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Project Management

Project Management and Information






1. What are the four frames !"#lain each frame. $%#ts&
'.What are the ( Phases of the Project Life )ycle
!"#lain each #hase. $%#ts&
*. In +A Tale of t,o #rojects- identify ' changes that they
needed. !"#lain. $(#ts&
(. In +Project Plan.s 1/ !ssetial Plans-0 identify ' items
that are similar to the one.s in our sylla1us !"#lain.

4ystem A##roach
4ystem Analysis
4ystem Management
4ystem Philos#hy
Three s#here model

3rganizational )ulture
4ta6eholder Management
Project Life )ycle
Product Life )ycle

Project Management 7
4ystems A##roach
What is a 4ystem
+set of interacting com#onents ,ithin a an
environment to full some #ur#ose-
Management of Information Technology Projects0 Phili##ine !dition0 '/110
4h,al1e0 8athy0 )engage Learning Asia Pte. Ltd.

Project Management 7
4ystems A##roach
4ytems Philoso#hy
Things can 1e re#resented as systems
9o, is the #roject related to the e"isitng
Where ,ill it fit in
9o, ,ill affect the other systems

Project Management 7
4ystems A##roach
Ty#es of Information 4ystem

Project Management 7
4ystems A##roach
Ty#es of Information 4ystem
)ontent Management 4ystem
)ustomer =elations Management 4ystem
>eogra#hical Information 4ystem
Inventory 4ystem
5an6ing 4ystem
8no,ledge Management 4ystem
Learning Management 4ystem

Learning Management 4ystem

)lass Management 4ystem

!nrollment Management 4ystem

>rade Management 4ystem

=esource Management 4ystem

Li1rary Management 4ystem

)ourse Management 4ystem

Project Management 7
4ystems A##roach
4ystems Analysis
+#ro1lem7solving a##roach that re?uires defining the
sco#e of the system0 dividing it into its com#onents0
and then identifying and evaluating its #ro1lem0
o##ortunities0 constraints0 and needs. 3nce this is
com#leted0 the systems analyst then e"amines
alternative solutions for im#roving the current
situation0 identifies an o#timum0 or at least
satisfactory0 solution or action #lan0 and e"amins the
#lan against the entire system-
Management of Information Technology Projects0 Phili##ine !dition0 '/110
4h,al1e0 8athy0 )engage Learning Asia Pte. Ltd.

Project Management 7
4ystems A##roach
What are the #ro1lems that this #roject solve
What o##rtunities ,ill this #roject #rovide
What ,ill this #roject enhnace or im#rove

Project Management 7
4ystems A##roach
4ystem Management
+address the 1usiness0 technological and
organizational issues associated ,ith
creating0 maintaining and ma6ing the
Management of Information Technology Projects0 Phili##ine !dition0
'/110 4h,al1e0 8athy0 )engage Learning Asia Pte. Ltd.

Project Management 7
4ystems A##roach
Will this #roject increase income
Will this lessen turn over time
Who ,ill 1e affected 1y this #roject
What ,ill 1e the effect of this #roject to the

Project Management 7
Three s#here model

Project Management 7
Three s#here model
As6s +Who ,ill 1e affected- and +What
,ill 1e the effect of this #roject to those

Project Management 7
Three s#here model


@our @rames

4tructural @rame

9uman =esource



Project Management 7
Three s#here model


@our @rames A 4tructural

9o, are the grou#s affected 1y the #roject
What grou#s ,ill affect the #roject

Project Management 7
Three s#here model


@our @rames A 4tructural

3rganizational 4tructure #rovides an overvie,
of grou#s in an organization. It also #rovides
information on the sco#e of res#onsi1ilities
and areas governed 1y a grou# or individual.

Project Management 7
Three s#here model


@our @rames A 4tructural

@unctional 3rganizational 4tructure
Project 3rganizational 4tructure
Matri" 3rganizational 4tructure

Project Management 7
Three s#here model


@our @rames A 4tructural

@unctional 3rganizational 4tructure

9eirarchy of #eo#le 1ased on #osition in the


)an 1e considered the #olitical strucuter of the

organization ,here the ones on to# are almost
al,ays follo,ed and does the decision

Project Management 7
Three s#here model


@our @rames A 4tructural

@unctional 3rganizational 4tructure

9eirarchy of #eo#le 1ased on #osition in the


)an 1e considered the #olitical strucuter of the

organization ,here the ones on to# are almost
al,ays follo,ed and does the decision

Project Management 7
Three s#here model


@our @rames A 4tructural

Project 3rganizational 4tructure

)ross functional structure

An individual can 1e functional re#orting to a grou#
1ut is assigned to a tas6 in a certain #roject.

Project Management 7
Three s#here model


@our @rames A 4tructural

Project 3rganizational 4tructure

)ross functional structure

An individual can 1e functional re#orting to a grou#
1ut is assigned to a tas6 in a certain #roject.

Project Management 7
Three s#here model


@our @rames A 4tructural

Matri" 3rganizational 4tructure

4hort term structure to meet a goal

)reated to identify the #eo#le involved in a #roject

or #rojects

Peo#le under this structure are grou# according the

s#ecialized re?uirements of the #roject

Project Management 7
Three s#here model


@our @rames A 9uman =esource

Biscuss and @i" Personel and 3rganizational
3vertime0 Wor67Life 5alance0 )om#ensation

Project Management 7
Three s#here model


@our @rames A Political @rame

Who allocates and a##roves the resources
What are the #ersonal or grou# interest lying
in the #roject
Whom should I ,oo
What are the fights that I can ,in
Are there sta6eholder ,ho has influence over
other as#ects of the #roject

Project Management 7
Three s#here model


@our @rames A 4ym1olic frame

Loo6ing at em#loyee 1ehaviours
=eading +1et,een the lines- of an occurrence
or event or situation

Project Management 7
3rganizational )ulture
!ncom#asses the @our @rames
+a set of shared assum#tions0 values0 and
1ehaviors that characterize the functioning
of an organization.-
Management of Information Technology Projects0 Phili##ine !dition0 '/110
4h,al1e0 8athy0 )engage Learning Asia Pte. Ltd.

Project Management 7
3rganizational )ulture

Befines the norms an individual is

accustomed ,ith

Cn,ritten rules that detemine 1ehaviour

that governs a grou#

The e"istence of 1eliefs in a grou# that can

affect 1ehavior0 actions and decisions

Project Management 7
3rganizational )ulture
1. Mem1er Identity
The degree to ,hich em#loyees identify ,ith
the organization as a ,hole.
9o, im#ortant is the organization to the

Project Management 7
3rganizational )ulture
'. >rou# !m#hasis
The degree to ,hich activities are organized
around grou#s or teams
>oals are achieve 1y teams and not

Project Management 7
3rganizational )ulture
*. Peo#le @ocus 7
The degree to ,hich management.s decisions
ta6e into account the effect of outcomes on
#eo#le ,ith in the organization
What is the 1enefit of this action to an
individual What are the individual.s goals
5eliefs What ,ill motivate this individual

Project Management 7
3rganizational )ulture

Project Management 7
3rganizational )ulture
(. Cnit Integration 7
The degree to ,hich units or de#artments ,ith
in an organization are encouraged to
coordinate ,ith each other.
9o, is each grou# or individual coordinate or
communicate ,ith each other 9o, easy it is
for one grou# to get the su##ort from the other

Project Management 7
3rganizational )ulture

Project Management 7
3rganizational )ulture
2. )ontrol 7
The degree to ,hich rules0 #olicies and direct
su#ervision is used to oversee and control
em#loyee freedom.
Are my actions or decisions suffocating the

Project Management 7
3rganizational )ulture
D. =is6 Tolerance 7
The degree to ,hich em#loyees are
encouraged to 1e aggressive0 innovative0 and
ris6 see6ing.
9o, much freedom is there for the em#loyee
to decide e"#lore and do reasearch and
develo#ment for the #roject

Project Management 7
3rganizational )ulture

Project Management 7
3rganizational )ulture
E. =e,ard )riteria 7
The degree to ,hich re,ards0 such as
#romotions and salary increases are allocated
according to em#loyee #erformance rather than
seniority0 favoritism0 or non#erformance factors.
There is o1jectivity on ho, em#loyee #rogress
are gauaged ,hich removes dou1t and
su1jective influences for re,ards.

Project Management 7
3rganizational )ulture

Project Management 7
3rganizational )ulture
%. )onflict Tolerance 7
The degree to ,hich em#loyees are
encouraged to air conflicts and criticism
Address and try to resolve concerns 1efore
they get out of hand. Trans#arancy and a1ility
communicate effectively.

Project Management 7
3rganizational )ulture
F. Means A !nds 3rientation 7
The degree to ,hich management focuses on
outcomes rather than on techni?ues and
#rocessed used to achieve the results.
5alancing on ho, the out#ut and the #rocess
used to achieve the out#ut is gauged.

Project Management 7
3rganizational )ulture

Project Management 7
3rganizational )ulture
1/. 3#en 4ystems @ocus 7
The degree to ,hich organization monitors
and re#onds to changes in the e"ternal
9o, does the organization react or #re#are to
e"ternal factors that may affect the #roject

Project Management 7
3rganizational )ulture

Project Management 7
4ta6eholder Management

To# management commitment and su##ort

=esource Allocation

Project Gisi1ility

Timely and ; or fast a##roval for #roject

)ross functional needs can 1e aided 1y to#


To# management can #rovide non technical

aid and #rovide advice regarding leadershi#

Project Management 7
4ta6eholder Management

3rganizational commitment and su##ort

for IT

Acce#t IT as #art of the 1usiness o#eration

Minimize resistance

Pave ,ay for events activities to introduce and

to involve the organization to,ards the usage
of IT

Project Management 7
4ta6eholder Management

3rganizational 4tandards

Befine a means for non Technical sta6eholder

to understand and to gauge technical

Project Management 7
Project Life )ycle
+... a collection of #roject #hases. ... -
Project Life )ycle #hases may change
from industry to industry.
Management of Information Technology Projects0 Phili##ine !dition0 '/110
4h,al1e0 8athy0 )engage Learning Asia Pte. Ltd.

Project Management 7
Project Life )ycle

Project @easi1ility

Bata >athering

)om#arison of related Projects

>eneral Idea and Project overvie,

Identifying more detailed s#ecifics
Activities are identified
Garia1les are removed and are given details

Project Management 7
Project Life )ycle

Project Ac?uisition

Actual ,or6 is done to achieve the desired end

)lose out
Assessment of the #roject

Project Management 7
Product Life )ycle

Products are created through several


Products follo, a certain life cycle

4oft,are Products

4oft,are Bevelo#ment Life )ycle

Project Management 7
Product Life )ycle
4oft,are Bevelo#ment Life )ycle




Iterative and Incremental Method

=a#id A##lication Bevelo#ment

!"treme Programming

Project Management 7
Product Life )ycle

Predictive Life )ycle

+sco#e of the #roject 1e clearly articulated and

the schedule and the cost can 1e accurately
#redicted...a larege #ortion of the #roject effort
$is used& attem#ting to clarify the re?uirements
of the entire system and then #roducing the a
design. -
Incremental 5uild
=a#id A##lication Bevelo#ment

Project Management 7
Product Life )ycle

Ada#tive 4oft,are Bevelo#ment

+re?uirements are can not 1e clearly
e"#ressed early in the life cycle.-

Agile 4oft,are Bevelo#ment

Project Management7
Project H Product Life )ycle

Project management occurs through out the

different stages ; #hases of #roduct and #roject
life cycle.

Phase !"its or 6ill #oints

Aid in +6ee#ing #rojects on trac6 and determining if

they should 1e continued0 redirected0 or

Minimize losses

@ail @ast

Project Management7
Project Mem1ers

Biverse Technologies

Technology 4#ecialist

Technology )hanges fast

IT #rojects involve several technologies

Project Management7
=ecent Trends


3#en Mar6et

More o##ortunities for IT

46ill centric em#loyment

Lo,er )osts

Technological Advancement

Lesser Political 5arrier

Project Management7
=ecent Trends

>lo1alization challenges



Time zone


What to say and 9o, to say it


Project Management7
=ecent Trends

>lo1alization challenges

)ommon ,or6 #ractices

)olla1orative Tools



Project Management

Issue Management

)ode Management

>rou#,are or )olla1orative Tools

)ommunication Tools

Project Management7
=ecent Trends


3ff shoring

9uman =esources are hired outside source0

outside the com#any and outside the country

Project Management7
=ecent Trends

Girtual Teams

'(;E effort for the #roject

Multinational com#anies have different offices

and a #roject is divided ,ith in the different
de#artments of a com#any

Lessen )ost

Increase Wor6 Life 5alance since no fi"ed

,or6 hours are er?uired

Project Management7
=ecent Trends

Girtual Teams )hallenges



Be#endence to technology

Team relationshi#

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