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# $Id:,v 1.2 2004/11/21 02:20:10 root Exp $
# (C) Copyright Craig Sanders <>, 2001
# this program is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public
# License (GPL)
# the latest version can always be found at
use Getopt::Long;
use File::MMagic ;
use Pod::Usage;
# add bin directory to @INC for
use FindBin;
use lib "$FindBin::Bin";
use strict ;
my @search = ();
my $debug = 0 ;
my $queue = 0 ;
my $help = 0;
my $FH ;
require "" ;
GetOptions('help|?|h' => \$help,
'search=s' => \@search,
'debug|d' => \$debug,
'queue-id|q' =>\$queue) or pod2usage(2);
pod2usage(1) if $help;
# uncomment this to allow multiple search strings
# to be separated by commas. this breaks any
# perl regexps containing commas.
#@search=split(/,/,join(",",@search)) ;
if ($debug) {
# debug option is undocumented :)
print "queue-id = $queue\n" ;
print "search string = ", join("|", @search), "\n" ;
print "ARGV = ", join(",",@ARGV)," \n" ;
exit 0
pod2usage(1) if (scalar @search eq 0) ;
my ($grep, @files, %ID) ;
# default to searching /var/log/mail.log
if (@ARGV == 0) { push @ARGV, "/var/log/mail.log" } ;
if (! $queue) {
# backup argv files list
@files = @ARGV ;
my $search = join("|",@search) ;
foreach my $file (@ARGV) {
$FH = &open_log_file($file) ;
# construct a sorted, unique list of queue ids to search for.
while (<$FH>) {
next unless (/ postfix\/.*($search)/io) ;
chomp ;
$ID{$_} = 1 if (s/.*( [A-Z0-9]{5,}: ).*/$1/o) ;
} ;
} ;
# push files list back onto @ARGV
@ARGV=@files ;
} else {
foreach (@search) { $ID{$_} = 1 } ;
} ;
# exit if no queue ids to search for.
if (scalar keys %ID == 0) {
exit 0
$grep = join("|",(keys %ID));
$grep=" postfix\/.*($grep)" ;
print "$grep\n" ;
# grep log files
foreach my $file (@ARGV) {
$FH = &open_log_file($file) ;
while (<$FH>) {
print if (/$grep/io) ;
} ;
=head1 NAME - search mail.log files for regexp patterns or queue ids.
=head1 SYNOPSIS [options] [file ...]
B<> will scan the input file(s) and display matching
log entries.
if the B<--queue-id> option is used, the program will just display all
lines matching the B<--search> string.
if B<--queue-id> is not used, the program will first scan the log
file(s) and build up a list of QUEUE-IDs to search for, then it will
display all log file lines matching those QUEUE-IDs.
If no filenames are provided, it will default to /var/log/mail.log
If any of the log files are compressed, the program will invoke the
appropriate decompressor programs to open them (zcat, gzcat, and
bzcat are supported).
to search for all log entries related to "": -s
to search for all log entries with two known queue-IDs: -q -s 503991407CA -s 9F2391407CA
(C) Copyright Craig Sanders <>, 2001
This program is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL
=head1 OPTIONS
=over 8
=item B<--help>, B<-h>, B<-?>
Print a brief help message and exit.
=item B<--search>, B<-s>
String(s) to search for. This option may be repeated multiple times on
the command line.
The strings can be plain text or any valid perl regular expression.
=item B<--queue-id>, B<-q>
search string is a queue-id, not a pattern.
B<> will scan the mail.log input file(s) and display
matching lines.

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