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Counterstrain Myofascial Release by Edward Muntinga, www.muntinga.


OM (Occitito-Mastoid)
Localization Sutura Occiito!mastoidea osteriorly
"ositions "at# suine, $her# head of table
%ction Push occiut with cuing hand caudally and frontal with elbow towards C&
M (Masseter)
Localization Ramus mandibulae anterior
"ositions "at# suine, $her# head of table
%ction "alate $" and press chin with oosite hand towards $"
SB (SphenoBasilar)
Localization Occiital s'uama, (cm)(cm lateral)below Lambda
"ositions "at# suine, $her# obli'ue head of table
%ction *old Occ. and +rontal, RO$ ,twist- around %)", use more comfy direction
SP (Sphenoid)
Localization %la ma/or
"ositions "at# suine, $her# obli'ue opposite head of table
%ction "ressure ,horiz. *and0ante- Sphenoid opposite towards TP, other hand stabilizes head
and monitors $"
SO (SupraOrbital)
Localization Medial 1)2 of suraorbital margin
"ositions "at# suine, $her# side of table
%ction "inch nasal bone and ull caudally, counterforse frontal with forearm)hand
AC3 (AntCer!ical 3)
Localization %nterior side of SCM ,Le3el C2-
"ositions "at# suine, *4S 56 oosite of $", $her# 1 *and head, 1 *and 7 ramus mandible
%ction $raction *4S ,fle.-, SB towards TP ,with ramus!hand8-
AC "-# (AntCer!ical "-#)
Localization on)osterior SCM ,Le3el C6)9-
"ositions "at# suine, $her# head of table
%ction +LE: *4S (6, comlete RO$ oosite $", gentle S; oosite
AC$ (AntCer!ical $)
Localization On cla3icle ,su)ost- 2cm lateral from SC!<elen0
"ositions "at# suine, $her# head of table
%ction +LE:, RO$ oosite, SB towards TP
PC%& PC' (PostCer!ical %(')
Localization =nferior nuchal line Occ., "C1 aussen, "C( >medial?
"ositions "at# suine, head -Occ.- resting on $her. hand
%ction E.tension 7 Occ!C( ,>comaction?-, RO$ oosite, S; oosite
Counterstrain Myofascial Release by Edward Muntinga,

AT%(' (AntThoracic %(')
Localization %$1# manubrium sterni ,su.-, %$(# abo3e suture manubrium)sternum
"ositions "at# sits side of table, hands crossed o3er head, leaning 7 $her. Rela.ed8
$her. Reachning around "at. @nder a.illae and holding fron!sternum, 1 thumb 7 $"
%ction +LE: 7 $h1)(# "ull $hora. uwards, ress chest towards table
)*%(' or A*%(' (depressed or anterior *ib)
Localization %R1# 7 costa 1 medial end near sternum, %R(# 7 costa ( anterior on medial!cla3icular line
"ositions "at# suine, head in $her. hand
%ction +LE: lower *4S (A!2A, RO$ towards, S; towards $" ,%R(# more +LE:)RO$)S;-, 1(A sec
)*+ or A*+ (depressed or anterior *ib +)
Localization 7 costa 5 ant., on the anterior!ma.illar line ,lateral-
"ositions "at# sits on table ,legs rested on table sideways-, oosite a.illa rested on $her. Leg
,illow-, head RO$ towards $"
$her# hold head with hand)forearm)shoulder
%ction S; and slight *OT towards $", 1(A sec
,-T +("(# (,ntercostal)
Localization (!2 cm lateral from sternum 7 corresonding ribs
"ositions "osition li0e )*+ ("at# sits on table ,legs rested on table sideways-, oosite a.illa rested on
$her. Leg ,illow--, but $her. grass "at. arm and uts it on illow ,;4S rot8-
%ction S; and slight *OT opposite $", 1(A sec
AT$ (AntThoracic $)
Localization 7 costa lowest ,&-1!2 cm lateral midline
"ositions "osition li0e ,-T+("(#
%ction S; and slight *OT opposite $", 1(A sec
PT%(' (PostThoracic)
Localization =ntersinous lig.)trans3.roc. $1)$(
"ositions "at# rone, $her# 7 head of table
%ction *old "at. chin ,with same side *and-, E:$, SB opposite& *OT opposite $"
AT%.(%%(%' (AntThoracic)
Localization %$1A# ;elow umbilicus (!2 cm lateral, %$11# slight below S=%S (!2cm lat., %$1(# iliac crest
"ositions "at# suine, towel)cushion under el3is, $her# on sa/e side, holds both legs ,e3tl. foot on
%ction +LE: ,%$1A#126, %$1(#11A-, RO$ >toward0 ,technically# oosite- and SB opposite $"
PT#-%' (PostThoracic)
Localization =ntersinous lig.)trans3.roc. $9!1(
"ositions "at# rone, head rotated towards $", $"!sided arm on table abo3e head, $her# obli'ue
oosite at head of table
%ction $her. lifts same!sided %.illa , and ulls ;4S into E:$ and S; oosite $"
P*'-1 or 2*'-1 (Post(ele!ated rib)
Counterstrain Myofascial Release by Edward Muntinga,

Localization On rib angle costa (!B
"ositions "at# sits on table ,legs rested on table sideways-, oosite a.illa rested on $her. leg ,illow-
$her# stands behind "at.
A3' (Ant3u/bar ')
Location S=%= medial
"osition "at# suine, $her# stands oosite $", holds both legs
%ction +LE: CA, RO$ oosite 9A, S; oosite
A33(+ (Ant3u/bar 3-+)
Location %L2# S=%= lateral, %L5# S=%= inferior
"osition "at# suine, $her# stands oosite $", holds both legs ,suorted by one leg-
%ction +LE: CA, S; oosite, -O *OT
4p3" (4pper pole 3u/bar ") D e.tension dysfunction
Location Medial of S="S
"osition "at# rone, $her# stands oosite, one leg under "at. leg e.tended in about 2A
%ction E:$ 2A, mild %EE, -O *OT
3p3" (3ower pole 3u/bar ") D fle.ion dysfunction
Location (!2cm below S="S, osterolateral where sacrum meets ilium
"osition "at# rone, leg hanging o3er table, $her# sits ne.t to affected side
%ction $her. leg ushes hanging leg into %EE 6, hand holds thigh and ma0es =R)ER
3,S, (3ower ,liu/ Sacro ,liac) D =lium in ost. RO$
Location ( cm lateral of suerior face of Symh."ubis
"osition "at# suine, $her# stands ne.t table same side of $"
%ction +LE: until release
5,S, (5i6h ,liu/ Sacro ,liac) 7 iliu/ in ant *OT
Location ;elow "S=S, in gluteus ma.. +iber 7 attachment
"osition "at# rone, $her# stands side of table same side $", suorts leg of $" with own leg
%ction (A!2A E:$, 1A!16 %;E
,liacus D iliacus and abdominal release
Location =n iliac fossa at lateral border of soas, on m.iliacus
"osition "at# suine, F+roschosition> ;eine, feet on $her. leg, $her# stands same side of $"
%ction G)! CA +LE:, subcomlete %;E legs
A88 (Adductor)
Location 7 insertion of m.gracilis at ubic bone
"osition "at# suine, $her# oosite $" on side of table
%ction +orced %EE, lace foot abo3e other foot
P,* (Pirifor/is)
Location Middle of iriformis
Counterstrain Myofascial Release by Edward Muntinga,

"osition "at# suine, affected leg hanging of the table, $her# sits ne.t, both legs suort thigh of "at.
%ction 11!1(A +LE:, %;E 6, ER mild
AAC (Ant Acro/ioCla!icular)
Location %nt. %C
"osition "at# suine, $her# stands oosite $", facing atient
%ction "ull ,1A0g- forearm of $"!arm towards Foosite hi>
35 (3on6 5ead) 9 S5(Short 5ead) 9 B4* (Bursa)
Location L*# lateral coracoid, S*# inferior coracoid, ;@R# subdeltoid bursa
"osition "at# suine, $her# stands same side $"
L* +LE: H CA %;E 6 =R 56
S* +LE: H CA %EE =R 56
;@R +LE: I CA %;E)%EE =R 56
38 (3at8orsi) 9 S4B (Subscapularis)
Location LE# attachment LE 7 antero!medial humerus, S@;# on ant. surface scaula in fibers
"osition ;O$*# "at# suine, arm beyond edge of tabe
LE# $raction ,1A0g-, =R, (A!(6 E:$ S@;# E:$ 2A!26, mild forced =R
SP, (Supraspinatus)
Location =n surasinous fossa ,su. Scaula- in fibers middle
"osition "at# suine, $her# same side $"
%ction 56 +LE:, 56 %;E, 56 ER
TS'-+ (Thoracic Shoulder '-+)
Location $S(# ro.. fibers of sura, $S2# ro.. fibers infrasinatus suerior, $S5# ro.. fibers infrasinatus
"osition "at# suine, $her# same side $"
%ction +LE: 1AA,$S(-)1(A,$S2-)126,$S5-, light %;E)%EE
,S (,nfraspinatus)
Location 1cm below sina scaulae in the middle
"osition "at# suine, $her# same side $"
%ction +LE: 1AA, %;E 2A, ER slight
*A8 :% and :' (*adius % and ') D $ennis Elbow
Location R%EJ1# anterolateral radius head, R%EJ(# lat. Eicondylus 7 insertion m.suinator
"osition "at# suine, $her# same side $"
R%EJ1# easy E:$ elbow with ER and forced
R%EJ(# Elbow 1(A +LE:, =R slightly forced
MM (Medial Meniscus) 9 3M (3ateral Meniscus)
Location MM# Kniesalte medial, LM# Knieslate lateral
"osition "at# suine, leg hanging o3er edge of table, or leg suorted by $her. leg on table
Counterstrain Myofascial Release by Edward Muntinga,

MM# 56 +LE:, ,* ,160g-, mild A88 LM# 56 +LE:, ;* ,60g-, mild AB8
PC* (Post Cruciate 3i6)
Location Middle of oliteal fossa dorsal 0nee ,Kniebeuge!Linie-
"osition "at# suine, towel under tibia, $her# same side $"
%ction Cranial hand# ushes femur towards table ,(60g-, caudal hand# =R tibia and =n3ersion foot
MA- (Medial An<le) 9 3A- (3ateral An<le) D %bnLtzung Sohle hinten lat. ,M%M- and fre'uent in3ersion
trauma ,L%M-
Location M%M# (cm below medial malleolus middle, L%M# 1cm below, (cm in front of lat. malleolus
M%M# sidelyin6 sa/e side $", foot off table,
an0le suorted by towel
L%M# sidelyin6 opposite side $", foor off
table,an0le suorted by towel
%ction M%M# force into Medial Shear, L%M# force into Lat.Shear
MCA (Medial Calcaneus) and 3CA (3at Calcaneus)
Location MC%# osteromedial calcaneus, LC%# osterolateral calcaneus
"osition MC%# sidelyin6 sa/e side $", foot off table, an0le suorted by towel ,li0e M%M-
LC%# sidelyin6 opposite side $", foor off table,an0le suorted by towel ,li0e L%M-
%ction MCA# hold calc. and forefoot, force into Medial Shear and ,n!ersion
3CA# hold calc. and forefoot, force into 3ateral Shear and ;!ersion
C4B (low Cuboid)
Location "lantar side of cuboid
"osition "at# rone, 0nee fle.ed 2A!CA, $her# stands opposite side
%ction *old metatarsals and ush (A0g towards 0nee ,this Flowers> cuboid indirectly-
=M% (=le>ion Metatarsal %) D fle. dysfunction meta1
Location Middle 1)2 of 1
metatarsal lateral side
"osition "at#rone, 0nee fle.ed CA, $her# same side $"
%ction <rab head of 1
meta and +LE: ) =R ,20g-
-A? (na!icular) D high and ER na3icular
Location "lantar side of na3icular, near cubo!na3. /oint
"osition "at# rone, 0nee fle.ed CA, $her# end of table
%ction <rab na3icular medially and ER ,1A0g-
=CA (=le>ion Calcaneus) 7 @heel spurA
Location *eel sur location
"osition "at# rone, leg bent 56, foot resting on $her. leg ,is same side-
%ction "ull calcaneus uwards ,from achilles with websace hand- and slightly lift 0nee, other hand
controls $", $her.leg 0ees foot horizontal
3S; (3ateral Sesa/oid) 7 @hallu>A
Location Meta!halangea /oint lateral side Mo. 1!6, es. 1 ,hallu.-
"osition "rone, suine
%ction One hand obser3es $", other ta0es halan. and# "L%M$+LE:, =R, %;E
Counterstrain Myofascial Release by Edward Muntinga,

Counterstrain Myofascial Release by Edward Muntinga,

Counterstrain Myofascial Release by Edward Muntinga,

Counterstrain Myofascial Release by Edward Muntinga,

Counterstrain Myofascial Release by Edward Muntinga,

Counterstrain Myofascial Release by Edward Muntinga,

Counterstrain Myofascial Release by Edward Muntinga,

Counterstrain Myofascial Release by Edward Muntinga,

Counterstrain Myofascial Release by Edward Muntinga,

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