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# pulvinar attention paper citing Petersen1987 ==

@petersen1987 the original paper has two major results: one group of Pdm cells t
hat fire during and after saccade, and another group that is related to spatial
attention (withdrawal).
1. The subcortical anatomy of human spatial neglect: putamen, caudate nucleu
s and pulvinar, 2002: contralesional spatial neglect in 7 patients with thalamic
lesion is localized to putamen, caudate and pulvinar. There is a ventral area a
nd a lateral area in pulvinar that has no or slightly negative effect on spatial
1. @wilke2009, cells in both dorsal and inferior pulvinar reflect subject pe
rception of ambiguous visual stimulation (surround suppression vs. target actual
ly disappeared) (Neural activity in the visual thalamus reflects perceptual supp
1. @smith2009, in human, visual stimulus increases pulvinar activity by 2-3
times in the two maps of contralateral pulvinar, and occasionally somewhere high
er that may be PLd. Endogenous attention increases the maps' activity further by
20% (Dissociating Vision and Visual Attention in the Human Pulvinar)
1. @wilke2010 Pulvinar Inactivation Disrupts Selection of Movement Plans, 20
10 (Wilke, Mishikin, Leopold): unilateral dorsal pulvinar inactivation (muscimol
or THIP), caused contralesional neglect, bias in saccade target choice, and imp
aired contralesional visually guided reaching (error increased for either contra
lesional target or contralesional hand).
1. Spatially Distributed Encoding of Covert Attentional Shifts in Human Thal
amus, 2010 (Shipp): fMRI study in human, showed spatial differentiation of activ
ation in medial PM caused by top-down attention. There is no obvious bias for pu
lvinar to represent attention to contralateral target
1. Saalmann2012 showed that pulvinar is connected to V4 and TEO using DTI. T
hey showed that pulvinar cells fired more when attended target's in RF, and pulv
inar spikes are correlated with V4 and TEO LFP with a lead.
2. Influences of lesions of parietal cortex on visual spatial attention in h
umans, 1989: parietal cortex lesion showed the opposite effect of Pdm (as report
ed in petersen1987) with invalid cues
2. Atypical Pulvinar-Cortical Pathways During Sustained Attention Performanc
e in Children With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, 2012: subjects with
ADHD showed significantly reduced pulvinar activations bilaterally, significant
ly decreased functional connectivity between bilateral pulvinar and right prefro
ntal regions, and significantly increased connectivity between the right pulvina
r and bilateral occipital regions. In addition, the activation magnitude in the
left pulvinar was negatively correlated with the DSM-IV inattentive index in ADH
D group
2. The role of the pulvinar in resolving competition between memory and visu
al selection: A functional connectivity study, 2011: pulvinar activity increases
when the target is held in memory, and decreases when a distractor is held in m
emory. This study showed that when a distractor is held in memory there is incre
ased correlation between pulvinar and ipsilateral superior frontal gyrus, contra
lateral temporal-parietal junction and calcarine sulcus. Pulvinar suppresses tar
get when a distractor is held in memory.
2. Two streams of attention-dependent beta activity in the striate recipient
zone of cat's lateral posterior-pulvinar complex, 2007: enhanced beta activity
is recorded in successful delayed selection trials in cat caudal LP-pulvinar. Th
e activity is correlated with that in area 17 and 18.
2. The thalamus interrupts top-down attentional control for permitting explo
ratory shiftings to sensory signals, 2001: 3 patients with thalamic lesion invol
ving pulvinar, one of which had lesion restricted in PL (I think), showed longer
response time in a test where subjects had to break from an exogenous stimulus
to see the target.
2. Activation of visuomotor systems during visually guided movements: A func
tional MRI study, 1998: in Human. areas activated by visually guided motor task
but not visually guided oculomotor or non-guided motor task involved pulvinar, c
audate and putamen.
2. The lateral posterior-pulvinar complex modulation of stimulus-dependent o
scillations in the cat visual cortex, 1996(Molotchnikoff and Shumikhina): blocki
ng cat LP-pulvinar decreased the strength of oscillation in area 17 and 18 cells
whose visual response was changed by blocking, but oscillation frequency was no
t changed.
2. Single neurons with both form/color differential responses and saccade-re
lated responses in the nonretinotopic pulvinar of the behaving macaque monkey, B
enevento1995: some cells on PL/PM border showed color and shape selectivity, and
these cells showed attenuation when the trials are interleaved with distracting
2. Attention and memory trials during neuronal recording from the primate pu
lvinar and posterior parietal cortex (area PG), 1995: 10% of Macaca fascicularis
pulvinar and area PG cells showed response to a delayed match-to-sample task. T
heir response are not correlated with visual stimuli, or with saccades, or with
memory or expectation. The author interpret that as attentional response.
2. Top-down and bottom-up attention-to-memory: Mapping functional connectivi
ty in two distinct networks that underlie cued and uncued recognition memory, 20
12: the dorsal parietal cortex, supposedly involved in top-down attention, as co
ntrasted to the ventral parietal cortex, is functionally connected (correlated)
with a bunch of areas including left pulvinar
3. Deficits in human visual spatial attention following thalamic lesions, 19
87: unilateral lesion in pulvinar increases response time for contralesional tar
gets regardless of cue position.
3. Neural responses to salient visual stimuli, 1997: when salience of faces
were supposedly increased by aversive conditioning, right pulvinar and right Are
a 10 showed increased response to the faces. The effect was more prominent with
happy face than fearful face. Honestly I don't know what this result even means.

3. Choice reaction time performance correlates with diffusion anisotropy in
white matter pathways supporting visuospatial attention, 2004: diffusion tensor
fractional anisotropy (FA), a measure of the orientational coherence of water se
lf-diffusion, on pulvinar/LGN border is correlated with reaction time fluctuatio
3. Dissociating top-down attentional control from selective perception and a
ction, 2001: human fMRI study. Increased activity in right pulvinar appeared wit
h increase in attentional load (symbol discrimination vs. luminance discriminati
on) , but not in the spatial differential result (attend to left vs. attend to r
3. Nicotinic Receptor Gene CHRNA4 Interacts with Processing Load in Attentio
n, 2010: CHRNA4 homozygous performed better at high load discrimination task. CH
RNA4 is expressed in anterior and dorsal thalamus as well as __pulvinar__. CHRNA
4 is heavily expressed in the lateral half of LGN, just like synapsin II.
3. @fischer2009, first to report that unilateral visual stimuli activate hum
an pulvinar, and human pulvinar has precise retinotopy
3. The human pulvinar and stimulus-driven attentional control, 2005: A bilat
eral pulvinar lesion patient responded faster to color change of target than the
addition of a new target. A unilateral lesion patient showed similar trait with
motion onset. Both patients showed faster response to feature change compared t
o control and a dorsal-medial nucleus lesion patient.
3. Neural Correlates of Change Detection and Change Blindness in a Working M
emory Task, 2004(Pessoa and Ungerleider): pulvinar is involved a network activat
ed by a memory change-detection test.
3. Functional anatomy of intrinsic alertness: evidence for a fronto-parietal
-thalamic-brainstem network in the right hemisphere, 1999: alertness is correlat
ed with a network whose thalamic component is the pulvinar and the reticular nuc
3. Attending to the thalamus: inhibition of return and nasal-temporal asymme
try in the pulvinar, 2002: Inhibition of Return was eliminated by unilateral SC
lesion but not unilateral pulvinar lesion. Pulvinar lesion increases response ti
me in the contralesional field, however.
3. Attentional Control of Visual Perception: Cortical and Subcortical Mechan
isms: unilateral pulvinar block (muscimol) significantly increases response time
for contralesional targets in color/form discrimination.
Vandy subscription starts 1994 and this paper doesn't have an abstract.
3. Spatio-temporal indications of sub-cortical involvement in leftward bias
of spatial attention, 2011: the leftward bias in spatial attention appears alrea
dy at pulvinar level. There is stronger correlation between left and right pulvi
nar with the right pulvinar having a lead. There is stronger pulvinar-IPS correl
ation in the right hemisphere.

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