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Packing Table of Contents 1

Vendor Handbook, Gap Inc., January 2013

VIII. Packing
Table of Contents ................................................................................... page
1 Purpose ........................................................................................................ 1
2 Scope ........................................................................................................... 1
3 Definitions of Pack Types and Packing Terms ...................................... 1
4 Prepack Types ............................................................................................ 3
5 Standard Carton Packs ............................................................................. 6
6 Full Carton Packs (FCP) ........................................................................... 8
7 Bulk Order .................................................................................................... 9
8 Packing for Garments on Hangers (GOH) ........................................... 10
9 PO Balances ............................................................................................. 11
10 Packaging Specifications ........................................................................ 11
11 Carton Marking and Labeling Specifications ....................................... 14
11.1 EDI Bar Coded Cartons ........................................................................... 14
12 Shipping Procedures and Guidelines ................................................... 18
13 Carton Closure and Security .................................................................. 18
14 Loading Specifications and Instructions (Trailers and Containers) . 19
15 Expense Recoveries ................................................................................ 20
16 Gap Inc. Direct .......................................................................................... 21
17 Packing for GPS Strategic Alliances LLC and Gap International
Sales, Inc. ............................................................................................................... 33
18 Packing for China or Hong Kong ........................................................... 36
Packing: Appendix ............................................................................................... 37
Destination Purchase Order (DPO) Example ................................................... 38
Gap Standard Carton Set (excluding Franchise and Online): ....................... 40
Example of EDI Label Positioning for Direct Cartons ..................................... 41
EDI Label Placement for GID .............................................................................. 42
Taping of GID Cartons .......................................................................................... 43
Dimensions for Gap Inc Direct Carton #1 ......................................................... 44
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Vendor Handbook, Gap Inc., January 2013
Dimensions for Gap Inc Direct Carton #2 ......................................................... 45
Dimensions for Gap Inc Direct Carton #3 ......................................................... 46
Dimensions for Gap Inc Direct Carton #4 ......................................................... 47
Full Carton Prepacks-Service Level Agreement .............................................. 48
Mixed Cartons ........................................................................................................ 50
Mixed Cartons Sample Packing List ............................................................... 52
Requesting Non-Standard Cartons. ................................................................... 53
Information needed to request Non-Standard Carton Approval. .......... 56
Ballet Flat Shoe Packing ................................................................................... 57
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Vendor Handbook, Gap Inc., January 2013
1 Purpose
1.1 This section of the Vendor Handbook provides information regarding Company
packing requirements for our vendors.
1.2 The information needed to successfully ship product to any Company division is
supplied on the Company Destination Purchase Order (DPO). An example of the
DPO is supplied in the Appendix at the end of this chapter. Throughout the
packing instructions, notations (for example, PO1) are supplied as a reference to
the DPO example located in the Appendix.
2 Scope
2.1 Vendor: Any and all applicable personnel and departments involved in Packing of
product at the manufacturing location.
2.2 Company: All personnel involved with Packing Material, Packing and Shipping
employed by Gap Inc.
2.3 Contacts
2.3.1 Any questions regarding packing of product should be directed to a
Company Production/Merchant representative in a Buying Agent office.
2.3.2 For Buying Agent office information, see the Contacts section of the
Vendor Handbook, Chapter XIV.
2.3.3 For general packing questions, carton specification questions and
exception carton guidance please email
3 Definitions of Pack Types and Packing Terms
3.1 The following are general definitions of Company package types and terms:
3.1.1 Standard Carton
Effective for all ship cancel dates July 1, 2009 and forward, the standard
carton for all brands and divisions excluding Gap Online and Franchise is
a regular slotted carton (RSC)with the outside dimensions as follows:
22 15/16 inches*15-1/4 inches*11 11/16 inches (58.261cm
The corrugate must be single wall construction with C flute, burst strength
250 and Edge Crush Strength of 40lbs+.
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3.1.2 SKU
Short for Stock Keeping Unit. The SKU represents a single
style/color/size of a bulk product or to the bundle of multiple units
contained within a plastic bag (or carton), we call a prepack. Bulk Pack
A single SKU (style/color/size) packed in a standard carton. The number
of units per bulk pack varies based on product. Product can be
individually bagged or unbagged depending on the product.
If product can be easily soiled, confirm with the Production/
Merchant representative if items should be individually bagged.
This Includes Japan.
Old Navy Bulk Orders that require the garments to be placed on
hangers must have the garments individually encased within a poly-
bag. This includes Japan
Individual products should not be packaged or bundled together. Prepack
A specific configuration of individual units packaged together in a poly-
bag. A prepack, in any form, is designed to be one handling unit. Each
prepack package must have a prepack label of a size no less than 1" x
" (3.81cm x 1.27cm). The prepack number, designated on the DPO as
the prepack style, should be printed on this label, and the label should be
applied in a consistent manner and location on each prepack.
Prepack label should be white in color
Label placement should be on the front middle, 1/3 down from the
Units should NOT be individually poly bagged if part of a prepack
just the prepack should be poly bagged. Style, color and size
substitutions are not allowed in any prepack configuration.
The prepack number is shown as item PO1 on the DPO example in
the Appendix at the end of this chapter.
Hanging Flat pack (HFP) product in a prepack must have poly-bag
covering entire product including hanger hooks.

Prepack Label - Example
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Vendor Handbook, Gap Inc., January 2013
2'' Full Carton Pack (FCP)
An FCP is a packing configuration consisting of one prepack to be placed
into one individual single wall RSC construction carton. Each individual
carton flows through to an individual retail store as one handling unit. The
carton selected should represent the best fit i.e. no air space inside the
carton when sealed. Carton sizes should fall within the designated range
defined in section 6.2.3.

4 Prepack Types
4.1 There are three prepack types: single, multiple, and assorted. Prepack types are
identified on the DPO, also called the Packing/Shipment Detail Sheet. The
prepack types are abbreviated on the DPO in the following manner:

4.1.1 Single Prepack SGLE
4.1.2 Multiple Prepack MULT
4.1.3 Assorted Prepack ASST

The Packing/Shipment Detail Sheet and the prepack type abbreviations
are shown on the DPO example in the Appendix at the end of this chapter
as items PO2 and PO3.
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4.2 The following are definitions of prepack types:
4.2.1 Single Prepack:

A single prepack consists of product of one style/color and one size
packaged together as one unit. Cartons should be packed with single
Prepacks to full capacity. However, the gross weight cannot exceed 50
pounds (22.68 kg).
For example:
A single prepack of t-shirts could be six size small, red t-shirts
packed together as a bundle.
Prepack RED S Equals
Definition: 6 6

4.2.2 Multiple Prepack:

A multiple prepack consists of product of one style/color but multiple sizes
that are packaged together as one unit. Cartons should be packed with
multiple Prepacks to full capacity. However, the gross weight cannot
exceed 50 pounds (22.68 kg).
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Vendor Handbook, Gap Inc., January 2013
For example:
A multiple prepack of t-shirts could be 2 size small, 2 size
medium, and 2 size large, red t-shirts packaged together as a
Prepack RED S M L Equals
Definition: 2 2 2 6

4.2.3 Assorted Prepack:
Qty.----- 1
Lar ge

An assorted prepack consists of product of one style with multiple colors
and sizes. Cartons should be packed with assorted Prepacks to full
capacity, understanding that the gross weight cannot exceed 50 pounds
(22.68 kg)
For example:
An assorted prepack of t-shirts could be one size small yellow t-
shirt, one size medium yellow t-shirt, one size large yellow t-
shirt, one size small red t-shirt, one size medium red t-shirt, and
one size large red t-shirt packed together as a bundle.
S M L Equals
RED 1 1 1
YELLOW 1 1 1

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5 Standard Carton Packs
5.1 Effective for all shipments as of July 1, 2009 and forward, the Gap Standard
carton for all brands and divisions excluding Gap Online and Franchise is as
Construction: Regular Slotted Carton
Exterior Dimensions: 22 15/16 inches*15-1/4 inches*11 11/16 inches
(58.261cm *38.735cm*29.686cm).
Single Wall Corrugate Material
250 Burst Strength
Edge Crush of 40 Lbs.+ per inch
Flutes per linear foot of corrugation must be:
39 +/- 3, with a height of 9/64" (0.357 cm) (C flute)
A Standard Carton Pack is an instruction to pack bulk units or individual
prepacks (single, multiple or assorted) to the maximum capacity of a
Company standard carton. Unless there are specific garment type
instructions for units to be shipped in GOH or hanging flat pack type cartons,
products shipped on hangers must be in standard cartons.
5.1.1 The maximum allowable deviation from stated carton measurements is
+/ 1/16 in length, width or height of an assembled carton.
5.1.2 Sourcing of Cartons
Vendors are allowed to source their corrugate from any source provided they
meet the specification. There will be strict compliance required and enforced.
PACCESS, an outside packaging engineering firm, has been engaged by
Gap to optimize and manage our corrugate usage. They provide local
support in markets for technical questions and will provide compliance
evaluation services in the DC network.
In certain key markets Gap has certified carton manufacturers represented
by PACCESS. Paccess manages the network of certified carton
If a vendor chooses to source through PACCESS from a certified carton
manufacturer they will not be held accountable for compliance. Those
locations where certified manufacturers are available are as follows:
Hong Kong/China
Sri Lanka
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Vendor Handbook, Gap Inc., January 2013

Gap encourages its vendors to consider PACCESS as their supplier of
corrugate. While PACCESS will contact vendors to communicate their value
proposition, use of PACCESS remains voluntary.
If a vendor fails to comply more than three times with Gaps carton
requirements, consecutively, they will be required to source from a certified
carton manufacturer. To provide the vendor opportunity to correct non
compliance, the vendor will be given 60 days after each instance of non
compliance to correct. The second instance will not be counted against their
record until the 60 days expires. However, shipments received in between
and non compliant will continue to have incidences assessed.
Gap strongly encourages its vendors to require the use of Box
Manufacturers Certificate (BMC)to ensure compliance to standards. BMCs
are markings that indicate the boxs material requirements. All PACCESS
cartons have a BMC.

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5.1.3 Standard cartons should be packed to capacity as per the Carton Pack
Factor on the PO. The Pack Factor is the minimum quantity of bulk units
Gap expects vendors to pack per carton. However, the gross weight
cannot exceed 50 pounds (22.68 kg). If a carton exceeds this weight, a
Production/Merchant representative should be contacted prior to packing
the order to resolve weight non-compliance. Cartons shipped over the
50lb limit will result in a vendor expense recovery.
5.1.4 A Smaller standard carton is to be used for low volume DPOs, very
small SKU (Baby accessories, jewelry, Body) or small Pre-Packs where
a lot of unused space in the larger carton would result if used. This
alternative carton size is as follows:
Exterior Dimensions: 22 15/16 inches*15 1/4 inches*8 3/4 inches
(58.261cm *38.735cm *22.225cm)
This carton must meet the 250 burst strength, 40 lb+ crush test and
single wall construction requirements.
5.1.5 Any reboxing of product due to non compliant carton construction will
result in an expense recovery to Vendor for materials and labor.

6 Full Carton Packs (FCP)
6.1 FCP is an instruction to pack one specific prepack type (defined on the DPO) into
one individual carton. An FCP may consist of any one of the previously defined
prepack types (single, multiple or assorted) but, again, must be only one per
6.2 FCP is designed to be one handling carton that will travel complete to a store.
6.2.1 FCP is identified by the letter Y (Yes) under the heading FULL CRTN on
the Packing/Shipping Detail Sheet (DPO) of the PO.

The FULL CRTN heading is shown as item PO4 on the DPO
example in the Appendix at the end of this chapter.
6.2.2 FCP is not required to ship in Company defined standard cartons.
Cartons should be selected based on the best fit of the prepack units.

The pack should adequately utilize the space within the carton, not
allowing the product to either move around or exert excessive
stress as a result of under or over filling the capacity. It should have
as minimal air space as possible.
6.2.3 Selected carton sizes should be in accordance to the following Company
minimum/maximum carton specifications:

Minimum gross weight limit: 2 pounds (.91kg)
Maximum gross weight limit: 50 pounds (22.68kg)
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Vendor Handbook, Gap Inc., January 2013
Minimum size (length x width x height): 15 inches *11 inches*6
inches (38.735cm*29.21cm*15.24cm)
Maximum size (length x width x height): 25" x 25" x 12" (63.5cm X
63.5cm X 30.5cm)
This carton must meet the 250 burst strength, 40 lb+ crush test and
single wall construction requirements.

6.3 If Vendor has product with special packaging needs (for example, leather
outerwear) and requires a non-standard carton that does not meet these minimum
and maximum requirements, please have the Production/Merchant representative
contact to resolve issue.
6.4 Failure to acknowledge these packing discrepancies will result in an expense
recovery to Vendor.

7 Bulk Order
7.1 A bulk order is the basic ship method for replenishment and small quantity
production to DCs. Bulk orders consist of one SKU shipped in standard cartons
with a quantity that packs the carton to full capacity.
7.2 Company may want half of the DPO sent by bulk pack and the other half of the
DPO sent in a combination of Prepacks (percentage of pack type distribution will
7.2.1 Vendor should take care to read the DPO carefully and fill all of the
combinations of packing types.
7.3 There is one situation when Vendor does not have to send bulk quantity even
though a DPO exists:
7.3.1 When creating DPOs, the Purchase Order Summary distributes the
planned units for a particular order. When the distributed quantities of
Prepacks do not use all of the PO Summary units, the PO generates
bulk pack to complete the total.
7.3.2 The less than prepack quantities (usually small quantities) that
mathematically result, are not required to be shipped. However, these
units would not be rejected at the DC.
The bulk pack is shown as item PO9 on the DPO example in the
Appendix at the end of this chapter. In this example, the bulk
portion would not have to be shipped.
Company prefers to receive a few extra complete Prepacks instead
of the small amount of SKUs listed as bulk.
7.3.3 Old Navy Bulk Orders that require the garments to be placed on hangers
must have the garments individually encased within a poly-bag

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8 Packing for Garments on Hangers (GOH)
8.1 There are two accepted methods of shipping garments on hangers (GOH):
GOH/Loose used as instructed by GIS merchant for high value goods (e.g.
Banana Republic)
Garments on a hanger are hung on ropes inside a container for less than a
container load a best fit crate should be used.
Vendor should look on the GSS or confirm the preferred method of shipment
with a Production/Merchant representative.
Each garment should be in a sealed poly-bag and labeled with DPO, Style
and Size.
GOH/Loose does not require EDI Bar Code labeling at this time.
Note: Old Navy product on hanger is not GOH/Loose; ON product on hangers
is packed within a carton. Old Navy Bulk Orders that require the garments to
be placed on hangers must have the garments individually encased within a
Hanging Flat Pack (HFP)Garments on a hanger are laid flat in a carton.
Gross weight cannot exceed 50 pounds (22.68 kg).
HFP should meet all requirements for standard carton markings and
8.2 The following are EXTERIOR carton dimensions and requirements for HFP/Flat
Pack for the Gap, Banana Republic, and Old Navy divisions:
Up to 38" x 25" x 9" (96.5cm x 63.5cm x 22.9cm) for all divisions.
Old Navy will also allow up to 30 x 24 x 16 (76.2cm x 60.1 cm x 40.6cm).
Cartons larger than these sizes are not conveyable in our DCs and may result
in an expense recovery.
8.3 The only garments that need to be shipped in HFP/Flat Pack cartons are those
that need to be protected from PERMANENT creasing or damage (i.e. Suede
and Leather coats/skirts). All other units on hangers that will fit in Standard
cartons are to be shipped in Gap Standard cartons outlined previously in this
chapter. If HFP items are in a prepack, the entire hanger must be inside the poly-
bag. Failure to do so will result in an expense recovery.

8.4 If there is any doubt about correct shipping cartons consult with a copy to your Production/Merchant rep.

8.5 Failure to comply will result in expense recovery to vendor for both materials and
labor to repack at the DC.

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9 PO Balances
9.1 Any approved quantity overages for a PO should be shipped as Prepacks defined
in the DPO as long as the correct quantities are available to create the defined
9.2 Once prepack definition cannot be filled; approved balances should be shipped as
9.3 Approved overages should ship on a PO-by-PO basis. They should not be
accumulated and shipped at the end of a program.
9.4 When multiple shipments occur on an individual PO, small balance quantities
should only be shipped on the final shipment of the DPO.
9.5 Final small unit balances of POs may not fill the capacity of a standard carton.
9.5.1 When this occurs, there are THREE options:
Preferred option is to add one or two extra SKUs (prepack or bulk) to
the last few full boxes containing the same SKU. Therefore, Vendor
does not have to ship a small amount of SKUs in a single carton with a
large amount of air space.
Second option is to use the approved smaller standard carton (22
15/16 inches*15 1/4 inches*8 3/4 inches) (58.261cm *38.735cm
If this option is selected, the following rules apply:
Carton must meet all other GAP Standard carton criteria listed
in section 5.0.
The carton may only contain one SKU (style/color/size)
Third option is if this smaller standard carton is too large,
Vendor my use the smallest allowable carton 11 1/2 inches *15
1/4 inches*6 inches (29.21cm *38.735 cm*15.24 cm)to pack any
remaining units. This carton must meet all corrugate
requirements of the standard carton i.e. single wall; 250 burst
strength, c flute and 40lb+ edge crush test.

9.6 The use of mixed SKU is strongly discouraged. Contact with a
copy to you merchant representative for questions.

10 Packaging Specifications

10.1 Polyethylene Plastic Packaging Materials/Poly-bags

10.1.1 Plastic used for packaging products for Company, including plastic bags
for Prepacks and plastic box liners, must be low-density polyethylene

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10.1.2 Poly-bags are to be sealed closed at the bottom to prevent units from
falling out when placed on conveyors. Poly-bags must be sealed with
one of the following methods:
Adhesive strip
Heat sealed
Fold over flap (must contain goods inside bag when shaken upside down)
Secured with two pieces of tape

10.1.3 If Poly-bags are not properly sealed, Vendor will receive an expense
recovery assessment for non-compliance for repacking or damages at

10.1.4 All products on hangers in a poly-bag must have the poly-bag cover the
entire garment and hanger. The Hanger including hook must be fully
Hangers/hooks not covered by poly-bag will result in an expense recovery.
10.2 Bag Warning
10.2.1 Company requires the following warning on all transport packaging
plastic bag wrappings large enough to fit over a childs head. This is
defined as a bag with an opening of at least 14 inches (35.5 cm) in
circumference or with total combined length and width of at least 23
inches (58.4 cm).:

Caution: Keep plastic bag away from children. The thin film may cling to nose
and mouth and prevent breathing.
10.2.2 The warning should be printed in the language of the country where the
goods are intended to be sold. These translations may be found in the
Gap Glossary on Gap Source Library.

10.2.3 The typefaces used must meet the following requirements:

Clear and legible.
Bright color that is clearly visible against either a light or a dark
Printed by some method other than a rubber stamp, such as by offset or
letterpress, to prevent the ink from smearing and to insure that the printed
matter will be clear and distinct.
Not less than the following size (total combined length and width of bag):

Total Combined Length and Width of Bag Size of Type
Less than 30" (76.2 cm) 10 point
30" or more (76.2 cm), but less than 40" (101.6 cm) 14 point
40" or more (101.6), but less than 60" (152.4 cm) 18 point
60" or more (152.4 cm) 24 point

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10.3 Bag Graphics
10.3.1 Thin, plastic wrappings, regardless of size or thickness, must not display
cartoons, pictures or caricatures that may encourage the use of such
bag or wrapping as a toy by children through the age of 14.

10.4 Heavy Metals on Packaging Materials / (CONEG)
10.4.1 Company will not accept packaging or packaging components (inks,
dyes, pigments, adhesives, stabilizers or additives.) that include lead,
mercury, cadmium or hexavalent chromium that has been intentionally
introduced during manufacturing or distribution. Incidental introductions
of these metals may not exceed 100 parts per million (0.01%), by weight.
10.5 Documentation
10.5.1 Vendor must maintain documentation to be provided upon request to
Company that supports the above claims.
10.6 Packing Materials/Dunnage
10.6.1 No package dunnage should be used for apparel cartons. For fragile
items such as perfumes or delicate home furnishings, environmentally
sound dunnage is acceptable. Company recommends packaging made
from recycled materials that can be easily reused or recycled. Use of
unapproved dunnage/extra materials will result in an expense recovery.
For questions please consult

10.6.2 Carton inserts are not necessary and will result in an expense recovery.
If a product is high value and at possible risk to integrity, please consult for further instruction.
10.7 Inner Cartons within a Master
10.7.1 In select instances it may offer increased protection to pack product in
inner cartons within a master carton for shipping and handling. In such
cases, the SKU sticker should be applied to each inner carton. The
outside shipping carton should be marked Inner cartons labeled.

10.7.2 Inner cartons should only contain a single item (i.e. a bulk unit or pre-
pack unit)

10.7.3 Inner cartons that contain multiple units will result in an expense

10.7.4 For questions, please consult

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11 Carton Marking and Labeling Specifications

11.1 EDI Bar Coded Cartons
11.1.1 Gap uses Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) to support its order
management and supply chain. Gap requires all shipments to be EDI
compliant and use the UCC-128 bar code label. Vendors not complying
with Gaps EDI requirements will be assessed for incremental handling,
labor and administration.
EDI Carton Label Positions - Example:

11.1.2 EDI bar code label requirements

Detailed information on creating a UCC-128 bar code label that meets
Company requirements can be found in Companys Bar Code Label
Certification & Specifications. Companys Electronic Commerce team
distributes this guide during EDI transmission testing. It is also
available upon request. See the Electronic Commerce section of the
Vendor Handbook, Chapter VI, for contact information.
Before Vendor begins using UCC-128 bar code labels for all
shipments, a Company EDI specialist must approve the labels.
Once Vendor has UCC-128 bar code labels approved, Company
requires Vendor to use them on all cartons for all shipments to
11.1.3 EDI bar code label placement should meet the following specifications:

Only one UCC-128 bar code label should be placed on the carton.
The label should be applied in the upright position in the upper left-
hand corner of the smallest side of the carton
The upper bar code of the label should be neatly folded over the top of
the carton.
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The label should be placed on the carton in a manner that avoids
wrinkling of the bar code data.
Taping or other packing operations should not cause damage to the
The use of a bar code label does not replace any of the carton labeling
requirements defined in the Vendor Handbook during a transition
phase toward total EDI-labeling.
See the Appendix at the end of this chapter for examples of UCC-128
bar code labels and their placement on cartons.

11.2 Carton Content Labels
11.2.1 Carton content labels should be produced from automated printers or
typewritten copies. Vendor is required to have only one content label
per carton. The label should be placed on the long/depth side of the
carton as shown in examples included in the Appendix at the end of this

11.2.2 Print characters (fonts) should meet the following specifications:

Sans serif fonts, such as Arial, should be used.
Character spacing should be consistent with approximately 1/8"
between each character.
No character should come in contact with another.
Only upper case/capital letters should be used.
Character height range should be 7/16" to 5/8" (1.11cm to 1.59cm).

11.2.3 Printed labels should have the following characteristics:

Field names should be left aligned and justified.
No punctuation (. ,: , -, etc) should accompany field names or values.
The number symbol (#) should accompany only the field name PO (for
example, PO#).
Distance between field lines should be 1/8" to 3/16" (.32cm to .48cm).
Spacing between field names and field values should be 3/8" to 5/8"
(.96cm to 1.59cm).
No borders should be placed around field names, values or the outer
perimeter of the label.
Field names or values should not be underlined.
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Content label field names are the same for both bulk and prepack
orders. Wording must exactly match the following:
Bulk Content Label - Example

Prepack Content Label - Example

The PO# is obtained from the DPO. (See item PO5 on the DPO
example in the Appendix at the end of this chapter.) It is a required
value for both bulk and prepack orders and should have no hyphens.
SKU/Item: combination of style/item number and size code
Unit/Prepack: total number of exploded units/prepack count (all bulk
shipments should always have a prepack count of zero)
Carton: # of Total used where local requirements mandate this
information, but is optional for all other vendors

11.2.4 If a vendor does not print labels but chooses to stencil. Stenciling should
match the label content.

11.2.5 Content label placement should meet the following guidelines:
Only one printed content label should be placed on the carton.
Carton closure tape should not cover nor come in contact with any
content label information.
Packing or shipping methods that could cause damage to the label
should be avoided.
The distance between the last line of the content label and the bottom
of the carton should not be more than 2" (5.08cm) or less than 1"
(2.54cm). The distance of the label from both the right edge and the
top edge of the carton should not be less than 1".
The dimensions for the carton content label should be 4" (height) x 6"
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Vendor internal bar code information should not be placed on the top
or on the bottom of the shipping carton. In many instances, cartons
are reused for outbound store shipments, and the position of obsolete
bar codes can cause malfunctions in the DC scanning systems.
An internal barcode can be placed on the long side of box. These
barcodes should be disabled through a marking (strike through label)
before shipment.
Vendors are requested to advise Freight Forwarders, Consolidators or
customs groups to not place documentation stickers on cartons in
locations that may interfere with the reading of the carton content
Examples of the label placement on cartons are included in the
Appendix at the end of this chapter.
11.2.6 If a vendor is not able to meet printed requirements, Hand-written carton
content labels are required. The labels should be located on opposite
long/depth sides of the carton in the center.
Hand-written information should be a minimum of " (1.27 cm) in
height and should be in bold, block printing instead of script.
Unreadable hand-written carton content labels will result in an expense
recovery to Vendor for re-labeling at DC.
11.3 Non-EDI Carton Labeling and Marking

11.3.1 If a vendor is not EDI enabled they must apply Ship To and PO
Information labels to the face/Width/short of the carton.
11.3.2 The vendor will also need to apply carton marking/stenciling to the
Length/Long side of the carton as previously documented on section

Non-EDI Carton Label Positions - Example:

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12 Shipping Procedures and Guidelines
12.1 For detailed shipping information, see the Shipping section of the Vendor
Handbook, Chapter XII.

12.2 Cartons have the following weight limitations:

12.2.1 Gross weight limit on all cartons cannot exceed 50 pounds (22.68 kg.).

12.2.2 Failure to abide by weight specifications will result in an expense
recovery to Vendor for repacking at DC.

12.3 Packing lists have the following guidelines:

12.3.1 Packing list requirements for all shipments can be found in the
Documentation section of the Vendor Handbook, Chapter XI.
12.3.2 For rope-hanging goods (GOH/Loose), the packing list should be
attached to the manifest paperwork.
12.3.3 For shipments originating within the continental U.S., one packing list is
One copy should be attached with the Bill of Lading on the first
carton in the upper right hand corner.
13 Carton Closure and Security
13.1 The following guidelines should be followed when closing all cartons:
13.1.1 Tape should be used for closing all slotted cartons.
Security packing tape with a minimum width of 3" (7.62cm) should
be used for the taping operation.
Tape should be applied end-to-end where the flap edges meet with
a minimum of 3" (7.62cm.) excess at each end (i.e. an I pattern).
An example of a taped slotted carton is in Carton Marking and
Labeling Specifications
13.1.2 Straps should not be used for closing slotted cartons. Use of strapping
will result in a cost recovery for reboxing and removing charges.

13.1.3 Metal staples should not be used for closing slotted cartons.

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Vendor Handbook, Gap Inc., January 2013
14 Loading Specifications and Instructions (Trailers and Containers)
14.1 When loading trailers and containers, the following specifications and instructions
should be followed:
14.1.1 Cartons should be floor loaded. They should not be on wooden skids.
14.1.2 Cartons should be loaded by individual DPO and in order of
14.1.3 The use of unit loading devices referred to as slip sheets are strongly
prohibited, due to the possibility of a safety hazard.
14.1.4 At no time should individual cartons of a shipment be taped, strapped or
joined together in any fashion. Each carton must remain as an individual
handling unit throughout the shipping process.
14.1.5 Cartons should be loaded length wise within the container, EDI Bar
Code labels facing a consistent side wall and the carton marking facing
out towards the door. Please see Carton Loading Guidelines in Gap
Source Library/General Information/Packing Guidelines.
14.2 When loading hanging garments (GOH/Loose), the following specifications and
instructions should be followed:
14.2.1 No garments should be touching the floor of the crate.
14.2.2 Garments are to be loaded in style/size order and are to be segregated
by DPO number. This segregation is to be accomplished by hanging a
large, visible cardboard divider between each DPO with the DPO
number and DC name written on the divider.
14.2.3 No obstructions should be fastened to the floor of the crate.
14.2.4 Garments are to have visible price tickets in the approved division
14.2.5 Garments should be individually wrapped in poly-bags.
14.2.6 Each poly-bag should be labeled with DPO#, Style and Size.
14.2.7 Poly-bags are to be sealed at the bottom of the garment to prevent

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15 Expense Recoveries
15.1 Failure to comply with packing specifications will result in a expense recovery
charged against Vendor as a fee for recovery of costs and administrative tasks
involved in excess handling, administration, freight, material and labor costs.
15.1.1 See the Payment section of the Vendor Handbook, Chapter XIII, for a
detailed list of expense recoveries, administration and dispute process.
Applicable expense recoveries are listed below as well.
15.1.2 Note cartons sourced from a certified Carton manufacturer by Paccess
on behalf of Gap will not be subject to carton specification assessments..
15.1.3 Assessments listed below are effective for receipts on or after October 1,

1 Carton Specification $150 + $1/ctn
1a. Non-standard Dimensions or Exception Carton
1b. Non-standard Material (unacceptable corrugate)
1c. Staples, Metal Straps, Bands etc.
1d. Carton Marking Incorrect or Missing
2 Prepack Issues or QA $150+ .50/unit
2a. Configuration Inaccurate (size, color, count)
2b. Poly-bag Issues (seal, no rubber band on shoes, etc.)
3 Ticketing and Labeling $150 + .50/unit
3a. Price Ticket Inaccurate (POS, style#, price, size)
3b. Missing Size or Price Label, Flasher, Hanger Size or Other Ticketing
3c. Prepack Label Incorrect or Missing
4 Carton Content and Quantity $150 + $5/ctn
4a. Item Count Inaccurate (imploded) or Shortage
4b. Packing Configuration Non-compliant
4c.Excess or Unapproved Packing Material
5 EDI $150 + see below
5a. EDI Label Poor Quality (size of font; smudged)
5b. EDI Label Missing or Incorrectly Placed
5c. Invalid EDI Label (barcode, clump code, sku, quantity, style)
5d.Non EDI Vendor
5e. ASN Label Mismatch of Data
5f. No ASN Available
5g. Label Reprint or Damaged
6 Safety $350 + $5/ctn
6a. Weight >50 lbs OSHA Limit
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16 Gap Inc. Direct
Gap Inc. Direct is Companys direct link to the customer through Online and Catalog
Since Gap Inc. Direct (Direct) has Distribution Centers (DCs) that ship product directly
to the end consumer, the requirements for product shipped to Direct DCs are different
than shipments to stores.
Before merchandise can be processed through the system; it must be packaged and
labeled in a very specific manner. The packaging instructions here, along with the
packaging information located in the Trim section of the Vendor Handbook, Chapter VII,
inform Vendors of all details needed to package, pack and ship merchandise to Gap
Inc. Direct.
There is no separate chapter for Gap Inc. Direct orders in the Vendor Handbook. In
addition to this chapter, information is included in the Purchase Order and Trim
sections, Chapters V and VII.
For questions about Gap Inc. Direct orders, contact the division-specific
Production/Merchant representative who manages the program.
16.1 Identifying Direct Orders
16.1.1 Direct orders can be identified on all three levels of the Purchase Order
by their different Corporation Codes. The Direct Corporation Codes are: Gap Online Corporation Code (includes Gap Online (GOL) US,
GOL UK, GOL Canada) : 61 Banana Republic Online and Catalog Corporation Code (includes
BROL US, BROL Canada): 60 Old Navy Online Corporation Code (includes ONOL US, ONOL
Canada): 63 The Corporation Code is shown as item PO10 on the DPO
example in the Appendix at the end of this chapter. If this were an
On-Line order, the Corporation Code would be 61, 60 or 63,
depending on the division. Piperlime Corporation Code 64 Athleta Corporation Code 65

16.1.2 Direct orders can also be identified by the Distribution Center Gap Inc. Direct DCs both receive merchandise from Vendors and
distribute merchandise directly to consumers. Their names are slightly different than the other DC. The following
are Companys Direct DC names and the corresponding code that
appears on the PO:

Packing Table of Contents 22
Vendor Handbook, Gap Inc., January 2013
Ohio Call Center = OCC-0012
o Located in Grove City, Ohio
Ohio Fulfillment Center = OFC-0010
o Located in Groveport, Ohio
England Fulfillment Center = EFC-0036
o Located in Rugby, England
Canada Fulfillment Center = CFC-0002
o Located in Brampton, Ontario Canada
Western Fulfillment Center = WFC-0013
o Located in Phoenix, Arizona

16.1.3 Direct orders also have a unique market indicator code number.
As the merchandise style number changes from six digits to 13 digits, it reflects
more information. In addition to color and size, a one-digit market indicator code
number is added. For merchandise sold through the Direct channel, the market
indicator is as follows below:
2 Indicates US product
3 Indicates Canada product
7Indicates UK product
This number will be communicated to Vendor on the check digits needed to
make the SKU Poly-bag Sticker.
See the Trim section of the Vendor Handbook, Chapter VII, for details.

16.2 Direct Packaging Requirements
16.2.1 Although products are the same for Gap Inc. Direct and the various
Company distribution channels, Gap Inc. Direct merchandise has special
packaging requirements.
16.2.2 Since individual items are shipped directly from the DC to the customer,
merchandise must be individually packaged.
16.2.3 The following requirements must be followed for all Gap Inc. Direct
(Online and Catalog) Purchase Orders shipping to the OCC, OFC, EFC,
CFC or WFC: Package Consistency
Consistent packaging is critical, as each item is weighed along with its
packaging material at the point of first receipt. This weight is programmed
into the system and is used to calculate postage for future customer
Packing Table of Contents 23
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orders placed for that item. To avoid costly extra handling, it is essential
that all subsequent shipments of an item be packed consistently with the
first shipment. Individual Poly-bags and SKU Stickers
All merchandise must be individually poly-bagged unless stated
If the poly-bag supplier does not have the needed size in stock, there
is a three to four week lead-time required for ordering. Therefore, it is
important for Vendor to order the poly-bags with enough lead-time to
avoid shipping the order late.
Each poly-bag must have an individual SKU Sticker on the back lower
right corner.
Most merchandise for all divisions except Division 5 (DC 36)also
requires a sku only merchandise ticket. Price information should not
be included on the GID merchandise ticket per approved artwork.
Poly-bag and SKU Sticker requirements are included in the Trim
section of the Vendor Handbook, Chapter VII. Folded Apparel (if specified)
All Gap Inc. Direct merchandise must be folded for shipment, as
detailed on the garment specification sheet (GSS).
No pins or staples of any kind are to be affixed to the garment. If it is
necessary to fasten the garment to a stiffener, non-metal clips are to
be used with tissue paper.
Stiffeners must be used if the garment falls to one corner when held up
in the poly-bag by another corner. If the merchandise sags within the
bag by more than one inch when using this test, use a pressboard
stiffener to support the garment. The stiffener should not be visible in
any way.
The folded merchandise must be placed in the recommended poly-
bags with the top of the merchandise (waistband, collar, etc.) at the
open end of the bag. The front of the merchandise must face the front
of the bag (containing the specific division logo). The back of the bag
must contain the SKU sticker (placed in the frame) and the printed
warning along with the folded part of the poly-bag.
In general, when the garment is placed in the poly-bag the brand logo
should be in the center of the item. There should be a 1" clearance at
the top after the bag is folded and 1/8" space on both sides of the
Packing Table of Contents 24
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An illustration of the poly-bag is located in the Trim section of the
Vendor Handbook, Chapter VII. Hanging Apparel (if specified)
Hanging merchandise must only be sent to Direct Distribution Centers
with prior approval from the Production/Merchant representative.
Detailed hanger information can be found in the Trim section of the
Vendor Handbook, Chapter VII.
As with the poly-bags, there is a lead-time needed for ordering
hangers. Vendor needs to order hangers with adequate lead-time.
When specified, hanging merchandise must be packed according to
the following specifications:
o All garments are to be hung in wardrobe-style cardboard boxes.
It is acceptable to pack multiple items of a SKU into a box.
Hangers must remain firmly attached to the hanging bar inside
the box during transit.
o Garments are to be individually poly-bagged. Poly-bags are to
be sealed at the bottom with at least two pieces of tape to
prevent soiling of the garment. The poly-bag should extend
beyond the bottom of hanging at a maximum of 6".
o Garments are to have visible Individual Poly-bag SKU Stickers
as described in the Trim section of the Vendor Handbook,
Chapter VII. SKU stickers are to be placed in the upper right
corner of the poly-bag surrounding the garment.
o Garments are to be on black plastic hangers with swivel tops.
Hanger should be of sufficient strength to ensure that it will not
break during handling. Hanger information can be found in the
Trim section of the Vendor Handbook, Chapter VII.
o Some leather items may be required to use brown kraft bags in
place of poly-bags.
o Hanger and garment bag details and style numbers will be
noted on the GSS or provided by the Production/Merchant
representative. Home Furnishings
Home furnishing items should be individually packaged (except
approved Prepacks, see DPO) to facilitate catalog shipping. Fragile
and/or breakable items should be self-contained in appropriate
packaging so they may be stored, moved and shipped as is.
A division-specific Production/Merchant representative must approve
all packaging prior to shipment.
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Vendor Handbook, Gap Inc., January 2013
Individually packaged items should have individual SKU labels (as
specified above) affixed to the outside of the package. Master packs
may be inserted into standard Direct shipping cartons for transport to
Gap Inc. Direct Distribution Centers.
In the event that the packaged item is larger than the Gap Inc. Direct
#1 standard-size box, a SKU may be shipped in its own container or
alternative container provided it is suitable for protecting the item from
damage during transit. Shoes
Shoes must be shipped in division-specific, standard shoeboxes closed with
two rubber bands in a cross fashion and placed into a #1 Direct standard
shipping carton.
Item labels must be placed on the front end of the shoebox in the lower right
corner. Accessories
Accessory product categories require packaging appropriate to each
A division-specific Production/Merchant representative must approve all
packaging prior to shipment.
16.3 Direct Carton Packing Requirements
16.3.1 All merchandise shipped to Gap Inc. Direct Distribution Centers must be
packed in Direct standard cartons. Gap Inc. Direct will only receive
shipments in one of the four following standard carton sizes: Number 1 Exterior Carton dimensions:
Length: 22"
Width: 16"
Height: 12"
50 lbs. Number 2 Exterior Carton dimensions:
Length: 16"
Width: 16"
Height: 12"
30 lbs.
Packing Table of Contents 26
Vendor Handbook, Gap Inc., January 2013 Number 3 Exterior Carton dimensions:
Length: 16"
Width: 16"
Height: 5 "
25 lbs. Number 4 Exterior Carton dimensions:
Length: 22"
Width: 16"
Height: 5 "
25 lbs.
Examples of the preceding cartons and their dimensions are in the
Appendix at the end of this chapter.
16.3.2 The following are carton material and construction requirements for all
sizes: Cartons must have a perforated punch-out only on one end as
shown in the punch-out dimensions example in the Appendix at
the end of this chapter. Punch-out should allow user to gain easy access to inside of
carton by removing the one piece of cardboard within the punch-
out. No handle is needed on the punch-out. The carton should be a Regular Slotted Carton (RSC), one-piece
flap construction, C flute for Gap, Old Navy and Banana Republic
shipments. Maximum allowable deviation from the stated carton measurement
is +/- 1/16 in length, width, and height of the assembled carton. 200 pounds per square inch bursting strength, 32 E.C.T. Rice
paper cartons that do not meet the minimum bursting strength
requirements are not allowed. Cartons should be sealed with 3" (7.62 cm) security cellophane
tape, sealing the three seams, top and bottom to prevent pilferage.
The tape should not be placed in a manner that covers the
required punch-out. Example in the Appendix at the end of this
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chapter. Do not use staples, straps, bands or wires to seal a
Examples of the punch-outs on Direct standard cartons are included in the
Appendix at the end of this chapter. Cartons can be sourced through local suppliers as long as quality,
dimensions and perforation are identical to the above
16.3.3 All cartons shipped to Gap Inc. Direct Distribution Centers must contain
only one SKU (Style/Color/Size) per box. The procedure for filling cartons is as follows:
Determine the number of a specific SKU that will fill a Number 1
Separate the Purchase Order quantity into carton quantity lots.
Place the carton quantity lots into Number 1 Cartons.
Place remaining items into a Number 2, 3 or 4 carton to complete
the DPO.
Place an individual SKU label on the perforated end of the box (The
same label used on the poly-bag) next to the carton content
o Shipment of not approved mixed cartons (multiple SKUs per
carton), or incorrect packing of approved mixed cartons will
result in an expense recovery to Vendor for repacking at DC.
16.3.4 Inner Cartons/Shipping Cartons In some instances, individual cartons are small enough that it is
more economical to pack the cartons in a master carton for
shipping and handling. In such cases, the SKU stickers should be
applied to the inner cartons. The outside shipping carton should
be marked Inner cartons labeled.
16.3.5 Packing Materials/Dunnage No package dunnage should be used for apparel cartons. For
fragile items such as perfumes or delicate home furnishings,
environmentally sound dunnage is acceptable. Company
recommends packaging made from recycled materials that can be
easily reused or recycled. Packing peanuts are acceptable for
fragile items that are individually packed in a re-shipper or a box.
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16.4 Direct Carton Labeling and Markings
16.4.1 One Individual SKU sticker (the same label used on the individual poly-
bags inside) should be placed on the outside of the carton in the upper
right corner of the perforated side of the box. This SKU sticker should always be on the outside of the carton,
whether the rest of the information is stated in a UCC-128 bar
code label or is stenciled on. A description of this SKU sticker (GPS-1, ONS-1, BRC-1) is in the
Trim section of the Vendor Handbook, Chapter VII.
16.4.2 Side markings (one side only) are required for all shipments to GID
facilities. The side marking for GID should be placed on the Length/Long
side of the carton The side markings must include the following:

Sample of Carton Marking for GID Style in the carton Marking should be the 9-digit number from the
Style/Clr field on the Purchase Order See PO6 in Destination
Purchase Order Example shown in the appendix of this chapter
16.4.3 If Vendor is EDI-compliant, the guidelines below should be followed: One UCC-128 bar code label should be applied in the same
manner as other cartons shipping to the retail store Distribution
Centers (folding over onto the top of the carton).
See Section 11.0 in this chapter for details. It is acceptable for the UCC-128 label to cover up a portion of the
Examples of EDI-labels on Direct cartons are included in the Appendix
at the end of this chapter. Although using the UCC-128 bar code label, Vendor must still
apply the SKU Sticker in the upper right corner of the perforated
side of the box and include the side markings. When using an UCC-128 bar code label, multiple cartons must still
be numbered in relationship to the total quantity of cartons in the
The outside of the perforated side of the carton should be
marked as: 1 of 5, 2 of 5, 3 of 5 and so on.
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16.4.4 If a UCC-128 bar code label is not used, the following complete carton
content information needs to be stenciled or labeled on both the
perforated side in the upper center in bold letters that are.5 inch
(1.72cm) high, and the length/long side of the carton. The carton
markings must be easily read in English. Please see the sample of in
section 16.4.2

16.4.5 If an EDI label is not used; one address label should be affixed to the
side of each shipping carton so it is visible upon receipt in the DC. The
ship-to address should read exactly as indicated on the DPO. Company
or Divisional brand names should not be used in the ship-to address. The Gap Inc. Direct addresses are:
OCC 0012
5900 North Meadows Drive
Grove City, Ohio 43123
OFC 0010
6001 Green Pointe South
Groveport, Ohio 43125
EFC 00

Rugby, England 43123
CFC 00

Toronto, Ontario 43125
WFC 0013
2225 S. 75th Avenue
Phoenix, AZ 85043

Packing Table of Contents 30
Vendor Handbook, Gap Inc., January 2013

Sample of Label Placement for GID

PO Carton Marking
EDI Label
SKU Sticker
EDI Label Placement

PO Carton Marking
Carton of


Style# Clr Sz


Made In (Country of Origin)
Color Name (Optional)

Gross Weight

New Weight

Carton Dimensions

To: OFC 0010
6001 Green PointeSouth
Groveport, Ohio 43125
Ship to Label
or EDI Label
SKU Sticker
Non -EDI Label Placement

16.4.6 An example of label positioning for Direct cartons is included in the
Appendix at the end of this chapter.

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Vendor Handbook, Gap Inc., January 2013
16.4.7 Shipments containing fragile and perishable items must be clearly

16.5 Direct Documentation Requirements
16.5.1 All shipments must contain a packing list according to the requirements
detailed in the Documentation section of the Vendor Handbook, Chapter
XI. In addition to the requirements stated, Gap Inc. Direct requests the
following information be included on the packing list: Each DPO must have a separate packing list. Orders may be
shipped together, but different DPOs should not be combined on
one packing list. The following information should be included on the packing list:
DPO number
Date Shipped
12-digit style number (Style/Color/Size)
Quantity of units ordered
Quantity of units shipped
Quantity of units back-ordered
Number of cartons for each item
Carton (box) numbers for each item
Total number of cartons in shipment per DPO For example:
PO# AB001-2A Date Shipped: 1/2/00
Style/Color/Size Description Ordered Shipped b/od boxes Box #s
030725/67/0001 Basic Tee
Red S
300 250 50 10 1-10
030725/67/0002 Basic Tee
Red M
500 475 25 19 11-29
030725/67/0003 Basic Tee
Red L
400 400 0 16 30-45
Total cartons
shipped: 45

16.5.2 Any Gap Inc. Direct shipment that contains hazardous material must
have a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) accompany the product.

16.6 Direct Shipping and Routing Requirements
16.6.1 See the Shipping section of the Vendor Handbook, Chapter XII, for
procedures for shipments originating in all non-U.S. or continental U.S.
16.6.2 Gap Inc. Direct will not pay freight on unauthorized partial shipments. If
back-ordered product is shipped to Gap Inc. Direct via freight collect
without prior approval of the Production/Merchant representative, an
Packing Table of Contents 32
Vendor Handbook, Gap Inc., January 2013
expense recovery will be assessed to include the freight charges. On
UPS shipments, expense recoveries for freight will be estimated.

16.6.3 If there are any questions about the shipment of Online or Catalog
merchandise to the Direct Distribution Centers, contact the receiving
department at the appropriate DC:
OCC receiving department
Tel: 614-564-2166
OFC receiving department
Tel: 614-564-2201 (temporary)
GFC receiving department
Tel: 614-409-7085
16.7 Direct Vendor Compliance and Expense Recoveries
16.7.1 Failure to comply with packing specifications will result in a Gap Inc.
Direct expense recovery against Vendor for recovery of excess handling
costs, packing material costs and labor costs.
16.7.2 See the Payment section of the Vendor Handbook, Chapter XIII, for a
detailed list of expense recoveries.
16.8 Checklist for Shipping Product to Gap Inc. Direct
Merchandise is individually poly-bagged and packed in one of the four
standard sizes of the perforated cartons.
Bar code label for individual SKU attached to each poly-bag and one
attached to the outside of the carton on the perforated side of the box.
Cartons do not exceed maximum size of 22" x 16" x 12" (l x w x h) and
weight of 50 pounds.
Single SKU per carton. Mixing is not allowed for Gap Inc. Direct
Case lot quantities in a multiple carton shipment are consistent.
Hanging garments are not flat packed.
Cartons are marked (carton content information) correctly.
Cartons are individually numbered on multiple carton shipments.
Side Markings are stated on shipments
Freight terms and ship-to address are identical to what is noted on the DPO.
Packing list has been included in the shipment (attached to carton # 1 on
multiple carton shipments).
Packing list notes the correct Gap Inc. Direct DPO number.
Packing list notes style/color/size, description, quantity ordered, quantity
shipped, quantity back-ordered, number of cartons per style #, carton #s per
style, and total number of cartons contained in the shipment.

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Vendor Handbook, Gap Inc., January 2013
17 Packing for GPS Strategic Alliances LLC and Gap International Sales, Inc.
GapFranchise/Wholesale orders are identified through the Corporation (Corp) Code of 81
17.1 Gap Franchise/Wholesale Carton Markings All carton markings should meet
Gap Inc. requirements as listed in section 11.0, except:
17.1.1 Franchise Specific EDI Bar Code Label All EDI enabled vendors will be
required to print the Franchise specific EDI Bar Code Label for Gap
Franchise/Wholesale Orders. The detailed specifications can be found in
Companys Bar Code Label Certification & Specifications in the Vendor
E-Business Documents section of Gap Source Library.

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17.1.2 The Franchise Specific EDI Bar Code Label should NOT fold over the
top of the box. It should be placed completely on the shortest side of the
carton and may be placed horizontally if the box height does not
accommodate the full length of the label.

17.1.3 All shipments should be pre-printed or stamped in permanent ink with
the Country of Origin or Made in XXXX on cartons. Any sticker,
handwritten, or stencil marking should NOT be allowed to ship.
17.1.4 Saudi Customs requires all the import cartons to have the Country of
Origin/Made in XXXX (e.g. Made in Cambodia) marking permanently
marked on cartons visible enough to see.
The Saudi Customs has implemented a fine of 5,000 SAR if any Saudi
Arabia destination shipments (i.e. Gaps Dubai Franchise shipments) arrive
woithout Country of Origin/Made in XXXX. In case of non-compliance,
cargo will have to be re-exported to its origin and any cost will be attributed
to the consignee.

Important Note:
For Franchise Only, the
PO# A1234A3

STYLE 371209001

SIZE 0002

QTY 24


label should NOT fold
ov er the top of the box.

Label of carton contents and all
other carton markings are still
required as defined in the
Vendor Handbook.
Care must be taken
not to wrinkle the
label during
application to the
Ship to ADC - 0004


Trimble Road

Edgewood, MD 21040


EDI and Ship To
label must be on
the same surface
(Short/Depth) Side
Packing Table of Contents 35
Vendor Handbook, Gap Inc., January 2013
17.2 All Gap Franchise/Wholesale garments are to be:
17.2.1 Completed in accordance with the packing instructions on the DPO and
all other company guidelines.
17.2.2 Individually poly-bagged (each unit) unless otherwise stated.
17.2.3 Combined with other sizes/colors (same style only) where possible to
maximize carton utilization; multiple DPOs should not be mixed within
the same carton.
17.3 Gap Franchise/Wholesale orders cannot be under shipped or over shipped. All
required documents must accompany shipments and document unit count must
match actual shipped units. In case of over shipped, under shipped or late
shipment, Vendor must obtain approval prior to shipping from the Gap
Franchise/Wholesale Sales Administration team or through GIS Merchant.
17.4 Gap Franchise/Wholesale orders are not required to ship in Company defined
standard cartons when it does not make sense to do so. Cartons should be
selected based on the best fit of the units for each style.
17.4.1 A best-fit carton is defined as a shipping carton constructed of
corrugated material that is capable of withstanding transit from Vendor to
consolidation point and on to the franchise or wholesale customer.
17.4.2 The units/pack should adequately utilize the space within the carton, not
allowing the product to excessively move around or exert excessive
stress as a result of under or over filling the capacity. Cartons should
have as minimal air space as possible.
NOTE: In the event Vendor fails to utilize best-fit carton size for Gap
Wholesale shipments, which results in a higher freight charge to Gap Inc.
due to unutilized space in a carton, Vendor will receive an expense
17.4.3 Selected carton sizes must still not deviate outside Company
minimum/maximum carton specifications previously outlined in this
17.4.4 Multiple sizes and multiple colors of the same style can be shipped in the
same box in order to fill the cartons. However, do not mix various DPOs
in the same box.
17.4.5 Questions regarding Gap Franchise orders should be directed to the
appropriate Sales Administration representative (OMS Order
Management Specialist) located in Albuquerque, New Mexico. See the
Contacts section of the Vendor Handbook, Chapter XIV, for a list of
Sales Administration representatives.
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Vendor Handbook, Gap Inc., January 2013
18 Packing for China or Hong Kong
18.1 Vendors should pack 100% bulk. Prepacks are not supported for China or Hong
18.2 Vendors are to follow the same carton size and pack guidelines as required for
other Gap Inc. Retail Distribution Centers buy utilizing the full carton suite to
create pure SKU carton and to avoid mixing whenever possible
18.3 If after utilizing the full carton suite and creating as many pure SKU cartons as
possible, if the vendor still finds the need to mix cartons, then the must follow the
Mix Request process that is outlined in the appendix.

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Vendor Handbook, Gap Inc., January 2013
Packing: Appendix

Packing, Labeling, and Poly-bag Guidance

For a Summary Sheet of Packing, Labeling, and Poly-bag Requirements per Market, please refer to the
Trim & Packaging section on Gap Source Library.

Gap Standard Carton Set (excluding Franchise and Online):

GID Carton Specifics (Marking, Taping, Loading, Design Specification

Full Carton Prepack Flag Updates

Requesting Mix Cartons
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Destination Purchase Order (DPO) Example

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Destination Purchase Order (DPO) Example, Contd
PO 9
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Gap Standard Carton Set (excluding Franchise and Online):

Carton label and stencil positions:

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Example of EDI Label Positioning for Direct Cartons

Sample of Carton Marking for GID

Perforation on
bottom of Carton
SKU Label of
top of Carton
On Box Type
#3 & #4,
Label will

Carton Marking/Stenciling
moves to side of carton for all
sizes to align with retail
Packing Table of Contents 42
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EDI Label Placement for GID
PO Carton Marking
EDI Label
SKU Sticker
EDI Label Placement

PO Carton Marking
Carton of


Style# Clr Sz


Made In (Country of Origin)
Color Name (Optional)

Gross Weight

New Weight

Carton Dimensions

To: OFC 0010
6001 Green PointeSouth
Groveport, Ohio 43125
Ship to Label
or EDI Label
SKU Sticker
Non -EDI Label Placement

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Taping of GID Cartons


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Dimensions for Gap Inc Direct Carton #1

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Dimensions for Gap Inc Direct Carton #2

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Dimensions for Gap Inc Direct Carton #3

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Dimensions for Gap Inc Direct Carton #4

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Full Carton Prepacks-Service Level Agreement

Full Carton Prepacks are allowed to ship in Best Fit cartons provided the dimensions fall between the
minimum and maximum listed in section of the Vendor Handbook.
If a change is going to be requested, below is the process to be followed.
Requests should be submitted to
Changes must be submitted at least 2 weeks before the Do Not Ship Before date.
The following should be included in the request.
o What size carton would be used if the change was not made
o How many units fit in a standard G8 carton
o A picture is always helpful but not mandatory.

Requesting a change to the components of a prepack requires the purchase order to be repacked by the
brand and will automatically change the prepack numbers.
Changing the component(s) of a Prepack is when the Styles and/or Quantities are altered from when the
PO/DPO is provided to the vendor. (Example: Prepack originally is for 7 units and is update to have 10
These requests should be submitted before the vendor packs the purchase order to allow for the
The Brand has enough time to repack the purchase order
The vendor applies the correct/new prepack label to the unit Incorrect prepack stickers could
result in an expense recovery
The vendor applies correct carton marking and EDI labels Incorrect carton/label information
could result in an expense recovery
Request to change the components of a prepack should be submitted to the brand, but should be copied on the request

Please note not all requests will be approved and the vendor should wait until receiving
confirmation before they pack the purchase order to avoid confusion and errors
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Requesting Full Carton Indicator Flips

Does the
PO state
Multi Y?
Is Best Fit
carton smaller
than 11.5 x
15.25 x 6?
Request Multi Y to
Multi N from;
Include correct PF in
a G8 Ctn, and
measurements of
the Best fit carton if
kept multi Y
Pack in the best
fit carton and
carton Approval
Can only 1
Prepack fit in
a G8 or G8S
Request Multi N to
Multi Y from;
Include correct PF in a
G8 Ctn, measurements
of the Best fit carton
and Pictures of
Product in carton
Pack in a Standard
G8 Suite Carton
Is Best Fit
carton larger
than 25 x
25 x 12?
Determine the best
fit carton; send the
dimensions and
pictures of the
product packed to
for further review
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Mixed Cartons - Retail

How to utilize our Standard Carton Suite

= %
Order Quantity: 300 Order Quantity: 130 Order Quantity: 10
G8 Pack Factor: 80 G8 Pack Factor: 50 G8 Pack Factor: 20
Carton Ratio: 375% Carton Ratio: 260% Carton Ratio: 50%
Use three G8, one G8S and mix Use two G8, two G8M and Mix Use two G8M

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It is Gap Inc policy to avoid mixed cartons. This means Product/SKUs should not be mixed
unless all options have been taking to avoid creating mixed cartons.
Outlined below are the steps we to be taken prior to selecting to create a mixed carton:

Can a G8 be
packed to
Pack until
Can another
G8 be used?
Can a G8S
be packed
to capacity?
Pack until
Can a G8M
be packed
to capacity?
Pack until
Can another
G8S be
Request a
Can another
G8M be
Follow instructions
outlined in the
vendor handbook to

Franchise shipments are expected to be mixed within a purchase order to reduce carton volume
to absolute minimum. No confirmation is required from Gap.
If the product cannot be completely packed following the above steps, confirmation/approval
must be obtained from .
When requesting to create mixed cartons please provide the following in email to :
1. Subject of email is (DPO number) Mix Request such as EA4HGPA Mix Request
2. Confirmation of the steps already taken to avoid mixing cartons
3. Description of the product.
4. Confirmation of how much product fits each size of standard carton.
5. Copy of the packing list proposing to be used, with each carton size identified and the mixed
product clearly highlighted with the amount of product proposed for each carton. A sample
of a Packing List in on the following page.
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Vendor Handbook, Gap Inc., January 2013
Mixed Cartons Sample Packing List
Multy 10 pcs / Blister bag, Single 2pcs/boly bag, Bulk n pcs/blister bag SHIP TO:
GUK -0009
1 - 5 5 1 2 4 2 1 10 10 6 300 11 11/16"
6 - 6 1 1 2 4 2 1 10 10 5 50 8 3/4"
6 TTL 35 70 140 70 35 0 350 350 350
7 - 11 5 1 2 4 2 1 10 10 6 300 11 11/16"
12 - 12 1 1 2 4 2 1 10 10 5 50 8 3/4"
6 TTL 35 70 140 70 35 0 350 350 350
13 - 17 5 1 2 4 2 1 10 10 6 300 11 11/16"
18 - 18 1 1 2 4 2 1 10 10 5 50 8 3/4"
6 TTL 35 70 140 70 35 0 350 350
19 - 23 5 1 2 4 2 1 10 10 6 300 11 11/16"
24 - 24 1 1 2 4 2 1 10 10 5 50 8 3/4"
6 TTL 35 70 140 70 35 0 350 350
24 SUB. TTL 140 280 560 280 140 0 1,400 1,400
25 25 1 8182048 22 2 11 22
26 26 1 8182049 20 2 10 20
27 27 1 8182050 14 2 7 14
3 0 22 20 14 56 56
28 28 1 8182051 22 2 11 22
29 29 1 8182052 18 2 9 18
30 30 1 8182053 14 2 7 14
3 0 22 18 14 54 54
31 31 1 8182054 22 2 11 22
32 32 1 8182055 20 2 10 20
33 33 1 8182056 14 2 7 14
3 0 22 20 14 0 56 56
34 34 1 8182057 20 2 10 20
35 35 1 8182058 18 2 9 18
36 36 1 8182059 14 2 7 14
3 0 20 18 14 52 52
101330-05-5 TRUEBLACK V2 10 2 5 10
101330-00-5 NAVYUNIFORM 10 2 5 10
101330-04-5 GREEN STRIPE 10 2 5 10
101330-02-5 WATERMELON 10 2 5 10
1 0 40 0 0 0 40
13 SUB. TTL 0 86 76 56 0 0 218 218
101330-00-5 NAVYUNIFORM 1 6 6 6 15 34 1 34
101330-04-5 GREEN STRIPE 1 6 4 6 15 32 1 32
101330-02-5 WATERMELON 1 8 6 6 15 36 1 36
101330-05-5 TRUEBLACK V2 1 6 4 6 15 32 1 32
2 4 26 20 24 60 134 134
2 4 26 20 24 60 134 134
39 G.TTL 144 392 656 360 200 0 1,752 1,752
39 C/T
MULTY "N" 22 15/16 X 15 1/4 X 11 11/16''
15 1/4 X 11 1/2 X 6"
BULK 22 15/16 X 15 1/4 X 11 11/16''
22 15/16 X 15 1/4 X 8 3/4''
15 1/4 X 11 1/2 X 6"
PACKING METHOD: 1/2/4/2/1 = 10 pcs
22 15/16 X 15 1/4 X 8 3/4''
15 1/4 X 11 1/2 X 6"
SINGLE "N" 22 15/16 X 15 1/4 X 11 11/16''
22 15/16 X 15 1/4 X 8 3/4''
101330-05-5 TRUEBLACK V2 8182044
101330-00-5 NAVYUNIFORM 8182045
101330-04-5 GREEN STRIPE 8182046
101330-02-5 WATERMELON 8182047
101330-02-5 WATERMELON 6"
101330-05-5 TRUEBLACK V2 6"
101330-00-5 NAVYUNIFORM 6"
37 37 1 MIXED 8182050/53/56/59
101330-04-5 GREEN STRIPE
8 3/4"
39 39 1 MIXED 11 11/16"
38 38 1 MIXED 11 11/16"

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Vendor Handbook, Gap Inc., January 2013
Mixed Carton - GID
How to utilize our Standard Carton Suite:
GID Orders

= %
Order Quantity: 375 Order Quantity: 120 Order Quantity: 130
G8 Pack Factor: 100 G8 Pack Factor: 70 G8 Pack Factor: 50
Carton Ratio: 375% Carton Ratio: 170% Carton Ratio: 260%
Use 3 GID 1, 1 GID 4 and 1 GID 3 Use 1 GID 1, and 1 GID 2 Use 2 GID 1, 1 GID4 and Mix

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Vendor Handbook, Gap Inc., January 2013
Mixed Carton - GID

Can a GID 1
be packed
to capacity?
Pack until
Can another
GID 1 be
Can a GID 2
be packed
to capacity?
Pack until
Can a GID 4
be packed
to capacity?
Pack until
Can another
GID 2 be
Request a
Can another
GID 4 be
Follow instructions
outlined in the
vendor handbook to
Can a GID 3
be packed
to capacity?
Pack until
Can another
GID 3 be
Can a G8M
be packed
to capacity?
Pack until
Can another
G8M be

Follow the same process for requesting mixed cartons for GID that are defined for Retail in the
previous section

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Vendor Handbook, Gap Inc., January 2013

Requesting Non-Standard Cartons.
Gap Inc requires the use of Cartons Sizes that are outlined in Approved Gap Inc Carton Suite; however
there are a few instances when Non-Standard cartons might be used.
Carton Size and pack factor should be determined and requested when the POs is being written and
systems must be updated to reflect the correct information.

When to ask for Nonstandard Carton Approval

Ctn field
state Y?
Find a carton to
best fit the product
Is Length in
11.5 and
Request approval
by sending Carton
pictures, PO
numbers and the
Brand Approval
Is Width in
15.25 and
Is Height in
between 6
and 12?
No approval is
Does carton
for product
Use the best
fit carton
Take pictures of the
product outside and
in the Carton
Determine best fit
carton for the
Is Request

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Information needed to request Non-Standard Carton Approval.
When requesting approval the following information is required
Purchase Order and Style #
Carton Size
Number of Units that fit in the Carton
Pack Type
Full Carton Y or N
Why the unit cannot be packed in a standard carton.
A picture showing the carton and fold of the unit within the carton is preferred.
Use of Non-Standard Carton without approval or if a request was denied from will be subject to Expense Recoveries.

Example of Request for Non-Standard Carton
No Pack Type
Qty pcs/
Qty Blister /
Carton dimention (L x W x
1 Multy Y ( Full) 5 1 27" x 22" x 8 3/4"
Single, Bulk
10 1 27" x 22" x 12"
4 Bulk (Mix) 6 1 27" x 22" x 6"
out of

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Ballet Flat Shoe Packing
Below is a packing process to be used for Old Navy Womens Ballet Flat Shoe packing that utilizes the Standard
G8 carton, while still allowing for product integrity. At minimum the box can hold 16 pairs of shoes, but depending
on the nesting, could hold up to 32 pairs.

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