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At Last: A Beauty Product That

Detoxes & Cleanses While You Tan

Join Thousands Worldwide Who Use
This 1! "atural & #r$anic Crea%
That Draws Toxins #ut #& Your Body'
"ourishes & (e$enerates Your )*in
While Protectin$ You +ro% The )un,
Imagine waking up every morning:
- "ot$ To )/end -ours (esearchin$ Whether Your
Beauty Prou!t" Are #a$e
- %nowing You Are Doin$ )o%ethin$ To C&ean Your Boy 'rom
Di"ea"e Cau"ing To(in"
- 'ee&ing That Your 'ami&y I" #a$e ) Protected A$ainst
-ar%&ul -ea.y 0etals In The Air A$ter 'uku"hima
- With #kin That +eels "ourished & Loo*s 1i2rant
An here*" the +e"t part, you on*t nee to make A-Y &i$e"ty&e
!hange". You in*t !hange your eating ha+it" or go on a iet. You
in*t /oin a gym or "tarte oing 0 hour" o$ yoga a ay.
A&& you i wa" "tart u"ing a topi!a& !ream every ay an you noti!e
your "kin &ooking great whi&e you $e&t an in!rea"e in energy, !&arity )
$o!u" in /u"t a 1-2 ay"3
#oun too goo to +e true3 It*" not. -ow over 4555 peop&e aroun the
wor& re&y on a revo&utionary ) ver"ati&e "kin !ream to en/oy a more
hea&thy, vi+rant an to(in-$ree &i$e. #o why i" eto(ing your +oy "o
important3 6ere*" why7
Your Body 3s 4x/osed To 56 -ar%&ul &
Deadly Toxins 4.ery Day,
Your +oy*" natura& eto(i8!ation organ", &iver, kiney" an &ung", are
+eing over-worke an !annot keep up with the ma""ive amount o$
to(in" your +oy i" e(po"e to every ay. #!ienti8! "tuie" have "hown
that a +ui&up o$ to(in" !an !au"e a&& kin" o$ hea&th pro+&em"7
- To(in" drain your ener$y an $o!u"
- To(in" !an add to wei$ht $ain
- To(in" cause a$ein$ an "kin pro+&em"
- To(in" /rolon$ sic*nesses, !o&" ) 9u
- To(in" causes slee/less ni$hts
- To(in" slows down your +oy*" natura& hea&ing pro!e""
- To(in" cause disease an "i!kne""
:etting ri o$ to(in" in your +oy !an he&p you to &ive a &onger an
hea&thier &i$e. An one o$ the ;ui!ke"t, mo"t pain-$ree, <55= a&& organi!
) "u"taina+&e way" o$ e&iminating to(in" i" with 4arth)un
Transder%al Detox Crea%.
-ow Does The 4arth)un Transder%al Detox
Crea% Wor* To 7)oa* U/8 Toxins +ro% Your
The main "!ienti8!a&&y veri8e ingreient i" Pharma!euti!a& :rae
>eo&ite" ?un-a!tivate vo&!ani! a"h@ whi!h i" "a$e enough to eat.
>eo&ite" a!t on a+"or+ing to(in" an heavy meta&" that the +oy
norma&&y wou& not +e a+&e to get ri o$.
On top o$ that, it a&"o $un!tion" a" a power$u& antio(iant. Antio(iant"
prote!t you again"t !hroni! i"ea"e !au"ing $ree-rai!a&". The 2ene:ts
o$ antio(iant" are very important to goo hea&th, +e!au"e i$ $ree
rai!a&" are &e$t un!ha&&enge, they !an !au"e a wie range o$ i&&ne""e"
an !hroni! i"ea"e".
1! "atural All;#r$anic & )ustaina2le
AB)#LUT4LY "# 6arm$u& Chemi!a&" Aike Other Deto( Prou!t"
1! #r$anic Cacao Butter
Cacao Butter is the ultimate moisturizer; it
deeply penetrates skin with its many beneficial
nutritional qualities.
Rich in fatty acids, which keep skin
smooth and moisturized
High source of antioxidants, higher than
blueberries and many other Superfoods.
Antioxidants are the main agents against
free radicals the main causes of skin
aging, tissue damage and skin diseases.
Reduces stretch marks and facilitates scar
healing process
Promotes natural skin growth and repair
Tightens skin pores, protecting against
solar radiation from damaging lower
dermis layers
Contains large amounts of polyphenol
(CMP), which eases rashes and inhibits the
growth of cancerous cells and tumours
Rich in bioavailable minerals (Ca, K, Mg,
Zn, Mn, Cu, Fe, etc.)
1! #r$anic Coconut #il
Coconut Oil has antimicrobial, antioxidant, and
anti-inflammatory properties. Over 10,000
scientific studies have proven coconut oil to have a
variety of other nutritional and medicinal uses:
Keeps the skin soft through deep
nourishment and moisturizing agents
Enriches the skin with essential vitamins
and minerals, necessary for healthy skin
Prevents premature aging and reduce
wrinkling of the skin
Protects against damaging solar radiation
Supports immune system and metabolic
Improves absorption of other nutrients
Help prevent and reverse many
dysfunctions related to internal organs
Reduces the risk of cancers and other
degenerative diseases
Antioxidant 2lend o& essential
Negative Ions unlock the full potential of water
as the main medium for nutrient replenishment
and waste removal at the cellular level. Negative
Ions assist in the assimilation of the healthy
vitamins, minerals and nutrients found in coconut
oil and cacao butter, as well as the elimination of
toxins through zeolites. Scientific studies have
shown that Negative Ions:
Are the principal agents determining the
overall health of every cell in the human
body. Aging is evidence of the damage to
millions of the bodys cells through
oxidation, which is due to the lack of
hydrogen ions.
Provide antioxidants a hundreds of times
more potent than the next two in line;
green tea extract and grape seed extract.
?pota""ium !itrate, "i&i!a,
pota""ium !ar+onate, o&ei! a!i,
hyrogen negative ion"@
Zeolites electromagnetically capture and eliminate
toxins from the body and skin using their negative
ionic charges. Toxins detrimental to health have a
positive ionic charge. When exposed to the negative
ionic charge of zeolites, positively charged toxins
bind to the zeolites and are eliminated through
natural body functions. When you detoxify your
body, you allow your immune system and
metabolism to thrive!
Attracts and removes from skin and body:
pollutants, heavy metals, carcinogens,
toxins, chemicals and free-radicals
Promotes optimal health functions by
eliminating stressors at a cellular level
Strengthens immune and metabolic
functions by detoxifying the body,
focusing on the liver
Protects skin against solar radiation
Detoxification of skin results in reduction
of acne
What <ind #& (esults Can You 4x/ect9
Within a $ew ay" the 4arth)un Transder%al Detox Crea% wi&&7
- B&iminate 6igh Con!entration" O$ To(in" 'rom Your Boy
- Boo"t Your Immune #y"tem ) Overa&& 6ea&th
- Re/uvenate ) -ouri"h Your #kin, Aeaving It Aooking ) 'ee&ing
- In!rea"e +rain power, $o!u" ) !on!entration
- Wake up $ee&ing energiCe, re$re"he an motivate.
- Bn/oy more re&a(e an eeper "&eep !y!&e"
- Prote!t Your #kin 'rom 6arm$u& #un Raiation
- ODer you a 8r"t &ine o$ e$en"e $rom a&& the heavy meta&" in
the air a$ter 'uku"hima
- 'ee& hea&thier, happier an more a&ive, every ayE
4arth)un Transder%al Detox Crea% Could -el/
You -eal The +ollowin$ Conditions=
To(in" entering the +oy on&y weaken your immune "y"tem ?the +oy*"
natura& e$en"e "y"tem@ an make you "i!ker an proner to i&&ne"". By
e&iminating to(in" $rom your +oy, "i!kne""e" may +e e&iminate an
the "ymptom" may !omp&ete&y i"appear.
But on*t /u"t take our wor $or it, here*" what "ome o$ our !u"tomer"
have to "ay a+out 4arth)un Transder%al Detox Crea%:
This is my only versatile cream
Ive used Earthsun since last June. This is my only
versatile cream. I use it both as a day cream and
night, as much as sunscreen. I am happy to know it
also acts as a body detox agent, helping my body
to deal with all the toxic elements it absorbs
everyday. The cream moisturizes and protects
my skin against the harmful effects of cold winters,
keeping soft and moist. I recently went on a trip to
Turks and Caicos Islands and is the only sun
protection that I used. I was pleasantly surprised to
find that not only do I not have sunburn, but I get a
healthy tan that gives a beautiful natural look to
my skin.
- Claudine Tremblay, Gatineau
Thanks for providing a solution!
My wife and I were always in a dilemma,
well aware of the detrimental health
effects of chemical sunscreens, but
needing to protect our little ones freckled
skins. Thanks for providing a solution!
- Brian Howard, Vancouver
73 eat it e.ery %ornin$8
Bio#hie&, one o$ my $avorite
prou!t"... I 8n it "o !a"ua& an
u"e$u&. 3 eat it e.ery %ornin$
as well, $or a ;ui!k oi&ing an
eto( a!tion.
- Tony Qi, Vancouver
73>% in lo.e with this
Okay, /u"t +ought Barth"un an
u"e it $or the 8r"t time toay an
I have to "ay it worke #O WBAAE I
am #UPBR impre""e an 3 want
to tell e.eryone a2out it. IFm in
&ove with thi" prou!tE
- Heather Pennell, Vancouver
3>% hoo*ed,
Gu"t +ought Barth"un toay. I
havenFt +een a+&e to 8n natura&
prote!tion I &ike, the other
minera&" $ee& "o "ti!ky an heavy
an I wou& never put the to(i!
"tuD on my +oy. IFt "me&&"
gorgeou"E Tanning, not +urning,
no Cin! Cit", "me&& great. 3>%
- Amanda Jacobs, Edmonton
What 3s A Toxin;+ree Body Worth To You9
What wou& it +e worth to you to 8na&&y !&ear your +oy o$ harm$u&
What wou& it +e worth to wake up $ee&ing energeti!, re$re"he,
happier, a&ive an menta&&y $o!u"e7 every "ing&e ay3
What wou& it +e worth to 8na&&y e&iminate "ymptom" "u!h a" /oint
pain, in"omnia even ahtriti"3 Bven i$ you*ve trie many iDerent
"o&ution" +e$ore an nothing ha" worke3
What i" it worth to "trengthen your immune "y"tem an overa&& hea&th3
We&&, i$ $ee&ing hea&thier an happier I# important to you, then are you
wi&&ing to /oin thou"an" in putting thi" natura& "kin !ream to the te"t3
Be!au"e it*" not going to happen on it*" own. You have to take a!tion.
Why not take avantage o$ our 05 ay money +a!k guaruntee an
orer the 4arth)un Transder%al Detox Crea% toay3
Disclaimer: Nothing in this ebsite is intended as, or should be
construed as, medical advice! "onsumers should consult ith their
on health care #ractitioners $or individual, medical recommendations!
&'( %alts#ring )and, *ritish "olumbia
+,&- ../ ../ ..//

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