also used in Taoism, some Tibetan arts, and in 9in:utsu. !ha is
used for %ealing of !elf and 4thers, and ro develo and strengthen the inner channel(. It was said that those
that mastered the Inner connections using !ha would develo an inner ower and would no longer succumb
to viruses and other afflictions. In this mudra the inde; fingers and thumbs are e;tended while the other
fingers are interlocked. Using !ha is an e;cellent mudra to use when meditating. "hen doing any of the
Karuna Ki Meditations you can use the !ha Mudra as you meditate. 8dditionally, it can be used when
doing healings. 0efore you actually begin doing the healing, lace the hands in !ha, connect to the Karuna
Ki energy, focus on the comassion of the source and let the energy flow into the hands. Then searate the
alms and begin healing.
!ha is used for healing self and others. Using this Mudra in the meditation below hels to increase within
us health, vitality and healing strength. The following e;ercise can hel to fully develo the use of !ha. To
do this, first lace your hands in the !ha Mudra. This activity hels link the athways within the body. 0y
forming the !ha Mudra with the hands the aroriate athways of energy are linked within the body. This
brings health and knowing. The activity hels increase your inner strength, e;ands your channel, e;and
the mind and the ability to sense self and others and to remove fear.
0reathe in through the nose and out of the nose. $mty your mind by focusing only on the breathing. If that
is difficult, count slowly to seven on the inhalation and to seven on the e;halation. If other thoughts arise,
ay them no mind and let them sli away. .ocus within and on the flow of energy within the body and on
the sirit.
&ee within us burns a .ire, behind the hara and it is the area of Personal #hi. This meditation relenishes
our ersonal chi with the comassionate loving energy of Karuna Ki )or Reiki, etc.* and strengthens us,
reduces stress and an;iety, and increases our ability to channel the energy.
.ocus on the %ara, or slightly behind it. !ome eole see or visuali?e this as see it as a ball of light, fire or
heat. <isuali?e the ball of fire dee within you, behind the %ara. #onnect to Karuna Ki or Reiki energy.
This activity is to focus on the fire and to make it burn brighter and warmer and to increase its radiance
throughout the body.
8s you breathe in the breath, the loving light energy )Use Reiki or Karuna Ki* comes in energy comes in
through the crown )to of head*. !ee the energy move down to behind the %ara area and see if fill the area
making the light there grow, and brighten. 1ou will feel energi?ed. "hen you feel energi?ed and filled,
allow the energy to e;and outwards and through your body sreading ever outward further and further to
the to of the head, the tis of the toes and the tis of the fingers. !ee it sread through all the organs.
.ocus on the Mudra, and hold it between the sternum and the hara. 0reath in through the hands and into
the hara, and on the e;hale from the hara out through the hands. &o this for =H minutes or so.
"hen done, focus the mind back on the %ara. 8llow your consciousness to return to normal. !tand, and
shake the hands three times, and then the feet three times.
4nce you master this breathing techni+ue, you can do this activity any time by using the mudra and :ust
concentrating on breathing and increasing the light. &one regularly it strengthens the body and mind, and
increases the vitality of the body. 7ike with Karuna Ki or Reiki, you will notice that the hands will be very
hot when doing this and after. This can be done with any of the other Ku:i(in hand ositions.

S"annin# an Mura!
Karuna Ki uses two different scanning methods to determine areas needing treatment, hand scanning and
the Karuna Ki !canning Method.
Han S"annin# ( This is the traditional !canning techni+ue taught in Karuna, and other !ystems. !canning
is lacing your hands into the energy or auric field of another to try to discern differences in their energy
field. 1ou are essentially looking for anything different. Try to feel for hot sots, cold sots, tingling
sensations, obstructions. !tart at the head and work to the feet and then back u.
0egin with the hands about 6 inches )5.I centimeters* above the erson@s body. 8fter the first ass, increase
the distance to about J inches )=5 centimeters*. !canning is something that re+uires a great deal of ractice
to become roficient at. )Remember, you do not diagnose since that is illegal to do in most laces without a
medical license-* This is a tool to aid in treating. Make a mental note of the areas that feel different. 8sk
your client if there is any secific illness associated with the area. This rocess is done to find areas that
need additional treatment. This also is done to guide hand lacement which is more intuitive in Karuna Ki.

Karuna Ki S"annin# M$%&' ( This is the scanning method develoed by <inny 8mador for Karuna Ki.
It incororates a hand osition or Mudra and uses the third eye to hel develo the intuition to find areas
that need treating.

The above Mudra is called Kai in 2aanese. It is also used in some Tibetan arts, Taoist ractices and in
9in:utsu. Kai is used for breaking the bonds of assions and desires, the remonition of danger, sensing
energy around you, and inner knowing. It was said that the Taoist master that achieved Kai would /know
what can not be known/. It is only when our minds are clear and we have stilled our thoughts that we can
sense clearly all around us. Kai is an activation of the sychic sense which allows us to see beyond sight.
In this mudra the fingers are all interlocked.
To use Kai in scanning first lace your hands into the Kai mudra, close your eyes, rela; for a moment and
take several dee breaths. .ocus on the Ultimate !ource of #omassion that is Karuna Ki. 0reath in the
energy into hands and then into the %ara. 7et the e;and through the body. 9e;t, direct the energy into
the hands. &o this by breathing in the energy into the %ara and then e;hale the energy out through the
hands, radiating the comassionate energy outward around you. "hen the hands are filled with the energy,
bring the connected hands u to the level of the third eye and lace the knuckles of the thumb against the
third eye. .ocus the energy on the third eye. #ontinue to breath through the hands. <isuali?e the 3onar,
then the ,nosa symbol, and then any other of the Karuna Ki !ymbols that you may intuit. 8llow any
sensations to be /seen/ or /felt/. 1ou will feel the sensation of the third eye active. It will feel like a
tingling in the center of the forehead or a ressure behind the forehead. "hen you are ready, begin searate
the hands and begin scanning with the alms as described above in the /hand scanning/ section. #ontinue
to focus on the third eye area. Imressions are /seen/ but not so much seen with the eyes as they are felt or
e;erienced. This method also hels develo the third eye area and intuition in all areas of your life, as well
as to focus on the comassionate source of the Karuna Ki energy. This hels us stay focused in
comassion toward all.

Di!%an% S"annin# M$%&' ( This method incororates both %and !canning, Karuna Ki !canning, and
&istant "ork. .ocus on the erson to be scanned by distance. If you have a icture, letter, or other thing
from them that might hel you facilitate the energetic connection then that can be used. &o the Karuna Ki
!canning hand techni+ue and third eye connection described above. Then lace your alms outward as if
toward the erson. 8llow your hands to /sense/ the erson and their energy field. This seems odd, but the
sense of it will generally be felt. Move your hands, or visuali?e seeing the field and then note how it feels to
you. Use distant sendingAhealing techni+ues to treat those areas. This techni+ue can also be done on a
erson accross the room.
&escribed here is one ossible use of the symbols in healing. There are as many different uses as you can
create. 9ecessity and intuition are wonderful teachers. .irst use 3onar. 3onar is a dee healing symbol that
connects to the infinite. It is cleansing. It also can hel resolve issues left undone from relationshis,
activities, situations )andAor livesE*. %alu )like !ei %ei Ki* hels release and break u negative atterns and
emotional difficulties and beliefs that kee us from seeing reality as it truly is. %arth is the rincile symbol
of the Karuna Ki system and is the symbol of loving comassion. Use is and let the comassion that is this
energy flow. 7oving comassion is healing, restoring balance to energy and emotions. Rama grounds and
connects us from the source through to the earth. It is both grounding and clearing. Use !hanti ne;t, to hel
release the ast, and to focus on living harmoniously in the moment, and to release the futures we create for
ourselves. .inally use 4m to bring in wholeness into the life of the client, and to clean, stabili?e and seal
the aura.
This is one ossible se+uence. 8nother ossibility is to simly focus on the Karuna Ki energy and let it
flow and allow the energy to direct the session. This is the highest level of ractice. "e simly /be/ and
allow the energy to flow with intuition as our guide.
The symbol names can be chanted or toned when erforming a healing. <isuali?e the symbol in your mind
and write it on your alms. !ee it clearly in gold. Then say the name of the symbol. This is artly an
intuitive rocess where you :ust /let it out/. It is thought that the sound hels intensify the effect of the
healing energy and drive it to /deeer level/. 4ne small word of advise...... %ealing sessions are often times
of great rela;ation for eole, and times when eole entered altered states. Make sure what you are doing
is not a distraction that interferes with the healing session.
There are times when you want to Tone, but doing so might be distracting or inaroriate to the situation.
In these cases, focus on the third eye. !ay the symbol name )mantra* in your mind. Think of saying it with
such resonance and ower that it travels to the end of the universe and beyond towards infinity. Resonate
the sound in your mind, through your hands, and into the erson you are treating.
In Karuna Ki &o Meditations, there are four tyes of meditations. 4f rimary imortance in the Karuna Ki
!ystem is the meditation to strengthen and develo the #hannel. There are also meditations to e;and the
oneness of the loving heart centered comassion and to share it with all the universeF meditations with the
symbolsF and Toning in meditation. The first tye of Karuna Ki Meditation, is an activity that uses a mudra
)hand osition* and secific breathing to focus on strengthening the healing channel, increasing the
ersonal chi, and healing the self. In con:unction with the attunements, it forms the basis of the system and
transmission of the energy. #onsistent ractice clears and focuses the mind and hels one to cultivate
comassion toward all beings.
The second tye is to meditate on the #omassionate energy that is Karuna Ki and to use that to e;and
your awareness. The meditation also allows you to e;and your comassionate awareness to all the
universe. The third tye of Karuna Ki &o Meditation is with the symbols. Meditation with the Karuna
!ymbols can hel to develo the connection with the symbols and thus the connection to the
#omassionate %eart that is the basis of this system. There are many ways to meditate on the symbols. The
simlest is to use a meditation that you already use and to draw the symbols before you, concentrate on the
connection to the energy and contemlate the individual meaning of the symbol. The fourth ractice in
Karuna Ki &o Meditation, is using Toning. This ractice can be used in either of the first tye of Karuna Ki
&o Meditation, to change or enhance the effects.
!ecific e;ercises are listed below. These are my ractices. Trust in yourself and your intuition.
$;eriment and see if these work for you. #onsistent ractice is the key.
To do these Karuna Ki &o Meditations, use guidelines that anyone doing meditation of any sort might
follow. ,et yourself into a comfortable osition. !itting in a comfortable chair that allows your sine to be
erect is good. Placing your hands on your la and having your feet comfortably touch the floor generally
works well. Rela;ing the body using some dee breathing, or muscular rela;ation can sometimes hel. 8s
with all meditation, if your mind wanders while meditating, allow the thoughts to sli away, aying them
no mind, and gently refocus. %aving done that, breathe slow and dee, shut your eyes and focus on the
feeling of love and comassion. !ometimes it hels to allow that sensation to begin in your alms. 8llow
the Karuna Ki &o to our into you and intend that it do so. Remember that the feeling of this system is one
of total comassion and love in the oneness of all creation. 7et your mind stay on this sensation and feeling.
9ow allow the loving and comassionate feel of the !ource to be with you as the energy flows into you.
!tay with this feeling for a time and then when you are ready, you can begin to meditate on the symbols.
The symbol order in the !ingular Karuna Ki Master 8ttunement was chosen for very secific reasons. The
order it designed to /rogram/ secific asects of the energy. Please refer to the 7isting of the !ymbols
below and the asects and the intent will be clear. The order for this is 4m, Tibetan Master !ymbol, Usui
&ai Ko Mio, Usui Master !ymbol, .ire !erent, 3onar, %alu %arth, Rama, ,nosa, Kriya, Iava, and !hanti.
The following can be said aloud, or to yourself )or not at all* during the attunementC
This list is a summary. .or more secific asects of the symbols refer to the Karuna Ki !ymbols Page.
Z'nar ( 3onar hels us to work through and release karma and ain. "ork at this by sending this loving
comassion of Karuna throughout yourself at a cellular level during the meditation.
Ha(u ( #lears the mind of delusion and denial. It can clear and oen a channel to higher consciousness. It
can also be used to disel sychic andAor sychological attack.
Har%& ( !ymbol for the heart from which healing and love flow. This hels one develo the highest
comassion and is the base symbol of Karuna Ki. Use it to heal the heart and issues of the heart.
O)- 4neness with ,od and the Universe
Du)' %ealing the !oul and Removing all that is not in the highest good of this soul
Dai K' Mi' 0ringing in the ,reat !hining 7ight of #omassion
Fir$ S$r*$n% #onnecting us fully with the #omassionate $nergy
Z'nar 0eing one with the Infinite
Ha(u In truth, rotected and free from fear
Har%& In urity and loving comassion
Ra)a ,rounded and connected to ,od
Gn'!a The Intimate knowledge revealed
Kri+a In erfect balance
Ia,a The <eils of Illusion lifted
S&an%i In Peace and love of the divine
Ra)a ( #onnect with the abiding :oy that is the #omassion of Ram or ,od. 8lso use it to ground to the
si; directions, connect with the earth energy, and to oen, connect and balance the lower chakras to the
Gn'!a ( %els link you with mystical and siritual knowledge ac+uired through feeling and rohecies
from ,od. It can link you more fully with the higher self
Kri+a ( The 7aw of Kriya is that of creation and of action, and raises awarenessF transforms thoughts into
action and manifestation.
Ia,a ( It is used to send the Karuna )loving comassion* through the universe. #an be used for lanetary
healing. "ill hel to heal the $arth )situations, laces, disasters, disease, etc*
S&an%i ( %eals our holding onto the astF hels to focus on living harmoniously in the moment, and to
release the futures we create for ourselves.
O) ( Reresents the Universe functioning as a whole. It brings in wholeness into our lives. 8lso, use to
clean, stabili?e and seal the aura. It brings in light, urifies, rotects and connects with ,od.
Fir$ S$r*$n% ( #onnects and oens all chakras, and oens central channel allowing the flow of kundalini
fire. Used secifically here to balance.
U!ui Dai K' Mi' ( The ,reat !hining 7ight. It is a ure connection to the source and the Karuna )loving
comassion of ,od for all creation*.
Ti-$%an Dai K' Mi' ( revitali?es and energi?es the center of each chakra, and the unification of the body
and mind.
D$,$('*in# %&$ C&ann$(
Karuna Ki &o Meditation K= is done using the !ha Mudra and focuses on strengthening the healing
channel, increasing the ersonal chi, and healing the self. This is also described on the Karuna Ki Mudra
Page. This is a meditation using the !ha Mudra to hel develo and strengthen the Karuna Ki #hannel.
This ractice is one of the most basic skills in Karuna Ki and is fundamental in cultivating both mental
clarity, health and comassion. This is taught to all Karuna Ki !tudents and they are strongly encouraged to
ractice this daily.
#onsistent ractice clears and focuses the mind and hels one to cultivate comassion toward all beings.
This Mudra is called !ha in 2aanese. It is also used in Taoism, some Tibetan arts, and in 9in:utsu. !ha is
used for %ealing of !elf and 4thers, and ro develo and strengthen the inner channel(. It was said that those
that mastered the Inner connections using !ha would develo an inner ower and would no longer succumb
to viruses and other afflictions. In this mudra the inde; fingers and thumbs are e;tended while the other
fingers are interlocked. Using !ha is an e;cellent mudra to use when meditating. "hen doing any of the
Karuna Ki Meditations you can use the !ha Mudra as you meditate.
8dditionally, it can be used when doing healings. 0efore you actually begin doing the healing, lace the
hands in !ha, connect to the Karuna Ki energy, focus on the comassion of the source and let the energy
flow into the hands. Then searate the alms and begin healing. !ha is used for healing self and others.
Using this Mudra in the meditation below hels to increase within us health, vitality and healing strength.
The following e;ercise can hel to fully develo the use of !ha. To do this, first lace your hands in the
!ha Mudra. This activity hels link the athways within the body. 0y forming the !ha Mudra with the
hands the aroriate athways of energy are linked within the body. This brings health and knowing. The
activity hels increase your inner strength, e;ands your channel, e;and the mind and the ability to sense
self and others and to remove fear.
0reathe in through the nose and out of the nose. $mty your mind by focusing only on the breathing. If that
is difficult, count slowly to seven on the inhalation and to seven on the e;halation. If other thoughts arise,
ay them no mind and let them sli away. .ocus within and on the flow of energy within the body and on
the sirit.
&ee within us burns a .ire, behind the hara and it is the area of Personal #hi. This meditation relenishes
our ersonal chi with the comassionate loving energy of Karuna Ki )or Reiki, etc.* and strengthens us,
reduces stress and an;iety, and increases our ability to channel the energy.
.ocus on the %ara, or slightly behind it. !ome eole see or visuali?e this as see it as a ball of light, fire or
heat. <isuali?e the ball of fire dee within you, behind the %ara. #onnect to Karuna Ki or Reiki energy.
This activity is to focus on the fire and to make it burn brighter and warmer and to increase its radiance
throughout the body.
8s you breathe in the breath, the loving light energy )Use Reiki or Karuna Ki* comes in energy comes in
through the crown )to of head*. !ee the energy move down to behind the %ara area and see if fill the area
making the light there grow, and brighten. 1ou will feel energi?ed. "hen you feel energi?ed and filled,
allow the energy to e;and outwards and through your body sreading ever outward further and further to
the to of the head, the tis of the toes and the tis of the fingers. !ee it sread through all the organs.
.ocus on the Mudra, and hold it between the sternum and the hara. 0reath in through the hands and into the
hara, and on the e;hale from the hara out through the hands. &o this for =H minutes or so. "hen done,
focus the mind back on the %ara. 8llow your consciousness to return to normal. !tand, and shake the hands
three times, and then the feet three times.
4nce you master this breathing techni+ue, you can do this activity any time by using the mudra and :ust
concentrating on breathing and increasing the light. &one regularly it strengthens the body and mind, and
increases the vitality of the body. 7ike with Karuna Ki or Reiki, you will notice that the hands will be very
hot when doing this and after. This can be done with any of the other Ku:i(in hand ositions.
Karuna Ki C')*a!!i'n M$i%a%i'n
In this meditation we will use all the symbols and connect to the 7oving #omassionate %eart of the
Universe. "e will center this in our hearts and then send it out to all the universe.
0egin by breathing in dee breaths through the nose and out through the mouth. <isuali?e the symbols and
draw them in your mind )it is ok to have a icture of them if you have not memori?ed them yet-* &raw the
3onar, %alu, %arth, Rama, ,nosa, Kriya, Iava, !hanti, Usui &ai Ko Mio, Tibetan &ai Ko Mio, and finally
the 4m. .eel the eaceful energy of the comassion that is Karuna Ki flow all around you.
9ow, focus on the energy of the universe, all the stars, the lanets, everything.
.ocus on breathing in all the energy in the universe, ulling it into you, energi?ing you, filling you
comletely. 7et yourself be filled with the eaceful, loving, comassionate energy of the universe. 0reathe
in ure loving comassionate energy and breathe out all the to;ins and negative things not in your highest
good. !tay with this feeling as long as you wish. It is in this loving comassion that we e;erience the
oneness of all things )whether that be /we are all one in #hrist@s love/, or /in the love of comassion for all
souls to reach enlightenment/, that is Kuan 1in*.
9ow, think of the feeling of loving comassion, and concentrate on breathing in that. This is the Karuna Ki
&o. "hen breathing out send that out to every art of the universe. &o this for a time and then when you
are ready, allow yourself to fill every art of you with this energy. 0egin at the toes and let your body and
energy field fill totally until you bring with this wondrous feeling loving energy. "hen finished, slowly
allow yourself to reorient to your surroundings and then go out and be this comassion to all.
Karuna Ki S+)-'( M$i%a%i'n
#hoose a symbol to work with. $ither draw it in front of you or visuali?e it in your mind. !ay the name of
the symbol )either out loud or in your head*. <isuali?e the symbol as golden, intensely bright and
emowered with the loving energy of the !ource.
8llow it to flow into you, and for any message it might have for you to manifest. !tay focused on the
symbol and the #omassionate Karuna Ki energy flow and the source. 8llow the symbol and energy to
show you what that means. !tay with this as long as you feel comfortable.
.ocus on your breathing. 0reathe in the comassion and love of all the universe, and then on the e;hale
radiate out that love to all living beings. "hen done with the symbol, feel the connection to the source and
see the symbol fully activate and e;erience the oneness of the source.
"hen you are finished, draw all the Karuna Ki &o symbols in front of you saying their names. Thank the
!ource for sharing this with you. 8t this oint, you are likely to be filled with energy and this would be a
good time to work on doing self(treatments, treating others, doing distant healing, manifesting goals,
charging your Reiki crystals.
,rounding yourself is imortant- If you are not grounded, you might find yourself light headed and di??y
after this meditation. .ind something that is grounding and do it. 1ou can lace your alms on the earth, go
for a walk, visuali?e roots running to the center of the earth and connecting, drink water or whatever works
for you. 1ou can also ut your tongue on the soft alate ):ust behind the teeth*, draw the ower symbol on
the feet, that hara ):ust below the naval* and the alms. Place your alms on the hara and concentrate on
that area for a few minutes. This tends to bring the e;cess energy from the uer chakras and into the hara.
8ny method of grounding works and kees the di??ies from haening-
There are many symbols in Karuna and thus the symbol you choose to do the meditation on deends on the
articular asect of the energy you with to e;lore more fully. Ideally all of them should be done over time,
with a minimum of a week sent on each one.
There are an infinite number of ossibilities of Karuna Ki &o !ymbol Meditations ossible. 1ou can do it
focusing only on the connection to the Karuna Ki source.
1ou can add other meditative ractices such as light body meditations, or Mer(Ka(0a. $;eriment and
know that :ust as the human creators of the Karuna !ystems used their intuition and guides to develo their
ractices, you can develo your own as well-
T'nin# M$i%a%i'n
This third ractice of Karuna Ki &o Meditation is to add the toning and chanting asects of Karuna Ki
healing into the meditative ractice. Meditation techni+ues such are Transcendental Meditation, Praying the
Rosary, the Tibetan /4m Mani Padme %um/ to for Kuan 1in@s assistance are all e;amles of chanting from
many faiths.
To use this Karuna Ki &o techni+ue, simly decide on what symbols, or what asect of the energy you are
trying to manifest. Then use those symbols names as mantras when erforming Karuna Ki &o Meditation
4ne or Two. !ome ossible combinations might be
4m(!hanti(4m, or 4m(!hanti(!hanti(4m, 4m(,nosa(4m, or 4m(Iava(4m.
Many atterns are ossible using the symbols names and the intent of the symbol as the guide to what you
are trying to accomlish.
These are the Karuna Ki 8ttunements that I have develoed. These consist of the !ingular Karuna Ki
Master 8ttunement for Reiki and !eichim Masters, and a Three 7evel Karuna Ki 8ttunement for others
with less than Master training. My Karuna Ki attunement is a !ingular Master $mowerment that
emowers the student fully to all the Karuna !ymbols. These are guidelines for the two attunements. The
attuning Master must make the determination of which attunement set is best for their students.
These attunements also include the attuning of the heart chakra which is the Karuna Ki. This is a secial
comassionate heart connection as art of the 8ttunement rocess. The Intent of these attunements is to
:oin with the total eace, love and comassion that is the divine source of all. 8lso included for your
reference, are links to other web sites I have found that have , the 4riginal !ai 0aba Reiki 8ttunements, the
!tandard Karuna 8ttunements. Understand fully that all of these attunements work and will attune you to
the Karuna !ymbols.
It should be noted that I do not claim anything suernatural or mystic in develoing these attunement
rocesses. They do not come from 8scendant Masters, #hanneled beings, /from ,od/ or anything else.
They come from a human being who studied carefully the rocess, the intent and what was necessary for
the attunements to reflect the changes that are Karuna Ki. These attunements can be done in erson or via
distance. .or a discussion on &istant 8ttunements lease read my article on this website on &istant
8ttunements. "illiam Rand, the develoer of Karuna Reiki', also has an article with an oosing view
addressing this distance attunement issue on his site. .or any of these attunement rocesses, you will need
to know the <iolet breath techni+ue and the 0reath of the .ire &ragon techni+ue. They are included here
for your reference.
VIOLET BREATH TECHNI.UE /A(!' "a(($ B(u$ Kin$+ Br$a%&0
=. #ontract %ui 1in oint, lace tongue to roof of your mouth.
6. &raw in a breath imagining it as white light coming down through the crown chakra, through the tongue,
down the front of the body through the %ui 1in oint and u the sine filling the center of the head.
D. <isuali?e the white light turning blue and rotating clockwise, then turning violet.
5. "ithin the violet light, icture a golden Tibetan Master !ymbol )or other attunement symbol*.
I. $;hale gently into initiate@s crown or hands, imagine the symbol on your breath entering the initiates
head or hands and lodging in the base of the brain. !ay name of initiatory symbol three times.
=. #ontract the %ui 1in )erineum* and lace the ti of the tongue to the roof of the mouth )hold
6. Take D )or more* kidney breaths )!ahire blue in, white out*.
D. 0reathe in white mist to your root chakra. %old breath. The white mist comes u through the nerve
bundles in the center of your sine. 1our brain turns white, sahire blue, urle and gold.
This is a !ingular 8ttunement that I develoed to attune a erson to all the Karuna !ymbols and energy at
once. 8 candidate for this rocess should already be a Reiki Master. It is my belief that once you receive
the Usui Master 8ttunements that you have received the total connection to the energy. 8dditional symbols
such as in Karuna do not reresent different energies, but different manifestations or roerties of the
energies. 0ecause of this you do not need additional attunements to use them.
%owever, some eole find the additional attunement hels them /lock/ on to that articular usage. It was
in this sirit that this Karuna Ki !ingular 8ttunement was created.
Rather than go through the entire 5 attunement series that is racticed in other tyes of Karuna energy
systems, only one emowerment is needed to connect fully to these symbols in the Karuna Ki !ystem.
In the singular attunement, the symbols are used in a very secific order. The order for this is 4m, Tibetan
Master !ymbol, Usui &ai Ko Mio, Usui Master !ymbol, .ire !erent, 3onar, %alu %arth, Rama, ,nosa,
Kriya, Iava, and !hanti. To view the significance of the order of the symbols, #lick here.
T' B$#in %&$ Pr'"$!!
1ou might wish to have the reciient meditate, ray or otherwise reare themselves. "hatever rocess
you use in a regular Usui 8ttunement to set the tone and call to the sacred can be used here.
=. &raw the 4m symbol in the air before you, and then draw the Tibetan Master !ymbol in the middle of
the room. &raw the 5 Usui symbols in the air with the intent they fill the room and clear the sace. If you
have any guides or angels that you work with it is aroriate to ask them to :oin you at this time. !tate that
this is to be a .ull Karuna Ki $mowerment to the Master 7evel.
6. #onnect to the Karuna energy. &raw the 3onar, %alu, %arth, Rama, ,nosa, Kriya, !hanti, and Iava on
your alms. &raw the Usui Power symbol on each of your chakras, and ask that the loving comassionate
heart that is Karuna fill you in total comassion to erform this attunement.
Move 0ehind the !tudent
D. &raw the .ire !ymbol down the back of the student, starting with the cross at the level of the crown and
going down to the base of the sine. 9e;t draw the Usui Power !ymbols at base of sine. .inally retrace
the .ire !erent from the base back u to the head.
5. #ontract the %ui 1in hold it throughout the attunement. Remember to kee the tongue ressed to the soft
alate behind the uer teeth. Using the <iolet 0reath techni+ue, blow in Tibetan Master !ymbol on the
e;halation into the to of the student@s head )crown chakra*. <isuali?ing the symbol being moved by the
0reath through the head, into the base of the brain. Reeat the name of the symbol three times.
Reeat this with the 4m symbol and with the Usui &ai Ko Mio.
I. 0ring the reciient@s hands above their head in rayer osition, having both knuckles and thumbs
touching the third eye chakra. 4n the fingertis, draw the 4m, Tibetan Master !ymbol, Usui &ai Ko Mio,
.ire !erent, 3onar, %alu %arth, Rama, ,nosa, Kriya, Iava, and !hanti. Ta lightly on the fingertis and
say the name of each symbol D times.
$nvision the symbol moving down through the hands into the head and into the brain.
J. Move the studentLs hands back to their original osition in front. Move to the front of the studentC
B. 4en reciient@s hands with alms u and draw on the alms the 4m, Tibetan Master !ymbol, Usui &ai
Ko Mio, .ire !erent, 3onar, %alu %arth, Rama, ,nosa, Kriya, Iava, and !hanti. Ta lightly on the alms
and say the name of each symbol D times.
M. #lose their hands and raise them to the third eye chakra with Thumbs Pointing and ressing on Drd eye.
4en the hands and draw the 4m, Tibetan Master !ymbol, Usui &ai Ko Mio, .ire !erent, 3onar, %alu
%arth, Rama, ,nosa, Kriya, Iava, and !hanti. Ta lightly on the fingertis and say the name of each symbol
D times. $nvision the symbol moving down through the hands into the head and into third eye.
>. Rest reciient@s hands on their la with alms u.
=H. 4n the heart chakra, draw the 4m, Tibetan Master !ymbol, Usui Master !ymbol, .ire !erent, 3onar,
%alu %arth, Rama, ,nosa, Kriya, Iava, and !hanti. !ay the name of each symbol D times as you envision
the symbol moving into the heart chakra. 9ow lace your oen alms of both hands over the heart, and
concentrate on assing the oneness and total loving beauty and eace that is the 7oving #omassion of ,od
)or of Kuan 1in*. !tay with this for a while, at least DH seconds. It is a sharing of true eace and love. This
is the most imortant section of this attunement and is the Karuna Ki &o, the way of #omassionate
$nergy. It is the foundation of Karuna Ki 8ttunement and system, and is the #omassionate %eart
4ening. )Use your :udgement on touch issues while doing attunements. This is not an invitation to touch
rivate areas. In the case where this may be an issue, lace your hands a few inches about the heart area.*
==. .acing the student, draw the 4m, Tibetan Master !ymbol, Usui Master !ymbol, .ire !erent, 3onar,
%alu %arth, Rama, ,nosa, Kriya, Iava, and !hanti symbols again on the crown #hakra.
Move 0ehind the !tudent
=6. Place both your hands on the student@s shoulders and feel the connection. <isuali?e their heart and their
tail bone having the color inkish reddish. 8llow the loving comassion of Karuna to be shared between
=D. Make affirmations according to the reciient@s needs )i.e. with this attunement they may be healed
comletely, emotionally, hysically, mentally and sirituallyF and to make them hay and serene and
healthy, full of :oy and laughterF emower them and make them good healers etc.......*
=5. Place both of your thumbs on back of reciient@s neck, chanting the 4M. <isuali?e the attunement
sealed and comlete, and will that it be comlete and sealed. Inform the reciient that they are a Karuna
Master for now and eternity and thank them.
=I. Thank your guides, ,od, etc, for their assistance and guidance and bless all that is with love and
=J. 7ast, walk behind the reciient and trace the Raku down the back of the sine to disconnect their aura
from yours.
Karuna Ki T&r$$ L$,$( A%%un$)$n%!
This is the Karuna Ki 8ttunement set for those who are not resently Reiki or !eichim Masters. Previous
energy work or Reiki is not necessary to learn this, but can be a benefit.
This set uses three attunements instead of the traditional four used in other Karuna !ystems. It is my
e;erience that this set flows very smoothly and fully emowers the students. The 8ttuning Master must
determine the aroriate length of time between attunements. .or some eole only a short time is
necessary between attunements, and for others much greater time is needed to ad:ust.
A%%un$)$n% 1'r Karuna Ki L$,$( On$
To Preare for these attunements, it is aroriate to have the student meditate or other rela;ation methods
to have them ready to receive the 8ttunement. 1ou can call uon your masters, angels, sirits and guides.
The student may wish to do as well. This hels to assure a erfect attunement. Remember that the essence
of the Karuna Ki system is the loving comassion of ,od. That should be the intent of these attunements.
!ome eole feel comfortable asking Kuan 1in to be with them in the attunement rocess.
=. &raw the 4m symbol in the air before you, and then draw the Tibetan Master !ymbol in the middle of
the room. &raw the 5 Usui symbols in the air with the intent they fill the room and clear the sace. If you
have any guides or angels that you work with it is aroriate to ask them to :oin you at this time. !tate that
this is to be a .ull Karuna Ki $mowerment to the Master 7evel.
6. #onnect to the Karuna energy. &raw the 3onar, %alu, %arth, Rama, ,nosa, Kriya, !hanti, and Iava on
your alms. &raw the Usui Power symbol on each of your chakras, and ask that the loving comassionate
heart that is Karuna fill you in total comassion to erform this attunement.
Move 0ehind the !tudent
D. 0egin to raise u the student@s energy from the earth. &o this by having both of your hands oen with
alms u and use a slashing or wave motion to move the energy from the earth to the tail bone and u the
back to the head )This alsohels ground them*. !ay the .ire !erent name three times.
5. &raw the .ire !ymbol down the back of the student, starting with the cross at the level of the crown and
going down to the base of the sine. 9e;t draw the Usui Power !ymbols at base of sine. .inally retrace
the .ire !erent from the base back u to the head.
I. 8gain elevate the energy from the tailbone three D times. &o this by having both of your hands oen with
alms u and use a slashing or wave motion to move the energy from the earth to the tail bone and u the
back to the head )This also hels ground them*.
J. #ontract the %ui 1in hold it throughout the attunement. Remember to kee the tongue ressed to the soft
alate behind the uer teeth. Using the <iolet 0reath techni+ue, blow in Tibetan Master !ymbol on the
e;halation into the to of the student@s head )crown chakra*. <isuali?ing the symbol being moved by the
0reath through the head, into the base of the brain. Reeat the name of the symbol three times. Reeat this
with the 4m symbol and with the Usui &ai Ko Mio. Ta and say the name of the symbols three times while
B. Reach forward over the reciient@ shoulders and guide their hands over the crown. %ave both knuckles of
their rayer clased hands touching the third eye. 4n their fingertis draw the symbols 3onar, %arth, %alu,
and Rama. Ta and say the names of the symbols three times while drawing.
Move to the .ront of the !tudent
M. "alk counter(clockwise, )i.e., to your right* to the front so that you are facing the student.
>. 4en reciient@s hands with alms u and draw the symbols 4m, &umo, .ire !erent, 3onar, %arth,
%alu, and Rama. Ta and say the names of the symbols three times while drawing.
=H. #lose their hands and raise them to their third eye chakra, with their thumbs ointing and ressing on
the third eye. 4en hands and draw the symbols 4m, &umo, .ire !erent, 3onar, %arth, %alu, and Rama.
Ta and say the names of the symbols three times while drawing.
==. Rest reciient@s hands on their la with alms u. 4ver the heart chakra, draw the symbols 4m, &umo,
.ire !erent, 3onar, %arth, %alu, and Rama. !ay the names of the symbols three times while drawing. 9ow
lace your oen alms of both hands over the heart, and concentrate on assing the oneness and total loving
beauty and eace that is the 7oving #omassion of ,od )or of Kuan 1in*. !tay with this for a while, at
least DH seconds. It is a sharing of true eace and love. This is the most imortant section of this attunement
and is the Karuna Ki &o, the way of #omassionate $nergy. It is the foundation of Karuna Ki 8ttunement
and system, and is the #omassionate %eart 4ening. )Use your :udgement on touch issues while doing
attunements. This is not an invitation to touch rivate areas. In the case where this may be an issue, lace
your hands a few inches about the heart area.*
=6. .ace the student. 8gain on the crown chakra draw the symbols 4m, &umo, .ire !erent, 3onar, %arth,
%alu, and Rama. Ta and say the names of the symbols three times while drawing. Move 0ehind the
=D. Place both your hands on the student@s shoulders and visuali?e their heart and their tail bone having the
color inkish to reddish.
=5. Then make any affirmations that the student might need )this can be discussed rior to the attunement,
or from intuitive guidance*. $;amles might be, / with this attunement you may be healed comletely,
emotionally, hysically, mentally and siritually/, or /1ou are the embodiment of love and comassion/.
=I. Place both of your thumbs on back of students neck, and chant the 4m sound. <isuali?e the 4m symbol
over the student@s whole being and say, /I now seal this rocess with love comassion and divine wisdom.
Tell the student that they now have Karuna 4ne for now and eternity. Thank them for allowing you to share
this blessing with them.
=J. .ace the student again and throw your hands u in < and thank ,od, the !ource, the ,uides etc for
their assistance and guidance and bless the Universe.
=B. .inally, walk around the student. !tand behind them and trace the Raku down the back of their sine to
disconnect their aura from yours.
A%%un$)$n% 1'r Karuna Ki L$,$( T2'
The Karuna 7evel II 8ttunement is e;actly the same rocedure as 7evel 4ne, e;cet you draw the symbols
of the second level ),no?aF KriyaF IavaF !hanti*.
A%%un$)$n% 1'r Karuna Ki L$,$( T&r$$ 3 Ma!%$r L$,$(
To Preare for these attunements, it is aroriate to have the student meditate or other rela;ation methods
to have them ready to receive the 8ttunement. 1ou can call uon your masters, angels, sirits and guides.
The student may wish to do as well. This hels to assure a erfect attunement. Remember that the essence
of the Karuna Ki system is the loving comassion of ,od. That should be the intent of these attunements.
!ome eole feel comfortable asking Kuan 1in to be with them in the attunement rocess.
To Preare for these attunements, it is aroriate to have the student meditate or other rela;ation methods
to have them ready to receive the 8ttunement. 1ou can call uon your masters, angels, sirits and guides.
The student may wish to do as well. This hels to assure a erfect attunement. Remember that the essence
of the Karuna Ki system is the loving comassion of ,od. That should be the intent of these attunements.
!ome eole feel comfortable asking Kuan 1in to be with them in the attunement rocess.
=. &raw the 4m symbol in the air before you, and then draw the Tibetan Master !ymbol in the middle of
the room. &raw the 5 Usui symbols in the air with the intent they fill the room and clear the sace. If you
have any guides or angels that you work with it is aroriate to ask them to :oin you at this time. !tate that
this is to be a .ull Karuna Ki $mowerment to the Master 7evel.
6. #onnect to the Karuna energy. &raw the 3onar, %alu, %arth, Rama, ,nosa, Kriya, !hanti, and Iava on
your alms. &raw the Usui Power symbol on each of your chakras, and ask that the loving comassionate
heart that is Karuna fill you in total comassion to erform this attunement.
Move 0ehind the !tudent
D. 0egin to raise u the student@s energy from the earth. &o this by having both of your hands oen with
alms u and use a slashing or wave motion to move the energy from the earth to the tail bone and u the
back to the head )This also hels ground them*. !ay the .ire !erent name three times.
5. &raw the .ire !ymbol down the back of the student, starting with the cross at the level of the crown and
going down to the base of the sine. 9e;t draw the Usui Power !ymbols at base of sine. .inally retrace
the .ire !erent from the base back u to the head.
I. Then on the left side of the back )heart front* (draw, name and ta D timesC 4mF &umoF &aikomio.
J. 8gain elevate the energy from the tailbone three D times. &o this by having both of your hands oen with
alms u and use a slashing or wave motion to move the energy from the earth to the tail bone and u the
back to the head )This also hels ground them*.
B. #ontract the %ui 1in hold it throughout the attunement. Remember to kee the tongue ressed to the soft
alate behind the uer teeth. Using the <iolet 0reath techni+ue, blow in Tibetan Master !ymbol on the
e;halation into the to of the student@s head )crown chakra*. <isuali?ing the symbol being moved by the
0reath through the head, into the base of the brain. Reeat the name of the symbol three times. Reeat this
with the 4m symbol and with the Usui &ai Ko Mio. Ta and say the name of the symbols three times while
M. 4n the crown ( &rawF ta and say the names D times the symbolsC &ai Ko MyoF &ai Ko Myo TibetanF
4mF #ho Ku Rei. >. Reach forward over the reciient@ shoulders and take their hands raising them over
crown having both knuckles and thumbs touching the third eye chakra. 4n their fingertisC drawF name and
ta D timesC &umoF 4mF &ai Ko Myo. Move to the .ront of the !tudent
=H. "alk to the reciient on your right, facing them.
==. 4en reciient@s hands with alms u and draw the symbols 4m, &umo, and &ai Ko Mio. Ta and say
the names of the symbols three times while drawing.
=6. #lose their hands and raise them to their third eye chakra, with their thumbs ointing and ressing on
the third eye. 4en hands and draw the symbols 4m, &umo, and &ai Ko Mio. Ta and say the names of the
symbols three times while drawing.
=D. Rest reciient@s hands on their la with alms u. 4ver the heart chakra, draw the symbols 4m, &umo,
and &ai Ko Mio. !ay the names of the symbols three times while drawing. 9ow lace your oen alms of
both hands over the heart, and concentrate on assing the oneness and total loving beauty and eace that is
the 7oving #omassion of ,od )or of Kuan 1in*. !tay with this for a while, at least DH seconds. It is a
sharing of true eace and love. This is the most imortant section of this attunement and is the Karuna Ki
&o, the way of #omassionate $nergy. It is the foundation of Karuna Ki 8ttunement and system, and is the
#omassionate %eart 4ening. )Use your :udgement on touch issues while doing attunements. This is not
an invitation to touch rivate areas. In the case where this may be an issue, lace your hands a few inches
about the heart area.*
=5. .ace the student. 8gain on the crown chakra draw the symbols 4m, &umo, and &ai Ko Mio. Ta and
say the names of the symbols three times while drawing.
Move 0ehind the !tudent
=I. Place both your hands on reciient@ shoulders and visuali?e their heart and their tail bone having the
color inkish reddish.
=J. Then make any affirmations that the student might need )this can be discussed rior to the attunement,
or from intuitive guidance*. $;amles might be, / with this attunement you may be healed comletely,
emotionally, hysically, mentally and siritually/, or /1ou are the embodiment of love and comassion/.
=B. Place both of your thumbs on back of students neck, and chant the 4m sound. <isuali?e the 4m symbol
over the student@s whole being and say, /I now seal this rocess with love comassion and divine wisdom.
Tell the student that they are now Karuna Masters now and for eternity. Thank them for allowing you to
share this blessing with them.
=M. .ace the student again and throw your hands u in < and thank ,od, the !ource, the ,uides etc for
their assistance and guidance and bless the Universe.
=>. .inally, walk around the student. !tand behind them and trace the Raku down the back of their sine to
disconnect their aura from yours.
7evels and !ymbolsC
If the student is learning the system in the three level format, the following list shows the symbols given at
each level.
N Karuna 4ne G 3onarF %aluF %arth, and Rama
N Karuna Two G ,no?a, !hanti, Iava, and Kriya
N Karuna Master G 4m, .ire !erent, Usui &ai Ko Mio, &umo )Tibetan &ai Ko
O%&$r Karuna A%%un$)$n%!
0elow are attunements from other websites that I found in web travels that have the attunements listed.
These sites are not sonsored or art of the 8ngelReiki website, but can rovide additional information that
may be of value to some eole. The Karuna Ki !ystem resented here is comlete and these other
attunements are not necessary or needed. They are here in order to give the student a historical ersective
on what roceeded the develoment of Karuna Ki.
Ori#ina( Karuna A%%un$)$n%! - T&$ 4Sai Ba-a4 A%%un$)$n%!
.or those wishing to see the 4riginal !ai 0aba 8ttunement rocess so that they can evaluate the differences
between the original attunements and what develoed later, these are included for informational uroses
only. 1ou will notice the similarity of these to the 8ttunements that were develoed later. /!ai 0aba/ Reiki
is no longer racticed or called !ai 0aba Reiki due to legal matters involving using the !ai 0aba 9ame.
/!ai 0aba/ Reiki is no longer racticed, This was because of legal matters involving using the !ai 0aba
9ame. This material is included for reference only. The !ai 0aba Reiki !ystem consisted of 5 levels. This
included two Practitioner
7evels, and two Master 7evels. 7evel I Practitioner taught the 3onar, %alu, %arth, and Rama, and the
student receives the !ai 0aba I 8ttunements. 7evel II Practitioner teaches the ,nosa, Kriya, Iava, and
Rama, and the student receives the !ai 0aba II attunements.
The Master erforming the ceremony Intends that these are ractitioner attunements. Master 7evel I
teaches the 4m, .ire !erent and &umo, and how to erform the 7evel I Practitioner attunements. The
!tudent receives the 7evel I attunement again, with the intent being that they receive a Master attunement.
In Master 7evel II the erson receives the !ai 0aba II attunement again, intending it be a !ai 0aba Master
8ttunement, the student is shown how to erform the 7evel II attunement and ractice is done. !ai 0aba I
8ttunement rocess
=. %ave students sit with hands in recetive mudra, with thumbs touching the solar le;us.
6. !eal the room by drawing one Tibetan master symbol in the middle of theroom and then drawing the
Usui ower symbol on all the walls, ceiling and floor. !ay a rayer asking for the hel of the 8scended
Masters, the Reiki guides and !ai 0aba. Indicate in the rayer that this is to be a !ai 0aba I 8ttunement.
D. Move behind the student and draw the Tibetan .ire !erent down the back. &raw three Usui ower
symbols at the base of sine. %old the non( dominate hand at the base and re(drawn the .ire !erent back
u the sine to the to of the head using the dominate hand.
5. Using the <iolet 0reath techni+ue, blow the Tibetan master symbol and direct it to the base of the skull.
I. &raw the Usui master symbol over the head and direct it to the base of the skull. &o the same with the
4M symbol.
J. Move to the front. 4en the hands. &raw all seven symbols starting with the Tibetan Master symbol then
the .ire !erent and 4M, then the four other symbols )3onar, %earth, %alu, Rama* over each alm. 8fter
drawing each symbol, say the name three times to yourself, motioning the energy into the hands, them sla
the hands three times.
B. Move students hands u so thumbs touch the third eye. %old the hands with your non dominate hand and
draw each symbol in the same order as above over the fingers. 8fter drawing the symbol, motion the
energy into the finger tis as you say the name to yourself three times, then ta the fingers three times.
Move hands back down so thumbs touch solar le;us.
M. 8t the crown, draw the first four )3onar, %earth, %alu, Rama* symbols below, lus the 4M.
>. Move to the back. 8s you look into the crown chakra think of a ositive affirmation and blow it into the
heart chakra while focusing on &ivine 7ove and 7ight. 1ou could useC 1ou are a owerful and successful
!ai 0aba Reiki Master filled with love and light or it could be a uni+ue affirmation for each student.
=H. !eal the rocess by lacing the thumbs to the base of the skull and icturing a door closing with the
Usui ower symbol on it. !tate to yourself C I erfectly seal this !ai 0aba 8ttunement with &ivine love and
==. Move to the front and release the %ui 1in, tongue and breath as a final blessing.
=6. 8sk students to lace their hands on their legs. 1ou could also ask them to lace their hands on their
heart or you could take each students hands and lace them on their heart or legs. Then ask them to
contemlate the meaning of the new symbols.
Sai Ba-a II A%%un$)$n% Pr'"$!!
This attunement rocess is e;actly the same as for !ai 0aba I e;cet you use the second four symbols. 9ote
also that if you are good at visuali?ing, then instead of drawing the symbols in the air with your hand you
can visuali?e them between your thumb and first finger while hold them over the area where the symbols
are being laced.
=. %ave students sit with hands in recetive mudra, with thumbs touching the solar le;us.
6. !eal the room by drawing one Tibetan master symbol in the middle of the room and then drawing the
Usui ower symbol on all the walls, ceiling and floor. !ay a rayer asking for the hel of the 8scended
Masters, the Reiki guides and !ai 0aba. Indicate in the rayer that this is to be a !ai 0aba ll 8ttunement.
D. Move behind the student and draw the Tibetan .ire !erent down the back. &raw three Usui ower
symbols at the base of sine. %old the non( dominate hand at the base and re(drawn the .ire !erent back
u the sine to the to of the head using the dominate hand.
5. Using the <iolet 0reath techni+ue, blow the Tibetan master symbol and direct it to the base of the skull.
I. &raw the Usui master symbol over the head and direct it to the base of the skull. &o the same with the
4M symbol.
J. Move to the front. 4en the hands. &raw all seven symbols starting with the Tibetan Master symbol then
the .ire !erent and 4M, then the ,nosa, Kriya, Iava, !hanti over each alm. 8fter drawing each symbol,
say the name three times to yourself, motioning the energy into the hands, them sla the hands three times.
B. Move students hands u so thumbs touch the third eye. %old the hands with your non dominate hand and
draw each symbol in the same order as above over the fingers. 8fter drawing the symbol, motion the
energy into the finger tis as you say the name to yourself three times, and then ta the fingers three times.
Move hands back down so thumbs touch solar le;us.
M. 8t the crown, draw the ,nosa, Kriya, Iava, !hanti below, lus the 4M.
>. Move to the back. 8s you look into the crown chakra think of a ositive affirmation and blow it into the
heart chakra while focusing on &ivine 7ove and 7ight. 1ou could useC 1ou are a owerful and successful
!ai 0aba Reiki Master filled with love and light or it could be a uni+ue affirmation for each student.
=H. !eal the rocess by lacing the thumbs to the base of the skull and icturing a door closing with the
Usui ower symbol on it. !tate to yourself C I erfectly seal this !ai 0aba 8ttunement with &ivine love and
==. Move to the front and release the %ui 1in, and tongue and breath as a final blessing.
=6. 8sk students to lace their hands on their legs. 1ou could also ask them to lace their hands on their
heart or you could take each students hands and lace them on their heart or legs. Then ask them to
meditate and contemlate the meaning of the new symbols.
S%anar Karuna F'ur A%%un$)$n%!
8s a general rule, Karuna is usually only taught to Usui Reiki Masters. Karuna is usually taught in 5 levels.
There are two ractitioner levels and two master levels. There are only two attunements, used for both the
ractitioner and master levels. The Karuna I attunement is done teaching the first 5 symbols )3onar, %alu,
%arth, and Rama*. The Intent is that the attunement be a level I ractitioner attunement.
In Karuna 7evel II, the attunement is given using the second four symbols ),nosa, Kriya, !hanti, Iava*.
The Intent is that it be a Karuna II ractitioner attunement.
Karuna Masters 7evel I )7evel III* you redo the Karuna 7evel I attunement with the Intent that it be a
Karuna Masters 8ttunement. The 7evel I attunement is taught to thestudent, and they are taught to erform
the 7evel I ractitioner attunement.
In level four the Karuna II attunement is given )reeated* with the intention that it will be a Master
attunement. The Master Initiate is shown how to do the attunements for all Karuna 7evels. Practice doing
the attunements is done. If you are interested in learning more information on Karuna Reiki', it can be
found at "illiam Rand@s International #enter for Reiki !tudies at
!ome Karuna Ki Practitioners feel more comfortable using the Traditional Karuna Reiki' attunements.
8lthough it is not my lace to dislay the Karuna Reiki' 8ttunements, since they are not a art of Karuna
Ki or Karuna Ki &o, there are websites that do have them listed. 1ou can view them here The Reiki
8ttunement !ite. This is a website I discovered among my web travels that has them for viewing. The
8ngelReiki site does not endorse this Reiki 8ttunement !ite.
Trai%i'na( R$i5i a%%un$)$n%!
<isuali?e and &raw the Usui Master !ymbol and the Usui Power !ymbol , on each of your alms. 8s you
do this, gently cla your alms together three times while mentally reeating the name of each symbol
three timesC ronunciation of the Usui Master !ymbol, /&1$(K4(M$$(4%/F ronunciation of the Usui
Power !ymbol, /#%4(K44(R81/. <isuali?e and &raw the Usui Power !ymbol in the sace in front of
you, beginning above and in front of the to of your head, down the front of your body. 8s you do this,
mentally reeat the name of the symbol three timesC ronunciation, / #%4(K44R81/.
<isuali?e and &raw the Usui Power !ymbol in front of your !olar Ple;us, %eart, Throat, .orehead, and the
to of your head, intending that each of those areas oen to the flow of the Reiki energy. 8s you do this,
mentally reeat the name of the symbol three timesC ronunciation, / #%4(K44(R81 /.
<isuali?e and &raw the Usui Power !ymbol in the air in front of you, intending for its energy to fill and
cleanse the room. 8s you do this, mentally reeat the name of the symbol three timesC ronunciation,
<isuali?e and &raw the Usui MentalA$motional !ymbol in the air in front of you, intending for its energy to
fill and cleanse the room. 8s you do this, mentally reeat the name of the symbol three timesC
ronunciation, /!81(%$%(K$1/.
<isuali?e and &raw the Usui &istant(%ealing !ymbol in the air in front of you, intending for its energy to
fill and cleanse the room. 8s you do this, mentally reeat the name of the symbol three timesC
ronunciation, /%8%9(!%8%(381(!%4(9$9/.
<isuali?e and &raw the Usui Master !ymbol in the air in front of you, intending for its energy to fill and
cleanse the room. 8s you do this, mentally reeat the name of the symbol three timesC ronunciation,
9ow form a clear mental intention that the erson seated in the chair shall now receive a erfect ermanent
attunement to the Reiki Master &egree. !tanding behind the seated erson, you now lace one hand on
each of their shoulders to establish contact and energetic raort between them, yourself, and the Reiki
8fter a few moments, bring the erson@s hands u to the to of their head and have them hold their hands in
rayer(osition above their head. ,ently clas your hands around their hands.
Take a dee breath, hold it for a moment, then gently e;hale onto their hands and head as you visuali?e the
Usui Master !ymbol being e;haled along with your breath and entering their hands, their head, and settling
to rest inside their head at the base of their skull. Then remove one of your hands from their hands, and
using your hand, gently ta the to of their head once while mentally reeating the name of the Usui Master
!ymbol )ronunciation /&1$(K4(M$$(4%/*, then gently ta the side of their head while mentally
reeating the name of the Usui Master !ymbol, and then gently ta the base of their skull while mentally
reeating the name of the Usui Master !ymbol. Then, return your hand to :oin your other hand, gently
clasing their rayer(ositioned hands.
&o that same breath, visuali?ation, hand(taing, and mental symbol(name reeating techni+ue for each of
the other three symbols as well, in this orderC Usui MentalA$motional !ymbol, Usui &istant(%ealing
!ymbol, and Usui Power !ymbol. 8fter comleting those rocedures with the erson@s hands over their
head, move their hands, still in rayer(osition, back to the front of their body in front of their heart, where
they were holding them when you began.
"alk around to the front of the erson, gently take hold of their hands, and bring their hands towards you
until they are about a foot or so away from their body, and then oen them and hold them oen, alms u,
in one of your own hands.
<isuali?e and &raw the Usui Master !ymbol on both of the erson@s oen alms, and then <isuali?e and
&raw the symbol slowly sinking downwards into both alms until it is settled inside the center of each
hand. Then, gently cla your free hand onto their alms three times while mentally reeating the name of
the Usui Master !ymbol three timesC ronunciation of the Usui Master !ymbol, /&1$(K4(M$$(4%/.
&o that same visuali?ation, hand(taing, and mental symbol(name(reeating techni+ue for each of the
other three symbols as well, in this orderC Usui MentalA$motional !ymbol, Usui &istant(%ealing !ymbol,
and Usui Power !ymbol.
8fter comleting those rocedures with the erson@s hands oen alms(u in your hand, move their hands
into rayer(osition again, gently clas their hands between your hands, take a dee breath, and gently
e;hale onto the front of their body in a sweeing motion in this atternC over their hands, u their body to
the to of their forehead, down back over their hands to their solar le;us, then back to their hands.
Move their hands back to where they were holding them in front of their heart and remove your hands from
"alk around behind the erson, lace your hands on their shoulders, and move the tis of your thumbs to
the base of their skull. <isuali?e a door on the back of their head with the Usui Power !ymbol on it, and
visuali?e the door closing and locking, as you affirm mentally that the attunement is now comlete and
ermanent, and that they are now ermanently connected to the Reiki energy as a Reiki masterAteacher.
Place your hands flat on their shoulders and look down through the to of their head, while you visuali?e a
red oint of light at the base of their sine...while holding this visuali?ation, mentally affirm that the erson
)you can mentally state their name* is now a erfectly(ermanently(attuned and successful Reiki
"alk around to the front of the erson and +uietly say that the attunement is comleted and that they may
now oen their eyes. 8s they oen their eyes, bow to them and wish them eace.
Karuna R$i5i A%%un$)$n%!
Karuna I R$i5i A%%un$)$n%
)3onar, %alu, %arth, and RamaF also utili?ed are &umo )Tibetan Master*, .ire !erent, and 4M*
=. %ave sitting student lace hands in recetive mudra O rayer osition*, thumbs touching solar le;us.
6. !eal room by drawing one Tibetan Master !ymbol in the middle of the room and then drawing the Usui
Power !ymbol on all the walls, ceiling and floor. !ay a rayer asking for the comassionate action of the
8scended Masters, and Reiki guides. #all on secific guides you feel attuned with. 8sk them to be resent
and, if you feel comfortable with this, ask them to enter into you and work through you. Indicate in the
rayer that this is to be a Karuna I Reiki 8ttunement.
D. 0ehind studentC &raw .ire !erent down the back. &raw D Usui Power !ymbols at base of sine. %old
non(dominant hand at base, while dominant hand re(traces !erent u to head.
5. Using <iolet 0reath techni+ue, blow in Tibetan Master !ymbol through crown and direct it to base of
I. &raw Usui Master over head and direct it to base of skull. &o the same with the 4M symbol. Move to
the ne;t student and reeat or if only one, go to the ne;t ste.
J. .rontC 4en the students hands. &raw all seven symbols over the alms starting with the Tibetan Master
!ymbol, then the .ire !erent and 4M, then the four other symbols from level I. 8fter drawing each
symbol, say the name three times to yourself, motioning the energy into the hands with your dominate
hand. !la the hands three times.
B. #lose the students hands back into the recetive mudra. Then move the students hands u so thumbs
touch the third eye. %old the hands with your nondominate hand and draw each symbol in the same order
as above over the fingers. 8fter drawing the symbols, motion the energy into the finger tis as you say the
names to yourself three times, then ta the fingers three times. Move their hands back down so the thumbs
touch the heart.
M. 8t the crown, draw the 4M symbol and the four Karuna symbols listed above. Move to the ne;t student
and reeat or if only one, go to the ne;t ste.
>. 0ackC 8s you look into the crown chakra, think of a ositive affirmation and blow it through the crown
into the heart chakra while focusing on &ivine 7ove and comassionate action. Use an affirmation such as
/1ou are a owerful and successful Karuna Reiki Master filled with love and comassionate action./
=H. !eal the rocess by lacing the thumbs to base of skull and using the Usui Power !ymbol. Move to the
ne;t student and reeat or if only one, go to the ne;t ste.
==. .rontC Release %ui 1in, tongue and breath as a final blessing to student.
=6. 8sk students to lace their hands on their legs and contemlate the meaning of Karuna and the new
symbols. 1ou could also ask them to lace their hands on their heart or you could take each student@s hands
and lace them on the heart or legs.
Karuna II R$i5i A%%un$)$n%
),nosa, Kriya, lava, !hantiF also utili?ed are Tibetan Master, .ire !erent, and 4M*C
=. %ave sitting student lace hands in recetive mudra )rayer osition*, thumbs touching solar le;us.
6. !eal room by drawing one Tibetan Master !ymbol in the middle of the room and then drawing the Usui
Power !ymbol on all the walls, ceiling and floor. !ay a rayer asking for the comassionate action of the
8scended Masters, and Reiki guides. #all on secific guides you feel attuned with. 8sk them to be resent
and, if you feel comfortable with this, ask them to enter into you and work through you. Indicate in the
rayer that this is to be a Karuna II Reiki 8ttunement.
D. 0ehind studentC &raw .ire !erent down the back. &raw D Usui Power !ymbols at base of sine. %old
non(dominant hand at base, while dominant hand re(traces !erent u to head.
5. Using <iolet 0reath techni+ue, blow in Tibetan Master !ymbol through crown and direct it to base of
I. &raw Usui Master over head and direct it to base of skull. &o the same with the 4M symbol. Move to
the ne;t student and reeat or if only one, go to the ne;t ste.
J. .rontC 4en the students hands. &raw all seven symbols over the alms starting with the Tibetan Master
!ymbol, then the .ire !erent and 4M, then the four Karuna symbols from level II. 8fter drawing each
symbol, say the name three times to yourself, motioning the energy into the hands with your dominate
hand. !la the hands three times.
B. #lose the students hands back into the recetive mudra. Then move the students hands u so thumbs
touch the third eye. %old the hands with your nondominate hand and draw each symbol in the same order
as above over the fingers. 8fter drawing the symbol, motion the energy into the finger tis as you say the
name to yourself three times, then ta the fingers three times. Move their hands back down so the thumbs
touch the heart.
M. 8t the crown, draw the 4M symbol and the four Karuna symbols listed above. Move to the ne;t student
and reeat or if only one, go to the ne;t ste.
>. 0ackC 8s you look into the crown chakra, think of a ositive affirmation and blow it through the crown
into the heart chakra while focusing on &ivine 7ove and comassionate action. Use an affirmation such as
/1ou are a owerful and successful Karuna Reiki Master filled with love and comassionate action./
=H. !eal the rocess by lacing the thumbs to base of skull and using the Usui Power !ymbol. Move to the
ne;t student and reeat or if only one, go to the ne;t ste.
==. .rontC Release %ui 1in, tongue and breath as a final blessing to student.
=6. 8sk students to lace their hands on their legs and contemlate the meaning of Karuna and the new
symbols. 1ou could also ask them to lace their hands on their heart or you could take each student@s hands
and lace them on the heart or legs.

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