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have been working in the clinic now for a semester. we were

focus in the beginning in ur manual skills basically .but more
important is clinical skills as clinicians not as technical work.

Therefore, we should know what u r doing in the treatment?

How we r do treatment? And, how we approach the treatment?
It is true that some of u r already filling the forms ,but u really
need to know what these form all about . u will start doing
treatment plan ,as we say treatment plan is "the blue print"
For case management.
Blue print : we barrow that term from architects .
when ever u do a design for building, factory or house u do
what's called "blue print" because in older days before the new
printing machines r available they used to print in ammonia
paper and the color of the paper is blue .
there fore, blue print means plan or scheme that how the
treatment gonna to proceed.
So, no treatment ever for any patient should be start before u
establish a treatment plan , the treatment plan can change during
that. but here we have to have certain guidelines we have to
know how we r going? And, what we r doing?
So, we should have what we call master plan for total treatment.
master plan means major plan , some times we may have
subdivisions of the treatment plan or different disciplines or
certain steps that have been taken by other professionals, or the
ones putting this treatment.
It is very important to have coordination between all treatment
procedures. For example : if the patient need perio , cons , root
canal or probably some surgery .this has to be organize

or coordinated and very type treatment should be done on it is
proper time and proper avenue.
So , because we r not dealing with a tooth ,we dealing with full
dentition in the mouth and this mouth for human being for a

Of coarse, we r talking a bout perio , but perio is not separated

from other disciplines. Actually periodontology is the science
that gather all dental disciplines, it is like foundation or like
common ground for other dental procedures.
So, we need to have successful dental treatment we should have
a healthy periodontal environment.

1st thing we start with is the :

1-elimination of gingival inflammation and correction of the
conditions that causes or perpetuates (means precipitates )
exaggerates or helps it.
Now, what is the major causes gingivitis or periodontitis ?
dental plaque, so just keep in mind that any thing that helps to
develop , built ,retain dental plaque or make its removal
difficult, correct it and u r in the right tract .

2-so, we need to eliminate root irritants.

3- Eliminate pockets or reduce them as much as can to give the

patient the maximum that patient can brush or take care of .
I'm not talking a bout CAL( the clinical attachment level ),I'm
talking a bout probing depth, that should not exceed 3mm as
much as possible cause these are the maximum the patient can
clean , even if I have reduced periodontium .even if I have for
example : CAL of 5 ,still I need maximum 3mm for probing .

4-i need to establish contours for the gingiva .

5-and, good relationship between the gingival and the mucosa in
order to have harmony and reduce plaque retention and making
cleaning very efficient.

6-restoration of caries,if the patient has caries.

7-we need to correct existing restoration.

8- we take in consideration occlusal relationships and

understanding of occlusion is very important .

9- and then we have the supportive periodontal care.

The sequence of the treatment or therapeutic procedure is

important .
Foe example: I cant go from point A to point C with point B in
the middle without passing point B .i cant go to point C and then
come back to point B and then go back to point C. that’s not
wise ,that’s not smart ,that’s not the right way to go things.

Most important thing if the patient come screaming, shouting, in

pain .OH, Dr: I couldn’t sleep last night OH, please. I don’t just
leave pain. OH, look u have simple class І here and fissure
sealant there, and the patient swelling, jumping ups and downs
from pain.
1st thing if the patient come in pain I should elevate pain , mostly
by elevate the cause . Remove the cause or at least start dealing
So, 1st thing we should treat emergencies, most patients that
couldn’t sleep the night before from pulpitis that’s the worse
kind of pain, but also we have periodontal emergencies we will
talk a bout them later like periodontal abscess or some
suppuration or may be have acute infections or sometime
gingival pain can be serious and severe.
And also other emergencies like broken tooth with broken piece
that moving around, chipped tooth or broker orthodontic wire

and irritating the patient .these r kind of emergencies that we
should take care of it before any thing else.

Now , we will start the phases of therapy ,and remember the

sheet we fill we start with phase I.

Most important is;

1-plaque control ,and plaque control is achieved, how?
Ans from the students:-brushing .Dr: we do brush for the
-scaling . Dr: we don’t jump to scaling
- instruction . Dr: do u think instructions enough?
-motivation (lastly!!) we make the patient motivated ,
interested ,egger, give him some zeal. We tell him the
advantages of brushing, tell him consequence of not brushing,
educate the patient, and make the patient come and do that
willingly, then we threatened him .OK.

2- diet control, unfortunately, no body paying attention to it ,

they used to do that in the past ,but there is come back to that .
Major source to plaque is food, plaque is group of bacteria need
to eat.
We supply the diet and nutrient for plaque through our diet .
sometimes u see people with a lot of plaque , caries ,rampant
caries.... and so on.
We ask how do u eat? what do u eat ? ask about there eating
habits. Some people take piece of sugar to bed so he can sleep,
we know that’s wrong. This is kind of diet analysis. If the
patient take much of purified sugar…and so on.

3-periodontal debridment: then we start do scaling and

debridment (removal of debris).

4- we correct restoration and prosthesis.
Open cavity r consider from the 1st category, kind of emergency
treatment , u should not leave open cavity, I should temporize it.
I put temporary filling ,clean soft caries a little pit put temporary
filling until finish my treatment.

5- Antimicrobial therapy: part of treatment if it needed patient

has aggressive periodontitis she needed antimicrobial therapy
that done with adjunction at the same time with debridment
(mechanical treatment) .

6-occlusal therapy: then if we need occlusal correction , I should

not do major correction .
occlusion is the worst thing to play with never try to correct the
occlusion for the patient for more than 1-2 slightly over erupted
or premature contact .
if you need major correction you need to refer the patient to an
able prosthodontists who should do calibration of the patient
after taking models , jaw registration , mount on kinetics or
semikinetics articulator , then he can do the occlusal adjustment.

because if he doesn't, he become like a story of the monkey

with the 2 cats who stole the piece of cheese , they couldn’t
divide it equally , so the monkey start eat from this from that
until he finish both pieces and u know the story.

And this what happened if you jump to occlsion therapy , you

start trim from this part , from that until ruin the teeth .and I see
cases that the dentition of the patient has been totally ruined
that’s because of the lack of experience for the person who did
it .

7- minor orthodontic movement: then if u need minor

orthodontic movement can be carried as part of our treatment as
8- provisional splinting: u can do provisional splinting if we
need it .

we don’t make provisional splinting (‫) تثبيت السنان‬routinely
nowadays, in the past we used to think that mobility is some
thing bad . provisional some thing temporary, splinting: means
unite or joint teeth to gather .
joint them with wire, bond it with composite . but we don’t
make final splinting in this phase.

You may want to extract the tooth later , but the patient cant go
without a tooth for example , some times we extract the tooth ,
cut the root and put it back , fill it from the lower end of the
tooth with composite .

After I finish phase 1 , we bring the patient back and we

evaluate what have been done ,is it enough or not , we recheck :

1- pocket depth again.

2- we look for gingival inflammation and we see gingival

index , plaque index and so on…….

To see the patient doing his job or not , if not we have to repeat
and keep after the patient , and I should not proceed to more
advance treatment or more sophisticated treatment if this phase
is not fully achieved .

Then phase 2 ,its more serious. for example if the problem

persist , I couldn’t eliminate the pocket or some of the pockets,
or there are other indication, because we will talk about
periodontal surgery later 6
1- periodontal surgery at this phase.

2-including implants , the first part we mean surgical part of the

implant not the prosthesis.

3- and we finish the root canal therapy .

we start the emergency root canal treatment in the first phase ,
we exacerbate the pulp , put non setting calcium hydroxide and
then temporize it until we come to this phase .
at this phase we will do the major treatment , then we go to
phase 3.

and we reevaluate phase 2 before we go to phase 3 , especially

if I do crown and bridges work ( fixed prosthesis) because after
surgery patient need time to heal, the mobility become less and
so on, so we do the prosthesis as well .

we do the final restoration. For example: If I had root canal,

put the final restoration . if I had temporary fillings , I remove
them put final restorations and we make crowns and bridges
work and prosthesis.

Now, how to evaluate the response to the restorative
procedures. you see we have sheets called recall sheet , I need
every time I see the patient to take certain landmarks and write it
down because I will forget with time .

I see patient I have been treated them for 10 years how could I
remember how she or he was ?
So if I have good record , then we can look how this patient
coming up , and its also called(maintance phase) .

we cant drive car forever , for example without maintaining the

car even, if its in good shape , if you check the oil and so on,
you are not fixing broken car or you r maintaining the car in
good condition .

So we assume by phase 3 we finish the treatment then we have

to put the patient in (maintance phase)which is phase IV .
and then I cant leave the patient just go .
We start with every month recall interval , if the patient doing
fine we extend them for 4-5 months or even 6 months but we
shouldn’t extend it for more than 1 year .

Some periodontal patients we see them once a year and that’s

enough for them .

Now, the 1st 3 months like experiment time , testing period for
this patient or the performance of this patient .and we keep after
the plaque and calculus ,we keep after the gingival condition .
Check the occlusion and other pathological changes.
And the most important thing every time, keep it in ur mind,
always ,always ,always…∞ recheck the medical history because
people don’t stay healthy for ever.
Some time u have good loyal patient that stick with u for 10,15
or 20 years during that patient may get married ,have children ,
get sick, get certain disease .so every time recheck the medical
history again.

Now, why we do all of this ???
we talk about periodontal therapy, what is rationale behind
periodontal therapy???
unfortunately what most people remember about dentistry is
pain .that’s why so many people don’t go to dentist unless they
are in pain, that sever and in an excruciated pain(‫ )ألم قوي وموجع‬.

1- Elimination of pain , we need to eliminate pain that part of

our treatment ,that’s good rationale , that’s good reason , that’s
good excuse .

2- Eliminate gingival inflammation .

3- Eliminate gingival bleeding ,some people complain from

bleeding when they eating an apple for example .
and gingival bleeding might be something more serious we have
to look for reason for this bleeding .
last month I had a patient that came with something like
(…….,fill the blank) granuloma but it turn to be CA( squamous
cell carcinoma) life threatening disease.

4- Eliminate infection .

5- Reduce periodontal pocket.

6- Reduce periodontal mobility ,we need to reduce it, because

mobility bothers the patient , patients complain about mobility.

7- Prevent recurrence : also we prevent recurrence, it is not

important only to treat periodontal disease, it is important to
keep it away.
as well periodontal disease is not curable, 9
unfortunately you don’t get rid of it totally , once the patient has
periodontitis he is a periodotitis patient .once patient has
diabetes, he is diabetic patient.
Now, if he doesn’t take care of himself that’s uncontrolled so
the disease gets worse, if its controlled more or less not totally
he can live normal life. If he doesn’t eat this or that he will be
fine .
periodontitis the major thing he has to stay with us under strict
care in order to prevent the recurrence of disease, and as we
know its infectious disease, so we need to eliminate and prevent
reinfection .
8- Eliminate suppuration.

9- Arrest destruction of bone and reduce bone loss.

10- Reduce tooth loss: our major goal as periodontist is to keep

and maintain the dentition.
The major task or the biggest challenge for periodontist is not to
extract, but the major task of oral surgeon is how to pull a tooth
,for us how not to let that guy not to use his forceps .that's the
conflict of interest.

11-esthetics :the major rationale for perio treatment is to have

healthy dentition , esthetics is very important nowadays is the
first goal of dentistry and its quality of life, make patient
comfortable . medicine today the change of medicine nowadays
is the quality of life not the life.
(‫) رب عيش أهون منه الموت الزؤام‬
you don’t understand the important of teeth until you start losing
them .

Local therapy depends on removal of plaque or/and all
factors that favor its accumulation as we said earlier. And keep
in mind that’s plaque is a biofilm and the best way to get rid of
its by mechanical removal, mechanically disturb them because
they are at least (1000*100) more resistance to antibiotics.
And as we know also that’s part of normal flora they live with
us all the time , if you give antibiotics then the inflammation go
away for a week then its come back .
and this is the worst thing the dentist to do outside is patient
with gingivitis they prescribe antibiotics and strong antibiotics
and say ok. When the inflammation subside come back and then
I clean your teeth this is stupid, ridiculous and unaccepted .

The best way we give antibiotics only when they are needed.
and they are not needed that much .
so we should remove all the plaque and all the factor that favor
its accumulation its our primary consideration .
Plaque, keep in mind, remove plaque then you will have a
healthy gingiva.

We give Systemic therapy as well we describe medications but

we describe them for a reason ,and should be a strong reason
and not for gingivitis .
They adjunct means complimentary and not the major.
Our major method of treatment is the mechanical , primary is
the mechanical debridment.
That’s why I would like you to master your hand instruments I
know its easier to use ultrasonic .
in past we used to allow it, the only reason to allow is the short
time you have , just to help you): if you want to learn , you
should learn to master the curette and the scaler. you
become the best clinician not only in perio but also in 11
other discipline. because perio treatment depend
highly on tactile sensation not only visualization but also
tactile sensation. And that’s what distinguish between skilled
dentist from poor dentist at the end of the day.

We should make dentistry pleasant not as punishment for the

patients. That’s how we bring them back.

So ,what we use to describe :

1- NSAIDs :they are not of researches, the major reason we use

them to reduce inflammation especially after surgery or trauma ,
there are strong evidence that they slow gingivitis and bone loss
as well .

2- We give antibiotics they are required for some periodontal

disease not every disease.
we give them only when we need them. we give them only as
adjunct to mechanical debridment, especially in case of
aggressive periodontitis.
Because we need to attack the pathogens that cause massive
destructions from within the pocket and from within the body ,
because some of these pathogens are already penetrate deeper in
the tissue, and you cant eliminate them mechanically, so we
attack them simultaneously.
we don’t do scaling then give antibiotics or give antibiotics and
do scaling later .I should do them together , I should do the root
planning deep work under antibiotics cover . so I insure that I
have eliminated the bad bacteria such as p.gingivalis, AA.

Now , after periodontal therapy we

expect healing and there many
factors that affect healing that
include local and systemic factors now local factors are :
1- excessive trauma in tissues during treatment : the most
important factor we focus on is trauma because the less
traumatize your patient the less pain you have .

we have patients we do surgery for them and they didn’t Take

one tablet of acetaminophen or panadol , no postoperative pain
what so ever.

The gentler you are with your work the better the outcome, the
less the trauma, the less pain and the faster the healing.
That’s why we keep saying perio is the difficult-easy (‫السهل‬
that’s the difference between surgery and us they are tuff , they
have to cut bone use chisel and hummer, but we use a tiny
instrument and we should use them carefully.

There are factors that’s will interfere with healing for example,
the ability for healing diminish by :

1- Infection: our body is stressed specially if the infection is

local, for example : in the presence of pus, inflammation,
infection and you do surgery, dirty wound will not healed like
clean wound .
Even if there is systemic infection somewhere else ,it will
interfere with bad healing .
2-It is less in patients also who are diabetic .we know
that healing ability and liability of infection .The 13
healing ability comes down and the liability comes
up and you know they are liable to infection ,so more than non-
diabetic patients .
3-Healing retarded by insufficient food and nutrients.
Diet is the elements of building of tissue . Tissue needs to
rebuilt it, and most of tissues are made of collagens (protein).
So we needs good protein diet, we need minor dietary elements,
like vitamins that help in establishment the healing.
Good diet with highly protein and good vitamins specially
vitamin C because of hydroxylation of collagen .

4-Also, it affected by hormones :as diabetes like insulin ,but

other hormones like female hormones ,it affect healing .
if estrogen is high, healing will impaired. As well if pregnant
female specially in the middle trimester will not heal as good as
female after delivery because progesterone level will render the
tissue more liable to infection and inflammation .

Now, we talk about new concept in healing which is

regeneration .This means growth and differentiation of new
cell and intercellular substances to form new tissue or parts.

That’s mean we replace the missing part or the destroyed

part with new part with the same composition . exactly the
to regenerate something , to create this thing again. Genesis
means creation from here comes regeneration .
Growth from the same type of tissue and as should here
continuous physiological process from periodontium ,and
removal of plaque enable the patient to benefit from inherent
regenerative capacity of the tissue .
Now , When we are doing scaling and root
planning treatment, You remove something called
granulation tissue, granulation tissue : it’s the tissue that died in
trial to repair itself. So it’s the wrong tissue , by removing this
tissue u refresh this area, eliminate the plaque ,we give the body
the chance to regenerate itself with good type of tissue , the
removal of plaque enable patient to try to regenerate .

Unfortunately, most of healing as see is by repair , not by

regeneration ,you should take this material in pathology as
squeal of inflammation ,the body heals itself by regeneration or
by repair .

Here we restore the continuity of diseased marginal gingiva and

we re-establish the normal marginal sulcus at the same level on
root . but we are healing here by scar .

Assume you have cut in your skin, if it regenerates totally you

will have skin as if it new . But unfortunately ,what happened
the wound is closed , that’s what we mean by continuity but you
have a mark that’s scar tissue .That’s repair, that’s not the same
tissue but you are stored the function . Skin is there ,its
continuous but its not the same . Again the same here in
gingiva .
We arrest bone destruction without increase more height . its
another problem we face it in perio , crestal bone ,you look on
the radiograph you see that bone level has been decreased , our
major hope to stop bone loss at that level . we cannot re-grow
bone to crest of the ridge. Its terminal bone, few animals can do
that like ( ‫سلمندر‬, (‫ أبو بريص‬is the only animal that can
replace leg. For example; ‫ سلمندر‬is in between
lizards and snakes may be. 15
U write something called CAL (clinical attachment level)not
loss .which measures the loss, if you have CAL of 5 we have
lost 5mm,but if CAL is 0 , we have CAL its equal 0 it where it
should be ,but we don’t have loss.

Then you have new attachment that’s means you have new PDL
fiber into new cementum ,new sharpees fiber and new gingival
epithelium to a tooth surface ,and every thing is new. Is
regenerated .

Its delusive goal we try to achieve it, but its not fully achievable
so far.

"from word document" .

Dr says it’s the same but there is more details on it .

1- We need to take personal data including medical history

(MH) and again I cannot overemphasize on the importance of
medical history .The most important thing in your sheet .

2-Examination and charting .its what you do .

3- Diagnosis.
4-Prognosis is base on your diagnosis you
give your prognosis ,prognosis is the outcome
of disease ,the patient will ask you and you 16
have to know how to answer.

Then base on that all what you did so far you do your treatment
plane .
So prognosis : actually is prediction of the course and
termination of the disease and its response of treatment .

Never ever brag , never ever make your patient over confidence.
If you sure about 80%that this tooth save for example, give him
70% because you don’t know what will happen in the course
,and you should give your patient the condition that in which
you built your assumptions, but if you don’t do the treatment
you definitely lose this tooth , but if you do treatment we have
the chance to do so and so .base on what you learn and base on
your experience .sometime there is reason ,sometime the patient
doesn’t aware in what he/she has, you assume that patient
healthy and the patient is not for example .

So prognosis is determined after the diagnosis and before the

treatment plane ,because the prognosis will guides u through
your treatment plane , and prognosis is often confuse with the
term risk .

Risk generally referred to probability of acquiring the disease

before its start ,but prognosis we r predicting the outcome of a
disease that already there.

So if u smoker u r at risk of cancer ,the prognosis is if you get

cancer is you goanna to die ‫ ) )ل سمح ال‬of lung cancer if you
keep smoking .

Many time ,the risk factors and the prognosis factors are the
same ,they interfere like in case of diabetes .
the diabetes is risk factor for perio-disease ,but again it
interferes with prognosis as well .
We have to know that there :
1-prognosis of gingival disease.
2- prognosis of periodontal disease .
and we have:
1- overall prognosis .and
2- prognosis for individual or single tooth .

Now, we do treatment plan . treatment plan r very important ,but

it is not holy ,it can be modified during the course of treatment ,
but u should not start without it.

Now, extraction of hopeless tooth , provisional replacement

treatment part of phase 1 sometime .
patients have very hopeless teeth ,you extract then you cement it
back or make RPD temporary ,so the patient will not
embarrassed specially if the patient with high profile nature.
like teacher.

Dr.says: he had a patient who is teacher and young, somebody

made for him implant , and the implant is failed and he treat him
for implant failure . The tooth is central incisor . can I send this
guy to school without central incisor? no way , because the kids
may make fun of him , you know kids are evil some of you are

I ask the prosthodontics to make temporary or immediate partial

denture. So we remove the implant ,raise a flap ,remove all
necrotic tissue and do bony graft ,we close it with suture ,and
the patient psychologically is at ease .


‫شكر خاص وحار وجزيل لخواتي أيسر طشطوش ودعاء العودات و رانية‬
‫ لجهودهم الجبارة في كتابة هذه المحاضرة) جزاكم ال خيرا‬.‫)البصول‬.
Done by: AMAL ABU

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