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AMA Computer College

College of Computer Studies

Student Number Name of Students Ct!ens"p
00009150124 Mary Joy F. Olmilla Filipino
00009150125 Mark Josep !. "igno Filipino
Proposed T"ess Ttle#
$Learnng# An Intera%t&e eLearnng Soft'are for AMA Computer College
#n today$s %orld %ere te&nologi&al ad'an&ement a&ie'ed (y most
people) &omputers a'e (een relia(le e*uipment for e'eryday a&ti'ities. +it te
po%er of te #nternet) a&*uiring information and %ays of &ommuni&ation (e&ame
an ease to a&&ess. One (enefit of a'ing tese te&nologies is e,learning.
$Learnng is intera&ti'e soft%are dedi&ated for e,-earning a&ti'ities. tis
soft%are in&ludes te latest te&nologies tat are &urrently a'aila(le on e'ery
soft%are systems. $Learnng is a form of online deli'ery of learning. training and
edu&ational programs (y ele&troni& means. #t as features like/ li'e intera&tion)
'irtual %ite(oard) media presenter) do&ument streamer) &lass management and
AMA Computer College
College of Computer Studies
$Learnng as te follo%ing modules/ )deo* )oIP and C"at
Appl%aton* )$+"teboard* Meda Stream* (o%ument Manager* Class Lst
and S%"eduler,
)deo* )oIP and C"at Appl%aton - pro'ides te li'e intera&tion (et%een
te %e(&ast instru&tors and te students (y means of 'ideo) 'oi&e and &at.
"is ser'e as te main &ommuni&ation fun&tion (et%een te %e(&ast
instru&tor and te students o'er te internet. #t uses streams of 'ideo from a
%e(&am) audio 'ia 0oi&e,o'er #nternet 1roto&ol) and &at messages for
te2tual &ommuni&ation.
)$+"teboard - pro'ides an intera&ti'e %ite(oard dedi&ated for dra%ing
and presentation purposes. tis simulates te real %ite(oard of an ordinary
&lassroom. 3y using te 0,+ite(oard) you &an add te2t) dra% sapes)
arro%s or e'en do some freeand dra%ings %i& &an (e seen (y students.
Meda Stream - used for multimedia and presentation purposes to te
students %ile (eing deli'ered (y a streaming pro'ider. #t &an display 'ideo
presentation) listen to audio presentations and e'en &ontrol a 1o%er1oint
presentation ten stream to all te students %o are &urrently
&onne&ted4present on &lass session.
(o%ument Manager - pro'ides management for file do&uments 5i.e. %ord)
pdf) and any do&ument format6 tat &an (e transferred to te students online
for le&ture purposes.
AMA Computer College
College of Computer Studies
Class Lst and S%"eduler - pro'ides &lass management and s&eduling to
keep your &lass and student list organi7ed. 8sing tis feature you &an add)
edit or remo'e a &lass s&edule %i& you &an also a&ti'ate or dea&ti'ate on
a parti&ular term. 9nd in te &lass management) you &an monitor all te
students %o are present on your &lass sessions.
Reasons for t"e Stud.
Sin&e te implementation of +e(&ast on 9M9 1ara:a*ue &ampus) it did
not gi'e a signifi&ant impa&t to te students due to te la&k of intera&tion
5e2press of tougts and opinions6 and (oredom. #t;s 'ery diffi&ult to maintain
people;s attention for more tan parti&ular time. "e e*uipment &urrently used
5tele'ision and satellite dis6 as &ertain te&ni&al pro(lems 5signal disruptions6
tat o&&ur migt &ause some sort of delays tat make una(le te students to
attend teir %e(&ast sessions) or possi(ly making te students a'e no interest
at all to listen or attend te +e(&ast sessions due to diffi&ulties tat are still
"e&nology is already in te ands of uman) proper implementation of it
is needed. "e purpose of tis study is to de'elop a system tat %ill repla&e te
&urrent %e(&ast 'ie%ing on 9M9 Computer College and to pro'e tat using tis
proposed system %ill produ&e signifi&ant results to pro'ide a *uality edu&ation.
AMA Computer College
College of Computer Studies
"e proponents %ill de'elop an effe&ti'e solution so tat 9M9 Computer
College uses tis system for teir e-earning 'ie%ing. "e soft%are tat to (e
de'eloped %ill in&lude te latest te&nologies used in e,-earning
9lso) te proponents %ill gain kno%ledge a(out data &ommuni&ations and
net%orking) e,-earning prin&iples) effe&ti'e) effi&ient and ad'an&ed soft%are
de'elopment te&ni*ues tat %ill (e used to de'elop tis soft%are.
Importan%e of t"e Stud.
On a typi&al omeroom style of &ondu&ting normal &lass) lessons are
deli'ered (y te instru&tors to te students fa&e,to,fa&e) te presen&e of
intera&tion is tere %ere instru&tors and students &an e2&ange tougts and4or
opinions on te lessons or dis&ussions tey are &urrently taking. On a %e(&ast
sessions) te lessons are (road&asted 5eiter li'e or pre,re&orded6 and tere is
no intera&tion (et%een te %e(&ast instru&tors and te students. <*uipment are
also a pro(lem fa&tor) "0 is used as a medium for te students to listen on te
lessons tougt (y te %e(&ast instru&tors and an analog re&ei'er 5satellite dis6
is used to re&ei'er (road&ast signals from te =ead Offi&e for te +e(&ast
session) usually tese e*uipment does not gi'e &lear outputs and &an &ost more
on maintenan&e.
AMA Computer College
College of Computer Studies
Met"odologes to be used
Met"ods for (ata /at"erng
"e proponents %ill gater data from different &omputer (ooks) arti&les
and oter relati'e sour&e of information tat %ill elp te de'elopment of tis
soft%are) and te &oordination of 9M9 1ara:a*ue Campus staff for te
su&&essful de'elopment of te system. #nternet %ill (e also te a'aila(le sour&e
of finding relati'e data and information. Computer (ooks %ill (e used) and
arti&les posted on te #nternet %ill a'e a great ad'antage on de'eloping te
soft%are. "e proponents %ill gater sample soft%are tat %ill ser'e as a (asis of
%at it %ill going to (e de'eloped) enan&ed and added more to te proposed
>ata gatering is a &ru&ial stage of resear& and in many aspe&ts. it &an
(e te diffi&ult and time &onsuming. "e good side of it is tat it is te most
effe&ti'e %ay to ans%er all resear& *uestions tat is suited for an effe&ti'e
de'elopment of te soft%are.
"e proponents %ill &ondu&t *uestionnaires) inter'ie%s) sur'eys)
o(ser'ations) meetings) re'ie%s and ar&i'ing of important do&uments tat are
needed for de'eloping te soft%are.
AMA Computer College
College of Computer Studies
Met"ods for (e&elopment
#n de'eloping of te soft%are) te proponents %ill adopt te metods of
Agle Soft'are (e&elopment) it attempts to minimi7e risk de'eloping soft%are
in sort time (o2es &alled iterations) and it$s like a miniature soft%are pro?e&t of
its o%n) 9gile metod empasis real &ommuni&ation 'ia fa&e,to,fa&e o'er %ritten
do&ument. "e proponents %ill also do%nload or a&*uire different samples of
e2isting soft%are systems tat %ill (e te (asis of oter fun&tionalities) features
and tools tat %ill (e applied and furter enan&e.
"e tools tat %ill (e used to de'elop tis soft%are %ill elp te
proponents for an effe&ti'e de'elopment of te system on a sort period of time.
latest te&nologies %ill (e implemented for te de'elopment of te soft%are. "e
proponents %ill (e using )sual Studo 0121 as te primary tool for designing
and de'eloping te soft%are. )sual 3as%,NET %ill (e te primary programming
language to (e used to a'e an effe&ti'e program &odes tat %ill (e applied for
te soft%are to (e de'eloped. "ird,party tools %ill (e needed and integrated to
te en'ironment of 0isual Studio 2010 like ComponentOne +n4orms and
NetAd&antage +nClent tat %ill elp de'elopers design a more suita(le @8#
5@rapi&al 8ser #nterfa&e6. S5L Ser&er 0116 R0 %ill (e te (a&k,end data(ase
for te system. 9 ig spe&ifi&ation 1C %ill (e used as a dedi&ated ser'er for te
system installed %it +ndo' Ser&er 0116 R0 Enterprse Edton as te
Operating System.
AMA Computer College
College of Computer Studies
Met"ods for Testng
#n terms of soft%are testing) (elo% are te different testing pro&edures to
(e done/
7nt Testng A is a soft%are 'erifi&ation and 'alidation metod in %i& a
programmer tests if indi'idual units of sour&e &ode are fit for use. 9 unit is te
smallest testa(le part of an appli&ation. #n pro&edural programming a unit may (e
an indi'idual fun&tion or pro&edure.
Integraton Testng A is te pase in soft%are testing in %i& indi'idual
soft%are modules are &om(ined and tested as a group. #t o&&urs after unit testing
and (efore system testing. #ntegration testing takes as its input modules tat
a'e (een unit tested) groups tem in larger aggregates) applies tests defined in
an integration test plan to tose aggregates) and deli'ers as its output te
integrated system ready for system testing.
S.stem Testng A is &ondu&ted on a &omplete) integrated system to e'aluate te
system;s &omplian&e %it its spe&ified re*uirements. System testing falls %itin
te s&ope of (la&k (o2 testing) and as su&) sould re*uire no kno%ledge of te
inner design of te &ode or logi&.
"e proposed soft%are %ill undergo se'eral tests to identify error in
&oding) pre'ent and redu&e soft%are defe&ts and redu&e te risk of system
AMA Computer College
College of Computer Studies
failures. #t %ill (e tested on an en'ironment %it a good &ondition of ard%are)
operating system) internet &onne&tion) and determine o% far te system &an
rea&. 1ilot testing of te proposed system %ill (e &ondu&ted on 9M9 1ara:a*ue
Campus &omputer la(oratory.
Met"ods for Implementaton
"e soft%are to (e implemented %ill undergo a series of demonstrations)
&ompletion) re'ie% of re*uirements) &onfiguration *uestionnaires) identifi&ation of
key &lient do&umentation) and as %ell as &onsultation on possi(le pro&ess re,
engineering needs. 9 user manual %ill (e pro'ided to kno% te (asi& operations
of te soft%are and training days %ill (e pro'ided for te users of te soft%are.
"e soft%are installer %ill (e distri(uted troug opti&al media 5mostly on C>s6 or
it &an (e do%nloaded from a dedi&ated %e(site.
"e soft%are system is &omposed of tree &omponents/ te ser&er) te
nstru%tor and te student su(system. "e ser&er soft%are pro'ides ser'i&es
for streaming 0ideo) 0o#1 and Cat) as %ell as for te syn&roni7ation of te 0,
%ite(oard) te media streamer and te data(ase. "e ser'er is installed on a
single dedi&ated ser'er 1C %it minimum re*uirements tat is enoug to run te
ser'i&es. "e nstru%tor soft%are is used for te %e(&ast instru&tor to &on'ey
teir lesson) it transmits te 0ideo) 0o#1) Cat) 0,+ite(oard and media
streamer to te students 1C installed %it te student &lient soft%are. "e
nstru%tor soft%are &an (e installed to any 1C %it minimum re*uirements. "e
AMA Computer College
College of Computer Studies
student &lient soft%are as te same &omponents of te nstru%tor soft%are. it
re&ei'es te feeds from and at te same time transmits (a&k. "e student &lient
soft%are &an (e installed to any 1C %it minimum re*uirements.
Possble 3enef%ares
"e possi(le (enefi&iary of our proposal is te 9M9 Computer College
1ara:a*ue Campus for teir %e(&ast system. #f te soft%are system (e&omes a
su&&ess) it &an (e applied to te oter 9M9CC (ran&es in te 1ilippines. 9nd
also for te future resear&ers and proponents %o %ill &ondu&t) enan&e or
e2tend furter tis proposed system.
AMA Computer College
College of Computer Studies
Name of t"e Proponents / Olmlla* Mar. Jo. 4,
Tgno* Mar8 Josep" R,
Ttle / 9$Learnng# An Intera%t&e eLearnng
Soft'are for AMA Computer College:

Mr, Mar8 Josep" R, Tgno
#" Capstone4"esis 9d'iser

Ms, ;ara Angel%a /, Ma<aras Mr, M%"ael An<elo O, Mguel
Committee Mem(er Committee Mem(er
Ms, Abegal Ordan!a
Committee Mem(er
Ms, Mar. Rose 3, Martne!

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