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What are Cisco Catalyst 3750 Metro Series Switches

What are Cisco Catalyst 3750 Metro Series Switches? They are a new line of premier,
customer-located switches that rin! !reater intelli!ence for Metro "thernet access,
enalin! the deli#ery of more differentiated Metro "thernet ser#ices$ These fi%ed
confi!uration switches feature hierarchical &uality of ser#ice '(oS) and Traffic
Shapin!, intelli!ent *0+$,( tunnelin!, -./0 translation, Multiprotocol .ael
Switchin! 'M1.S), and "thernet o#er M1.S '"oM1.S) support and redundant /C or
2C power$ They are ideal for ser#ice pro#iders see3in! to deli#er profitale usiness
ser#ices, such as .ayer +, .ayer 3, and M1.S -10s, in a #ariety of andwidths and
with different ser#ice-le#el a!reements 'S./s)$ With fle%ile software options, the
Cisco Catalyst 3750 Metro Series offers a cost-effecti#e path for meetin! current and
future ser#ice re&uirements from ser#ice pro#iders$
Cisco Catalyst 3750 Metro Series Switches
Product Name Part Number Description
Cisco Catalyst 3750 Metro Switch M"-C3750-+4T"-M +4 ,05,00 ports plus two
Small 6orm-6actor
1lu!!ale 'S61)-ased
7i!ait "thernet ports and
two S61-ased "nhanced
Ser#ices '"S) ports8 /C or
2C power re&uired8
inte!rated redundant power
option8 91 :ase feature
Cisco Catalyst 3750 Metro Switch
1rimary /C power supply
1W;-M"3750-/C 1rimary /C power supply
Cisco Catalyst 3750 Metro Switch
1rimary 2C power supply
1W;-M"3750-2C 1rimary 2C power supply
Cisco Catalyst 3750 Metro Switch
;edundant /C power supply
1W;-M"3750-/C-; ;edundant /C power
supply option
Cisco Catalyst 3750 Metro Switch
;edundant 2C power supply
1W;-M"3750-2C-; ;edundant 2C power
supply option
Cisco Catalyst 3750 Metro 91
Ser#ices 6eature .icense
M"3750-91S-C-.9C< 1ro#ides additional 91
ser#ice features such as
:order 7ateway 1rotocol
':71), "nhanced 9nterior
7ateway 1rotocol
'"97;1), =pen Shortest
1ath 6irst '=S16),
9ntermediate System-to-
9ntermediate System '9S-
9S), policy-ased routin!
'1:;), >S;1, 19M,
2-M;1 tunnelin!, and
Multi--irtual ;outin!
6orwardin! Customer "d!e
'Multi--;6 C")8 also
includes 91 :ase license
Cisco Catalyst 3750 Metro
/d#anced 91 6eature .icense
M"3750-/2-91-.9C< 1ro#ides ad#anced 91
features such as "oM1.S,
M1.S -10, and M1.S$
/lso includes 91 Ser#ices
feature license and 91 :ase
Cisco Catalyst 3750 Metro 91
Ser#ices to /d#anced 91 ?p!rade
M"3750-?17;2-.9C< 1ro#ides up!rade from 91
Ser#ices 6eature .icense to
/d#anced 91 6eature
.icense8 re&uires 91
Ser#ices 6eature license$
Cisco Catalyst 3750 Metro Switch
/C power supply 'spare)
1W;-M"3750-/C< /C power supply for spare
or inte!rated redundancy
Cisco Catalyst 3750 Metro Switch
2C power supply 'spare)
1W;-M"3750-2C< 2C power supply for spare
or inte!rated redundancy
Difference between the Cisco 3750 Metro Series and the Cisco 3750 Series
The Cisco Catalyst 3750 Metro Series is uilt for Metro "thernet access in a customer
location, enalin! the deli#ery of more differentiated Metro "thernet ser#ices$ These
switches feature idirectional hierarchical (oS and Traffic Shapin!, intelli!ent
*0+$,( tunnelin! with class-of-ser#ice 'CoS) mutation, -./0 translation, M1.S,
"oM1.S, and >ierarchical -irtual 1ri#ate ./0 Ser#ice '>--1.S) support, and
redundant /C or 2C power$ They are ideal for ser#ice pro#iders see3in! to deli#er
profitale usiness ser#ices, such as .ayer +, .ayer 3, and M1.S -10s, in a #ariety
of andwidths and with different S./s$ With fle%ile software options, the Cisco
Catalyst 3750 Metro Series offers a cost-effecti#e path for meetin! current and future
ser#ice re&uirements from ser#ice pro#iders$
The standard Cisco 3750 Series is an inno#ati#e product line for midsi@e
or!ani@ations and enterprise ranch offices$ 6eaturin! Cisco Stac3Wise technolo!y,
Cisco Catalyst 3750 Series products impro#e ./0 operatin! efficiency y cominin!
industry-leadin! ease of use and hi!h resiliency for stac3ale switches$
t refers from
More related topics
Cisco Catalyst 3750!" #S 35$0!" Series Switches
Cisco Catalyst 3750!" Switches Datasheet
Cisco Ne%us Switches #s Cisco 3750 Switches
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