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Chapter Outline
I. The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) had 30 International Accounting
Standards (IAS) and 8 International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) in force in Ma
A. In !00!" the IASB and #.S. Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) agreed to
$or% together to reduce differences &et$een IFRS and #.S. 'AA(.
II. There are se)eral tpes of differences &et$een IFRS and #.S. 'AA(.
A. *efinition differences. *ifferences in definitions can occur e)en though concepts are
si+ilar. *efinition differences can lead to differences in recognition and,or
B. Recognition differences. *ifferences in recognition criteria and,or guidance related to
(a) $hether an ite+ is recogni-ed" (&) ho$ it is recogni-ed" and,or (c) $hen it is
recogni-ed (ti+ing difference).
.. Measure+ent differences. *ifferences in approach for deter+ining the a+ount
recogni-ed resulting fro+ either (a) a difference in the +ethod re/uired" or (&) a
difference in the detailed guidance for appling a si+ilar +ethod.
*. Alternati)es. 0ne set of standards allo$s a choice &et$een t$o or +ore alternati)e
+ethods1 the other set of standards re/uires one specific +ethod to &e used.
2. 3ac% of re/uire+ents or guidance. IFRS do not co)er an issue addressed & #.S.
'AA(" and )ice )ersa.
F. (resentation differences. *ifferences in the presentation of ite+s in the financial
'. *isclosure differences. *ifferences in infor+ation presented in the notes to financial
state+ents related to (a) $hether a disclosure is re/uired and,or (&) the +anner in
$hich a disclosure is re/uired to &e +ade.
III. A )ariet of differences e4ist &et$een IFRS and #.S. 'AA( $ith respect to the recognition
and +easure+ent of assets.
A. In)entor 5 IFRS re/uire in)entor to &e reported on the &alance sheet at the lo$er of
cost or net reali-a&le )alue1 #.S. 'AA( re/uires the lo$er of cost or replace+ent cost"
$ith net reali-a&le )alue as a ceiling and net reali-a&le )alue less a nor+al profit
+argin as the floor. #.S. 'AA( allo$s the use of 3IF01 IFRS do not.
B. (ropert" plant and e/uip+ent 5 su&se/uent to ac/uisition" IFRS allo$ fi4ed assets to
&e reported on the &alance sheet using a cost +odel (historical cost less accu+ulated
depreciation and i+pair+ent losses) or a re)aluation +odel (fair )alue at the &alance
sheet date less accu+ulated depreciation and i+pair+ent losses)1 #.S. 'AA( re/uires
the use of the cost +odel.
.. *e)elop+ent costs 5 $hen certain criteria are +et" IFRS re/uire de)elop+ent costs to
&e capitali-ed as an asset and then a+orti-ed o)er their useful life1 #.S. 'AA(
re/uires de)elop+ent costs to &e e4pensed as incurred. An e4ception e4ists in #.S.
'AA( for soft$are de)elop+ent costs.
*. I+pair+ent of assets 5 an asset is i+paired under IFRS $hen its carring a+ount
e4ceeds its reco)era&le a+ount" $hich is the greater of net selling price and )alue in
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use. 6alue in use is calculated as the present )alue of future cash flo$s e4pected fro+
continued use of the asset and fro+ its disposal. An asset is i+paired under #.S.
'AA( $hen its carring a+ount e4ceeds the undiscounted future cash flo$s e4pected
fro+ the asset7s continued use and disposal.
8. Measure+ent of i+pair+ent loss 5 the i+pair+ent loss under IFRS is the
difference &et$een carring a+ount and reco)era&le a+ount1 under #.S. 'AA("
the i+pair+ent loss is the a+ount & $hich carring a+ount e4ceeds fair )alue.
Reco)era&le a+ount and fair )alue are li%el to &e different.
!. Re)ersal of i+pair+ent loss 5 if su&se/uent to recogni-ing an i+pair+ent loss" the
reco)era&le a+ount of an asset is deter+ined to e4ceed its ne$ carring a+ount"
IFRS re/uire the original i+pair+ent loss to &e re)ersed1 #.S. 'AA( does not
allo$ the re)ersal of a pre)iousl recogni-ed i+pair+ent loss.
2. Borro$ing costs 5 the &ench+ar% treat+ent in IFRS is to e4pense all &orro$ing costs
$hen incurred" the allo$ed alternati)e is to capitali-e &orro$ing costs to the e4tent
the are attri&uta&le to the ac/uisition" construction" or production of a /ualifing asset.
The &ench+ar% treat+ent is not allo$ed under #.S. 'AA(1 interest +ust &e
capitali-ed as part of a /ualifing asset $hen certain criteria are +et.
F. 3eases 5 &oth IFRS and #.S. 'AA( distinguish &et$een operating and finance
(capitali-ed) leases. #.S. 'AA( pro)ides 9&right line: tests to deter+ine $hen a lease
+ust &e capitali-ed1 IFRS do not.
I6. A nu+&er of IASB standards deal pri+aril $ith disclosure and presentation issues" and in
so+e cases re/uire+ents differ fro+ #.S. 'AA(.
A. IAS 1 re/uires presentation of a state+ent of cash flo$s. IAS 7 allo$s interest to &e
classified as operating" in)esting" or financing" $hereas it al$as is classified as
operating under #.S. 'AA(.
B. IAS 8 generall re/uires changes in accounting policies to &e handled retrospecti)el1
unli%e under #.S. 'AA(" the cu+ulati)e effect of a change is not included in inco+e.
.. IAS 14 re/uires disclosures for &oth &usiness seg+ents and geographical seg+ents"
$ith one &eing identified as the pri+ar reporting for+at. The so;called +anage+ent
approach that re/uires the disclosure of operating seg+ents used in #.S. 'AA( is not
*. IAS 34 re/uires interi+ periods to &e treated as discrete accounting periods" $hereas
#.S. 'AA( treats interi+ periods as an integral part of the full ear.
2. IFRS 5 pro)ides a +ore li&eral definition of $hat /ualifies as a discontinued operation
than does #.S. 'AA(.
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Doupnik and erera, International Accounting, 2!e
Answers to Questions
8. The tpes of differences that e4ist &et$een IFRS and #.S. 'AA( can &e classified as<
*efinition differences
Recognition differences
Measure+ent differences
*ifferences in allo$ed alternati)es
*ifferences in (lac% of) guidance
(resentation differences
*isclosure differences
!. In appling the lo$er of cost and +ar%et rule for in)entories" IAS 2 defines +ar%et as net
reali-a&le )alue (=R6) and #.S. 'AA( defines +ar%et as replace+ent cost ($ith =R6 as a
ceiling and =R6 less nor+al profit +argin as a floor).
3. The t$o +odels allo$ed & IAS 8> are the cost +odel and the re)aluation +odel. #nder the
re)aluation +odel" propert" plant" and e/uip+ent is reported on the &alance sheet at a
re)alued a+ount" +easured as fair )alue at the date of re+easure+ent" less accu+ulated
depreciation and an accu+ulated i+pair+ent losses.
?. #nder IAS 3>" e4penditures gi)ing rise to a potential intangi&le are classified as either
research or de)elop+ent e4penditures. Research e4penditures are e4pensed as incurred.
*e)elop+ent e4penditures are recogni-ed as an intangi&le asset $hen si4 criteria are +et.
#nder #.S. 'AA(" research and de)elop+ent costs are e4pensed as incurred. The onl
e4ception is for soft$are de)elop+ent costs" $hich are recogni-ed as an asset $hen certain
criteria ha)e &een +et.
@. #nder IAS 36" an i+pair+ent loss arises $hen an asset7s reco)era&le a+ount is less than
its carring )alue" $here reco)era&le a+ount is the greater of net selling price and )alue in
use. 6alue in use is deter+ined as the e4pected future cash flo$s fro+ use of the asset
discounted to present )alue. The a+ount of the loss is the difference &et$een carring
)alue and reco)era&le a+ount.
#nder #.S. 'AA(" an i+pair+ent loss arises $hen the e4pected future cash flo$s
(undiscounted) fro+ the use of the asset are less than its carring )alue. If i+pair+ent
e4ists" the a+ount of the loss is e/ual to the difference &et$een carring )alue and fair
)alue" $hich can &e deter+ined in different $as.
>. 'ood$ill +ust &e tested for i+pair+ent annuall. 'ood$ill that can &e allocated to a
specific cash;generating unit is tested for i+pair+ent using a &otto+;up test. In this test" the
carring )alue of the cash;generating unit" including good$ill" is co+pared $ith the
reco)era&le a+ount of the cash;generating unit. If the reco)era&le a+ount of a cash;
generating unit is less its carring )alue" good$ill is dee+ed to &e i+paired and is $ritten

A. IAS !3 (re)ised in !00A) re/uires &orro$ing costs to &e capitali-ed to the e4tent that the
are attri&uta&le to the ac/uisition" construction" or production of a /ualifing asset1 other
&orro$ing costs are e4pensed i++ediatel. (rior to the !00A re)ision" IAS !3 allo$ed fir+s
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to choose &et$een the current treat+ent or a treat+ent in $hich all &orro$ing costs are
e4pensed i++ediatel.
8. IAS 17 descri&es fi)e situations that $ould nor+all lead to a lease &eing capitali-ed" &ut
does not descri&e these as &eing a&solute tests. The criteria i+plied in four of the situations
are si+ilar to the specific criteria in #.S. 'AA(" &ut the IAS 17 criteria pro)ide less 9&right
line: guidance. IAS 17 indicates that a lease $ould nor+all &e capitali-ed $hen the lease
ter+ is for the +aBor part of the leased asset7s life 5 #.S. 'AA( specificall defines 9+aBor
part: as A@C. IAS 17 also indicates that a lease $ould nor+all &e capitali-ed $hen the
present )alue of +ini+u+ lease pa+ents is e/ual to su&stantiall all the fair )alue of the
leased asset 5 #.S. 'AA( specificall defines 9su&stantiall all: as D0C. *eter+ining
$hether a lease should &e capitali-ed is an e4a+ple of the principles;&ased approach
follo$ed in IFRS )ersus the rules;&ased approach of #.S. 'AA(.
D. A difference in accounting for a sale;and;lease&ac% gain e4ists &et$een IFRS and #.S.
'AA( $hen the lease in the transaction is classified as an operating lease 5 the gain is
recogni-ed i++ediatel under IAS 8A" &ut +ust &e a+orti-ed o)er the life of the lease under
#.S. 'AA(. If the lease is classified as a financing lease" &oth IFRS and #.S. 'AA( re/uire
the gain on sale;and;lease&ac% to &e a+orti-ed o)er the life of the lease.
80. The criteria for the disclosure and recognition of a contingent lia&ilit (loss) are )er si+ilar
in &oth IAS 37 and #.S. 'AA(. The +ain difference is that IAS 37 defines 9pro&a&le: in the
conte4t of recogni-ing a contingent lia&ilit as 9+ore li%el than not.: #.S. 'AA( does not
pro)ide a definition for 9pro&a&le.: IAS 37 allo$s recognition of a contingent asset (gain)
$hen the gain is 9)irtuall certain": i+pling that it can &e recogni-ed prior to actual
reali-ation. #.S. 'AA( does not allo$ recognition of contingent gains. The gain +ust &e
reali-ed &efore it can &e recogni-ed.
88. IAS 19 re/uires past ser)ice cost related (a) to retirees and )ested acti)e e+ploees to &e
e4pensed i++ediatel and (&) to non;)ested e+ploees to &e recogni-ed on a straight;line
&asis o)er the re+aining )esting period. In contrast" #.S. 'AA( re/uires the past ser)ice
cost related (a) to retirees &e a+orti-ed o)er their re+aining e4pected life and (&) to acti)e
e+ploees &e a+orti-ed o)er their re+aining ser)ice period.
8!. =either the IASB nor the FASB is satisfied $ith its guidance regarding re)enue recognition.
=either Board &elie)es it has ade/uate literature that is &oth coherent and co+prehensi)e.
The IASB has a single re)enue recognition standard that is not co+prehensi)e" and #.S.
'AA( contains o)er !00 pieces of authoritati)e literature de)eloped on a piece+eal &asis"
$hich is not coherent.
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Doupnik and erera, International Accounting, 2!e
Solutions to Eer!ises an" Pro#le$s
%& 'onroe Co$pan( ) In*entor(
Eistorical cost !0"00
Eistorical cost !0"000
2sti+ated selling price 8A"000 Replace+ent cost 8?"00
.osts to co+plete and sell !"000 =et reali-a&le )alue 8@"00
=et reali-a&le )alue 8@"000 =or+al profit +argin !0C
In)entor loss @"000 =R6 ; profit +argin 88">0
Mar%et 8?"000
In)entor loss >"00
a. (8) IFRS< Fear 8 In)entor loss G@"000
Fear ! .ost of goods sold G8>"800
(!) #.S. 'AA(< Fear 8 In)entor loss G>"000
Fear ! .ost of goods sold G8@"800
&. Fear 8< IFRS result in G8"000 larger inco+e &efore ta4" assets" and stoc%holders7 e/uit.
Fear !< IFRS result in G8"000 s+aller inco+e &efore ta41 assets and stoc%holders7 e/uit
are the sa+e at the end of Fear ! under &oth IFRS and #.S. 'AA(.

,& Lin!oln Co$pan( ) Resear!h an" De*elop$ent Costs
a. IFRS -ear % -ear ,
Research e4pense G> +illion
*eferred de)elop+ent costs (asset) G? +illion
A+orti-ation e4pense 5 deferred de)elop+ent costs G800"000
Research and de)elop+ent e4pense G80 +illion ;;
&. IFRS result in G? +illion larger inco+e &efore ta4 in Fear 8 and G800"000 s+aller inco+e
&efore ta4 in Fears !;> co+pared to #.S. 'AA(.
Ignoring inco+e ta4es" total assets and total stoc%holders7 e/uit are larger under IFRS &
the follo$ing a+ounts<
Fear 8 Fear ! Fear 3 Fear ? Fear @ Fear >
G?"000"000 G3"!00"000 G!"?00"000 G8">00"000 G800"000 G0
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.& /e00erson Co$pan( ) Propert(1 Plant an" E2uip$ent 3$easure$ent su#se2uent to
.ost" 8,!,F8 G80"000"000
#seful life @ ears
Annual depreciation G!"000"000
Boo% )alue" 8!,38,F! G>"000"000
IFRS Allo$ed Alternati)e
Fair )alue" 8,!,F3 G8!"000"000
Re+aining useful life 3 ears
Annual depreciation G?"000"000
a. *epreciation e4pense IFRS #.S. 'AA(
Fears 8 and ! G!"000"000 G!"000"000
Fears 3" ?" and @ G?"000"000 G!"000"000
Inco+e &efore ta4 is the sa+e under IFRS and #.S. 'AA( in Fears 8 and !. Inco+e
&efore ta4 is G!"000"000 s+aller under IFRS in Fears 3" ?" and @.
&. 2nd of Fear
2/uip+ent (&oo% )alue) 8 ! 3 ? @
Beginning G80 +n G8 +n G> +n G8 +n G? +n
Re)aluation > +n
*epreciation e4pense (! +n) (! +n) (? +n) (? +n) (? +n)
2nding G8 +n G> +n G8 +n G? +n G0
Beginning G80 +n G8 +n G> +n G? +n G! +n
*epreciation e4pense (! +n) (! +n) (! +n) (! +n) (! +n)
2nding G8 +n G> +n G? +n G! +n G0
2nd of Fear
Stoc%holders7 e/uit 8 ! 3 ? @
Beginning G0 (G! +n) (G? +n) (G! +n) (G> +n)
Re)aluation G> +n
*epreciation e4pense(G! +n) (G! +n) (G? +n) (G? +n) (G? +n)
2nding (G! +n) (G? +n) (G! +n) (G> +n) (G80 +n)
Beginning G0 (G! +n) (G? +n) (G> +n) (G8 +n)
*epreciation e4pense(G! +n) (G! +n) (G! +n) (G! +n) (G! +n)
2nding (G! +n) (G? +n) (G> +n) (G8 +n) (G80 +n)
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4& 'a"ison Co$pan( ) Propert(1 Plant an" E2uip$ent 3i$pair$ent4
.arring a+ount 80"000"000 .arring a+ount 80"000"000
=et selling price A"@00"000 Future cash flo$s 80"000"000
*iscounted future cash flo$s 8"000"000 =o i+pair+ent 0
6alue in use (larger a+ount) 8"000"000
I+pair+ent loss !"000"000
a. (8) IFRS<
Fear 8 *epreciation e4pense !"000"000
I+pair+ent loss !"000"000
Fears ! ; > *epreciation e4pense 8">00"000 (8"000"000,@ ears)
(!) #.S. 'AA(<
Fears 8;> *epreciation e4pense !"000"000
&. Income before tax
IFRS Fear 8 Fear ! Fear 3 Fear ? Fear @ Fear >
*epreciation e4pense
(!"000"000) (8">00"000) (8">00"000) (8">00"000) (8">00"000) (8">00"000)
I+pair+ent loss
(!"000"000) 0 0 0 0 0
I+pact on inco+e
(?"000"000) (8">00"000) (8">00"000) (8">00"000) (8">00"000) (8">00"000)
+&S& GAAP Fear 8 Fear ! Fear 3 Fear ? Fear @ Fear >
*epreciation e4pense
(!"000"000) (!"000"000) (!"000"000) (!"000"000) (!"000"000) (!"000"000)
I+pact on inco+e
(!"000"000) (!"000"000) (!"000"000) (!"000"000) (!"000"000) (!"000"000)
*iff. (IFRS;#.S. 'AA()
(!"000"000) ?00"000 ?00"000 ?00"000 ?00"000 ?00"000
Total Assets
IFRS Fear 8 Fear ! Fear 3 Fear ? Fear @ Fear >
.arring )alue (at 8,8)
8!"000"000 8"000"000 >"?00"000 ?"800"000 3"!00"000 8">00"000
*epreciation e4pense
(!"000"000) (8">00"000) (8">00"000) (8">00"000) (8">00"000) (8">00"000)
I+pair+ent loss
(!"000"000) 0 0 0 0 0
.arring )alue (at 8!,38)
8"000"000 >"?00"000 ?"800"000 3"!00"000 8">00"000 0
+&S& GAAP Fear 8 Fear ! Fear 3 Fear ? Fear @ Fear >
.arring )alue (at 8,8)
8!"000"000 80"000"000 8"000"000 >"000"000 ?"000"000 !"000"000
*epreciation e4pense
(!"000"000) (!"000"000) (!"000"000) (!"000"000) (!"000"000) (!"000"000)
.arring )alue (at 8!,38)
80"000"000 8"000"000 >"000"000 ?"000"000 !"000"000 0
*iff. (IFRS;#.S.'AA()
(!"000"000) (8">00"000) (8"!00"000) (800"000) (?00"000) 0
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Total Stockholders Equity (ignoring income taxes)
IFRS Fear 8 Fear ! Fear 3 Fear ? Fear @ Fear >
Beginning &alance
0 (?"000"000) (@">00"000) (A"!00"000) (8"800"000) (80"?00"000)
*epreciation e4pense
(!"000"000) (8">00"000) (8">00"000) (8">00"000) (8">00"000) (8">00"000)
I+pair+ent loss
(!"000"000) 0 0 0 0 0
2nding &alance
(?"000"000) (@">00"000) (A"!00"000) (8"800"000) (80"?00"000) (8!"000"000)
+&S& GAAP Fear 8 Fear ! Fear 3 Fear ? Fear @ Fear >
Beginning &alance
0 (!"000"000) (?"000"000) (>"000"000) (8"000"000) (80"000"000)
*epreciation e4pense
(!"000"000) (!"000"000) (!"000"000) (!"000"000) (!"000"000) (!"000"000)
2nding &alance
(!"000"000) (?"000"000) (>"000"000) (8"000"000) (80"000"000) (8!"000"000)
*iff. (IFRS;#.S.'AA() (!"000"000) (8">00"000) (8"!00"000) (800"000) (?00"000) 0
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Doupnik and erera, International Accounting, 2!e
5& Iptat International ) Re*aluation o0 Fie" Assets
a. AdBust+ent (a) relates to the depreciation of the re)aluation a+ount on fi4ed assets.
AdBust+ent (a) results in an addition to net inco+e &ecause the additional depreciation
ta%en on the re)aluation a+ount does not e4ist under #.S. 'AA(. The addition to net
inco+e pertains to the current ear onl. The addition to net inco+e in the current ear
plus the addition to net inco+e in pre)ious ears is the cu+ulati)e effect on retained
earnings" $hich is the shareholders7 e/uit account affected & adBust+ent (a). The
addition to shareholders7 e/uit is greater than the addition to net inco+e &ecause of this
cu+ulati)e effect.
&. AdBust+ent (&) relates to the re)aluation surplus (increase in shareholders7 e/uit) that is
recorded $hen fi4ed assets are re)alued. This increase does not e4ist under #.S.
'AA( and shareholders7 e/uit +ust &e reduced accordingl. In this case" the
shareholders7 e/uit account affected is Re)aluation Surplus.
6& 7ani Petro!he$i!al Co$pan( ) De0erre" "e*elop$ent !osts an" Gain on sale an"
#nder IFRS" Han4i apparentl has capitali-ed so+e de)elop+ent costs as an asset (IAS
38)" $hich $ould not &e accepta&le under #.S. 'AA(. AdBust+ent (a) adds &ac% the current
ear7s a+orti-ation e4pense on the deferred de)elop+ent costs that $as deducted in
deter+ining IFRS net inco+e. This adBust+ent results in a larger a+ount of #.S. 'AA( net
inco+e. The addition to inco+e flo$s through to retained earnings increasing shareholders7
e/uit. The addition to net inco+e pertains to the current ear onl. The addition to net
inco+e in the current ear plus the addition to net inco+e in pre)ious ears is the
cu+ulati)e effect on retained earnings. The addition to shareholders7 e/uit is greater than
the addition to net inco+e &ecause of this cu+ulati)e effect.
If the lease in a sale;lease&ac% transaction is classified as an operating lease" IAS 17
re/uires the gain on such a transaction to &e reported in inco+e i++ediatel" $hereas #.S.
'AA( re/uires the gain to &e a+orti-ed o)er the life of the lease. AdBust+ent (&) su&tracts
the gain on sale,lease&ac% in the current ear that $as recogni-ed in full under IFRS. The
a+ount of adBust+ent (&) is the difference &et$een the entire gain recogni-ed under IFRS
and the portion of the gain that $ould &e recogni-ed under #.S. 'AA( (including
a+orti-ation of gains that +ight ha)e &een generated in earlier ears). The sa+e a+ount
should &e su&tracted fro+ retained earnings reducing shareholders7 e/uit. Fro+ the fact
that adBust+ent (&) reduced shareholders7 e/uit & a larger a+ount than it reduces net
inco+e" $e can infer that Han4i had one or +ore sale,lease&ac% gains in pre)ious ears.
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Doupnik and erera, International Accounting, 2!e
9& :u!h Corporation ) Deter$ination o0 I$pair$ent Loss an" Su#se2uent Re*ersal
.ost G800"000
#seful life 80 ears
Residual )alue G0
Annual depreciation charge G80"000
Fear 8 Fear ! Fear 3
.arring )alue (at 8,8) G800"000 GD0"000 G80"000
*epreciation e4pense (80"000) (80"000) (80"000)
.arring )alue (at 8!,38) GD0"000 G80"000 GA0"000
Test for i+pair+ent at *ece+&er 38" Fear 3<
.arring )alue GA0"000
=et selling price (GA0"000 ; GA"000) G>3"000
6alue in use G@@"000
Reco)era&le a+ount (greater of the t$o) >3"000
I+pair+ent loss G A"000
The i+pair+ent loss of GA"000 $ould &e recogni-ed in inco+e on *ece+&er 38" Fear 3 $ith
an offsetting reduction in the asset7s carring )alue. As a result" the asset $ill &e reported at
on the *ece+&er 38" Fear 3 &alance sheet at a carring )alue of G>3"000. This a+ount $ill
&e depreciated o)er the re+aining useful life of A ears on a straight;line &asis.
Fear 8 Fear ! Fear 3 Fear ? Fear @
.arring )alue (at 8,8) G800"000 GD0"000 G80"000 G>3"000 G@?"000
*epreciation e4pense (80"000) (80"000) (80"000) (D"000) (D"000)
I+pair+ent loss (A"000)
.arring )alue (at 8!,38) GD0"000 G80"000 G>3"000 G@?"000 G?@"000
Re)ie$ for re)ersal of i+pair+ent loss at *ece+&er 38" Fear @<
.arring )alue G?@"000
=et selling price (G@0"000 ; GA"000) G?3"000
6alue in use G@3"000
Reco)era&le a+ount (greater of the t$o) @3"000
I+pair+ent loss G 0
McGraw-Hill/Irwin The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2009
Doupnik and erera, International Accounting, 2!e
IAS 36 re/uires an i+pair+ent loss to &e re)ersed if the reco)era&le a+ount of an asset is
deter+ined to e4ceed its ne$ carring a+ount" &ut onl if there are changes in the
esti+ates used to deter+ine the original i+pair+ent loss or there is a change in the &asis
for deter+ining the reco)era&le a+ount (fro+ )alue in use to net selling price or )ice )ersa).
Because reco)era&le a+ount has changed fro+ net selling price at the end of Fear 3 to
)alue in use at the end of Fear @" and the reco)era&le a+ount is greater than the carring
)alue at the end of Fear @" the i+pair+ent loss recogni-ed in Fear 3 should &e re)ersed.
Eo$e)er" the carring )alue of the asset after re)ersal of the i+pair+ent loss should not
e4ceed $hat it $ould ha)e &een if no i+pair+ent loss had &een recogni-ed. The carring
)alue of Machine I at *ece+&er 38" Fear @ $ould ha)e &een G@0"000 if no i+pair+ent loss
had &een recogni-ed in Fear 3 (G800"000 original cost less G80"000 annual depreciation for
fi)e ears). Thus" an increase in the carring )alue of the asset of G@"000 should &e
recogni-ed at *ece+&er 38" Fear @ $ith a re)ersal of i+pair+ent loss in an e/ual a+ount.
The asset7s carring )alue on the *ece+&er 38" Fear @ &alance sheet $ill &e G@0"000
(G?@"000 J G@"000). This a+ount $ill &e depreciated o)er the re+aining useful life of @
ears on a straight;line &asis.
Su++ar of a+ounts to &e reported on the &alance sheet and inco+e state+ent in Fears 8
5 @<
Fear 8 Fear ! Fear 3 Fear ? Fear @
.arring )alue (at 8,8) G800"000 GD0"000 G80"000 G>3"000 G@?"000
Inco+e State+ent
*epreciation e4pense (80"000) (80"000) (80"000) (D"000) (D"000)
I+pair+ent loss (A"000)
Re)ersal of i+pair+ent loss @"000
.arring )alue (at 8!,38) GD0"000 G80"000 G>3"000 G@?"000 G@0"000
Inco+e state+ent effect (80"000) (80"000) (8A"000) (D"000) (?"000)
McGraw-Hill/Irwin The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2009
Doupnik and erera, International Accounting, 2!e
;& Hol<er Co$pan( ) Capitali<ation o0 #orrowin= !osts an" 'easure$ent o0 asset
su#se2uent to a!2uisition usin= two alternati*e $o"els
IAS 1 Cost 'o"el
.arr asset on the &alance sheet at cost less accu+ulated depreciation and an
accu+ulated i+pair+ent losses.
.apitali-e &orro$ing costs &orro$ing costs attri&uta&le to the construction of /ualifing
Annual interest (GD00"000 4 80C) GD0"000
Interest to &e capitali-ed in Fear 8 (G@00"000K 4 80C) @0"000
Interest e4pense in Fear 8 G?0"000
K 24penditures of G8"000"000 $ere +ade e)enl throughout the ear" so the a)erage
accu+ulated e4penditures during the ear are G@00"000 (G8"000"000 , !).
.ost of &uilding<
.onstruction costs G8"000"000
.apitali-ed interest @0"000
Total initial cost of &uilding G8"0@0"000
Annual depreciation (&eginning in Fear !) (G8"0@0"000 , ?0 ears) G!>"!@0
Fear 8 Fear ! Fear 3 Fear ? Fear @
Inco+e State+ent
*epreciation e4pense G0 G!>"!@0 G!>"!@0 G!>"!@0 G!>"!@0
Balance Sheet
Building (at 8,8) G0 G8"0@0"000 G8"0!3"A@0 GDDA"@00 GDA8"!@0
*epreciation (!>"!@0) (!>"!@0) (!>"!@0) (!>"!@0)
Building (at 8!,38) G8"0@0"000 G8"0!3"A@0 GDDA"@00 GDA8"!@0 GD?@"000
McGraw-Hill/Irwin The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2009
Doupnik and erera, International Accounting, 2!e
IAS 1 Re*aluation 'o"el
.arr asset on the &alance sheet at re)alued a+ount e/ual to fair )alue less an
su&se/uent accu+ulated depreciation and an accu+ulated i+pair+ent losses.
.apitali-e &orro$ing costs attri&uta&le to the construction of /ualifing assets.
Annual interest (GD00"000 4 80C) GD0"000
Interest to &e capitali-ed in Fear 8 (G@00"000 4 80C) @0"000
Interest e4pense in Fear 8 G?0"000
.ost of &uilding<
.onstruction costs G8"000"000
.apitali-ed interest @0"000
Total initial cost of &uilding G8"0@0"000
Annual depreciation (&eginning in Fear !) (G8"0@0"000 , ?0 ears) G!>"!@0
Fear 8 Fear ! Fear 3 Fear ? Fear @
Inco+e State+ent
*epreciation e4pense G0 G!>"!@0 G!>"!@0 G!@"@!>
Su&total G0 G!>"!@0 G!>"!@0 G!@"@!> G!@"@!>
3oss on re)aluation !A"@00
Re)ersal of re)aluation loss (!A"@00)
Total e4pense (inco+e) G0 G!>"!@0 G?3"A@0 G!@"@!> G(8"DA?)
Balance Sheet
Building (at 8,8) G0 G8"0@0"000 G8"0!3"A@0 GDA0"000 GD??"?A?
*epreciation (!>"!@0) (!>"!@0) (!@"@!>) (!@"@!>)
Building (at 8!,38) G8"0@0"000 G8"0!3"A@0 GDDA"@00 GD??"?A? GD88"D?8
3oss on re)aluation (!A"@00)
Re)ersal of re)aluation loss !A"@00
Re)aluation surplus 3"@@!
Building (at 8!,38) G8"0@0"000 G8"0!3"A@0 GDA0"000 GD??"?A? GD@0"000
At *ece+&er 38"Fear 3" the fair )alue of the &uilding is deter+ined to &e GDA0"000. The
carring )alue of the &uilding is decreased & G!A"@00" $ith a loss on re)aluation recogni-ed
in Fear 3 net inco+e.
*epreciation in Fear ? is G!@"@!> (GDA0"000 , 38 re+aining ears).
At *ece+&er 38"Fear @" the fair )alue of the &uilding is deter+ined to &e GD@0"000. The
carring )alue of the &uilding is increased & G38"0@!. A re)ersal of re)aluation loss of
G!A"@00 is recogni-ed in inco+e and G3"@@! (G38"0@! 5 !A"@00) is recorded as re)aluation
surplus in shareholders7 e/uit.

McGraw-Hill/Irwin The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2009
Doupnik and erera, International Accounting, 2!e
>& Quanta!! Co$pan( ) Re!on!iliation to +&S& GAAP
-ear 5
=et inco+e under IFRS G800"000
Re)ersal of depreciation on re)aluation of fi4ed assets 3"@00
Re)ersal of a+orti-ation of deferred de)elop+ent costs 8>"000
Re)ersal of gain on sale and lease&ac% (8@0"000)
A+orti-ation of gain on sale and lease&ac% A"@00
=et inco+e (loss) under #.S. 'AA( G (!3"000 )
De!e$#er .%1 -ear 5
Stoc%holders7 e/uit under IFRS G@00"000
Re)ersal of re)aluation of fi4ed assets (3@"000)
Re)ersal of accu+ulated depreciation on re)aluation of fi4ed assets A"000
Re)ersal of deferred de)elop+ent costs (80"000)
Re)ersal of accu+ulated a+orti-ation on deferred de)elop+ent costs 3!"000
Re)ersal of gain on sale and lease&ac% (8@0"000)
Accu+ulated a+orti-ation of gain on sale and lease&ac% A"@00
Stoc%holders7 e/uit under #.S. 'AA( G !88"@00
McGraw-Hill/Irwin The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2009
Doupnik and erera, International Accounting, 2!e
Acceptable under
IFRS U.S. GAAP Both Neither
A company takes out a loan to finance the
construction of a building that will be used by
the company. The interest on the loan is
capitalized as part of the cost of the building.
Inventory is reported on the balance sheet
using the last-in, first-out (I!"# cost flow
The gain on a sale and leaseback transaction
classified as an operating lease is deferred and
amortized over the lease term.
A company writes a fi$ed asset down to its
recoverable amount and recognizes an
impairment loss in %ear &. In a subse'uent
year, the recoverable amount is determined to
e$ceed the asset(s carrying value, and the
previously recognized impairment loss is
)ast service costs related to retired employees
that arise when a company makes an
improvement to its pension plan are amortized
over the remaining e$pected lives of the
A company enters into an eight-year lease on
e'uipment that is e$pected to have a useful life
of ten years. The lease is accounted for as an
operating lease.
*ividends paid are classified as an operating
cash outflow in the statement of cash flows.
In preparing interim financial statements,
interim periods are treated as discrete reporting
periods rather than as an integral part of the
full year.
+esearch and development costs are
capitalized when certain criteria are met.
This $ould &e accepta&le under IAS 8A if 80C of the life of the lease is not )ie$ed as the
9+aBor part: of the lease.
=either IFRS nor #.S. 'AA( allo$s capitali-ation of research costs.
McGraw-Hill/Irwin The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2009
Doupnik and erera, International Accounting, 2!e
88. The ans$ers to this e4ercise $ill depend upon the co+pan and the three line ite+s
selected & the students to e4plain. If the nu+&er of students in class is s+all" each
co+pan can &e assigned to a tea+ of students" $ith responses to the re/uire+ents of the
e4ercise presented in class.

McGraw-Hill/Irwin The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2009
Doupnik and erera, International Accounting, 2!e
CASE 4@% /ar"ine 'atheson Group 3part ,4
Choi!e a$on= Alternati*es
Four areas in $hich IFRS allo$ a choice a+ong alternati)es and Lardine7s selection a+ong the
9Tangi&le fi4ed assets: are stated at )aluation" as are 9In)est+ent properties: as allo$ed &
IAS 16 and IAS 40" respecti)el.
The cost of 9Stoc%s and $or% in progress: is deter+ined & the first;in" first;out +ethod as
allo$ed & IAS 2.
9Borro$ing costs: related to +aBor de)elop+ent proBects are capitali-ed until the asset is
su&stantiall co+pleted. All other &orro$ing costs are e4pensed as incurred. IAS 23 allo$s
this treat+ent for &orro$ing costs.
9Actuarial gains and losses: on defined &enefit pension plans are recogni-ed in full in the
ear in $hich the occur" outside profit and loss" as is allo$ed & IAS 19 (a+ended !00?).
(=ote< this topic is co)ered in the Appendi4 to the chapter.)
McGraw-Hill/Irwin The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2009
Doupnik and erera, International Accounting, 2!e
CASE 4@, :essrawl Corporation
Re!on!iliation 0ro$ +&S& GAAP to IFRS

In!o$e un"er +&S& GAAP A%1???1???
Re)ersal of $ritedo$n of in)entor to replace+ent cost 80"000
Additional depreciation on re)aluation of e/uip+ent (!@"000)
I+pair+ent loss on intangi&le asset (&rand) (@"000)
Recognition of deferred de)elop+ent costs 80"000
Re)ersal of a+orti-ation of deferred gain on sale and lease&ac% (30"000)
*ifference in a+orti-ation of prior ser)ice cost (88"000)
In!o$e un"er IFRS A%1?%>1???
Sto!8hol"ersD e2uit( un"er +&S& GAAP A;1???1???
Re)ersal of $ritedo$n of in)entor to replace+ent cost 80"000
0riginal re)aluation surplus on e/uip+ent >00"000
Accu+ulated depreciation on re)aluation of e/uip+ent (!@"000)
I+pair+ent loss on intangi&le assets (&rand) (@"000)
Recognition of deferred de)elop+ent costs 80"000
Recognition of gain on sale and lease&ac% in !00> 8@0"000
Accu+ulated a+orti-ation of deferred gain on sale and lease&ac% (!00>;
!008) (D0"000)
*ifference in cu+ulati)e a+orti-ation of prior ser)ice cost (@!"000)
Sto!8hol"ersD e2uit( un"er IFRS A;166;1???
Eplanation o0 A"Bust$ents
Inventory. #nder #.S. 'AA(" the co+pan reports in)entor on the &alance sheet at the lo$er
of cost or +ar%et" $here +ar%et is defined as replace+ent cost (G880"000)" $ith net reali-a&le
)alue (G8D0"000) as a ceiling and net reali-a&le )alue less a nor+al profit (G8@!"00) as a floor.
In this case" in)entor $as $ritten do$n to replace+ent cost and reported on the *ece+&er 38"
!008 &alance sheet at G880"000. A GA0"000 loss $as included in !008 inco+e.
In accordance $ith IAS 2" the co+pan $ould report in)entor on the &alance sheet at the lo$er
of cost (G!@0"000) and net reali-a&le )alue (G8D0"000). In)entor $ould ha)e &een reported on
the *ece+&er 38" !008 &alance sheet at net reali-a&le )alue of G8D0"000 and a loss on
$ritedo$n of in)entor of G>0"000 $ould ha)e &een reflected in net inco+e.
McGraw-Hill/Irwin The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2009
Doupnik and erera, International Accounting, 2!e
IFRS inco+e $ould &e G80"000 larger than #.S. 'AA( net inco+e. IFRS retained earnings
$ould &e larger & the sa+e a+ount.
Equi!ent. #nder #.S. 'AA(" the co+pan reports depreciation e4pense of G800"000
M(G!"A@0"000 5 G!@0"000) , !@ earsN in !00A and in !008.
#nder IAS 167s re)aluation +odel" depreciation e4pense on e/uip+ent in !00A $as G800"000"
resulting in a &oo% )alue at the end of !00A of G!">@0"000. The e/uip+ent then $ould &e
re)alued up$ard at the &eginning of !008 to its fair )alue of G3"!@0"000.
The appropriate Bournal entr to recogni-e the re)aluation $ould &e<
*r. 2/uip+ent G>00"000
.r. Re)aluation Surplus (a stoc%holders7 e/uit account) G>00"000
In !008" depreciation e4pense $ould &e G8!@"000 M(G3"!@0"000 ; G!@0"000),!? earsN.
The additional depreciation under IFRS causes IFRS;&ased inco+e in !008 to &e G!@"000
s+aller than #.S. 'AA( inco+e. IFRS;&ased stoc%holders7 e/uit is G@A@"000 larger than #.S.
'AA( stoc%holders7 e/uit. This is e/ual to the a+ount of the re)aluation surplus (G>00"000)
less the additional depreciation in !008 under IFRS (G!@"000)" $hich reduced retained earnings.
Int"n#i$%e Assets. #nder #.S. 'AA(" an asset is i+paired $hen its carring a+ount e4ceeds the
undiscounted future cash flo$s e4pected to arise fro+ continued use of the asset. The &rand
ac/uired in !00@ has a carring a+ount of G?0"000 and future e4pected cash flo$s are G?!"000"
so it is not i+paired under #.S. 'AA(.
#nder IAS 3>" an asset is i+paired $hen its carring a+ount e4ceeds its reco)era&le a+ount"
$hich is the greater of net selling price and )alue in use. The &rand7s reco)era&le a+ount is
G3@"0001 the greater of net selling price of G3@"000 and )alue in use (present )alue of future
cash flo$s) of G3?"000. As a result" an i+pair+ent loss of G@"000 $ould &e recogni-ed under
IFRS inco+e and retained earnings $ould &e G@"000 less than #.S. 'AA( inco+e and retained
Rese"rc& "nd 'eve%o!ent (osts. #nder #.S. 'AA(" research and de)elop+ent e4pense in
the a+ount of G!00"000 $ould &e recogni-ed in deter+ining !008 inco+e.
#nder IAS 38" G8!0"000 (>0C 4 G!00"000) of research and de)elop+ent costs $ould &e
e4pensed in !008" and G80"000 (?0C 4 G!00"000) of de)elop+ent costs $ould &e capitali-ed as
an intangi&le asset (deferred de)elop+ent costs).
IFRS;&ased inco+e in !008 $ould &e G80"000 larger than #.S. 'AA( inco+e. Because the
ne$ product has not et &een &rought to +ar%et" there is no a+orti-ation of the deferred
de)elop+ent costs under IFRS in !008.
S"%e "nd )e"se$"c*. #nder #.S. 'AA(" the gain on the sale and lease&ac% (operating lease) is
recogni-ed in inco+e o)er the life of the lease. Oith a lease ter+ of fi)e ears" G30"000 of the
McGraw-Hill/Irwin The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2009
Doupnik and erera, International Accounting, 2!e
gain $ould &e recogni-ed in !008. G30"000 also $ould ha)e &een recogni-ed in !00> and
!00A" resulting in a cu+ulati)e a+ount of retained earnings at ear;end !008 of GD0"000.
#nder IAS 13" the entire gain on the sale and lease&ac% of G8@0"000 $ould ha)e &een
recogni-ed in inco+e in !00>. This resulted in an increase in retained earnings of G8@0"000 in
that ear. =o gain $ould &e recogni-ed in !008. IFRS inco+e in !008 $ould &e G30"000
s+aller than #.S. 'AA( inco+e" &ut stoc%holders7 e/uit at *ece+&er 38" !008 under IFRS
$ould &e G>0"000 larger than under #.S. 'AA(.

+ension +%"n. #nder #.S. 'AA(" the prior ser)ice cost is a+orti-ed o)er the re+aining ser)ice
life of the e+ploees. 24pense recogni-ed in !008 is G?"000 MG>0"000 , 8@ earsN. The
cu+ulati)e e4pense (and reduction in retained earnings) recogni-ed since the plan $as
changed in !00A is G8"000 MG?"000 4 ! earsN.
#nder IAS 19" the prior ser)ice cost attri&uta&le to the )ested e+ploees $ould ha)e &een
e4pensed in !00A 5 G30"000 M@0C 4 G>0"000N. The prior ser)ice cost attri&uta&le to non;)ested
e+ploees $ould &e e4pensed o)er the t$o re+aining ears until )esting. 24pense recogni-ed
in !008 $ould &e G8@"000 MG30"000 , ! earsN. The cu+ulati)e e4pense (and reduction tin
retained earnings) recogni-ed since the plan $as changed is G>0"000 MG30"000 J (G8@"000 4 !
IFRS inco+e in !008 $ould &e G88"000 (G8@"000 ; G?"000) less than #.S. 'AA( inco+e" and
stoc%holders7 e/uit at ear;end !008 under IFRS $ould &e G@!"000 (G>0"000 ; G8"000) less
than under #.S. 'AA(.
McGraw-Hill/Irwin The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2009
Doupnik and erera, International Accounting, 2!e

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