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Chemical Equilibrium

What are some of the factors that affect the equilibrium of a chemical system? In this investigation, you will
examine three examples of equilibrium reactions. In each case, you will establish equilibrium in the system. Then
you will disturb the equilibrium by changing either the concentration of a reactant, the acid/base level, or the
temperature. The effects on the equilibrium of each system will be observed.
ou must wear goggles and apron for this lab!!
"e careful of hot glassware
#emember that $%l is corrosive and &a'$ is caustic(avoid spilling it on your s)in or clothing
*ll contents of this lab can be safely washed down the drain with plenty of water.
Part A
+. ,lace a bea)er containing about -.. m/ of water on a hot plate. 0o not bring the water to a boil, simply
get the water hot. 0o not touch plate or bea)er with bare hands. 1o to next steps while you are waiting for
the water to heat.
2. ,ut +... m/ of water into a test tube. %reate a saturated solution of sodium chloride by adding 3.. grams
&a%l to the test tube. %over the tube with thumb and sha)e vigorously to dissolve all salt. /et stand for
one minute. 4sing a pipet, add ..+ 5 $%l a few drops at a time. 6eep adding drops until you observe a
change. #ecord your observations.
-. 0rain contents of tube down sin). %lean and dry tube, which will be used in next part.
Part B
+. /abel three test tubes +7-. $alf7fill them with distilled water. *dd three drops of "5" indicator solution
to each tube. %over with thumb and sha)e to mix thoroughly. 8may want to cover thumb to avoid a blue
thumb all day!
2. *dd two drops of ..+5 $%l to test tube +. observe and record.
-. *dd two drops of ..+5 &a'$ to test tube 2. 'bserve and record.
3. *dd two drops of $%l to test tube -. Then slowly add three drops of &a'$ to the test tube. 'bserve and
9. #inse and clean tubes, they will be used for next part.
Part C
+. ,lace -.. m/ of ..+5 copper8II: sulfate solution in each of two test tubes. *dd an equal number of drops
of ..+ 5 &a'$ to each test tube until a thic) blue7white precipitate forms.
2. ,lace one of the tubes into the hot7water bath. *fter four minutes, observe and record any changes. 4se
the other tube for comparison.
-. %ompletely clean out test tubes7may require soap and water. /eave your wor) area clean and ready for
next class.
Data Collection:
Equilibrium system: Observation after equilibrium disturbed:
$%l added to saturated &a'$ solution
$%l added to "5"
&a'$ added to "5"
$%l then &a'$ added to "5"
&a'$ added to %u;'3 in hot water
Data Analysis:
+. Write a chemical equation showing solid sodium chloride in equilibrium with aqueous sodium and
chloride ions.
2. In ,art *, how did the addition of $%l change the concentration of ions in solutions? ;peculate on
the identity of the white precipitate.
-. Write a rule that describes how the equilibrium of a system is shifted when the concentration of a
substance in the reaction is increased.
3. In ,art ", does the &a'$ counteract the effects of the $%l? <xplain.
9. Write the chemical equation showing the reaction in ,art %. Include heat as a term in the
equation. Is this an exothermic or endothermic reaction?
=. Write a rule that describes how the equilibrium is shifted when the temperature of an endothermic
reaction, such as this, is increased.
+. Write a rule that describes the effect on the equilibrium of a system when the concentration of a
substance in the reaction is decreased.
2. *re the rates of the forward and reverse reactions still equal immediately after a disturbance is
introduced to a system at equilibrium?
-. Write a general rule covering all the types of disturbances to equilibrium observed in this

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