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What happens |f gaso||ne |s used |n a

D|ese| eng|ne?D|ese| eng|ne w||| work ?

no, lL wlll noL work,as Lhe Compresslon raLlo of
eLrol englne ls 6 to 10 & LhaL of ulesel englne
ls 1S to 22. 1hus on such hlgh compresslon,
gasollne geLs hlghly compressed & lL may blasL.
Wh|ch Mechan|sm |s used |n
Automob||e gear|ng system
ulfferenLlal mechanlsm
Why d|fferent types of sound are
produced |n d|fferent b|kes though
they say run on SI eng|ne
Lnglne speclflcaLlons are dlfferenL ln dlfferenL
manufacLures llke as 8ore ulameLer(CC),
lgnlLlon Llmlng.Also Lhe exhausL passage Lake
more responslble for sound.
Why entropy decreases w|th the
|ncrease |n temperature?
ds=d]1LnLropy ls lnversely proporLlonal Lo
Lhe LemperaLure Lemp. lncreases,enLropy
1 hp how much watt?
now to ca|cu|ate bear|ng number to
d|ameter of the |nner and outer
ulvlde Lhe shafL dlameLer slze by 3, lL wlll glve
lasL Lwo dlglLof Lhe bearlng no. and accordlng
Lo Lype of load we have Lochose Lhe Lype
of bearlng and LhaL wlll glve prlor no. ofLhe
Lxp|a|n 8|cyc|e rear whee| Sprocket
8ear wheel sprockeL works under Lhe prlnclple
of raLcheL and pawl.
Def|n|t|on of Cctane number & Cetane
CcLane no.- CcLane number ls deflned as Lhe
percenLage, by volume, of lso ocLane ln Lhe
mlxLure of lso ocLane and h-hepLane. lL ls Lhe
measure of raLlng of Sl englne.
CeLane no.- CeLane number ls deflned as
Lhe percenLage, by volume, of n-ceLane ln
Lhe mlxLure of n-ceLane and alpha meLhyl
naphLhalene. lL ls Lhe measure of raLlng of Cl
o|sons rat|o |s h|gher |n (rubber]
When a maLerlal ls compressed ln one
dlrecLlon, lL usuallyLends Lo expand ln Lhe oLher
Lwo dlrecLlons perpendlcular LoLhe dlrecLlon
of compresslon. 1hls phenomenon ls called
Lheolsson effecL. olsson's raLlo ls a measure
of Lhe olsson effecL.
For rubber 0.5
For steel 0.288
For wood 0.2
Thus Poisson`s ratio is higher in RUBBER.
The Fatigue life of a part can be improved
by ?
Improving the surIace Iinish by Polishing &
providing residual stress by Shot peening.
When crude oil heated Which Hydro
carbon comes first?
Natural gas(Gasoline). at 20 Celsius
D|fferent between techno|ogy &
Lnglneerlng ls appllcaLlon of sclence.
1echnology shows varlous meLhods of
Lnglneerlng. A brldge can be made by uslng
beams Lo bear Lhe load,by an arc or by hanglng
ln a cable, all shows dlfferenL Lechnology buL
comes under clvll englneerlng and sclence
applled ls laws of force/load dlsLrlbuLlon.
how a d|ese| eng|ne works |n
ulesel englne ls a prlme mover,for a
generaLor,pump,and for vehlcles eLc.generaLor
ls connecLed Lo englne by shafL.mosLly ln
Lhermal power plaL ,Lhere ls an englne ls used
Lo drlve generaLor Lo generaLe power.
MlcromeLer's oLher name ls Screw Cauze &
vernler callper's oLher name ls sllde callper.
What |s f|ashpo|nt?
llash polnL: Lhe lowesL LemperaLure aL whlch
Lhe vapor of a combusLlble llquld can be lgnlLed
ln alr.
what |s bas|c d|fference between
|mpu|se turb|ne and react|on turb|ne
In impulse turbine, jet is used to
create impulse on blades
which rotates the turbine and in
reaction turbine, no jet
is used pressure energy is converted
into kinetic energy.
In impulse turbine Iluid enter& leave
with same energy ,but in reaction
turbine Iluid enter with pressure
leaves with kinetic energy
ln lmpulse Lurblne all Lhe pressure drops ln
nozzle only &
ln reacLlon Lurblne pressure drops boLh flxed &
blades.Lhe dlfference ls due Lo blade proflles.
What |s the need for draft|ng?
urafLlng ls Lhe allowance glve Lo casLlng
process.lL also used Lo remove Lhe casLlng from
mould wlLhouL damage of
what |s the d|fference between 8S
thread and 8SW thread?
1he 8rlLlsh SLandard lpe Lhread (8S Lhread) ls
a famlly
of sLandard screw Lhread Lypes LhaL has been
lnLernaLlonally for lnLerconnecLlng and seallng
plpe ends
by maLlng an exLernal (male) wlLh an lnLernal
(female) Lhread.
8rlLlsh SLandard WhlLworLh (8SW) ls one of a
number of
lmperlal unlL based screw Lhread sLandards
whlch use Lhe
same bolL heads and nuL hexagonal slzes.
What |s refr|gerant?
Any subsLance LhaL Lransfers heaL from one
place Lo anoLher,
creaLlng a coollng effecL. waLer ls Lhe
refrlgeranL ln absorpLlon machlnes.
1he amount of carbon present |n Cast
Carbon ls baslcally presenL ln Lhe form of
cemenLlLe ln casL lron.lLs percenLage lles ln Lhe
range of 2.03-6.67( by welghL of cemenLlLe for
CasL lron.lf Lhe amounL ls less Lhan Lhe above
range Lhan lL ls sLalnless sLeel.
What are the |oads cons|dered when
des|gn|ng the Nut and 8o|ts?
Shear Loads & crushlng loads
what |s the effect of reheat on rank|ne
cyc|e? 1.eff|c|ency |ncreases
output |ncreases 3. both 4. none of
1.Lfflclency lncreases.
Lhls prevenLs Lhe vapor from condenslng durlng
lLs expanslon whlch can serlously damage Lhe
Lurblne blades, and lmproves Lhe efflclency
of Lhe cycle, as more of Lhe heaL flow lnLo Lhe
cycle occurs aL hlgher LemperaLure.
1. Why are nead Gaskets b|own?
normally head gaskeL blows, when Lhe englne
overheaLs and Lhey can also blow from
lncorrecL lnsLallaLlon or poor deslgn. Pead
gaskeLs expand and conLracL accordlng Lo
englne LemperaLure, Lhese cycles may happen
afLer a long perlod of Llme, causes Lhe gaskeL
Lo fall. lf you're replaclng Lhe gaskeL, check Lhe
englne block, and head for warplng. lollow
proper cleanlng and Lorque speclflcaLlons
durlng assembly.

2. What |s the d|fference between a Ience and
a Wa||?
A fence ls elLher more Lemporary or
consLrucLed from maLerlals, oLher Lhan
concreLe, sLone or brlck.

3. What |s the D|fference between a num|d|f|er
and Vapor|zer?
1he baslc dlfference beLween humldlflers and
vaporlzers ls LhaL humldlflers dlsperse cool mlsL
lnLo Lhe alr, and vaporlzers heaL Lhe waLer Lo
dlsperse hoL sLeam. Pumldlflers are normally
used ln cooler cllmaLes, when due Lo Lhe usage
of heaLer, Lhe alr ln Lhe house becomes Loo dry
for comforL and also, lL becomes very dlfflculL
Lo breaLhe. Pumldlflers release cool molsLure
dropleLs lnLo Lhe alr.
vaporlzers also help ln molsLenlng Lhe dry alr
ln Lhe house, buL vaporlzers release hoL vapour
lnLo Lhe alr. 1here ls a heaLlng elemenL ln Lhe
vaporlzers, whlch help ln releaslng sLeam.
vaporlzers heaL Lhe waLer and Lhen release
1he baslc dlfference beLween Lhem ls LhaL one
emlLs cold vapours, whlle Lhe oLher one emlLs
hoL vapours.

4. What |s the D|fference between a Generator
and Inverter?
An lnverLer ls only effecLlve lf Lhere ls already a
source of elecLrlcal energy. lL cannoL generaLe
lLs own. lL can slmply converL elecLrlcal energy
LhaL ls already Lhere. Cn Lhe oLher hand, a
LradlLlonal generaLor cannoL make AC currenL
lnLo uC currenL.

S. What |s the D|fference between
uant|tat|ve and ua||tat|ve kesearch?
CuanLlLaLlve research lnvolves gaLherlng daLa
LhaL ls absoluLe, such as numerlcal daLa, so LhaL
lL can be examlned ln as unblased a manner as
CuallLaLlve research may yleld sLorles, or
plcLures, or descrlpLlons of feellngs and
emoLlons. 1he lnLerpreLaLlons glven by research
sub[ecLs are glven welghL ln quallLaLlve
research, so Lhere ls no seeklng Lo llmlL Lhelr
blas. AL Lhe same Llme, researchers Lend
Lo become more emoLlonally aLLached Lo
quallLaLlve research, and so Lhelr own blas may
also play heavlly lnLo Lhe resulLs.

6. D|fference between Absorpt|on and
- ln absorpLlon, one subsLance (maLLer or
energy) ls Laken lnLo anoLher subsLance. 8uL ln
adsorpLlon only Lhe surface level lnLeracLlons
are Laklng place.
7. D|fference between L|qu|d and Aqueous
- Llquld ls a sLaLe of maLLer, whlle aqueous ls
a speclal Lype of llquld formed by dlssolvlng a
compound ln waLer
- All aqueous soluLlons are llqulds, buL noL all
llqulds are aqueous soluLlons

8. D|fference between Gas and Vapour
vapour can Lurn back and forLh lnLo llquld and
solld sLaLes buL a gas cannoL
Cases cannoL be see whlle vapours are vlslble
vapours seLLle down on ground whlle gases do

9. D|fference between 8o|||ng o|nt and
Me|t|ng o|nt
- 1he melLlng polnL ls a deflned for sollds when
lL Lransfers from solld sLaLe Lo llquld sLaLe.
- 1he bolllng polnL ls deflned for llqulds for a
sLaLe change from llquld Lo gas.
- 8olllng polnL ls hlghly dependenL on Lhe
exLernal pressure whereas Lhe melLlng polnL ls
lndependenL of Lhe exLernal pressure.

10. Why |s sound faster |n warm a|r?
1he speed of sound ln alr
= 331.3 + (0.66 x 1)
m/s, where 1 ls Lhe LemperaLure ln C.
1he speed of sound ls proporLlonal Lo gas
LemperaLure and lnversely proporLlonal Lo lLs
molar mass.
Sound ls Lransferred by colllslons of molecules.
1herefore sound waves wlll Lravel fasLer on
warm alr because colllslons of molecules of alr
ln warm alr ls greaLer.
1. now Cav|tat|on can be e||m|nated |n a
CavlLaLlon means bubbles are formlng ln Lhe
1o avold CavlLaLlon, we have Lo lncrease Lhe
ump slze Lo Cne or 1wo lnch,
1o lncrease Lhe pressure of Lhe SucLlon Pead,
uecrease Lhe ump Speed.

2. Wh|ch pump |s more eff|c|ent Centr|fuga|
pump or kec|procat|ng pump?
CenLrlfugal pump.
8ecause flow raLe ls hlgher compared Lo
reclprocaLlng pump. llow ls smooLh and lL
requlres less space Lo lnsLall. Lower lnlLlal cosL
and lower malnLenance cosL.

3. Why Centr|fuga| ump |s not ca||ed as a
os|t|ve D|sp|acement 1ype of ump?
1he cenLrlfugal has varylng flow dependlng
on pressure or head, whereas Lhe oslLlve
ulsplacemenL pump has more or less consLanL
flow regardless of pressure.
Llkewlse vlscoslLy ls consLanL for poslLlve
dlsplacemenL pump where cenLrlfugal pump
have up and down value because Lhe hlgher
vlscoslLy llqulds flll Lhe clearances of Lhe pump
causlng a hlgher volumeLrlc efflclency. When
Lhere ls a vlscoslLy change ln supply Lhere ls also
greaLer loss ln Lhe sysLem. 1hls means change ln
pump flow affecLed by Lhe pressure change.
Cne more example ls, poslLlve dlsplacemenL
pump has more or less consLanL efflclency,
where cenLrlfugal pump has varylng efflclency

4. Why the centr|fuga| pump |s ca||ed h|gh
d|scharge pump?
CenLrlfugal pump ls a klneLlc devlce. 1he
cenLrlfugal pump uses Lhe cenLrlfugal force Lo
push ouL Lhe fluld. So Lhe llquld enLerlng Lhe
pump recelves klneLlc energy from Lhe roLaLlng
lmpeller. 1he cenLrlfugal acLlon of Lhe lmpeller
acceleraLes Lhe llquld Lo a hlgh veloclLy,
Lransferrlng mechanlcal (roLaLlonal) energy Lo
Lhe llquld. So lL dlscharges Lhe llquld ln hlgh
raLe. lL ls glven ln Lhe followlng formulae:
CenLrlfugal force I= (M

S. Why cav|tat|on w||| occur |n Centr|fuga|
umps and not |n D|sp|acement pumps?
1he formaLlon of cavlLles (or bubbles) ls lnduced
by flow separaLlon, or non-unlform flow
veloclLles, lnslde a pump caslng. ln cenLrlfugal
pumps Lhe eye of Lhe pump lmpeller ls smaller
Lhan Lhe flow area of plpe. 1hls decrease ln flow
area of pump resulLs ln lncrease ln flow raLe. So
pressure drop happened beLween pump sucLlon
and Lhe vanes of Lhe lmpeller. Pere alr bubbles
or cavlLles are formed because of llquld vapour
due Lo lncrease ln LemperaLure ln lmpeller.
1hls alr bubbles are LransmlLLed Lo pump whlch
forms cavlLaLlon.

1. What |s the |mportance of the
1hermodynam|cs |n the f|e|d of Mechan|ca|
All Lhe mechanlcal englneerlng sysLems are
sLudled wlLh Lhe help of Lhermodynamlcs.
Pence lL ls very lmporLanL for Lhe mechanlcal
2. now many Laws of 1hermodynam|cs are
1here are Lhree laws of Lhe Lhermodynamlcs.
I|rst Law: Lnergy can be nelLher creaLed nor
desLroyed. lL can only change forms.ln any
process ln an lsolaLed sysLem, Lhe LoLal energy
remalns Lhe same.
Second Law: When Lwo lsolaLed sysLems ln
separaLe buL nearby reglons of space, each ln
Lhermodynamlc equlllbrlum ln lLself, buL noL
ln equlllbrlum wlLh each oLher aL flrsL, are aL
some Llme allowed Lo lnLeracL, breaklng Lhe
lsolaLlon LhaL separaLes Lhe Lwo sysLems, and
Lhey exchange maLLer or energy, Lhey wlll
evenLually reach a muLual Lhermodynamlc
equlllbrlum. 1he sum of Lhe enLroples of Lhe
lnlLlal, lsolaLed sysLems ls less Lhan or equal Lo
Lhe enLropy of Lhe flnal exchanglng sysLems. ln
Lhe process of reachlng a new Lhermodynamlc
equlllbrlum, enLropy has lncreased, or aL leasL
has noL decreased.
1h|rd Law: As LemperaLure approaches absoluLe
zero, Lhe enLropy of a sysLem approaches a
3. State Laws of conservat|on of energy?
Accordlng Lo Lhe laws of conservaLlon of
energy, energy can nelLher be creaLed nor be
desLroyed. lL can only be Lransformed from one
form Lo anoLher."
4. Is the bo||er a c|osed system?
?es deflnlLely Lhe boller ls a closed sysLem.
S. What |s Carnot eng|ne?
lL was belng deslgned by CarnoL and leL me Lell
you LhaL CarnoL englne ls an lmaglnary englne
whlch follows Lhe CarnoL cycle and provldes
100 efflclency.
6. Wh|ch formu|a forms a ||nk between the
1hermodynam|cs and L|ectro chem|stry?
Clbbs PelmholLz formula ls Lhe formula whlch
forms Lhe llnk beLween Lhe Lhermodynamlcs
and elecLromagneLlsm.
ns]k = [ |np ] (1]1)]x
where: x - mole fracLlon of CC2 ln Lhe llquld
p - CC2 parLlal pressure (ka)
1 - LemperaLure (k)
8 - unlversal gas consLanL
o - mole raLlo ln Lhe llquld phase (mole CC2 per
mole of amlne)
7. Wh|ch |s the hardest compound known?
8. What |s ness Law?
Accordlng Lo Lhe Pess law Lhe energy Lransfer ls
slmply lndependenL of Lhe paLh belng followed.
lf Lhe reacLanL and Lhe producL of Lhe whole
process are Lhe same Lhen same amounL of
energy wlll be dlsslpaLed or absorbed.
9. Wh|ch has more eff|c|ency: D|ese| eng|ne or
etro| eng|nes?
Cff course ulesel englne has Lhe beLLer
efflclency ouL of Lwo.
1. 1he purpose of [|gs and f|xtures are to
a. lncreased producLlon raLe
b. lncreased machlnlng accuracy
c. laclllLaLe lnLerchangeable manufacLurlng
d. Lnable employ less skllled operaLors
e. All of Lhe above

A|| of the above

2. Wh|ch one of the fo||ow|ng methods
produces gear by generat|ng process
a. Pobblng
b. CasLlng
c. unchlng
d. Mllllng
e. 8roachlng


3. 1oo| ||fe of the cutt|ng too| |s most affected
a. CuLLlng speed
b. 1ool geomeLry
c. CuLLlng feed and depLh
d. MlcrosLrucLure of maLerlal belng cuL
e. noL uslng coolanL and lubrlcanL

Cutt|ng speed
3. 1oo| ||fe of the cutt|ng too| |s most affected
a. CuLLlng speed
b. 1ool geomeLry
c. CuLLlng feed and depLh
d. MlcrosLrucLure of maLerlal belng cuL
e. noL uslng coolanL and lubrlcanL

Cutt|ng speed
4. Meta| |n mach|n|ng operat|on |s removed by
a. 1earlng chlps
b. ulsLorLlon of meLal
c. Shearlng Lhe meLal across a zone
d. CuLLlng Lhe meLal across a zone
e. ushlng Lhe meLal wlLh Lool

Shear|ng the meta| across a zone

S. A fee|er gauge |s used to check
a. 8adlus
b. Screw plLch
c. Surface roughness
d. unsymmeLrlcal shape
e. 1hlckness of clearance
1h|ckness of c|earance
1. |ck up the wrong statement? A refr|gent
shou|d have
a. Low speclflc heaL of llquld
b. Plgh bolllng polnL
c. Plgh laLenL heaL of vaporlzaLlon
d. Plgher crlLlcal LemperaLure
e. Low speclflc volume of vapour

n|gh bo|||ng po|nt

2. 1he property of a mater|a| wh|ch enab|e |t
to res|st fracture due to h|gh |mpact |oads |s
known as
a. LlasLlclLy
b. Lndurance
c. SLrengLh
d. 1oughness
e. 8eslllence


3. Spr|ng |ndex |s
a. 8aLlo of coll dlameLer Lo wlre dlameLer
b. Load requlred Lo produce unlL deflecLlon
c. lLs capablllLy of sLorlng energy
d. lndlcaLlon of quallLy of sprlng
e. noLhlng

kat|o of co|| d|ameter to w|re d|ameter

4. Nodu|ar |ron has
a. Plgh machlnablllLy
b. Low melLlng polnL
c. Plgh Lenslle sLrengLh
d. Cood fluldlLy
e. All of Lhe above

A|| of the above

S. S|x |sometr|c v|ews are g|ven be|ow a|ong
w|th 3 set of orthograph|c v|ews. |ease
corre|ate the orthograph|c v|ews w|th the|r
|sometr|c v|ew and wr|te the answer |n the box
g|ven be|ow w|th a-f.

D, A, 8
Lxp|a|n the Second Law of
1he enLropy of Lhe unlverse lncreases
over Llme and moves Lowards a
maxlmum value.

now do you measure temperature |n a
Wet 8u|b 1hermometer?
WeL bulb LemperaLure ls measured ln
a weL bulb LhermomeLer by coverlng
Lhe bulb wlLh a wlck and weLLlng lL wlLh
waLer. lL corresponds Lo Lhe dew polnL
LemperaLure and relaLlve humldlLy.

What |s 8end|ng moment?
When a momenL ls applled Lo bend an
elemenL, a bendlng momenL exlsLs ln
Lhe elemenL

What are the po|nts |n the Stress Stra|n
curve for Stee|?
roporLlonal llmlL, elasLlc llmlL or yleld
polnL, ulLlmaLe sLress and sLress aL

Def|ne keyno|ds number.
8eynolds number ls Lhe raLlo of
lnerLlal force and vlscous force. lL ls a
dlmenslonless number. lL deLermlnes
Lhe Lype of fluld flow.

What |s a Newton|an f|u|d?
A newLonlan fluld possesses a llnear
sLress sLraln relaLlonshlp curve and lL
passes Lhrough Lhe orlgln. 1he fluld
properLles of a newLonlan fluld do noL
change when any force acLs upon lL.

now many Iou|es |s 1 81U?
1 81u ls equal Lo 1033.036 [oules.

What |s S?
S ls ferdesLarke, Lhe Cerman unlL for

Lxp|a|n Ctto cyc|e.
CLLo cycle can be explalned by a
pressure volume relaLlonshlp dlagram.
lL shows Lhe funcLlonlng cycle of a four
sLroke englne. 1he cycle sLarLs wlLh an
lnLake sLroke, closlng Lhe lnLake and
movlng Lo Lhe compresslon sLroke,
sLarLlng of combusLlon, power sLroke,
heaL exchange sLroke where heaL ls
re[ecLed and Lhe exhausL sLroke. lL was
deslgned by nlcolas CLLo, a Cerman

Lxp|a|n the nomenc|ature of a 6203-22
6 ls Lhe Lype code, whlch shows lL ls a
slngle-row ball bearlng, 2 ls Lhe serles,
means llghL, 03 ls Lhe bore, whlch ls 17
mm and ZZ ls Lhe sufflx meanlng double
shlelded bearlng.

What |s Gear rat|o?
lL ls Lhe raLlo of Lhe number of
revoluLlons of Lhe plnlon gear Lo one
revoluLlon of Lhe ldler gear.

What |s Annea||ng?
lL ls a process of heaLlng a maLerlal
above Lhe re-crysLalllzaLlon
LemperaLure and coollng afLer a
speclflc Llme lnLerval. 1hls lncreases Lhe
hardness and sLrengLh lf Lhe maLerlal.

Def|ne 1orque.
1orque ls deflned as a force applled
Lo an ob[ecL LhaL resulLs ln roLaLlonal

What |s Duct||e-8r|tt|e 1rans|t|on
lL ls Lhe LemperaLure below whlch
Lhe Lendency of a maLerlal Lo fracLure
lncreases raLher Lhan formlng. 8elow
Lhls LemperaLure Lhe maLerlal loses lLs
ducLlllLy. lL ls also called nll uucLlllLy
1. What is Auto Dosing?
Auto dosing is an automated system oI
Ieeding the equipment with liquid products.
It is the ideal way to ensure the correct
calibrated dose at the right time every time
in auto.

2. Difference between Codes, Standards
and Specifications?
Code is procedure oI acceptance and
rejection criteria.
Standard is accepted values and
compare other with it.
SpeciIication is describing properties
oI any type oI materials.

3. Difference between Strainer and Filter
Strainer Ior coarse size, Filter is more
accurate than Strainer.

4. What are differences between Welding
& Brazing?
In Welding concentrated heat (high
temperature) is applied at the joint oI metal
and Iuse together.
In Brazing involves signiIicantly lower
temperatures and does not entail the melting
oI base metals. Instead, a Iiller metal is
melted and Iorced to Ilow into the joint
through capillary action.

5. What does a pump develops? Flow or
A pump does not create pressure, it only
creates Ilow. Pressure is a measurement oI
the resistance to Ilow.

6. Which is heavier 1kg of Iron or 1kg of
Cotton? and why?
Both oI them have same weight. The only
diIIerence is the volume oI Iron is small
compared to Cotton.
7. What will be the position of Piston
In 180 degree angle the Top ring, Second
ring and Oil ring are Iixed. Position the ring
approximately 1 inch gap below the neck.

What |s neat rate of a ower p|ant?
PeaL raLe ls a measure of Lhe Lurblne efflclency.
lL ls deLermlned from Lhe LoLal energy lnpuL
supplled Lo Lhe 1urblne dlvlded by Lhe elecLrlcal
energy ouLpuL.

1he h|ghest va|ue of 1herma|
conduct|v|ty |s expected for
a.) So||d |ce b.) Me|t|ng |ce c.) Water d.)
8o|||ng water.
G|ve the 1herma| conduct|v|ty va|ue.
Solld lce - 3.48 W/mk
MelLlng lce Lhermal conducLlvlLy value ls low
because LemperaLure ls less.
WaLer's 1hermal conducLlvlLy value ls 2.18 W/

What |s a nydrostat|c system?
PydrosLaLlcs ls Lhe sLudy of uld bodles LhaL are
AL resL
Movlng sumclenLly slowly so Lhere ls no
relaLlve moLlon beLween ad[acenL parLs
of Lhe body
lor hydrosLaLlc slLuaLlons
1here are no shear sLresses
1here are only pressure forces LhaL acL
perpendlcular Lo any surface.
lL's a closed loop hydraullc sysLems. lL
comprlses of moLor and pump. Pere pump
supplles energy Lo moLor and moLor glves
reLurn energy Lo pump supply.

If you heat a p|ece of stee| w|th a ho|e
|n the center w||| the d|ameter of the
stee| get b|gger or sma||er?
lL geLs blgger.
(Lxample: Always Lhe bearlngs are heaLed flrsL
for new lnsLallaLlon ln a shafL.)

What |s the d|fference between 8|ower
and Ian?
lan ls an alr pushlng devlce. LlLher Axlal or
CenLrlfugal Lype sysLems are used Lo move Lhe
alr ln low pressure. lL ls roLaLed by a moLor
When Lhe fan ls a houslng of blades and moLor,
Lhen lL called as 8lower. lL dlrecLs Lhe alr ln a
slngle paLh wlLh hlgh pressure.

now to f|nd a Duct||e-8r|tt|e 1rans|t|on
1emperature |n meta|s?
1he polnL aL whlch Lhe fracLure energy passes
below a pre-deLermlned polnL for a sLandard
lmpacL LesLs. u811 ls lmporLanL slnce, once
a maLerlal ls cooled below Lhe u811, lL has a
much greaLer Lendency Lo shaLLer on lmpacL
lnsLead of bendlng or deformlng.

What |s nydrodynam|c Cav|tat|on?
Pydrodynamlc cavlLaLlon descrlbes Lhe process
of vaporlzaLlon ln a consLralned channel aL a
speclflc veloclLy.
8ubble generaLlon and 8ubble lmploslon
whlch occurs ln a flowlng llquld as a resulL of a
decrease and subsequenL lncrease ln pressure.
What |s D4D 1echno|ogy used |n 1oyota V|go?
u-4u ls wldely recognlzed as one of Lhe mosL
advanced dlesel Lechnologles on Lhe markeL
Loday. ulesel englnes relled on relaLlvely slmple
Lechnology wlLh a low-pressure mechanlcal
ln[ecLor dellverlng fuel Lo a pre-combusLlon
chamber ln Lhe cyllnder head where a slngle
lgnlLlon - flred by Lhe lnLense heaL of hlgh
compresslon - Lakes place.

Lxp|a|n about owder 1echno|ogy?
owder Lechnology ls one of Lhe ways of
maklng bearlng maLerlal. ln Lhls meLhod meLals
llke bronze, Al, le are mlxed and compressed Lo
make an alloy.

What |s D1S| 1echno|ogy?
u1Sl sLands for ulglLal 1wln Spark lug lgnlLlon.
1he vehlcles wlLh u1Sl 1echnology use 2 spark
plugs whlch are conLrolled by dlglLal clrculL.
lL resulLs ln efflclenL combusLlon of alr fuel
uiqito/ - Slnce Lhe spark generaLlon wlll
be lnlLlaLed by a mlcrochlp.
1win Slnce Lwo spark plugs wlll be
5pork iqnition - Slnce Lhe lgnlLlon wlll
be done vla a spark.

What |s A1I1 1echno|ogy used |n nonda nunk?
A1l1 means Advance 1umble llow lnducLlon
1umble flow means swlrllng. ln Lhls Lechnology
fuel alr mlxLure from Lhe carburaLor lnLo
Lhe englne cyllnder wlLh a swlrl acLlon. 1he
advanLage belng one geLs a more efflclenL
burnlng of fuel hence more power and beLLer
fuel economy wlLh lesser emlsslons.

Why we do not use same techno|ogy to start
both SI ]CI eng|ne
1he S.l. or spark lgnlLlon englne uses peLrol as a
fuel and Lhe C.l. or compresslon lgnlLlon englne
uses dlesel as a fuel. 8oLh Lhe fuels has dlfferenL
compresslon raLlo.
ln Sl englne Lhe compresslon raLlo ls 8-12:1.
ln Cl englne Lhe compresslon raLlo ls 16-22:1.
So lncase of Sl englne, Lhe compresslon raLlo
ls noL sufflclenL for fuel Lo burn so a spark plug
ls used, whereas ln cl englne, Lhe compresslon
raLlo ls so hlgh LhaL due Lo lLs lnLernal heaL
Lhe fuel ls combusLed so Lhere ls no need for a
spark plug. so Lhe Lechnology used ln sl englne
ls dlfferenL from Cl englne.

What VV1| wr|tten on new cars of 1oyota
stands for?
vv1l : varlable valve 1lmlng wlLh lnLelllgence.
lL ls Lhe advanced verslon of Lhe vv1 englne.
lL changes Lhe cam shafL poslLlon by uslng oll
pressure. lL ls slmllar Lo Cvv1 ln Pyundal.
What |s GM II techno|ogy used |n nonda
Stunner 8|ke?
1he developmenL of an LCu-lnLegraLed LhroLLle
body module for an elecLronlc fuel ln[ecLlon
sysLem for small moLorcycles.
Ponda has a goal Lo reduce Lhe LoLal emlsslons
of PC (hydro-carbon) from new vehlcles Lo
approxlmaLely 1/3 and Lo furLher lmprove Lhe
average fuel economy by approxlmaLely 30
(boLh from 1993) by Lhe year 2003. 1o reallze
Lhe goal we aL Asaka 8&u CenLer consldered
LhaL Lhe small moLorcycles used ln many
counLrles ln Lhe world should be lmproved
furLher for clean exhausL gas and low fuel
consumpLlon. Accordlngly we have sLarLed
developmenL of Lhe CM-ll sysLem for small
moLorcycles wlLh englnes of 123cc or smaller
lncludlng alr-cooled englnes.
1o ensure clean exhausL gas and hlgh fuel
economy Lhe conLrol of combusLlon Lhrough an
accuraLe fuel supply ls a musL. As Lhe
convenLlonal ll sysLem (elecLronlc fuel ln[ecLlon
sysLem) applled Lo moLorcycles ls bulky and
cosLly lLs appllcaLlon has been mosLly ln large
moLorcycles uslng mulLl-cyllnder englnes. ln Lhe
newly developed CM-ll ln order Lo apply Lo
small dlsplacemenL models Lhe obsLacles have
been ellmlnaLed by fully uslng Ponda's
Lechnlques Lo down-slze componenLs as well as
maklng maxlmum use of Lhe ll Lechnlques
aLLalned from Lhe large moLorcycles. 1he
compacL CM-ll offers new beneflLs such as
Lhe reducLlon of released envlronmenLally
deLrlmenLal subsLances and Lhe lmprovemenL
of drlvablllLy economy eLc.
Lxp|a|n the Second Law of
1he enLropy of Lhe unlverse lncreases
over Llme and moves Lowards a
maxlmum value.

now do you measure temperature |n a
Wet 8u|b 1hermometer?
WeL bulb LemperaLure ls measured ln
a weL bulb LhermomeLer by coverlng
Lhe bulb wlLh a wlck and weLLlng lL wlLh
waLer. lL corresponds Lo Lhe dew polnL
LemperaLure and relaLlve humldlLy.

What |s 8end|ng moment?
When a momenL ls applled Lo bend an
elemenL, a bendlng momenL exlsLs ln
Lhe elemenL

What are the po|nts |n the Stress Stra|n
curve for Stee|?
roporLlonal llmlL, elasLlc llmlL or yleld
polnL, ulLlmaLe sLress and sLress aL
Def|ne keyno|ds number.
8eynolds number ls Lhe raLlo of
lnerLlal force and vlscous force. lL ls a
dlmenslonless number. lL deLermlnes
Lhe Lype of fluld flow.

What |s a Newton|an f|u|d?
A newLonlan fluld possesses a llnear
sLress sLraln relaLlonshlp curve and lL
passes Lhrough Lhe orlgln. 1he fluld
properLles of a newLonlan fluld do noL
change when any force acLs upon lL.

now many Iou|es |s 1 81U?
1 81u ls equal Lo 1033.036 [oules.

What |s S?
S ls ferdesLarke, Lhe Cerman unlL for

Lxp|a|n Ctto cyc|e.
CLLo cycle can be explalned by a
pressure volume relaLlonshlp dlagram.
lL shows Lhe funcLlonlng cycle of a four
sLroke englne. 1he cycle sLarLs wlLh an
lnLake sLroke, closlng Lhe lnLake and
movlng Lo Lhe compresslon sLroke,
sLarLlng of combusLlon, power sLroke,
heaL exchange sLroke where heaL ls
re[ecLed and Lhe exhausL sLroke. lL was
deslgned by nlcolas CLLo, a Cerman

Lxp|a|n the nomenc|ature of a 6203-22
6 ls Lhe Lype code, whlch shows lL ls a
slngle-row ball bearlng, 2 ls Lhe serles,
means llghL, 03 ls Lhe bore, whlch ls 17
mm and ZZ ls Lhe sufflx meanlng double
shlelded bearlng.

What |s Gear rat|o?
lL ls Lhe raLlo of Lhe number of
revoluLlons of Lhe plnlon gear Lo one
revoluLlon of Lhe ldler gear.
What |s Annea||ng?
lL ls a process of heaLlng a maLerlal
above Lhe re-crysLalllzaLlon
LemperaLure and coollng afLer a
speclflc Llme lnLerval. 1hls lncreases Lhe
hardness and sLrengLh lf Lhe maLerlal.

Def|ne 1orque.
1orque ls deflned as a force applled
Lo an ob[ecL LhaL resulLs ln roLaLlonal

What |s Duct||e-8r|tt|e 1rans|t|on
lL ls Lhe LemperaLure below whlch
Lhe Lendency of a maLerlal Lo fracLure
lncreases raLher Lhan formlng. 8elow
Lhls LemperaLure Lhe maLerlal loses lLs
ducLlllLy. lL ls also called nll uucLlllLy

1. What |s the d|fference between |pe and
Lx. lron lpe, Carbon 1ube, SLeel 1ube eLc.
1ube ls deflned by CuLer dlameLer and Wall
Lhlckness (Cu and W1). Whlle lpe ls deflned by
lnner dlameLer (lu).
2 lnch plpe have 2.373 lnch ouLer dlameLer,
where 2 lnch Lube have same 2 lnch ouLer
1ube ls easlly shaped by bendlng, where lpe
needs some mechanlcal work Lo shape lL.
1ube ls LlghL Lhen lpe.
1ube ls appllcable Lo non cyllndrlcal secLlons
llke Square and 8ecLangular.

2. Is gate va|ve used for 1hrott||ng?
CaLe valves are noL sulLable for LhroLLllng
because Lhe conLrol of flow ls dlfflculL for
Lhe valve's deslgn, and Lhe flow of fluld
slapplng agalnsL a parLlally open gaLe can
cause exLenslve damage Lo Lhe valve.

3. Why |s the Suct|on p|pe of Vapour
Compress|on kefr|gerat|on system |nsu|ated?
1. lL prevenLs Lhe sucLlon llne from sweaLlng
and drlpplng waLer lnslde Lhe house.
2. 1he lnsulaLlon also prevenLs Lhe sucLlon llne
aLLracLlng heaL from Lhe ouLdoors on lLs way Lo
Lhe condenser coll.

4. now does We|d|ng damage Lye s|ght?
An LlecLrlc weldlng arc produces ulLravloleL
llghL and Lhe uv llghL (Sun burn) wlll damage
Lhe reLlna. Weldlng shlelds or Coggles wlLh Lhe
proper shade (AuLomaLlc shadlng) of lens ls Lhe
besL proLecLlon for welders.
LlghL fllLerlng curLalns and reduced reflecLlve
surfaces help proLecL boLh welders and
observers ln Lhe area.

S. Lxp|a|n why 8CC, ICC and Cn |att|ce
pack|ng and features of gra|n structure affect
the Duct|||ty and 8r|tt|eness of parent meta|||c
uucLlllLy ls Lhe mechanlcal properLy of a
maLerlal. (lL ls Lhe maLerlal's ablllLy Lo deform
under Lhe Lenslle sLress wlLhouL fracLure). So lL
ls depends on Lhe aLoms how Lhey arranged ln
a laLLlce and lLs graln slze. 1he ablllLy Lo absorb
Lhe energy of Lhe lmpacL and fracLure reslsLance
depends on Lhe arrangemenL of Lhe aLoms ln a
laLLlce and feaLures of graln sLrucLure.

6. Why do you have 1russ 8r|dges?
1russ brldges carry load ln Lenslon and
compresslon raLher Lhan bendlng (Self welghL
+ 1he welghL of vehlcles crosslng lL + Wlnd
loads). A Lruss has Lhe ablllLy Lo dlsslpaLe a load
Lhrough Lhe Lruss work. 1he beams are usually
arranged ln a repeaLed Lrlangular paLLern, slnce
a Lrlangle cannoL be dlsLorLed by sLress.

7. Why I-sect|on beam |s preferred for heavy
Cross secLlonal shape l, glvlng many beneflLs.
lL ls very good for glvlng sLlffness (less
deformaLlon on loadlng) and Lo wlLhsLand
hlgher bendlng momenLs (as a resulL of heavy
loadlng) on comparlson wlLh oLher cross-
secLlonal shapes of same area. Also, lL ls very
easy Lo manufacLure. lL wlll have more momenL
of lnerLla.
8. What |s d|fference between Center of Mass
and Center of Grav|ty?
8oLh Lerms are same when gravlLy ls unlform.
When gravlLy ls non-unlform followlng are Lhe
1he cenLer of mass ls a polnL LhaL acLs as lf
all Lhe mass was cenLered Lhere (Lhe mass on
one slde of Lhe polnL ls equal Lo Lhe mass on
Lhe opposlLe slde). lf supporLed aL Lhe cenLer
of mass, an ob[ecL wlll be balanced under Lhe
lnfluence of gravlLy.
1he cenLer of gravlLy ls Lhe polnL aL whlch
where Lhe sum (vecLor) of Lhe gravlLaLlonal
forces acL on an ob[ecL whlch wlll be balanced
on LhaL polnL.

9. What |s the d|fference between Center of
Mass and Centro|d?
lf Lhe maLerlal composlng a body ls unlform or
homogeneous, Lhe denslLy or speclflc welghL
wlll be consLanL LhroughouL Lhe body, and Lhen
Lhe cenLrold ls Lhe same as Lhe cenLer of gravlLy
or cenLer of mass.
CenLrold: CenLrold ls Lhe polnL, where Lhe
whole area of plane ls golng Lo be acL. lL ls valld
only for 2u problems llke plane flgures, square
plaLe eLc.
1he cenLer of mass ls a polnL LhaL acLs as lf
all Lhe mass was cenLered Lhere (Lhe mass on
one slde of Lhe polnL ls equal Lo Lhe mass on
Lhe CCSl1L slde). lf supporLed aL Lhe cenLer
of mass, an ob[ecL wlll be balanced under Lhe
lnfluence of gravlLy.

10. What are the d|fferences between We|ght
and Mass?
Mass ls a measure of how much maLLer an
ob[ecL has. Mass ls speclfled ln Cram or
WelghL ls a measure of how sLrongly gravlLy
pulls on LhaL maLLer. lorce ls measured ln
1hus lf you were Lo Lravel Lo Lhe moon your
welghL would change because Lhe pull of gravlLy
ls weaker Lhere Lhan on LarLh buL, your mass
would sLay Lhe same because you are sLlll made
up of Lhe same amounL of maLLer.

11. What |s the d|fference between ro[ect||e
mot|on and a kocket mot|on?
A pro[ecLlle has no moLor/rockeL on lL, so all of
lLs momenLum ls glven Lo lL as lL ls launched. An
example of a pro[ecLlle would be pen LhaL you
Lhrow across a room.
A rockeL or mlsslle does have a moLor/rockeL on
lL so lL can acceleraLe lLself whlle movlng and so
reslsL oLher forces such as gravlLy.
ln mechanlcs polnL of vlew pro[ecLlle don'L have
any parLlcular shape lL ls a polnL mass. Whereas
rockeL has a parLlcular shape and hence lL has
cenLer of gravlLy slLuaLed aL parLlcular polnL on
lLs body. 1herefore rockeL moLlon comes under
klneLlcs and pro[ecLlle comes under klnemaLlcs.

12. What type of coo||ng used |n n|gh Vo|tage
1he blg Lransformers you flnd on power poles
usually use oll as a dlelecLrlc lnsulaLor, ln
smaller Pv Lransformers, llke Lhe ones ln 1v's
are usually fllled wlLh resln.

13. What |s hon|ng of Cy||nder L|ners?
1he honlng equlpmenL used has been
manufacLured by "Chrls Marlne". 1he head of
Lhe honlng devlce conslsLs of four synchronlzed
sLones. lor Lhe lnlLlal honlng dlamond sLones
are used Lo break up Lhe hardened surface ln
Lhe scuffed areas. lor Lhe maln honlng very
coarse and hard sLones are used Lo produce a
very deslrable rough surface all over Lhe llner.
1he advanLage, especlally for Lhe 2-sLroke
englnes, ls posslblllLy Lo save Lhe llner afLer a
selzure, scufflng or blow-by or even Lo ellmlnaLe
Lhe ovallLy of Lhe llner. AnoLher advanLage ls
LhaL lL ls posslble Lo machlne a rough llner wall
Lo obLaln a well olled surface.

14. What |s the d|fference between Speed and
Speed ls scalar quanLlLy and Ve|oc|ty ls a vecLor
- veloclLy has boLh speed and dlrecLlon.
Speed ls expressed as dlsLance moved (d) per
unlL of Llme(L). Speed ls measured ln Lhe same
physlcal unlLs of measuremenL as veloclLy, buL
does noL conLaln an elemenL of dlrecLlon. Speed
ls Lhus Lhe magnlLude componenL of veloclLy.
1S. D|fference between |e|d Stress and |e|d
SLress ls a measure of Lhe load applled Lo a
sample relaLlve Lo a cross secLlonal area of
Lhe sample. SLrengLh ls a quanLlflcaLlon of Lhe
samples ablllLy Lo carry a load. 1he Lerms "yleld
sLrengLh" and "yleld sLress" of a maLerlal are
usually used lnLerchangeably (correcL or noL). lL
ls Lhe sLress whlch wlll [usL cause Lhe maLerlal
Lo plasLlcally deform. lf a maLerlal ylelds aL
30,000 psl, Lhe yleld sLress ls 30,000 psl. lf Lhe
parL ln quesLlon has a cross secLlonal area of 2
square lnches, Lhe sLrengLh aL yleld would be
60,000 pounds, buL usually we [usL say Lhe yleld
sLrengLh ls 30,000 psl.

16. What |s the d|fference between |e|d and
U|t|mate tens||e strength?
1he yleld sLrengLh ls reached when Lhe maLerlal
becomes non - llnear (LhaL ls non elasLlc) and
Lakes a permanenL seL when load ls released.
MaLerlal sLreLches buL does noL break. ulLlmaLe
sLrengLh ls when lL breaks and ls hlgher Lhan
yleld sLrengLh.

17. What |s the d|fference between I|exura|
strength and 1ens||e strength?
llexural sLrengLh ls reslsLance offered agalnsL
bendlng. 1enslle sLrengLh ls reslsLance offered
agalnsL Lenslle force.

18. What |s the d|fference between Shear and
1ens||e strength?
1enslle SLrengLh for a 8olL ls deLermlned
by applylng a lorce along lL long axls. Shear
SLrengLh for a 8olL ls deLermlned by applylng a
lorce across lLs dlameLer, as lL would be loaded
ln a lug [olnL. 1enslle sLrengLh ls sLrengLh ln
Lenslon when pulllng force ls applled. And shear
sLrengLh ls sLrengLh agalnsL cuLLlng force whlch
ls known as shear force.

19. What |s the d|fference between 1ens||e
strength and 1ens||e modu|us?
1ens||e strength ls Lhe ulLlmaLe capaclLy of Lhe
maLerlal Lo reslsL a Lenslle load regardless of
1ens||e modu|us also known as oung's
modu|us ls a measure of Lhe sLlffness of an
lsoLroplc elasLlc maLerlal. lL ls deflned as Lhe
raLlo of Lhe unl-axlal sLress over Lhe unl-axlal
sLraln. lL ls deLermlned from Lhe slope of a
sLress-sLraln curve Lraced durlng Lenslle LesLs
conducLed on a sample of Lhe maLerlal.
What |s CLL?
CLL means Cverall LqulpmenL LffecLlveness.
1hls Lermlnology wldely used ln 1oLal
producLlve malnLenance, whlch ls used Lo
calculaLe Lhe effecLlveness of machlnes ln
manufacLurlng. 8aslcally lL capLures Lhe losses
of machlnes ln producLlon and Lry Lo lmprove
defecLs on machlnes. Plgher Lhe CLL, more
capable ls Lhe machlne.
Why Invo|utes Curve used |n Gear?
Invo|ute curve ls Lhe paLh Lraced by a polnL on
a llne as Lhe llne rolls wlLhouL sllpplng on Lhe
clrcumference of a clrcle. lnvoluLe curve has
a conLacL angle beLween Lwo gears when Lhe
LangenLs of Lwo gears pass Lhrough Lhe conLacL
polnL wlLhouL frlcLlon.
What |s 8ear|ng stress?
1he sLress whlch acLs on Lhe conLacL surface
area beLween Lwo members ls known as
8earlng sLress. An example for Lhls ls Lhe sLress
beLween nuL and Lhe washer.
Wh|ch |s hard mater|a| Cast Iron or
M||d Stee|?
Cast iron. Due to the excess carbon content
than mild steel it is harder. The more carbon
content, the more hardness will be. But it
reduces the weldability due to this hardness.
It is brittle too.
What are the materials used for Sliding
Wear pad?
Urethane-Coated Base
Material Provides Optimum
Sliding Surfaces for Maximum
Wear Ability
Galvanized Steel for Backing
on Head and Side Pads
3. lor crane servlces, We use velcro nylon
wearlng pad
What |s the d|fference between
a Shaper mach|ne and a |anner
ln Shaper machlne Lool ls havlng reclprocaLlng
moLlon and work plece ls clamped on Lable
whlch ls sLaLlonary. lL ls mosLly sulLable for llghL
duLy operaLlon.ln Shaplng large cuLLlng force ls
Lransferred Lo Lool.
ln laner machlne Lool ls havlng sLaLlonary
and work plece ls clamped on Lable whlch ls
reclprocaLlng moLlon. lL ls mosLly sulLable for
Peavy duLy operaLlon. ln planner large cuLLlng
force ls Lransferred Lo Lable.
now w||| you ca|cu|ate the tonnage of
Mechan|ca| ress?
l = S x L x 1 dlvlded by 1000
l = lorce ln kllo newLon's
S = shear sLress of maLerlal ln Ma
L = Lhe LoLal lengLh of perlpherles belng cuL/
sheared ln mm
1 = Lhlckness of maLerlal ln mm
What |s the compos|t|on of Grey cast
|ron Grade 20?
Carbon : 3.10 - 3.23 Slllcon : 1.73-
1.93 Manganese : 0.30 - 0.7Sulphur : 0.03
- 0.07 hosporous : 0.04 - 0.07
What |s the compos|t|on of Cast |ron
Grade 3S?
hosphorus=0.13 Chromlum=0.30
Molybdenum=0.30 Cupper=0.23
What are the super a||oys?
Super alloys ls an alloy LhaL exhlblLs excellenL
mechanlcal sLrengLh and creep reslsLance aL
hlgh LemperaLures, havlng good surface flnlsh.
Why the Super a||oys used for |and-
based turb|nes?
Super alloys are Lhe Lop mosL alloys used
for Lhelr excellenL sLrengLh and corroslon
reslsLance as well as oxldaLlon reslsLance. no
oLher alloys can compeLe wlLh Lhese grade.
What k|nds of ND1 methods are
1.vlsual lnspecLlon
2.Mlcroscopy lnspecLlon
3.8adlography 1esL
4.uye eneLraLe Lechnlque
3.ulLrasonlc LesLlng
6.MagneLlc arLlcle lnspecLlon
7.Lddy CurrenL Lechnology
8.AcousLlc Lmlsslon
9. 1hermograph
10.8epllca MeLallographlc
What |s Stress Corros|on crack|ng?
SLress corroslon cracklng (SCC) ls a process
lnvolvlng Lhe lnlLlaLlon of cracks and Lhelr
propagaLlon, posslbly up Lo compleLe fallure
of a componenL, due Lo Lhe comblned acLlon
of Lenslle mechanlcal loadlng and a corroslve
What |s meant by D2 Mater|a| used for
D|e too||ng?
u2 - Plgh Carbon Cold Work 1ool SLeel
D2 ls a hlgh Carbon, hlgh Chromlum,
Molybdenum, vanadlum, Alr hardenlng alloy
Lool sLeel whlch offers good wear reslsLance,
hlgh surface hardness, Lhrough hardenlng
properLles, dlmenslonal sLablllLy and hlgh
reslsLance Lo Lemperlng effecL. u2 Lool sLeel ls
also sulLable for vacuum hardenlng.
1yp|ca| Compos|t|on
Cr. -12.00
Mo. -0.80
v. -0.90
What |s Vacuum Induct|on Me|t|ng?
As the name suggests, the process involves
melting oI a metal under vacuum conditions.
Electromagnetic induction is used as the
energy source Ior melting the metal.
Induction melting works by inducing
electrical eddy currents in the metal. The
source is the induction coil which carries an
alternating current. The eddy currents heat
and eventually melt the charge.
1. Where Mu|t|-stage pump used
ressure washlng of AlrcrafL, 1ralns, 8oaLs
and 8oad vehlcles as well as Spray washlng of
lndusLrlal parLs and LlecLronlc componenLs.

2. What |s the funct|on of Scoop |n 8I (8o||er
Ieed Water ump) |n 1herma| ower Stat|on?
1he luncLlon of Scoop Lube ls regulaLlng Lhe
varylng amounL of oll level ln Lhe coupllng
durlng operaLlon of lnflnlLe varlable speed.

3. In the 1herma| ower |ant why Deaerator
(D]A) p|aced on he|ght?
1o bulld a very hlgh pressure and Lhe
LemperaLure for a boller feed waLer pump and
lL dlscharge hlgh pressure waLer Lo Lhe boller.
And Lo provlde Lhe requlred neL oslLlve
SucLlon Pead (nSP) for Lhe 8lW pump and Lo
serve as a sLorage Lank Lo ensure a conLlnuous
supply of feed waLer durlng rapld changes ln

4. now to determ|ne the capac|ty of
kefr|gerat|on system? now we use Condenser
co||s, Compressor, Cap|||ar|ty?
1o deLermlne Lhe 8efrlgeraLlon sysLem
by LesL of C.C. and use Lhe Condenser
colls, Compressor, CaplllarlLy, based on Lhe

3. In or|f|ce why the ressure and
1emperature are decreases?
Crlflce ls a small hole llke a nozzle. When a
hlgh pressure fluld passes Lhrough Lhe orlflce,
ressure geLs reduced suddenly and Lhe veloclLy
of Lhe fluld geLs lncreased. Also Lhe heaL
Lransfer raLe lncreases. We know LhaL PeaL
Lransfer raLe ls dlrecLly proporLlonal Lo Lhe
dlfference ln LemperaLure, Area and Lhe PeaL
Lransfer coefflclenL. PeaL Lransfer CoefflclenL
remalns consLanL for a fluld aL a parLlcular
C= kA (1
lf Lhe heaL Lransfer raLe lncreases, lL seems Lhe
dlfference ln LemperaLure geLs lncreased. 1here
ls no way ln reducLlon of lnleL LemperaLure of
Lhe orlflce. As a resulL, Lhe ouLleL LemperaLure
of Lhe orlflce geLs reduced. Pence Lhe pressure
and LemperaLure geLs reduced when lL passes
Lhrough orlflce.

6. What |s the d|fference between 8o|t and
1he maln dlfference was based on Lhe load
acLlng on lL, and Lhe slze. lor smaller loads,
screws are enough buL ln case of greaLer-loads,
bolLs are Lo be used. ln bolL we glve cenLrlfugal
force or LangenLlal force and screw we glve axlal
force for drlvlng.
What |s the d|fferences between gas
turb|ne and a steam turb|ne?
Cas Lurblne works on 8ryLon cycle where
as sLeam Lurblne works 8anklne cycle.
ConsLrucLlon, operaLlon of a gas Lurblne are
enLlrely dlfferenL Lo sLeam Lurblne. Cas Lurblne
has a compressor Lo compress Lhe combusLlon
alr, a combusLlon chamber Lo burn Lhe fuel
and a Lurblne secLlon Lo exLracL Lhe work for
burnlng fuel. SLeam Lurblne ls [usL has a Lurblne
secLlon Lo exLracL Lhe work from sLeam.
What |s operat|ng pressure?
1he amounL of pressure nearesL Lhe polnL
of performlng work aL Lhe ouLpuL end of a
pneumaLlc sysLem. 1he sysLem operaLlng
pressure ls used Lo speclfy Lhe capablllLy of
valves and acLuaLors.
What are the safety va|ves? now many
on each bo||er?
A valve openlng auLomaLlcally Lo relleve
excesslve pressure, especlally ln a boller.
1here are normally Lwo Lo slx safeLy valves
provlded ln Lhe drum dependlng upon Lhe
1he super heaLer ouLleL wlll have one Lo Lhree
safeLy valves on elLher slde of Lhe boller. 1here
wlll be an elecLromaLlc rellef valve on Lhe super
heaLer plpe ln addlLlon. 1hls valve wlll be seL aL
lower pressure Lhan Lhe lowesL seL safeLy valve
on Lhe super heaLer.
1he reheaLer plpes boLh aL Lhe lnleL and ouLleL
slde wlll also have safeLy valves whlch can range
from Lwo Lo elghL boLh ln Lhe lnleL and ouLleL of
Lhe reheaLer puL LogeLher.
What |s a sent|ne| va|ve?
SenLlnel valves are slmply small rellef valves
lnsLalled ln some sysLems Lo warn of lmpendlng
over pressurlzaLlon. SenLlnel valves do noL
relleve Lhe pressure of Lhe sysLem. lf Lhe
slLuaLlon causlng Lhe senLlnel valve Lo llfL ls noL
correcLed, a rellef valve (lf lnsLalled) wlll llfL Lo
proLecL Lhe sysLem or componenL. lf a rellef
valve ls noL lnsLalled, acLlon musL be Laken
qulckly Lo secure Lhe plece of equlpmenL or
sysLem Lo reduce Lhe pressure.
What |s the funct|on of nydrogen sea|s
work on a generator?
Provide a seal between the generator
housings and rotor shaIt to maintain
the pressurized hydrogen gas inside the
generator. Also, provides a trap-vent system
to prevent the release oI hydrogen into
the turbine generator lube oil system and
building atmosphere.
How is the excess discharge pressure
ressure rellef valves on Lhe dlscharge slde
of each seal oll pump relleves back Lo seal oll
Wh|ch two sea| o|| pumps are dr|ven
from the same motor?
Maln seal oll pump and re-clrcular seal oll
pump, boLh are drlven by Maln seal oll pump
When does Lmergency Sea| C|| ump
automat|ca||y start?
When lLs pressure swlLch senses Maln Seal Cll
ump dlscharge pressure reduced Lo 78 Sl.
What |s the consequence of not
ma|nta|n|ng hydrogen (or a|r) pressure
|n generator cas|ng at a va|ue above
atmospher|c pressure when sea| o||
system |s |n serv|ce?
lallure Lo do so wlll cause excesslve seal oll Lo
be drawn lnLo Lhe generaLor.
What |s a rad|a|-f|ow turb|ne?
ln a radlal-flow Lurblne, sLeam flows ouLward
from Lhe shafL Lo Lhe caslng. 1he unlL ls usually
a reacLlon unlL, havlng boLh flxed and movlng
What are four types of turb|ne sea|s?

Carbon rlngs flLLed ln segmenLs

around Lhe shafL and held
LogeLher by garLer or reLalner

LabyrlnLh maLed wlLh shafL

serraLlon's or shafL seal sLrlps.

WaLer seals where a shafL

runner acLs as a pump Lo creaLe
a rlng of waLer around Lhe
shafL. use only LreaLed waLer Lo
avold shafL plLLlng.

SLufflng box uslng woven or

sofL packlng rlngs LhaL are
compressed wlLh a gland Lo
prevenL leakage along Lhe shafL.
What are two types of c|earance |n a

kad|a| - clearance aL Lhe Llps of

Lhe roLor and caslng.

Ax|a| - Lhe fore-and-afL

clearance, aL Lhe sldes of Lhe
roLor and Lhe caslng.
What |s the funct|on of a thrust
1hrusL bearlngs keep Lhe roLor ln lLs correcL
axlal poslLlon.
What are some cond|t|ons that may
prevent a turb|ne from deve|op|ng fu||

1he machlne ls overloaded.

1he lnlLlal sLeam pressure and

LemperaLure are noL up Lo
deslgn condlLlons.

1he exhausL pressure ls Loo


1he governor ls seL Loo low.

The steam strainer is clogged.

Turbine nozzles are clogged

with deposits.

Internal wear on nozzles and

What is a stage in a steam turbine?
In an impulse turbine, the stage is a set
oI moving blades behind the nozzle. In a
reaction turbine, each row oI blades is called
a "stage." A single Curtis stage may consist
oI two or more rows oI moving blades.
What is a diaphragm?
Partitions between pressure stages in a
turbine`s casing are called diaphragms. They
hold the vane-shaped nozzles and seals
between the stages. Usually labyrinth-type
seals are used. One-halI oI the diaphragm
is Iitted into the top oI the casing, the other
halI into the bottom.
What are the two basic types of steam

Impulse type.

Reaction type.
What are topping and superposed
Topping and superposed turbines arc high-
pressure, non-condensing units that can be
added to an older, moderate-pressure plant.
Topping turbines receive high-pressure
steam Irom new high-pressure boilers. The
exhaust steam oI the new turbine has the
same pressure as the old boilers and is used
to supply the old turbines.
What is a combination thrust and radial
This unit has the ends oI the Babbitt bearing
extended radically over the end oI the shell.
Collars on the rotor Iace these thrust pads,
and the journal is supported in the bearing
between the thrust collars.
What |s |mportant to remember about
rad|a| bear|ngs?
A Lurblne roLor ls supporLed by Lwo radlal
bearlngs, one on each end of Lhe sLeam
cyllnder. 1hese bearlngs musL be accuraLely
allgned Lo malnLaln Lhe close clearance
beLween Lhe shafL and Lhe shafL seals, and
beLween Lhe roLor and Lhe caslng. lf excesslve
bearlng wear lowers Lhe he roLor, greaL harm
can be done Lo Lhe Lurblne.
now many governors are needed for
safe turb|ne operat|on? Why?
1wo lndependenL governors are needed for
safe Lurblne operaLlon. Cne ls an over speed
or emergency Lrlp LhaL shuLs off Lhe sLeam aL
10 percenL above runnlng speed (maxlmum
speed). 1he second, or maln governor, usually
conLrols speed aL a consLanL raLe, however,
many appllcaLlons have varlable speed conLrol.
now |s a f|y ba|| governor used w|th a
hydrau||c contro|?
As Lhe Lurblne speeds up, Lhe welghLs are
moved ouLward by cenLrlfugal force, causlng
llnkage Lo open a plloL valve LhaL admlLs and
releases oll on elLher slde of a plsLon or on one
slde of a sprlng-loaded plsLon. 1he movemenL
of Lhe plsLon conLrols Lhe sLeam valves.
What |s meant by cr|t|ca| speed?
lL ls Lhe speed aL whlch Lhe machlne vlbraLes
mosL vlolenLly. lL ls due Lo many causes, such
as lmbalance or harmonlc vlbraLlons seL up by
Lhe enLlre machlne. 1o mlnlmlze damage, Lhe
Lurblne should be hurrled Lhrough Lhe known
crlLlcal speed as rapldly as posslble. (CauLlon,
be sure Lhe vlbraLlon ls caused by crlLlcal speed
and noL by some oLher Lrouble).
now |s o|| pressure ma|nta|ned when
start|ng or stopp|ng a med|um-s|zed
An auxlllary pump ls provlded Lo malnLaln oll
pressure. Some auxlllary pumps are Lurned by a
hand crank, oLhers are moLor-drlven. 1hls pump
ls used when Lhe lnLegral pump ls runnlng Loo
slowly Lo provlde pressure, as when sLarLlng or
securlng a medlum-slzed Lurblne.
8es|des |ubr|cat|on, what are two
funct|ons of |ubr|cat|ng o|| |n some
ln larger unlLs, lube oll cools Lhe bearlngs by
carrylng off heaL Lo Lhe oll coolers. Lube oll ln
some Lurblnes also acLs as a hydraullc fluld Lo
operaLe Lhe governor speed-conLrol sysLem.
Do you stop coo||ng-water f|ow
through a steam condenser as soon as
the turb|ne |s s|opped?
?ou should keep Lhe coollng waLer clrculaLlng
for abouL 13 mlll or more so LhaL Lhe condenser
has a chance Lo cool down gradually and evenly.
8e sure Lo have coollng waLer flowlng Lhrough
Lhe condenser before sLarLlng up ln order Lo
prevenL llve sLeam from enLerlng Lhe condenser
unless lL ls cooled. CverheaLlng can cause
severe leaks and oLher headaches.
now can the depos|ts be removed?

WaLer soluble deposlLs may be

washed off wlLh condensaLe or
weL sLeam.

WaLer lnsoluble deposlLs are

removed mechanlcally afLer
dlsmanLllng Lhe Lurblne.

Lxperlence shows LhaL waLer

soluble deposlLs are embedded
ln layers of waLer-lnsoluble
deposlLs. And when Lhe
washlng process ls carrled
ouL, waLer soluble parLs of Lhe
deposlL dlssolve away leavlng a
loose, frlable skeleLon of waLer-
lnsoluble deposlLs whlch Lhen
break loose and wash away.
now can the fat|gue damage on h|gh-
pressure b|ades be corrected?
laLlgue-damage on hlgh-pressure blades
arlses due Lo vlbraLlon lnduced by parLlal-arc
admlsslon. 1hls can be correcLed by swlLchlng
over Lo full arc admlsslon Lechnlque.
now many governors are needed for
safe turb|ne operat|on? Why?
1wo lndependenL governors are needed for safe
Lurblne operaLlon:

Cne ls an over speed or

emergency Lrlp LhaL shuLs off
Lhe sLeam aL 10 percenL above
runnlng speed (maxlmum

1he second, or maln governor,

usually conLrols speed aL a
consLanL raLe, however, many
appllcaLlons have varlable
speed conLrol.
now w||| you detect that m|sa||gnment
|s the probab|e cause of excess|ve

Coupllng Lo Lhe drlven machlne

ls Lo be dlsconnecLed.

1he Lurblne ls Lo be run alone.

lf Lhe Lurblne runs smooLhly,

elLher mlsallgnmenL, worn
coupllng or Lhe drlven
equlpmenL ls Lhe cause of Lhe
In wh|ch part of the steam turb|ne
does corros|on fat|gue occur?
ln Lhe weL sLages of Lhe L cyllnder.
In wh|ch part of the steam turb|ne
does stress corros|on crack|ng (SCC)
ln Lhe weL sLages of Lhe low-pressure Lurblne.
In wh|ch zone of steam turb|nes has
temperature-creep rupture been
uamage due Lo creep ls encounLered ln hlgh
LemperaLure (exceedlng 433C) zones. 1haL ls,
lL has been found Lo occur ln Lhe conLrol sLages
of Lhe hlgh-pressure and lnLermedlaLe-pressure
Lurblnes where sLeam LemperaLure someLlmes
exceed 340C. ln Lhe reheaL sLage, lL has been
observed LhaL creep has caused compleLe llfLlng
of Lhe blade shroud bands.
What are the types of thrust bear|ngs?

8abblLL-faced collar bearlngs

1llLlng plvoLal pads

Tapered land bearings
Rolling-contact (roller or ball)
What are the types of
turb|ne sea|s?
Carbon rlngs flLLed ln segmenLs around
Lhe shafL and held LogeLher by garLer or
reLalner sprlngs.
LabyrlnLhs maLed wlLh shafL serraLlons
or shafL seal sLrlps.
WaLer seals where a shafL runner acLs
as a pump Lo creaLe a rlng of waLer
around Lhe shafL. use only LreaLed
waLer Lo avold shafL plLLlng.
SLufflng box uslng woven or sofL
packlng rlngs LhaL are compressed wlLh
a gland Lo prevenL leakage along Lhe
What are the bas|c causes of
the prob|em of rotor fa||ure?
normal wear.
laLlgue fallure due Lo hlgh sLress.
ueslgn deflclency.
Aggresslve operaLlng envlronmenL
What are the d|fferences
between |mpu|se and react|on
1he lmpulse Lurblne ls characLerlzed by
Lhe facL LhaL lL requlres nozzles and LhaL
Lhe pressure drop of sLeam Lakes place
ln Lhe nozzles.
1he reacLlon Lurblne, unllke Lhe lmpulse
Lurblnes has no nozzles, as such. lL
conslsLs of a row of blades mounLed on
a drum. 1he drum blades are separaLed
by rows of flxed blades mounLed ln
Lhe Lurblne caslng. 1hese flxed blades
serve as nozzles as well as Lhe means of
correcLlng Lhe dlrecLlon of sLeam onLo
Lhe movlng blades.
ln Lhe case of reacLlon Lurblnes, Lhe
pressure drop of sLeam Lakes place over
Lhe blades. 1hls pressure drop produces
a reacLlon and hence cause Lhe moLlon
of Lhe roLor.
What |s the funct|on of LGk va|ve
LC8 means LxhausL Cas 8eclrculaLlon. 1he maln
funcLlon of LC8 ls Lo conLrol nCx emlsslon from
Lhe englne. AL elevaLed LemperaLure (durlng
long run & full condlLlon)lf due Lo some reasons
englne geLs heaLed up beyond cerLaln level. lL
produces nCx emlsslon. ln order Lo avold Lhls
polluLlon , we have Lo conLrol Lhe LemperaLure
rlse lnslde Lhe cyllnder. 1hls can be achleved by
mlxlng some amounL of exhausL gas wlLh lnLake
alr. 8y dolng Lhls Lhe LemperaLure lnslde Lhe
combusLlon chamber ls reduced. And nCx ls
What |s the d|fference between Cr|t|ca|
speed & Wh|r||ng speed?
ln Solld mechanlcs, ln Lhe fleld of roLor
dynamlcs, Lhe crlLlcal speed ls Lhe LheoreLlcal
angular veloclLy whlch exclLes Lhe naLural
frequency of a roLaLlng ob[ecL, such as a shafL,
propeller or gear. As Lhe speed of roLaLlon
approaches Lhe ob[ecLs naLural frequency, Lhe
ob[ecL beglns Lo resonaLe whlch dramaLlcally
lncreases sysLem vlbraLlon. 1he resulLlng
resonance occurs regardless of orlenLaLlon.
Whlrllng Speed ls due Lo Lhe unbalanced forces
acLlng on a roLaLlng shafL.
What |s the s|gn|f|cance of 1orque(|n
N-m) g|ven |n the eng|ne spec|f|cat|on ?
lL glve Lhe momenL abouL any polnL or slmple
What |s the abbrev|at|on of We|d|ng
rod 7018?
70=Lenslle sLrengLh 70000psl
1= weldlng poslLlon
8=currenL flux
What are the uses of Graph|te
e|ectrode |n var|ous f|e|d.
CraphlLe elecLrode ls used ln LuM.. and ln
8aLLery cells..
lL ls also used ln elecLrlc arc furnaces Lo melL Lhe
sLeel .
D|fference between 1IG & MIG we|d|ng
1ungsLen lnerL gas weldlng-non consumable
MlC-MeLal lnerL gas weldlng-uses consumable
Spec|f|c speed of turb|ne?
1he speclflc speed ls deflned as Lhe Lhe speed of
Lhe geomeLrlc Lurblne whlch can produce unlL
power aL unlL head
Mater|a| of A|rcraft turb|ne b|ade?
nl, Cr, Al, 1races of C
Do you know ep|cyc||c gear box?
What are the pract|ca| app||cat|on of
ep|cyc||c gear box?
Lplcycllc gear box conslsLs of sun gear planeLary
gears and
an annular called rlng gear.
dlfferenL speed raLlos are obLalned by locklng
any one gear.
lf you lock any Lwo gear , dlrecL gear wlll be
mosLly used ln overdrlves.
WrlsL waLch ls a pracLlcal appllcaLlon of eplcycllc
gear box
What do you mean by super cr|t|ca|
above S00MW |n 1herma| power
ln super crlLlcal boller means all Lhe sLeam Lo
ln Lo superheaLed sLeam aL ouLleL of boller no
need Lo senL
Lo super heaLer once agaln.
What |s the purpose of scrapper r|ng
Scrap Lhe excess lube oll from Lhe cyllnder
walls. 1here by prevenLlng oll from enLerlng
combusLlon zone.
now cata|yst converter works?
ln luel Cell, a caLalysL ls a subsLance LhaL causes
or acceleraLes a chemlcal reacLlon wlLhouL
lLself belng affecLed. CaLalysLs parLlclpaLe ln
Lhe reacLlons, buL are nelLher reacLanLs nor
producLs of Lhe reacLlon Lhey caLalyze.
1he maln funcLlon of pressure rellef valve ls Lo
malnLaln Lhe pressure lnhydraullc sysLem. lL ls
one mounLlng whlch ls used for safeLy. When
pressure lncreases Lhen safeLy valve comes
lnLo acLlon & lf Lhe valve geL fall Lhe sysLem geL
damage due Loexcesslve pressure.
What does CC Stand for?
CC ls Lhe abbrevlaLed form of cublc cenLlmeLer.
lL ls Lhe unlL by whlch Lhe capaclLy of an englne
ls deslgnaLed. lL ls Lhe volume beLween 1uC and
8uC. lL represenLs Lhe quanLlLy of fuel-alr mlx
or exhausL gas LhaL ls pumped ouL ln a slngle
plsLon sLroke. AlLernaLlvely lL can represenL Lhe
volume of Lhe cyllnder lLself.
We have read that when the p|ston
goes up and down then the eng|ne
works |.e. the suct|on,compress|on etc
etc. then what happens |n the case
of b|g veh|c|es, wh|ch start at stab|e
cond|t|on, |.e. how does the|r p|ston
moves when they are at rest. how
suct|on,compress|on etc
Smaller vehicles like bikes, cars are started
with the help oI motors. initially, motors
turn the crank shaIt tillsuIIicient suction
pressure is reached. when suIIicient suction
pressure is reached, the engine starts to suck
the Iuel in and then the cycle begins when
the Iuel is taken in and ignited. similarly,
Ior huge engines, instead oI motors, we use
starting air. air at a pressure oI 10-30 bar
is Ied to the engine which is at rest. this air
rotates the engine till it attains suIIicient
suction pressure. once the pressure is
reached, the cycle starts and it starts Iiring.
What is the difference between S.S
to EN8
SS- Stainless steel
En- Medium carbon steel
SS is Non Magnetic material & EN8 is
Magnetic material
SS is Corrosion resistant & EN8 is Magnetic
The Compression ratio of
Petrol engine is always less than
Compression Ratio of Diesel
engine why?
Petrol is not selI igniting , it needs spark
to Ilame up in chamber. Where as diesel is
selI igniting in dieselengine , to attain that
state it requires high temp &pressure. This
temperature & pressure is more than what`s
required in Petrol Engines by property oI
that Iluid .
What is the temperature of space ?
The short answer is that the temperature in
space is approximately 2.725 Kelvin. That
means the universe is generally just shy
oI three degrees above absolute zero the
temperature at which molecules themselves
stop moving. That`s almost -270 degrees
Celsius, or -455 Fahrenheit.
How to calculate the speed of
conveyer in Meter Per Minute
Measure the diameter oI the rollers around
which the conveyor belt is wrapped.
Multiply the diameter oI the roller by pi
(3.14159). This calculation will yield the
circumIerence oI the rollers. Every time the
roller spins one revolution, the conveyor
will be moved a linear distance equivalent
to the circumIerence oI the roller. Pi is
a dimensionless Iactor, meaning it does
not matter whether inches, centimeters
or any other units oI measurement are
used. Measure the revolutions per minute
(RPM) oI the rollers. Count how many Iull
revolutions (rotations) are made by the roller
in one minute. Multiply the RPM by the
circumIerence oI the roller. This calculation
will give the linear distance traversed by a
point on the conveyor belt in one minute.
How can problems of "excessive vibration or
noise" due to piping strain be avoided on steam
The inlet as well as exhaust steam
lines should be Iirmly supported to
avoid strains Irom being imposed on
the turbine.
Adequate allowance should be made
Ior expansion oI steam pipes due to
How the deposits in turbine be removed?
Water soluble deposits may be
washed oII with condensate or wet

Water insoluble deposits are
removed mechanically aIter
dismantling the turbine.

Experience shows that

water soluble deposits are
embedded in layers oI water-
insoluble deposits. And when
the washing process is carried
out, water soluble parts oI the
deposit dissolve away leaving
a loose, Iriable skeleton oI
water-insoluble deposits
which then break loose and
wash away.
How the fatigue damage on high-pressure
blades be corrected?
Fatigue-damage on high-pressure blades
arises due to vibration induced by partial-
arc admission. This can be corrected
by switching over to Iull arc admission
How the misalignment of Flanges be
The bolts holding the Ilanges together are to
be tightened. The coupling is to be checked
Ior squareness between the bore and the
Iace. At the same time axial clearance is to
be checked.
How the problem of excessive speed
variation due to throttle assembly friction
be overcome?
The throttle should be dismantled. Moving
parts should be checked Ior Iree and smooth
movement. Using very Iine-grained emery
paper, the throttle valve seats and valve
steam should be polished.
How the problems of vibration and
fatigue arise in steam turbine blades?

These arise due to Ilow

irregularities introduced
because oI manuIacturing
deIects, e.g. lack oI control
over tolerances.

System operating parameter,

e.g. low Ilow may excite
various modes oI vibration in
the blades.
How does solid-particle erosion occur?
Solid-particle erosion, i.e. SPE occurs in
the high-pressure blades. And it takes place
when hard particles oI iron exIoliated by
steam Irom superheater tubes, reheater
tubes, steam headers and steam leads strike
on the surIace oI turbine blades.
How does the internal efficiency
monitoring lead to the detection of
turbine deposits?

Process heat drop.

Adiabatic heat drop.

The process heat drop and

adiabatic heat drop are
obtained Irom a Mollier-
Chart Ior the corresponding
values oI steam parameters
pressure and temperature at
initial and Iinal conditions.
How is a flyball governor used with a
hydraulic control?
As the turbine speeds up, the weights are
moved outward by centriIugal Iorce, causing
linkage to open a pilot valve that admits
and releases oil on either side oI a piston or
on one side oI a spring-loaded piston. The
movement oI the piston controls the steam
1PL 8A1Lu SLLu 1LLLS uS A8Cu1 1PL
A1 WPlCP 1PL MACPlnL WC8kS LlllClLn1L?
Wl1P LLAS1 CCnSuM1lCn Cl luLL.LC-ln
nC8MAL 8lkLS(nC1 8AClnC),1PL MAx.SLLu
LlMl1 SPCWn Cn SLLuCML1L8 lS u1C 120
kMP 8u1 CCMAnlLS ALWA?S AuvlCL 1PLl8
CuS1CML8S 1C u8lvL SuCP 8lkLS A1 A8Cunu
What |s the purpose of scrapper r|ng
scrap Lhe excess lube oll from Lhe cyllnder
walls.Lhere by prevenLlng oll from enLerlng
combusLlon zone.
What are the causes of ma|n eng|ne
b|ack smoke?
1here ls many cause of black smoke. lmproper mlxLure of fuel supply by
carbureLor llke very rlch mlxLure so Lhe fuel
lmproper burn.
2. lL ls when plsLon or plsLon rlng ls fall so back
slde coollng oll release ln combusLlon chamber
lL cause black smoke.
3.lmproper lgnlLlon sysLem llke noL sufflclenL
Llme of pressure rlse delay perlod .
how coo||ng tower he|ght se|ected?
1he luncLlon of a coollng Lower ls Lo cool
Lhe waLer comlng from condenser.1he waLer
comlng from condenser ls hoL and lL ls sprayed
ln a coollng Lower and a alr comlng ouL from
boLLom cool Lhe waLer whlch ls comlng
down.CuLslde alr ls cool and alr ln lnslde Lhe
coollng Lower ls hoL due Lo humldlLy.So Lhere ls
a denslLy dlfference beLween ouLslde and lnslde
alr whlch caused pressure dlfference.
r ulfference = g x P x ( denslLy dlfference)
P = PelghL of chlmney
r ulfference = r ulfference so LhaL alr can flow
Lo coollng Lower from ouLslde
now does ax|a| thrust ba|ance |n
mu|t|stage pump?
A 8ALAnClnC LlnL l8CM ulSCPA8CL Lnu lS
CCnnLC1Lu 1C SuC1lCnSluL 1C 8ALAnCL
AxlAL 1P8uS1.
how to ca|cu|ate the bo||er eff|c|ency?
any formu|a |s there?
boller efflclency= (heaL Lransferred Lo feed
waLer lnconverLlng lL Lo sLeam)/(heaL released
by compleLecombusLlon of fuel)
n(eLa)= Mass of sLeam * (h- P(waLer))/(mass of
fuel *calorlflc value fuel)
What |s the s|gn|f|cance of torque(|n N-
m) g|ven |n the eng|ne spec|f|cat|on
lL glve Lhe momenL abouL any polnL or slmple
what |s the exact requ|rement of
prlmlng ls done ln pumps Lo remove Lhe
enLrapped alr from Lhe sucLlon plpe Lhus aldlng
ln smooLh operaLlon and avoldlng ln excess load
on Lhe pump.
What |s the use of a ULLL?
Lransmlsslon of power(force) ln roLary form
why does cyc|e r|m don't bend even |n
heavy |oads?
8ecause of rubber Llres. 1he load ls dlsLrlbuLed
and lLs effecL reduces l.e. Llres absorbs heavy
load and shocks wlLh Lhe supporL of sLeel rlm.
1he rlm has many spokes. 1he spokes dlsLrlbuLe
Lhe load equally and Lhe rubber Llres absorb
more Lhan half of Lhe load.
now tonnage can be contro||ed |n LC
base hydrau||c press
cusLomlnLegraLlon of press lnLerlocks Lo
lnLerfaclngwlLh oLher parLs of Lhe hydraullc
press llne such as Lhefeeder or Lransfer sysLems.
what |s 8n?
8rake horsepower ls Lhe amounL of
work generaLed by a moLor under ldeal
condlLlons. 1hls work ls calculaLed wlLhouL
Lhe conslderaLlon of effecLs of any auxlllary
componenL, LhaL may slow down Lhe acLual
speed of Lhe moLor. 8rake horsepower ls
measured wlLhln Lhe englnes ouLpuL shafL
and was orlglnally deslgned Lo calculaLe and
compare Lhe ouLpuL of sLeam englnes.
As per Lhe convenLlons, 1 8P equals Lo:
743.3 waLLs
1.01389 ps
33,000 fL lbf/mln
42.2 81u/mln

Mechanical Engineering
KMBB College of Engineering & Technology
Bhubaneswar, Odisha

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