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important 2 mark question in cp ( 1-4 unit)

1.Defne Computer.
2.Defne Data and Information.
3.What are the basic operations of a Computer?
4.What are the applications of Computer?
5.What are the characteristics of computers?
6.Specify the uses of computers.
8.Expand the COBOL, BASIC, FORTRAN and IBM.
9.Specify the electronic components used for diferent computer generations.
10. What are the types of computers?
11.Explain the diferent classifcation of computers.
12. Compare the computers with calculator.
13. What are the languages used in computer generations?
14. What are the components of the computer system?
15. List out the various input and output devices.
16. What are the main functions of an ALU?
17. What are the types of Number System?
18.How can you determine the value of each digit in a number system?
19. What is the positional number system and what is their base?
20. Find out the decimal equivalent for the following binary numbers.
(i) 100111
(ii) 0011
(iii) 1001
(iv) 0111
(v) 1001101

21. Find out the Hexadecimal equivalent for the following binary numbers.
(i) 100111
(ii) 0011
(iii) 1001
(iv) 0111
(v) 1001101
22. Find out the octal equivalent for the following binary numbers.
(i) 100111
(ii) 0011
(iii) 1001
(iv) 0111
(v) 1001101
23. Convert the following numbers to their binary equivalent.
(i) 2AC
(ii) FAB
(iii) 2614
(iv) 562

24. Find the decimal equivalent of the binary number 110.102

25. Find the decimal equivalent of the Octal number 127.54

26. Find the decimal equivalent of the hexadecimal number 2B.C4
27. How to plan the logic of a program before writing it?
28. What is Algorithm?
29.What are the characteristics of Algorithm?
30. How many types the algorithm can be represented?
31.What is a Flowchart?
32. What is need for fowchart symbols?
33. What are the rules for drawing a fowchart?
34. What is pseudo code?
35. What is structured programming?
36. What is sequence logic?
37. What is selection logic?
38. What is iteration logic?
39. What are the rules for writing pseudo code?
40.What are the diferent types available in C?
41. What are keywords?
42. What is an Operator and operand?
43. What is Ternary operator?
44. What are the Bitwise operators available in C?
45. What are the logical operators available in C?
46. What is the diference between logical AND and Bitwise AND?
47. What is the diference between = and == operator?
48. What is type casting?
49. What is conversion specifcation?
50. What is the diference between if and while statement?
51. What is the diference between while loop and doWhile loop?
52. What is the diference between a and a?
53. What are the types of I/O statements available in C?
54. What is the diference between ++a and a++?
55. What is a global variable?
56. What are the escape sequences present in C?
57. Construct an infnite loop using while?
58. What is a modulo operator?
59. What is the diference between while (a) and while (! a)?
60. How many bytes are occupied by the int, char, foat, long, int and double?
61. How do you defne the enumerated data type?
What is a String?
62. What is an Array?
63. What will happen when you access the array more than its dimension?
64. Why we dont use the & symbol while reading a string through scanf()?
65. What is the diference between static and auto storage classes?
66. what is the output of the program?
Static int i;
Printf (%d\n,i);
67. what is a Function?
68. What is the diference between scanf() and gets() function?
69. What is meant by Recursive Function?
70. What is a Structure?
71. What is a Union?
72. Describe the structure with an example.
73. Describe the union with an example.
74. What is a pointer?
75. What are the uses of pointers?
76. What is the diference between library function and user defned function?
77.What are * and & operators means?
78. What is meant by preprocessor?
79. How can you return more than one value from a function?
80. Is it possible to place a return statement anywhere in a C Program.
81. Is it possible that a program can contain more than one return statement.
82. What are the main elements of an array declaration?
83. What is the starting index of an array?

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