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Starting a Resistance Group

You will start a resistance group in order fight the atrocities of your assigned person or event.
In order to recruit people to your resistance group you need to do the following:
a) Give your group a name, slogan, and symbol (If there is an organized resistance group use it.)
b) Design a political poster (using two propaganda tools ) to recruit members. Use the name of your group,
your slogan and symbol. You want to motivate people to join your group and have trust in. Tell them what you
will do. This should be positive.
c) Write a commercial - 30 seconds to one minute: Focus on all the great things you can do to benefit the
country. Its a commercial so remember to focus only on the positive, ignore the negative. Make sure you have
some sort of catchy slogan which is used in your campaign. You need to use at least 2 propaganda tools which
are different from those in the poster. Record it, Prezi, or use PPT. Extra credit for background music etc. You
must also turn in a typed script which lists the propaganda tools you used. It may be audio, video or a ppt.
d)Speech - Make a persuasive argument which appeals to the masses. I need a typed copy as well as an audio
version. You are to record this. If you choose to do a ppt with images you can do that and add in your audio
files. You can also do that with PREZI. You can record on your phone or online at Vocaroo. However, your
speech needs to be a minimum of five minutes and needs to include the following topics:
Background Material
a. of country over which dictator ruled
b. notable events during the rule of dictator

About the Dictator
a. Dictators personal biography
b. Dictators idiosyncrasies and personality
c. Rise to power
1. Conditions that allowed (set the stage) for
2. Actions taken by dictator in order to
d. Dictators political ideology

Dictators methods of control
a. Use of military
b. Use of secret police and spies
c. Suppression of opposition groups
d. Violence and torture
e. Theft and taxation
f. Corruption and nepotism
g. Exploitation of racial prejudice
h. Rewriting laws/constitution
i. Election fraud

3 Quotes from the Dictator that you are refuting.
Remember, this is a speech, not an essay. It
needs to be persuasive. You may use "I". Use
your slogan. Delivery counts.
Your final speech needs to be typed and turned
You may wish to add some details on the following but it is not required.
a. Dictators use of propaganda
b. Foreign Relations
1. Foreign alliances
2. Foreign enemies
3. International image
c. Standard of living during dictators rule

e) Works Cited - You need to submit a complete works cited for your entire project. That includes any images
you use in any part of your project. It needs to be in proper MLA format. You may use EasyBib.

SOURCES: YOU MAY NOT USE WIKIPEDIA. There are some links on Edline to get you started.

Turn this in and check off the following:

__________ Audio speech file received by Ms. Mary
__________ Typed speech
__________ Outline of speech 10 points
__________ Commercial - ppt or audio or video file 10 points
__________ Typed script for commercial including propaganda tools 10 points
__________ Poster which includes 2 propaganda tools (different from commercial), resistance
group name, symbol and slogan. 10 points
__________ Works Cited - typed (10 Points)

Total: 100 points

Rubric for speech is posted on Edline.

Your speech is to 7 minutes long.
You are to also design a political cartoon about your dictator with 3 questions that are based on your political cartoon.
50 points

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