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The Piggyback Balance

Experiment: An
Illustration of
Archimedes Principle
and Newtons Third Law
29.1 Introduction
Originating with Archimedes in the third century B.C., Archimedes principle has been in the literature
and is well known. It is often succinctly expressed by saying that solids will be lighter in uid by the
weight of the uid displaced. What has been described is the principle of buoyancy. The Harper Ency-
clopedia of Science
has a concise explanation of buoyancy:
The principle of buoyancy has its origin in the law of uid pressure, which says that pressure varies
directly with depth. Thus the upward pressure on the bottom of a submerged solid (assumed rectan-
gular for the sake of simplicity) is greater than the downward pressure on the upper face. The net
upward, or buoyant, force is equal to the difference in weight between two uid columns whose bases
are the upper and lower faces of the solid. Hence the buoyant force is equal to the weight of the portion
of uid displaced by the solid. For a oating body, the buoyant force also equals the weight of the
oating body itself. If a body is denser than the uid in which it is submerged, buoyancy proves
insufcient to support the body which thereupon sinks to the bottom.
From this description and the simple relationship,
Density = Mass/Volume,
it can be shown that the buoyant force is the product of the uid density, the volume of the object
displacing the uid, and the acceleration due to Earth's gravity.
In the practice of classical mass metrology, one must account for the buoyant force on a mass that is
denser than the uid in which it is immersed. The following thought problem was constructed to help
those still struggling with Archimedes buoyancy 23 centuries after publication of his work.
29.2 The Piggyback Thought Balance Experiment
Consider a test object O of mass M
suspended by a massless ber as shown in Figure 29.1. From Newtons
second law, we know that the downward gravitational force, F
exerted on O and transmitted through
the ber, is given by
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where M
is the mass of the object and g is the local acceleration due to gravity. From Archimedes
principle just described, we know that the object also is operated on by an upward buoyant force the
magnitude of which is given by
where is the density of the uid surrounding the object and V
is the volume of the object.
The tension in the ber is equal to the difference of the magnitudes of the two opposing forces. Taking
the downward force to be positive, the tension, T, may be written as
In the International System of Units (SI), mass is expressed in kilograms (kg), length in meters (m),
and time in seconds (s). In SI units, volume is expressed in cubic meters (m
), density in kilograms per
cubic meter (kg/m
), and the unit of force derived from Newtons second law is equal to one kilogram-
meter per second per second (kg-m/s
) and is called the newton.
The experimental setup for a piggyback balance is shown in Figure 29.1. Now, consider the left side
of Figure 29.1. A ber connects test object O to an electronic balance above. Immediately below O is a
second electronic balance the pan of which holds a beaker of water and a supporting block atop the
FIGURE 29.1 Experimental setup for piggyback balance.
N o
M g = ,
B o
V g = ,
= F F .
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beaker. For this experiment, possibilities such as evaporation of water and chipping of the block will be
ignored, and it will be assumed that the tare force, F
, due to the beaker, block, pan, and water remains
constant for the duration of the experiment.
With the apparatus set up in a laboratory, the force, T
, experienced by the upper balance will be given
is the density of the surrounding air.
The second stage of the experiment is shown on the right side of Figure 29.1. The beaker has been
placed atop the block such that test object O is submerged in water (with no air bubbles clinging to it),
and does not touch the beaker. Object O is now buoyed up by the water instead of air. One must now
compute a new value for the force, T
, experienced by the upper balance:
is the density of water. Since the density of water is approximately 800 times the density of air,
will be less than T
, and the difference:
will be a negative number. It has been assumed that the mass of the test object is unaffected by its
immersion. According to Newtons third law, the change in force seen by the upper balance must be
matched by an equal and opposite change in force seen on the lower balance. This means that the new
force, F
, on the lower balance is given by
29.3 The Laboratory Experiment
Let I
be the number indicated by the upper balance prior to submersion of the test object.
Let I
be the number indicated by the lower balance prior to submersion of the test object.
Let I
be the number indicated by the upper balance with the test object submerged.
Let I
be the number indicated by the lower balance with the test object submerged.
The various values of I are proportional to the respective values of force exerted on the balances. The
value of k, a proportionality constant, is the same for both balances by virtue of the calibration described
below. For this experiment, one can write:
= M g V g
o a o

( )
M V g
o a o
( )
M V g
o w o
2 1
( )

( )
M V g M V g
o w o o a o

( )

a w o
V g
( )

a w o
V g.
kI M V g
U a o 1
( )

= F
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from the results of the previous discussion. With simple algebra:
This expression is useful because it allows all the readings to be cross-checked. It was derived using
only Archimedes principle and Newtons second and third laws.
Prior to beginning the experiment, the two electronic balances are placed side by side and calibrated
with a standard weight of mass S. After calibration, both balances give the same indication when the
standard weight is placed on their respective pans and the air density is unchanged. One can predict the
change in both balance indications in the experiment, in kilograms, if the terms are expressed in SI units.
The density of water
(see Chapter 14) can be calculated from the water temperature measurement
and the air density
(see Chapter 12) can be calculated from measurements of air temperature, barometric
pressure, and relative humidity.
29.4 Experimental Results
The experiment was conducted using an 85-g silicon crystal of known volume.
(One could use a precision
sphere and measure its diameter and calculate its volume.) The silicon crystal volume was 37.01596 cm
The experiment was performed immediately after the balances were calibrated in situ with the standard
First, the water temperature was measured and then the balances were adjusted to indicate zero just
prior to loading. The crystal was attached to a hook on the upper balance for weighing below the pan
and the beaker of water and the blocks were placed on the lower balance pan. All the remaining instrument
indications were then recorded.
The blocks and the beaker of water were then arranged to submerge the crystal and after reaching
stabilty the balance indications were again recorded.
We can now calculate for each balance the difference between indications and compare them to the
observed difference. The calculated and observed differences are tabulated in Table 29.1.
Within experimental error, the balances indicate the equal and opposite responses in kilograms.
Table 29.1 Balance Responses
Calculated kg Observed kg
Upper Lower Upper Lower
0.0369082 0.0369082 0.0369079 0.0369070
0.0369083 0.0369083 0.0369105 0.0369084
0.0368886 0.0368886 0.0368881 0.0368881
0.0368886 0.0368886 0.0368887 0.0368884
kI M V g
U w o 2
( )

kI V g
L w a o 2
= +
( )

U U L L 1 2 1 2
= =
( )
Upper balance prediction =
( )

w a o
Lower balance prediction=
( )

w a o
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An ancient and useful method of volume determination was used to obtain the crystal volume from
the observations made on each balance.
Electronic balances are usually calibrated
(see Chapter 10) by adjusting the balance to indicate zero
when the pan is empty and indicate the nominal value, I
, of the calibration weight of mass S when it
is loaded on the mechanism. I
and S are close to each other in value and the calibration weight has a
of approximately 8.0 g/cm
One can express the force imposed on the balance by an object of unknown mass, X, and the
corresponding balance indication, I
, as follows:
Eq. (29.17) is rearranged to obtain the volume V
. M
and V
are substituted for X and V
, respectively,
in Eq. (29.17). The expression for the crystal volume (could be any object) is
The upper balance data were used to calculate the silicon crystal volume. The crystal volume deter-
mined from the four experiments is 37.0239 cm
and the standard deviation is 0.003 cm
. The difference
between the measured volume and the known volume is 0.008 cm
and is statistically signicant. The
difference was most likely caused by gas bubbles adhering to the submerged crystal.
However, the uncertainty of the measured volume is adequate for use in ordinary weighing.
Mass is not in the expression for volume above. Furthermore, when Eq. (29.17) is solved for the mass
X, g is not present; the same is true of Eq. (29.18).
Although sufcient precision was not achieved in the experiment to observe the effect from the vertical
separation of the balances, one would expect to see 0.0000003 kg/m/kg due to the gradient in the Earth's
gravitational eld.
29.5 Conclusion
The piggyback balance experiment is easy to perform and useful in teaching students about the opposition
of the gravitational and buoyant forces. This can be especially useful for anyone engaged in high-accuracy
gravimetric measurements. There is the additional advantage of teaching the importance of the ancillary
measurements to achieve accurate results. This is especially true of the volume determination.
1. Schoonover, R. M., The piggyback balance experiment; an illustration of Archimedes principle
and Newtons third law, in Proceedings of the Measurement Science Conference, Pasadena, CA, 1994.
2. Newman, J. R., The Harper Encyclopedia of Science, Harper and Row Evanston and Sigma, New
York, 1967, 223.
3. Kell, G. S., Density, thermal expansivity, and compressibilty of liquid water from 0 to 150C:
correlations and tables for atmospheric pressure and saturation reviewed and expressed on 1968
Temperature Scale, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 20, 97, 1975.
4. Davis, R. S., Equation for the determination of density of moist air (1981/91), Metrologia, 29, 67,
5. Schoonover, R. M., A look at the analytical balance, Anal. Chem., 52, 973A, 1982.
S I I g X V g
a s X C a X
( )
[ ]
( )
o a s C w a
( )

( )
[ ]

( )
1 3
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