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... through Bertha Dudde

Spiritual results
should not be underestimated ....
Spirit is superior to intellect ....
ou can recei!e clari"ication about an#thing #ou re"lect upon i"
#ou approach $e $#sel" and appeal to $e "or truth. % impose no
limitation on &hat % gi!e but % onl# gi!e according to the degree
o" maturit#' so that a person &ill al&a#s understand &hat is
con!e#ed to him' be it in thought or in a direct "orm through $#
address "rom abo!e.
(ll the same' it &ill al&a#s be the same truth' and e!en i" %
cannot instruct a person in the most pro"ound )no&ledge' his
*uestions &ill ne!ertheless al&a#s be ans&ered according to
truth' #et al&a#s such that he can comprehend it. (nd thus all
instructions' &hich originate "rom $e' &ill ha!e to be in accord'
other&ise #ou could doubt their source.
But e!er#one can raise his degree o" maturit# and thus also be
introduced to e!er deeper spiritual )no&ledge' and he &ill be
bene"iciall# acti!e on earth' because spiritual )no&ledge &ill
constantl# spur him to pass it on .... Once a person has accepted
$# instruction he &ill be unable to )eep silent. (nd then harmon#
&ill occur bet&een people &ho appealed to $e "or correct
thin)ing and "or truth"ul )no&ledge .... (nd people &ho thin)
correctl# &ill also al&a#s be &illing to render !ine#ard &or)' "or
the# are impelled "rom &ithin' b# their spirit' to enlighten their
"ello& human beings.
+o&e!er' once a person is instructed b# $e $#sel" through his
spirit' so that )no&ledge is con!e#ed to him &hich is &ritten
do&n' then he is also characterised as a !ine#ard labourer' "or
then he has the tas) o" distributing the e,isting spiritual
in"ormation' because % &ant to spea) to all people and choose a
mediator &ho is capable o" accomplishing such a mission. (nd
then his tas) &ill be ob!ious' "or such comprehensi!e spiritual
)no&ledge cannot be denied nor be con!e#ed to -arth &ithout
(lthough a certain degree o" maturit# is necessar# again so that
this spiritual in"ormation can be accepted and understood it &ill
ne!ertheless contribute to&ards stimulating people to li!e a
conscious &a# o" li"e once the# ha!e ta)en notice o" this unusual
%t &ill al&a#s depend on the human being.s &ill and his desire to
recei!e )no&ledge o" the /truth. .... For sooner or later *uestions
&ill arise in e!er# person about sub0ects &hich are inaccessible to
the intellect but &hich can be "athomed b# the spirit in the
person. (nd depending on the person.s maturit# o" soul he &ill be
granted the pure truth "or the bene"it o" his soul.
But a person should ne!er !alue the results o" his intellectual
thin)ing more than those re!ealed b# the spirit in him .... For the
spirit stands abo!e the intellect' to the spirit .... &hich is $#
part .... nothing is un)no&n' it can e,plain everything to a
person' &hereas the area &hich can be in!estigated b# the
intellect is limited and ne!er e,tends into the spiritual realm.
Di!ine re!elations should there"ore ne!er be underestimated'
*uite the contrar#' no intellectual thin)ing' be it e!er so sharp'
produces comparable results. (nd thus #ou &ill also be able to
assess the immense signi"icance &hen % con!e# such e,tensi!e
)no&ledge to earth through a human being' and #ou &ill
understand that it is $# &ill that this )no&ledge shall be
distributed and that % &ill there"ore support all e""orts made b#
$# bearers o" light in order to carr# light to their "ello& human
beings .... #ou &ill understand that % bless people &ho &ant to be
o" ser!ice to $e as labourers in $# !ine#ard' "or can there be
an#thing more important in earthl# li"e than to )no& the truth ....
thus to con!e# the truth % send "rom abo!e to "ello& human
2eople can consider themsel!es "ortunate that the# are granted
clari"ication &here the# still ha!e erroneous thoughts .... For onl#
truth grants them the light &hich illuminates the path that leads
to $e. Anyone who sincerely desires the truth also thinks
correctly, because I Myself enlighten him and he &ill be
happ# to disco!er the con"irmation o" his thin)ing in $# Word.
et man# people must "irst be led to the path' the# must "irst be
in"ormed o" $# &ill and be admonished to li!e in accordance &ith
$# &ill' onl# then &ill a second li"e start "or them' so that the#
li!e a spiritual li"e ne,t to their earthl# li"e' and then the desire
"or truth &ill a&a)en in them and the# can recei!e according to
their desire.
For this reason #ou should all tr# to raise #our state o" maturit#'
then #ou can be guided e!er deeper into truth' e!en the most
pro"ound &isdom can be re!ealed to #ou &hich' ho&e!er' &ould
be incomprehensible to #ou &hile #ou are still in a lo& state o"
maturit#. et % &ill ne!er limit $# distribution as long as #ou
merel# desire $# gi"ts o" lo!e .... % &ill consider #ou spirituall# as
&ell as in an earthl# &a#' "or #ou &ill recei!e &hat #ou re*uire
"or #our soul and bod# as long as spiritual possessions are more
important to #ou. For #our bod# &ill cease to e,ist but #our soul
&ill remain' and it shall there"ore be ta)en care o" "irst' and its
desire &ill al&a#s be granted ....
2ublished b# "riends o" ne& re!elations o" God 3%n"ormation'
do&nload o" all translated re!elations' theme4boo)lets at5


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