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New Avatar Power Ritual (Point A)

a) In the same chair, same spot, same time - fall into trance. Go into deep
relaxation mode like youve practiced. Take heavy breathes, in and out.
b) Quietly read the folloin! ords aloud, listenin! to hat youre sayin!. "ause
and focus and vibrate sacred names and ords of poer. #ou should also try
to visuali$e.
i. I am beginning the New Avatar Power Ritual. I call on the Inner Planes
to witness. I state my purpose thus: ANKAR YOD HAY VAW HAY.
ii. I begin to wind down, to let go and be rid o all the tensions o my body.
!o let my muscles rela", unwind and let go. !he tensions are beginning
to drain rom my body. #oon, a gradual heaviness will start to weight
down my thighs, my arms, my hands, my eet, my legs, my body. $y
muscles unwind and let go. All my muscles are rela"ing, unwinding and
iii. %ery soon, I shall eel the unwinding, the letting go. &nwinding and
letting go. &nwinding, letting go. &nwinding. 'etting go. (eeper and
deeper.....letting go....unwinding and letting go. !he tensions drain rom
my muscles and they will soon become loose, letting go, rela"ing and
unwinding. Noises round about me will drit into the bac)ground. I shall
eel the rela"ing, the letting go, the unwinding.
iv. *reathing easily and deeply. +asily and deeply. &nwinding and letting
go....driting into the peace and serenity o complete rela"ation. And as
my body unwinds and rela"es, so I enter the peace and ,uiet, where
only these words have meaning, and nothing else disturbs me.
v. 'etting go...unwinding....letting
go....unwinding....rela"....rela"...rela"....let go...let go....let
go...rela"....rela"....rela"...let go...let go...let go.
vi. I call on Thee !i"ht# Ar$el (AR%&'A(%) who )tan*) in the %a)t
to a))i)t +e in thi) an* all o, +# venture). I -now now that +#
New Avatar Power i) .oo*in" to the )ur,ace./ (01) I now clo)e
+# e#e) "entl#./
c) %it &uietly for about to minutes and let your mind ander. I personally, still
try to visuali$e as ell as remain relaxed yet focused. 'rom this point on,
youll alays be!in here hen performin! ma!ical orkin!s.
II. 2ncro))in" Ritual to 3ani)h %vil In.uence) 4ro+ An# 5ource (DO THI5
4IR5T OR 5%6OND 5T%P)
a) %tand up ith your feet to!ether. (lose your eyes. )ith your left hand at
your side, raise your ri!ht hand above your head, pointin! to the ceilin! ith
your *rst and second *n!ers. +eep those to *n!ers to!ether and curl your
thumb and your third and fourth *n!ers into the palm of your hand.
b) Say the word of Power: AH-TAY. )ithout alterin! the posture of your
*n!ers, brin! your ri!ht hand and arm strai!ht don in front of your body
and point at the ,oor beteen your feet.
c) Say the word of Power: MALL-COOT. -ift your ri!ht arm, bendin! it at the
elbo and point your to *n!ers at your ri!ht shoulder.
d) Say: YAY-GAY-VOO-RAH. .ove your ri!ht hand across your body and point
at your left shoulder.
e) Say: VAY-GAY-DOO-LAH. (lasp both hands infront of your chest.
!) Then in *rm voice/ In the Na+e that i) a7ove ever# other Na+e I
7ani)h ,ro+ thi) 8lace all )ee*) o, evil I 7in* the+ a) with chain)
an* ca)t the+ into the Outer Dar-ne)) where the# )hall trou7le not
the 5ee-er) o, Truth./
h) 0o repeat the !estures and )ords of "oer 1ust !iven 23x). %it don and
continue ith your ma!ical business.
III. Titanic New Avatar Power Ritual) (6entral Pillar Ritual)
a) Ritual 4or O8enin" New Avatar Power 9ate) (6ontrol Pillar Ritual:)
i. #ou can either sit don in your comfortable chair or actually lay don
this time around. 4fter you reach "oint 4, start to open the %pirit Gate
hich is above your head.
ii. "retend that a sparklin! hite balloon is hoverin! 1ust above your scalp.
Id like to visuali$e it similar to the li!ht %ookie uses on True 5lood, only
ith spirit elements. (racklin! electricity and mist comin! from the
sphere. 4s you think about the ball, pretend a li!ht has opened inside.
%ay the 4ir)t wor* o, Power - EH-HEH-YEH 23 t!e"# visuali$in! the
ball of li!ht !ro into your mind and expand.
iii. 0o, a round hite shaft of li!ht about 3 inches thick moves out from
the ball into your skull until it reaches your throat, the 4ir Gate. "retend
a !lobe of li!ht ith air elements is !roin! in your throat, spreadin! out
of your neck until it expands from neck, eyes and 1a and then your
head. %ay the 5econ* wor* o, 8ower 6YEH-HO-VO-EL-OH-HEEM. 3$
iv. 0o the li!ht shaft enters the 'ire Gate in the chest. "icture a brilliant
hite orb of li!ht 2Ill visuali$e it ith *re elements) expandin! from your
chest, and extendin! from the back. Thir* Wor* o, Power; 6 YEH-HO-
VO-EL-OH-VE-DAH-AS7 2%e rhymes with pay, dah rhymes with ar
-british accent. and as rhymes with pass) 3%
v. The shaft of li!ht is no thrustin! don to the )ater Gate located in the
!enitals. "icture a !lobe of li!ht ith atery elements expandin! throu!h
the body as you say the 4ourth Arcane Wor* o, Power; SHAD-A&-
EL-'A&/ 2#hai rhymes with had, Ai is +ye, +l is ' and /ai rhymes with
high) 3%
vi. (omplete the ritual as the shaft of li!ht thrusts beteen your le!s,
toards the feet here the last ball of li!ht, the 8arth Gate expands. %ay
the 4i,th Arcane Wor* o, Power; AH-DOH-NA&-HA-AH-RET(7 -(oh
is li)e doe a dear, Nai rhymes with #)y, Ret0 rhyme with *ets) 3%
b) New A)atar Power Cr*+,ato- Rt+a,
i. 4s you lie or sit, fully char!ed ith 04", send your 04" streamin! out to
do your biddin!.
ii. 5rin! your attention to the #pirit 1ate, the !lobe of hite li!ht atop your
head. "retend that li!ht turns to a li&uid stream and be!ins to ,o don
the left side of your body, paintin! your entire left side -shoulder, arm,
hip, leg and oot. ith hite brilliance. 4s you ima!ine this don ,o,
breathe out at your normal, relaxed speed.
iii. )hen the stream reaches the ball of li!ht correspondin! to Earth Gate,
be!in to breathe in sloly and pretend the stream of li!ht is runnin! up
the ri!ht side of your body, no paintin! your entire ri!ht side -leg, hip,
arm and shoulder. ith sparklin! brilliance, back to the %pirit Gate.
iv. "erform this ima!inary circulation, don on the left and up on the ri!ht
as you take .&VE more deep and easy breathes.
v. 0o, add a second ,o. In time, ith an out!oin! breath, pretend the
li!ht from the S/rt Gate is ,oin! don the front of your body,
bathin! your face, chest, stomach, thi!hs, le!s and feet in brilliance.
vi. 4s it reaches the Earth Gate0 inhale and ima!ine the ,o seepin!
under your foot and up the back of your body, calves, buttocks, back and
shoulders and neck, bathin! in brilliant li!ht.
vii. 9epeat this .&VE more times, breathin! in rhythm ith the don and up
motion of this ima!inary aterfall of li!ht. This is the circulation stream
of 04".
c) New A)atar Power .o+-ta- Rt+a,
i. 4fter takin! :; breathes in all and ima!inin! the circulation of your 04",
think about the 8arth Gate ball of li!ht at you feet. 9ecall the shaft of
li!ht that as thrusted don the other !ates.
ii. Ima!ine the %pirit Gate has turned into a poerful suction hich is
suckin! the hite li!ht from the 8arth Gate, up the center shaft. Inhale
as the li!ht rises up.
iii. Then pretend the li!ht bursts out of the top of the %pirit Gate like a
brilliant fountain. 8xhale and visuali$e li!ht shoerin! all over you from
the %pirit Gate.
iv. Take < more deep breathes, suckin! the li!ht up the shaft and then
ima!inin! it cascadin! don your body like a aterfall, only to be
reabsorbed by the ball of li!ht at your feet.
v. #oull feel a !reat calmness as your 04" makes itself knon. Its also no
the moment to heal any part of your body that needs mendin!. If a
physical disorder has been troublin! you, think about the part of your
body that is sick. If your normal mental patterns arent focused, direct
attention inside your head. Think about the point beteen your bro.
d) &-)o1e 2or-,e"" O-e
i. This invocation is to stren!then the fountain of your ne avatar poer.
<. Thee I invo-e The 3ornle)) One. Thou art !an +a*e
8er,ect who+ no +an ha) )een at an# ti+e. Thi) i) He who+
the win*) ,ear. Hear +e an* +a-e all )u7=ect unto +e )o
that ever# )8ell an* )cour"e o, the Va)t One )hall 7e +a*e
o7e*ient to +e./
>. I a+ He the 3ornle)) 58irit )tron" o, i++ortal ?re. I a+
He the Truth that li"hteneth an* thun*ereth. I a+ He
who)e +outh ever .a+eth. I a+ He the 7e"etter an*
+ani,e)ter unto the (i"ht./ (I@+ "oin" to re8eat thi) 0A)
ii. These ords have a mystic poer of their on. They are a true
Invocation to =idden %piritual 5ein!s, and they have been used by
poerful adepts for centuries. 5y sayin! the ords, you are attunin!
yourself ith the poer of those adepts, and the still !reater poer of
the 5ein!s.
iii. 0o you can proceed to miracle-orkin! or spells.
I>. Incantations?(entral "illar 9ituals
a) Glance throu!h the list of incantations or planetary sub1ects, searchin! for
hat you desire. )rite your desire in a fe ords, then make note of the
name of the appropriate planet and color youre !oin! to use. -astly, rite
the 0ame of the .ystic 5ein! ho controls that planet.
b) @r do the Incantation spells at the be!innin! of the book ord for ord. 5oth
processes should include relaxation, visuali$ation, and ill.
>. %hatterin! 0e 4vatar "oer 4ttractin! and 5anishin! 9itual
a) "erform the hole of the (entral "illar 9itual. In your ima!ination, youre
bathed in hite li!ht. 0o pretend that the hite li!ht is chan!in! to the
planetary color that you have selected for your miracle. 4t the same time,
repeat the 0ame of the .ystic 5ein! three times aloud 2vibrate the name
b) #ou are no focusin! the "oers of the Aniverse to brin! your desire hich
you have ritten don into startlin! reality. Becide on hen to perform this
ritual and perform it every day or ni!ht at that time.
c) @n avera!e, your miracles ill occur ithin seven days of the startin! 9itual.
%ome, hoever, ill occur almost instantaneously hile others may take
>I. Bee-=ay-Thooth 8vocation
a) !his evocation puts the seal o total success on all your New Avatar Power
+ndeavors. Anything you eel li)e putting a triumphant emphasis on a ritual
or you wish to ma)e absolutely certain a piece o NAP wor) is totally
successul, perorm this brea) +vocation. It2s designed to connect you and
your NAP directly to the most awesome power in the &niverse and it will add
that 3nal 3llip o orce and direction to your e4orts. 5ou can perorm this
anywhere when you2re alone, at any time.
b) %tand up ith your feet to!ether and your hands han!in! limply at your side.
(lose your eyes.
c) 9aise the hand you use for ritin! ith the *n!ers you held in the Ancrossin!
9itual to 5anish 8vil in,uences 2*rst to *n!ers out, the rest tucked into your
d) 9each up and forard ith your arm strai!ht as if you ere tryin! to touch a
book on the hi!hest book shelf.
e) 5rin! your hand vertically donard until your arm is level, then hori$ontally
seep across your body until your hand is opposite your other shoulder.
f) 4s you make that !esture, don and alon!, 7reathe out an* )a# 6DEE-
!) 0o sin! your hand dia!onally upard so that its back up at the hi!h point
you be!an. 4s you make this upard slant !esture, breathe in. 'rom hat it
describes and from hat the picture shos, you 1ust made a ri!ht CD de!ree
h) 0o pretend someone is standin! infront of you, facin! you, atleast a foot
taller. %in! your arm across your body until you are pointin! at his ri!ht ear.
i) .ake a A shaped !esture in the air, as if you ere movin! your hand and
*n!ers from the ear of that person ho is facin! you, don around the 1a
line, under his chin and back to his left ear.
1) 4s you make the A shape, breathe out, sayin! 6THOO7 2rhymes ith %ue,
ith bad lisp)
k) 0o, move your *n!ers across until they point beteen your visitors eyes.
%in! your hand ri!ht don to aist level, still breathin! out and prolon!in!
the 6OO7 sound of T=@@.
l) The who,e draw- o+t word a" yo+ !a1e the f+,, 3e"t+re ":
45reath-3 o+t# 6DEE-HAY7 45reathe -#45reathe o+t# 6THOO-OO-
m) 9eturn your hand to your side and feel your 04" tin!lin! in your le!s and
hands, armin! your stomach inside.
n) 4fter you practice this a fe times, and found the sin! of it, you ill *nd it
e&ually eEective if you merely ima!ine you are makin! the !estures, hile
you say the )ord aloud.
o) I need a fuckin! picture
V&&. Co!e 2a*1
a) 9eturn from the ritual sloly and peacefully.
b) In your mind say 6(omin! back....I am comin! back, sloly and peacefully. 4s
I count sloly from one to *ve, I shall return to the real orld, feelin! ell,
happy and alert, fully aake and recallin! everythin! that has !one on.7
c) Then count sloly from : to < and feel yourself drift back to the reality of
your room.

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