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S. No.

H. No. 98
Republic of the Philippines
Congress of the Philippines
Metro Manila
Fifteenth Congress
Third Regular Session
Begun and held in Metro Manila, on Monday, the twenty-third day
of July, two thousand twelve.
[REPUBLIC ACT !" #$%&%]
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the
Philippines in Congress assembled:
SECTI! ". Short Title. #This $%t shall &e 'nown as the ($nti-
Enfor%ed or Involuntary )isa**earan%e $%t of +,"+-.
SEC. +. Declaration of Policy. #The State values the dignity of
every *erson and guarantees full res*e%t for rights
for whi%h highest *riority shall &e given to the ena%t.ent of
.easures for the enhan%e.ent of the right of all *eo*le to dignity, the *rohi&ition against se%ret detention *la%es,
solitary %on/ne.ent, incommunicado or other si.ilar for.s of
detention, the *rovision for *enal and %ivil san%tions for su%h
violations, and %o.*ensation and reha&ilitation for the vi%ti.s
and their fa.ilies, *arti%ularly with res*e%t to the use of torture,
for%e, violen%e, threat, inti.idation or any other .eans whi%h
vitiate the free will of *ersons a&du%ted, arrested, detained,
disa**eared or otherwise re.oved fro. the e0e%tive *rote%tion
of the law.
1urther.ore, the State adheres to the *rin%i*les and standards
on the a&solute %onde.nation of rights violations set &y
the "234 5hili**ine Constitution and various international
instru.ents su%h as, &ut not li.ited to, the International
Covenant on Civil and 5oliti%al 6ights 7ICC568, and the Convention
$gainst Torture and ther Cruel, or )egrading Treat.ent
or 5unish.ent 7C$T8, to whi%h the 5hili**ines is a State *arty.
SEC. 9. De!nitions. #1or *ur*oses of this $%t, the following ter.s
shall &e de/ned as follows:
7a8 "gents of the State refer to *ersons who, &y dire%t *rovision
of the law, *o*ular ele%tion or a**oint.ent &y %o.*etent
authority, shall ta'e *art in the * of *u&li% fun%tions in
the govern.ent, or shall *erfor. in the govern.ent or in any of
its &ran%hes *u&li% duties as an e.*loyee, agent or su&ordinate
o;%ial, of any ran' or %lass.
7&8 #nforced or involuntary disappearance refers to the arrest,
detention, a&du%tion or any other for. of de*rivation of li&erty
%o..itted &y agents of the State or &y *ersons or grou*s of
*ersons a%ting with the authori<ation, su**ort or a%=uies%en%e of
the State, followed &y a refusal to a%'nowledge the de*rivation of
li&erty or &y %on%eal.ent of the fate or wherea&outs of the
disa**eared *erson, whi%h *la%es su%h *erson outside the
*rote%tion of the law.
7%8 rder of Battle refers to a do%u.ent .ade &y the .ilitary,
*oli%e or any law enfor%e.ent agen%y of the govern.ent, listing
the of *ersons and organi<ations that it *er%eives to &e
ene.ies of the State and whi%h it %onsiders as legiti.ate targets
as %o.&atants that it %ould deal with, through the use of .eans
allowed &y do.esti% and international law.
7d8 $ictim refers to the disa**eared *erson and any individual
who has su0ered har. as a dire%t result of an enfor%ed or
involuntary disa**earan%e as de/ned in letter 7&8 of this Se%tion.
SEC. >. %onderogability of the Right "gainst #nforced or
&nvoluntary Disappearance. #The right against enfor%ed or
involuntary disa**earan%e and the funda.ental safeguards for
its *revention shall not &e sus*ended under any %ir%u.stan%e
in%luding *oliti%al insta&ility, threat of war, state of war or other
*u&li% e.ergen%ies.
SEC. ?. '(rder of Battle) or "ny (rder of Similar %ature %ot
*egal +round for #nforced or &nvoluntary Disappearance. , $n
(rder of Battle@ or any order of si.ilar nature, o;%ial or
otherwise, fro. a su*erior o;%er or a *u&li% authority %ausing
the %o..ission of enfor%ed or involuntary disa**earan%e is
unlawful and %annot &e invo'ed as a Austifying or eBe.*ting
%ir%u.stan%e. $ny *erson re%eiving su%h an order shall have the
right to diso&ey it.
SEC. C. Right of $%%ess to Communication. , It shall &e the
a&solute right of any *erson de*rived of li&erty to have
i..ediate a%%ess to any for. of %o..uni%ation availa&le in
order for hi. or her to infor. his or her fa.ily, relative, friend,
lawyer or any rights organi<ation on his or her
wherea&outs and %ondition.
SEC. 4. Duty to Report $ictims of #nforced or &nvoluntary
Disappearance. , $ny *erson, not &eing a *rin%i*al, a%%o.*li%e or
a%%essory, who has an infor.ation of a %ase of enfor%ed or
involuntary disa**earan%e or who shall learn of su%h infor.ation
or that a *erson is a vi%ti. of enfor%ed or involuntary
disa**earan%e, shall i..ediately re*ort in writing the
%ir%u.stan%es and wherea&outs of the vi%ti. to any o;%e,
deta%h.ent or division of the )e*art.ent of the Interior and
Do%al Eovern.ent 7)IDE8, the )e*art.ent of !ational )efense
7)!)8, the 5hili**ine !ational 5oli%e 75!58, the $r.ed 1or%es of
the 5hili**ines 7$158, the !ational Bureau of Investigation 7!BI8,
the City or 5rovin%ial 5rose%utor, the Co..ission on
6ights 7CF68 or any rights organi<ation and, if 'nown, the
vi%ti.Gs fa.ily, relative, or lawyer.
SEC. 3. Duty to Certify in -riting on the Results of &n.uiry into a
Reported Disappeared Person/s -hereabouts. #In %ase a fa.ily
.e.&er, relative, lawyer, re*resentative of a rights
organi<ation or a .e.&er of the .edia in=uires with a .e.&er
or o;%ial of any *oli%e or .ilitary detention %enter, the 5!5 or
any of its agen%ies, the $15 or any of its agen%ies, the !BI or any
other agen%y or instru.entality of the govern.ent, as well as
any hos*ital or .orgue, *u&li% or *rivate, on the *resen%e or
wherea&outs of a re*orted vi%ti. of enfor%ed or involuntary
disa**earan%e, su%h .e.&er or o;%ial shall i..ediately issue a
%erti/%ation in writing to the in=uiring *erson or entity on the
*resen%e or a&sen%e andHor infor.ation on the wherea&outs of
su%h disa**eared *erson, stating, others, in %lear and
une=uivo%al .anner the date and ti.e of in=uiry, details of the
in=uiry and the res*onse to the in=uiry.
SEC. 2. Duty of &n.uest0&nvestigating Public Prosecutor or any
1udicial or 2uasi31udicial (4cial or #mployee. #$ny in=uest or
investigating *u&li% *rose%utor, or any Audi%ial or =uasi-Audi%ial
o;%ial or e.*loyee who learns that the *erson delivered for
in=uest or *reli.inary investigation or for any other Audi%ial
*ro%ess is a vi%ti. of enfor%ed or involuntary disa**earan%e shall
have the duty to i..ediately dis%lose the vi%ti.Gs wherea&outs
to his or her i..ediate fa.ily, relatives, lawyerHs or to a
rights organi<ation &y the .ost eB*edient .eans.
SEC. ",. (4cial 5p3to3Date Register of "ll Persons Detained or
Con!ned. - $ll *ersons detained or %on/ned shall &e *la%ed solely
in o;%ially re%ogni<ed and %ontrolled *la%es of detention or
%on/ne.ent where an o;%ial u*-to-date register of su%h *ersons
shall &e .aintained. 6elatives, lawyers, Audges, o;%ial &odies
and all *ersons who have legiti.ate interest in the wherea&outs
and %ondition of the *ersons de*rived of li&erty shall have free
a%%ess to the register.
The following details, others, shall &e re%orded, in the
7a8 The identity or na.e, des%ri*tion and address of the *erson
de*rived of li&ertyI
7&8 The date, ti.e and lo%ation where the *erson was de*rived of
li&erty and the identity of the *erson who .ade su%h de*rivation
of li&ertyI
7%8 The authority who de%ided the de*rivation of li&erty and the
reasons for the de*rivation of li&erty or the %ri.e or o0ense
7d8 The authority %ontrolling the de*rivation of li&ertyI
7e8 The *la%e of de*rivation of li&erty, the date and ti.e of
ad.ission to the *la%e of de*rivation of li&erty and the authority
res*onsi&le for the *la%e of de*rivation of li&ertyI
7f8 6e%ords of *hysi%al, .ental and *sy%hologi%al %ondition of the
detained or %on/ned *erson &efore and after the de*rivation of
li&erty and the na.e and address of the *hysi%ian who eBa.ined
hi. or her *hysi%ally, .entally and .edi%allyI
7g8 The date and ti.e of release or transfer of the detained or
%on/ned *erson to another *la%e of detention, the destination
and the authority res*onsi&le for the transferI
7h8 The date and ti.e of ea%h re.oval of the detained or
%on/ned *erson fro. his or her %ell, the reason or *ur*ose for
su%h re.oval and the date and ti.e of his or her return to his or
her %ellI
7i8 $ su..ary of the *hysi%al, .ental and .edi%al /ndings of the
detained or %on/ned *erson after ea%h interrogationI
7A8 The and addresses of the *ersons who visit the
detained or %on/ned *erson and the date and ti.e of su%h visits
and the date and ti.e of ea%h de*artureI
7'8 In the event of death during the de*rivation of li&erty, the
identity, the %ir%u.stan%es and %ause of death of the vi%ti. as
well as the destination of the re.ainsI and
7"8 $ll other i.*ortant events &earing on and all relevant details
regarding the treat.ent of the detained or %on/ned *erson.
Provided That the details re=uired under letters 7a8 to 7f8 shall &e
entered i..ediately in the register u*on arrest andHor detention.
$ll infor.ation %ontained in the register shall &e regularly or u*on
re=uest re*orted to the CF6 or any other agen%y of govern.ent
tas'ed to .onitor and *rote%t rights and shall &e .ade
availa&le to the *u&li%.
SEC. "". Submission of *ist of +overnment Detention 6acilities. #
Jithin siB 7C8 .onths fro. the e0e%tivity of this $%t and as .ay
&e re=uested &y the CF6 thereafter, all govern.ent agen%ies
%on%erned shall su&.it an u*dated inventory or list of all o;%ially
re%ogni<ed and %ontrolled detention or %on/ne.ent fa%ilities, and
the list of detainees or *ersons de*rived of li&erty under their
res*e%tive Aurisdi%tions to the CF6.
SEC. "+. &mmediate &ssuance and Compliance of the -rits of
Habeas Corpus "mparo and Habeas Data. , $ll *ro%eedings
*ertaining to the issuan%e of the writs of habeas corpus
amparo and habeas data shall &e dis*ensed with eB*editiously.
$s su%h, all %ourts and other %on%erned agen%ies of govern.ent
shall give *riority to su%h *ro%eedings.
Moreover, any order issued or *ro.ulgated *ursuant to su%h
writs or their res*e%tive *ro%eedings shall &e eBe%uted and
%o.*lied with i..ediately.
SEC. "9. $isitation 0&nspection of Places of Detention and
Con!nement. #The CF6 or its duly authori<ed re*resentatives are
here&y .andated and authori<ed to %ondu%t regular,
inde*endent, unannoun%ed and unrestri%ted visits to or
ins*e%tion of all *la%es of detention and %on/ne.ent.
SEC. ">. *iability of Commanding (4cer or Superior. - The
i..ediate %o..anding o;%er of the unit %on%erned of the $15
or the i..ediate senior o;%ial of the 5!5 and other law
enfor%e.ent agen%ies shall &e held lia&le as a *rin%i*al to the
%ri.e of enfor%ed or involuntary disa**earan%e for a%ts
%o..itted &y hi. or her that shall have led, assisted, a&etted or
allowed, whether dire%tly or indire%tly, the %o..ission thereof &y
his or her su&ordinates. If su%h %o..anding o;%er has
'nowledge of or, owing to the %ir%u.stan%es at the ti.e, should
have 'nown that an enfor%ed or involuntary disa**earan%e is
&eing %o..itted, or has &een %o..itted &y su&ordinates or &y
others within the o;%erGs area of res*onsi&ility and, des*ite su%h
'nowledge, did not ta'e *reventive or %oer%ive a%tion either
&efore, during or i..ediately after its %o..ission, when he or
she has the authority to *revent or investigate allegations of
enfor%ed or involuntary disa**earan%e &ut failed to *revent or
investigate su%h allegations, whether deli&erately or due to
negligen%e, shall also &e held lia&le as *rin%i*al.
SEC. "?. Penal Provisions. # 7a8 The *enalty of reclusion
perpetua and its a%%essory *enalties shall &e i.*osed u*on the
following *ersons:
7"8 Those who dire%tly %o..itted the a%t of enfor%ed or
involuntary disa**earan%eI
7+8 Those who dire%tly for%ed, instigated, en%ouraged or indu%ed
others to the a%t of enfor%ed or involuntary
798 Those who %oo*erated in the a%t of enfor%ed or involuntary
disa**earan%e &y %o..itting another a%t without whi%h the a%t
of enfor%ed or involuntary disa**earan%e would not have &een
7>8 Those o;%ials who allowed the a%t or a&etted in the
%onsu..ation of enfor%ed or involuntary disa**earan%e when it
is within their *ower to sto* or un%over the %o..ission thereofI
7?8 Those who %oo*erated in the eBe%ution of the a%t of enfor%ed
or involuntary disa**earan%e &y *revious or si.ultaneous a%ts.
7&8 The *enalty of reclusion temporal and its a%%essory *enalties
shall &e i.*osed u*on those who shall the a%t of
enfor%ed or involuntary disa**earan%e in the atte.*ted stage as
*rovided for and de/ned under $rti%le C of the 6evised 5enal
7%8 The *enalty of reclusion temporal and its a%%essory *enalties
shall also &e i.*osed u*on *ersons who, having 'nowledge of
the a%t of enfor%ed or involuntary disa**earan%e and without
having *arti%i*ated therein, either as *rin%i*als or a%%o.*li%es,
too' *art su&se=uent to its %o..ission in any of the following
7"8 By the.selves *ro/ting fro. or assisting the o0ender to *ro/t
fro. the e0e%ts of the a%t of enfor%ed or involuntary
7+8 By %on%ealing the a%t of enfor%ed or involuntary
disa**earan%e andHor destroying the e0e%ts or instru.ents
thereof in order to *revent its dis%overyI or
798 By har&oring, %on%ealing or assisting in the es%a*e of the
*rin%i*alHs in the a%t of enfor%ed or involuntary disa**earan%e,
*rovided su%h a%%essory a%ts are done with the a&use of o;%ial
7d8 The *enalty of prision correctional and its a%%essory *enalties
shall &e i.*osed against *ersons who defy, ignore or unduly
delay %o.*lian%e with any order duly issued or *ro.ulgated
*ursuant to the writs of habeas corpus amparo and habeas
data or their res*e%tive *ro%eedings.
7e8 The *enalty of arresto mayor and its a%%essory *enalties shall
&e i.*osed against any *erson who shall violate the *rovisions of
Se%tions C, 4, 3, 2 and ", of this $%t.
SEC. "C. Preventive Suspension0Summary Dismissal. #
Eovern.ent o;%ials and *ersonnel who are found to &e
*er*etrators of or *arti%i*ants in any .anner in the %o..ission
of enfor%ed or involuntary disa**earan%e as a result of a
*reli.inary investigation %ondu%ted for that *ur*ose shall &e
*reventively sus*ended or su..arily dis.issed fro. the servi%e,
de*ending on the strength of the eviden%e so *resented and
gathered in the said *reli.inary investigation or as .ay &e
re%o..ended &y the investigating authority.
SEC. "4. Civil *iability. #The a%t of enfor%ed or involuntary
disa**earan%e shall render its *er*etrators and the State
agen%ies whi%h organi<ed, a%=uies%ed in or tolerated su%h
disa**earan%e lia&le under %ivil law.
SEC. "3. &ndependent *iability. #The %ri.inal lia&ility of the
o0ender under this $%t shall &e inde*endent of or without
*reAudi%e to the *rose%ution and %onvi%tion of the said o0ender
for any violation of 6e*u&li% $%t !o. 4>93, otherwise 'nown as
($n $%t )e/ning Certain 6ights of 5erson $rrested, )etained or
Knder Custodial Investigation as well as the )uties of the
$rresting, )etaining, and Investigating ;%ers, and 5roviding
5enalties for Liolations ThereofGI 6e*u&li% $%t !o. 24>?, otherwise
'nown as ($n $%t 5enali<ing Torture and ther Cruel,
and )egrading Treat.ent or 5unish.ent, and 5res%ri&ing
5enalties Therefor@I and a**li%a&le *rovisions of the 6evised
5enal Code.
SEC. "2. %one7clusivity or Double 1eopardy 5nder &nternational
*a8. # $ny investigation, trial and de%ision in any 5hili**ines
%ourt, or &ody for any violation of this $%t shallI &e without
*reAudi%e to any investigation, trial, de%ision or any other legal or
ad.inistrative *ro%ess &efore any a**ro*riate international %ourt
or agen%y under a**li%a&le international rights and
hu.anitarian law.
SEC. +,. #7emption from Prosecution. # $ny o0ender who
volunteers infor.ation that leads to the dis%overy of the vi%ti. of
enfor%ed or involuntary disa**earan%e or the *rose%ution of the
o0enders without the vi%ti. &eing found shall &e eBe.*t fro.
any %ri.inal andHor %ivil lia&ility under this $%t: Provided, That
said o0ender does not a**ear to &e the .ost guilty.
SEC. +". Continuing (9ense. # $n a%t %onstituting enfor%ed or
involuntary disa**earan%e shall &e %onsidered a %ontinuing
o0ense as long as the *er*etrators %ontinue to %on%eal the fate
and wherea&outs of the disa**eared *erson and su%h
%ir%u.stan%es have not &een deter.ined with %ertainty.
SEC. ++. Statue of *imitations #7emption. # The *rose%ution of
*ersons res*onsi&le for enfor%ed or involuntary disa**earan%e
shall not *res%ri&e unless the vi%ti. surfa%es alive. In whi%h %ase,
the *res%ri*tive *eriod shall &e twenty-/ve 7+?8 years fro. the
date of su%h rea**earan%e.
SEC. +9. S*e%ial $.nesty Daw EB%lusion. # 5ersons who are
%hanged with andHor guilty of the a%t of enfor%ed or involuntary
disa**earan%e shall not &ene/t fro. any s*e%ial a.nesty law or
other si.ilar eBe%utive .easures that shall eBe.*t the. fro.
any *enal *ro%eedings or san%tions.
SEC. +>. State Protection # The State, through its a**ro*riate
agen%ies, shall ensure the safety of all *ersons involved in the
sear%h, investigation and *rose%ution of enfor%ed or involuntary
disa**earan%e in%luding, &ut not li.ited to, the vi%ti.s, their
fa.ilies, %o.*lainants, witnesses, legal %ounsel and
re*resentatives of rights organi<ations and .edia. They
shall li'ewise &e *rote%ted fro. any inti.idation or re*risal.
SEC. +?. "pplicability of Refouler. #!o *erson shall &e eB*elled,
returned or eBtradited to another State where there are
su&stantial grounds to &elieve that su%h *erson shall &e in danger
of &eing su&Ae%ted to enfor%ed or involuntary disa**earan%e. 1or
*ur*oses of deter.ining whether su%h grounds eBist, the
Se%retary of the )e*art.ent, of 1oreign $0airs 7)1$8 and the
Se%retary of the )e*art.ent of Justi%e 7)J8 in %oordination with
the Chair*erson of the CF6, shall ta'e into a%%ount all relevant
%onsiderations in%luding where a**li%a&le and not li.ited to, the
eBisten%e in the re=uesting State of a %onsistent *attern of gross,
Magrant or .ass violations of rights.
SEC. +C. Restitution and Compensation to $ictims of #nforced or
&nvoluntary Disappearance and0or Their &mmediate Relatives. #
The vi%ti.s of enfor%ed or involuntary disa**earan%e who surfa%e
alive shall &e entitled to .onetary %o.*ensation, reha&ilitation
and restitution of honor and re*utation. Su%h restitution of honor
and re*utation shall in%lude i..ediate eB*unging or re%ti/%ation
of any derogatory re%ord, infor.ation or *u&li%
de%larationHstate.ent on his or her *erson, *ersonal
%ir%u.stan%es, status, andHor organi<ational a;liation &y the
a**ro*riate govern.ent or *rivate agen%y or agen%ies
The i..ediate relatives of a vi%ti. of enfor%ed or involuntary
disa**earan%e, within the fourth %ivil degree of %onsanguinity or
a;nity, .ay also %lai. for %o.*ensation as *rovided for under
6e*u&li% $%t !o. 49,2, entitled ($n $%t Creating a Board of Clai.s
under the )e*art.ent of Justi%e for Li%ti.s of KnAust
I.*rison.ent or )etention and Li%ti.s of Liolent and 1or
ther 5ur*oses@, and other relief *rogra.s of the govern.ent.
The *a%'age of for &oth the vi%ti.s and the
i..ediate relatives within the fourth %ivil degree of
%onsanguinity or a;nity shall &e without *reAudi%e to other legal
re.edies that .ay &e availa&le to the..
SEC. +4. Rehabilitation of $ictims and0or Their &mmediate
Relatives and (9enders. , In order that the vi%ti.s of enfor%ed
or involuntary disa**earan%e who surfa%ed alive andHor their
i..ediate relatives within the fourth %ivil degree of
%onsanguinity or a;nity, .ay &e e0e%tively reintegrated into the
.ainstrea. of so%iety and in the *ro%ess of develo*.ent, the
State, through the CF6, in %oordination with the )e*art.ent of
Fealth, the )e*art.ent of So%ial Jelfare and )evelo*.ent
7)SJ)8 and the %on%erned nongovern.ent organi<ationHs, shall
*rovide the. with a**ro*riate .edi%al %are and reha&ilitation
free of %harge.
Toward the attain.ent of restorative Austi%e, a *arallel
reha&ilitation *rogra. for *ersons who have %o..itted enfor%ed
or involuntary disa**earan%e shall li'ewise &e i.*le.ented
without %ost to su%h o0enders.
SEC. +3. &mplementing Rules and Regulations. , Jithin thirty 79,8
days fro. the e0e%tivity of this $%t, the )J, the )SJ), the CF6,
the 1a.ilies of Li%ti.s of Involuntary )isa**earan%e 71I!)8 and
the 1a.ilies of Desaparecidos for Justi%e :Desaparecidos; in
%onsultation with other rights organi<ations, shall Aointly
*ro.ulgate the rules and regulations for the e0e%tive
i.*le.entation of this $%t and shall ensure the full disse.ination
of the sa.e to the *u&li%.
SEC. +2. Suppletory "pplications. , The a**li%a&le *rovisions of
the 6evised 5enal Code shall have su**letory a**li%ation insofar
as they are %onsistent with the *rovisions of this $%t.
SEC. 9,. "ppropriations. #The a.ount of Ten .illion *esos
75",,,,,,,,,.,,8 is here&y a**ro*riated for the initial
i.*le.entation of this $%t &y the CF6. Su&se=uent Muids for the
%ontinuing i.*le.entation of this $%t shall &e in%luded in the
res*e%tive &udgets of the CF6 and the )J in the annual Eeneral
$**ro*riations $%t.
SEC. 9". Separability Clause. #If for any reason, any se%tion or
*rovision of this $%t is de%lared un%onstitutional or invalid, su%h
other se%tions or *rovisions not a0e%ted there&y shall re.ain in
full for%e and e0e%t.
SEC. 9+. Repealing Clause. , $ll laws, de%rees, eBe%utive orders,
rules and regulations and other issuan%es or *arts thereof
in%onsistent with the *rovisions of this $%t are here&y re*ealed,
a.ended or .odi/ed a%%ordingly.
SEC. 99. #9ectivity Clause. , This $%t shall ta'e e0e%t /fteen 7"?8
days after its *u&li%ation in at least two 7+8 news*a*ers of
general %ir%ulation or the (4cial +a<ette whi%h shall not &e later
than seven 748 days after the a**roval thereof.
Spea=er of the House
of Representatives
7Sgd.8 ,UA P!CE
President of the
This $%t whi%h is a %onsolidation of Senate Bill !o. +3"4 and
Fouse Bill !o. 23 was /nally *assed &y the Senate and the Fouse
of 6e*resentatives on %to&er "C, +,"+.
7Sgd.8 MARIL+ B"
Secretary +eneral
House of
7Sgd.8 EMMA
Secretary of the
$**roved: )EC +" +,"+
7Sgd.8 BEI(! S" A.UI! III
President of the Philippines

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