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SWRB Social Work Practice Competencies

Student Self Evaluation Table of Social Work Practice Theory & Skills.
No SW Practice Standards
Level of Skill Rationale
Consider the theories and models of practice that you have based your rationale
1 2 3 4 5
1. Competence to practise social work with
x As a Maori practitioner I understand the
importance of Te Reo me on Tikanga practises
that assist in enhancing the engagement
process in a respectful and culturally appropriate
manner. Demonstration of the 3 rinciples
recognised in The Treaty of !aitangi
ackno"ledging that articipation from both
parties is necessary to reduce re#o$ending in
order to create safer communities.
2. Competence to practise with different
ethnic and cultural !roups in "otearoa
#ew $ealand.
x %pportunity to practise "ith di$erent ethnic &
cultural groups "hile being on my practicum
"ith the Department of Corrections robation
'ervice situated in the heart of Mangere.
(ngaging in a manner that is culturally
appropriate and respectful for e)ample at home
visits often "ith other family members including
individual intervie"s at the o*ce.
3. Competence to promote the
principles of human ri!hts and social
x !orking from a motivational approach has
guided me to understand others+ identifying
strengths and opportunities to encourage the
o$ender to focus on achieving their sentence
strengthening their con,dence to move for"ard.
-ocusing on the positive creating an
understanding and respectful environment.
4. Competence to promote social
x It is evident "ithin the Corrections ,eld that
some "hanau . o$enders feel discriminated
"hen it comes to applying for /obs or housing for
their families. As a social "orker it is part of my
role to assist in achieving successful outcomes
"here "hanau are treated e0ual and fairly.
5. Competence to promote
empowerment and liberation of
x I posses the ability to respect and uphold the
human rights of a person regardless of the
persons age+ religious beliefs+ culture+ gender+
family and economic status. The 1uman Rights
Act 2333 protects people in 4e" 5ealand from
being treated unfairly or less favourably than
another person. (veryone person in 4e"
5ealand is entitled to be treated "ith respect.
6. Competence to utilise social work
practice approaches.
x I have had the opportunity to meet "ith "hanau
at family group conferences+ home visits+
meetings "ith the probation o*cers and
intervie"s "ith individual clients. Maintaining
accurate and current records.
7. Competence to utilise theories of
human behaviour and social systems.
X Doing my practicum for the Department of
Corrections there are frame"orks and policies
that guide practice such as the mandatory
standards. I "as able to complete the Dip
sample task by using these mandatory
standards for Intensive 'upervision and
'upervision "hile on practicum.
8. Competence to promote problem&solvin!
in human relationships.
x There are speci,c practise tools that are
available and very useful to use as practitioners
to engage and promote self determination "ith
9. Competence to use systems of
accountability in place for their work.
x Through observation I have seen transparency
being used as a "ay of keeping oneself
accountable to their "ork and also to their team.
I have also adopted this tool to sho"
accountability for my o"n "ork and
responsibilities i.e feed back & feed for"ard.
10. Adherence to professional social
"ork ethics.
x aying attention to the Code of (thics of
A45A'! guides me to"ards professional social
"ork practise. (nsuring my practise is ethical
and meets the responsibilities to my clients+
colleagues+ agencies & organisations including
my o"n responsibility to myself acting in an
integral manner at all times.
6evel 2 7 Beginning Level 2 - Introductory Level 3 - Intermediate Level 4 - Advanced Level 5 # rofessional
!"SW 10 Practice Stan#ar#s
No SW Practice Standards
Level of Skill Rationale
Consider the theories and models of practice that you have based your rationale
1 2 3 4 5
The social worker adheres to the Code of
Ethics and the ob%ects of "#$"SW.
(nsuring that my social "ork approach encompasses
the three guiding principles artnership+ rotection &
articipation in ackno"ledgment of Te Tiriti o
!aitangi and The Treaty of !aitangi.
The social worker demonstrates a commitment
to practisin! social work in accordance with the
'icultural Code of Practice and an
understandin! of the principles of the Treaty of
I had opportunity to "ork alongside people from
di$erent ethnicities+ backgrounds+ religions+ cultures+
genders and age groups. I embraced these
opportunities as it allo"ed me to see the person 8as a
person9 and not as an 8o$ender9. romoting e0uality
and respect for the individual.
The social worker establishes an appropriate
and purposeful workin! relationship with
clients takin! into account individual
differences and the cultural and social conte(t
of the clients situation
Creating a safe and respectful space for e$ective
engagement helped to build trust allo"ing the client
to open up and talk about their current situation.s.
ositive engagement lead to good information
gathering and case noting.

The social "orker acts to secure the
clients participation in the "orking
The clients "ere al"ays given the opportunity to ask
0uestions or clarify "hat "as happening. Motivating
the client to"ards self#determination and
The social worker)s practice assists the client
to !ain control over their own circumstances.
!orking from a motivational approach gave the
clients opportunity to think and re:ect and make "ell
informed decisions "ith regards to the clients
situation.s. Monitoring the clients plan and
encouraging compliance.
! *n workin! with clients+ the social worker uses
her,his personal attributes appropriately.
Al"ays greeting the client "ith a calm smile and
friendly "elcome and sho"ing empathy "hen
The social worker has knowled!e about social
work methods+ social policies+ social services+
resources and opportunities and acts to
ensure access for clients.
The induction process is "here the use of other social
services are identi,ed. There is an agreement from
both parties for the process to begin and the
appropriate actions are started by "ay of referral.
The social worker only works where systems
of accountability are in place in respect of the
a!ency+ clients and the social work profession.
art of meeting special conditions of the client9s
sentence is to report to probation "ithin ;< hours of
sentencing. I "as a part of conducting this process
alongside my e)perienced colleague. I also carried
out instruction to report "hich also involves meeting
special conditions from a legal perspective regarding
the client and mandatory standards for the
The social worker constantly works to make
the or!anisations and systems+ which are part
of the social work effort+ responsive to needs
of those who use them.
-ollo"ing the correct procedures "hen conducting an
introduction to report+ ensuring the client is given the
correct information and paper "ork to maintain
sentence compliance.
The social "orker uses professional
standards to in:uence and reinforce
competent practice.
Information gathering and proper record keeping by
ensuring the mandatory standards "ere met "hen
entering case notes. This "as also reinforced "hen
ensuring to complete the mandatory screens "ithin
the Departments I%M' computer system.
6evel 2 7 Beginning Level 2 - Introductory Level 3 - Intermediate Level 4 - Advanced Level 5 - rofessional

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