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Melanotan 2 Overview

Posted on October 6, 2013 by Maxim Peptide

Melanotan 2 is a peptide that is also referred to as Melanotan II or
MT-2. It has been shown through scientific studies to enhance the
protection against harmful ultraviolet, or UV, ras.
Melanotan 2!s Mechanics
"ccording to scientific stud, Melanotan 2 wor#s with the alpha-
melanocte stimulating hormone, otherwise #nown as $-M%&. This
hormone is produced within the pituitar gland' the pea-si(ed gland
that oversees the following endocrine sstem-related processes)
+ater regulation
,lood pressure regulation
-ain relief
Throid gland functionalit
%pecificall, Melanotan 2 wor#s with the hormones secreted b the pituitar gland #nown as melanocortins. These
hormones regulate s#in and hair pigmentation, and their secretion is referred to as melanin. The hormones are
stimulated b the e.posure to ultraviolet, or UV, ras' this e.posure causes the secretion of melanin, which then
presents on the s#in. This process is commonl referred to as melanogenesis, and its effects are twofold. /irst, the
e.pression of melanin causes the s#in!s pigment to dar#en. %econdl, it acts as a natural protective measure, as it
guards against ultraviolet ra e.posure, which in turn acts as a protective agent against several of various s#in
afflictions that could result from prolonged ultraviolet ra e.posure, including various s#in cancers.
"ccording to scientific studies, $-M%& has a brief half-life of several minutes. This means that its abilit to conduct
the process of melanogenesis is brief.
%cientific stud has determined that Melanotan 2 e.tends the half-life of $-M%&. This allows for an e.tended
process of melanogenesis and subse0uentl dar#er s#in. "ccording to tests that have been performed in a
scientific research setting, it has been determined that the peptide can enhance the tpe of stimulation that leads to
increased pigmentation without ultraviolet ra e.posure. &owever, the stimulation does increase when ultraviolet
ras are part of the scientific research process.
Skin Protection and Melanotan 2
The primar focus on scientific research in relation to Melatonan 2 has been its capabilit to potentiall draw less
e.posure to harmful UV ras. %pecificall, its stud is built around determining its effectiveness in reducing the
li#elihood of s#in cancer. "lthough the rate of stimulation increases with the presence of ultraviolet ras, scientific
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studies have demonstrated that the stimulation of malanocortins to melanin can happen without the
ultraviolet e.posure. This, in turn, has the potential to decrease the damage that could occur through UV e.posure,
including certain tpes of s#in cancer. That said, scientific studies also show that the deadliest tpe of s#in cancer 1
malignant melanoma 1 is not caused b UV ra e.posure, as most reported cases of this form of cancer has a lac#
of an ultraviolet mutation. Instead, this form of s#in cancer is primaril caused b indirect 23" damage.
"dditionall, clinical research has shown that there is a connection between Melanotan 2 and increased lipolsis,
also #nown as the brea#ing down of fat. This has led to the notion that the peptide could be related to an increase
in weight loss efficienc.
Melatonan 2s Potential Side Effects
+hile Melanotan 2!s potential benefits of protection from harmful ultraviolet ras has been researched and
determined through scientific stud, it has also been determined that there are several negative side effects lin#ed
to the peptide. These negative side effects include)
"ppearances of new moles, or hperpigmentation
/lushing of the face
%uppression of appetite
*eneral feeling of letharg
+hite s#in spots
%pontaneous effects related to libido
"ccording to scientific studies, the spontaneous effects on the libido associated with Melanotan 2 are in relation to
various scientifc findings which suggest that the peptide is lin#ed to hormonal stimulation that is related to libido.
%ome scientific studies have also determined that some of the side effects had a tendenc to wane over the
course of the stud. Other side effects, such as nausea or facial flushing, were reported to have lasted throughout
the course of the clinical trial.
For Clinical Use Only
"s of right now, the full effects of Melanotan 2 as the relate to its overall functionalit, mechanics, benefits, and
side effects are still in the phase of scientific stud. "n stud that is conducted in con5unction to the peptide!s
usage and effects should onl be conducted within the structural confines of a highl controlled area, such as a
scientific research facilit or a laborator. This is especiall noteworth when ta#ing into consideration the host of
potentiall negative side effects that have been lin#ed to the peptide through prior scientific research and stud.

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