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3 1 2 4.5
PROCESS CAPABILITY AND TOLERANCES: Geometric tolerances: applications, geometric tolerancing for manufacture as per
Indian Standards and ASME Y 14.5 standard, surface finish, reie! of relationship "et!een attaina"le tolerance grades and
different machining processes. #rocess capa"ilit$, mean, process capa"ilit$ metrics, %p, %p&, cost aspects. 'olerances: (imits and
)its, tolerance %hains and identification of functionall$ important dimensions, Statistical tolerance indication in mechanical dra!ings
population parameter *one in the +, , plane defined using %p, %p&.
TOLERANCE STACK UP ANALYSIS: /imensional chain anal$sis0e1uialent tolerances method, e1uialent standard tolerance
grade method, e1uialent influence method.
SELECTIVE ASSEMBLY: Interchangea"le part manufacture and selectie assem"l$. /eciding the num"er of groups0 Model0I:
Group tolerances of mating parts e1ual3 Model0II: total and group tolerances of shaft e1ual. %ontrol of a4ial pla$ 0 introducing
secondar$ machining operations, laminated shims, selectie assem"l$, e4amples.

DATUM SYSTEMS AND FIXTURE DESIGN: /egrees of freedom, grouped datum s$stems 0 different t$pes, t!o and three mutuall$
perpendicular grouped datum planes3 Grouped datum s$stem !ith spigot and recess, pin and hole3 Grouped datum s$stem !ith
spigot and recess pair and tongue 0 slot pair 0 computation of translational and rotational accurac$, geometric anal$sis and
TRUE POSITION THEORY: %omparison "et!een co0ordinate and conention method of feature location, tolerancing and true
position tolerancing, irtual si*e concept, floating and fi4ed fasteners, pro6ected tolerance *one, *ero true position tolerance,
compound assem"l$.
FUNCTIONAL INSPECTION TECHNIUES: )unctional inspection techni1ues using %MM, optical comparators and paper la$out
gauging, gauge repeata"ilit$ and reproduci"ilit$ -G7 8 7. calculations.
FORM DESIGN OF CASTINGS! "ELDMENTS AND SHEET METAL COMPONENTS: 7edesign of castings "ased on parting line
considerations, minimising core re1uirements, redesigning cast mem"ers using !eldments, form design aspects of sheet metal
TOLERANCE CHARTING TECHNIUE: :peration se1uence for t$pical shaft t$pe of components. #reparation of process dra!ings
for different operations, tolerance !or&sheets and centralit$ anal$sis, e4amples.
REDESIGN FOR MANUFACTURE: /esign features to facilitate machining: datum features 0 functional and manufacturing.
%omponent design 0 machining considerations, redesign for manufacture, e4amples.
DESIGN FOR THE ENVIRONMENT: Introduction0enironmental o"6ecties0glo"al issues0regional and local issues0"asic /)E
methods0design guidelines0e4ample application.
DFMA TOOLS: 7ules and methodologies used to design components for manual, automatic and fle4i"le assem"l$, traditional
design and manufacture <s concurrent engineering, /)A inde4, po&a0$o&e, lean principles, si4 sigma concepts, /)MA as the tool
for concurrent engineering, three /)MA criteria for retaining components for redesign of a product3 design for manual assem"l$3
design for automatic assem"l$3 computer0aided design for assem"l$ using soft!are. -Self stud$.

T#$%& 45
1. #rocess %apa"ilit$ stud$ of shaft manufacturing = %alculation of and
9. 'olerance stac& up anal$sis on a mechanical assem"l$ = Estimation of critical dimension in a pump assem"l$ using sure fit la! and normal la!.
2. %ontrol of radial pla$ in an assem"l$ of "ush and pin using the principles of Selectie Assem"l$ = Grouping of "ushes and pins.
4. %ontrol of a4ial pla$ in a mechanical assem"l$ using the principles of Selectie Assem"l$ = Grouping of gaps and !ashers, choosing the right
!asher for a gien assem"l$.
5. E4perimental determination of location accuracies of a datum s$stem and comparing !ith the theoretical results.
5. E4periment using )loating and )i4ed fastener assem"lies.
;. Inspection of components using plug, ring and functional gauges.
>. #reparation of :peration Se1uence of engineering components li&e shafts and Identification of functional and manufacturing datum on them.
?. %entralit$ anal$sis on a prismatic component using <ernier %alipers
1. @arr$ #ec&, A/esigning for ManufactureA, #itman #u"lications, 1?>2.
9. Matouse&, AEngineering /esign 0 A S$stematic ApproachA, Blac&ie and Son (td., (ondon, 1?;4.
2. Spotts M ), A/imensioning and 'olerance for Cuantit$ #roductionA, #rentice @all Inc., 1?>2.
4. :lier 7 Dade, A'olerance %ontrol in /esign and ManufacturingA Industrial #ress Inc., Ee! Yor&, 1?5;.
5. Boothro$d G, /e!hurst # and Fnight D, G#roduct /esign for Manufacture and Assem"l$H, Marcell /e&&er.
5. #o&e 0 Yo&e, AImproing #roduct Cualit$ "$ #reenting /efectsA, #roductiit$ #ress, 1??9.
;. #oli %, G/esign for Manufacturing: A Structured ApproachH, Butter!orth @einemann.
>. Graedel ', Allen "$ B, G/esign for the Enironment Angle Dood %liffH, #rentice @all, 7eason #u"lications, 1??5.

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