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Appeal Factors in NoveList NoveList/EBSCO Publishing 2014
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Appeal lacLors ln noveLlsL
8ecommendlng books based on Lhelr parLlcular appeals (raLher Lhan, for example, by sub[ecL alone) ls a concepL
endorsed and pracLlced by many promlnenL readers' advlsory llbrarlans. ln collaboraLlon wlLh some of Lhese lnfluenLlal
players, noveLlsL has developed a "vocabulary of appeal" Lo help readers -- and Lhe llbrarlans servlng Lhem -- flnd
books LhaL have Lhe Lype of sLoryllne, pace, Lone, and/or wrlLlng sLyle Lhey prefer.

Appeal facLors for books augmenL Lhe sLandard caLaloglng lnformaLlon on genre, sub[ecL, geographlc locaLlon, and
readlng level. Appeal Lerms are separaLely searchable, or can be searched ln comblnaLlon wlLh oLher caLaloglng Lerms
llke sub[ecL, locaLlon, or Llme perlod headlngs. ApproprlaLe appeal facLors are also assoclaLed wlLh auLhors and serles,
enabllng users Lo search for slmllar auLhors or serles based on appeal. Addlng appeal facLors Lo noveLlsL slgnlflcanLly
enhances boLh searchlng and readlng recommendaLlons for slmllar auLhors, LlLles, and serles, and rounds ouL
noveLlsL's LradlLlonally rlch sub[ecL and genre lnformaLlon.

!"#$%&'() +,,)-& .)$/0
1he SLoryllne Lag ls a qulck way Lo deLermlne a book's focus -- ls Lhe ploL whaL drlves Lhe sLory, or ls characLer
developmenL where Lhe real lnLeresL lles? ls Lhe ploL lnLrlcaLe and complex? 1hls appeal facLor wlll help readers flnd
books wlLh Lhe overall sLrucLure Lhey are looklng for.

! +1"'#(2,-13)45 ulse-poundlng, hlgh-ocLane exclLemenL ls Lhe rule ln Lhese books!

! 67-$-1")$24$'8)(5 1he lnLerlor growLh and developmenL of Lhe characLers ls an lmporLanL elemenL ln Lhese

! 9("$'1-")&% ,&#"")45 1hese books have lnLrlcaLe, compllcaLed, or elaboraLe sLoryllnes, ofLen lnvolvlng mulLlple
ploLs, large casLs of characLers, or numerous narraLlve LwlsLs and Lurns.

! 900:)2#$')(")45 lssue-orlenLed books explore conLroverslal Lhemes, whlch may cover a varleLy of emoLlonal,
eLhlcal, or soclal problems.

! ;&#"24$'8)(5 ln Lhese books, a plvoLal evenL or serles of evenLs move Lhe sLory forward, characLers ofLen reacL
Lo Lhe evenLs, raLher Lhan causlng Lhem.

! !<)),'(=5 1hese sprawllng sLorles span mulLlple decades or generaLlons and frequenLly lnclude numerous
locaLlons hlsLorlcal evenLs.

! >#$&42?:'&4'(=5 AlmosL excluslvely found ln works of fanLasy and sclence flcLlon, Lhese books lmmerse Lhe
reader ln a vlvldly-creaLed lmaglnary world LhaL possesses such lnLrlcacles as lnvenLed hlsLorles, languages,
geography, or culLures.

;-1) +,,)-& .)$/0
ace ls Lhe raLe aL whlch a sLory unfolds for Lhe reader. 1he noveLlsL vocabulary for Lhls appeal facLor ls deslgned Lo
ldenLlfy books falllng aL elLher end of Lhe paclng specLrum -- Lhose LlLles LhaL are clearly fasL-paced, or Lhose whlch are
sLeady and measured. 8ooks LhaL fall ln Lhe mlddle wlll noL recelve a pace appeal Lag.

! @-0"2,-1)45 LvenLs ln Lhese exclLlng books unfold rapldly, movlng Lhe reader qulckly Lhrough Lhe sLory.

! A)'0:$)&% ,-1)45 uue Lo descrlpLlve language, focus on deLall, or careful developmenL of characLer or seLLlng,
Lhese books unfold slowly and gradually, allowlng Lhe reader Lo savor Lhe narraLlve.



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.#() +,,)-& .)$/0
1one ls Lhe feellng LhaL a book evokes ln Lhe reader. ls Lhe mood of Lhe sLory llghL and upbeaL, or dark and menaclng?
ls lL lnsplraLlonal or bleak? uoes Lhe seLLlng slgnlflcanLly add Lo Lhe emoLlonal conLenL of Lhe sLory? 1hls subLle and
challenglng appeal facLor ls very lmporLanL Lo readers.

! +/:0'(=5 Whlle Lhey may noL make you laugh ouL loud, Lhese enLerLalnlng sLorles have a llghL humor LhaL
someLlmes accenLuaLes more serlous Lhemes.

! +"/#0,7)$'15 1hese books evoke Lhe sLory's seLLlng, wheLher lL's a goLhlc manslon or a small MldwesLern Lown.
AlLhough noLeworLhy, Lhese seLLlngs are more generlc Lhan Lhose ln whlch 'SLrong sense of place' ls used as an
appeal Lerm.

! B-<4%5 1hese books lnclude coarse or rlsque maLerlal and may refer Lo sex ln a humorous way.

! B'"")$0<))"5 1hese books have a mlxed emoLlonal edge - boLh pleasanL and palnful - LhaL ls susLalned Lhrough
much of Lhe sLory.

! B&)-35 1he general ouLlook of Lhese books ls dark, frequenLly offerlng llLLle falLh ln human naLure, and Lendlng
away from hope or opLlmlsm. Whlle Lhere may be some brlghLer elemenLs, a sad or grlm Lone pervades Lhe
overall sLory.

! 67-0")5 1hese books abouL romanLlc relaLlonshlps focus on Lhe emoLlons and proper soclal behavlor of Lhe
characLers, and conLaln no sex or descrlpLlons of sexual acLlvlLy.

! 6#(0)$8-"'8)5 1hese books represenL a conservaLlve (ofLen 8epubllcan) perspecLlve when dlscusslng Amerlcan
pollLlcs, pollLlclans, and pollLlcal Lakes on soclal lssues such as Lhe envlronmenL, poverLy, and Lhe economy.
!"#$%&'%"# )*+ "#,-.

! 6$)),%5 unseLLllng ln a vlsceral, skln-crawllng way, Lhese books make Lhe reader dlsLlncLly uneasy, and ofLen
feaLure supernaLural elemenLs and eerle seLLlngs.

! C-$3&% 7:/#$#:05 1he humor found ln Lhese books ls blLlng, and Lhe Lone and sub[ecL maLLer are ofLen morbld.

! C'0":$?'(=5 1hese books approach Lhe darker slde of human naLure, and are unseLLllng ln a sophlsLlcaLed,
psychologlcal manner. 1hey ofLen feaLure soclally marglnal or dysfuncLlonal lndlvlduals and famllles, and
showcase Lhe less pleasanL sldes of human lnLeracLlon.

! C$-/-"'15 1hese clnemaLlc books feaLure exclLlng and larger-Lhan-llfe sLorles, deplcLlng anyLhlng from hlsLorlcal
evenLs Lo space warfare.

! DE,&'1'"5 1hese books conLaln loLs of vlvldly descrlbed sex, ranglng from Lhe plalnesL (buL plenLlful) vanllla Lo Lhe
klnklesL of klnd and breaklng of soclal mores.

! @:((%5 Laugh-ouL-loud humor and a llghL, playful Lone characLerlze Lhese books.

! F#00',%5 1he acLlons and people ln Lhese books Lend Lo be over-Lhe-Lop, dramaLlc, and salaclous. When used
on nonflcLlon, Lhe books wlll focus on scandals and rumor, and Lhe sources may be undocumenLed.

! F$:)0#/)5 noL for Lhe squeamlsh, Lhese books lnclude a slgnlflcanL amounL of expllclL gore or oLher grlsly

! G-:("'(=5 CfLen because of hard-hlLLlng sLoryllnes, Lhese books have a memorable, unforgeLLable quallLy LhaL
sLays wlLh Lhe reader.



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! G)-$"<-$/'(=5 1hese genLle, comforLable books are someLlmes senLlmenLal, always llfe-afflrmlng, and don'L
usually have edgy or poLenLlally ob[ecLlonable conLenL.

! G)-$"<$)(17'(=5 1hese books convey emoLlons LhaL are keenly dlsLresslng, hlLLlng a nerve wlLh readers and
deeply affecLlng Lhem.

! G'=724$-/-5 8anglng from [ulcy and sensaLlonal sLorles Lo full-fledged melodramas, Lhe characLers ln Lhese
books may deal wlLh anyLhlng from perllous, back-sLabblng soclal scenes Lo angsL-fllled personal Lraumas.

! G#/)0,:(5 SlmpllclLy ls key ln Lhese books, whlch ofLen have a rural or small-Lown seLLlng and feaLure
characLers LhaL are unpreLenLlous and cherlsh old-fashloned values.

! G#,)H:&5 Whlle addresslng serlous lssues, Lhese nonflcLlon books lncorporaLe some opLlmlsLlc elemenLs,
expresslng bellef ln humanlLy's ablllLy Lo sLrlve for lmprovemenL and make Lhlngs beLLer. !"#$%&'%"# )*+ "#,-.

! 9/,-00'#()45 1hese books convey sLrong emoLlons Lo readers, because Lhe auLhors are forcefully advocaLlng a
parLlcular polnL of vlew, maklng an argumenL, or Lelllng an emoLlonal sLory. !"#$%&'%"# )*+ "#,-.

! 9(0,'$-"'#(-&5 1hese books have an lnsplrlng, enllghLenlng, or upllfLlng quallLy, whlch may or may noL be
rellglous ln naLure.

! A'?)$-&5 1hese books represenL a llberal (ofLen uemocraLlc) perspecLlve when dlscusslng Amerlcan pollLlcs,
pollLlclans, and pollLlcal Lakes on soclal lssues such as Lhe envlronmenL, poverLy, and Lhe economy. !"#$%&'%"#
)*+ "#,-.

! I)&-(17#&%5 Whlle noL grlm or hopeless, Lhese books have a sad, somber, or gloomy edge.

! I)(-1'(=5 A sense of LhreaL or menace pervades Lhese sLorles, glvlng Lhe reader a feellng of forebodlng or

! I'&4&% 0)(0:#:05 Sex ls presenL ln Lhese books, buL lL's noL glven prlde of place. 8elaLlonshlps are of Lhe mosL
lmporLance, buL someLlmes Lhe characLers acL on Lhelr aLLracLlons.

! I##4%5 1hese lnLense books have a dark and broodlng Lone LhaL ln some cases borders on Lhe melodramaLlc.

! I#8'(=5 1hese Louchlng books make readers feel emoLlonally lnvesLed ln boLh Lhe characLers and Lhe sLory.

! I%0"'1-&5 AlLhough noL necessarlly rellglous ln naLure, Lhese books approach splrlLual Lhemes: someLlmes by
explorlng archeLypes and myLhs, someLlmes by lncorporaLlng maglcal or meLaphyslcal evenLs, and someLlmes
by addresslng aspecLs of Lhe human experlence from a splrlLual perspecLlve.

! J#(20,'$'":-&5 1hese nonflcLlon books represenL a decldedly non-splrlLual ouLlook when dlscusslng lssues
relaLed Lo rellglon and splrlLuallLy. !"#$%&'%"# )*+ "#,-.

! J#0"-&='15 CreaL aLLenLlon ls pald Lo seLLlng and perlod deLall ln Lhese books, elLher because characLers
remlnlsce or recollecL evenLs ln Lhe pasL, or because Lhe book as a whole looks back Loward a parLlcular place
or Llme wlLh longlng and wlsLfulness.

! KHH?)-"5 lrequenLly conLalnlng exLreme ploL LwlsLs, blzarre humor, and unlque personallLles, Lhese qulrky
books recounL unconvenLlonal, ldlosyncraLlc, or unusual sLorles, ofLen qulLe creaLlvely.



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! L)H&)1"'8)5 1hese conLemplaLlve books feaLure characLers who Lhlnk serlously abouL Lhelr llves and Lhelr place
ln Lhe world, whlch can lnsplre a slmllar mood ln Lhe reader.

! L#/-("'15 1hese books are noL genre romances, buL do feaLure sLrong romanLlc elemenLs - elLher beLween
characLers or ln Lhe naLure of Lhe sLory or seLLlng lLself. Pappy endlngs are noL guaranLeed!

! !-$1-0"'15 Sarcasm ls frequenLly employed ln Lhese books, or can be aLLrlbuLed Lo one or more maln characLers.
uesplLe sarcasm's assoclaLlon wlLh humor, Lhese books aren'L always meanL Lo be funny, and can be qulLe

! !-00%5 1hese books feaLure characLers (usually female) wlLh ouLslzed personallLles and a boLLomless well of
one-llners and comebacks.

! !#?)$'(=5 Addresslng welghLy soclal lssues, Lhese profoundly serlous and hard-hlLLlng books presenL a
perspecLlve LhaL may be revelaLory Lo Lhe reader.

! !,'$'":-&5 1hese nonflcLlon books represenL a decldedly splrlLual ouLlook when dlscusslng lssues relaLed Lo
rellglon and splrlLuallLy. !"#$%&'%"# )*+ "#,-.

! !")-/%5 1hese sensual books conLaln loLs of vlvldly descrlbed sex (noL [usL lnnuendo!)

! !"$#(= 0)(0) #H ,&-1)5 1he powerfully deplcLed locales - real or lmaglnary - ln Lhese books come allve for
readers, glvlng Lhem a good sense of Lhe bulldlngs, people, and ways of llfe LhaL make a place unlque. 1hls
appeal Lerm ls ofLen llnked Lo a sub[ecL headlng for Lhe seLLlng or locaLlon belng descrlbed.

! !:0,)(0)H:&5 8anglng ln lnLenslLy from subLle psychologlcal unease Lo nall-blLlng suspense, Lhese books keep
readers on edge.

! .7#:=7"2,$#8#3'(=5 More Lhan [usL Lelllng a sLory, Lhese books Lake on blg ldeas - anyLhlng from phllosophlcal
quandarles Lo Llme paradoxes - and ln dolng so sLlmulaLe conLlnued lnLeresL or LhoughL ln Lhe reader.

! M,?)-"5 1hese fun books are llghLhearLed, hopeful, and opLlmlsLlc.

! N'#&)("5 noL for Lhe falnL of hearL, Lhese books conLaln expllclL or graphlc vlolence.

! >7'/0'1-&5 1hese fanclful and playful books wlll charm and enchanL readers, and ofLen lnclude falry Lales or
oLher elemenLs of fanLasy.

>$'"'(= !"%&) +,,)-& .)$/0
ln noveLlsL, wrlLlng sLyle as an appeal facLor lncludes Lhe language used ln Lhe book and Lhe level of deLall ln Lhe
background. Pow ls Lhe book wrlLLen? Are care and aLLenLlon placed on Lhe words or language used Lo convey Lhe
sLory, or ls Lhls secondary Lo Lhe ploL? uoes Lhe auLhor excel aL lncludlng "exLras" LhaL enrlch Lhe reader's experlence?

! +11)00'?&)5 1hese books explaln an ofLen compllcaLed or Lechnlcal lssue ln an approachable manner. !"#$%&'%"#
)*+ "#,-.

! 6-(4'45 1he narraLlve sLyle of Lhese books ls frank and forLhcomlng, even when dlscusslng poLenLlally senslLlve
or dlscomflLlng sub[ecLs.

! 6#/,)&&'(=5 lncorporaLlng a varleLy of narraLlve Lechnlques, from foreshadowlng Lo frequenL changes ln
perspecLlve, Lhese grlpplng books have a powerful effecL on readers, drawlng Lhem lrreslsLlbly lnLo Lhe sLory.



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! 6#(8)$0-"'#(-&5 WrlLLen ln lnformal language, Lhese books read as lf a close frlend were Lelllng a sLory.

! C)01$',"'8)5 lull of elaboraLe descrlpLlons, Lhese books use lllusLraLlve, expresslve language.

! C'-&)1"2$'175 1hese books employ reglonal language, llngo, or slang, maklng Lhe seLLlng come allve.

! C'-&#=:)2$'175 1hese books conLaln well-crafLed, noLable, or remarkable dlalogue.

! D(=-='(=5 1hese appeallng books capLure Lhe aLLenLlon and lmaglnaLlon of readers Lhrough narraLlve sLyle,
characLer, or use of deLall.

! DE,)$'/)("-&5 1hese books employ language, narraLlve sLrucLure, or even seLLlng ln an unusual or unexpecLed

! F$'""%5 CharacLerlzed by a narraLlve sLyle LhaL lncludes dark and unseLLllng deLalls, Lhese books ofLen deplcL

! O-$=#(2H'&&)45 1hese books use Lhe speclallzed, Lechnlcal language of a parLlcular group, Lrade, or professlon.

! O#:$(-&'0"'15 CfLen wrlLLen abouL newsworLhy lssues, Lhese books are well-researched buL wrlLLen ln language
LhaL ls relaxed and conversaLlonal, raLher Lhan academlc or scholarly. !"#$%&'%"# )*+ "#,-.

! A:075 1he descrlpLlve language ln Lhese books ls speclflcally geared Loward evoklng Lhe senses. 1ouch, LasLe,
smell, hearlng or slghL are sLrongly deplcLed, maklng readers feel as lf Lhey are acLually experlenclng whaL ls
belng descrlbed.

! A%$'1-&5 1he language ln Lhese LlLles ls eleganL and beauLlful, ofLen wlLh a rhyLhmlc or poeLlc quallLy.

! ;)$0:-0'8)5 WrlLLen by auLhors who are advocaLlng a cerLaln polnL of vlew, Lhese books may presenL boLh sldes
of an lssue, buL Lhls ls frequenLly used Lo bolsLer Lhe orlglnal oplnlon. !"#$%&'%"# )*+ "#,-.

! L'17&% 4)"-'&)45 ln Lhese books, a sLrong level of deLall lnforms Lhe sLory's backdrop. SomeLlmes a speclal body
of knowledge (e.g., of forenslcs, muslc, hlsLory, eLc.) adds Lo Lhe sLoryllne, and someLlmes Lhere are so many
"exLras" lncluded LhaL Lhe reader's experlence ls greaLly enrlched.

! !17#&-$&%5 1horoughly researched and ofLen addresslng compllcaLed lssues or Loplcs, Lhe language used ln
Lhese books may be academlc or Lechnlcal. 1hey frequenLly conLaln numerous fooLnoLes or oLher supplemenLal
maLerlal. !"#$%&'%"# )*+ "#,-.

! !,-$)5 1he wrlLlng ln Lhese books ls mlnlmal and eleganL. Words are seldom wasLed, and greaL aLLenLlon ls pald
Lo Lhe use of language.

! !"%&'0"'1-&&% 1#/,&)E5 1he language ln Lhese books ls consLrucLed wlLh care, and may sklllfully comblne several
sLyle elemenLs. uue Lo sophlsLlcaLed narraLlve sLrucLure, Lhese sLorles can ofLen be read on a number of levels.

! .7#:=7"H:&5 uesplLe coverlng a senslLlve or conLroverslal Loplc, Lhese books are conslderaLely wrlLLen and
handle Lhe sub[ecL wlLh respecL.

! >'""%5 1hrough clever use of language, Lhese books express amuslng lnslghLs or percepLlons.



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9&&:0"$-"'#( +,,)-& .)$/0
8ooks feaLurlng a loL of lllusLraLlon - boLh plcLure books and graphlc novels - have a unlque seL of quallLles lmporLanL
Lo Lhelr readers. novellsL's lllusLraLlon vocabulary ls geared Loward ldenLlfylng Lhese elemenLs, and lncludes a range of
Lerms LhaL cover everyLhlng from color and drawlng sLyle Lo Lhe mood evoked ln Lhe reader by Lhe lllusLraLlons.

! +?0"$-1"5 1hese lllusLraLlons dellberaLely dlsLorL perspecLlve and proporLlon so LhaL ob[ecLs and people are
removed from reallLy. ln some cases Lhls can helghLen Lhe emoLlonal lmpacL of Lhe arL, whlle aL oLher Llmes lL
slmply adds vlsual lnLeresL.

! B&-132-(42<7'")5 1he arLwork ln Lhese books ls ln black and whlLe only, and may range from pen and lnk
drawlngs Lo waLercolor-llke effecLs ln shades of grey. 8ooks LhaL have predomlnanLly black and whlLe arLwork
accenLed by [usL one or Lwo addlLlonal colors wlll be labeled "Mlnlmally colored."

! B#&45 1he shapes or llnes ln Lhese lllusLraLlons have a sLrong and sLrlklng appearance. 1he arLwork may conslsL
of slmple, baslc, or block-llke shapes, and Lhe llnes may be dark, dlsLlncL, or Lhlck.

! 6-$"##(%5 1hls sLyle of lllusLraLlon feaLures characLers LhaL are drawn wlLh exaggeraLed, slmpllfled feaLures.
CfLen humorous, Lhls sLyle may also be used Lo llghLen dlfflculL or dlsLurblng Lhemes.

! 67-$/'(=5 1he lllusLraLlons ln Lhese books are capLlvaLlng and pleaslng Lo Lhe eye. 1hey are ofLen cuLe and
playful, and offer vlsual supporL for Lhe llghL or upbeaL Lone ln a sLory.

! 6#&#$H:&5 1he full-color lllusLraLlons ln Lhese books feaLure vlbranL colors. 1he arLwork may vary wldely, buL Lhe
color paleLLe ls vlvld.

! C-$35 CfLen used for emphasls ln sLorles wlLh a bleak, menaclng, or serlous Lone, Lhese lllusLraLlons are full of
shadows and dark corners.

! C)&'1-")5 uefL and flne ln LexLure or sLrucLure, Lhese lllusLraLlons dlsplay lnLrlcaLe workmanshlp and quallLy.
Llnes are Lhlnly drawn, and Lhe effecL of Lhese plcLures ls subLle.

! C)"-'&)45 1hese books convey a loL of lnformaLlon Lhrough Lhe quanLlLy and clarlLy of Lhe deLall wlLhln Lhe
ob[ecLs and offer readers Lhe chance Lo pore over Lhe plcLures.

! 9(8)("'8)5 1hese creaLlve books offer a non-sLandard use of varlous lllusLraLlve elemenLs (lncludlng llne, panels,
or color), and challenge Lhe reader's percepLlons.

! A-8'075 WheLher Lhrough use of color, llne, deLall, or sheer over-Lhe-Lop exuberance, Lhese beauLlful
lllusLraLlons are elaboraLe, sumpLuous, and sLrlklng.

! I'('/-&&% 1#&#$)45 1hese books feaLure a llmlLed color paleLLe, someLlmes Lhe arL ls Lwo-Loned ln a color oLher
Lhan black, and someLlmes Lhe lllusLraLlons are predomlnanLly black-and-whlLe or grayscale wlLh one or Lwo
brlghLer colors used as an accenL or for arLlsLlc effecL.

! I:")45 1he subLle color used ln Lhese lmages may have a washed ouL or subdued quallLy. 1hls resLralnL ln Lhe
use of color ofLen serves Lo seL Lhe Lone of Lhe sLory.

! J'=7"/-$'075 1hese lllusLraLlons are dellberaLely ugly, frlghLenlng or unpleasanL. 1hey wlll mosL llkely
accompany a sLoryllne LhaL ls also unpleasanL, wlLh a creepy, dlsLurblng or menaclng Lone.

! ;7#"#=$-,7'15 1hese books use phoLographs as lllusLraLlons. 1hls ls frequenLly found ln nonflcLlon books where
phoLographs are Lhe prlmary lllusLraLlons.



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! L)-&'0"'15 1hese lllusLraLlons uLlllze correcL proporLlons and accuraLe use of perspecLlve, and ln appearance are
very slmllar Lo Lhe person or Lhlng belng represenLed. 1he conLenL may noL represenL reallLy, buL Lhe drawlng
sLyle does.

! L#:=72)4=)45 1hese lllusLraLlons are noL sophlsLlcaLed, pollshed, or eleganL, lnsLead, Lhey presenL [agged llnes
and lmperfecL lmages, whlch can serve Lo convey and emphaslze Lhe sLrong emoLlons LhaL are ofLen belng

! !),'-2"#()45 Sepla-Loned lllusLraLlons are reddlsh-brown ln color, and are ofLen used Lo lndlcaLe nosLalgla,
remlnlscence, or evenLs LhaL Look place ln Lhe pasL.

! !'/,&)5 WlLhouL much decoraLlon or ornamenLaLlon, Lhese uncompllcaLed lllusLraLlons are characLerlzed by Lhe
use of baslc or prlmary forms or sLrucLures. 1hls sLrlpped-down quallLy ls someLlmes ln conLrasL wlLh Lhe
emoLlonal depLh of Lhe sLory.

! !:$$)-&5 1hese lllusLraLlons have a dreamllke or unreal quallLy, and aLLempL Lo express Lhe worklngs of Lhe
subconsclous. Whlle Lhey are Lyplcally palnLed ln a reallsLlc sLyle, Lhese lllusLraLlons employ unexpecLed
[uxLaposlLlons and lncongrulLles of people or ob[ecLs.

! .)E":$)45 1he vlslble LexLure of Lhese lllusLraLlons adds a reallsLlc depLh and deLall Lhrough Lhe sklllful use of
Lhe arLlsLlc medlum.

+:4'# 67-$-1")$'0"'10
Audlobook characLerlsLlcs cover everyLhlng from descrlpLlons of Lhe performance (full casL or read by Lhe auLhor) Lo
Lerms descrlblng volce quallLy, Lone, and arLlsLlc dellvery of Lhe narraLor.

! +:4'# 4$-/-5 1hese performances are elLher orlglnal audlo producLlons, or were changed slgnlflcanLly from a
book Lo a more dramaLlc form of Lhe work. ln Lhese cases, Lhe brldglng narraLlon ls ofLen changed,
lncorporaLed lnLo Lhe dlalogue, or enLlrely removed.

! +,,$#-17-?&)5 1hrough Lhelr clear and well-paced performances, Lhese narraLors make challenglng concepLs
or language easler for llsLeners Lo undersLand.

! B$'035 1hese narraLors move Lhelr sLorles along wlLh qulck, aglle readlngs.

! 67-$-1")$ -11)("05 lncorporaLlng accenLs lnLo Lhelr performances, Lhese narraLors brlng boLh characLers and
seLLlngs Lo llfe wlLh Lhelr vocal versaLlllLy.

! 6#/)4'15 1hrough good use of comlc Llmlng, Lhese narraLors channel Lhe humor of Lhe sLorles Lhey read and
convey lL Lo llsLeners.

! 6#//-(4'(=5 1hese narraLors dellver sLrong and auLhorlLaLlve performances.

! 6$'0,5 1hese narraLors read ln clear Lones, wlLh preclse enunclaLlon.

! C)-4,-(5 1he humor ln Lhese books - someLlmes wry and someLlmes rloLous - ls dellvered ln a cool,
undersLaLed manner.

! C)"-17)45 1hese performances are emoLlonally removed from Lhe sLory, whlch ofLen separaLes Lhe llsLener
from Lhe lmpacL of vlolenL or dlsLurblng evenLs.



Appeal Factors in NoveList NoveList/EBSCO Publishing 2014
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! C'0"'(1"&% 8#'1)45 1hese narraLors provlde a mulLlpllclLy of volces for Lhelr characLers, someLlmes Lhrough use
of accenLs, and someLlmes Lhrough use of plLch, lnLonaLlon, and Lone. ln all cases, however, Lhe end resulL ls
LhaL Lhe llsLener can easlly ldenLlfy who ls speaklng by llsLenlng, wlLhouL havlng Lo rely on LexLual clues for Lhls

! D/#"'#(-&&% 1#(()1")45 8ecause of Lhelr connecLlon wlLh Lhe characLers, Lhese narraLors successfully capLure
Lhe emoLlonal conLenL of Lhe books Lhey read, and convey lL Lo llsLeners.

! D()$=)"'15 1hese narraLors lmbue Lhelr performances wlLh splrlL, anlmaLlon, and enLhuslasm, addlng Lo Lhe
humor, exclLemenL, or drama of Lhe books Lhey read.

! D(=$#00'(=5 1hese narraLors sklllfully draw llsLeners lnLo Lhe sLory, provldlng a memorable llsLenlng experlence.

! @#&30%5 1hese narraLors hlghllghL reglonal speech paLLerns, cadences, and dlalecLs, ofLen Lhe characLers Lhey
porLray wlll be from rural areas, lncludlng buL noL llmlLed Lo Lhe SouLh.

! @:&& 1-0"5 ln Lhese performances, varlous narraLors perform as lndlvldual characLers durlng an lnLeracLlve

! F)("&)5 1hese sooLhlng volces are easy on Lhe ear, and may serve Lo relax llsLeners. SomeLlmes Lhls narraLlve
sLyle can make dlfflculL sub[ecL maLLer easler Lo process.

! F$-8)&&%5 1hese narraLors have a husky, raspy, and LhroaLy quallLy Lo Lhelr volces.

! 9//)$0'8)5 narraLlon LhaL capLures Lhe sensaLlon of a Llme and place and lmmerses Lhe llsLener ln Lhe sLory's
seLLlng. 1hls may be done Lhrough Lhe use of characLer accenLs and/or sound effecLs.

! 9(")(0)5 1hrough dramaLlc, suspense-fllled performances, Lhese narraLors keep llsLeners on Lhe edges of Lhelr

! A'8) -:4')(1)5 ln Lhese producLlons, narraLors or acLors perform ln Lhe presence of a llve audlence.

! I)&#4'#:05 1hese lllLlng, dulceL volces offer a pleaslng and almosL hypnoLlc llsLenlng experlence.

! I:&"',&) (-$$-"#$05 1hese performances lnclude more Lhan one narraLor, ofLen readlng secLlons or chapLers
Lold from one characLer's perspecLlve.

! I:0'1-&&% )(7-(1)45 lncludlng anyLhlng from a few muslcal accenLs Lo a full muslcal score, Lhls characLerlsLlc ls
mosL ofLen found ln full casL performances or ln [uvenlle audlobooks.

! L)-4 ?% "7) -:"7#$5 ln Lhese performances, auLhors double as narraLors, and llsLeners geL Lhe chance Lo hear
Lhe LexL as volced by Lhe auLhor.

! L)0#(-("5 1hese pleaslng volces wash over Lhe llsLener ln rlch and sonorous Lones.
! !'(1)$)5 WlLh Lhelr hearLfelL (alLhough someLlmes less-Lhan-pollshed) performances, narraLors of Lhese
nonflcLlon audlobooks lmbue Lhelr readlngs wlLh genulne convlcLlon.

! !#/?)$5 1hese performances underscore Lhe serlous naLure of Lhe sLorles Lhey Lell.

! !#:(4 )HH)1"05 MosL ofLen found ln full casL performances or ln [uvenlle audlobooks, Lhese producLlons rely
heavlly on added audlo elemenLs.



Appeal Factors in NoveList NoveList/EBSCO Publishing 2014
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! M(4)$0"-")45 Whlle Lhey may noL be all bells and whlsLles, Lhese resLralned performances provlde quleLly
memorable llsLenlng experlences.

! M(7:$$')45 1hese narraLors Lake Lhelr Llme wlLh Lhe sLorles Lhey read, uslng slower cadences, measured
rhyLhms, and whlch can glve llsLeners Llme Lo reflecL on Lhe sLory, and Lhe opporLunlLy Lo savor Lhe auLhor's

! >-$/5 1hese appeallng volces have a pleasanL, lnvlLlng Lone.

! >)&&217-$-1")$'P)45 More Lhan by slmply dlfferenLlaLlng Lhelr volces, Lhese narraLors lnhablL Lhe characLers ln a
way LhaL ls auLhenLlc and convlnclng, brlnglng one or more personallLles Lo llfe for Lhe llsLener.

! >$%5 1hese books are read by narraLors who excel aL drawlng ouL subLle humor, ranglng from undersLaLed
lrony Lo acerblc wlL.

! Q#:"7H:&5 1hese volces ofLen lmparL an alr of lnnocence and buoyancy Lo Lhe sLorles Lhey read.

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