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S. No.

H. No. 5484
Republic of the PH / Congress of the PH / Metro Manila
Fifteenth Congress / Third Regular Session
Begun and held in Metro Manila, on Monday, the twenty-third day of July, two thouand twel!e.
RA 1051 ! A" ACT PR#$%&%"' F#R A C#MPR(H("S%$( )A* #" F%R(ARMS A"& AMM+"%T%#" A"&
PR#$%&%"' P("A)T%(S F#R $%#)AT%#"S TH(R(#F
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the PH in Congress assembled:
ART%C)( % ! T%T)(, &(C)ARAT%#" #F P#)%C- A"& &(F%"%T%#" #F T(RMS
S"#$%&N '. Short Title. ( $hi )*t hall +e ,nown a the -#o./reheni!e 0irear. and )..unition 1egulation )*t2.
S"#. 3. Declaration of State Policy. ( %t i the /oli*y of the State to .aintain /ea*e and order and /rote*t the /eo/le againt !iolen*e.
State alo re*ogni4e the right of it 5ualified *iti4en to elf-defene through, when it i the reaona+le .ean to re/el unlawful
aggreion under the *ir*u.tan*e, the ue of firear.. $oward thi end, State hall /ro!ide for a *o./reheni!e law regulating
ownerhi/, /oeion, *arrying, .anufa*ture, dealing in and i./ortation of firear., a..unition, or /art thereof, in order to /ro!ide
legal u//ort to law enfor*e.ent agen*ie in their *a./aign againt *ri.e, to/ the /roliferation of illegal firear. or wea/on and
the illegal .anufa*ture of firear. or wea/on, a..unition and /art thereof.
S"#. 3. Definition of Terms. ( ) ued in thi )*t6
7a8 ccessories refer to /art of a firear. whi*h .ay enhan*e or in*reae the o/erational effi*ien*y or a**ura*y of a firear. +ut will
not *ontitute any of the .a9or or .inor internal /art thereof u*h a, +ut not li.ited to, laer *o/e, tele*o/i* ight and ound
u//reor or ilen*er.
7+8 mmunition refer to a *o./lete unfi:ed unit *oniting of a +ullet, gun/owder, *artridge *ae and / or loaded hell for ue in
any firear..
7*8 nti!ue firearm refer to any6 7'8 firear. whi*h wa .anufa*tured at leat 75 yr /rior to the *urrent date +ut not in*luding
re/li*a; 738 firear. whi*h i *ertified +y the National Mueu. of the <H to +e *urio or reli* of .ueu. interet; and 738 any other
firear. whi*h deri!e a u+tantial /art of it .onetary !alue fro. the fa*t that it i no!el, rare, +i4arre or +e*aue of it ao*iation
with o.e hitori*al figure, /eriod or e!ent.
7d8 rms smuggling refer to the i./ort, e:/ort, a*5uiition, ale, deli!ery, .o!e.ent or tranfer of firear., their /art and
*o./onent and a..unition, fro. or a*ro the territory of one *ountry to that of another *ountry whi*h ha not +een authori4ed in
a**ordan*e with do.eti* law in either or +oth *ountry=*ountrie.
7e8 uthority to import refer to a do*u.ent iued +y the <N< #hief authori4ing the i./ortation of firear., or their /art,
a..unition and other *o./onent.
7f8 uthori"ed dealer refer to any /eron, legal entity, *or/oration, /artnerhi/ or +uine entity duly li*ened +y the 0irear. and
":/loi!e &ffi*e 70"&8 of the <N< to engage in the +uine of +uying and elling a..unition, firear. or /arte thereof, at wholeale
or retail +ai.
7g8 uthori"ed importer refer to any /eron, legal entity, *or/oration, /artnerhi/ or +uine duly li*ened +y the 0"& of the <N< to
engage in the +uine of i./orting a..unition and firear., or /art thereof into the territory of the 1e/u+li* of the <H for /ur/oe
of ale or ditri+ution under the /ro!iion of thi )*t.
7h8 uthori"ed manufacturer refer to any /eron, legal entity, *or/oration, or /artnerhi/ duly li*ened +y 0"& of <N< to engage in
the +uine of .anufa*turing firear., and a..unition or /art thereof for /ur/oe of ale or ditri+ution.
7i8 Confiscated firearm refer to a firear. that i ta,en into *utody +y the <N<, NB%, <>"), and all other law enfor*e.ent agen*ie
+y reaon of their .andate and .ut +e ne*earily re/orted or turned o!er to the <"& of the <N<.
798 Demilitari"ed firearm refer to a firear. deli+erately .ade in*a/a+le of / it .ain /ur/oe of firing a /ro9e*tile.
7,8 Duty detail order refer to a do*u.ent iued +y the 9uridi*al entity or e./loyer wherein the detail of the di/oition of firear. i
/elled-out, thu indi*ating the na.e of e./loyee, the firear. infor.ation, the /e*ifi* duration and lo*ation of /oting or aign.ent
and the authori4ed +onded firear. *utodian for the 9uridi*al entity to who. u*h firear. i turned o!er after the la/e of the order.
7l8 #irearm refer to any handheld or /orta+le wea/on, whether a .all ar. or light wea/on, that e:/el or i deigned to e:/el a
+ullet, hot, lug, .iile or any /ro9e*tile, whi*h i di*harged +y .ean of e:/ani!e for*e of gae fro. +urning gun/owder or
other for. of *o.+ution or any i.ilar intru.ent or i./le.ent. 0or /ur/oe of thi )*t, the +arrel, fra.e or re*ei!er i *onidered
a firear..
7.8 #irearms $nformation %anagement System &#$%S' refer to the *o./ilation of all data and infor.ation on firear. ownerhi/
and di/oition for re*ord /ur/oe.
7n8 #orfeited firearm refer to a firear. that i u+9e*t to forfeiture +y reaon of *ourt order a a**eory /enalty or for the di/oition
+y the 0"& of <N< of firear. *onidered a a+andoned, urrendered, *onfi*ated or re!o,ed in *o./lian*e with e:iting rule and
7o8 (un club refer to an organi4ation duly regitered with and a**redited in good tanding +y the 0"& of the <N< whi*h i
eta+lihed for the /ur/oe of /ro/agating re/oni+le and afe gun ownerhi/, /ro/er a//re*iation and ue of firear. +y it
.e.+er, for the /ur/oe of /ort and hooting *o./etition, elf-defene and *olle*tion /ur/oe.
7/8 (unsmith refer to any /eron, legal entity, *or/oration, /artnerhi/ or +uine duly li*ened +y the 0"& of <N< to engage in the
+uine of re/airing firear. and other wea/on or *ontru*ting or ae.+ling firear. and wea/on fro. finihed or .anufa*tured
/art thereof on a /er order +ai and not in **ial 5uantitie or of .a,ing .inor /art for the /ur/oe of re/airing or ae.+ling
aid firear. or wea/on.
758 $mitation firearm refer to a re/li*a of a firear., or other de!i*e that i o u+tantially i.ilar in *oloration and o!erall a//earan*e
to an e:iting firear. a to lead a reaona+le /eron to +elie!e that u*h i.itation firear. i a real firear..
7r8 )icensed citi"en refer to any 0ili/ino who *o./lie with the 5ualifi*ation et forth in thi )*t and duly iued with a li*ene to
/oe or to *arry firear. outide of the reiden*e in a**ordan*e with thi )*t.
78 )icensed* +uridical entity refer to *or/oration, organi4ation, +uinee in*luding e*urity agen*ie and ?@A whi*h are li*ened
to own and /oe firear. in a**ordan*e with thi )*t.
7t8 )ight ,eapons are6 #la-) ?ight wea/on whi*h refer to elf-loading /itol, rifle and *ar+ine, u+.a*hine gun, aault rifle
and light .a*hine gun not e:*eeding *ali+er 7.B3MM whi*h ha!e fully auto.ati* .ode; and #la-B ?ight wea/on whi*h refer to
wea/on deigned for ue +y 3 or .ore /eron er!ing a a *rew, or rifle and .a*hine gun e:*eeding *ali+er 7.B3MM u*h a
hea!y .a*hine gun, handheld under+arrel and .ounted grenade laun*her, /orta+le anti-air*raft gun, /orta+le anti-tan, gun,
re*oille rifle, /orta+le laun*her of anti-tan, .iile and ro*,et yte., /orta+le laun*her of anti-air*raft .iile yte., and
.ortar of a *ali+er of le than 'CCMM.
7u8 )ong certificate of registration refer to li*ene iued to go!ern.ent agen*ie or offi*e or go!ern.ent-owned or -*ontrolled
*or/oration for firear. to +e ued +y their offi*ial and e./loyee who are 5ualified to /oe firear. a /ro!ider in thi )*t,
e:*luding e*urity guard.
7!8 )oose firearm refer to an unregitered firear., an o+literated or altered firear., firear. whi*h ha +een lot or tolen, illegally
.anufa*tured firear., regitered firear. in the /oeion of an indi!idual other than the li*enee and thoe with re!o,ed li*ene in
a**ordan*e with the rule and regulation.
7w8 %a+or part or components of a firearm refer to the +arrel, lide, fra.e, re*ei!er, *ylinder or +olt ae.+ly. $he ter. alo in*lude
any /art or ,it deigned and intended for ue in *on!erting a e.i-auto.ati* +urt to a full auto.ati* firear..
7:8 %inor parts of a firearm refer to the /art of the firear. other than the .a9or /art whi*h are ne*eary to effe*t and *o./lete the
a*tion of e:/elling a /ro9e*tile +y way of *o.+ution, e:*e/t thoe *laified a a**eorie.
7y8 Permit to carry firearm outside of residence refer to a written authority iued to a li*ened *iti4en +y the #hief of the <N< whi*h
entitle u*h /eron to *arry hi regitered or lawfully iued firear. outide of the reiden*e for the duration and /ur/oe /e*ified in
the authority.
748 Permit to transport firearm refer to a written authority iued to a li*ened *iti4en or entity +y the #hief of the <N< or +y a <N<
1egional >ire*tor whi*h entitle u*h /eron or entity to tran/ort a /arti*ular firear. fro. and to a /e*ifi* lo*ation within the
duration and /ur/oe in the authority.
7aa8 Residence refer to the /la*e or /la*e of a+ode of the li*ened *iti4en a indi*ated in hi li*ene.
7++8 Shooting range refer to a fa*ility eta+lihed for the /ur/oe of firear. training and ,ill de!elo/.ent, firear. teting, a well
a for /ort and *o./etition hooting either for the e:*lui!e ue of it .e.+er or o/en to the general /u+li*, duly regitered with
and a**redited in good tanding +y the 0"& of the <N<.
7**8 Short certificate of registration refer to a *ertifi*ate iued +y the 0"& of the <N< for a go!ern.ent offi*ial or e./loyee who
wa iued +y hi e./loyer de/art.ent, agen*y or go!ern.ent-owned or -*ontrolled *or/oration a firear. *o!ered +y the long
*ertifi*ate of regitration.
7dd8 Small arms refer to firear. intended to +e or /ri.arily deigned for indi!idual ue or that whi*h i generally *onidered to .ean
a wea/on intended to +e fired fro. the hand or houlder, whi*h are not *a/a+le of fully auto.ati* +urt of di*harge, u*h a6
7'8 Handgun whi*h i a firear. intended to +e fired fro. the hand, whi*h in*lude6
7i8 ) /itol whi*h i a hand-o/erated firear. ha!ing a *ha.+er integral with or /er.anently aligned with the +ore whi*h .ay +e
elf-loading; and
7ii8 1e!ol!er whi*h i a hand-o/erated firear. with a re!ol!ing cylinder containing chambers for individual
738 1ifle whi*h i a houlder firear. or deigned to +e fired fro. the houlder that *an di*harge a +ullet through a rifled +arrel +y
different a*tion of loading, whi*h .ay +e *laified a le!er, +olt, or elf-loading; and
738 Shotgun whi*h i a wea/on deigned, .ade and intended to fire a nu.+er of +all hot or a ingle /ro9e*tile through a .ooth +ore
+y the a*tion or energy fro. +urning gun/owder.
7ee8 Sports shooting competition refer to a defeni!e, /re*iion or /ra*ti*al /ort hooting *o./etition duly authori4ed +y the 0"& of
the <N<.
7ff8 Tampered* obliterated or altered firearm refer to any firear. whoe erial nu.+er or other identifi*ation or +alliti*
*hara*teriti* ha!e +een intentionally ta./ered with, o+literated or altered without authority or in order to *on*eal it our*e, identity
or ownerhi/.
7gg8 Thermal ,eapon sight refer to a +attery o/erated, un*ooled i.aging de!i*e whi*h a./lifie a!aila+le ignature
o that the !iewed *ene +e*o.e *lear to the o/erator whi*h i ued to lo*ate and engage target during daylight and fro. low light to
total dar,ne and o/erate in ad!ere *ondition u*h a light rain, light now, and dry .o,e or in *on9un*tion with other o/ti*al and
red dot ight.
ART%C)( %% ! #*"(RSH%P A"& P#SS(SS%#" #F F%R(ARMS
S"#. 4. Standards and Re!uisites for $ssuance of and -btaining a )icense to -,n and Possess #irearms. ( %n order to 5ualify and
a*5uire a li*ene to own and /oe a firear. or firear. and a..unition, the a//li*ant .ut +e a 0ili/ino *iti4en, at leat 3' year
old and ha gainful wor,, o**u/ation or +uine or ha filed an %n*o.e $a: 1eturn 7%$18 for the /re*eding year a /roof of in*o.e,
/rofeion, +uine or o**u/ation.
%n addition, the a//li*ant hall the following *ertifi*ation iued +y a//ro/riate authoritie atteting the following6
7a8 )//li*ant ha not +een *on!i*ted of any *ri.e in!ol!ing .oral tur/itude6
7+8 )//li*ant ha /aed the /y*hiatri* tet ad.initered +y a <N<-a**redited /y*hologit or /y*hiatrit;
7*8 )//li*ant ha /aed the drug tet *ondu*ted +y an a**redited and authori4ed drug teting ?a+ or *lini*;
7d8 )//li*ant ha /aed a gun afety e.inar whi*h i ad.initered +y the <N< or a regitered and authori4ed gun *lu+;
7e8 )//li*ant ha filed in writing the a//li*ation to /oe a regitered firear. whi*h hall tate hi /eronal *ir*u.tan*e;
7f8 )//li*ant .ut /reent a /oli*e *learan*e fro. the *ity or .uni*i/ality /oli*e offi*e; and
7g8 )//li*ant ha not +een *on!i*ted or i *urrently an a**ued in a /ending *ri.inal *ae +efore any *ourt of law for a *ri.e that i
/uniha+le with a /enalty of .ore than 3 year.
0or /ur/oe of thi )*t, an a*5uittal or /er.anent di.ial of a *ri.inal *ae +efore the *ourt of law hall 5ualify a**ued thereof
to 5ualify and a*5uire a li*ene.
)//li*ant hall /ay reaona+le li*ening fee a .ay +e /ro!ided in the i./le.enting rule and regulation of thi )*t.
)//li*ant who intend to /oe a firear. owned +y a 9uridi*al entity hall hi duty detail order to 0"& of <N<.
S"#. 5. -,nership of #irearms and mmunition by a .uridical /ntity. ( ) 9uridi*al /eron .aintaining it own e*urity for*e .ay +e
iued a regular li*ene to own and /oe firear. and a..unition under the following *ondition6
7a8 %t .ut +e 0ili/ino-owned and duly regitered with the S"#;
7+8 %t i *urrent, o/erational and a *ontinuing *on*ern;
7*8 %t ha *o./leted and u+.itted all it re/ortorial re5uire.ent to the S"#; and
7d8 %t ha /aid all it in*o.e ta:e for the year, a duly *ertified +y the Bureau of %nternal 1e!enue.
$he a//li*ation hall +e .ade in the na.e of the 9uridi*al /eron re/reented +y it <reident or any of it offi*er .entioned +elow a
duly authori4ed in a +oard reolution to that effe*t6 Provided* $hat the offi*er a//lying for the 9uridi*al entity, hall /oe all the
5ualifi*ation re5uired of a *iti4en a//lying for a li*ene to /oe firear..
&ther *or/orate offi*er eligi+le to re/reent the 9uridi*al /eron are6 the !i*e /reident, treaurer, and +oard e*retary.
Se*urity agen*ie and ?@A hall +e in*luded in thi *ategory of li*ened holder +ut hall +e u+9e*t to additional re5uire.ent a
.ay +e re5uired +y the #hief of the <N<.
S"#. B. -,nership of #irearms by the 0ational (overnment. ( )ll firear. owned +y the National @o!t hall +e regitered with the
0"& of <N< in the na.e of the 1e/u+li* of the <H. Su*h regitration hall +e e:e./t fro. all dutie and ta:e that .ay otherwie +e
le!ied on other authori4ed owner of firear.. 0or reaon of national e*urity, firear. of the )0<, #oat @uard and other law
enfor*e.ent agen*ie hall only +e re/orted to the 0"& of <N<.
S"#. 7. Carrying of #irearms -utside of Residence or Place of Business. ( ) / to *arry firear. outide of reiden*e hall +e
iued +y the #hief of the <N< or hi duly authori4ed re/reentati!e to any 5ualified /eron whoe life i under a*tual threat or hi life
i in i..inent danger due to the nature of hi /rofeion, o**u/ation or +uine.
%t hall +e the +urden of a//li*ant to /ro!e that hi life i under a*tual threat +y u+.itting a threat ae.ent *ertifi*ate fro. <N<.
0or /ur/oe of thi )*t, the following /rofeional are *onidered to +e in i..inent danger due to the nature of their /rofeion,
o**u/ation or +uine6
7a8 Me.+er of the <H Bar;
7+8 #ertified <u+li* )**ountant;
7*8 )**redited Media <ra*titioner;
7d8 #ahier, Ban, $eller;
7e8 <riet, Miniter, 1a++i, %.a.;
7f8 <hyi*ian and Nure;
7g8 "ngineer; and
7h8 Buine.en, who +y the nature of their +uine or underta,ing, are e:/oed to high ri, of +eing target of *ri.inal ele.ent.
ART%C)( %%% ! R('%STRAT%#" A"& )%C("S%"'
S"#. 8. uthority to $ssue )icense. ( $he #hief of the <N<, through the 0"& of the <N<, hall iue li*ene to 5ualified indi!idual
and to *aue the regitration of firear..
S"#. 9. )icenses $ssued to $ndividuals. ( Su+9e*t to the re5uire.ent et forth in thi )*t and /ay.ent of re5uired fee to +e
deter.ined +y the #hief of the <N<, a 5ualified indi!idual .ay +e iued the a//ro/riate li*ene under the following *ategorie;
$y/e ' li*ene ( allow a *iti4en to own and /oe a .a:i.u. of 3 regitered firear.;
$y/e 3 li*ene ( allow a *iti4en to own and /oe a .a:i.u. of 5 regitered firear.;
$y/e 3 li*ene ( allow a *iti4en to own and /oe a .a:i.u. of 'C regitered firear.;
$y/e 4 li*ene ( allow a *iti4en to own and /oe a .a:i.u. of '5 regitered firear.; and
$y/e 5 li*ene ( allow a *iti4en, who i a *ertified gun *olle*tor, to own and /oe .ore than '5 regitered firear..
0or $y/e ' to 5 li*ene, a !ault or a *ontainer e*ured +y lo*, and ,ey or other e*urity .eaure for the afe,ee/ing of firear.
hall +e re5uired.
0or $y/e 3 to 5 li*ene, the *iti4en .ut *o./ly with the in/e*tion and +ond re5uire.ent.
S"#. 'C. #irearms That %ay Be Registered. ( &nly .all ar. .ay +e regitered +y li*ened *iti4en or li*ened 9uridi*al entitie for
ownerhi/, /oeion and *on*ealed *arry. ) light wea/on hall +e lawfully a*5uired or /oeed e:*lui!ely +y )0<, <N< and other
law enfor*e.ent agen*ie authori4ed +y the <reident in /*e of their dutie6 Provided* /ri!ate indi!idual who already ha!e
li*ene to /oe #la-) light wea/on u/on effe*ti!ity of thi )*t hall not +e de/ri!ed of /ri!ilege to *ontinue /oeing a.e
and renewing li*ene therefor, for the ole reaon that thee firear. are #la -)2 light wea/on, and hall +e re5uired to *o./ly
with other a//li*a+le /ro!iion of thi )*t.
S"#. ''. Registration of #irearms. ( $he li*ened *iti4en or li*ened 9uridi*al entity hall regiter hi=it firear. o /ur*haed with
the 0"& of the <N< in a**ordan*e with the ty/e of li*ene u*h li*ened *iti4en or li*ened 9uridi*al entity /oee. ) *ertifi*ate of
regitration of the firear. hall +e iued u/on /ay.ent of reaona+le fee.
0or /ur/oe of thi )*t, regitration refer to the a//li*ation, a//ro!al, re*ord-,ee/ing and .onitoring of firear. with the 0"& of
the <N< in a**ordan*e with the ty/e of li*ene iued to any /eron under Se* 9 of thi )*t.
S"#. '3. )icense to Possess mmunition 0ecessarily $ncluded. ( ?i*ene granted to 5ualified *iti4en or 9uridi*al entitie a /ro!ided
in Se* 9 of thi )*t hall in*lude li*ene to /oe a..unition with a .a: of 5C round for ea*h regitered firear.6 Provided1 $hat
the 0"& of <N< .ay allow .ore a..unition to +e /oeed +y li*ened /ort hooter.
S"#. '3. $ssuance of )icense to %anufacture or Deal $n #irearms and mmunition. ( )ny /eron deiring to .anufa*ture or deal in
firear., /art of firear. or a..unition thereof, or intru.ent and i./le.ent ued or intended to +e ued in the .anufa*ture of
firear., /art of firear. or a..unition, hall .a,e an a//li*ation to6
7a8 $he Se*retary of >%?@ in the *ae of an a//li*ation for a li*ene to .anufa*ture; and
7+8 $he #hief of the <N< in the *ae of a li*ene to deal in firear. and firear. /art, a..unition and gun re/air.
)//li*ant hall tate the a.ount of *a/itali4ation for .anufa*ture or *ot of the /ur*hae and ale of aid arti*le intended to +e
trana*ted +y u*h a//li*ant; and the ty/e of fir., a..unition or i./le.ent whi*h a//li*ant intend to .anufa*ture or /ur*hae
and ell under the li*ene a//lied for; and u*h additional infor.ation a .ay +e e/e*ially re5ueted +y >%?@ Se* or <N< #hief.
>%?@ Se* or <N< #hief .ay a//ro!e or dia//ro!e u*h a//li*ation +aed on the /re*ri+ed guideline. %n the *ae of a//ro!al,
>%?@ Se* or <N< #hief hall indi*ate the a.ount of the +ond to +e e:e*uted +y the a//li*ant +efore the iuan*e of the li*ene and
the /eriod of ti.e +y whi*h aid li*ene hall +e effe*ti!e, unle ooner re!o,ed +y their authority.
A/on a//ro!al of the li*ene to .anufa*ture or otherwie deal in firear. +y the Se*retary of the >%?@ or the #hief of the <N< a the
*ae .ay +e, the a.e hall +e tran.itted to the 0"& of the <N< whi*h hall iue the li*ene in a**ordan*e with the a//ro!ed ter.
and *ondition, u/on the e:e*ution and deli!ery +y the a//li*ant of the re5uired +ond *onditioned u/on the faithful *o./lian*e on the
/art of the li*enee to the law and regulation relati!e to the +uine li*ened.
S"#. '4. Scope of )icense to %anufacture #irearms and mmunition. ( $he *o/e of the ?i*ene to Manufa*ture firear. and
a..unition hall alo in*lude the following6
7a8 authority to .anufa*ture and ae.+le firear., a..unition, /are /art and a**eorie, a..unition *o./onent, and reloading
of a..unition, within ite, area, and fa*torie tated therein. >%?@ Se* hall a//ro!e u*h li*ene;
7+8 li*ene to deal in or ell all the ite. *o!ered +y the ?i*ene to Manufa*ture, u*h a /art, firear. or a..unition and
7*8 authority to u+*ontra*t the .anufa*turing of /art and a**eorie ne*eary for the firear. whi*h the .anufa*turer i li*ened to
.anufa*ture6 Provided* $hat the u+*ontra*tor of .a9or /art or .a9or *o./onent i alo li*ened to .anufa*ture firear. and
a..unition; and
7d8 authority to i./ort .a*hinery, e5ui/.ent, and firear. /art and a..unition *o./onent for the .anufa*ture thereof. 0irear.
/art and a..unition *o./onent to +e i./orted hall, howe!er, +e li.ited to thoe authori4ed to +e .anufa*tured a refle*ted in the
a//ro!ed ?i*ene to Manufa*ture. $he %./ort < hall +e under the ad.initration of the <N<.
) li*ened .anufa*turer of a..unition i alo entitled to i./ort !ariou referen*e firear. needed to tet the a..unition
.anufa*tured under the ?i*ene to Manufa*ture. ) li*ened .anufa*turer of firear., on the other hand, i entitled to i./ort !ariou
firear. for referen*e, tet and e!aluation for .anufa*ture of i.ilar, ty/e of firear. *o!ered +y the ?i*ene to Manufa*ture.
)n e:/ort / hall, howe!er, +e ne*eary to e:/ort .anufa*tured /art or finihed /rodu*t of firear. and a..unition. $he
":/ort < of firear. and a..unition hall +e under the ad.initration of the <N<.
S"#. '5. Registration of )ocally %anufactured and $mported #irearms. ( ?o*al .anufa*turer and i./orter of firear. and .a9or
/art thereof hall regiter the a.e a follow6
7a8 0or lo*ally .anufa*tured firear. and .a9or /art thereof, the initial regitration hall +e done at the .anufa*turing
fa*ility6 Provided* $hat firear. intended for e:/ort hall no longer +e u+9e*ted to +alliti* identifi*ation /ro*edure; and
7+8 0or i./orted firear. and .a9or /art thereof, the regitration hall +e done u/on arri!al at the 0"& of the <N< torage fa*ility.
S"#. 'B. )icense and Scope of )icense to Deal. ( $he ?i*ene to >eal authori4e the /ur*hae, ale and general +uine in handling
firear. and a..unition, .a9or and .inor /art of firear., a**eorie, /are /art, *o./onent, and reloading .a*hine, whi*h
hall +e iued +y the #hief of the <N<.
S"#. '7. )icense and Scope of )icense for (unsmiths. ( ?i*ene for gun.ith hall allow the grantee to re/air regitered firear..
?i*ene hall in*lude *uto.i4ation of firear. fro. finihed or .anufa*tured /art thereof on /er order +ai and not in **ial
5uantitie and .a,ing the .inor /art thereof, i.e. /in, trigger, trigger +ow, ight and the li,e only for /ur/oe of re/airing the
regitered firear.. ?i*ene for gun.ith hall +e iued +y <N< #hief.
S"#. '8. #irearms for 2se in Sports and Competitions. ( 5ualified indi!idual hall a//ly for a / to tran/ort hi regitered
firear.= fro. hi reiden*e to the firing range= and *o./etition ite a .ay +e warranted.
S"#. '9. Rene,al of )icenses and Registration. ( )ll ty/e of li*ene to /oe a firear. hall +e renewed e!ery 3 yr. 0ailure to
renew the li*ene on or +efore the date of it e:/iration hall *aue the re!o*ation of the li*ene and of the regitration of the firear.=
under aid li*enee.
1egitration of the firear. hall +e renewed e!ery 4 yr. 0ailure to renew the regitration of the firear. on or +efore the date of
e:/iration hall *aue the re!o*ation of the li*ene of the firear.. $he aid firear. hall +e *onfi*ated or forfeited in fa!or of the
go!ern.ent after due /ro*e.
0ailure to renew a li*ene or regitration within the /eriod tated a+o!e on 3 o**aion hall *aue holder of the firear. to +e
/er/etually di5ualified fro. a//lying for any firear. li*ene. )//li*ation for renewal of the li*ene or regitration .ay +e u+.itted
to the 0"& of <N<, within B .onth +efore the date of e:/iration of u*h li*ene or regitration.
S"#. 3C. $nspection and $nventory. ( <N< #hief or hi authori4ed re/reentati!e hall re5uire the u+.iion of re/ort, in/e*t or
e:a.ine the in!entory and re*ord of a li*ened .anufa*turer, dealer or i./orter of firear. and a..unition during reaona+le hour.
ART%C)( %$ ! AC.+%S%T%#", &(P#S%T #F F%R(ARMS, A/A"&#"(&, &(M%)%TAR%0(& A"& A"T%.+(
S"#. 3'. c!uisition or Purchase and Sale of #irearms and mmunition. ( 0irear. and a..unition .ay only +e a*5uired or
/ur*haed fro. authori4ed dealer, i./orter or lo*al .anufa*turer and .ay +e tranferred or old only fro. a li*ened *iti4en or
li*ened 9uridi*al entity to another li*ened *iti4en or li*ened 9uridi*al entity6 Provided* during ele*tion /eriod, ale and regitration
of firear. and a..unition and the iuan*e of the *orre/onding li*ene to *iti4en hall +e allowed on the *ondition that the
tran/ort or deli!ery thereof hall tri*tly *o./ly with the iuan*e, reolution, rule and regulation /ro.ulgated +y the #o.ele*.
S"#. 33. Deposit of #irearms by Persons rriving #rom broad. ( ) /eron arri!ing in <H who i legally in /oeion of any firear.
or a..unition in hi *ountry of origin and who ha de*lared the e:iten*e of the firear. u/on e.+ar,ation and die.+ar,ation +ut
whoe firear. i not regitered in <H in a**ordan*e with thi )*t hall de/oit a.e u/on written re*ei/t with the #olle*tor of
#uto. for deli!ery to the 0"& of <N< for afe,ee/ing, or for the iuan*e of a / to tran/ort if the /eron i a *o./etitor in a
/ort hooting *o./etition. %f i./ortation of the a.e i allowed and the /arty in 5uetion deire to o+tain a do.eti* firear.
li*ene, the a.e hould +e underta,en in a**ordan*e with the /ro!iion of thi )*t. %f no li*ene i deired or lea!e to i./ort i not
granted, the firear. or a..unition in 5uetion hall re.ain in the *utody of the 0"& of the <N< until otherwie di/oed of in-
a**ordan*e with law.
S"#. 33. Return of #irearms to -,ner upon Departure from PH. ( A/on de/arture fro. <H of any /eron whoe firear. or
a..unition i in *utody of the 0"& of <N<, the a.e hall, u/on ti.ely re5uet, +e deli!ered to the /eron through the #olle*tor of
#uto.. %n the *ae of a /arti*i/ant in a lo*al /ort hooting *o./etition, firear. .ut +e /reented to the #olle*tor of #uto.
+efore a.e i allowed to +e loaded on +oard the *arrier on whi*h the /eron i to +oard.
S"#. 34. Safe3eeping of #irearms and mmunition. ( )ny li*enee .ay de/oit a regitered firear. to the 0"& of the <N<, or any
<oli*e 1egional &ffi*e for afe,ee/ing. 1eaona+le fee for torage hall +e i./oed.
S"#. 35. bandoned #irearms and mmunition. ( )ny firear. or a..unition de/oited in *utody of 0"& of <N< /uruant to
/ro!iion of thi )*t, hall +e dee.ed a+andoned +y owner or hi authori4ed re/reentati!e if he failed to re*lai. the a.e within 5
yr or failed to ad!ie 0"& of the <N< of the di/oition to +e .ade thereof. $hereafter, 0"& of the <N< .ay di/oe of the a.e
after *o./lian*e with eta+lihed /ro*edure.
S"#. 3B. Death or Disability of )icensee. ( A/on death or legal dia+ility of the holder of a firear. li*ene, it hall +e the duty of hi
ne:t of ,in, nearet relati!e, legal re/reentati!e, or other /eron who hall ,nowingly *o.e into /oeion of u*h firear. or
a..unition, to deli!er the a.e to the 0"& of <N< or <oli*e 1egional &ffi*e, and u*h firear. or a..unition hall +e retained +y
the /oli*e *utodian /ending iuan*e of a li*ene and it regitration in a**ordan*e with thi )*t. 0ailure to deli!er firear. or
a..unition within B .t after death or legal dia+ility of li*enee hall render /oeor lia+le for illegal /oeion of the firear..
S"#. 37. nti!ue #irearm. ( )ny /eron who /oee an anti5ue firear. hall regiter the a.e and e*ure a *olle*torD li*ene fro.
the 0"& of the <N<. <ro/er torage of anti5ue firear. hall +e tri*tly i./oed. Non*o./lian*e of thi /ro!iion hall +e *onidered
a illegal /oeion of the firear. a /enali4ed in thi )*t.
ART%C)( $ ! P("A) PR#$%S%#"S
S"#. 38. 2nla,ful c!uisition* or Possession of #irearms and mmunition. ( Anlawful a*5uiition, /oeion of firear. and
a..unition hall +e /enali4ed a follow6
7a8 Prision mayor in .ed /eriod hall +e i./oed u/on any /eron who hall unlawfully a*5uire or /oe a .all ar.;
7+8 Reclusion temporal to reclusion perpetua if 3 or .ore .all ar. or #la-) light wea/on are unlawfully a*5uired or /oeed
+y any /eron;
7*8 Prision mayor in it .a: /eriod u/on any /eron who hall unlawfully a*5uire or /oe a #la-) light wea/on;
7d8 Reclusion perpetua u/on any /eron who hall, unlawfully a*5uire or /oe a #la-B light wea/on;
7e8 $he /enalty of ' degree higher than that /ro!ided in /aragra/h 7a8 to 7*8 in thi e*tion hall +e i./oed u/on any /eron who
hall unlawfully /oe any firear. under any or *o.+ination of the following *ondition6
7'8 ?oaded with a..unition or inerted with a loaded .aga4ine;
738 0itted = .ounted with laer or any gadget ued to guide hooter to hit target u*h a wea/on ight 7$ES8 and the li,e;
738 0itted or .ounted with ni/er *o/e, firear. .uffler or firear. ilen*er;
748 )**o./anied with an e:tra +arrel; and
758 #on!erted to +e *a/a+le of firing full auto.ati* +urt.
7f8 <enalty of prision mayor in it .ini.u. /eriod hall +e i./oed u/on any /eron who hall unlawfully a*5uire or /oe a .a9or
/art of a .all ar.;
7g8 <enalty of prision mayor in it .in /eriod hall +e i./oed u/on any /eron who hall unlawfully a*5uire or /oe a..unition
for a .all ar. or #la-) light wea/on. %f !iolation of thi /aragra/h i *o..itted +y a.e /eron *harged with the unlawful
a*5uiition or /oeion of a .all ar., the !iolation hall +e a+or+ed +y the latter;
7h8 $he /enalty of prision mayor in it .ediu. /eriod hall +e i./oed u/on any /eron who hall unlawfully a*5uire or /oe a
.a9or /art of a #la-) light wea/on;
7i8 <enalty of prision mayor in it .ediu. /eriod hall +e i./oed u/on any /eron who hall unlawfully a*5uire or /oe
a..unition for a #la-) light wea/on. %f !iolation of thi /aragra/h i *o..itted +y the a.e /eron *harged with unlawful
a*5uiition or /oeion of a #la-) light wea/on, the !iolation hall +e a+or+ed +y the latter;
798 <enalty of prision mayor in it .a:i.u. /eriod hall +e i./oed u/on any /eron who hall unlawfully a*5uire or /oe a .a9or
/art of a #la-B light wea/on; and
7,8 <enalty of prision mayor in it .a: /eriod hall +e i./oed u/on any /eron who hall unlawfully a*5uire or /oe a..unition
for a #la-B light wea/on. %f the !iolation of thi /aragra/h i *o..itted +y the a.e /eron *harged with the unlawful a*5uiition or
/oeion of a #la-B light wea/on, the !iolation hall +e a+or+ed +y the latter.
S"#. 39. 2se of )oose #irearm in the Commission of a Crime. ( Ae of a looe firear., when inherent in *o..iion of a *ri.e
/uniha+le under the 1<# or other /e*ial law, hall +e *onidered a an aggra!ating *ir*u.tan*e6 Provided* if the *ri.e *o..itted
with ue of a looe firear. i /enali4ed +y the law with a .a:i.u. /enalty whi*h i lower than that in the /re*eding e*tion for
illegal /oeion of firear., /enalty for illegal /oeion of firear. hall +e i./oed in lieu of the /enalty for the *ri.e *harged6
Provided* further* $hat if *ri.e *o..itted with ue of a looe firear. i /enali4ed +y the law with a .a:i.u. /enalty whi*h i e5ual
to that i./oed under the /re*eding e*tion for illegal /oeion of firear., /enalty of prision mayor in it .ini.u. /eriod hall +e
i./oed in addition to /enalty for the *ri.e /uniha+le under the 1<# or other /e*ial law of whi*h he i found guilty.
%f 1iolation of this Act is in furtherance of, or incident to, or in connection 2ith rebellion of insurrection, or atte3pted coup d
etat, such 1iolation shall be absorbed as an ele3ent of rebellion or insurrection, or atte3pted coup d etat4
%f *ri.e i *o..itted +y the /eron without uing the looe firear., !iolation of thi )*t hall +e *onidered a a ditin*t and e/arate
S"#. 3C. )iability of .uridical Person. ( Prision mayor in it .ini.u. to prision mayor in it .ediu. /eriod hall +e i./oed u/on
the owner, /reident, .anager, dire*tor or other re/oni+le offi*er of=any /u+li* or /ri!ate fir., *o./any, *or/oration or entity who
hall willfully or ,nowingly allow any of the firear. owned +y u*h fir., *o./any, *or/oration or entity to +e ued +y any /eron or
/eron found guilty of !iolating /ro!iion of the /re*eding e*tion, or willfully or ,nowingly allow any of the. to ue unregitered
firear. or firear. without any legal authority to +e *arried outide of their reiden*e in the *oure of their e./loy.ent.
S"#. 3'. bsence of Permit to Carry -utside of Residence. ( Prision correccional and a fine of <'C,CCC hall +e i./oed u/on any
/eron li*ened to own a firear. +ut who hall *arry the regitered firear. outide hi reiden*e without any legal authority therefor.
S"#. 33. 2nla,ful %anufacture* $mportation* Sale or Disposition of #irearms or mmunition or Parts Thereof* %achinery* Tool or
$nstrument 2sed or $ntended to be 2sed in the %anufacture of #irearms* mmunition or Parts Thereof. ( $he /enalty of reclusion
temporal to reclusion perpetua hall +e i./oed u/on any /eron who hall unlawfully engage in the .anufa*ture, i./ortation, ale
or di/oition of a firear. or a..unition, or a .a9or /art of a firear. or a..unition, or .a*hinery, tool or intru.ent ued or
intended to +e ued +y the a.e /eron in the .anufa*ture of a firear., a..unition, or a .a9or /art thereof.
$he /oeion of any .a*hinery, tool or intru.ent ued dire*tly in the .anufa*ture of firear., a..unition, or .a9or /art thereof
+y any /eron whoe +uine, e./loy.ent or a*ti!ity doe not lawfully deal with the /oeion of u*h arti*le, hall +e prima
facie e!iden*e that u*h arti*le i intended to +e ued in the unlawful or illegal .anufa*ture of firear., a..unition or /art thereof.
$he /enalty of prision mayor in it .ini.u. /eriod to prision mayor in it .ediu. /eriod hall +e i./oed u/on any la+orer, wor,er
or e./loyee of a li*ened firear. dealer who hall unlawfully ta,e, ell or otherwie di/oe of /art of firear. or a..unition
whi*h the *o./any .anufa*ture and ell, and other .aterial ued +y the *o./any in the .anufa*ture or ale of firear. or
a..unition. $he +uyer or /oeor of u*h tolen /art or .aterial, who i aware that u*h /art or .aterial wa tolen, hall uffer the
a.e /enalty a the la+orer, wor,er or e./loyee.
%f the !iolation or offene i *o..itted +y a *or/oration, /artnerhi/, ao*iation or other 9uridi*al entity, the /enalty /ro!ided for in
thi e*tion hall +e i./oed u/on the dire*tor, offi*er, e./loyee or other offi*ial or /eron therein who ,nowingly and willingly
/arti*i/ated in the unlawful a*t.
S"#. 33. rms Smuggling. ( <enalty of reclusion perpetua hall +e i./oed u/on any /eron who hall engage or /arti*i/ate in ar.
.uggling a defined in thi )*t.
S"#. 34. Tampering* -bliteration or lteration of #irearms $dentification. ( $he /enalty of prision correccional toprision mayor in it
.ini.u. /eriod hall +e i./oed u/on any /eron who hall ta./er, o+literate or alter without authority the +arrel, lide, fra.e,
re*ei!er, *ylinder, or +olt ae.+ly, in*luding the na.e of the .a,er, .odel, or erial nu.+er of any firear., or who hall re/la*e
without authority the +arrel, lide, fra.e, re*ei!er, *ylinder, or +olt ae.+ly, in*luding it indi!idual or /e*uliar identifying
*hara*teriti* eential in foreni* e:a.ination of a firear. or light wea/on.
<N< hall /la*e thi infor.ation, in*luding it indi!idual or /e*uliar identifying *hara*teriti* into the data+ae of integrated firear.
identifi*ation yte. of the <N< #ri.e ?a+ for future ue and identifi*ation of a /arti*ular firear..
S"#. 35. 2se of an $mitation #irearm. ( )n i.itation firear. ued in *o..iion of a *ri.e hall +e *onidered a real firear. a
defined in thi )*t and /eron who *o..itted the *ri.e hall +e /unihed in a**ordan*e with thi )*t6 Provided* in9urie *aued on
the o**aion of the *ondu*t of *o./etition, /ort, ga.e, or any re*reation a*ti!itie in!ol!ing i.itation firear. hall not +e
/uniha+le under thi )*t.
S"#. 3B. $n Custodia )egis. ( >uring /enden*y of any *ae filed in !iolation of thi )*t, ei4ed firear., a..unition, or /art thereof,
.a*hinery, tool or intru.ent hall re.ain in *ourt *utody. %f *ourt de*ide it ha no ade5uate .ean to afely ,ee/ the a.e, *ourt
hall iue order to turn o!er to <N< #ri.e ?a+ u*h firear., a..unition, or /art thereof, .a*hinery, tool or intru.ent in it
*utody during /enden*y of the *ae and to /rodu*e the a.e to *ourt when o ordered. No +ond hall +e ad.itted for releae of the
firear., a..unition or /art thereof, .a*hinery, tool or intru.ent. )ny !iolation of thi /aragra/h hall +e /uniha+le +y prision
mayor in it .in /eriod to prision mayor in it .ed /eriod.
S"#. 37. Confiscation and #orfeiture. ( $he i./oition of /enalty for any !iolation of thi )*t hall *arry with it the a**eory
/enalty of *onfi*ation and forfeiture of the firear., a..unition, or /art thereof, .a*hinery, tool or intru.ent in fa!or of the
go!ern.ent whi*h hall +e di/oed of in a**ordan*e with law.
S"#. 38. )iability for Planting /vidence. ( Prision mayor in it .a: /eriod hall +e i./oed u/on any /eron who hall willfully and
.ali*iouly inert; /la*e, and=or atta*h, dire*tly or indire*tly, through any o!ert or *o!ert a*t, any firear., or a..unition, or /art
thereof in the /eron, houe, effe*t, or in the i..ediate !i*inity of an inno*ent indi!idual for the /ur/oe of i./li*ating or
in*ri.inating the /eron, or i./uting the *o..iion of any !iolation of the /ro!iion of thi )*t to aid indi!idual. %f the /eron
found guilty under thi /aragra/h i a /u+li* offi*er or e./loyee, u*h /eron hall uffer the /enalty of reclusion perpetua.
S"#. 39. (rounds for Revocation* Cancellation or Suspension of )icense or Permit. ( $he #hief of the <N< or hi authori4ed
re/reentati!e .ay re!o,e, *an*el or u/end a li*ene or / on the following ground6
7a8 #o..iion of a *ri.e or offene in!ol!ing the firear., a..unition, of .a9or /art thereof;
7+8 #on!i*tion of *ri.e in!ol!ing .oral tur/itude or any offene where /enalty *arrie i./rion.ent of .ore than B yr;
7*8 ?o of the firear., a..unition, or any /art thereof through negligen*e;
7d8 #arrying of firear., a..unition, or .a9or /art thereof outide of reiden*e or wor,/la*e without /ro/er / to *arry the a.e;
7e8 #arrying of the firear., a..unition, or .a9or /art thereof in /rohi+ited /la*e;
7f8 >i.ial for *aue fro. the er!i*e in *ae of go!ern.ent offi*ial and e./loyee;
7g8 #o..iion of any of the a*t /enali4ed under 1) 9'B5, otherwie ,nown a the -#o./reheni!e >angerou >rug )*t of 3CC3F;
7h8 Su+.iion of falified do*u.ent or .ire/reentation in the a//li*ation to o+tain a li*ene or /;
7i8 Non*o./lian*e of re/ortorial re5uire.ent; and
798 By !irtue of a *ourt order.
S"#. 4C. #ailure to 0otify )ost or Stolen #irearm or )ight 4eapon. ( <'C,CCC fine hall +e i./oed u/on any li*ened firear. holder
who fail to re/ort to the 0"& of <N< that u+9e*t firear. ha +een lot or tolen within a /eriod of 3C day fro. date of di*o!ery.
?i,ewie, <5,CCC fine hall +e i./oed u/on any /eron holding a !alid firear. li*ene who *hange reiden*e or offi*e addre other
than that indi*ated in the li*ene *ard and fail within 3C day fro. aid tranfer to notify 0"& of the <N< of u*h *hange of addre.
S"#. 4'. $llegal Transfer5Registration of #irearms. ( %t hall +e unlawful to tranfer /oeion of any firear. to any /eron who ha
not yet o+tained or e*ured the ne*eary li*ene or / thereof.
Prision correccional hall +e i./oed u/on any /eron who hall !iolate /ro!iion of /re*eding /aragra/h. %n addition, he hall +e
di5ualified to a//ly for li*ene to /oe other firear. and all hi e:iting firear. li*ene whether for /ur/oe of **e or
/oeion hall +e re!o,ed. %f go!t-iued firear., a..unition or .a9or /art of firear. or light wea/on are unlawfully di/oed,
old or tranferred +y any law enfor*e.ent agent or /u+li* offi*er to /ri!ate indi!idual, reclusion temporal hall +e i./oed.
)ny /u+li* offi*er or e./loyee or any /eron who hall fa*ilitate the regitration of a firear. through fraud, de*eit, .ire/reentation
or u+.iion of falified do*u.ent hall uffer the /enalty of prision correccional.
ART%C)( $% ! F%"A) PR#$%S%#"S
S"#. 43. #irearms Repository. ( $he 0"& of the <N< hall +e the ole re/oitory of all firear. re*ord to in*lude i./orted and
lo*ally .anufa*tured firear. and a..unition. Eithin ' yr u/on a//ro!al of thi )*t, all .ilitary and law enfor*e.ent agen*ie,
go!ern.ent agen*ie, ?@A and go!ern.ent-owned or -*ontrolled *or/oration hall an in!entory of all their firear. and
a..unition to the <N<.
S"#. 43. #inal mnesty. ( <eron in /oeion of unregitered firear. and holder of e:/ired li*ene or unregitered firear. hall
regiter and renew the a.e through the 0inal @eneral ).nety within B .onth fro. the /ro.ulgation of the i./le.enting rule and
regulation of thi )*t. >uring the interi. /eriod of B .onth, no /eron a//lying for li*ene hall +e *harged of any delin5uent
/ay.ent a**ruing to the firear. u+9e*t for regitration. $he <N< hall *ondu*t an inteni!e nationwide *a./aign to enure that the
general /u+li* i /ro/erly infor.ed of the /ro!iion of thi )*t.
S"#. 44. $mplementing Rules and Regulations. ( Eithin '3C day fro. the effe*ti!ity of thi )*t, the <N< #hief, after /u+li* hearing
and *onultation with *on*erned e*tor of o*iety hall for.ulate the ne*eary rule and regulation for the effe*ti!e i./le.entation
of thi )*t to +e /u+lihed in at leat 3 national new/a/er of general *ir*ulation.
S"#. 45. Repealing Clause. ( $hi )*t re/eal Se* ', 3, 5, 7 of <> '8BB, a a.ended, and Se* B of 1) 8394 and all other law, "&,
letter of intru*tion, iuan*e, *ir*ular, )&, rule or regulation in*onitent herewith.
S"#. 4B. Separability Clause. ( %f any /ro!iion of thi )*t or any /art hereof i held in!alid or un*ontitutional, the re.ainder of the
law or the /ro!iion not otherwie affe*ted hall re.ain !alid and u+iting.
S"#. 47. /ffectivity. ( $hi )*t hall ta,e effe*t after '5 day fro. it /u+li*ation in a new/a/er of nationwide *ir*ulation.
7Sgd.8 F()%C%A"# /()M#"T( 5R4
Spea3er of the House of Representatives
7Sgd.8 5+A" P#"C( ("R%)(
President of the Senate
$hi )*t whi*h i a *onolidation of Senate Bill No. 3397 and Houe Bill No. 5484 wa finally /aed +y the Senate and the Houe of
1e/reentati!e on 0e+ruary 4, 3C'3 and 0e+ruary 5, 3C'3, re/e*ti!ely.
7Sgd.8 MAR%)-" /4 /AR+A!-AP
Secretary (eneral* House of Representatives
7Sgd.8 (&*%" /4 /())("
cting Senate Secretary
)//ro!ed6 May 39, 3C'3
7Sgd.8 /("%'"# S4 A.+%"# %%%

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