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The Royal Hours of Pascha

At the beginning of the second hour (8:00 A.M.), the bells are rung. When
we have assembled in church, the priest vesteth in epitrachilion and
phelonion, and the deacon in stiharion. !he paraecclesiarch setteth forth
an analogion, suitabl" adorned, facing the ro"al doors, and he lighteth a
candle on a candle#stand. !he priest entereth the nave of the church, or the
refector", through the ro"al doors, the deacon preceding him bearing a
censer. !he priest setteth the $ol" %ospel on the analogion and, standing
before the analogion, intoneth the usual beginning, and after the
e&clamation 'following the (ord)s *ra"er+, the priest censeth around the
analogion on which the $ol" %ospel resteth, and then censeth the rest of the
icons, the whole temple, the superior and the brethren.
Priest: Blessed is our God, always, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages.
Reader: Amen. Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee.
O Heavenly King, Comforter, Spirit of Truth, ho art everywhere
present and fillest all things, Treasury of good things and Giver of life!
Come and dwell in us, and "leanse us of all impurity, and save our souls, O
Good One.
Holy God, Holy #ighty, Holy $mmortal, have mer"y on us. (Thrice)
Glory to the %ather, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, &oth now
and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
O #ost Holy Trinity, have mer"y on us. O 'ord, &lot out our sins. O
#aster, pardon our ini(uities. O Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities for
Thy name)s sa*e.
'ord have mer"y. (Thrice)
Glory to the %ather and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, &oth now
and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
The Royal Hours of Pascha
Our %ather, ho art in the Heavens, hallowed &e Thy ,ame. Thy
Kingdom "ome, Thy will &e done, on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this
day our daily &read, and forgive us our de&ts, as we forgive our de&tors- and
lead us not into temptation, &ut deliver us from the evil one.
Priest: %or Thine is the *ingdom and the power, and the glory! of the %ather
and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto the ages of
Reader: Amen.
'ord have mer"y. (12 times)
Glory to the %ather and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, &oth now
and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
O "ome, let us worship God our King.
O "ome, let us worship and fall down &efore Christ our King and God.
O "ome, let us worship and fall down &efore Christ Himself, our King
and God.
.nto my words give ear, O 'ord- hear my "ry. Attend unto the voi"e
of my suppli"ation, O my King and my God- for unto Thee will $ pray, O
'ord. $n the morning Thou shalt hear my voi"e. $n the morning shall $ stand
&efore Thee, and Thou shalt loo* upon me- for not a God that willest
ini(uity art Thou. He that wor*eth evil shall not dwell near Thee, nor shall
transgressors a&ide &efore Thine eyes. Thou hast hated all those who wor*
ini(uity- Thou shalt destroy all those who spea* a lie. A man that is &loody
and de"eitful shall the 'ord a&hor. But as for me, in the multitude of Thy
mer"y shall $ go into Thy house- $ shall worship toward Thy holy temple in
fear of Thee. O 'ord, guide me in the way of Thy righteousness- &e"ause of
mine enemies, ma*e straight my way &efore Thee, for in their mouth there
is no truth- their heart is vain. Their throat is an open sepul"hre, with their
tongues have they spo*en de"eitfully- /udge them, O God. 'et them fall
down on a""ount of their own devisings- a""ording to the multitude of their
ungodliness, "ast them out, for they have em&ittered Thee, O 'ord. And let
The Royal Hours of Pascha
all them &e glad that hope in Thee- they shall ever re/oi"e, and Thou shalt
dwell among them. And all shall glory in Thee that love Thy name, for
Thou shalt &less the righteous. O 'ord, as with a shield of Thy good
pleasure hast Thou "rowned us.
hy have the heathen raged, and the peoples meditated empty things1
The *ings of the earth were aroused, and the rulers were assem&led together,
against the 'ord, and against His Christ. 'et us &rea* their &onds asunder,
and let us "ast away their yo*e from us. He that dwelleth in the heavens shall
laugh them to s"orn, and the 'ord shall deride them. Then shall He spea*
unto them in His wrath, and in His anger shall He trou&le them. But as for
#e, $ was esta&lished as *ing &y Him, upon 2ion His holy mountain,
pro"laiming the "ommandment of the 'ord. The 'ord said unto #e! Thou
art #y Son, this day have $ &egotten Thee. As* of #e, and $ will give Thee
the nations for Thine inheritan"e, and the uttermost parts of the earth for Thy
possession. Thou shalt herd them with a rod of iron- Thou shalt shatter them
li*e a potter)s vessels. And now, O ye *ings, understand- &e instru"ted, all ye
that /udge the earth. Serve ye the 'ord with fear, and re/oi"e in Him with
trem&ling. 'ay hold of instru"tion, lest at any time the 'ord &e angry, and ye
perish from the righteous way. hen (ui"*ly His wrath &e *indled, &lessed
are all that have put their trust in Him.
O God, my God, attend to me- why hast Thou forsa*en me1 %ar from
my salvation are the words of my transgressions. #y God, $ will "ry &y day,
and wilt Thou not hear*en1 and &y night, and it shall not &e unto folly for
me. But as for Thee, Thou dwellest in the san"tuary, O 3raise of $srael. $n
Thee have our fathers hoped- they hoped, and Thou didst deliver them. .nto
Thee they "ried, and were saved- in Thee they hoped, and were not &rought
to shame. But as for me, $ am a worm, and not a man, a reproa"h of men,
and the out"ast of the people. All that loo* upon me have laughed me to
s"orn- they have spo*en with their lips and have wagged their heads! He
hoped in the 'ord- let Him deliver him, let Him save him, for He desireth
him. %or Thou art He that drewest me forth from the wom&- my hope from
the &reasts of my mother. On Thee was $ "ast from the wom&- from my
mother)s wom&, Thou art my God. 4epart not from me, for tri&ulation is
nigh, for there is none to help me. #any &ullo"*s have en"ir"led me, fat
The Royal Hours of Pascha
&ulls have surrounded me. They have opened their mouth against me, as
might a lion ravenous and roaring. $ have &een poured out li*e water, and
s"attered are all my &ones- my heart is &e"ome li*e wa6 melting in the midst
of my &owels. #y strength is dried up li*e a potsherd, and my tongue hath
"leaved to my throat, and into the dust of death hast Thou &rought me down.
%or many dogs have en"ir"led me, the "ongregation of evil doers hath
surrounded me- they have pier"ed my hands and my feet. They have
num&ered all my &ones, and they themselves have loo*ed and stared upon
me. They have parted my garments amongst themselves, and for my vesture
have they "ast lots. But Thou, O 'ord, remove not Thy help far from me-
attend unto mine aid. 7es"ue my soul from the sword, even this only8
&egotten one of mine from the hand of the dog. Save me from the mouth of
the lion, and my lowliness from the horns of the uni"orns. $ will de"lare Thy
name unto my &rethren, in the midst of the "hur"h will $ hymn Thee. 9e that
fear the 'ord, praise Him- all ye that are of the seed of :a"o&, glorify Him-
let all fear Him that are of the seed of $srael. %or He hath not set at naught
nor a&horred the suppli"ations of the pauper, nor hath He turned His fa"e
from me- and when $ "ried unto Him, He hear*ened unto me. %rom Thee is
my praise- in the great "hur"h will $ "onfess Thee- my vows will $ pay
&efore them that fear Thee. The poor shall eat and &e filled, and they that
see* the 'ord shall praise Him- their hearts shall live for ever and ever. All
the ends of the earth shall remem&er and shall turn unto the 'ord, and all the
*indreds of the nations shall worship &efore Him. %or the *ingdom is the
'ord)s and He Himself is sovereign of the nations. All they that &e fat upon
the earth have eaten and worshipped- all they that go down into the earth
shall fall down &efore Him. 9ea, my soul liveth for Him, and my seed shall
serve Him. The generation that "ometh shall &e told of the 'ord, and they
shall pro"laim His righteousness to a people that shall &e &orn, whi"h the
'ord hath made.
Glory to the %ather and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, &oth now
and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia. Glory to Thee, O God. Thrice.
'ord, have mer"y. Thrice.
Glory to the %ather and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.
The Royal Hours of Pascha
Choir: Tone 1 [Sticheron Meloy!"
hen Thou wast "ru"ified, O Christ, <
the tyranny of the enemy was destroyed, <
and his power trampled underfoot. <
%or it was not an angel nor a man that saved us, <<
&ut Thou Thyself, O 'ord! glory to Thee.
Reader: Both now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
hat shall we "all thee, O thou who art full of gra"e1 Heaven! for
thou hast dawned forth the Sun of 7ighteousness. 3aradise! for thou hast
&lossomed forth the %lower of $mmortality. =irgin! for thou hast remained
in"orrupt. 3ure #other! for thou hast held in thy holy em&ra"e the Son, the
God of all. 4o thou entreat Him to save our souls..
!hen these stichera, the composition of ,ophronius, *atriarch of -erusalem:
#hoir" Tone $ [Sticheron Meloy!"
Today the veil of the Temple is rent in twain <
as a reproof against the transgressors- <
and the sun hides its own rays, <<
seeing the #aster "ru"ified.
Why have the heathen raged, * and the peoples meditated empty
Thou wast led as a sheep to the slaughter, O Christ our King, <
and as an inno"ent 'am& Thou wast nailed to the Cross <
&y wi"*ed men for our sins, <<
in Thy love for man*ind.
The !ings o" the earth #ere aro$sed, and the r$lers #ere assem%led
together,* against the &ord, and against 'is Christ.
Thou wast led as a sheep to the slaughter, O Christ our King, <
and as an inno"ent 'am& Thou wast nailed to the Cross <
&y wi"*ed men for our sins, <<
in Thy love for man*ind.
The Royal Hours of Pascha
%lory& 'oth no(&
Suffering the transgressors to lay hold on Thee, O 'ord, <
Thou hast "ried aloud! <
?Although ye smite the Shepherd <
and s"atter a&road the twelve sheep, #y dis"iples, <
yet "ould $ "all to #ine aid more than twelve legions of angels. <
But in #y patien"e $ for&ear, <
that the hidden se"rets $ made *nown to you <
through my prophets may &e fulfilled.@ <<
O 'ord, glory to Thee.
(eacon: isdomA 'et us attend.
Reader: The pro*imenon, in )
Tone! He gathered ini(uity unto himself- he
went forth, and spa*e in a li*e manner.
Choir: He gathered ini(uity unto himself- he went forth, and spa*e in a li*e
Reader: Blessed is the man that hath understanding for the poor man and
the pauper.
Choir: He gathered ini(uity unto himself- he went forth, and spa*e in a li*e
Reader: He gathered ini(uity unto himself.
Choir: He went forth, and spa*e in a li*e manner.
(eacon: isdomA
Reader: The 7eading from the 3rophe"y of 2e"hariah B++!+C8+5D!
(eacon: 'et us attend.
Reader: Thus saith the 'ord! $ will ta*e #y &eautiful staff, and "ast it away,
that $ may &rea* my "ovenant whi"h $ made with all the people. And it shall
&e &ro*en in that day- and the Canaanites, the sheep that are *ept for #e,
shall *now that it is the word of the 'ord. And $ will say to them! $f it &e
good in your eyes, give #e #y pri"e, or refuse it. And they weighed for #y
pri"e thirty pie"es of silver. And the 'ord said to me! 4rop them into the
The Royal Hours of Pascha
furna"e, and $ will see if it &e good metal, as $ was proved for their sa*es.
And $ too* the thirty pie"es of silver, and "ast them into the furna"e in the
house of the 'ord.
(eacon: isdomA
Reader: The 7eading from the Fpistle of the Holy Apostle 3aul to the
Galatians BGalatians E!+;8+G H0+> "trD!
(eacon: 'et us attend.
Reader: Brethren, God for&id that $ should glory, save in the "ross of our
'ord :esus Christ, &y whom the world is "ru"ified unto me, and $ unto the
world. %or in Christ :esus neither "ir"um"ision availeth any thing, nor
un"ir"um"ision, &ut a new "reature. And as many as wal* a""ording to this
rule, pea"e &e on them, and mer"y, and upon the $srael of God. %rom
hen"eforth let no man trou&le me! for $ &ear in my &ody the mar*s of the
'ord :esus. Brethren, the gra"e of our 'ord :esus Christ &e with your spirit.
Priest 3ea"e &e unto thee.
Reaer" And to thy spirit.
(eacon: isdom, arightA 'et us hear to the Holy Gospel.
Priest: 3ea"e &e unto all.
Choir: And to thy spirit.
Priest: The reading is from the Holy Gospel a""ording to St. #atthew B0I!+8
>E H++C8++5D
Choir: Glory to Thy 3assion, O 'ord, glory to TheeA
(eacon: 'et us attend.
Priest: hen the morning was "ome, all the "hief priests and elders of the
people too* "ounsel against :esus to put him to death! and when they had
&ound him, they led him away, and delivered him to 3ontius 3ilate the
The Royal Hours of Pascha
governor. Then :udas, whi"h had &etrayed him, when he saw that he was
"ondemned, repented himself, and &rought again the thirty pie"es of silver to
the "hief priests and elders, saying, $ have sinned in that $ have &etrayed the
inno"ent &lood. And they said, hat is that to us1 see thou to that. And he
"ast down the pie"es of silver in the temple, and departed, and went and
hanged himself. And the "hief priests too* the silver pie"es, and said, $t is
not lawful for to put them into the treasury, &e"ause it is the pri"e of &lood.
And they too* "ounsel, and &ought with them the potter)s field, to &ury
strangers in. herefore that field was "alled, The field of &lood, unto this
day. Then was fulfilled that whi"h was spo*en &y :eremy the prophet,
saying, And they too* the thirty pie"es of silver, the pri"e of him that was
valued, whom they of the "hildren of $srael did value- and gave them for the
potter)s field, as the 'ord appointed me. And :esus stood &efore the
governor! and the governor as*ed him, saying, Art thou the King of the
:ews1 And :esus said unto him, Thou sayest. And when he was a""used of
the "hief priests and elders, he answered nothing. Then said 3ilate unto him,
Hearest thou not how many things they witness against thee1 And he
answered him to never a word- insomu"h that the governor marveled greatly.
,ow at that feast the governor was wont to release unto the people a
prisoner, whom they would. And they had then a nota&le prisoner, "alled
Bara&&as. Therefore when they were gathered together, 3ilate said unto
them, hom will ye that $ release unto you1 Bara&&as, or :esus whi"h is
"alled Christ1 %or he *new that for envy they had delivered him. hen he
was set down on the /udgment seat, his wife sent unto him, saying, Have
thou nothing to do with that /ust man! for $ have suffered many things this
day in a dream &e"ause of him. But the "hief priests and elders persuaded
the multitude that they should as* Bara&&as, and destroy :esus. The
governor answered and said unto them, hether of the twain will ye that $
release unto you1 They said, Bara&&as. 3ilate saith unto them, hat shall $
do then with :esus whi"h is "alled Christ1 They all say unto him, 'et him &e
"ru"ified. And the governor said, hy, what evil hath he done1 But they
"ried out the more, saying, 'et him &e "ru"ified. hen 3ilate saw that he
"ould prevail nothing, &ut that rather a tumult was made, he too* water, and
washed his hands &efore the multitude, saying, $ am inno"ent of the &lood of
this /ust person! see ye to it. Then answered all the people, and said, His
&lood &e on us, and on our "hildren. Then released he Bara&&as unto them!
and when he had s"ourged :esus, he delivered him to &e "ru"ified. Then the
soldiers of the governor too* :esus into the "ommon hall, and gathered unto
him the whole &and of soldiers. And they stripped him, and put on him a
s"arlet ro&e. And when they had platted a "rown of thorns, they put it upon
The Royal Hours of Pascha
his head, and a reed in his right hand! and they &owed the *nee &efore him,
and mo"*ed him, saying, Hail, King of the :ewsA And they spit upon him,
and too* the reed, and smote him on the head. And after that they had
mo"*ed him, they too* the ro&e off from him, and put his own raiment on
him, and led him away to "ru"ify him. And as they "ame out, they found a
man of Cyrene, Simon &y name! him they "ompelled to &ear his "ross. And
when they were "ome unto a pla"e "alled Golgotha, that is to say, a pla"e of
a s*ull, they gave him vinegar to drin* mingled with gall! and when he had
tasted thereof, he would not drin*. And they "ru"ified him, and parted his
garments, "asting lots! that it might &e fulfilled whi"h was spo*en &y the
prophet, They parted my garments among them, and upon my vesture did
they "ast lots. And sitting down they wat"hed him there- and set up over his
head his a""usation written, TH$S $S :FS.S THF K$,G O% THF :FS.
Then were there two thieves "ru"ified with him, one on the right hand, and
another on the left. And they that passed &y reviled him, wagging their
heads, and saying, Thou that destroyest the temple, and &uildest it in three
days, save thyself. $f thou &e the Son of God, "ome down from the "ross.
'i*ewise also the "hief priests mo"*ing him, with the s"ri&es and elders,
said, He saved others- himself he "annot save. $f he &e the King of $srael, let
him now "ome down from the "ross, and we will &elieve him. He trusted in
God- let him deliver him now, if he will have him! for he said, $ am the Son
of God. The thieves also, whi"h were "ru"ified with him, "ast the same in
his teeth. ,ow from the si6th hour there was dar*ness over all the land unto
the ninth hour. And a&out the ninth hour :esus "ried with a loud voi"e,
saying, Fli, Fli, lama sa&a"hthani1 that is to say, #y God, my God, why hast
thou forsa*en me1 Some of them that stood there, when they heard that,
said, This man "alleth for Fli/ah. And straightway one of them ran, and too*
a sponge, and filled it with vinegar, and put it on a reed, and gave him to
drin*. The rest said, 'et &e, let us see whether Fli/ah will "ome to save him.
:esus, when he had "ried again with a loud voi"e, yielded up the ghost. And,
&ehold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the &ottom-
and the earth did (ua*e, and the ro"*s rent- and the graves were opened- and
many &odies of the saints whi"h slept arose, and "ame out of the graves after
his resurre"tion, and went into the holy "ity, and appeared unto many. ,ow
when the "enturion, and they that were with him, wat"hing :esus, saw the
earth(ua*e, and those things that were done, they feared greatly, saying,
Truly this was the Son of God. And many women were there &eholding afar
off, whi"h followed :esus from Galilee, ministering unto him! among whi"h
was #ary #agdalene, and #ary the mother of :ames and :oses, and the
mother of 2e&edeeJs "hildren.
The Royal Hours of Pascha
Choir: Glory to Thy 'ongsuffering, O 'ord, glory to TheeA
Reader: #y steps do Thou dire"t a""ording to thy saying, and let no ini(uity
have dominion over me. 4eliver me from the false a""usations of men, and $
will *eep Thy "ommandments. #a*e Thy fa"e to shine upon Thy servant,
and tea"h me Thy statutes.
'et my mouth &e filled with Thy praise, that $ may hymn Thy glory
and Thy ma/esty all the day long.
Holy God, Holy #ighty, Holy $mmortal, have mer"y on us. LThri"eM

Glory to the %ather, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, &oth now
and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

O #ost Holy Trinity, have mer"y on us. O 'ord, &lot out our sins. O
#aster, pardon our ini(uities. O Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities for
Thy name)s sa*e.

'ord have mer"y. (!hrice)

Glory to the %ather and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, &oth now and ever,
and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Our %ather, ho art in the Heavens, hallowed &e Thy ,ame. Thy
Kingdom "ome, Thy will &e done, on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this
day our daily &read, and forgive us our de&ts, as we forgive our de&tors- and
lead us not into temptation, &ut deliver us from the evil one.

Priest: %or Thine is the *ingdom and the power, and the glory! of the %ather
and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto the ages of
Reader: Amen.
Choir: Tone $ [Tro*arion Meloy!"
Come, and let us all sing the praises of Him ho was "ru"ified for us. <
%or #ary said, when she &eheld Him on the Tree! <<
?Though Thou dost endure the Cross, yet Thou art my Son and God.@
The Royal Hours of Pascha
Reader: 'ord, have mer"y. )orty times.
And the *ra"er of the $ours:
Thou ho at all times and at every hour, in heaven and on earth, art
worshipped and glorified, O Christ God, ho art long8suffering, plenteous
in mer"y, most "ompassionate, ho lovest the righteous and hast mer"y on
sinners- ho "allest all men to salvation through the promise of good things
to "ome! 7e"eive, O 'ord, our prayers at this hour, and guide our life toward
Thy "ommandments. San"tify our souls, ma*e "haste our &odies, "orre"t our
thoughts, purify our intentions, and deliver us from every sorrow, evil, and
pain. Compass us a&out with Thy holy angels, that, guarded and guided &y
their array, we may attain to the unity of the faith and to the *nowledge of
Thine unapproa"ha&le glory! %or &lessed art Thou unto the ages of ages.
'ord, have mer"y. Thrice.
Glory to the %ather, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, &oth now
and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
#ore honora&le than the "heru&im and &eyond "ompare more
glorious than the seraphim- who without "orruption gavest &irth to God the
ord, the very Theoto*os, thee do we magnify.
$n the name of the 'ord, father LmasterM &less.
Priest: God &e gra"ious unto us and &less us, and "ause Thy fa"e to shine
upon us and have mer"y on us.
Reader: Amen. O Christ, the True 'ight, ho enlightenest and san"tifiest
every man that "ometh into the world! 'et the 'ight of Thy "ountenan"e &e
signed upon us, that in it we may see the .napproa"ha&le 'ight, and guide
our steps in the doing of Thy "ommandments, through the inter"essions of
Thy most pure #other, and of all Thy saints. Amen.
The Royal Hours of Pascha
At the beginning of the !hird and ,i&th $ours, the deacon censeth onl" the
%ospel, the icons, the superior and the choirs.
Reader: O "ome, let us worship God our King.
O "ome, let us worship and fall down &efore Christ our King and God.
O "ome, let us worship and fall down &efore Christ Himself, our King
and God.
:udge them, O 'ord, that do me in/usti"e- war against them that war
against me. Ta*e hold of weapon and shield, and arise unto my help. 4raw
out a sword, and shut the way against them that perse"ute me- say to my
soul! $ am thy salvation. 'et them that see* my soul &e shamed and
"onfounded. 'et them &e turned &a"*, and &e utterly put to shame, they that
devise evils against me. 'et them &e"ome as dust &efore the fa"e of the
wind, an angel of the 'ord also affli"ting them. 'et their way &e"ome
dar*ness and a sliding, an angel of the 'ord also pursuing them. %or without
"ause have they se"retly prepared for my destru"tion in their snare, without
reason have they "ast reproa"h on my soul. 'et a snare "ome upon him,
whi"h he *noweth not- and let the trap, whi"h he hath hidden, "at"h him, and
into that same snare let him fall. But my soul shall re/oi"e in the 'ord, it
shall delight in His salvation. All my &ones shall say! 'ord, O 'ord, who is
li*e unto Thee1 4elivering the &eggar from the hand of them that are
stronger than he, yea, poor man and pauper from them that despoil him.
.n/ust witnesses rose up against me- things $ *new not they as*ed me. They
repaid me with evil things for good, and &arrenness for my soul. But as for
me, when they trou&led me, $ put on sa"*"loth. And $ hum&led my soul with
fasting, and my prayer shall return to my &osom. As though it had &een a
neigh&or, as though it had &een our &rother, so sought $ to please- as one
mourning and sad of "ountenan"e, so hum&led $ myself. 9et against me they
re/oi"ed and gathered together- s"ourges were gathered together upon me,
and $ *new it not. They were rent asunder, yet not pri"*ed at heart- they
tempted me, they mo"*ed me with mo"*ery, they gnashed upon me with
their teeth. O 'ord, when wilt Thou loo* upon me1 4eliver my soul from
their evil doing, even this only8&egotten one of mine from the lions. $ will
"onfess Thee in the great "ongregation- among a mighty people will $ praise
Thee. 'et not them re/oi"e against me that un/ustly are mine enemies, they
The Royal Hours of Pascha
that hate me without a "ause, and win* with their eyes. %or pea"ea&ly indeed
they spa*e unto me, &ut in their wrath were they devising de"eits. And they
opened wide their mouth against me- they said! ell done, well done, our
eyes have seen it. Thou hast seen it, O 'ord- *eep not silen"e. O 'ord, depart
not from me. Arise, O 'ord, and &e attentive unto my /udgment, my God,
and my 'ord, unto my "ause. :udge me, O 'ord, a""ording to Thy
righteousness- O 'ord my God, let them not re/oi"e against me. 'et them not
say in their hearts! ell done, well done, our soul. 'et them not say! e
have swallowed him up. 'et them &e shamed and "onfounded together who
re/oi"e at my woes. 'et them &e "lothed with shame and "onfusion who
spea* &oastful words against me. 'et them re/oi"e and &e glad who desire
the righteousness of my "ause, and let them that desire the pea"e of Thy
servant say "ontinually! The 'ord &e magnified. And my tongue shall treat
of Thy righteousness, and of Thy praise all the day long.
O God, my praise do not pass over in silen"e- for the mouth of the
sinner and the mouth of the de"eitful man are opened against me. They have
spo*en against me with a de"eitful tongue, and with words of hatred have
they en"ompassed me, and they have warred against me without a "ause. $n
return for my love, they have falsely a""used me- &ut as for me, $ gave
myself to prayer. And they repaid me evil for good, and hatred for my love.
Set Thou a sinner over him, and let the devil stand at his right hand. hen
he is /udged, let him go forth "ondemned, and let his prayer &e"ome sin. 'et
his days &e few, and his &ishopri" let another ta*e. let his "hildren &e
fatherless, and his wife a widow. 'et his "hildren &e vaga&onds without a
dwelling8pla"e, and let them &eg- let them &e "ast out from their ruined
dwellings. 'et his "reditor sear"h out all his su&stan"e, and let strangers
plunder all his la&ors. 'et there &e for him no helper, nor anyone to pity his
fatherless "hildren. 'et his "hildren &e given over to utter destru"tion- in a
single generation let his name &e &lotted out. 'et the ini(uity of his fathers
&e remem&ered &efore the 'ord, and let not the sin of his mother &e &lotted
out. 'et them &e &efore the 'ord "ontinually, and let the memory of them
perish from off the earth, Be"ause he remem&ered not to show mer"y- and
perse"uted a man that was poor and a &eggar, and one &ro*en in heart, that
he might slay him. And he loved "ursing, and it shall "ome upon him- and he
delighted not in &lessing, and it shall &e far from him. And he put on "ursing
li*e a garment, and it went in li*e water into his &owels, and li*e oil into his
&ones. 'et it &e for him li*e a garment wherewith he is "lothed, and li*e a
The Royal Hours of Pascha
girdle wherewith "ontinually he is girded. This is the dealing of the 'ord
with them that slander me, and with them that spea* evil things against my
soul. But Thou, O 'ord, O 'ord, deal Thou with me for Thy name)s sa*e- for
Thy mer"y is good. 4eliver me, for a poor man am $ and a pauper, and my
heart is trou&led within me. 'i*e a shadow when it de"lineth am $ ta*en
away, $ am sha*en off as the lo"usts. #y *nees are grown wea* through
fasting, and my flesh is "hanged for want of oil. And $ am &e"ome a
reproa"h unto them- they saw me and wagged their heads. Help me, O 'ord
my God, and save me a""ording to Thy mer"y. And let them *now that this
is Thy hand and that Thou, O 'ord, hast wrought it. They will "urse, and
Thou wilt &less- let them that rise up against me &e put to shame, &ut Thy
servant shall &e glad. 'et them that slander me &e "lothed with "onfusion,
and let them &e "overed with shame as with a mantle. $ will greatly praise
the 'ord with my mouth, and in the midst of many will $ praise Him. %or He
hath stood at the right hand of the poor, to save my soul from them that
perse"ute me.
Have mer"y on me, O God, a""ording to Thy great mer"y- and
a""ording to the multitude of Thy "ompassions &lot out my transgression.
ash me thoroughly from mine ini(uity, and "leanse me from my sin. %or $
*now mine ini(uity, and my sin is ever &efore me. Against Thee only have $
sinned and done this evil &efore Thee, that Thou mightest &e /ustified in Thy
words, and prevail when Thou art /udged. %or &ehold, $ was "on"eived in
ini(uities, and in sins did my mother &ear me. %or &ehold, Thou hast loved
truth- the hidden and se"ret things of Thy wisdom hast Thou made manifest
unto me. Thou shalt sprin*le me with hyssop, and $ shall &e made "lean-
Thou shalt wash me, and $ shall &e made whiter than snow. Thou shalt
ma*e me to hear /oy and gladness- the &ones that &e hum&led, they shall
re/oi"e. Turn Thy fa"e away from my sins, and &lot out all mine ini(uities.
Create in me a "lean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. Cast
me not away from Thy presen"e, and ta*e not Thy Holy Spirit from me.
7estore unto me the /oy of Thy salvation, and with Thy governing Spirit
esta&lish me. $ shall tea"h transgressors Thy ways, and the ungodly shall
turn &a"* unto Thee. 4eliver me from &lood8guiltiness, O God, Thou God
of my salvation- my tongue shall re/oi"e in Thy righteousness. O 'ord,
Thou shalt open my lips, and my mouth shall de"lare Thy praise. %or if
Thou hadst desired sa"rifi"e, $ had given it- with whole8&urnt offerings Thou
shalt not &e pleased. A sa"rifi"e unto God is a &ro*en spirit- a heart that is
The Royal Hours of Pascha
&ro*en and hum&led God will not despise. 4o good, O 'ord, in Thy
pleasure unto 2ion, and let the walls of :erusalem &e &uilded. Then shalt
Thou &e pleased with a sa"rifi"e of righteousness, with o&lation and whole8
&urnt offerings. Then shall they offer &ullo"*s upon Thine altar.
Glory to the %ather and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, &oth now
and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia. Glory to Thee, O God. Thrice.
'ord, have mer"y. Thrice.
Glory to the %ather and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.
Choir: Tone / [Sticheron Meloy!"
O 'ord, the :ews "ondemned Thee to death, <
ho art the 'ife of all- <
with #osesJ rod Thou hast led them on dry ground through the 7ed Sea, <
yet they nailed Thee to the Cross- <
Thou hast su"*led them with honey from the ro"*, <
yet they gave Thee gall. <
But Thou hast willingly endured these things, <
to free us from the &ondage of the enemy. <<
O Christ our God, glory to Thee.
Reader: Both now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
!heotoion: O Theoto*os, thou art the true vine whi"h hath &lossomed forth
for us the %ruit of life. Thee do we suppli"ate- $nter"ede, O 'ady, together
with the holy apostles, that our souls find mer"y.
The Royal Hours of Pascha
#hoir" Tone $ [Sticheron Meloy!"
Through fear of the :ews, <
Thy friend and "ompanion 3eter denied Thee, O 'ord, <
and in &itter grief he "ried aloud! <
?3ass not &y my tears in silen"e, <
O "ompassionate #aster- <
for $ said $ would *eep faith, and $ have not *ept it.@ <<
A""ept also our repentan"e and have mer"y upon us.
*nto my #ords give ear, + &ord,* hear my cry.
hen the soldiers mo"*ed Thee, O 'ord, <
&efore Thy death upon the pre"ious Cross, <
the heavenly hosts were stru"* with wonder. <
%or Thou ho hast adorned the earth with flowers <
wast arrayed in a "rown of shame- <
and Thou ho hast wrapped the firmament in "louds <
wast "lothed in a ro&e of mo"*ery. <
Thus in Thy providen"e, O Christ, <
Thou hast made *nown Thy "ompassion and great mer"y! <<
glory &e to Thee.
-ttend $nto the voice o" my s$pplication, * + my .ing and my /od.
hen the soldiers mo"*ed Thee, O 'ord, <
&efore Thy death upon the pre"ious Cross, <
the heavenly hosts were stru"* with wonder. <
%or Thou ho hast adorned the earth with flowers <
wast arrayed in a "rown of shame- <
and Thou ho hast wrapped the firmament in "louds <
wast "lothed in a ro&e of mo"*ery. <
Thus in Thy providen"e, O Christ, <
Thou hast made *nown Thy "ompassion and great mer"y! <<
glory &e to Thee.
The Royal Hours of Pascha
%lory& 'oth no(& Tone 5"
hen Thou wast led to Cru"ifi6ion, <
Thou hast "ried, O 'ord! <
?%or what deed do you see* to "ru"ify #e, O ye :ews1 <
$s it &e"ause $ made your paralyNed to wal*, <
&e"ause $ raised the dead as though from sleep1 <
$ healed her that had an issue of &lood, <
and $ too* pity on the woman of Canaan! <
for what deed do you see* to *ill #e, O ye :ews1 <
But, O transgressors, <<
ye shall loo* on Christ hom now ye pier"e.@
(eacon: isdomA 'et us attend.
Reader: The pro*imenon, in )
Tone! $ am ready for s"ourges, and my
sorrow is "ontinually &efore me.
Choir: $ am ready for s"ourges, and my sorrow is "ontinually &efore me.
Reader: O 'ord, re&u*e me not in Thine anger, nor "hasten me in Thy
Choir: $ am ready for s"ourges, and my sorrow is "ontinually &efore me.
Reader: $ am ready for s"ourges.
Choir: And my sorrow is "ontinually &efore me.
(eacon: isdomA
Reader: The 7eading from the 3rophe"y $saiah B>C!;8++D!
(eacon: 'et us attend.
Reader: The 'ord giveth me the tongue of instru"tion, to *now when it is fit
to spea* a word! He has appointed for me early, he has given me an ear to
hear, and the instru"tion of the 'ord, openeth mine ears- $ do not diso&ey,
nor dispute. $ gave my &a"* to s"ourges, and my "hee*s to &lows- and $
turned not away my fa"e from the shame of spitting. But the 'ord God
&e"ame my helper- therefore $ was not ashamed, &ut $ set my fa"e as a solid
The Royal Hours of Pascha
ro"*- and $ *now that $ shall never &e ashamed- for He that hath /ustified me
draweth near. ho is he that pleadeth with me1 'et him stand up against
me at the same time. And who is he that pleadeth with me1 let him draw
nigh to me. Behold, the 'ord, the 'ord, will help me. ho will hurt me1
Behold, all ye shall wa6 old as a garment, and a moth shall devour you. ho
is among you that feareth the 'ord1 'et him hear*en to the voi"e of His
servant. 9e that wal* in dar*ness, and have no light, trust in the name of the
'ord, and stay upon God. Behold, ye all *indle a fire, and feed a flame!
wal* in the light of your fire, and in the flame whi"h ye have *indled. This
hath happened to you for my sa*e- ye shall lie down in sorrow.
(eacon: isdomA
Reader: The 7eading from the epistle of the holy Apostle 3aul to the
7omans B>!E8+C HGG "trD!
(eacon: 'et us attend.
Reader: Brethren! when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ
died for the ungodly. %or s"ar"ely for a righteous man will one die! yet
perhaps for a good man some would even dare to die. But God "ommendeth
His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
#u"h more then, &eing now /ustified &y His &lood, we shall &e saved from
wrath through Him. %or if, when we were enemies, we were re"on"iled to
God &y the death of His Son, mu"h more, &eing re"on"iled, we shall &e
saved &y His life.
Priest 3ea"e &e unto thee.
Reaer" And to thy spirit.
(eacon: isdom, arightA 'et us hear to the Holy Gospel.
Priest: 3ea"e &e unto all.
Choir: And to thy spirit.
Priest: The reading is from the Holy Gospel a""ording to St. #ar* B+>!+E8
The Royal Hours of Pascha
Choir: Glory to Thy 3assion, O 'ord, glory to TheeA
(eacon: 'et us attend.
Priest: At that time, the soldiers led Him away into the hall, "alled
3raetorium- and they "all together the whole &and. And they "lothed Him
with purple, and platted a "rown of thorns, and put it a&out His head, and
&egan to salute Him, Hail, King of the :ewsA And they smote Him on the
head with a reed, and did spit upon Him, and &owing their *nees worshipped
Him. And when they had mo"*ed Him, they too* off the purple from Him,
and put His own "lothes on Him, and led him out to "ru"ify Him. And they
"ompel one Simon, a Cyrenian, who passed &y, "oming out of the "ountry,
the father of Ale6ander and 7ufus, to &ear His "ross. And they &ring Him
unto the pla"e Golgotha, whi"h is, &eing interpreted, The pla"e of a s*ull.
And they gave Him to drin* wine mingled with myrrh! &ut He re"eived it
not. And when they had "ru"ified Him, they parted His garments, "asting
lots upon them, what every man should ta*e. And it was the third hour, and
they "ru"ified him. And the supers"ription of his a""usation was written
over, THF K$,G O% THF :FS. And with Him they "ru"ify two thieves-
the one on His right hand, and the other on his left. And the s"ripture was
fulfilled, whi"h saith, And He was num&ered with the transgressors. And
they that passed &y railed on Him, wagging their heads, and saying, Ah,
Thou that destroyest the temple, and &uildest it in three days, save Thyself,
and "ome down from the "ross. 'i*ewise also the "hief priests mo"*ing
said among themselves with the s"ri&es, He saved others- Himself He "annot
save. 'et Christ the King of $srael des"end now from the "ross, that we may
see and &elieve. And they that were "ru"ified with Him reviled Him. And
when the si6th hour was "ome, there was dar*ness over the whole land until
the ninth hour. And at the ninth hour :esus "ried with a loud voi"e, saying,
Floi, Floi, lama sa&a"hthani1 whi"h is, &eing interpreted, #y God, #y God,
why hast Thou forsa*en me1 And some of them that stood &y, when they
heard it, said, Behold, He "alleth Fli/ah. And one ran and filled a sponge
full of vinegar, and put it on a reed, and gave Him to drin*, saying, 'et
alone- let us see whether Fli/ah will "ome to ta*e Him down. And :esus
"ried with a loud voi"e, and gave up the ghost. And the veil of the temple
was rent in twain from the top to the &ottom. And when the "enturion,
whi"h stood over against him, saw that He so "ried out, and gave up the
ghost, he said, Truly this man was the Son of God. There were also women
loo*ing on afar off! among whom was #ary #agdalene, and #ary the
mother of :ames the less and of :oses, and Salome- Lho also, when He was
The Royal Hours of Pascha
in Galilee, followed Him, and ministered unto Him-M and many other women
whi"h "ame up with Him unto :erusalem.
Choir: Glory to Thy 'ongsuffering, O 'ord, glory to TheeA
Reader: Blessed is the 'ord God, &lessed is the 'ord day &y day- the God of
our salvation shall prosper us along the way- our God is the God of
Holy God, Holy #ighty, Holy $mmortal, have mer"y on us. LThri"eM

Glory to the %ather, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, &oth now
and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

O #ost Holy Trinity, have mer"y on us. O 'ord, &lot out our sins. O
#aster, pardon our ini(uities. O Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities for
Thy name)s sa*e.

'ord have mer"y. (!hrice)

Glory to the %ather and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, &oth now and ever,
and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Our %ather, ho art in the Heavens, hallowed &e Thy ,ame. Thy
Kingdom "ome, Thy will &e done, on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this
day our daily &read, and forgive us our de&ts, as we forgive our de&tors- and
lead us not into temptation, &ut deliver us from the evil one.

Priest: %or Thine is the *ingdom and the power, and the glory! of the %ather
and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto the ages of
Reader: Amen.
Choir: Tone $ [Tro*arion Meloy!"
Come, and let us all sing the praises of Him ho was "ru"ified for us. <
%or #ary said, when she &eheld Him on the Tree! <<
?Though Thou dost endure the Cross, yet Thou art my Son and God.@
Reader: 'ord, have mer"y. )orty times.
The Royal Hours of Pascha
And the *ra"er of the $ours:
Thou ho at all times and at every hour, in heaven and on earth, art
worshipped and glorified, O Christ God, ho art long8suffering, plenteous
in mer"y, most "ompassionate, ho lovest the righteous and hast mer"y on
sinners, ho "allest all to salvation through the promise of good things to
"ome! 7e"eive, O 'ord, our prayers at this hour, and guide our life toward
Thy "ommandments. San"tify our souls, ma*e "haste our &odies, "orre"t
our thoughts, purify our intentions, and deliver us from every sorrow, evil,
and pain. Compass us a&out with Thy holy angels that, guarded and guided
&y their array, we may attain to the unity of the faith and the *nowledge of
Thine unapproa"ha&le glory- for &lessed art Thou unto the ages of ages.
'ord, have mer"y. Thrice.
Glory to the %ather, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, &oth now
and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
#ore honora&le than the "heru&im and &eyond "ompare more
glorious than the seraphim- who without "orruption gavest &irth to God the
ord, the very Theoto*os, thee do we magnify.
$n the name of the 'ord, father LmasterM &less.
Priest: Through the prayers of our holy fathers, O 'ord :esus Christ our
God, have mer"y on us.
Reader: Amen. O #aster God, the %ather Almighty, O 'ord, the Only8
&egotten Son, :esus Christ, and Thou, O Holy Spirit, one Godhead, one
3ower! Have mer"y on me a sinner, and &y the /udgments whi"h Thou
*nowest, save me, Thine unworthy servant- for &lessed art Thou unto the
ages of ages. Amen.
The Royal Hours of Pascha
Reader: O "ome, let us worship God our King.
O "ome, let us worship and fall down &efore Christ our King and God.
O "ome, let us worship and fall down &efore Christ Himself, our King
and God.
O God, in Thy name save me, and in Thy strength do Thou /udge me.
O God, hear*en unto my prayer, give ear unto the words of my mouth. %or
strangers are risen up against me, and mighty men have sought after my soul
and have not set God &efore themselves. %or &ehold, God helpeth me, and
the 'ord is the prote"tor of my soul. He will &ring evils upon mine enemies.
.tterly destroy them &y Thy truth. illingly shall $ sa"rifi"e unto Thee- $
will "onfess Thy name, O 'ord, for it is good. %or out of every affli"tion
hast Thou delivered me, and mine eye hath loo*ed down upon mine
7es"ue me, O 'ord, from the evil man- from the un/ust man deliver
me. ho have devised in/usti"e in their heart- all the day long have they
arrayed themselves for wars. They have whetted their tongue li*e that of a
serpent- the venom of asps is under their lips. Keep me, O 'ord, from the
hand of the sinner- res"ue me from un/ust men who have devised to
undermine my steps. The proud have hid a snare for me, and with "ords have
they spread a snare for my feet- stum&ling8&lo"*s near the paths have they
set for me. $ said unto the 'ord! Thou art my God- give ear, O 'ord, unto the
voi"e of my suppli"ation. 'ord, O 'ord, Thou strength of my salvation,
Thou hast overshadowed my head in the day of &attle. Be"ause of my desire,
O 'ord, give me not up unto the sinner. They have ta*en "ounsel against me-
forsa*e me not, lest they should &e e6alted. As for the head of those that
en"ir"le me, the mis"hief of their lips shall "over them. Coals shall fall upon
them- in fire shalt Thou "ast them down, and they shall not stand in
affli"tions. A &a&&ling man shall not prosper on the earth- evils shall hunt an
un/ust man to his destru"tion. $ *now that the 'ord will maintain the "ause
of the poor and the /usti"e of the paupers. Surely the righteous shall "onfess
Thy name, and the upright shall dwell in Thy presen"e.
The Royal Hours of Pascha
He that dwelleth in the help of the #ost High shall a&ide in the shelter
of the God of heaven. He shall say unto the 'ord! Thou art my helper and
my refuge. He is my God, and $ will hope in Him. %or He shall deliver thee
from the snare of the hunters and from every trou&ling word. ith His
shoulders shall He overshadow thee, and under His wings shalt thou have
hope. ith a shield will His truth en"ompass thee- thou shalt not &e afraid
for the terror &y night, nor for the arrow that flieth &y day, nor for the thing
that wal*eth in dar*ness, nor for the mishap and demon of noonday. A
thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand, &ut unto
thee shall it not "ome nigh. Only with thine eyes shalt thou &ehold, and thou
shalt see the reward of sinners. %or Thou, O 'ord, art my hope. Thou
madest the #ost High thy refuge- no evils shall "ome nigh thee, and no
s"ourge shall draw nigh unto thy dwelling. %or He shall give His angels
"harge over thee, to *eep thee in all thy ways. On their hands shall they &ear
thee up, lest at any time thou dash thy foot against a stone. .pon the asp
and &asilis* shalt thou tread, and thou shalt trample upon the lion and
dragon. %or he hath set his hope on #e, and $ will deliver him- $ will shelter
him &e"ause he hath *nown #y name. He shall "ry unto #e, and $ will
hear*en unto him. $ am with him in affli"tion, and $ will res"ue him and
glorify him. ith length of days will $ satisfy him, and $ will show him #y
Glory to the %ather and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, &oth now
and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia. Glory to Thee, O God. Thrice.
'ord, have mer"y. Thrice.
Glory to the %ather and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.
The Royal Hours of Pascha
Choir: Tone 2 [Sticheron Meloy!"
O Christ our God, Thou hast wor*ed salvation in the midst of the earth! <
Thou hast stret"hed out Thy most pure hands upon the Cross, <
and gathered together all the nations, <<
as they "ry! O 'ord, glory &e to Thee.
Reader: Both now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
Seeing that we have no &oldness on a""ount of our many sins, do thou
&esee"h Him ho was &orn of thee, O =irgin Theoto*os- for the
suppli"ation of a mother availeth mu"h to win the #asterJs favor. 4isdain
not the prayers of sinners, O all8pure one, for mer"iful and mighty to save is
He, ho deigned also to suffer for our sa*e.
#hoir" Tone $ [Sticheron Meloy!"
Thus says the 'ord to the :ews! <
?O my people, what have $ done unto Thee1 <
Or wherein have $ wearied Thee1 <
$ gave light to thy &lind and "leansed thy lepers, <
$ raised up the man who lay upon his &ed. <
O #y people, what have $ done unto thee, <
and how hast thou repaid #e1 <
$nstead of manna thou hast given #e gall, <
instead of water, vinegar- <
instead of loving #e, thou hast nailed #e to the Cross. <
$ "an endure no more. <
$ shall "all #y Gentiles <
and they shall glorify #e with the %ather and the Spirit- <<
and $ shall &estow on them eternal life.@
They gave 0e gall "or 0y "ood, * and "or 0y thirst they gave 0e
vinegar to drin!.
The Royal Hours of Pascha
O lawgivers of $srael, <
ye :ews and 3harisees, <
the "ompany of the apostles "ries aloud to you! <
Behold the Temple that ye have destroyed- <
&ehold the 'am& that ye have "ru"ified. <
9e gave Him over to the tom&, <
&ut &y His own power He has risen again. <
Be not de"eived, ye :ews! <
for this is He who saved you in the sea and fed you in the wilderness. <<
He is the 'ife and 'ight and 3ea"e of the world.
1ave me, + /od, * "or the #aters are come in $nto my so$l.
O lawgivers of $srael, <
ye :ews and 3harisees, <
the "ompany of the apostles "ries aloud to you! <
Behold the Temple that ye have destroyed- <
&ehold the 'am& that ye have "ru"ified. <
9e gave Him over to the tom&, <
&ut &y His own power He has risen again. <
Be not de"eived, ye :ews! <
for this is He who saved you in the sea and fed you in the wilderness. <<
He is the 'ife and 'ight and 3ea"e of the world.
%lory& 'oth no(&
Tone 5" Come, O Christ8&earing people, <
let us see what :udas the traitor has plotted <
with the lawless priests against our Savior. <
Today they /udged the immortal ord guilty of death! <
they delivered Him to 3ilate <
and "ru"ified Him on Golgotha. <
And as our Savior suffered these things, He "ried aloud, saying! <
?%ather, forgive them this sin, <<
that the Gentiles may *now #y 7esurre"tion from the dead.@
(eacon: isdomA 'et us attend.
Reader: The pro*imenon, in )
Tone! O 'ord, our 'ord, how wonderful is
Thy name in all the earthA
The Royal Hours of Pascha
Choir: O 'ord, our 'ord, how wonderful is Thy name in all the earthA
Reader: %or Thy magnifi"en"e is lifted high a&ove the heavens.
Choir: O 'ord, our 'ord, how wonderful is Thy name in all the earthA
Reader: O 'ord, our 'ord.
Choir: How wonderful is Thy name in all the earthA
(eacon: isdomA
Reader: The 7eading from the 3rophe"y of $saiah B>0!+58>;!+D!
(eacon: 'et us attend.
Reader: Thus saith the 'ord! Behold, #y servant shall understand, and &e
e6alted, and glorified e6"eedingly. As many shall &e amaNed at Thee, so
shall Thy fa"e &e without glory from men, and Thy glory from the sons of
men. Thus shall many nations wonder at Him- and *ings shall *eep their
mouths shut! for they to whom no report was &rought "on"erning Him, shall
see- and they who have not heard, shall "onsider. O 'ord, who has &elieved
our report1 And to whom has the arm of the 'ord &een revealed1 e
&rought a report as of a "hild &efore Him- He is as a root in a thirsty land! He
has no form nor "omeliness- and we saw Him, &ut He had no form nor
&eauty. But His form was igno&le, and inferior to that of the "hildren of
men- He was a man of suffering, and a"(uainted with the &earing of
si"*ness, for His fa"e is turned from us, He was dishonored, and not
esteemed. He &ears our sins, and is pained for us! yet we a""ounted Him to
&e in trou&le, smitten of God, and affli"ted. But He was wounded on
a""ount of our sins, and was &ruised &e"ause of our ini(uities! the
"hastisement of our pea"e was upon Him- and &y His stripes we were
healed. All we as sheep have gone astray- every one has gone astray in his
way- and the 'ord gave Him up for our sins. And He, &e"ause of His
affli"tion, openeth not His mouth! He was led as a sheep to the slaughter,
and as a lam& &efore the shearer is dum&, so He openeth not his mouth. $n
His humiliation His /udgment was ta*en away! who shall de"lare His
generation1 %or His life is ta*en away from the earth! &e"ause of the
ini(uities of my people He was led to death. And $ will give the wi"*ed for
His &urial, and the ri"h for His death- for He pra"ti"ed no ini(uity, nor "raft
The Royal Hours of Pascha
with His mouth. The 'ord also is pleased to purge Him from His wounds- if
ye "an give an offering for sin, your soul shall see a long8lived seed! the
'ord also is pleased to ta*e away from the travail of His soul, to show Him
light, and to form Him with understanding- to /ustify the /ust one who serves
many well- and He shall &ear their sins. Therefore He shall inherit many,
and he shall divide the spoils of the mighty- &e"ause His soul was delivered
to death! and He was num&ered among the transgressors- and He &ore the
sins of many, and was delivered &e"ause of their ini(uities. 7e/oi"e, thou
&arren that &earest not- &rea* forth and "ry, thou that dost not travail! for
more are the "hildren of the desolate than of her that has a hus&and.
(eacon: isdomA
Reader: The 7eading from the Fpistle of the holy Apostle 3aul to the
He&rews B0!++8+G H5CED!
(eacon: 'et us attend.
Reader: Brethren! &oth He that san"tifieth and they who are san"tified are
all of one! for whi"h "ause He is not ashamed to "all them &rethren, Saying,
$ will de"lare Thy name unto #y &rethren, in the midst of the "hur"h will $
sing praise unto Thee. And again, $ will put #y trust in Him. And again,
Behold $ and the "hildren whi"h God hath given #e. %orasmu"h then as the
"hildren are parta*ers of flesh and &lood, He Himself li*ewise too* part of
the same- that through death He might destroy him that had the power of
death, that is, the devil- and deliver them who through fear of death were all
their lifetime su&/e"t to &ondage. %or verily He too* not on him the nature
of angels- &ut He too* upon Himself the seed of A&raham. herefore in all
things it &ehooved Him to &e made li*e unto his &rethren, that He might &e a
mer"iful and faithful high priest in things pertaining to God, to ma*e
re"on"iliation for the sins of the people. %or in that He Himself hath
suffered &eing tempted, He is a&le to help them that are tempted.
Priest 3ea"e &e unto thee.
Reaer" And to thy spirit.
(eacon: isdom, arightA 'et us hear to the Holy Gospel.
Priest: 3ea"e &e unto all.
The Royal Hours of Pascha
Choir: And to thy spirit.
Priest: The reading is from the Holy Gospel a""ording to St. 'u*e B05!508
;K H+++D.
Choir: Glory to Thy 3assion, O 'ord, glory to TheeA
(eacon: 'et us attend.
Priest: At that time, with :esus there were also two other, malefa"tors, led
with Him to &e put to death. And when they were "ome to the pla"e, whi"h
is "alled Calvary, there they "ru"ified Him, and the malefa"tors, one on the
right hand, and the other on the left. Then said :esus, %ather, forgive them-
for they *now not what they do. And they parted His raiment, and "ast lots.
And the people stood &eholding. And the rulers also with them derided Him,
saying, He saved others- let Him save himself, if He &e Christ, the "hosen of
God. And the soldiers also mo"*ed Him, "oming to Him, and offering him
vinegar, and saying, $f Thou &e the *ing of the :ews, save Thyself. And a
supers"ription also was written over Him in letters of Gree*, and 'atin, and
He&rew, TH$S $S THF K$,G O% THF :FS. And one of the malefa"tors
whi"h were hanged railed on Him, saying, $f Thou &e Christ, save Thyself
and us. But the other answering re&u*ed him, saying, 4ost not thou fear
God, seeing thou art in the same "ondemnation1 And we indeed /ustly- for
we re"eive the due reward of our deeds! &ut this man hath done nothing
amiss. And he said unto :esus, 'ord, remem&er me when Thou "omest into
Thy *ingdom. And :esus said unto him, =erily $ say unto thee, Today shalt
thou &e with #e in paradise. And it was a&out the si6th hour, and there was
a dar*ness over all the earth until the ninth hour. And the sun was dar*ened,
and the veil of the temple was rent in the midst. And when :esus had "ried
with a loud voi"e, He said, %ather, into Thy hands $ "ommend #y spirit! and
having said thus, He gave up the ghost. ,ow when the "enturion saw what
was done, he glorified God, saying, Certainly this was a righteous man. And
all the people that "ame together to that sight, &eholding the things whi"h
were done, smote their &reasts, and returned. And all his a"(uaintan"e, and
the women that followed him from Galilee, stood afar off, &eholding these
Choir: Glory to Thy 'ongsuffering, O 'ord, glory to TheeA
The Royal Hours of Pascha
Reader: 'et Thy "ompassions (ui"*ly go &efore us, O 'ord, for we are
&e"ome e6"eedingly poor. Help us, O God our Savior, for the sa*e of the
glory of Thy name- O 'ord, deliver us and &e gra"ious unto our sins for Thy
nameJs sa*e.
Holy God, Holy #ighty, Holy $mmortal, have mer"y on us. LThri"eM

Glory to the %ather, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, &oth now
and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

O #ost Holy Trinity, have mer"y on us. O 'ord, &lot out our sins. O
#aster, pardon our ini(uities. O Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities for
Thy name)s sa*e.

'ord have mer"y. (!hrice)

Glory to the %ather and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, &oth now and ever,
and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Our %ather, ho art in the Heavens, hallowed &e Thy ,ame. Thy
Kingdom "ome, Thy will &e done, on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this
day our daily &read, and forgive us our de&ts, as we forgive our de&tors- and
lead us not into temptation, &ut deliver us from the evil one.

Priest: %or Thine is the *ingdom and the power, and the glory! of the %ather
and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto the ages of
Reader: Amen.
Choir: Tone $ [Tro*arion Meloy!"
Come, and let us all sing the praises of Him ho was "ru"ified for us. <
%or #ary said, when she &eheld Him on the Tree! <<
?Though Thou dost endure the Cross, yet Thou art my Son and God.@
Reader: 'ord, have mer"y. )orty times.
The Royal Hours of Pascha
And the *ra"er of the $ours:
Thou ho at all times and at every hour, in heaven and on earth, art
worshipped and glorified, O Christ God, ho art long8suffering, plenteous
in mer"y, most "ompassionate, ho lovest the righteous and hast mer"y on
sinners- ho "allest all men to salvation through the promise of good things
to "ome! 7e"eive, O 'ord, our prayers at this hour, and guide our life toward
Thy "ommandments. San"tify our souls, ma*e "haste our &odies, "orre"t our
thoughts, purify our intentions, and deliver us from every sorrow, evil, and
pain. Compass us a&out with Thy holy angels, that, guarded and guided &y
their array, we may attain to the unity of the faith and to the *nowledge of
Thine unapproa"ha&le glory! %or &lessed art Thou unto the ages of ages.
'ord, have mer"y. Thrice.
Glory to the %ather, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, &oth now
and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
#ore honora&le than the "heru&im and &eyond "ompare more
glorious than the seraphim- who without "orruption gavest &irth to God the
ord, the very Theoto*os, thee do we magnify.
$n the name of the 'ord, father LmasterM &less.
Priest: Through the prayers of our holy fathers, O 'ord :esus Christ our
God, have mer"y upon us.
Reader: Amen. O God and 'ord of hosts, and #a*er of all "reation, ho &y
the tender "ompassion of Thy mer"y whi"h trans"endeth "omprehension,
didst send down Thine Only8&egotten Son, our 'ord :esus Christ, for the
salvation of our ra"e, and &y His pre"ious Cross didst tear asunder the
handwriting of our sins, and there&y didst triumph over the prin"ipalities and
powers of dar*ness! 4o Thou Thyself, O #aster, 'over of man*ind, a""ept
also from us sinners these prayers of than*sgiving and entreaty, and deliver
us from every destru"tive and dar* transgression, and from all enemies, &oth
visi&le and invisi&le, that see* to do us evil. ,ail down our flesh with the
fear of Thee, and in"line not our hearts unto words or thoughts of evil, &ut
pier"e our souls with longing for Thee, so that ever loo*ing to Thee, and
&eing guided &y Thy light as we &ehold Thee, the .napproa"ha&le and
The Royal Hours of Pascha
Fverlasting 'ight, we may send up un"easing praise and than*sgiving unto
Thee, the unoriginate %ather, with Thine only8&egotten Son, and Thine All8
holy and good and life8"reating Spirit, now and ever, and unto the ages of
ages. Amen.
The Royal Hours of Pascha
Reader: O "ome, let us worship God our King.
O "ome, let us worship and fall down &efore Christ our King and God.
O "ome, let us worship and fall down &efore Christ Himself, our King
and God.
Save me, O God, for the waters are "ome in unto my soul. $ am stu"*
fast in the mire of the deep, and there is no sure standing. $ am "ome into the
deeps of the sea, and a tempest hath overwhelmed me. $ am grown weary
with "rying, my throat is &e"ome hoarse- from my hoping in my God, mine
eyes have failed me. They that hate me without a "ause are multiplied more
than the hairs of my head. #ine enemies are grown strong, they that
perse"ute me un/ustly- then did $ restore that whi"h $ too* not away. O God,
Thou *nowest my foolishness, and my transgressions are not hid from Thee.
'et not them that wait on Thee &e ashamed for my sa*e, O 'ord, Thou 'ord
of hosts. ,or let them that see* after Thee &e "onfounded for my sa*e, O
God of $srael. Be"ause for Thy sa*e $ have &orne reproa"h, shame hath
"overed my fa"e. $ am &e"ome a stranger unto my &rethren, and an alien
unto the sons of my mother. %or the Neal of Thy house hath eaten me up, and
the reproa"hes of them that reproa"h Thee are fallen on me. 9ea, with
fasting $ "overed my soul, and it was turned into a reproa"h for me. And $
made sa"*"loth my "lothing, and $ &e"ame a prover& to them. And they
prated against me, they that sit in the gates- and they made a song a&out me,
they that drin* wine. But as for me, with my prayer $ "ry unto Thee, O 'ord-
it is time for Thy good pleasure. O God, in the multitude of Thy mer"y
hear*en unto me, in the truth of Thy salvation. Save me from the mire, that $
&e not stu"* therein- let me &e delivered from them that hate me and from
the deeps of the waters. 'et not the tempest of water overwhelm me, nor let
the deep swallow me up, nor let the pit shut its mouth upon me. Hear*en
unto me, O 'ord, for Thy mer"y is good- a""ording to the multitude of Thy
"ompassions, loo* upon me. Turn not Thy "ountenan"e away from Thy
servant, for $ am affli"ted- (ui"*ly hear*en unto me. Attend unto my soul
and deliver it- &e"ause of mine enemies, res"ue me. %or Thou *nowest my
reproa"h, my shame and my humiliation. Before Thee are all that affli"t me-
my soul hath awaited reproa"h and misery. And $ waited for one that would
grieve with me, &ut there was no one- and for them that would "omfort me,
&ut $ found none. And they gave me gall for my food, and for my thirst they
The Royal Hours of Pascha
gave me vinegar to drin*. 'et their ta&le &efore them &e for a snare, for a
re"ompense and for a stum&ling8&lo"*. 'et their eyes &e dar*ened that they
may not see, and their &a"* do Thou "ontinually &ow down. 3our out upon
them Thy wrath, and let the fury of Thy wrath ta*e hold upon them. 'et their
ha&itation &e made desolate, and in their tents let there &e none to dwell. %or
they perse"uted him whom Thou hast smitten, and to the pain of my wounds
have they added. Add ini(uity to their ini(uity, and let them not enter into
Thy righteousness. 'et them &e &lotted out of the &oo* of the living, and
with the righteous let them not &e written. 3oor and in sorrow am $- may Thy
salvation, O God, &e (ui"* to help me. $ will praise the name of my God
with an ode, $ will magnify Him with praise. And this shall please God more
than a young "alf that hath horns and hooves. 'et &eggars &ehold it and &e
glad- see* after God, and your soul shall live. %or the 'ord hath hear*ened
unto the poor and hath not despised them that are fettered for His sa*e. 'et
the heavens and the earth praise Him, the sea and all the "reeping things
therein. %or God will save 2ion, and the "ities of :udea shall &e &uilded- and
they shall dwell therein and inherit it. And the seed of Thy servants shall
possess it, and they that love Thy name shall dwell therein.
O God, &e attentive unto helping me- O 'ord, ma*e haste to help me.
'et them &e shamed and "onfounded that see* after my soul. 'et them &e
turned &a"* and &rought to shame that desire evils against me. 'et them &e
turned &a"* straightway in shame that say unto me! ell doneA ell doneA
'et them &e glad and re/oi"e in Thee all that see* after Thee, O God, and let
them that love Thy salvation say "ontinually! The 'ord &e magnified. But as
for me, $ am poor and needy- O God, "ome unto mine aid. #y helper and
my deliverer art Thou, O 'ord- ma*e no long tarrying.
Bow down Thine ear, O 'ord, and hear*en unto me, for poor and
needy am $. 3reserve my soul, for $ am holy- save Thy servant, O my God,
that hopeth in Thee. Have mer"y on me, O 'ord, for unto Thee will $ "ry all
the day long- ma*e glad the soul of Thy servant, for unto Thee have $ lifted
up my soul. %or Thou, O 'ord, art good and gentle, and plenteous in mer"y
unto all those who "all upon Thee. Give ear, O 'ord, unto my prayer, and
attend unto the voi"e of my suppli"ation. $n the day of mine affli"tion have $
"ried unto Thee, for Thou hast heard me. There is none li*e unto Thee
The Royal Hours of Pascha
among the gods, O 'ord, nor are there any wor*s li*e unto Thy wor*s. All
the nations whom Thou hast made shall "ome and shall worship &efore
Thee, O 'ord, and shall glorify Thy name. %or Thou art great and wor*est
wonders- Thou alone art God. Guide me, O 'ord, in Thy way, and $ will
wal* in Thy truth- let my heart re/oi"e that $ may fear Thy name. $ will
"onfess Thee, O 'ord my God, with all my heart, and $ will glorify Thy
name forever. %or great is Thy mer"y upon me, and Thou hast delivered my
soul from the nethermost hades. O God, transgressors have risen up against
me, and the assem&ly of the mighty hath sought after my soul, and they have
not set Thee &efore them. But Thou, O 'ord my God, art "ompassionate and
mer"iful, long8suffering and plenteous in mer"y, and true. 'oo* upon me
and have mer"y upon me- give Thy strength unto Thy servant, and save the
son of Thy handmaiden. or* in me a sign unto good, and let those who
hate me &ehold and &e put to shame- for Thou, O 'ord, hast holpen me and
"omforted me.
Glory to the %ather and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, &oth now
and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia. Glory to Thee, O God. Thrice.
'ord, have mer"y. Thrice.
Glory to the %ather and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.
Choir: Tone $ [Sticheron Meloy!"
hen the thief &eheld the Author of life hanging upon the Cross, <
he said! ?$f it were not God in"arnate that is "ru"ified with us, <
the sun would not have hid its rays <
nor would the earth have (ua*ed and trem&led. <
But, O all8for&earing 'ord, <<
remem&er me in Thy *ingdom.@
Reader: Both now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
O Thou ho for our sa*e wast &orn of a =irgin, and didst suffer
"ru"ifi6ion, O Good One, and didst despoil death &y death, and, as God,
didst reveal the resurre"tion! 4isdain not them whi"h Thou hast fashioned
with Thy hand- show forth Thy love for man*ind, O #er"iful One- a""ept
The Royal Hours of Pascha
the Theoto*os who gave Thee &irth, who inter"edeth for us- and do Thou,
our Savior, save a despairing people.
!hen these stichera:
#hoir" Tone 3 [Sticheron Meloy!"
A strange wonder it was to &ehold the Creator of heaven and earth <
hanging upon the Cross. <
The sun was dar*ened and the day was "hanged again to night, <
and the earth gave up the &odies of the dead from their tom&s. <<
ith them we worship Thee! O save us.
They have parted my garments amongst themselves, * and "or my
vest$re have they cast lots.
Tone 2"
hen the transgressors nailed Thee, O 'ord of glory, to the Cross, <
Thou hast "ried aloud to them! <
?How have $ grieved you1 Or wherein have $ angered you1 <
Before #e, who delivered you from tri&ulation1 <
And how do you now repay #e1 <
9e have given #e evil for good! <
in return for the pillar of fire, ye have nailed #e to the Cross- <
in return for the "loud, ye have dug a grave for #e. <
$nstead of manna, ye have given me gall- <
instead of water, ye have given #e vinegar to drin*. <
Hen"eforth $ shall "all the Gentiles, <<
and they shall glorify #e with the %ather and the Holy Spirit.
They gave 0e gall "or 0y "ood, * and "or 0y thirst they gave 0e
vinegar to drin!.
The Royal Hours of Pascha
hen the transgressors nailed Thee, O 'ord of glory, to the Cross, <
Thou hast "ried aloud to them! <
?How have $ grieved you1 Or wherein have $ angered you1 <
Before #e, who delivered you from tri&ulation1 <
And how do you now repay #e1 <
9e have given #e evil for good! <
in return for the pillar of fire, ye have nailed #e to the Cross- <
in return for the "loud, ye have dug a grave for #e. <
$nstead of manna, ye have given me gall- <
instead of water, ye have given #e vinegar to drin*. <
Hen"eforth $ shall "all the Gentiles, <<
and they shall glorify #e with the %ather and the Holy Spirit.
%lory& 'oth no(& Tone /" Today He ho hung the earth upon the
waters is hung upon the Cross. <
He ho is King of the angels is arrayed in a "rown of thorns. <
He ho wraps the heaven in "louds is wrapped in the purple of mo"*ery. <
He ho in :ordan set Adam free re"eives &lows upon His fa"e. <
The Bridegroom of the Chur"h is transfi6ed with nails. <
The Son of the =irgin is pier"ed with a spear. <
e venerate Thy 3assion, O Christ. <
e venerate Thy 3assion, O Christ. <
e venerate Thy 3assion, O Christ. <<
Show us also Thy glorious 7esurre"tion.
And we mae three full prostrations.
(eacon: isdomA 'et us attend.
Reader: The pro*imenon, in /
Tone! The fool hath said in his heart, There
is no God.
Choir: The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God.
Reader: There is none that doeth good, no, not one.
Choir: The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God.
Reader: The fool hath said in his heart.
The Royal Hours of Pascha
Choir: There is no God.
(eacon: isdomA
Reader: The 7eading from the 3rophe"y of :eremiah B++!+G805-+0!+8>- K8
(eacon: 'et us attend.
Reader: O 'ord, tea"h me, and $ shall *now- then $ saw their pra"ti"es. But
$, as an inno"ent lam& led to the slaughter, *new not- for against me they
devised an evil devi"e, saying! Come and let us put wood into his &read, and
let us utterly destroy him from off the land of the living, and let his name not
&e remem&ered any more. O 'ord of hosts, that /udgest righteously, trying
the reins and hearts, let me see Thy vengean"e upon them, for to Thee have $
de"lared my "ause. Therefore thus saith the 'ord "on"erning the men of
Anathoth that see* my life, that say! Thou shalt not prophesy at all in the
name of the 'ord, &ut if thou dost, thou shalt die &y our hands. Therefore
thus saith the 'ord of hosts! Behold, $ will visit upon them- their young men
shall die &y the sword, and their sons and their daughters shall die of famine,
and there shall &e no remnant left of them- for $ will &ring evil upon the
dwellers in Anathoth, in the year of their visitation. 7ighteous art Thou, O
'ord, that $ may ma*e my defense to Thee- yea, $ will spea* to Thee of
/udgments. hy is it that the way of the ungodly prospereth1 That all that
deal very trea"herously are flourishing1 Thou hast planted them, and they
have ta*en root- they have &egotten "hildren, and &e"ome fruitful- Thou art
near to their mouth, and far from their reins. But Thou, O 'ord, *nowest
me, hast seen me, and hast proved my heart &efore Thee- pull them out li*e
sheep for the slaughter, and purify them for the day of their slaughter. How
long shall the land mourn, and the grass of every field wither for the
wi"*edness of them that dwell in it1 The &easts and &irds are utterly
destroyed, &e"ause thy said! God shall not see our ways. Thy feet run, and
they "ause thee to faint. Go ye, gather together all the wild &easts of the
field, and let them "ome to devour her. #any shepherds have destroyed #y
vineyard, they have defiled #y portion, they have made #y desira&le
portion a tra"*less wilderness, it is made "omplete ruin. %or thus saith the
'ord "on"erning all the evil neigh&ors that tou"h #ine inheritan"e, whi"h $
have divided to #y people $srael! Behold, $ will draw them away from their
land, and $ will "ast out the house of :udah from the midst of them. But it
The Royal Hours of Pascha
shall "ome to pass, after $ have "ast them out, that $ will return and have
mer"y upon them, and will "ause them to dwell every one in his inheritan"e
and every one in his land.
(eacon: isdomA
Reader: The 7eading from the Fpistle of the holy Apostle 3aul to the
He&rews B+C!+K85+ H50;D!
(eacon: 'et us attend.
Reader: Brethren! having &oldness to enter into the holiest &y the &lood of
:esus, &y a new and living way, whi"h He hath "onse"rated for us, through
the veil, that is to say, His flesh- and having an high priest over the house of
God- let us draw near with a true heart in full assuran"e of faith, having our
hearts sprin*led from an evil "ons"ien"e, and our &odies washed with pure
water. 'et us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering- Lfor He
is faithful that promised-M and let us "onsider one another to provo*e unto
love and to good wor*s! not forsa*ing the assem&ling of ourselves together,
as the manner of some is- &ut e6horting one another! and so mu"h the more,
as ye see the day approa"hing. %or if we sin wilfully after that we have
re"eived the *nowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sa"rifi"e for
sins, &ut a "ertain fearful loo*ing for of /udgment and fiery indignation,
whi"h shall devour the adversaries. He that despised #oses) law died
without mer"y under two or three witnesses! of how mu"h worse
punishment, suppose ye, shall he &e thought worthy, who hath trodden under
foot the Son of God, and hath "ounted the &lood of the "ovenant, wherewith
he was san"tified, an unholy thing, and hath insulted the Spirit of gra"e1 %or
we *now Him that hath said, =engean"e &elongeth unto me, $ will
re"ompense, saith the 'ord. And again, The 'ord shall /udge his people. $t
is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.
Priest 3ea"e &e unto thee.
Reaer" And to thy spirit.
(eacon: isdom, arightA 'et us hear to the Holy Gospel.
Priest: 3ea"e &e unto all.
The Royal Hours of Pascha
Choir: And to thy spirit.
Priest: The reading is from the Holy Gospel a""ording to St. :ohn B+G!0G8
+K!5I H>K8E+D
Choir: Glory to Thy 3assion, O 'ord, glory to TheeA
(eacon: 'et us attend.
Priest: At that time, they led :esus from Caiaphas unto the hall of /udgment!
and it was early- and they themselves went not into the /udgment hall, lest
they should &e defiled- &ut that they might eat the passover. 3ilate then went
out unto them, and said, hat a""usation &ring ye against this man1 They
answered and said unto him, $f He were not a malefa"tor, we would not have
delivered Him up unto thee. Then said 3ilate unto them, Ta*e ye Him, and
/udge Him a""ording to your law. The :ews therefore said unto him, $t is not
lawful for us to put any man to death! that the saying of :esus might &e
fulfilled, whi"h He spa*e, signifying what death he should die. Then 3ilate
entered into the /udgment hall again, and "alled :esus, and said unto Him,
Art thou the King of the :ews1 :esus answered him, Sayest thou this thing of
thyself, or did others tell it thee of me1 3ilate answered, Am $ a :ew1 Thine
own nation and the "hief priests have delivered Thee unto me! what hast
Thou done1 :esus answered, #y *ingdom is not of this world! if #y
*ingdom were of this world, then would #y servants fight, that $ should not
&e delivered to the :ews! &ut now is #y *ingdom not from hen"e. 3ilate
therefore said unto him, Art thou a *ing then1 :esus answered, Thou sayest
that $ am a *ing. To this end was $ &orn, and for this "ause "ame $ into the
world, that $ should &ear witness unto the truth. Fvery one that is of the truth
heareth my voi"e. 3ilate saith unto Him, hat is truth1 And when he had
said this, he went out again unto the :ews, and saith unto them, $ find in Him
no fault at all. But ye have a "ustom, that $ should release unto you one at
the passover! will ye therefore that $ release unto you the King of the :ews1
Then "ried they all again, saying, ,ot this man, &ut Bara&&as. ,ow
Bara&&as was a ro&&er. Then 3ilate therefore too* :esus, and s"ourged Him.
And the soldiers platted a "rown of thorns, and put it on His head, and they
put on Him a purple ro&e, and said, Hail, King of the :ewsA and they smote
Him with their hands. 3ilate therefore went forth again, and saith unto them,
Behold, $ &ring Him forth to you, that ye may *now that $ find no fault in
Him. Then "ame :esus forth, wearing the "rown of thorns, and the purple
ro&e. And 3ilate saith unto them, Behold the manA hen the "hief priests
The Royal Hours of Pascha
therefore and offi"ers saw Him, they "ried out, saying, Cru"ify Him, "ru"ify
Him. 3ilate saith unto them, Ta*e ye Him, and "ru"ify Him! for $ find no
fault in Him. The :ews answered Him, e have a law, and &y our law He
ought to die, &e"ause He made himself the Son of God. hen 3ilate
therefore heard that saying, He was the more afraid- and went again into the
/udgment hall, and saith unto :esus, hen"e art Thou1 But :esus gave him
no answer. Then saith 3ilate unto Him, Spea*est Thou not unto me1
*nowest Thou not that $ have power to "ru"ify Thee, and have power to
release Thee1 :esus answered, Thou "ouldest have no power at all against
#e, e6"ept it were given thee from a&ove! therefore he that delivered #e
unto thee hath the greater sin. And from then"eforth 3ilate sought to release
Him! &ut the :ews "ried out, saying, $f thou let this man go, thou art not
Caesar)s friend! whosoever ma*eth himself a *ing spea*eth against Caesar.
hen 3ilate therefore heard that saying, he &rought :esus forth, and sat
down in the /udgment seat in a pla"e that is "alled the 3avement, &ut in the
He&rew, Ga&&atha. And it was the preparation of the passover, and a&out
the si6th hour! and he saith unto the :ews, Behold your KingA But they "ried
out, Away with Him, away with Him, "ru"ify Him. 3ilate saith unto them,
Shall $ "ru"ify your King1 The "hief priests answered, e have no *ing &ut
Caesar. Then delivered he Him therefore unto them to &e "ru"ified. And
they too* :esus, and led Him away. And He &earing his "ross went forth
into a pla"e "alled the pla"e of a s*ull, whi"h is "alled in the He&rew
Golgotha! here they "ru"ified Him, and two other with Him, on either side
one, and :esus in the midst. And 3ilate wrote a title, and put it on the "ross.
And the writing was :FS.S O% ,A2A7FTH THF K$,G O% THF :FS.
This title then read many of the :ews! for the pla"e where :esus was
"ru"ified was nigh to the "ity! and it was written in He&rew, and Gree*, and
'atin. Then said the "hief priests of the :ews to 3ilate, rite not, The King
of the :ews- &ut that He said, $ am King of the :ews. 3ilate answered, hat
$ have written $ have written. Then the soldiers, when they had "ru"ified
:esus, too* His garments, and made four parts, to every soldier a part- and
also His "oat! now the "oat was without seam, woven from the top
throughout. They said therefore among themselves, 'et us not rend it, &ut
"ast lots for it, whose it shall &e! that the s"ripture might &e fulfilled, whi"h
saith, They parted #y raiment among them, and for #y vesture they did "ast
lots. These things therefore the soldiers did. ,ow there stood &y the "ross of
:esus His mother, and His mother)s sister, #ary the wife of Cleopas, and
#ary #agdalene. hen :esus therefore saw His mother, and the dis"iple
standing &y, whom He loved, He saith unto His mother, oman, &ehold thy
sonA Then saith He to the dis"iple, Behold thy motherA And from that hour
The Royal Hours of Pascha
that dis"iple too* her unto his own home. After this, :esus *nowing that all
things were now a""omplished, that the s"ripture might &e fulfilled, saith, $
thirst. ,ow there was set a vessel full of vinegar! and they filled a sponge
with vinegar, and put it upon hyssop, and put it to His mouth. hen :esus
therefore had re"eived the vinegar, He said, $t is finished! and He &owed His
head, and gave up the ghost. The :ews therefore, &e"ause it was the
preparation, that the &odies should not remain upon the "ross on the sa&&ath
day, Lfor that sa&&ath day was an high day,M &esought 3ilate that their legs
might &e &ro*en, and that they might &e ta*en away. Then "ame the
soldiers, and &ra*e the legs of the first, and of the other whi"h was "ru"ified
with Him. But when they "ame to :esus, and saw that He was dead already,
they &ra*e not His legs! &ut one of the soldiers with a spear pier"ed His side,
and forthwith "ame there out &lood and water. And he that saw it &are
re"ord, and his re"ord is true! and he *noweth that he saith true, that ye
might &elieve. %or these things were done, that the s"ripture should &e
fulfilled, A &one of Him shall not &e &ro*en. And again another s"ripture
saith, They shall loo* on Him whom they pier"ed.
Choir: Glory to Thy 'ongsuffering, O 'ord, glory to TheeA
Reader: 4eliver us not up utterly, for Thy holy nameJs sa*e, neither
disannul Thou Thy "ovenant, and "ause not Thy mer"y to depart from us, for
A&rahamJs sa*e, Thy &eloved, and for $saa"Js sa*e, Thy servant, and for
$sraelJs, Thy holy one.
Holy God, Holy #ighty, Holy $mmortal, have mer"y on us. LThri"eM

Glory to the %ather, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, &oth now
and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

O #ost Holy Trinity, have mer"y on us. O 'ord, &lot out our sins. O
#aster, pardon our ini(uities. O Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities for
Thy name)s sa*e.

'ord have mer"y. (!hrice)

Glory to the %ather and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, &oth now and ever,
and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

The Royal Hours of Pascha
Our %ather, ho art in the Heavens, hallowed &e Thy ,ame. Thy
Kingdom "ome, Thy will &e done, on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this
day our daily &read, and forgive us our de&ts, as we forgive our de&tors- and
lead us not into temptation, &ut deliver us from the evil one.

Priest: %or Thine is the *ingdom and the power, and the glory! of the %ather
and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto the ages of
Reader: Amen.
Choir: Tone $ [Tro*arion Meloy!"
Come, and let us all sing the praises of Him ho was "ru"ified for us. <
%or #ary said, when she &eheld Him on the Tree! <<
?Though Thou dost endure the Cross, yet Thou art my Son and God.@
Reader: 'ord, have mer"y. )orty times.
And the *ra"er of the $ours:
Thou ho at all times and at every hour, in heaven and on earth, art
worshipped and glorified, O Christ God, ho art long8suffering, plenteous
in mer"y, most "ompassionate, ho lovest the righteous and hast mer"y on
sinners- ho "allest all men to salvation through the promise of good things
to "ome! 7e"eive, O 'ord, our prayers at this hour, and guide our life toward
Thy "ommandments. San"tify our souls, ma*e "haste our &odies, "orre"t our
thoughts, purify our intentions, and deliver us from every sorrow, evil, and
pain. Compass us a&out with Thy holy angels, that, guarded and guided &y
their array, we may attain to the unity of the faith and to the *nowledge of
Thine unapproa"ha&le glory! %or &lessed art Thou unto the ages of ages.
'ord, have mer"y. Thrice.
Glory to the %ather, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, &oth now
and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
#ore honora&le than the "heru&im and &eyond "ompare more
glorious than the seraphim- who without "orruption gavest &irth to God the
ord, the very Theoto*os, thee do we magnify.
The Royal Hours of Pascha
$n the name of the 'ord, father LmasterM &less.
Priest: God &e gra"ious unto us and &less us, and "ause His fa"e to shine
upon us, and have mer"y on us.
Reader: Amen. O #aster, 'ord :esus Christ, our God, ho art long8
suffering in the fa"e of our transgressions, and ho hast &rought us even
unto this present hour, wherein Thou didst hang upon the life8giving Tree,
and didst ma*e a way into paradise for the wise thief, and &y death didst
destroy death! Be gra"ious unto us sinners and Thine unworthy servants- for
we have sinned and "ommitted ini(uity, and are not worthy to lift up our
eyes and &ehold the height of heaven, for we have a&andoned the way of
Thy righteousness, and have wal*ed in the desires of our hearts. But we
&esee"h Thy &oundless goodness! Spare us, O 'ord, a""ording to the
multitude of Thy mer"y and save us for Thy holy nameJs sa*e- for our days
were "onsumed in vanity. 7es"ue us from the hand of the adversary, and
forgive us our sins, and mortify our "arnal mind- that, putting aside the old
man, we may &e "lad with the new, and live for Thee, our #aster and
Benefa"tor- and that thus &y following in Thy "ommandments, we may
attain to rest everlasting, wherein is the dwelling8pla"e of all them that
re/oi"e. %or Thou art indeed the true /oy and gladness of them that love
Thee, O Christ our God, and unto Thee we send up glory, with Thine
unoriginate %ather, and Thy #ost8holy and good and life8"reating Spirit,
now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
Reader: $n Thy *ingdom remem&er us, O 'ord, when Thou "omest in Thy
Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the *ingdom of heaven.
Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall &e "omforted.
Blessed are the mee*, for they shall inherit the earth.
Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they
shall &e filled.
Blessed are the mer"iful, for they shall o&tain mer"y.
Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.
Blessed are the pea"ema*ers, for they shall &e "alled the sons of God.
The Royal Hours of Pascha
Blessed are they whi"h are perse"uted for righteousness) sa*e, for
theirs is the *ingdom of heaven.
Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and perse"ute you, and
shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sa*e.
7e/oi"e, and &e e6"eeding glad, for great is your reward in the
Glory to the %ather, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.
Both now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
7emem&er us, O 'ord, when Thou "omest in Thy *ingdom.
7emem&er us, O #aster, when Thou "omest in Thy *ingdom.
7emem&er us, O Holy One, when Thou "omest in Thy *ingdom.
The heavenly "hoir praiseth Thee and saith! Holy, Holy, Holy, 'ord of
Sa&aoth- heaven and earth are full of Thy glory.
Come unto Him, and &e enlightened and your fa"es shall not &e
The heavenly "hoir praiseth Thee and saith! Holy, Holy, Holy, 'ord of
Sa&aoth- heaven and earth are full of Thy glory.
Glory to the %ather, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.
The "hoir of Holy angels and ar"hangels, with all the heavenly hosts
praiseth Thee and saith! Holy, Holy, Holy, 'ord of Sa&aoth- heaven and
earth are full of Thy glory.
Both now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
$ &elieve in one God, the %ather Almighty, #a*er of heaven and earth
and of all things visi&le and invisi&le. And in one 'ord :esus Christ, the Son
of God, the Only8&egotten, &egotten of the %ather &efore all ages- 'ight of
'ight, true God of true God- &egotten, not made- of one essen"e with the
%ather, &y hom all things were made- ho for us men and for our
salvation "ame down from the heavens, and was in"arnate of the Holy Spirit
and the =irgin #ary, and &e"ame man- And was "ru"ified for us under
3ontius 3ilate, and suffered and was &uried- And arose again on the third
day a""ording to the S"riptures- And as"ended into the heavens, and sitteth
at the right hand of the %ather- And shall "ome again, with glory, to /udge
The Royal Hours of Pascha
&oth the living and the dead- hose *ingdom shall have no end. And in the
Holy Spirit, the 'ord, the Giver of life- ho pro"eedeth from the %ather-
ho with the %ather and the Son together is worshipped and glorified- ho
spa*e &y the prophets. $n One, Holy, Catholi", and Apostoli" Chur"h. $
"onfess one &aptism for the remission of sins. $ loo* for the resurre"tion of
the dead, And the life of the age to "ome. Amen.
7emit, pardon, forgive, O God, our offenses, &oth voluntary and
involuntary, in deed and word, in *nowledge and ignoran"e, &y day and &y
night, in mind and thought- forgive us all things, for Thou art good and the
'over of man*ind.
Our %ather, ho art in the heavens, hallowed &e Thy name. Thy
*ingdom "ome, Thy will &e done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this
day our daily &read, and forgive us our de&ts, as we forgive our de&tors- and
lead us not into temptation, &ut deliver us from the evil one.
Priest: %or thine is the *ingdom, and the power, and the glory, of the
%ather, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages
of ages.
Reader: Amen.
Choir: Tone $ [Tro*arion Meloy!"
Come, and let us all sing the praises of Him ho was "ru"ified for us. <
%or #ary said, when she &eheld Him on the Tree! <<
?Though Thou dost endure the Cross, yet Thou art my Son and God.@
Reader: 'ord, have mer"y. )orty times.
O All8Holy Trinity, the "onsu&stantial dominion, the indivisi&le
Kingdom, and "ause of every Good! Show Thy good will even unto me a
sinner- ma*e steadfast my heart and grant it understanding, and ta*e away
mine every defilement- enlighten my mind that $ may glorify, hymn,
worship, and say! One is Holy, One is 'ord, :esus Christ, to the glory of the
God the %ather. Amen.
Blessed &e the name of the 'ord from hen"eforth and forever more.
The Royal Hours of Pascha
Glory to the %ather, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, &oth now
and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
Psal5 --
$ will &less the 'ord at all times, His praise shall "ontinually &e in my
mouth. $n the 'ord shall my soul &e praised- let the mee* hear and &e glad.
O magnify the 'ord with me, and let us e6alt His name together. $ sought the
'ord, and He heard me, and delivered me from all my tri&ulations. Come
unto Him, and &e enlightened, and your fa"es shall not &e ashamed. This
poor man "ried, and the 'ord heard him, and saved him out of all his
tri&ulations. The angel of the 'ord will en"amp round a&out them that fear
Him, and will deliver them. O taste and see that the 'ord is good- &lessed is
the man that hopeth in Him. O fear the 'ord, all ye His saints- for there is no
want to them that fear Him. 7i"h men have turned poor and gone hungry-
&ut they that see* the 'ord shall not &e deprived of any good thing. Come ye
"hildren, hear*en unto me- $ will tea"h you the fear of the 'ord. hat man is
there that desireth life, who loveth to see good days1 Keep thy tongue from
evil, and thy lips from spea*ing guile. Turn away from evil, and do good-
see* pea"e, and pursue it. The eyes of the 'ord are upon the righteous, and
His ears are opened unto their suppli"ation. The fa"e of the 'ord is against
them that do evil, utterly to destroy the remem&ran"e of them from the earth.
The righteous "ried, and the 'ord heard them, and He delivered them out of
all their tri&ulations. The 'ord is nigh unto them that are of a "ontrite heart,
and He will save the hum&le of spirit. #any are the tri&ulations of the
righteous, and the 'ord shall deliver them out of them all. The 'ord *eepeth
all their &ones, not one of them shall &e &ro*en. The death of sinners is evil,
and they that hate the righteous shall do wrong. The 'ord will redeem the
souls of His servants, and none of them will do wrong that hope in Him.
(eacon: isdomA
Choir: $t is truly meet to &less thee, the Theoto*os, <<
Fver &lessed and most &lameless, and #other of our God.
Priest: O #ost holy Theoto*os, save us.
The Royal Hours of Pascha
Choir: #ore honora&le than the Cheru&im, <
and &eyond "ompare more glorious than the Seraphim, <
who without "orruption gavest &irth to God the ord, <<
the very Theoto*os, thee do we magnify.
Priest: Glory to Thee, O Christ God, our Hope, glory to Thee.
Choir: Glory to the %ather, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, &oth now
and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
'ord, have mer"y. LThri"eM
%ather L#asterM, Bless.
Priest: #ay Christ our true God, ho for the salvation of the world endured
spitting, s"ourging, &uffeting, the Cross, and death, through the inter"essions
of His most pure #other, of our holy and God8&earing fathers, and of all the
saints, have mer"y on us and save us, for He is good and the 'over of
Choir: Amen. 'ord, have mer"y. Thrice.
Revised 23432514
The Royal Hours of Pascha

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