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3001: The Final Odyssey -- Arthur C.

(Version 2003.05.26 -- one!
The First(orn
Call the) the First(orn. Thou*h they +ere not re)otely hu)an, they
+ere -lesh and (lood, and +hen they looked out a.ross the dee/s o-
s/a.e, they -elt a+e, and +onder -- and loneliness. As soon as they
/ossessed the /o+er, they (e*an to seek -or -ello+shi/ a)on* the stars.
0n their e1/lorations, they en.ountered li-e in )any -or)s, and
+at.hed the +orkin*s o- e2olution on a thousand +orlds. They sa+ ho+
o-ten the -irst -aint s/arks o- intelli*en.e -li.kered and died in the
.os)i. ni*ht.
And (e.ause, in all the %ala1y, they had -ound nothin* )ore
/re.ious than 3ind, they en.oura*ed its da+nin* e2ery+here. They (e.a)e
-ar)ers in the -ields o- stars4 they so+ed, and so)eti)es they rea/ed.
And so)eti)es, dis/assionately, they had to +eed.
The *reat dinosaurs had lon* sin.e /assed a+ay, their )ornin*
/ro)ise annihilated (y a rando) ha))er(lo+ -ro) s/a.e, +hen the sur2ey
shi/ entered the 5olar 5yste) a-ter a 2oya*e that had already lasted a
thousand years. 0t s+e/t /ast the -ro6en outer /lanets, /aused (rie-ly
a(o2e the deserts o- dyin* 3ars, and /resently looked do+n on 'arth.
5/read out (eneath the), the e1/lorers sa+ a +orld s+ar)in* +ith
li-e. For years they studied, .olle.ted, .atalo*ued. 7hen they had
learned all that they .ould, they (e*an to )odi-y. They tinkered +ith
the destiny o- )any s/e.ies, on land and in the seas. 8ut +hi.h o- their
e1/eri)ents +ould (ear -ruit, they .ould not kno+ -or at least a )illion
They +ere /atient, (ut they +ere not yet i))ortal. There +as so
)u.h to do in this uni2erse o- a hundred (illion suns, and other +orlds
+ere .allin*. 5o they set out on.e )ore into the a(yss, kno+in* that
they +ould ne2er .o)e this +ay a*ain. 9or +as there any need: the
ser2ants they had le-t (ehind +ould do the rest.
On 'arth, the *la.iers .a)e and +ent, +hile a(o2e the) the
.han*eless 3oon still .arried its se.ret -ro) the stars. 7ith a yet
slo+er rhyth) than the /olar i.e, the tides o- .i2ili6ation e((ed and
-lo+ed a.ross the %ala1y. 5tran*e and (eauti-ul and terri(le e)/ires
rose and -ell, and /assed on their kno+led*e to their su..essors.
And no+, out a)on* the stars, e2olution +as dri2in* to+ards ne+
*oals. The -irst e1/lorers o- 'arth had lon* sin.e .o)e to the li)its o-
-lesh and (lood4 as soon as their )a.hines +ere (etter than their
(odies, it +as ti)e to )o2e. First their (rains, and then their thou*hts
alone, they trans-erred into shinin* ne+ ho)es o- )etal and *e)stone. 0n
these, they roa)ed the %ala1y. They no lon*er (uilt s/a.eshi/s. They
+ere s/a.eshi/s.
8ut the a*e o- the 3a.hine-entities s+i-tly /assed. 0n their
.easeless e1/eri)entin*, they had learned to store kno+led*e in the
stru.ture o- s/a.e itsel-, and to /reser2e their thou*hts -or eternity
in -ro6en o- li*ht.
0nto /ure ener*y, there-ore, they /resently trans-or)ed
the)sel2es4 and on a thousand +orlds, the e)/ty shells they had
dis.arded t+it.hed -or a +hile in a )indless dan.e o- death, then
.ru)(led into dust.
9o+ they +ere $ords o- the %ala1y, and .ould ro2e at +ill a)on*
the stars, or sink like a su(tle )ist throu*h the 2ery o-
s/a.e. Thou*h they +ere -reed at last -ro) the tyranny o- )atter, they
had not +holly -or*otten their ori*in, in the +ar) sli)e o- a 2anished
sea. And their )ar2elous instru)ents still .ontinued to -un.tion,
+at.hin* o2er the e1/eri)ents started so )any a*es a*o.
8ut no lon*er +ere they al+ays o(edient to the )andates o- their
.reators4 like all )aterial thin*s, they +ere not i))une to the
.orru/tion o- Ti)e and its /atient, unslee/in* ser2ant, 'ntro/y.
And so)eti)es, they dis.o2ered and sou*ht *oals o- their o+n.
0 -- 5TA# C0T:
1 -- Co)et Co+(oy
Ca/tain i)itri Chandler ;32<=3.0>.21?<3.106??3ars??0
5/a.eA.ad3005@ -- or Ai)A to his 2ery (est -riends -- +as
understanda(ly annoyed. The )essa*e -ro) 'arth had taken si1 hours to
rea.h the s/a.e-tu* %oliath, here (eyond the or(it o- 9e/tune4 i- it had
arri2ed ten )inutes later he .ould ha2e ans+ered A5orry -- .anBt lea2e
no+ -- +eB2e Cust started to de/loy the sun-s.reen.A
The e1.use +ould ha2e (een /er-e.tly 2alid: +ra//in* a .o)etBs
.ore in a sheet o- re-le.ti2e -il) only a -e+ )ole.ules thi.k, (ut
kilo)eters on a side, +as not the sort o- Co( you .ould a(andon +hile it
+as hal--.o)/leted.
5till, it +ould (e a *ood idea to o(ey this ridi.ulous reDuest: he
+as already in dis-a2or sun+ards, throu*h no -ault o- his o+n.
Colle.tin* i.e -ro) the rin*s o- 5aturn, and nud*in* it to+ards Venus
and 3er.ury, +here it +as really needed, had started (a.k in the 2=00s
-- three .enturies a*o. Ca/tain Chandler had ne2er (een a(le to see any
real di--eren.e in the A(e-ore and a-terA i)a*es the 5olar Conser2ers
+ere al+ays /*, to su//ort their a..usations o- .elestial
2andalis). 8ut the *eneral /u(li., still sensiti2e to the e.olo*
disasters o- /re2ious .enturies, had thou*ht other+ise, and the AEands
o-- 5aturnFA 2ote had /assed (y a su(stantial )aCority. As a result,
Chandler +as no lon*er a #in* #ustler, (ut a Co)et Co+(oy.
5o here he +as at an a//re.ia(le -ra.tion o- the distan.e to Al/ha
Centauri, roundin* u/ stra**lers -ro) the Gui/er 8elt. There +as
.ertainly enou*h i.e out here to .o2er 3er.ury and Venus +ith o.eans
kilo)eters dee/, (ut it )i*ht take .enturies to e1tin*uish their hell-
-ires and )ake the) suita(le -or li-e. The 5olar Conser2ers, o- .ourse,
+ere still /rotestin* a*ainst this, thou*h no lon*er +ith so )u.h
enthusias). The )illions dead -ro) the tsuna)i .aused (y the "a.i-i.
asteroid in 230> -- ho+ ironi. that a land i)/a.t +ould ha2e done )u.h
less da)a*eF -- had re)inded all -uture *enerations that the hu)an ra.e
had too )any e**s in one -ra*ile (asket.
7ell, Chandler told hi)sel-, it +ould (e -i-ty years (e-ore this
/arti.ular /a.ka*e rea.hed its destination, so a delay o- a +eek +ould
hardly )ake )u.h di--eren.e. 8ut all the .al.ulations a(out rotation,
.enter o- )ass, and thrust 2e.tors +ould ha2e to (e redone, and radioed
(a.k to 3ars -or .he.kin*. 0t +as a *ood idea to do your su)s .are-ully,
(e-ore nud*in* (illions o- tons o- i.e alon* an or(it that )i*ht take it
+ithin hailin* distan.e o- 'arth.
As they had done so )any ti)es (e-ore, Ca/tain ChandlerBs eyes
strayed to+ards the an.ient /hoto*ra/h a(o2e his desk. 0t sho+ed a
three-)asted stea)shi/, d+ar-ed (y the i.e(er* that +as loo)in* a(o2e it
-- as, indeed, %oliath +as d+ar-ed at this 2ery )o)ent.
Eo+ in.redi(le, he had o-ten thou*ht, that only one lon* li-eti)e
s/anned the *ul- (et+een this /ri)iti2e is.o2ery and the shi/ that had
.arried the sa)e na)e to Hu/iterF And +hat +ould those Antar.ti.
e1/lorers o- a thousand years a*o ha2e )ade o- the 2ie+ -ro) his (rid*eI
They +ould .ertainly ha2e (een disoriented, -or the +all o- i.e (eside
+hi.h %oliath +as -loatin* stret.hed (oth u/+ards and do+n+ards as -ar
as the eye .ould see. And it +as stran*e-lookin* i.e, +holly la.kin* the
i))a.ulate +hites and (lues o- the -ro6en "olar seas. 0n -a.t, it looked
dirty -- as indeed it +as. For only so)e ninety /er .ent +as +ater-i.e:
the rest +as a +it.hBs (re+ o- .ar(on and sul-ur .o)/ounds, )ost o- the)
sta(le only at te)/eratures not -ar a(o2e a(solute 6ero. Tha+in* the)
out .ould /rodu.e un/leasant sur/rises: as one astro.he)ist had -a)ously
re)arked, ACo)ets ha2e (ad (reathA.
A5ki//er to all /ersonnel,A Chandler announ.ed. AThereBs (een a
sli*ht .han*e o- /ro*ra). 7eB2e (een asked to delay o/erations, to
in2esti*ate a tar*et that 5/a.e*uard radar has /i.ked u/.A
AAny detailsIA so)e(ody asked, +hen the .horus o- *roans o2er the
shi/Bs inter.o) had died a+ay.
A9ot )any, (ut 0 *ather itBs another 3illenniu) Co))ittee /roCe.t
theyB2e -or*otten to .an.el.A
3ore *roans: e2eryone had (e.o)e heartily si.k o- all the e2ents
/lanned to .ele(rate the end o- the 2000s. There had (een a *eneral si*h
o- relie- +hen 1 Hanuary 3001 had /assed une2ent-ully, and the hu)an
ra.e .ould resu)e its nor)al a.ti2ities.
AAny+ay, it +ill /ro(a(ly (e another -alse alar), like the last
one. 7eBll *et (a.k to +ork Cust as Dui.kly as +e .an. 5ki//er out.A
This +as the third +ild-*oose-.hase, Chandler thou*ht )orosely,
heBd (een in2ol2ed +ith durin* his .areer. es/ite .enturies o-
e1/loration, the 5olar 5yste) .ould still /rodu.e sur/rises, and
/resu)a(ly 5/a.e*uard had a *ood reason -or its reDuest. Ee only ho/ed
that so)e i)a*inati2e idiot hadnBt on.e a*ain si*hted the -a(led %olden
Asteroid. 0- it did e1ist -- +hi.h Chandler did not -or a )o)ent (elie2e
-- it +ould (e no )ore than a )ineralo* .uriosity: it +ould (e o-
-ar less real 2alue than the i.e he +as nud*in* sun+ards, to (rin* li-e
to (arren +orlds.
There +as one /ossi(ility, ho+e2er, +hi.h he did take Duite
seriously. Already, the hu)an ra.e had s.attered its ro(ot /ro(es
throu*h a 2olu)e o- s/a.e a hundred li*ht-years a.ross -- and the Ty.ho
3onolith +as su--i.ient re)inder that )u.h older .i2ili6ations had
en*a*ed in si)ilar a.ti2ities. There )i*ht +ell (e other alien arti-a.ts
in the 5olar 5yste), or in transit throu*h it. Ca/tain Chandler
sus/e.ted that 5/a.e*uard had so)ethin* like this in )ind: other+ise it
+ould hardly ha2e di2erted a Class 1 s/a.e-tu* to *o .hasin* a-ter an
unidenti-ied radar (li/.
Fi2e hours later, the Duestin* %oliath dete.ted the e.ho at
e1tre)e ran*e4 e2en allo+in* -or the distan.e, it see)ed disa//ointin*ly
s)all. Eo+e2er, as it *re+ .learer and stron*er, it (e*an to *i2e the
si*nature o- a )etalli. o(Ce.t, /erha/s a .ou/le o- )eters lon*. 0t +as
tra2ellin* on an or(it headin* out o- the 5olar 5yste), so +as al)ost
.ertainly, Chandler de.ided, one o- the )yriad / o- s/a.e-Cunk that
3ankind had tossed to+ards the stars durin* the last )illenniu) and
+hi.h )i*ht one day /ro2ide the only e2iden.e that the hu)an ra.e had
e2er e1isted.
Then it .a)e .lose enou*h -or 2isual ins/e.tion, and Ca/tain
Chandler reali6ed, +ith a+ed astonish)ent, that so)e /atient historian
+as still .he.kin* the earliest re.ords o- the 5/a.e A*e. 7hat a /ity
that the .o)/uters had *i2en hi) the ans+er, Cust a -e+ years too late
-or the 3illenniu) .ele(rationsF
A%oliath here,A Chandler radioed 'arth+ards, his 2oi.e tin*ed +ith
/ride as +ell as sole)nity. A7eBre (rin*in* a(oard a thousand-year-old
astronaut. And 0 .an *uess +ho it is.A
2 -- A+akenin*
Frank "oole a+oke, (ut he did not re)e)(er. Ee +as not e2en sure
o- his na)e.
O(2iously, he +as in a hos/ital roo): e2en thou*h his eyes +ere
still .losed, the )ost /ri)iti2e, and e2o.ati2e, o- his senses told hi)
that. 'a.h (reath (rou*ht the -aint and not un/leasant tan* o-
antise/ti.s in the air, and it tri**ered a )e)ory o- the ti)e +hen -- o-
.ourseF -- as a re.kless teena*er he had (roken a ri( in the Ari6ona
Ean*-*lidin* Cha)/ionshi/.
9o+ it +as all (e*innin* to .o)e (a.k. 0B) e/uty Co))ander Frank
"oole, '1e.uti2e, &555 is.o2ery, on a To/ 5e.ret )ission to
Hu/iter -- 0t see)ed as i- an i.y hand had *ri//ed his heart. Ee
re)e)(ered, in slo+-)otion /lay(a.k, that runa+ay s/a.e-/od Cettin*
to+ards hi), )etal .la+s outstret.hed. Then the silent i)/a.t -- and the
not-so-silent hiss o- air rushin* out o- his suit. A-ter that -- one
last )e)ory, o- s/innin* hel/lessly in s/a.e, tryin* in 2ain to
re.onne.t his (roken air-hose.
7ell, +hate2er )ysterious a..ident had ha//ened to the s/a.e-/od
.ontrols, he +as sa-e no+. "resu)a(ly a2e had )ade a Dui.k 'VA and
res.ued hi) (e-ore la.k o- o1y*en .ould do /er)anent (rain da)a*e.
%ood old a2eF Ee told hi)sel-. 0 )ust thank -- Cust a )o)entF --
0B) o(2iously not a(oard is.o2ery no+ -- surely 0 ha2enBt (een
un.ons.ious lon* enou*h to (e taken (a.k to 'arthF
Eis .on-used train o- thou*ht +as a(ru/tly (roken (y the arri2al
o- a 3atron and t+o nurses, +earin* the i))e)orial uni-or) o- their
/ro-ession. They see)ed a little sur/rised: "oole +ondered i- he had
a+akened ahead o- s.hedule, and the idea *a2e hi) a .hildish -eelin* o-
AEelloFA he said, a-ter se2eral atte)/ts4 his .ords a//eared
to (e 2ery rusty. AEo+ a) 0 doin*IA
3atron s)iled (a.k at hi) and *a2e an o(2ious AonBt try to talkA
.o))and (y /uttin* a -in*er to her li/s. Then the t+o nurses -ussed
s+i-tly o2er hi) +ith /ra.ti.ed skill, .he.kin* /ulse, te)/erature,
re-le1es. 7hen one o- the) li-ted his ri*ht ar) and let it dro/ a*ain,
"oole noti.ed so)ethin* /e.uliar. 0t -ell slo+ly, and did not see) to
+ei*h as )u.h as nor)al. 9or, -or that )atter, did his (ody, +hen he
atte)/ted to )o2e.
5o 0 )ust (e on a /lanet, he thou*ht. Or a s/a.e-station +ith
arti-i.ial *ra2ity. Certainly not 'arth -- 0 donBt +ei*h enou*h.
Ee +as a(out to ask the o(2ious Duestion +hen 3atron /ressed
so)ethin* a*ainst the side o- his ne.k4 he -elt a sli*ht tin*lin*
sensation, and sank (a.k into a drea)less slee/. Hust (e-ore he (e.a)e
un.ons.ious, he had ti)e -or one )ore /u66led thou*ht.
Eo+ odd -- they ne2er s/oke a sin*le +ord -- all the ti)e they
+ere +ith )e.
3 -- #eha(ilitation
7hen he +oke a*ain, and -ound 3atron and nurses standin* round his
(ed, "oole -elt stron* enou*h to assert hi)sel-.
A7here a) 0I 5urely you .an tell )e thatFA The three +o)en
e1.han*ed *, o(2iously un.ertain +hat to do ne1t. Then 3atron
ans+ered, enun.iatin* her +ords 2ery slo+ly and .are-ully: A'2erythin*
is -ine, 3r. "oole. "ro-essor Anderson +ill (e here in a )inute. Ee +ill
'1/lain +hatI thou*ht "oole +ith so)e e1as/eration. 8ut at least
she s/eaks 'n*lish, e2en thou*h 0 .anBt /la.e her a..ent.
Anderson )ust ha2e (een already on his +ay, -or the door o/ened
)o)ents later -- to *i2e "oole a (rie- *li)/se o- a s)all .ro+d o-
inDuisiti2e onlookers /eerin* in at hi). Ee (e*an to -eel like a ne+
e1hi(it at a 6oo.
"ro-essor Anderson +as a s)all, da//er )an +hose -eatures see)ed
to ha2e .o)(ined key as/e.ts o- se2eral -- Chinese, "olynesian,
9ordi. -- in a thorou*hly .on-usin* -ashion. Ee *reeted "oole (y holdin*
u/ his ri*ht /al), then did an o(2ious dou(le-take and shook hands, +ith
su.h a .urious hesitation that he )i*ht ha2e (een rehearsin* so)e Duite
un-a)iliar *esture.
A%lad to see youBre lookin* so +ell, 3r. "oole...7eBll ha2e you u/
in no ti)e.A
A*ain that odd a..ent and slo+ deli2ery -- (ut the .on-ident
(edside )anner +as that o- all do.tors, in all / and all a*es.
A0B) *lad to hear it. 9o+ /erha/s you .an ans+er a -e+
AO- .ourse, o- .ourse. 8ut Cust a )inute.A
Anderson s/oke so ra/idly and Duietly to the 3atron that "oole
.ould .at.h only a -e+ +ords, se2eral o- +hi.h +ere +holly un-a)iliar to
hi). Then the 3atron nodded at one o- the nurses, +ho o/ened a +all-
.u/(oard and /rodu.ed a sli) )etal (and, +hi.h she /ro.eeded to +ra/
around "ooleBs head.
A7hatBs that -orIA he asked -- (ein* one o- those di--i.ult
/atients, so annoyin* to do.tors, +ho al+ays +ant to kno+ Cust +hatBs
ha//enin* to the). A''C readoutIA
"ro-essor, 3atron and nurses looked eDually (a--led. Then a slo+
s)ile s/read a.ross AndersonBs -a.e.
AOh -- ele.tro...en.e/h...alo...*ra),A he said slo+ly, as i-
dred*in* the +ord u/ -ro) the de/th o- )e)ory, A:ouBre Duite ri*ht. 7e
Cust +ant to )onitor your (rain -un.tions.A
3y (rain +ould -un.tion /er-e.tly +ell i- youBd let )e use it,
"oole *ru)(led silently. 8ut at least +e see) to (e *ettin* so)e+here --
A3r. "oole,A said Anderson, still s/eakin* in that .urious stilted
2oi.e, as i- 2enturin* in a -orei*n lan*ua*e, Ayou kno+, o- .ourse, that
you +ere -- disa(led -- in a serious a..ident, +hile you +ere +orkin*
outside is.o2ery.A
"oole nodded a*ree)ent.
A0B) (e*innin* to sus/e.t,A he said dryly, Athat Bdisa(ledB is a
sli*ht understate)ent.A
Anderson rela1ed 2isi(ly, and a slo+ s)ile s/read a.ross his -a.e.
A:ouBre Duite .orre.t. Tell )e +hat you think ha//ened.A
A7ell, the (est .ase s.enario is that, a-ter 0 (e.a)e un.ons.ious,
a2e 8o+)an res.ued )e and (rou*ht )e (a.k to the shi/. Eo+ is a2eI 9o
one +ill tell )e anythin*FA
AAll in due .ourse...and the +orst .aseIA
0t see)ed to Frank "oole that a .hill +ind +as (lo+in* *ently on
the (a.k o- his ne.k. The sus/i.ion that had (een slo+ly -or)in* in his
)ind (e*an to solidi-y.
AThat 0 died, (ut +as (rou*ht (a.k here -- +here2er BhereB is --
and youB2e (een a(le to re2i2e )e. Thank you...A
AJuite .orre.t. And youBre (a.k on 'arth. 7ell, 2ery near it.A
7hat did he )ean (y A2ery near itAI There +as .ertainly a *ra2ity
-ield here -- so he +as /ro(a(ly inside the slo+ly turnin* +heel o- an
or(itin* s/a.e-station. 9o )atter: there +as so)ethin* )u.h )ore
i)/ortant to think a(out.
"oole did so)e Dui.k )ental .al.ulations. 0- a2e had /ut hi) in
the hi(erna.ulu), re2i2ed the rest o- the .re+, and .o)/leted the
)ission to Hu/iter -- +hy, he .ould ha2e (een AdeadA -or as )u.h as -i2e
AHust +hat date is itIA he asked, as .al)ly as /ossi(le.
"ro-essor and 3atron e1.han*ed * A*ain "oole -elt that .old
+ind on his ne.k.
A0 )ust tell you, 3r. "oole, that 8o+)an did not res.ue you. Ee
(elie2ed -- and +e .annot (la)e hi) -- that you +ere irre2o.a(ly dead.
Also, he +as* a des/erately serious .risis that threatened his o+n
A5o you dri-ted on into s/a.e, /assed throu*h the Hu/iter syste),
and headed out to+ards the stars. Fortunately, you +ere so -ar (elo+
-ree6in* /oint that there +as no )eta(olis) -- (ut itBs a near-)ira.le
that you +ere e2er -ound at all. :ou are one o- the lu.kiest )en ali2e.
9o -- e2er to ha2e li2edFA
A) 0I "oole asked hi)sel- (leakly. Fi2e years, indeedF 0t .ould (e
a .entury -- or e2en )ore.
A$et )e ha2e it,A he de)anded.
"ro-essor and 3atron see)ed to (e .onsultin* an in2isi(le )onitor:
+hen they looked at ea.h other and nodded a*ree)ent, "oole *uessed that
they +ere all /lu**ed into the hos/ital in-or)ation .ir.uit, linked to
the head(and he +as +earin*.
AFrank,A said "ro-essor Anderson, )akin* a s)ooth s+it.h to the
role o- lon*-ti)e -a)ily /hysi.ian, Athis +ill (e a *reat sho.k to you,
(ut youBre .a/a(le o- a..e/tin* it -- and the sooner you kno+, the
A7eBre near the (e*innin* o- the Fourth 3illenniu). 8elie2e )e --
you le-t 'arth al)ost a thousand years a*o.A
A0 (elie2e you,A "oole ans+ered .al)ly. Then, to his *reat
annoyan.e, the roo) started to s/in around hi), and he kne+ nothin*
7hen he re*ained .ons.iousness, he -ound that he +as no lon*er in
a (leak hos/ital roo) (ut in a lu1urious suite +ith attra.ti2e -- and
steadily .han*in* -- i)a*es on the +alls. 5o)e o- these +ere -a)ous and
-a)iliar /aintin*s, others sho+ed land and sea-s.a/es that )i*ht ha2e
(een -ro) his o+n ti)e. There +as nothin* alien or u/settin*: that, he
*uessed, +ould .o)e later.
Eis /resent surroundin*s had o(2iously (een .are-ully /ro*ra))ed:
he +ondered i- there +as the eDui2alent o- a tele2ision s.reen so)e+here
(ho+ )any .hannels +ould the Fourth 3illenniu) ha2eI! (ut .ould see no
si*n o- any .ontrols near his (ed. There +as so )u.h he +ould ha2e to
learn in this ne+ +orld: he +as a sa2a*e +ho had suddenly en.ountered
8ut -irst, he )ust re*ain his stren*th -- and learn the lan*ua*e4
not e2en the ad2ent o- sound re.ordin*, already )ore than a .entury old
+hen "oole +as (orn, had /re2ented )aCor .han*es in *ra))ar and
/ronun.iation. And there +ere thousands o- ne+ +ords, )ostly -ro)
s.ien.e and te.hnolo*y, thou*h o-ten he +as a(le to )ake a shre+d *uess
at their )eanin*.
3ore -rustratin*, ho+e2er, +ere the )yriad o- -a)ous and in-a)ous
/ersonal na)es that had a..u)ulated o2er the )illenniu), and +hi.h )eant
nothin* to hi). For +eeks, until he had (uilt u/ a data (ank, )ost o-
his .on2ersations had to (e interru/ted +ith /otted (io*ra/hies. As
"ooleBs stren*th in.reased, so did the nu)(er o- his 2isitors, thou*h
al+ays under "ro-essor AndersonBs +at.h-ul eye. They in.luded )
s/e.ialists, s.holars o- se2eral dis.i/lines, and -- o- the *reatest
interest to hi) -- s/a.e.ra-t .o))anders.
There +as little that he .ould tell the do.tors and historians
that +as not re.orded so)e+here in 3ankindBs *i*anti. data (anks, (ut he
+as o-ten a(le to *i2e the) resear.h short.uts and ne+ insi*hts a(out
the e2ents o- his o+n ti)e. Thou*h they all treated hi) +ith the ut)ost
res/e.t and listened /atiently as he tried to ans+er their Duestions,
they see)ed relu.tant to ans+er his. "oole (e*an to -eel that he +as
(ein* o2er-/rote.ted -ro) .ulture sho.k, and hal--seriously +ondered ho+
he .ould es.a/e -ro) his suite. On the -e+ o..asions he +as alone, he
+as not sur/rised to dis.o2er that the door +as lo.ked.
Then the arri2al o- o.tor 0ndra 7alla.e .han*ed e2erythin*.
es/ite her na)e, her .hie- ra.ial .o)/onent a//eared to (e Ha/anese,
and there +ere ti)es +hen +ith Cust a little i)a*ination "oole .ould
/i.ture her as a rather )ature %eisha %irl. 0t +as hardly an a//ro/riate
i)a*e -or a distin*uished historian, holdin* a Virtual Chair at a
uni2ersity still (oastin* real i2y.
5he +as the -irst 2isitor +ith a -luent .o))and o- "ooleBs o+n
'n*lish, so he +as deli*hted to )eet her.
A3r. "oole,A she (e*an, in a 2ery (usiness-like 2oi.e, A0B2e (een
a//ointed your o--i.ial *uide and -- letBs say -- )entor. 3y
Duali-i.ations -- 0B2e s/e.iali6ed in your /eriod -- )y thesis +as BThe
Colla/se o- the 9ation-5tate, 2000-50B. 0 (elie2e +e .an hel/ ea.h other
in )any +ays.A
A0B) sure +e .an. First 0Bd like you to *et )e out o- here, so 0
.an see a little o- your +orld.A
A'1a.tly +hat +e intend to do. 8ut -irst +e )ust *i2e you an
0dent. &ntil then youBll (e -- +hat +as the ter)I -- a non-/erson. 0t
+ould (e al)ost i)/ossi(le -or you to *o any+here, or *et anythin* done.
9o in/ut de2i.e +ould re.o*ni6e your e1isten.e.A
AHust +hat 0 e1/e.ted,A "oole ans+ered, +ith a +ry s)ile. A0t +as
startin* to *et that +ay in )y o+n ti)e -- and )any /eo/le hated the
A5o)e still do. They *o o-- and li2e in the +ilderness -- thereBs
a lot )ore on 'arth than there +as in your .enturyF 8ut they al+ays take
their .o)/aks +ith the), so they .an .all -or hel/ as soon as they *et
into trou(le. The )edian ti)e is a(out -i2e days.A
A5orry to hear that. The hu)an ra.e has o(2iously deteriorated.A
Ee +as .autiously testin* her, tryin* to -ind the li)its o- her
toleran.e and to )a/ out her /ersonality. 0t +as o(2ious that they +ere
*oin* to s/end )u.h ti)e to*ether, and that he +ould ha2e to de/end u/on
her in hundreds o- +ays. :et he +as still not sure i- he +ould e2en like
her: /erha/s she re*arded hi) )erely as a -as.inatin* )useu) e1hi(it.
#ather to "ooleBs sur/rise, she a*reed +ith his
AThat )ay (e true -- in so)e res/e.ts. "erha/s +eBre /
+eaker, (ut +eBre healthier and (etter adCusted than )ost hu)ans +ho
ha2e e2er li2ed. The 9o(le 5a2a*e +as al+ays a )yth.A
5he +alked o2er to a s)all re.tan*ular /late, set at eye-le2el in
the door. 0t +as a(out the si6e o- one o- the .ountless )a*a6ines that
had /roli-erated in the -ar-o-- A*e o- "rint, and "oole had noti.ed that
e2ery roo) see)ed to ha2e at least one. &sually they +ere (lank, (ut
so)eti)es they .ontained lines o- slo+ly s.rollin* te1t, .o)/letely
)eanin*less to "oole e2en +hen )ost o- the +ords +ere -a)iliar. On.e a
/late in his suite had e)itted ur*ent (ee/in*s, +hi.h he had i*nored on
the assu)/tion that so)eone else +ould deal +ith the /ro(le), +hate2er
it +as. Fortunately the noise sto//ed as a(ru/tly as it had started.
r. 7alla.e laid the /al) o- her hand u/on the /late, then re)o2ed
it a-ter a -e+ se.onds. 5he *lan.ed at "oole, and said s)ilin*ly: ACo)e
and look at this.A
The ins.ri/tion that had suddenly a//eared )ade a *ood deal o-
sense, +hen he read it slo+ly: 7A$$AC', 09#A
;F2<=0.03.11:31.KK5??E05T.OLFO#@ A0 su//ose it )eans Fe)ale, date o-
(irth 11 3ar.h 2<=0 -- and that youBre asso.iated +ith the e/art)ent o-
Eistory at O1-ord. And 0 *uess that 31.KK5 is a /ersonal identi-i.ation
nu)(er. Corre.tIA
A'1.ellent, 3r. "oole. 0B2e seen so)e o- your e-)ail addresses and
.redit .ard nu)(ers -- hideous strin*s o- al/ha-nu)eri. *i((erish that
no one .ould /ossi(ly re)e)(erF 8ut +e all kno+ our date o- (irth, and
not )ore than <<,<<< other /eo/le +ill share it. 5o a -i2e--i*ure nu)(er
is all youBll e2er need...and e2en i- you -or*et that, it doesnBt really
)atter. As you see, itBs a /art o- you.A
A:es -- nano.hi/ at (irth, one in ea.h /al) -or redundan.y. :ou
+onBt e2en -eel yours +hen it *oes in. 8ut youB2e *i2en us a s)all
A7hatBs thatIA
AThe readers youBll )eet )ost o- the ti)e are too si)/le-)inded to
(elie2e your date o- (irth. 5o, +ith your /er)ission, +eB2e )o2ed it u/
a thousand years.A
A"er)ission *ranted. And the rest o- the 0dentIA
AO/tional. :ou .an lea2e it e)/ty, *i2e your .urrent interests and
lo.ation -- or use it -or /ersonal )essa*es, *lo(al or tar*eted.A
5o)e thin*s, "oole +as Duite sure, +ould not ha2e .han*ed o2er the
.enturies. A hi*h /ro/ortion o- those Atar*etedA )essa*es +ould (e 2ery
/ersonal indeed.
Ee +ondered i- there +ere still sel- or state-a//ointed .ensors in
this day and a*e -- and i- their e--orts at i)/ro2in* other /eo/leBs
)orals had (een )ore su..ess-ul than in his o+n ti)e.
Ee +ould ha2e to ask r. 7alla.e a(out that, +hen he *ot to kno+
her (etter.
> -- A #oo) +ith a Vie+
AFrank -- "ro-essor Anderson thinks youBre stron* enou*h to *o -or
a little +alk.A
A0B) 2ery /leased to hear it. o you kno+ the e1/ression Bstir
A9o -- (ut 0 .an *uess +hat it )eans.A
"oole had so ada/ted to the lo+ *ra2ity that the lon* strides he
+as takin* see)ed /er-e.tly nor)al. Eal- a *ee, he had esti)ated -- Cust
ri*ht to *i2e a sense o- +ell-(ein*. They )et only a -e+ /eo/le on their
+alk, all o- the) stran*ers, (ut e2ery one *a2e a s)ile o- re.o*nition.
8y no+, "oole told hi)sel- +ith a tra.e o- s)u*ness, 0 )ust (e one o-
the (est-kno+n .ele(rities in this +orld. That should (e a *reat hel/ --
+hen 0 de.ide +hat to do +ith the rest o- )y li-e. At least another
.entury, i- 0 .an (elie2e Anderson.
The .orridor alon* +hi.h they +ere +alkin* +as .o)/letely
-eatureless a/art -ro) o..asional nu)(ered doors, ea.h (earin* one o-
the uni2ersal re.o* /anels. "oole had -ollo+ed 0ndra -or /erha/s t+o
hundred )eters +hen he .a)e to a sudden halt, sho.ked (e.ause he had not
reali6ed so)ethin* so (lindin*ly o(2ious.
AThis s/a.e-station )ust (e enor)ousFA he e1.lai)ed. 0ndra s)iled
(a.k at hi).
AidnBt you ha2e a sayin* -- B:ou ainBt seen anythin* yetBIA
AB9othin*B,A he .orre.ted, a(sent-)indedly. Ee +as still tryin* to
esti)ate the s.ale o- this stru.ture +hen he had another sur/rise. 7ho
+ould ha2e i)a*ined a s/a.e-station lar*e enou*h to (oast a su(+ay --
ad)ittedly a )iniature one, +ith a sin*le s)all .oa.h .a/a(le o- seatin*
only a do6en /assen*ers.
AO(ser2ation $oun*e Three,A ordered 0ndra, and they dre+ silently
and s+i-tly a+ay -ro) the ter)inal.
"oole .he.ked the ti)e on the ela(orate +rist-(and +hose -un.tions
he +as still e1/lorin*. One )inor sur/rise had (een that the +hole +orld
+as no+ on &ni2ersal Ti)e: the .on-usin* /at.h+ork o- Ti)e Mones had
(een s+e/t a+ay (y the ad2ent o- *lo(al .o))uni.ations. There had (een
)u.h talk o- this, (a.k in the t+enty--irst .entury, and it had e2en
(een su**ested that 5olar should (e re/la.ed (y 5idereal Ti)e. Then,
durin* the .ourse o- the year, the 5un +ould )o2e ri*ht round the .lo.k:
settin* at the ti)e it had risen si1 )onths earlier.
Eo+e2er, nothin* had .o)e o- this A'Dual ti)e in the 5unA /ro/osal
-- or o- e2en )ore 2o.i-erous atte)/ts to re-or) the .alendar. That
/arti.ular Co(, it had (een su**ested, +ould ha2e to +ait -or
so)e+hat )aCor in te.hnolo*y. 5o)e day, surely, one o- %odBs
)inor )istakes +ould (e .orre.ted, and the 'arthBs or(it +ould (e
adCusted, to *i2e e2ery year t+el2e )onths o- thirty e1a.tly eDual days.
As -ar as "oole .ould Cud*e (y s/eed and ela/sed ti)e, they )ust
ha2e tra2eled at least three kilo)eters (e-ore the 2ehi.le .a)e to a
silent sto/, the doors o/ened, and a (land auto2oi.e intoned, AEa2e a
*ood 2ie+. Thirty--i2e /er .ent .loud-.o2er today.A
At last, thou*ht "oole, +eBre *ettin* near the outer +all. 8ut
here +as another )ystery -- des/ite the distan.e he had *one, neither
the stren*th nor the dire.tion o- *ra2ity had alteredF Ee .ould not
i)a*ine a s/innin* s/a.e-station so hu*e that the *ee-2e.tor +ould not
(e .han*ed (y su.h a dis/la.e)ent....ould he really (e on so)e /lanet
a-ter allI 8ut he +ould -eel li*hter -- usually )u.h li*hter -- on any
other ha(ita(le +orld in the 5olar 5yste).
7hen the outer door o- the ter)inal o/ened, and "oole -ound
hi)sel- enterin* a s)all airlo.k, he reali6ed that he )ust indeed (e in
s/a.e. 8ut +here +ere the s/a.esuitsI Ee looked around an1iously: it +as
a*ainst all his instin.ts to (e so .lose to 2a.uu), naked and
un/rote.ted. One e1/erien.e o- that +as enou*h...
A7eBre nearly there,A said 0ndra reassurin*ly.
The last door o/ened, and he +as lookin* out into the utter
(la.kness o- s/a.e, throu*h a hu*e +indo+ that +as .ur2ed (oth and hori6ontally. Ee -elt like a *old-ish in its (o+l, and
ho/ed that the desi*ners o- this auda.ious /ie.e o- en*ineerin* kne+
e1a.tly +hat they +ere doin*. They .ertainly /ossessed (etter stru.tural
)aterials than had e1isted in his ti)e.
Thou*h the stars )ust (e shinin* out there, his li*ht-ada/ted eyes
.ould see nothin* (ut (la.k e)/tiness (eyond the .ur2e o- the *reat
+indo+. As he started to +alk to+ards it to *et a +ider 2ie+, 0ndra
restrained hi) and /ointed strai*ht ahead.
A$ook .are-ully,A she said AonBt you see it -- A
"oole (linked, and stared into the ni*ht. 5urely it )ust (e an
illusion -- e2en, hea2en -or(id, a .ra.k in the +indo+...
Ee )o2ed his head -ro) side to side. 9o, it +as real. 8ut +hat
.ould it (eI Ee re)e)(ered 'u.lidBs de-inition AA line has len*th, (ut
no thi.knessA.
For s/annin* the +hole hei*ht o- the +indo+, and o(2iously
.ontinuin* out o- si*ht a(o2e and (elo+, +as a thread o- li*ht Duite
easy to see +hen he looked -or it, yet so one-di)ensional that the +ord
AthinA .ould not e2en (e a//lied. Eo+e2er, it +as not .o)/letely
-eatureless4 there +ere (arely 2isi(le s/ots o- *reater (rillian.e at
irre*ular inter2als alon* its len*th, like dro/s o- +ater on a s/iderBs
"oole .ontinued +alkin* to+ards the +indo+, and the 2ie+ e1/anded
until at last he .ould see +hat lay (elo+ hi). 0t +as -a)iliar enou*h:
the +hole .ontinent o- 'uro/e, and )u.h o- northern A-ri.a, Cust as he
had seen the) )any ti)es -ro) s/a.e. 5o he +as in or(it a-ter all --
/ro(a(ly an eDuatorial one, at a hei*ht o- at least a thousand
0ndra +as lookin* at hi) +ith a s)ile.
A%o .loser to the +indo+,A she said, 2ery so-tly. A5o that you .an
look strai*ht do+n. 0 ho/e you ha2e a *ood head -or hei*hts.A
7hat a silly thin* to say to an astronautF "oole told hi)sel- as
he )o2ed -or+ard. 0- 0 e2er su--ered -ro) 2erti*o, 0 +ouldnBt (e in this
The thou*ht had (arely /assed throu*h his )ind +hen he .ried A3y
%odFA and in2oluntarily ste//ed (a.k -ro) the +indo+, Then, (*
hi)sel-, he dared to look a*ain.
Ee +as lookin* do+n on the distant 3editerranean -ro) the -a.e o-
a to+er, +hose *ently .ur2in* +all indi.ated a dia)eter o-
se2eral kilo)eters. 8ut that +as nothin* .o)/ared +ith its len*th, -or
it ta/ered a+ay do+n, do+n, do+n -- until it disa//eared into the )ist
so)e+here o2er A-ri.a. Ee assu)ed that it .ontinued all the +ay to the
AEo+ hi*h are +eIA he +his/ered.
AT+o thousand kay. 8ut no+ look u/+ards.A
This ti)e, it +as not su.h a sho.k: he had e1/e.ted +hat he +ould
see. The to+er d+indled a+ay until it (e.a)e a *litterin* thread a*ainst
the (la.kness o- s/a.e, and he did not dou(t that it .ontinued all the
+ay to the *eostationary or(it, thirty-si1 thousand kilo)eters a(o2e the
'Duator. 5u.h -antasies had (een +ell kno+n in "ooleBs day: he had ne2er
drea)ed he +ould see the reality -- and (e li2in* in it.
Ee /ointed to+ards the distant thread rea.hin* u/ -ro) the eastern
AThat )ust (e another one.A
A:es -- the Asian To+er. 7e )ust look e1a.tly the sa)e to the).A
AEo+ )any are thereIA
AHust -our, eDually s/a.ed around the 'Duator. A-ri.a, Asia,
A)eri.a, "a.i-i.a. The last oneBs al)ost e)/ty -- only a -e+ hundred
le2els .o)/leted. 9othin* to see e1.e/t +ater...A
"oole +as still a(sor(in* this stu/endous .on.e/t +hen a
distur(in* thou*ht o..urred to hi).
AThere +ere already thousands o- satellites, at all sorts o-
altitudes, in )y ti)e. Eo+ do you a2oid .ollisionsIA
0ndra looked sli*htly e)(arrassed.
A:ou kno+ -- 0 ne2er thou*ht a(out that -- itBs not )y -ield.A 5he
/aused -or a )o)ent, .learly sear.hin* her )e)ory. Then her -a.e
A0 (elie2e there +as a (i* .lean-u/ o/eration, .enturies a*o.
There Cust arenBt any satellites, (elo+ the stationary or(it.A
That )ade sense, "oole told hi)sel-. They +ouldnBt (e needed --
the -our *i*anti. to+ers .ould /ro2ide all the -a.ilities on.e /ro2ided
(y thousands o- satellites and s/a.e-stations.
AAnd there ha2e ne2er (een any a..idents -- any .ollisions +ith
s/a.eshi/s lea2in* earth, or re-enterin* the at)os/hereIA
0ndra looked at hi) +ith sur/rise.
A8ut they donBt, any )ore,A 5he /ointed to the .eilin*. AAll the
s/a.e/orts are +here they should (e -- u/ there, on the outer rin*. 0
(elie2e itBs -our hundred years sin.e the last ro.ket li-ted o-- -ro)
the sur-a.e o- the 'arth.A
"oole +as still di*estin* this +hen a tri2ial ano)aly .au*ht his
attention. Eis trainin* as an astronaut had )ade hi) alert to anythin*
out o- the ordinary: in s/a.e, that )i*ht (e a )atter o- li-e or death.
The 5un +as out o- 2ie+, hi*h o2erhead, (ut its rays strea)in*
do+n throu*h the *reat +indo+ /ainted a (rilliant (and o- li*ht on the
-loor under-oot. Cuttin* a.ross that (and at an an*le +as another, )u.h
-ainter one, so that the -ra)e o- the +indo+ thre+ a dou(le shado+.
"oole had to *o al)ost do+n on his knees so that he .ould /eer u/
at the sky. Ee had thou*ht hi)sel- (eyond sur/rise, (ut the s/e.ta.le o-
t+o suns le-t hi) )o)entarily s/ee.hless.
A7hatBs thatIA he *as/ed, +hen he had re.o2ered his (reath.
AOh -- ha2enBt you (een toldI ThatBs $u.i-er.A
A'arth has another sunIA
A7ell, it doesnBt *i2e us )u.h heat, (ut itBs /ut the 3oon out o-
(usiness...8e-ore the 5e.ond 3ission +ent there to look -or you, that
+as the /lanet Hu/iter.A
0 kne+ 0 +ould ha2e )u.h to learn in this ne+ +orld, "oole told
hi)sel-. 8ut Cust ho+ )u.h, 0 ne2er drea)ed.
5 -- 'du.ation
"oole +as (oth astonished and deli*hted +hen the tele2ision set
+as +heeled into the roo) and /ositioned at the end o- his (ed.
eli*hted (e.ause he +as su--erin* -ro) )ild in-or)ation star2ation --
and astonished (e.ause it +as a )odel +hi.h had (een o(solete e2en in
his o+n ti)e.
A7eB2e had to /ro)ise the 3useu) +eBll *i2e it (a.k,A 3atron
in-or)ed hi). AAnd 0 e1/e.t you kno+ ho+ to use this.A
As he -ondled the re)ote-.ontrol, "oole -elt a +a2e o- a.ute
nostal*ia s+ee/ o2er hi). As -e+ other arti-a.ts .ould, it (rou*ht (a.k
)e)ories o- his .hildhood, and the days +hen )ost tele2ision sets +ere
too stu/id to understand s/oken .o))ands.
AThank you, 3atron. 7hatBs the (est ne+s .hannelIA
5he see)ed /u66led (y his Duestion, then (ri*htened.
AOh -- 0 see +hat you )ean. 8ut "ro-essor Anderson thinks youBre
not Duite ready yet. 5o Ar.hi2es has /ut to*ether a .olle.tion that +ill
)ake you -eel at ho)e.A
"oole +ondered (rie-ly +hat the stora*e )ediu) +as in this day and
a*e. Ee .ould still re)e)(er .o)/a.t disks, and his e..entri. old &n.le
%eor*e had (een the /roud /ossessor o- a .olle.tion o- 2inta*e
2ideota/es. 8ut surely that te.hnolo* .ontest )ust ha2e -inished
.enturies a*o -- in the usual ar+inian +ay, +ith the sur2i2al o- the
Ee had to ad)it that the sele.tion +as +ell done, (y so)eone
(0ndraI! -a)iliar +ith the early t+enty--irst .entury. There +as nothin*
distur(in* -- no +ars or 2iolen.e, and 2ery little .onte)/orary (usiness
or /oliti.s, all o- +hi.h +ould no+ (e utterly irrele2ant. There +ere
so)e li*ht .o)edies, s/ortin* e2ents (ho+ did they kno+ that he had (een
a keen tennis -anI!, and /o/ )usi., and +ildli-e
And +hoe2er had /ut this .olle.tion to*ether had a sense o- hu)or,
or they +ould not ha2e in.luded e/isodes -ro) ea.h 5tar Trek series. As
a 2ery s)all (oy, "oole had )et (oth "atri.k 5te+art and $eonard 9i)oy:
he +ondered +hat they +ould ha2e thou*ht i- they .ould ha2e kno+n the
destiny o- the .hild +ho had shyly asked -or their auto*ra/hs.
A de/ressin* thou*ht o..urred to hi), soon a-ter he had started
e1/lorin* -- )u.h o- the ti)e in -ast--or+ard -- these reli.s o- the
/ast. Ee had read so)e+here that (y the turn o- the .entury -- his
.enturyF -- there +ere a//ro1i)ately -i-ty thousand tele2ision stations
(road.astin* si)ultaneously. 0- that -i*ure had (een )aintained and it
)i*ht +ell ha2e in.reased -- (y no+ )illions o- )illions o- hours o- TV
/ro*ra))in* )ust ha2e *one on the air. 5o e2en the )ost hardened .yni.
+ould ad)it that there +ere /ro(a(ly at least a (illion hours o-
+orth+hile 2ie+in*...and )illions that +ould /ass the hi*hest standards
o- e1.ellen.e. Eo+ to -ind these -e+ -- +ell, -e+ )illion -- needles in
so *i*anti. a haysta.kI
The thou*ht +as so o2er+hel)in* -- indeed, so de)orali6in* -- that
a-ter a +eek o- in.reasin*ly ai)less .hannel-sur-in* "oole asked -or the
set to (e re)o2ed.
"erha/s -ortunately, he had less and less ti)e to hi)sel- durin*
his +akin* hours, +hi.h +ere steadily *ro+in* lon*er as his stren*th
.a)e (a.k.
There +as no risk o- (oredo), thanks to the .ontinual /arade not
only o- serious resear.hers (ut also inDuisiti2e -- and /resu)a(ly
in-luential -- .iti6ens +ho had )ana*ed to -ilter /ast the /ala.e *uard
esta(lished (y 3atron and "ro-essor Anderson. 9e2ertheless, he +as *lad
+hen, one day, the tele2ision set rea//eared, he +as (e*innin* to su--er
-ro) +ithdra+al sy)/to)s -- and this ti)e, he resol2ed to (e )ore
sele.ti2e in his 2ie+in*.
The 2enera(le antiDue +as a..o)/anied (y 0ndra 7alla.e, s)ilin*
A7eB2e -ound so)ethin* you )ust see, Frank. 7e think it +ill hel/
you to adCust -- any+ay, +eBre sure youBll enCoy it.A
"oole had al+ays -ound that re)ark a re.i/e -or *uaranteed
(oredo), and /re/ared -or the +orst. 8ut the o/enin* had hi) instantly
hooked, takin* hi) (a.k to his old li-e as -e+ other thin*s .ould ha2e
done. At on.e he re.o*ni6ed one o- the )ost -a)ous o- his a*e,
and re)e)(ered that he had seen this 2ery /ro*ra) (e-ore. Could it ha2e
(een at its -irst trans)issionI 9o, he +as only -i2e then: )ust ha2e
(een a re/eat...
AAtlanta, 2000 e.e)(er 31.A
AThis is C99 0nternational, -i2e )inutes -ro) the da+n o- the 9e+
3illenniu), +ith all its unkno+n /erils and /ro)ise...A
A8ut (e-ore +e try to e1/lore the -uture, letBs look (a.k a
thousand years, and ask oursel2es: .ould any /ersons li2in* in A 1000
e2en re)otely i)a*ine our +orld, or understand it, i- they +ere
)a* trans/orted a.ross the .enturiesIA
AAl)ost the +hole o- the te.hnolo*y +e take -or *ranted +as
in2ented near the 2ery end o- our 3illenniu) -- the stea) en*ine,
ele.tri.ity, tele/hones, radio, tele2ision, .ine)a, a2iation,
ele.troni.s. And, durin* a sin*le li-eti)e, nu.lear ener*y and s/a.e
tra2el -- +hat +ould the *reatest )inds o- the /ast ha2e )ade o- theseI
Eo+ lon* .ould an Ar.hi)edes or a $eonardo ha2e retained his sanity, i-
suddenly du)/ed into our +orldIA
A0tBs te)/tin* to think that +e +ould do (etter, i- +e +ere
trans/orted a thousand years hen.e. 5urely the -unda)ental s.ienti-i.
dis.o2eries ha2e already (een )ade, thou*h there +ill (e )aCor
i)/ro2e)ents in te.hnolo*y, +ill there (e any, anythin* as
)a* and in.o)/rehensi(le to us as a /o.ket .al.ulator or a 2ideo
.a)era +ould ha2e (een to 0saa. 9e+tonIA
A"erha/s our a*e is indeed sundered -ro) all those that ha2e *one
(e-ore. Tele.o))uni.ations, the a(ility to re.ord i)a*es and sounds on.e
irre2o.a(ly lost, the .onDuest o- the air and s/a.e -- all these ha2e
.reated a .i2ili6ation (eyond the +ildest -antasies o- the /ast. And
eDually i)/ortant, Co/, 9e+ton, ar+in and 'instein ha2e so
.han*ed our )ode o- thinkin* and our outlook on the uni2erse that +e
)i*ht see) al)ost a ne+ s/e.ies to the )ost (rilliant o- our
AAnd +ill our su..essors, a thousand years -ro) no+, look (a.k on
us +ith the sa)e /ity +ith +hi.h +e re*ard our i*norant, su/erstitious,
disease-ridden, short-li2ed an.estorsI 7e (elie2e that +e kno+ the
ans+ers to Duestions that they .ould not e2en ask: (ut +hat sur/rises
does the Third 3illenniu) hold -or usIA
A7ell, here it .o)es -- A
A *reat (ell (e*an to toll the strokes o- )idni*ht. The last
2i(ration thro((ed into silen.e...
AAnd thatBs the +ay it +as -- *ood-(ye, +onder-ul and terri(le
t+entieth .entury...A
Then the /i.ture (roke into a )yriad -ra*)ents, and a ne+
.o))entator took o2er, s/eakin* +ith the a..ent +hi.h "oole .ould no+
easily understand, and +hi.h i))ediately (rou*ht hi) u/ to the /resent.
A9o+, in the -irst )inutes o- the year three thousand and one, +e
.an ans+er that Duestion -ro) the /ast...A
ACertainly, the /eo/le o- 2001 +ho you +ere Cust +at.hin* +ould
not -eel as utterly o2er+hel)ed in our a*e as so)eone -ro) 1001 +ould
ha2e -elt in theirs. 3any o- our te.hnolo* a.hie2e)ents they +ould
ha2e anti.i/ated4 indeed, they +ould ha2e e1/e.ted satellite .ities, and
.olonies on the 3oon and /lanets. They )i*ht e2en ha2e (een
disa//ointed, (e.ause +e are not yet i))ortal, and ha2e sent /ro(es only
to the nearest stars...A
A(ru/tly, 0ndra s+it.hed o-- the re.ordin*.
A5ee the rest later, Frank: youBre *ettin* tired. 8ut 0 ho/e it
+ill hel/ you to adCust.A
AThank you, 0ndra. 0Bll ha2e to slee/ on it. 8ut itBs .ertainly
/ro2ed one /oint.A
A7hatBs thatIA
A0 should (e *rate-ul 0B) not a thousand-and-oner, dro//ed into
2001. That +ould (e too )u.h o- a Duantu) Cu)/: 0 donBt (elie2e anyone
.ould adCust to it. At least 0 kno+ a(out ele.tri.ity, and +onBt die o-
-ri*ht i- a /i.ture starts talkin* at )e.A
0 ho/e, "oole told hi)sel-, that .on-iden.e is Custi-ied. 5o)eone
on.e said that any su--i.iently ad2an.ed te.hnolo*y is indistin*uisha(le
-ro) )a*i.. 7ill 0 )eet )a*i. in this ne+ +orld -- and (e a(le to handle
6 -- 8rain.a/
A0B) a-raid youBll ha2e to )ake an a*oni6in* de.ision,A said
"ro-essor Anderson, +ith a s)ile that neutrali6ed the e1a**erated
*ra2ity o- his +ords.
A0 .an take it, o.tor. Hust *i2e it to )e strai*ht.A
A8e-ore you .an (e -itted +ith your 8rain.a/, you ha2e to (e
.o)/letely (ald. 5o hereBs your .hoi.e. At the rate your hair *ro+s,
youBd ha2e to (e sha2ed at least on.e a )onth. Or you .ould ha2e a
AEo+Bs that doneIA
A$aser treat)ent. Gills the -olli.les at the root.A
AE)) it re2ersi(leIA
A:es, (ut thatBs )essy and /ain-ul, and takes +eeks.A
AThen 0Bll see ho+ 0 like (ein* hairless, (e-ore .o))ittin*
)ysel-. 0 .anBt -or*et +hat ha//ened to 5a)son.A
AChara.ter in a -a)ous old (ook. Eis *irl--riend .ut o-- his hair
+hile he +as slee/in*. 7hen he +oke u/, all his stren*th had *one.A
A9o+ 0 re)e)(er -- /retty o(2ious ) sy)(olis)FA
A5till, 0 +ouldnBt )ind losin* )y (eard. 0Bd (e ha//y to sto/
sha2in*, on.e and -or all.A
A0Bll )ake the arran*e)ents. And +hat kind o- +i* +ould you likeIA
"oole lau*hed.
A0B) not /arti.ularly 2ain -- think it +ould (e a nuisan.e, and
/ro(a(ly +onBt (other. 5o)ethin* else 0 .an de.ide later.A
That e2eryone in this era +as arti-i.ially (ald +as a sur/risin*
-a.t that "oole had (een Duite slo+ to dis.o2er4 his -irst re2elation
had .o)e +hen (oth his nurses re)o2ed their lu1uriant tresses, +ithout
the sli*htest si*n o- e)(arrass)ent, Cust (e-ore se2eral eDually (ald
s/e.ialists arri2ed to *i2e hi) a series o- )* .he.ks. Ee
had ne2er (een surrounded (y so )any hairless /eo/le, and his initial
*uess +as that this +as the latest ste/ in the ) /ro-essionBs
endless +ar a*ainst *er)s.
$ike )any o- his *uesses, it +as .o)/letely +ron*, and +hen he
dis.o2ered the true reason he a)used hi)sel- (y seein* ho+ o-ten he
+ould ha2e (een sure, had he not kno+n in ad2an.e, that his 2isitorsB
hair +as not their o+n. The ans+er +as: seldo) +ith )en, ne2er +ith
+o)en4 this +as o(2iously the *reat a*e o- the +i*-)aker.
"ro-essor Anderson +asted no ti)e: that a-ternoon the nurses
s)eared so)e e2il-s)ellin* .rea) o2er "ooleBs head, and +hen he looked
into the )irror an hour later he did not re.o*ni6e hi)sel-. 7ell, he
thou*ht, /erha/s a +i* +ould (e a *ood idea, a-ter all...
The 8rain.a/ -ittin* took so)e+hat lon*er. First a )old had to (e
)ade, +hi.h reDuired hi) to sit )otionless -or a -e+ )inutes until the
/laster set. Ee -ully e1/e.ted to (e told that his head +as the +ron*
sha/e +hen his nurses -- *i**lin* )ost un/ro-essionally -- had a hard
ti)e e1tri.atin* hi). AOu.h that hurtFA he .o)/lained.
9e1t .a)e the skull-.a/ itsel-, a )etal hel)et that -itted snu*ly
al)ost do+n to the ears, and tri**ered a nostal*i. thou*ht -- +ish )y
He+ish -riends .ould see )e no+F A-ter a -e+ )inutes, it +as so
.o)-orta(le that he +as una+are o- its /resen.e.
9o+ he +as ready -or the installation -- a /ro.ess +hi.h, he
reali6ed +ith so)ethin* akin to a+e, had (een the #ite o- "assa*e -or
al)ost all the hu)an ra.e -or )ore than hal- a )illenniu).
AThereBs no need to .lose your eyes,A said the te.hni.ian, +ho had
(een introdu.ed (y the /retentious title o- A8rain 'n*ineerA -- al)ost
al+ays shortened to A8rain)anA in /o/ular usa*e. A7hen 5etu/ (e*ins, all
your in/uts +ill (e taken o2er. '2en i- your eyes are o/en, you +onBt
see anythin*.A
0 +onder i- e2eryone -eels as ner2ous as this, "oole asked
hi)sel-. 0s this the last )o)ent 0Bll (e in .ontrol o- )y o+n )indI
5till, 0B2e learned to trust the te.hnolo*y o- this a*e4 u/ to no+, it
hasnBt let )e do+n. O- .ourse, as the old sayin* *oes, thereBs al+ays a
-irst ti)e...
As he had (een /ro)ised, he had -elt nothin* e1.e/t a *entle
ti.klin* as the )yriad o- nano+ires +or)ed their +ay throu*h his
All his senses +ere still /er-e.tly nor)al4 +hen he s.anned his -a)iliar
roo), e2erythin* +as e1a.tly +here it should (e.
The 8rain)an -- +earin* his o+n skull-.a/, +ired, like "ooleBs, to
a /ie.e o- eDui/)ent that .ould easily ha2e (een )istaken -or a
t+entieth-.entury la/to/ .o)/uter -- *a2e hi) a reassurin* s)ile.
A#eadyIA he asked.
There +ere ti)es +hen the old .li.heBs +ere the (est ones.
A#eady as 0Bll e2er (e,A "oole ans+ered.
5lo+ly, the li*ht -aded -- or see)ed to. A *reat silen.e
des.ended, and e2en the *entle *ra2ity o- the To+er relinDuished its
hold u/on hi). Ee +as an e)(ryo, -loatin* in a -eatureless 2oid, thou*h
not in .o)/lete darkness. Ee had kno+n su.h a (arely 2isi(le, near
ultra-2iolet tene(rosity, on the 2ery ed*e o- ni*ht, only on.e in his
li-e +hen he had des.ended -urther than +as alto*ether +ise do+n the
-a.e o- a sheer .li-- at the outer ed*e o- the %reat 8arrier #ee-.
$ookin* do+n into hundreds o- )eters o- .rystalline e)/tiness, he had
-elt su.h a sense o- disorientation that he e1/erien.ed a (rie- )o)ent
o- /ani., and had al)ost tri**ered his (uoyan.y unit (e-ore re*ainin*
.ontrol. 9eedless to say, he had ne2er )entioned the in.ident to the
5/a.e A*en.y /hysi.ians...
Fro) a *reat distan.e a 2oi.e s/oke out o- the i))ense 2oid that
no+ see)ed to surround hi). 8ut it did not rea.h hi) throu*h his ears:
it sounded so-tly in the e.hoin* la(yrinths o- his (rain.
ACali(ration startin*. Fro) ti)e to ti)e you +ill (e asked
Duestions -- you .an ans+er )entally, (ut it )ay hel/ to 2o.ali6e. o
you understandIA
A:es,A "oole re/lied, +onderin* i- his li/s +ere indeed )o2in*.
There +as no +ay that he .ould tell.
5o)ethin* +as a//earin* in the 2oid -- a *rid o- thin lines, like
a hu*e sheet o- *ra/h /a/er. 0t e1tended u/ and do+n, ri*ht and le-t, to
the li)its o- his 2ision. Ee tried to )o2e his head, (ut the i)a*e
re-used to .han*e.
9u)(ers started to -li.ker a.ross the *rid, too -ast -or hi) to
read -- (ut /resu)a(ly so)e .ir.uit +as re.ordin* the). "oole .ould not
hel/ s)ilin* (did his .heeks )o2eI! at the -a)iliarity o- it all. This
+as Cust like the .o)/uter-dri2en eye e1a)ination that any o.ulist o-
his a*e +ould *i2e a .lient.
The *rid 2anished, to (e re/la.ed (y s)ooth sheets o- .olor
-illin* his entire -ield o- 2ie+. 0n a -e+ se.onds, they -lashed -ro)
one end o- the s/e.tru) to the other. ACould ha2e told you that,A "oole
)uttered silently. A3y .olor 2isionBs /er-e.t. 9e1t -or hearin*, 0
Ee +as Duite .orre.t. A -aint, dru))in* sound a..elerated until it
(e.a)e the lo+est o- audi(le Cs, then ra.ed u/ the ) s.ale until
it disa//eared (eyond the ran*e o- hu)an hearin*, into (at and dol/hin
That +as the last o- the si)/le, strai*ht-or+ard tests. Ee +as
(rie-ly assailed (y s.ents and -la2ors, )ost o- the) /leasant (ut so)e
Duite the re2erse. Then he (e.a)e, or so it see)ed, a /u//et on an
in2isi(le strin*.
Ee /resu)ed that his neuro)us.ular .ontrol +as (ein* tested, and
ho/ed that there +ere no e1ternal )ani-estations, i- there +ere, he
+ould /ro(a(ly look like so)eone in the ter)inal sta*es o- 5t. VitusBs
an.e. And -or one )o)ent he e2en had a 2iolent ere.tion, (ut +as una(le
to *i2e it a reality .he.k (e-ore he -ell into a drea)less slee/.
Or did he only drea) that he sle/tI Ee had no idea ho+ )u.h ti)e
had ela/sed (e-ore he a+oke. The hel)et had already *one, to*ether +ith
the 8rain)an and his eDui/)ent.
A'2erythin* +ent -ine,A (ea)ed 3atron. A0t +ill take a -e+ hours
to .he.k that there are no ano)alies. 0- your readin*Bs GO -- 0 )ean OG
-- youBll ha2e your 8rain.a/ to)orro+.A
"oole a//re.iated the e--orts o- his entoura*e to learn ar.hai.
'n*lish, (ut he .ould not hel/ +ishin* that 3atron had not )ade that
un-ortunate sli/-o--the-ton*ue.
7hen the ti)e .a)e -or the -inal -illin*, "oole -elt al)ost like a
(oy a*ain, a(out to un+ra/ so)e +onder-ul ne+ toy under the Christ)as
A:ou +onBt ha2e to *o throu*h all that settin*-u/ a*ain,A the
8rain)an assured hi). Ao+nload +ill start i))ediately. 0Bll *i2e you a
-i2e-)inute de)o. Hust rela1 and enCoy.A
%entle, soothin* )usi. +ashed o2er hi)4 thou*h it +as so)ethin*
2ery -a)iliar, -ro) his o+n ti)e, he .ould not identi-y it. There +as a
)ist (e-ore his eyes, +hi.h /arted as he +alked to+ards it...
:es, he +as +alkin*F The illusion +as utterly*4 he .ould
-eel the i)/a.t o- his -eet on the *round, and no+ that the )usi. had
sto//ed he .ould hear a *entle +ind (lo+in* throu*h the *reat trees that
a//eared to surround hi). Ee re.o*ni6ed the) as Cali-ornian red+oods,
and ho/ed that they still e1isted in reality, so)e+here on 'arth.
Ee +as )o2in* at a (risk /a.e -- too -ast -or .o)-ort, as i- ti)e
+as sli*htly a..elerated so he .ould .o2er as )u.h *round as /ossi(le.
:et he +as not .ons.ious o- any e--ort4 he -elt he +as a *uest in
so)eone elseBs (ody. The sensation +as enhan.ed (y the -a.t that he had
no .ontrol o2er his )o2e)ents. 7hen he atte)/ted to sto/, or to .han*e
dire.tion, nothin* ha//ened. Ee +as *oin* alon* -or the ride.
0t did not )atter4 he +as enCoyin* the no2el e1/erien.e -- and
.ould a//re.iate ho+ addi.ti2e it .ould (e.o)e. The Adrea) )a.hinesA
that )any s.ientists o- his o+n .entury had anti.i/ated -- o-ten +ith
alar) -- +ere no+ /art o- e2eryday li-e. "oole +ondered ho+ 3ankind had
)ana*ed to sur2i2e: he had (een told that )u.h o- it had not. 3illions
had (een (rain-(urned, and had dro//ed out o- li-e.
O- .ourse, he +ould (e i))une to su.h te)/tationsF Ee +ould use
this )ar2elous tool to learn )ore a(out the +orld o- the Fourth
3illenniu), and to a.Duire in )inutes ne+ skills that +ould other+ise
take years to )aster. 7ell -- he )i*ht, Cust o..asionally, use the
8rain.a/ /urely -or -un...
Ee had .o)e to the ed*e o- the -orest, and +as lookin* out a.ross
a +ide ri2er. 7ithout hesitation, he +alked into it, and -elt no alar)
as the +ater rose o2er his head. 0t did see) a little stran*e that he
.ould .ontinue (reathin* naturally, (ut he thou*ht it )u.h )ore
re)arka(le that he .ould see /er-e.tly in a )ediu) +here the unaided
hu)an eye .ould not Ee .ould .ount e2ery s.ale on the )a*ni-i.ent
trout that +ent s+i))in* /ast, a//arently o(li2ious to this stran*e
Then, a )er)aid -- 7ell he had al+ays +anted to )eet one, (ut he
had assu)ed that they +ere )arine .reatures. "erha/s they o..asionally
.a)e u/strea) -- like sal)on, to ha2e their (a(iesI 5he +as *one (e-ore
he .ould Duestion her, to .on-ir) or deny this re2olutionary theory.
The ri2er ended in a translu.ent +all4 he ste//ed throu*h it on to
the -a.e o- a desert, (eneath a (la6in* sun. 0ts heat (urned hi)
un.o)-orta(ly -- yet he +as a(le to look dire.tly into its noonday -ury.
Ee .ould e2en see, +ith unnatural .larity, an ar.hi/ela*o o- suns/ots
near one li)(. And -- this +as surely i)/ossi(le -- there +as the
tenuous *lory o- the .orona, Duite in2isi(le e1.e/t durin* total, rea.hin* out like a s+anBs +in*s on either side o- the 5un.
'2erythin* -aded to (la.k: the hauntin* )usi. returned, and +ith
it the (liss-ul .oolness o- his -a)iliar roo). Ee o/ened his eyes (had
they e2er (een .losedI! and -ound an e1/e.tant audien.e +aitin* -or his
A7onder-ulFA he (reathed, al)ost re2erently. A5o)e o- it see)ed --
+ell, realer than realFA
Then his en*ineerBs .uriosity, ne2er -ar -ro) the sur-a.e, started
na**in* hi).
A'2en that short de)o )ust ha2e .ontained an enor)ous a)ount o-
in-or)ation. Eo+Bs it storedIA
A0n these ta(lets -- the sa)e your audio-2isual syste) uses, (ut
+ith )u.h *reater .a/a.ity.A
The 8rain)an handed "oole a s)all sDuare, a//arently )ade o-
*lass, sil2ered on one sur-a.e4 it +as al)ost the sa)e si6e as the
.o)/uter diskettes o- his youth, (ut t+i.e the thi.kness. As "oole
tilted it (a.k and -orth, tryin* to see into its trans/arent interior,
there +ere o..asional rain(o+-hued -lashes, (ut that +as all.
Ee +as holdin*, he reali6ed, the end /rodu.t o- )ore than a
thousand years o- ele.tro-o/ te.hnolo*y -- as +ell as other
te.hnolo*ies un(orn in his era. And it +as not sur/risin* that,
su/er-i.ially, it rese)(led .losely the he had kno+n. There +as
a .on2enient sha/e and si6e -or )ost o- the .o))on o(Ce.ts o- e2eryday
li-e -- kni2es and -orks, (ooks, hand-tools, -urniture...and re)o2a(le
)e)ories -or .o)/uters.
A7hatBs its .a/a.ityIA he asked. A0n )y ti)e, +e +ere u/ to a
tera(yte in so)ethin* this si6e. 0B) sure youB2e done a lot (etter.A
A9ot as )u.h as you )i*ht i)a*ine -- thereBs a li)it, o- .ourse,
set (y the stru.ture o- )atter. 8y the +ay, +hat +as a tera(yteI A-raid
0B2e -or*otten.A
A5ha)e on youF Gilo, )e*a, *i*a, tera...thatBs ten to the t+el-th
(ytes. Then the /eta(yte -- ten to the -i-teenth -- thatBs as -ar as 0
e2er *ot.A
AThatBs a(out +here +e start. 0tBs enou*h to re.ord e2erythin* any
/erson .an e1/erien.e durin* one li-eti)e.A
0t +as an astonishin* thou*ht, yet it should not ha2e (een so
sur/risin*. The kilo*ra) o- Celly inside the hu)an skull +as not )u.h
lar*er than the ta(let "oole +as holdin* in his hand, and it .ould not
/ossi(ly (e as e--i.ient a stora*e de2i.e -- it had so )any other duties
to deal +ith.
AAnd thatBs not all,A the 8rain)an .ontinued. A7ith so)e data
.o)/ression, it .ould store not only the )e)ories -- (ut the a.tual
AAnd re/rodu.e the) a*ainIA
AO- .ourse4 strai*ht-or+ard Co( o- nanoasse)(ly.A
5o 0Bd heard, "oole told hi)sel- -- (ut 0 ne2er really (elie2ed
8a.k in his .entury, it see)ed +onder-ul enou*h that the entire
li-e+ork o- a *reat artist .ould (e stored on a sin*le s)all disk. And
no+, so)ethin* no lar*er .ould hold -- the artist as +ell.
= -- e(rie-in*
A0B) deli*hted,A said "oole, Ato kno+ that the 5)ithsonian still
e1ists, a-ter all these .enturies.A
A:ou /ro(a(ly +ouldnBt re.o*ni6e it,A said the 2isitor +ho had
introdu.ed hi)sel- as r. Alistair Gi), ire.tor o- Astronauti.s.
A's/e.ially as itBs no+ s.attered o2er the 5olar 5yste) -- the )ain o---
'arth .olle.tions are on 3ars and the 3oon, and )any o- the e1hi(its
that le*ally (elon* to us are still headin* -or the stars. 5o)e day
+eBll .at.h u/ +ith the) and (rin* the) ho)e. 7eBre /arti.ularly an1ious
to *et our hands on "ioneer 10 -- the -irst )an)ade o(Ce.t to es.a/e
-ro) the 5olar 5yste).A
A0 (elie2e 0 +as on the 2er*e o- doin* that, +hen they lo.ated
A$ -or you -- and -or us. :ou )ay (e a(le to thro+ li*ht on
)any thin*s +e donBt kno+.A
AFrankly, 0 dou(t it -- (ut 0Bll do )y (est. 0 donBt re)e)(er a
thin* a-ter that runa+ay s/a.e-/od .har*ed )e. Thou*h 0 still -ind it
hard to (elie2e, 0B2e (een told that Eal +as res/onsi(le.A
AThatBs true, (ut itBs a .o)/li.ated story. '2erythin* +eB2e (een
a(le to learn is in this re.ordin* -- a(out t+enty hours, (ut you .an
/ro(a(ly Fast )ost o- it.
A:ou kno+, o- .ourse, that a2e 8o+)an +ent out in the 9u)(er 2
"od to res.ue you -- (ut +as then lo.ked outside the shi/ (e.ause Eal
re-used to o/en the /od-(ay doors.A
A7hy, -or %odBs sakeIA
r. Gi) +in.ed sli*htly. 0t +as not the -irst ti)e "oole had
noti.ed su.h a rea.tion.
(3ust +at.h )y lan*ua*e, he thou*ht. A%odA see)s to (e a dirty
+ord in this .ulture -- )ust ask 0ndra a(out it.!
AThere +as a )aCor /ro*ra))in* error in EalBs instru.tions -- heBd
(een *i2en .ontrol o- as/e.ts o- the )ission you and 8o+)an didnBt kno+
a(out, itBs all in the re.ordin*...
AAny+ay, he also .ut o-- the li-e-su//ort syste)s to the three
hy(ernauts -- the Al/ha Cre+ -- and 8o+)an had to Cettison their (odies
as +ell.A
(5o a2e and 0 +ere the 8eta Cre+ -- so)ethin* else 0 didnBt
A7hat ha//ened to the)IA "oole asked. ACouldnBt they ha2e (een
res.ued, Cust as 0 +asIA
A0B) a-raid not: +eB2e looked into it, o- .ourse. 8o+)an eCe.ted
the) se2eral hours a-ter heBd taken (a.k .ontrol -ro) Eal, so their
or(its +ere sli*htly di--erent -ro) yours. Hust enou*h -or the) to (urn
u/ in Hu/iter -- +hile you ski))ed (y, and *ot a *ra2ity (oost that
+ould ha2e taken you to the Orion 9e(ula in a -e+ thousand )ore years...
Aoin* e2erythin* on )anual o2erride -- really a -antasti.
/er-or)an.eF -- 8o+)an )ana*ed to *et is.o2ery into or(it round
Hu/iter. And there he en.ountered +hat the 5e.ond '1/edition .alled 8i*
8rother -- an a//arent t+in o- the Ty.ho 3onolith, (ut hundreds o- ti)es
AAnd thatBs +here +e lost hi). Ee le-t is.o2ery in the re)ainin*
s/a.e-/od, and )ade a rende62ous +ith 8i* 8rother. For al)ost a thousand
years, +eB2e (een haunted (y his last )essa*e: B8y eus -- itBs -ull o-
(Eere +e *o a*ainF "oole told hi)sel-. 9o +ay a2e .ould ha2e said
that...3ust ha2e (een A3y %od -- itBs -ull o- starsFA!
AA//arently the /od +as dra+n into the 3onolith (y so)e kind o-
inertial -ield, (e.ause it -- and /resu)a(ly 8o+)an -- sur2i2ed an
a..eleration +hi.h should ha2e .rushed the) instantly. And that +as the
last in-or)ation anyone had, -or al)ost ten years, until the Coint &5-
#ussian $eono2 )ission...A
A7hi.h )ade a rende62ous +ith the a(andoned is.o2ery so that r.
Chandra .ould *o a(oard and rea.ti2ate Eal. :es, 0 kno+ that.A
r. Gi) looked sli*htly e)(arrassed.
A5orry -- 0 +asnBt sure ho+ )u.h youBd (een told already. Any+ay,
thatBs +hen e2en stran*er thin*s started to ha//en.A
AA//arently the arri2al o- $eono2 tri**ered so)ethin* inside 8i*
8rother. 0- +e did not ha2e these re.ordin*s, no one +ould ha2e (elie2ed
+hat ha//ened. $et )e sho+ you...hereBs r. Eey+ood Floyd kee/in* the
)idni*ht +at.h a(oard is.o2ery, a-ter /o+er had (een restored. O-
.ourse youBll re.o*ni6e e2erythin*.A
(0ndeed 0 do: and ho+ stran*e to see the lon*-dead Eey+ood Floyd,
sittin* in )y old seat +ith EalBs un(linkin* red eye sur2eyin*
e2erythin* in si*ht. And e2en stran*er to think that Eal and 0 ha2e (oth
shared the sa)e e1/erien.e o- resurre.tion -ro) the dead...!
A )essa*e +as .o)in* u/ on one o- the )onitors, and Floyd ans+ered
la6ily, AOG, Eal. 7ho is .allin*IA
9O 0'9T0F0CAT0O9.
Floyd looked sli*htly annoyed.
AVery +ell. "lease *i2e )e the )essa*e.A
0T 05 A9%'#O&5 TO #'3A09 E'#'. :O& 3&5T $'AV' 70TE09 F0FT''9
AThat is a(solutely i)/ossi(le. Our laun.h +indo+ does not o/en
until t+enty-si1 days -ro) no+. 7e do not ha2e su--i.ient /ro/ellant -or
an earlier de/arture.A
0 A3 A7A#' OF TE'5' FACT5. 9'V'#TE'$'55 :O& 3&5T $'AV' 70TE09
F0FT''9 A:5.
A0 .annot take this +arnin* seriously unless 0 kno+ its
ori*in...+ho is s/eakin* to )eIA
0 7A5 AV0 8O73A9. 0T 05 03"O#TA9T TEAT :O& 8'$0'V' 3'. $OOG
8'E09 :O&.
Eey+ood Floyd slo+ly turned in his s+i2el .hair, a+ay -ro) the
(anked /anels and s+it.hes o- the .o)/uter dis/lay, to+ards the
.o2ered .at+alk (ehind.
(A7at.h this .are-ully,A said r. Gi).
As i- 0 needed tellin*, thou*ht "oole...!
The 6ero-*ra2ity en2iron)ent o- is.o2eryBs o(ser2ation de.k +as
)u.h dustier than he re)e)(ered it: he *uessed that the air--iltration
/lant had not yet (een (rou*ht on line. The /arallel rays o- the distant
yet still (rilliant 5un, strea)in* throu*h the *reat +indo+s, lit u/ a
)yriad o-* )otes in a .lassi. dis/lay o- 8ro+nian )o2e)ent.
And no+ so)ethin* stran*e +as ha//enin* to these /arti.les o-
dust4 so)e -or.e see)ed to (e )arshallin* the), herdin* the) a+ay -ro) a
.entral /oint yet (rin*in* others to+ards it, until they all )et on the
sur-a.e o- a hollo+ s/here. That s/here, a(out a )eter a.ross, ho2ered
in the air -or a )o)ent like a *iant soa/ (u((le. Then it elon*ated into
an elli/soid, +hose sur-a.e (e*an to /u.ker, to -or) -olds and
indentations. "oole +as not really sur/rised +hen it started to assu)e
the sha/e o- a )an.
Ee had seen su.h -i*ures, (lo+n out o- *lass, in )useu)s and
s.ien.e e1hi(itions. 8ut this dusty /hanto) did not e2en a//ro1i)ate
anato) a..ura.y4 it +as like a .rude .lay -i*urine, or one o- the
/ri)iti2e +orks o- art -ound in the re.esses o- 5tone A*e .a2es. Only
the head +as -ashioned +ith .are4 and the -a.e, (eyond all shado+ o-
dou(t, +as that o- Co))ander a2id 8o+)an.
E'$$O, # F$O:. 9O7 O :O& 8'$0'V' 3'I
The li/s o- the -i*ure ne2er )o2ed: "oole reali6ed that the 2oi.e
-- yes, .ertainly 8o+)anBs 2oi.e -- +as a.tually .o)in* -ro) the s/eaker
TE05 05 V'#: 0FF0C&$T FO# 3', A9 0 EAV' $0TT$' T03'. 0 EAV' 8''9
A$$O7' TO %0V' TE05 7A#909%. :O& EAV' O9$: F0FF''9 A:5.
A7hy -- and +hat are youIA
8ut the *hostly -i*ure +as already -adin*, its *rainy en2elo/e
(e*innin* to dissol2e (a.k into the .onstituent /arti.les o- dust.
%OO-8:', OCTO# F$O:. 7' CA9 EAV' 9O F&#TE'# CO9TACT. 8&T TE'#'
3A: 8' O9' 3O#' 3'55A%', 0F A$$ %O'5 7'$$.
As the i)a*e dissol2ed, "oole .ould not hel/ s)ilin* at that old
5/a.e A*e .li.he: A0- all *oes +ellA -- ho+ )any ti)es he had heard that
/hrase intoned (e-ore a )issionF
The /hanto) 2anished: only the )otes o-* dust +ere le-t,
resu)in* their rando) /atterns in the air. 7ith an e--ort o- +ill, "oole
.a)e (a.k to the /resent.
A7ell, Co))ander -- +hat do you think o- thatIA asked Gi).
"oole +as still shaken, and it +as se2eral se.onds (e-ore he .ould
AThe -a.e and the 2oi.e +ere 8o+)anBs -- 0Bd s+ear to that. 8ut
+hat +as itIA
AThatBs +hat +eBre still ar*uin* a(out. Call it a holo*ra), a
/roCe.tion -- o- .ourse, there are /lenty o- +ays it .ould (e -aked i-
anyone +anted to -- (ut not in those .ir.u)stan.esF And then, o- .ourse,
thereBs +hat ha//ened ne1t.A
A:es. Thanks to that +arnin*, the $eono2 had Cust su--i.ient ti)e
to *et a+ay (e-ore Hu/iter detonated.A
A5o +hate2er it +as, the 8o+)an-thin* +as -riendly and tryin* to
A"resu)a(ly. And it )ay ha2e (een res/onsi(le -or that Bone )ore
)essa*eB +e did re.ei2e -- it +as sent only )inutes (e-ore the
detonation. Another +arnin*.A
r. Gi) (rou*ht the s.reen to li-e on.e )ore. 0t sho+ed /lain
te1t: A$$ TE'5' 7O#$5 A#' :O&#5 'LC'"T '&#O"A. ATT'3"T 9O $A909%5
TE'#'. The sa)e )essa*e +as re/eated a(out a hundred ti)es, then the
letters (e.a)e *ar(led.
AAnd +e ne2er ha2e tried to land thereIA asked "oole.
AOnly on.e, (y a..ident, thirty-si1 years later -- +hen the &555
%ala1y +as hiCa.ked and -or.ed do+n there, and her sister shi/ &ni2erse
had to *o to the res.ue. 0tBs all here -- +ith +hat little our ro(ot
)onitors ha2e told us a(out the 'uro/ans.A
A0B) an1ious to see the).A
ATheyBre a)/hi(ious, and .o)e in all sha/es and si6es. As soon as
$u.i-er started )eltin* the i.e that .o2ered their +hole +orld, they
(e*an to e)er*e -ro) the sea. 5in.e then, theyB2e de2elo/ed at a s/eed
that see)s (iolo* i)/ossi(le.A
AFro) +hat 0 re)e)(er a(out 'uro/a, +erenBt there lots o- .ra.ks
in the i.eI "erha/s theyBd already started .ra+lin* throu*h and ha2in* a
look round.A
AThatBs a +idely a..e/ted theory. 8ut thereBs another, )u.h )ore
s/e.ulati2e, one. The 3onolith )ay ha2e (een in2ol2ed, in +ays +e donBt
yet understand. 7hat tri**ered that line o- thou*ht +as the dis.o2ery o-
T3A M'#O, ri*ht here on 'arth, al)ost -i2e hundred years a-ter your
ti)e. 0 su//ose youB2e (een told a(out thatIA
AOnly 2a*uely -- thereBs (een so )u.h to .at.h u/ +ithF 0 did
think the na)e +as ridi.ulous -- sin.e it +asnBt a )a*neti. ano)aly --
and it +as in A-ri.a, not Ty.hoFA
A:ouBre Duite ri*ht, o- .ourse, (ut +eBre stu.k +ith the na)e. And
the )ore +e learn a(out the 3onoliths, the )ore the /u66le dee/ens.
's/e.ially as theyBre still the only real e2iden.e -or ad2an.ed
te.hnolo*y (eyond the 'arth.A
AThatBs sur/rised )e. 0 should ha2e thou*ht that (y this ti)e +eBd
ha2e /i.ked u/ radio si*nals -ro) so)e+here. The astrono)ers started
sear.hin* +hen 0 +as a (oyFA
A7ell, there is one hint -- and itBs so terri-yin* that +e donBt
like to talk a(out it. Ea2e you heard o- 9o2a 5.or/ioIA
A0 donBt (elie2e so.A
A5tars *o no2a all the ti)e, o- .ourse -- and this +asnBt a
/arti.ularly i)/ressi2e one. 8ut (e-ore it (le+ u/, 9 5.or/ +as kno+n to
ha2e se2eral /lanets.A
AA(solutely no +ay o- tellin*4 radio sear.hes had /i.ked u/
nothin*. And hereBs the ni*ht)are...A
A$u.kily, the auto)ati. 9o2a "atrol .au*ht the e2ent at the 2ery
(e*innin*. And it didnBt start at the star. One o- the /lanets detonated
-irst, and then tri**ered its sun.A
A3y %ah...sorry, *o on.A
A:ou see the /oint. 0tBs i)/ossi(le -or a /lanet to *o no2a --
e1.e/t in one +ay.A
A0 on.e read a si.k Coke in a s.ien.e--i.tion no2el -- Bsu/erno2ae
are industrial a..identsB.A
A0t +asnBt a su/erno2a -- (ut that )ay (e no Coke. The )ost +idely
a..e/ted theory is that so)eone else had (een ta//in* 2a.uu) ener*y --
and had lost .ontrol.A
AOr it .ould ha2e (een a +ar.A
AHust as (ad4 +eBll /ro(a(ly ne2er kno+. 8ut as our o+n
.i2ili6ation de/ends on the sa)e ener*y sour.e, you .an understand +hy 9
5.or/ so)eti)es *i2es us ni*ht)ares.A
AAnd +e only had )eltin* nu.lear rea.tors to +orry a(outFA
A9ot any lon*er, thank eus. 8ut 0 really +anted to tell you )ore
a(out T3A M'#OBs dis.o2ery, (e.ause it )arked a turnin* /oint in hu)an
AFindin* T3A O9' on the 3oon +as a (i* enou*h sho.k, (ut -i2e
hundred years later there +as a +orse one. And it +as )u.h nearer ho)e
-- in e2ery sense o- the +ord. o+n there in A-ri.a.A
K -- #eturn to Oldu2ai
The $eakeys, r. 5te/hen el 3ar.o o-ten told hi)sel-, +ould ne2er
ha2e re.o*ni6ed this /la.e, e2en thou*h itBs (arely a do6en kilo)eters
-ro) +here $ouis and 3ary, -i2e .enturies a*o, du* u/ the (ones o- our
-irst an.estors. %lo(al +ar)in*, and the $ittle 0.e A*e (trun.ated (y
)ira.les o- heroi. te.hnolo*y! had trans-or)ed the lands.a/e, and
.o)/letely altered its (iota. Oaks and /ine trees +ere still -i*htin* it
out, to see +hi.h +ould sur2i2e the .han*es in .li)ati. -ortune.
And it +as hard to (elie2e that, (y this year 2513, there +as
anythin* le-t in Oldu2ai undu* (y enthusiasti. anthro/olo*ists. Eo+e2er,
re.ent -lash--loods -- +hi.h +ere not su//osed to ha//en any )ore -- had
res.ul/ted this area, and .ut a+ay se2eral )eters o- to/soil. el 3ar.o
had taken ad2anta*e o- the o//ortunity: and there, at the li)it o- the
dee/, +as so)ethin* he .ould not Duite (elie2e.
0t had taken )ore than a year o- slo+ and .are-ul e1.a2ation to
rea.h that *hostly i)a*e, and to learn that the reality +as stran*er
than anythin* he had dared to i)a*ine. #o(ot di**in* )a.hines had
s+i-tly re)o2ed the -irst -e+ )eters, then the traditional
o- *raduate students had taken o2er. They had (een hel/ed -- or hindered
-- (y a tea) o- -our kon*s, +ho el 3ar.o .onsidered )ore trou(le than
they +ere +orth. Eo+e2er, the students adored the *
*orillas, +ho) they treated like retarded (ut )u.h-lo2ed .hildren. 0t
+as ru)ored that the relationshi/s +ere not al+ays .o)/letely "latoni..
For the last -e+ )eters, ho+e2er, e2erythin* +as the +ork o- hu)an
hands, usually +ieldin* tooth(rushes -- so-t-(ristled at that. And no+
it +as -inished: Eo+ard Carter, seein* the -irst *lint o- *old in
Tutankha)enBs to)(, had ne2er un.o2ered su.h a treasure as this. Fro)
this )o)ent on+ards, el 3ar.o kne+, hu)an (elie-s and /hiloso/hies
+ould (e irre2o.a(ly .han*ed.
The 3onolith a//eared to (e the e1a.t t+in o- that dis.o2ered on
the 3oon -i2e .enturies earlier: e2en the e1.a2ation surroundin* it +as
al)ost in si6e. And like T3A O9', it +as totally non-
re-le.ti2e, a(sor(in* +ith eDual indi--eren.e the -ier.e *lare o- the 5un and the /ale *lea) o- $u.i-er.
As he led his .ollea*ues -- the dire.tors o- the +orldBs hal--
do6en )ost -a)ous )useu)s, three e)inent anthro/olo*ists, the heads o-
t+o )edia e)/ires -- do+n into the /it, el 3ar.o +ondered i- su.h a
distin*uished *rou/ o- )en and +o)en had e2er (een so silent, -or so
lon*. 8ut that +as the e--e.t that this e(on re.tan*le had on all
2isitors, as they reali6ed the i)/li.ations o- the thousands o-
arti-a.ts that surrounded it.
For here +as an ar.haeolo*istBs treasure-tro2e -- .rudely-
-ashioned -lint tools, .ountless (ones -- so)e ani)al, so)e hu)an -- and
al)ost all arran*ed in .are-ul /atterns. For .enturies -- no, )illennia
-- these /iti-ul *i-ts had (een (rou*ht here, (y .reatures +ith only the
-irst *li))er o- intelli*en.e, as tri(ute to a )ar2el (eyond their
And (eyond ours, el 3ar.o had o-ten thou*ht. :et o- t+o thin*s he
+as .ertain, thou*h he dou(ted i- /roo- +ould e2er (e /ossi(le.
This +as +here -- in ti)e and s/a.e -- the hu)an s/e.ies had
really (e*un.
And this 3onolith +as the 2ery -irst o- all its )ultitudinous
< -- 5kyland
AThere +ere )i.e in )y (edroo) last ni*ht,A "oole .o)/lained, only
hal- seriously. A0s there any .han.e you .ould -ind )e a .atIA
r. 7alla.e looked /u66led, then started to lau*h.
A:ou )ust ha2e heard one o- the .leanin* )i.rots -- 0Bll *et the
/ro*ra))in* .he.ked so they donBt distur( you. Try not to ste/ on one i-
you .at.h it at +ork4 i- you do, it +ill .all -or hel/, and all its
-riends +ill .o)e to /i.k u/ the /
5o )u.h to learn -- so little ti)eF 9o, that +asnBt true, "oole
re)inded hi)sel-. Ee )i*ht +ell ha2e a .entury ahead o- hi), thanks to
the ) s.ien.e o- this a*e. The thou*ht +as already (e*innin* to
-ill hi) +ith a//rehension rather than /leasure.
At least he +as no+ a(le to -ollo+ )ost .on2ersations easily, and
had learned to /ronoun.e +ords so that 0ndra +as not the only /erson +ho
.ould understand hi). Ee +as 2ery *lad that An*lish +as no+ the +orld
lan*ua*e, thou*h Fren.h, #ussian and 3andarin still -lourished.
A0B2e another /ro(le), 0ndra -- and 0 *uess youBre the only /erson
+ho .an hel/. 7hen 0 say B%odB, +hy do /eo/le look e)(arrassedIA
0ndra did not look at all e)(arrassed4 in -a.t, she lau*hed.
AThatBs a 2ery .o)/li.ated story. 0 +ish )y old -riend r. Ghan
+as here to e1/lain it to you -- (ut heBs on %any)ede, .urin* any
re)ainin* True 8elie2ers he .an -ind there. 7hen all the old reli*ions
+ere dis.redited -- let )e tell you a(out "o/e "ius LL so)eti)e -- one
o- the *reatest )en in historyF -- +e still needed a +ord -or the "ri)e
Cause, or the Creator o- the &ni2erse -- i- there is one...A
AThere +ere lots o- su**estions -- eo -- Theo -- Ho2e -- 8rah)a
-- they +ere all tried, and so)e o- the) are still around -- es/e.ially
'insteinBs -a2orite, BThe Old OneB. 8ut eus see)s to (e the -ashion
A0Bll try to re)e)(er4 (ut it still see)s silly to )e.A
A:ouBll *et used to it: 0Bll tea.h you so)e other reasona(ly
/olite e1/leti2es, to use +hen you +ant to e1/ress your -eelin*s...A
A:ou said that all the old reli*ions ha2e (een dis.redited. 5o
+hat do /eo/le (elie2e no+adaysIA
AAs little as /ossi(le. 7eBre all either eists or Theists.A
A:ouB2e lost )e. e-initions, /lease.A
AThey +ere sli*htly di--erent in your ti)e, (ut here are the
latest 2ersions. Theists (elie2e thereBs not )ore than one %od4 eists
that there is not less than one %od.A
A0B) a-raid the distin.tionBs too su(tle -or )e.A
A9ot -or e2eryone4 youBd (e a)a6ed at the (itter .ontro2ersies
itBs aroused. Fi2e .enturies a*o, so)eone used +hatBs kno+n as surreal
)athe)ati.s to /ro2e thereBs an in-inite nu)(er o- *rades (et+een
Theists and eists. O- .ourse, like )ost da((lers +ith in-inity, he +ent
insane. 8y the +ay, the (est-kno+n eists +ere A)eri.ans -- 7ashin*ton,
Franklin, He--erson.A
AA little (e-ore )y ti)e -- thou*h youBd (e sur/rised ho+ )any
/eo/le donBt reali6e it.A
A9o+ 0B2e so)e *ood ne+s. Hoe -- "ro-. Anderson -- has -inally
*i2en his -- +hat +as the /hraseI -- OG. :ouBre -it enou*h to *o -or a
little tri/ u/ the $unar $e2el.A
A7onder-ul. Eo+ -ar is thatIA
AOh, a(out t+el2e thousand kilo)eters.A
AT+el2e thousandF That +ill take hoursFA
0ndra looked sur/rised at his re)ark: then she s)iled.
A9ot as lon* as you think. 9o -- +e donBt ha2e a 5tar Trek
Trans/orter yet -- thou*h 0 (elie2e theyBre still +orkin* on itF 8ut
youBll need ne+ .lothes, and so)eone to sho+ you ho+ to +ear the). And
to hel/ you +ith the hundreds o- little e2eryday Co(s that .an +aste so
)u.h ti)e. 5o +eB2e taken the li(erty o- arran*in* a hu)an /ersonal
assistant -or you Co)e in, anil.A
anil +as a s)all, li*ht-(ro+n )an in his )id-thirties, +ho
sur/rised "oole (y not *i2in* hi) the usual /al)-to/ salute, +ith its
auto)ati. e1.han*e o- in-or)ation.
0ndeed, it soon a//eared that anil did not /ossess an 0dent:
+hene2er it +as needed, he /rodu.ed a s)all re.tan*le o- /lasti. that
a//arently ser2ed the sa)e /ur/ose as the t+enty--irst .enturyBs As)art
Aanil +ill also (e your *uide and +hat +as that +ordI -- 0 .an
ne2er re)e)(er -- rhy)es +ith B(alletB. EeBs (een s/e.ially trained -or
the Co(. 0B) sure youBll -ind hi) .o)/letely satis-a.tory.A
Thou*h "oole a//re.iated this *esture, it )ade hi) -eel a little
un.o)-orta(le. A 2alet, indeedF Ee .ould not re.all e2er )eetin* one4 in
his ti)e, they +ere already a rare and endan*ered s/e.ies. Ee (e*an to
-eel like a .hara.ter -ro) an early-t+entieth-.entury 'n*lish no2el.
A:ou ha2e a .hoi.e,A said 0ndra, Athou*h 0 kno+ +hi.h one youBll
take. 7e .an *o u/ on an e1ternal ele2ator, and ad)ire the 2ie+ -- or an
interior one, and enCoy a )eal and so)e li*ht entertain)ent.A
A0 .anBt i)a*ine anyone +antin* to stay inside.A
A:ouBd (e sur/rised. 0tBs too 2erti*inous -or so)e /eo/le --
es/e.ially 2isitors -ro) do+n (elo+. '2en )ountain .li)(ers +ho say
theyB2e *ot a head -or hei*hts )ay start to turn *reen -- +hen the
hei*hts are )easured in thousands o- kilo)eters, instead o- )eters.A
A0Bll risk it,A "oole ans+ered +ith a s)ile. A0B2e (een hi*her.A
7hen they had /assed throu*h a dou(le set o- airlo.ks in the
e1terior +all o- the To+er (+as it i)a*ination, or did he -eel a .urious
sense o- disorientation thenI! they entered +hat )i*ht ha2e (een the
auditoriu) o- a 2ery s)all theatre. #o+s o- ten seats +ere (anked u/ in
-i2e tiers: they all -a.ed to+ards one o- the hu*e /i.ture +indo+s +hi.h
"oole still -ound dis.on.ertin*, as he .ould ne2er Duite -or*et the
hundreds o- tons o- air /ressure, stri2in* to (last it out into s/a.e.
The do6en or so other /assen*ers, +ho had /ro(a(ly ne2er *i2en the
)atter any thou*ht, see)ed /er-e.tly at ease. They all s)iled as they
re.o*ni6ed hi), nodded /olitely, then turned a+ay to ad)ire the 2ie+.
A7el.o)e to 5kyloun*e,A said the ine2ita(le auto2oi.e. AAs.ent
(e*ins in -i2e )inutes. :ou +ill -ind re-resh)ents and toilets on the
lo+er -loor.A
Hust ho+ lon* +ill this tri/ lastI "oole +ondered. 7eBre *oin* to
tra2el o2er t+enty thousand kli.ks, there and (a.k: this +ill (e like no
ele2ator ride 0B2e e2er kno+n on 'arth...
7hile he +as +aitin* -or the as.ent to (e*in, he enCoyed the
stunnin* /anora)a laid out t+o thousand kilo)eters (elo+. 0t +as +inter
in the northern he)is/here, (ut the .li)ate had indeed .han*ed, -or there +as little sno+ south o- the Ar.ti. Cir.le.
'uro/e +as al)ost .loud--ree, and there +as so )u.h detail that
the eye +as o2er+hel)ed. One (y one he identi-ied the *reat .ities +hose
na)es had e.hoed do+n the .enturies4 they had (een shrinkin* e2en in his
ti)e, as the .o))uni.ations re2olution .han*ed the -a.e o- the +orld,
and had no+ d+indled still -urther. There +ere also so)e (odies o- +ater
in i)/ro(a(le / -- the northern 5aharaBs $ake 5aladin +as al)ost a
s)all sea.
"oole +as so en*rossed (y the 2ie+ that he had -or*otten the
/assa*e o- ti)e. 5uddenly he reali6ed that )u.h )ore than -i2e )inutes
had /assed -- yet the ele2ator +as still stationary. Ead so)ethin* *one
+ron* -- or +ere they +aitin* -or late arri2alsI
And then he noti.ed so)ethin* so e1traordinary that at -irst he
re-used to (elie2e the e2iden.e o- his eyes. The /anora)a had e1/anded,
as i- he had already risen hundreds o- kilo)etersF '2en as he +at.hed,
he noti.ed ne+ -eatures o- the /lanet (elo+ .ree/in* into the -ra)e o-
the +indo+.
Then "oole lau*hed, as the o(2ious e1/lanation o..urred to hi).
A:ou .ould ha2e -ooled )e, 0ndraF 0 thou*ht this +as real -- not a
2ideo /roCe.tionFA
0ndra looked (a.k at hi) +ith a s)ile.
AThink a*ain, Frank. 7e started to )o2e a(out ten )inutes a*o. 8y
no+ +e )ust (e .li)(in* at, oh -- at least a thousand kilo)eters an
hour. Thou*h 0B) told these ele2ators .an rea.h a hundred *ee at )a1i)u)
a..eleration, +e +onBt tou.h )ore than ten, on this short run.A
AThatBs i)/ossi(leF 5i1 is the )a1i)u) they e2er *a2e )e in the
.entri-u*e, and 0 didnBt enCoy +ei*hin* hal- a ton. 0 kno+ +e ha2enBt
)o2ed sin.e +e ste//ed inside.A
"oole had raised his 2oi.e sli*htly, and suddenly (e.a)e a+are
that the other /assen*ers +ere /retendin* not to noti.e.
A0 donBt understand ho+ itBs done, Frank, (ut itBs .alled an
inertial -ield. Or so)eti)es a 5har/ one -- the B5B stands -or a -a)ous
#ussian s.ientist, 5akharo2 -- 0 donBt kno+ +ho the others +ere.A
5lo+ly, understandin* da+ned in "ooleBs )ind -- and also a sense
o- a+e-stru.k +onder. Eere indeed +as a Ate.hnolo*y indistin*uisha(le
-ro) )a*i.A.
A5o)e o- )y -riends used to drea) o- Bs/a.e dri2esB -- ener*y
-ields that .ould re/la.e ro.kets, and allo+ )o2e)ent +ithout any
-eelin* o- a..eleration, 3ost o- us thou*ht they +ere .ra6y -- (ut it
see)s they +ere ri*htF 0 .an still hardly (elie2e it...and unless 0B)
)istaken, +eBre startin* to lose +ei*ht.A
A:es -- itBs adCustin* to the lunar 2alue. 7hen +e ste/ out,
youBll -eel +eBre on the 3oon. 8ut -or *oodnessB sake, Frank -- -or*et
youBre an en*ineer, and si)/ly enCoy the 2ie+.A
0t +as *ood ad2i.e, (ut e2en as he +at.hed the +hole o- A-ri.a,
'uro/e and )u.h o- Asia -lo+ into his -ield o- 2ision, "oole .ould not
tear his )ind a+ay -ro) this astonishin* re2elation. :et he should not
ha2e (een +holly sur/rised: he kne+ that there had (een )aCor
(reakthrou*hs in s/a.e /ro/ulsion syste)s sin.e his ti)e, (ut had not
reali6ed that they +ould ha2e su.h dra)ati. a//li.ations to e2eryday
li-e -- i- that ter) .ould (e a//lied to e1isten.e in a thirty-si1-
thousand-kilo)eter-hi*h skys.ra/er.
And the a*e o- the ro.ket )ust ha2e (een o2er, .enturies a*o. All
his kno+led*e o- /ro/ellant syste)s and .o)(ustion .ha)(ers, ion
thrusters and -usion rea.tors, +as totally o(solete. O- .ourse, that no
lon*er )attered -- (ut he understood the sadness that the ski//er o- a
+indCa))er )ust ha2e -elt, +hen sail *a2e +ay to stea).
Eis )ood .han*ed a(ru/tly, and he .ould not hel/ s)ilin*, +hen the
ro(o2oi.e announ.ed, AArri2in* in t+o )inutes. "lease )ake sure that you
do not lea2e any o- your /ersonal (elon*in*s (ehind.A
Eo+ o-ten he had heard that announ.e)ent, on so)e .o))er.ial
-li*htI Ee looked at his +at.h, and +as sur/rised to see that they had
(een as.endin* -or less than hal- an hour 5o that )eant an a2era*e s/eed
o- at least t+enty thousand kilo)eters an hour, yet they )i*ht ne2er
ha2e )o2ed. 7hat +as e2en stran*er -- -or the last ten )inutes or )ore
they )ust a.tually ha2e (een de.eleratin* so ra/idly that (y ri*hts they
should all ha2e (een standin* on the roo-, heads /ointin* to+ards 'arthF
The doors o/ened silently, and as "oole ste//ed out he a*ain -elt
the sli*ht disorientation he had noti.ed on enterin* the ele2ator
loun*e. This ti)e, ho+e2er, he kne+ +hat it )eant: he +as )o2in* throu*h
the transition 6one +here the inertial -ield o2erla//ed +ith *ra2ity --
at this le2el, eDual to the 3oonBs.
0ndra and anil -ollo+ed hi), +alkin* .are-ully no+ at a third o-
their .usto)ary +ei*ht, as they +ent -or+ard to )eet the ne1t o- the
dayBs +onders.
Thou*h the 2ie+ o- the re.edin* 'arth had (een a+eso)e, e2en -or
an astronaut, there +as nothin* une1/e.ted or sur/risin* a(out it. 8ut
+ho +ould ha2e i)a*ined a *i*anti. .ha)(er, a//arently o..u/yin* the
entire +idth o- the To+er, so that the -ar +all +as )ore than -i2e
kilo)eters a+ayI "erha/s (y this ti)e there +ere lar*er en.losed 2olu)es
on the 3oon and 3ars, (ut this )ust surely (e one o- the lar*est in
s/a.e itsel-.
They +ere standin* on a 2ie+in* /lat-or), -i-ty )eters u/ on the
outer +all, lookin* a.ross an astonishin*ly 2aried /anora)a. O(2iously,
an atte)/t had (een )ade to re/rodu.e a +hole ran*e o- terrestrial
(io)es. 0))ediately (eneath the) +as a *rou/ o- slender trees +hi.h
"oole .ould not at -irst identi-y: then he reali6ed that they +ere oaks,
ada/ted to one-si1th o- their nor)al *ra2ity. 7hat, he +ondered, +ould
/al) -rees look like hereI %iant reeds, /ro(a(ly...
0n the )iddle-distan.e there +as a s)all lake, -ed (y a ri2er that
)eandered a.ross a *rassy /lain, then disa//eared into so)ethin* that
looked like a sin*le *i*anti. (anyan tree. 7hat +as the sour.e o- the
+aterI "oole had (e.o)e a+are o- a -aint dru))in* sound, and as he s+e/t
his *a6e alon* the *ently .ur2in* +all, he dis.o2ered a )iniature
9ia*ara, +ith a /er-e.t rain(o+ ho2erin* in the s/ray a(o2e it.
Ee .ould ha2e stood here -or hours, ad)irin* the 2ie+ and still
not e1haustin* all the +onders o- this .o)/le1 and (rilliantly .ontri2ed
si)ulation o- the /lanet (elo+. As it s/read out into ne+ and hostile
en2iron)ents, /erha/s the hu)an ra.e -elt an e2er-in.reasin* need to
re)e)(er its ori*ins. O- .ourse, e2en in his o+n ti)e e2ery .ity had its
/arks as -- usually -ee(le -- re)inders o- 9ature. The sa)e i)/ulse )ust
(e a.tin* here, on a )u.h *rander s.ale. Central "ark, A-ri.a To+erF
A$etBs *o do+n,A said 0ndra. AThereBs so )u.h to see, and 0 donBt
.o)e here as o-ten as 0Bd like.A
Follo+ed (y the silent (ut e2er-/resent anil, +ho al+ays see)ed
to kno+ +hen he +as needed (ut other+ise ke/t out o- the +ay, they (e*an
a leisurely e1/loration o- this oasis in s/a.e. Thou*h +alkin* +as
al)ost e--ortless in this lo+ *ra2ity, -ro) ti)e to ti)e they took
ad2anta*e o- a s)all )onorail, and sto//ed on.e -or re-resh)ents at a
.a-eA, .unnin*ly .on.ealed in the trunk o- a red+ood that )ust ha2e (een
at least a Duarter o- a kilo)eter tall.
There +ere 2ery -e+ other /eo/le a(out -- their -ello+ /assen*ers
had lon* sin.e disa//eared into the lands.a/e -- so it +as as i- they
had all this +onderland to the)sel2es.
'2erythin* +as so (eauti-ully )aintained, /resu)a(ly (y ar)ies o-
ro(ots, that -ro) ti)e to ti)e "oole +as re)inded o- a 2isit he had )ade
to isney 7orld as a s)all (oy. 8ut this +as e2en (etter: there +ere no
.ro+ds, and indeed 2ery little re)inder o- the hu)an ra.e and its
They +ere ad)irin* a su/er( .olle.tion o- or.hids, so)e o-
enor)ous si6e, +hen "oole had one o- the (i**est sho.ks o- his li-e. As
they +alked /ast a ty/ s)all *ardenerBs shed, the door o/ened -- and
the *ardener e)er*ed.
Frank "oole had al+ays /rided hi)sel- on his sel--.ontrol, and
ne2er i)a*ined that as a -ull-*ro+n adult he +ould *i2e a .ry o- /ure
-ri*ht. 8ut like e2ery (oy o- his *eneration, he had seen all the
AHurassi.A )o2ies -- and he kne+ a ra/tor +hen he )et one eye to eye.
A0B) terri(ly sorry,A said 0ndra, +ith o(2ious .on.ern. A0 ne2er
thou*ht o- +arnin* you.A
"ooleBs Can*lin* ner2es returned to nor)al. O- .ourse, there .ould
(e no dan*er, in this /erha/s too-+ell-ordered +orld: (ut still...F
The dinosaur returned his stare +ith a//arent total disinterest,
then dou(led (a.k into the shed and e)er*ed a*ain +ith a rake and a /air
o- *arden shears, +hi.h it dro//ed into a (a* han*in* o2er one shoulder.
0t +alked a+ay -ro) the) +ith a (ird-like *ait, ne2er lookin* (a.k as it
disa//eared (ehind so)e ten-)eter-hi*h sun-lo+ers.
A0 should e1/lain,A said 0ndra .ontritely. A7e like to use (io-
or*anis)s +hen +e .an, rather than ro(ots -- 0 su//ose itBs .ar(on
.hau2inis)F 9o+, there are only a -e+ ani)als that ha2e any )anual
de1terity, and +eB2e used the) all at one ti)e or another.A
AAnd hereBs a )ystery that no oneBs (een a(le to sol2e. :ouBd
think that enhan.ed her(i2ores like oran*utans and *orillas +ould (e
*ood at this sort o- +ork. 7ell, theyBre not4 they donBt ha2e the
/atien.e -or it.A
A:et .arni2ores like our -riend here are e1.ellent, and easily
trained. 7hatBs )ore -- hereBs another /arado1F -- a-ter theyB2e (een
)odi-ied theyBre do.ile and *ood-natured. O- .ourse, thereBs al)ost a
thousand years o- *eneti. en*ineerin* (ehind the), and look +hat
/ri)iti2e )an did to the +ol-, )erely (y trial and errorFA
0ndra lau*hed and .ontinued: A:ou )ay not (elie2e this, Frank, (ut
they also )ake *ood (a(y-sitters -- .hildren lo2e the)F ThereBs a -i2e-
hundred-year-old Coke: A7ould you trust your kids to a dinosaurIA A7hat
-- and risk inCurin* itIAA
"oole Coined in the lau*hter, /artly in sha)e--a.ed rea.tion to
his o+n -ri*ht. To .han*e the su(Ce.t, he asked 0ndra the Duestion that
+as still +orryin* hi).
AAll this,A he said, AitBs +onder-ul -- (ut +hy *o to so )u.h
trou(le, +hen anyone in the To+er .an rea.h the real thin*, Cust as
0ndra looked at hi) thou*ht-ully, +ei*hin* her +ords. AThatBs not
Duite true. 0tBs un.o)-orta(le -- e2en dan*erous -- -or anyone +ho li2es
a(o2e the hal--*ee le2el to *o do+n to 'arth, e2en in a 5o
it has to (e this -- or, as you used to say, Virtual #eality.A
(9o+ 0 (e*in to understand, "oole told hi)sel- (leakly. That
e1/lains AndersonBs e2asi2eness, and all the tests heBs (een doin* to
see i- 0B2e re*ained )y stren*th. 0B2e .o)e all the +ay (a.k -ro)
Hu/iter, to +ithin t+o thousand kilo)eters o- 'arth -- (ut 0 )ay ne2er
a*ain +alk on the sur-a.e o- )y ho)e /lanet. 0B) not sure ho+ 0 +ill (e
a(le to handle this...!
10 -- Eo)a*e to 0.arus
Eis de/ression Dui.kly /assed: there +as so )u.h to do and see. A
thousand li-eti)es +ould not ha2e (een enou*h, and the /ro(le) +as to
.hoose +hi.h o- the )yriad distra.tions this a*e .ould o--er. Ee tried,
not al+ays su..ess-ully, to a2oid the tri2ia, and to .on.entrate on the
thin*s that )attered -- nota(ly his edu.ation.
The 8rain.a/ -- and the (ook-si6ed /layer that +ent +ith it,
ine2ita(ly .alled the 8rain(o1 -- +as o- enor)ous 2alue here. Ee soon
had a s)all li(rary o- Ainstant kno+led*eA ta(lets, ea.h .ontainin* all
the )aterial needed -or a .olle*e de*ree. 7hen he sli//ed one o- these
into the 8rain(o1, and *a2e it the s/eed and intensity adCust)ents that
)ost suited hi), there +ould (e a -lash o- li*ht, -ollo+ed (y a /eriod
o- un.ons.iousness that )i*ht last as lon* as an hour. 7hen he a+oke, it
see)ed that ne+ areas o- his )ind had (een o/ened u/, thou*h he only
kne+ they +ere there +hen he sear.hed -or the). 0t +as al)ost as i- he
+as the o+ner o- a li(rary +ho had suddenly dis.o2ered shel2es o- (ooks
he did not kno+ he /ossessed.
To a lar*e e1tent, he +as the )aster o- his o+n ti)e. Out o- a
sense o- duty -- and *ratitude -- he a..eded to as )any reDuests as he
.ould -ro) s.ientists, historians, +riters and artists +orkin* in )edia
that +ere o-ten in.o)/rehensi(le to hi). Ee also had .ountless
in2itations -ro) other .iti6ens o- the -our To+ers, 2irtually all o-
+hi.h he +as .o)/elled to turn do+n.
3ost te)/tin* -- and )ost hard to resist -- +ere those that .a)e
-ro) the (eauti-ul /lanet s/read out (elo+. AO- .ourse,A "ro-essor
Anderson had told hi), AyouBd sur2i2e i- you +ent do+n -or short ti)e
+ith the ri*ht li-e-su//ort syste), (ut you +ouldnBt enCoy it. And it
)i*ht +eaken your neuro)us.ular syste) e2en -urther. 0tBs ne2er really
re.o2ered -ro) that thousand-year slee/.A
Eis other *uardian, 0ndra 7alla.e, /rote.ted hi) -ro) unne.essary
intrusions, and ad2ised hi) +hi.h reDuests he should a..e/t -- and +hi.h
he should /olitely re-use. 8y hi)sel-, he +ould ne2er understand the stru.ture o- this in.redi(ly .o)/le1 .ulture, (ut he
soon *athered that, althou*h in theory all .lass distin.tions had
2anished, there +ere a -e+ thousand su/er-.iti6ens. %eor*e Or+ell had
(een ri*ht4 so)e +ould al+ays (e )ore eDual than others.
There had (een ti)es +hen, .onditioned (y his t+enty--irst-.entury
e1/erien.e, "oole had +ondered +ho +as /ayin* -or all this hos/itality
-- +ould he one day (e /resented +ith the eDui2alent o- an enor)ous
hotel (illI 8ut 0ndra had Dui.kly reassured hi): he +as a uniDue and
/ri.eless )useu) e1hi(it, so +ould ne2er ha2e to +orry a(out su.h
)undane .onsiderations. Anythin* he +anted -- +ithin reason -- +ould (e
)ade a2aila(le to hi): "oole +ondered +hat the li)its +ere, ne2er
i)a*inin* that one day he +ould atte)/t to dis.o2er the).
All the )ost i)/ortant thin*s in li-e ha//en (y a..ident, and he
had set his +all dis/lay (ro+ser on rando), silent, +hen a strikin*
i)a*e .au*ht his attention.
A5to/ s.anF 5ound u/FA he shouted, +ith Duite unne.essary
Ee re.o*ni6ed the )usi., (ut it +as a -e+ )inutes (e-ore he
identi-ied it4 the -a.t that his +all +as -illed +ith +in*ed hu)ans
.ir.lin* *ra.e-ully round ea.h other undou(tedly hel/ed. 8ut T.haiko2sky
+ould ha2e (een utterly astonished to see this /er-or)an.e o- 5+an $ake
-- +ith the dan.ers a.tually -lyin*...
"oole +at.hed, entran.ed, -or se2eral )inutes, until he +as -airly
.on-ident that this +as reality, and not a si)ulation: e2en in his o+n
day, one .ould ne2er (e Duite .ertain. "resu)a(ly the (allet +as (ein*
/er-or)ed in one o- the )any lo+-*ra2ity en2iron)ents -- a 2ery lar*e
one, Cud*in* (y so)e o- the i)a*es. 0t )i*ht e2en (e here in A-ri.a
0 +ant to try that, "oole de.ided. Ee had ne2er Duite -or*i2en the
5/a.e A*en.y -or (annin* one o- his *reatest /leasures -- delayed
/ara.hute -or)ation Cu)/in* -- e2en thou*h he .ould see the A*en.yBs
/oint in not +antin* to risk a 2alua(le in2est)ent. The do.tors had (een
Duite unha//y a(out his earlier han*-*lidin* a..ident4 -ortunately his
teena*e (ones had healed .o)/letely.
A7ell,A he thou*ht, AthereBs no one to sto/ )e no+ unless itBs
"ro-. Anderson...A
To "ooleBs relie-, the /hysi.ian thou*ht it an e1.ellent idea, and
he +as also /leased to -ind that e2ery one o- the To+ers had its o+n
A2iary, u/ at the one-tenth-*ee le2el.
7ithin a -e+ days he +as (ein* )easured -or his +in*s, not in the
least like the ele*ant 2ersions +orn (y the /er-or)ers o- 5+an $ake.
0nstead o- -eathers there +as a -le1i(le )e)(rane, and +hen he *ras/ed
the hand-holds atta.hed to the su//ortin* ri(s, "oole reali6ed that he
)ust look )u.h )ore like a (at than a (ird. Eo+e2er his A3o2e o2er,
ra.ulaFA +as .o)/letely +asted on his instru.tor, +ho +as a//arently
una.Duainted +ith 2a)/ires.
For his -irst lessons he +as restrained (y a li*ht harness, so
that he did not )o2e any+here +hile he +as tau*ht the (asi. strokes --
and, )ost i)/ortant o- all, learned .ontrol and sta(ility. $ike )any
a.Duired skills, it +as not Duite as easy as it looked.
Ee -elt ridi.ulous in this sa-ety-harness -- ho+ .ould anyone
inCure the)sel2es at a tenth o- a *ra2ityF -- and +as *lad that he
needed only a -e+ lessons4 dou(tless his astronaut trainin* hel/ed. Ee
+as, the 7in*)aster told hi), the (est /u/il he had e2er tau*ht: (ut
/erha/s he said that to all o- the).
A-ter a do6en -ree--li*hts in a .ha)(er -orty )eters on a side,
.riss-.rossed +ith 2arious o(sta.les +hi.h he easily a2oided, "oole +as
*i2en the all-.lear -or his -irst solo -- and -elt nineteen years old
a*ain, a(out to take o-- in the Fla*sta-- Aero Clu(Bs antiDue Cessna.
The une1.itin* na)e AThe A2iaryA had not /re/ared hi) -or the
2enue o- this )aiden -li*ht. Thou*h it see)ed e2en )ore enor)ous than
the s/a.e holdin* the -orests and *ardens do+n at the lunar-*ee le2el,
it +as al)ost the sa)e si6e, sin.e it too o..u/ied an entire -loor o-
the *ently ta/erin* To+er. A .ir.ular 2oid, hal- a kilo)eter hi*h and
o2er -our kilo)eters +ide, it a//eared truly enor)ous, as there +ere no
-eatures on +hi.h the eye .ould rest. 8e.ause the +alls +ere a uni-or)
/ale (lue, they .ontri(uted to the i)/ression o- in-inite s/a.e.
"oole had not really (elie2ed the 7in*)asterBs (oast, A:ou .an
ha2e any s.enery you likeA, and intended to thro+ hi) +hat he +as sure
+as an i)/ossi(le .hallen*e. 8ut on this -irst -li*ht, at the di66y
altitude o- -i-ty )eters, there +ere no 2isual distra.tions, O- .ourse,
a -all -ro) the eDui2alent altitude o- -i2e )eters in the ten--old
*reater 'arth *ra2ity .ould (reak oneBs ne.k4 ho+e2er, e2en )inor
(ruises +ere unlikely here, as the entire -loor +as .o2ered +ith a
net+ork o- -le1i(le .a(les The +hole .ha)(er +as a *iant tra)/oline4 one
.ould, thou*ht "oole, ha2e a lot o- -un here -- e2en +ithout +in*s.
7ith -ir), do+n+ard strokes, "oole li-ted hi)sel- into the air. 0n
al)ost no ti)e, it see)ed that he +as a hundred )eters in the air, and
still risin*.
A5lo+ do+nA said the 7in*)aster, A0 .anBt kee/ u/ +ith you,A
"oole strai*htened out, then atte)/ted a slo+ roll. Ee -elt li*ht-
headed as +ell as li*ht-(odied (less than ten kilo*ra)sF! and +ondered
i- the .on.entration o- o1y*en had (een in.reased.
This +as +onder-ul -- Duite di--erent -ro) 6ero *ra2ity, as it
/osed )ore o- a / .hallen*e. The nearest thin* to it +as s.u(a
di2in*: he +ished there +ere (irds here, to e)ulate the eDually .olor-ul
.oral -ish +ho had so o-ten a..o)/anied hi) o2er tro/ ree-s.
One (y one, the 7in*)aster /ut hi) throu*h a series o- )aneu2ers
-- rolls, loo/s, u/side-do+n -lyin*, ho2erin*.
Finally he said: A9othin* )ore 0 .an tea.h you. 9o+ letBs enCoy
the 2ie+.A
Hust -or a )o)ent, "oole al)ost lost .ontrol -- as he +as /ro(a(ly
e1/e.ted to do. For, +ithout the sli*htest +arnin*, he +as surrounded (y
sno+-.a//ed )ountains, and +as -lyin* do+n a narro+ /ass, only )eters
-ro) so)e un/leasantly Ca**ed ro.ks.
O- .ourse, this .ould not (e real: those )ountains +ere as
insu(stantial as .louds, and he .ould -ly ri*ht throu*h the) i- he
+ished. 9e2ertheless, he 2eered a+ay -ro) the .li----a.e (there +as an
ea*leBs nest on one o- its led*es, holdin* t+o e**s +hi.h he -elt he
.ould tou.h i- he .a)e .loser! and headed -or )ore o/en s/a.e.
The )ountains 2anished4 suddenly, it +as ni*ht. And then the stars
.a)e out -- not the )isera(le -e+ thousand in the i)/o2erished skies o-
'arth, (ut le*ions (eyond .ountin*. And not only stars, (ut the s/iral
+hirl/ools o- distant *ala1ies, the tee)in*, .lose-/a.ked sun-s+ar)s o-
*lo(ular .lusters.
There +as no /ossi(le +ay this .ould (e real, e2en i- he had (een
)a* trans/orted to so)e +orld +here su.h skies e1isted. For those
*ala1ies +ere re.edin* e2en as he +at.hed4 stars +ere -adin*, e1/lodin*,
(ein* (orn in stellar nurseries o- *lo+in* -ire-)ist. '2ery se.ond, a
)illion years )ust (e /assin*...
The o2er+hel)in* s/e.ta.le disa//eared as Dui.kly as it had .o)e:
he +as (a.k in the e)/ty sky, alone e1.e/t -or his instru.tor, in the
-eatureless (lue .ylinder o- the A2iary.
A0 think thatBs enou*h -or one day,A said the 7in*)aster, ho2erin*
a -e+ )eters a(o2e "oole. A7hat s.enery +ould you like, the ne1t ti)e
you .o)e hereIA
"oole did not hesitate. 7ith a s)ile, he ans+ered the Duestion.
11 -- Eere (e ra*ons
Ee +ould ne2er ha2e (elie2ed it /ossi(le, e2en +ith the te.hnolo*y
o- this day and a*e. Eo+ )any tera(ytes -- /eta(ytes -- +as there a
lar*e enou*h +ordI -- o- in-or)ation )ust ha2e (een a..u)ulated o2er the
.enturies, and in +hat sort o- stora*e )ediu)I 8etter not think a(out
it, and -ollo+ 0ndraBs ad2i.e: AFor*et youBre an en*ineer -- and enCoy
Ee +as .ertainly enCoyin* hi)sel- no+, thou*h his /leasure +as
)i1ed +ith an al)ost o2er+hel)in* sense o- nostal*ia. For he +as -lyin*,
or so it see)ed, at an altitude o- a(out t+o kilo)eters, a(o2e the
s/e.ta.ular and un-or*otten lands.a/e o- his youth. O- .ourse, the
/ers/e.ti2e +as -alse, sin.e the A2iary +as only hal- a kilo)eter hi*h,
(ut the illusion +as /er-e.t.
Ee .ir.led 3eteor Crater, re)e)(erin* ho+ he had s.ra)(led u/ its
sides durin* his earlier astronaut trainin*. Eo+ in.redi(le that anyone
.ould e2er ha2e dou(ted its ori*in, and the a..ura.y o- its na)eF :et
+ell into the t+entieth .entury, distin*uished *eolo*ists had ar*ued
that it +as 2ol.ani.: not until the .o)in* o- the 5/a.e A*e +as it --
relu.tantly -- a..e/ted that all /lanets +ere still under .ontinual
"oole +as Duite sure that his .o)-orta(le .ruisin* s/eed +as
nearer t+enty than t+o hundred kilo)eters an hour, yet he had (een
allo+ed to rea.h Fla*sta-- in less than -i-teen )inutes. And there +ere
the +hitely-*lea)in* do)es o- the $o+ell O(ser2atory, +hi.h he had
2isited so o-ten as a (oy, and +hose -riendly sta-- had undou(tedly (een
res/onsi(le -or his .hoi.e o- .areer. Ee had so)eti)es +ondered +hat his
/ro-ession )i*ht ha2e (een, had he not (een (orn in Ari6ona, near the
2ery s/ot +here the )ost lon*-endurin* and in-luential o- 3artian
-antasies had (een .reated. "erha/s it +as i)a*ination, (ut "oole
thou*ht he .ould Cust see $o+ellBs uniDue to)(, .lose to the *reat
teles.o/e, +hi.h had -uelled his drea)s.
Fro) +hat year, and +hat season, had this i)a*e (een .a/turedI Ee
*uessed it had .o)e -ro) the s/y satellites +hi.h had +at.hed o2er the
+orld o- the early t+enty--irst .entury. 0t .ould not (e )u.h later than
his o+n ti)e, -or the layout o- the .ity +as Cust as he re)e)(ered.
"erha/s i- he +ent lo+ enou*h he +ould e2en see hi)sel-...
8ut he kne+ that +as a(surd4 he had already dis.o2ered that this
+as the nearest he .ould *et. 0- he -le+ any .loser, the i)a*e +ould
start to (reaku/, re2ealin* its (asi. /i1els. 0t +as (etter to kee/ his
distan.e, and not destroy the (eauti-ul illusion.
And there -- it +as in.redi(leF -- +as the little /ark +here he
had /layed +ith his Cunior and hi*h-s.hool -riends. The City Fathers
+ere al+ays ar*uin* a(out its )aintenan.e, as the +ater su//ly (e.a)e
)ore and )ore 7ell, at least it had sur2i2ed to this ti)e --
+hene2er that )i*ht (e.
And then another )e)ory (rou*ht tears to his eyes. Alon* those
narro+ /aths, +hene2er he .ould *et ho)e -ro) Eouston or the 3oon, he
had +alked +ith his (elo2ed #hodesian #id*e(a.k, thro+in* sti.ks -or hi)
to retrie2e, as )an and do* had done -ro) ti)e i))e)orial.
"oole had ho/ed, +ith all his heart, that #ikki +ould still (e
there to *reet hi) +hen he returned -ro) Hu/iter, and had le-t hi) in
the .are o- his youn*er (rother 3artin. Ee al)ost lost .ontrol, and sank
se2eral )eters (e-ore re*ainin* sta(ility, as he on.e )ore -a.ed the
(itter truth that (oth #ikki and 3artin had (een dust -or .enturies.
7hen he .ould see /ro/erly a*ain, he noti.ed that the dark (and o-
the %rand Canyon +as Cust 2isi(le on the -ar hori6on. Ee +as de(atin*
+hether to head -or it -- he +as *ro+in* a little tired -- +hen he
(e.a)e a+are that he +as not alone in the sky. 5o)ethin* else +as
a//roa.hin*, and it +as .ertainly not a hu)an -lyer. Althou*h it +as
di--i.ult to Cud*e here, it see)ed )u.h too lar*e -or that.
7ell, he thou*ht, 0B) not /arti.ularly sur/rised to )eet a
/teroda.tyl here -- indeed, itBs Cust the sort o- thin* 0Bd e1/e.t. 0
ho/e itBs -riendly -- or that 0 .an out-ly it i- it isnBt. Oh, noF
A /teroda.tyl +as not a (ad *uess: )ay(e ei*ht /oints out o- ten.
7hat +as a//roa.hin* hi) no+, +ith slo+ -la/s o- its *reat leathery
+in*s, +as a dra*on strai*ht out o- Fairyland. And, to .o)/lete the
/i.ture, there +as a (eauti-ul lady ridin* on its (a.k. At least, "oole
assu)ed she +as (eauti-ul. The traditional i)a*e +as rather s/oiled (y
one tri-lin* detail: )u.h o- her -a.e +as .on.ealed (y a lar*e /air o-
a2iatorBs *o**les that )i*ht ha2e .o)e strai*ht -ro) the o/en .o.k/it o-
a 7orld 7ar 0 (i/lane.
"oole ho2ered in )id-air, like a s+i))er treadin* +ater, until the
on.o)in* )onster .a)e .lose enou*h -or hi) to hear the -la//in* o- its
*reat +in*s. '2en +hen it +as less than t+enty )eters a+ay, he .ould not
de.ide +hether it +as a )a.hine or a (io-.onstru.t: /ro(a(ly (oth.
And then he -or*ot a(out the dra*on, -or the rider re)o2ed her
The trou(le +ith .li.heBs, so)e /hiloso/her re)arked, /ro(a(ly
+ith a ya+n, is that they are so (orin*ly true.
8ut Alo2e at -irst si*htA is ne2er (orin*.
anil .ould /ro2ide no in-or)ation, (ut then "oole had not
e1/e.ted any -ro) hi). Eis u(iDuitous es.ort -- he .ertainly +ould not
/ass )uster as a .lassi. 2alet -- see)ed so li)ited in his -un.tions
that "oole so)eti)es +ondered i- he +as )entally handi.a//ed, unlikely
thou*h that see)ed. Ee understood the -un.tionin* o- all the household
a//, .arried out si)/le orders +ith s/eed and e--i.ien.y, and
kne+ his +ay a(out the To+er. 8ut that +as all4 it +as i)/ossi(le to
ha2e an intelli*ent .on2ersation +ith hi), and any /olite Dueries a(out
his -a)ily +ere )et +ith a look o- (lank in.o)/rehension. "oole had e2en
+ondered i- he too +as a (io-ro(ot.
0ndra, ho+e2er, *a2e hi) the ans+er he needed ri*ht a+ay.
AOh, youB2e )et the ra*on $adyFA
A0s that +hat you .all herI 7hatBs her real na)e -- and .an you
*et )e her 0dentI 7e +ere hardly in a /osition to tou.h /al)s.A
AO- .ourse -- no /ro(le)o.A
A7here did you /i.k u/ thatIA
0ndra looked .on-used.
A0B2e no idea -- so)e old (ook or )o2ie. 0s it a *ood -i*ure o-
A9ot i- youBre o2er -i-teen.A
A0Bll try to re)e)(er. 9o+ tell )e +hat ha//ened -- unless you
+ant to )ake )e Cealous.A
They +ere no+ su.h *ood -riends that they .ould dis.uss any
su(Ce.t +ith /er-e.t -rankness. 0ndeed, they had lau*hin*ly la)ented
their total la.k o- ro)anti. interest in ea.h other -- thou*h 0ndra had
on.e .o))ented, A0 *uess that i- +e +ere (oth )arooned on a desert
asteroid, +ith no ho/e o- res.ue, +e .ould .o)e to so)e arran*e)ent.A
AFirst, you tell )e +ho she is.A
AEer na)eBs Aurora 3.Auley4 a)on* )any other thin*s, sheBs
"resident o- the 5o.iety -or Creati2e Ana.hronis)s. And i- you thou*ht
ra.o +as i)/ressi2e, +ait until you see so)e o- their other -- ah --
.reations. $ike 3o(y i.k -- and a +hole 6oo-ul o- dinosaurs 3other
9ature ne2er thou*ht o-.A
This is too *ood to (e true, thou*ht "oole.
0 a) the (i**est ana.hronis) on "lanet 'arth.
12 -- Frustration
&ntil no+, he had al)ost -or*otten that .on2ersation +ith the
5/a.e A*en.y /sy.holo*ist.
A:ou )ay (e *one -ro) 'arth -or at least three years. 0- you like,
0 .an *i2e you a har)less ana/hrodisia. i)/lant that +ill last out the
)ission. 0 /ro)ise +eBll )ore than )ake it u/, +hen you *et ho)e.A
A9o thanks,A "oole had ans+ered, tryin* to kee/ his -a.e strai*ht
+hen he .ontinued, A0 think 0 .an handle it.A
9e2ertheless, he had (e.o)e sus/i.ious a-ter the third or -ourth
+eek -- and so had a2e 8o+)an.
A0B2e noti.ed it too,A a2e said A0 (et those da)n do.tors /ut
so)ethin* in our diet...A
7hate2er that so)ethin* +as -- i- indeed it had e2er e1isted -- it
+as .ertainly lon* /ast its shel--li-e. &ntil no+, "oole had (een too
(usy to *et in2ol2ed in any e)otional entan*le)ents, and had /olitely
turned do+n *enerous o--ers -ro) se2eral youn* (and not so youn*!
ladies. Ee +as not sure +hether it +as his /hysiDue or his -a)e that
a//ealed to the): /erha/s it +as nothin* )ore than si)/le .uriosity
a(out a )an +ho, -or all they kne+, )i*ht (e an an.estor -ro) t+enty or
thirty *enerations in the /ast.
To "ooleBs deli*ht, 3istress 3.AuleyBs 0dent .on2eyed the
in-or)ation that she +as .urrently (et+een lo2ers, and he +asted no
-urther ti)e in .onta.tin* her. 7ithin t+enty--our hours he +as /illion-
ridin*, +ith his ar)s enCoya(ly around her +aist. Ee had also learned
+hy a2iatorBs *o**les +ere a *ood idea, -or ra.o +as entirely ro(oti.,
and .ould easily .ruise at a hundred kli.ks. "oole dou(ted i- any real
dra*ons had e2er attained su.h s/eeds.
Ee +as not sur/rised that the e2er-.han*in* lands.a/es (elo+ the)
+ere strai*ht out o- le*end. Ali 8a(a had +a2ed an*rily at the), as they
o2ertook his -lyin* .ar/et, shoutin* ACanBt you see +here youBre *oin*FA
:et he )ust (e a lon* +ay -ro) 8a*hdad, (e.ause the drea)in* s/ires o2er
+hi.h they no+ .ir.led .ould only (e O1-ord.
Aurora .on-ir)ed his *uess as she /ointed do+n: AThatBs the /u( --
the inn -- +here $e+is and Tolkien used to )eet their -riends, the
0nklin*s. And look at the ri2er -- that (oat Cust .o)in* out -ro) the
(rid*e -- do you see the t+o little *irls and the .ler*y)an in itIA
A:es,A he shouted (a.k a*ainst the *entle susurration o- ra.oBs
sli/strea). AAnd 0 su//ose one o- the) is Ali.e.A
Aurora turned and s)iled at hi) o2er her shoulder: she see)ed
*enuinely deli*hted.
AJuite .orre.t: sheBs an a..urate re/li.a, (ased on the #e2erendBs
/hotos. 0 +as a-raid you +ouldnBt kno+. 5o )any /eo/le sto//ed readin*
soon a-ter your ti)e.A
"oole -elt a *lo+ o- satis-a.tion.
0 (elie2e 0B2e /assed another test, he told hi)sel- s)u*ly. #idin*
on ra.o )ust ha2e (een the -irst. Eo+ )any )ore, 0 +onderI Fi*htin*
+ith (roads+ordsI
8ut there +ere no )ore, and the ans+er to the i))e)orial A:our
/la.e or )ineIA +as -- "ooleBs.
The ne1t )ornin*, shaken and )orti-ied, he .onta.ted "ro-essor
A'2erythin* +as *oin* s/lendidly,A he la)ented, A+hen she suddenly
(e.a)e and /ushed )e a+ay. 0 +as a-raid 0Bd hurt her so)eho+
-- BThen she .alled the roo)li*ht -- +eBd (een in darkness -- and Cu)/ed
out o- (ed. 0 *uess 0 +as Cust starin* like a -ool...A Ee lau*hed
rue-ully. A5he +as .ertainly +orth starin* at.A
A0B) sure o- it. %o on.A
AA-ter a -e+ )inutes she rela1ed and said so)ethin* 0Bll ne2er (e
a(le to -or*et.A
Anderson +aited /atiently -or "oole to .o)/ose hi)sel-. A5he said:
A0B) really sorry, Frank. 7e .ould ha2e had a *ood ti)e. 8ut 0 didnBt
kno+ that youBd (een -- )utilated.A
The /ro-essor looked (a--led, (ut only -or a )o)ent. AOh -- 0
understand. 0B) sorry too, Frank -- /erha/s 0 should ha2e +arned you. 0n
)y thirty years o- /ra.ti.e, 0B2e only seen hal- a do6en .ases -- all
-or 2alid ) reasons, +hi.h .ertainly didnBt a//ly to you...A
ACir.u).ision )ade a lot o- sense in /ri)iti2e ti)es -- and e2en
in your .entury -- as a de-ense a*ainst so)e un/leasant -- e2en -atal --
diseases in (a.k+ard .ountries +ith /oor hy*iene. 8ut other+ise there
+as a(solutely no e1.use -or it -- and se2eral ar*u)ents a*ainst, as
youB2e Cust dis.o2eredFA
A0 .he.ked the re.ords a-ter 0Bd e1a)ined you the -irst ti)e, and
-ound that (y )id-t+enty--irst .entury there had (een so )any
)al/ra.ti.e suits that the A) Asso.iation had (een -or.ed
to (an it. The ar*u)ents a)on* the .onte)/orary do.tors are 2ery
A0B) sure they are,A said "oole )orosely.
A0n so)e .ountries it .ontinued -or another .entury: then so)e
unkno+n *enius .oined a slo*an -- /lease e1.use the 2ul*arity -- B%od
desi*ned us: .ir.u).ision is (las/he)yB. That )ore or less ended the
/ra.ti.e. 8ut i- you +ant, it +ould (e easy to arran*e a trans/lant --
you +ouldnBt (e )akin* ) history, (y any )eans.A
A0 donBt think it +ould +ork. A-raid 0Bd start lau*hin* e2ery
AThatBs the s/irit -- youBre already *ettin* o2er it.A
5o)e+hat to his sur/rise, "oole reali6ed that AndersonBs /ro*nosis
+as .orre.t. Ee e2en -ound hi)sel- already lau*hin*.
A9o+ +hat, FrankIA
AAuroraBs B5o.iety -or Creati2e Ana.hronis)sB. 0Bd ho/ed it +ould
i)/ro2e )y Hust )y lu.k to ha2e -ound one ana.hronis) she
doesnBt a//re.iate.A
13 -- 5tran*er in a 5tran*e Ti)e
0ndra +as not Duite as sy)/atheti. as he had ho/ed: /erha/s, a-ter
all, there +as so)e se1ual Cealousy in their relationshi/. And -- )u.h
)ore serious -- +hat they +ryly la(eled the ra*on e(a.le led to their
-irst real ar*u)ent.
0t (e*an inno.ently enou*h, +hen 0ndra .o)/lained:
A"eo/le are al+ays askin* )e +hy 0B2e de2oted )y li-e to su.h a
horri(le /eriod o- history, and itBs not )u.h o- an ans+er to say that
there +ere e2en +orse ones.A
AThen +hy are you interested in )y .enturyIA
A8e.ause it )arks the transition (et+een (ar(aris) and
AThank you. Hust .all )e Conan.A
AConanI The only one 0 kno+ is the )an +ho in2ented 5herlo.k
A9e2er )ind -- sorry 0 interru/ted. O- .ourse, +e in the so-.alled
de2elo/ed .ountries thou*ht +e +ere .i2ili6ed. At least +ar +asnBt
res/e.ta(le any )ore, and the &nited 9ations +as al+ays doin* its (est
to sto/ the +ars that did (reak out.A
A9ot 2ery su..ess-ully: 0Bd *i2e it a(out three out o- ten. 8ut
+hat +e -ind in.redi(le is the +ay that /eo/le -- ri*ht u/ to the early
2000sF -- .al)ly a..e/ted (eha2ior +e +ould .onsider atro.ious. And
(elie2ed in the )ost )ind-(o**led -- A
A -- nonsense, +hi.h surely any rational /erson +ould dis)iss out
o- hand.A
A'1a)/les, /lease.A
A7ell, your really tri2ial loss started )e doin* so)e resear.h,
and 0 +as a//alled (y +hat 0 -ound. id you kno+ that e2ery year in so)e
.ountries thousands o- little *irls +ere hideously )utilated to /reser2e
their 2ir*inityI 3any o- the) died -- (ut the authorities turned a (lind
A0 a*ree that +as terri(le -- (ut +hat .ould )y *o2ern)ent do
a(out itIA
AA *reat deal -- i- it +ished. 8ut that +ould ha2e o--ended the
/eo/le +ho su//lied it +ith oil and (ou*ht its +ea/ons, like the
land)ines that killed and )ai)ed .i2ilians (y the thousand.A
A:ou donBt understand, 0ndra. O-ten +e had no .hoi.e: +e .ouldnBt
re-or) the +hole +orld. And didnBt so)e(ody on.e say B"oliti.s is the
art o- the /ossi(leBIA
AJuite true -- +hi.h is +hy only se.ond-rate )inds *o into it.
%enius likes to .hallen*e the i)/ossi(le.A
A7ell, 0B) *lad you ha2e a *ood su//ly o- *enius, so you .an /ut
thin*s ri*ht.A
Ao 0 dete.t a hint o- Thanks to our .o)/uters, +e .an
run / e1/eri)ents in .y(ers/a.e (e-ore tryin* the) out in
/ra.ti.e. $enin +as unlu.ky4 he +as (orn a hundred years too soon.
#ussian .o))unis) )i*ht ha2e +orked -- at least -or a +hile -- i- it had
had ) And had )ana*ed to a2oid 5talin.A
"oole +as .onstantly a)a6ed (y 0ndraBs kno+led*e o- his a*e -- as
+ell as (y her i*noran.e o- so )u.h that he took -or *ranted. 0n a +ay,
he had the re2erse /ro(le). '2en i- he li2ed the hundred years that had
(een .on-idently /ro)ised hi), he .ould ne2er learn enou*h to -eel at
ho)e. 0n any .on2ersation, there +ould al+ays (e he did not
understand, and Cokes that +ould *o o2er his head. 7orse still, he +ould
al+ays -eel on the 2er*e o- so)e A-au1 /asA -- a(out to .reate so)e
so.ial disaster that +ould e)(arrass e2en the (est o- his ne+ -riends...
5u.h as the o..asion +hen he +as lun.hin*, -ortunately in his o+n
Duarters, +ith 0ndra and "ro-essor Anderson. The )eals that e)er*ed -ro)
the auto.he- +ere al+ays /er-e.tly a..e/ta(le, ha2in* (een desi*ned to
)at.h his /hysiolo* reDuire)ents. 8ut they +ere .ertainly nothin* to
*et e1.ited a(out, and +ould ha2e (een the des/air o- a t+enty--irst-
.entury *our)et.
Then, one day, an unusually tasty dish a//eared, +hi.h (rou*ht
(a.k 2i2id )e)ories o- the deer-hunts and (ar(e.ues o- his youth.
Eo+e2er, there +as so)ethin* un-a)iliar a(out (oth -la2or and te1ture,
so "oole asked the o(2ious Duestion.
Anderson )erely s)iled, (ut -or a -e+ se.onds 0ndra looked as i-
she +as a(out to (e si.k. Then she re.o2ered and said: A:ou tell hi) --
a-ter +eB2e -inished eatin*.A
9o+ +hat ha2e 0 done +ron*I "oole asked hi)sel-. Eal- an hour
later, +ith 0ndra rather /ointedly a(sor(ed in a 2ideo dis/lay at the
other end o- the roo), his kno+led*e o- the Third 3illenniu) )ade
another )aCor ad2an.e.
ACor/se--ood +as on the +ay out e2en in your ti)e,A Anderson
e1/lained. A#aisin* ani)als to -- u*h -- eat the) (e.a)e e.ono)
i)/ossi(le. 0 donBt kno+ ho+ )any a.res o- land it took to -eed one .o+,
(ut at least ten hu)ans .ould sur2i2e on the /lants it /rodu.ed. And
/ro(a(ly a hundred, +ith hydro/oni. te.hniDues.
A8ut +hat -inished the +hole horri(le (usiness +as not e.ono)i.s
-- (ut disease. 0t started -irst +ith .attle, then s/read to other -ood
ani)als -- a kind o- 2irus, 0 (elie2e, that a--e.ted the (rain, and
.aused a /arti.ularly nasty death. Althou*h a .ure +as e2entually -ound,
it +as too late to turn (a.k the .lo.k -- and any+ay, syntheti. -oods
+ere no+ -ar .hea/er, and you .ould *et the) in any -la2or you liked.A
#e)e)(erin* +eeks o- satis-yin* (ut une1.itin* )eals, "oole had
stron* reser2ations a(out this. For +hy, he +ondered, did he still ha2e
+ist-ul drea)s o- s/are-ri(s and .ordon (leu steaksI
Other drea)s +ere -ar )ore distur(in*, and he +as a-raid that
(e-ore lon* he +ould ha2e to ask Anderson -or ) assistan.e.
es/ite e2erythin* that +as (ein* done to )ake hi) -eel at ho)e, the
stran*eness and sheer .o)/le1ity o- this ne+ +orld +ere (e*innin* to
o2er+hel) hi). urin* slee/, as i- in an un.ons.ious e--ort to es.a/e,
he o-ten re2erted to his earlier li-e: (ut +hen he a+oke, that only )ade
)atters +orse.
Ee had tra2eled a.ross to A)eri.a To+er and looked do+n, in
reality and not in si)ulation, on the lands.a/e o- his youth -- and it
had not (een a *ood idea. 7ith o/ aid, +hen the at)os/here +as
.lear, heBd *ot so .lose that he .ould see indi2idual hu)an (ein*s as
they +ent a(out their a--airs, so)eti)es alon* streets that he
And al+ays, at the (a.k o- his )ind, +as the kno+led*e that do+n
there had on.e li2ed e2eryone he had e2er lo2ed, 3other, Father ((e-ore
he had *one o-- +ith that Other 7o)an!, dear &n.le %eor*e and Aunt $il,
(rother 3artin -- and, not least, a su..ession o- do*s, (e*innin* +ith
the +ar) /u//ies o- his earliest .hildhood and .ul)inatin* in #ikki.
A(o2e all, there +as the )e)ory -- and )ystery -- o- Eelena...
0t had (e*un as a .asual a--air, in the early days o- his
astrotrainin*, (ut had (e.o)e )ore and )ore serious as the years +ent
(y. Hust (e-ore he had le-t -or Hu/iter, they had /lanned to )ake it
/er)anent +hen he returned.
And i- he did not, Eelena +ished to ha2e his .hild. Ee still
re.alled the (lend o- sole)nity and hilarity +ith +hi.h they had )ade
the ne.essary arran*e)ents...
9o+, a thousand years later, des/ite all his e--orts, he had (een
una(le to -ind i- Eelena had ke/t her /ro)ise. Hust as there +ere no+
*a/s in his o+n )e)ory, so there +ere also in the .olle.ti2e re.ords o-
3ankind. The +orst +as that .reated (y the de2astatin* ele.tro)a*neti.
/ulse -ro) the 230> asteroid i)/a.t, +hi.h had +i/ed out se2eral /er
.ent o- the +orldBs in-or)ation (anks, des/ite all (a.ku/s and sa-ety
syste)s. "oole .ould not hel/ +onderin* i-, a)on* all the e1a(ytes that
+ere irretrie2a(ly lost, +ere the re.ords o- his o+n .hildren: e2en no+,
his des.endants o- the thirtieth *eneration )i*ht (e +alkin* the 'arth4
(ut he +ould ne2er kno+.
0t hel/ed a little to ha2e dis.o2ered that -- unlike Aurora --
so)e ladies o- this era did not .onsider hi) to (e da)a*ed *oods. On the
.ontrary: they o-ten -ound his alteration Duite e1.itin*, (ut this
sli*htly (i6arre rea.tion )ade it i)/ossi(le -or "oole to esta(lish any
.lose relationshi/. 9or +as he an1ious to do so4 all that he really
needed +as the o..asional healthy, )indless e1er.ise.
3indless -- that +as the trou(le. Ee no lon*er had arty /ur/ose in
li-e. And the +ei*ht o- too )any )e)ories +as u/on hi)4 e.hoin* the
title o- a -a)ous (ook he had read in his youth, he o-ten said to
hi)sel-, A0 a) a 5tran*er in a 5tran*e Ti)e.A
There +ere e2en o..asions +hen he looked do+n at the (eauti-ul
/lanet on +hi.h -- i- he o(eyed do.torBs orders -- he .ould ne2er +alk
a*ain, and +ondered +hat it +ould (e like to )ake a se.ond a.Duaintan.e
+ith the 2a.uu) o- s/a.e. Thou*h it +as not easy to *et throu*h the
airlo.ks +ithout tri**erin* so)e alar), it had (een done: e2ery -e+
years, so)e deter)ined sui.ide )ade a (rie- )eteori. dis/lay in the
'arthBs at)os/here.
"erha/s it +as Cust as +ell that deli2eran.e +as on its +ay, -ro)
a .o)/letely une1/e.ted dire.tion.
A9i.e to )eet you, Co))ander "oole -- -or the se.ond ti)e.A
A0B) sorry -- donBt re.all -- (ut then 0 see so )any /eo/le.A
A9o need to a/olo*i6e. First ti)e +as out round 9e/tune.A
ACa/tain Chandler -- deli*hted to see youF Can 0 *et so)ethin*
-ro) the auto.he-IA
AAnythin* +ith o2er t+enty /er .ent al.ohol +ill (e -ine.A
AAnd +hat are you doin* (a.k on 'arthI They told )e you ne2er .o)e
inside 3ars or(it.A
AAl)ost true -- thou*h 0 +as (orn here, 0 think itBs a dirty,
s)elly /la.e -- too )any /eo/le -- .ree/in* u/ to a (illion a*ainFA
A3ore than ten (illion in )y ti)e. 8y the +ay, did you *et )y
BThank youB )essa*eIA
A:es -- and 0 kno+ 0 should ha2e .onta.ted you. 8ut 0 +aited until
0 headed sun+ards a*ain. 5o here 0 a). :our *ood healthFA
As the Ca/tain dis/osed o- his drink +ith i)/ressi2e s/eed, "oole
tried to analy6e his 2isitor. 8eards -- e2en s)all *oatees like
ChandlerBs -- +ere 2ery rare in this so.iety, and he had ne2er kno+n an
astronaut +ho +ore one: they did not .o-e1ist .o)-orta(ly +ith s/a.e-
hel)ets. O- .ourse, a Ca/tain )i*ht *o -or years (et+een 'Vs, and in any
.ase )ost outside Co(s +ere done (y ro(ots4 (ut there +as al+ays the
risk o- the une1/e.ted, +hen one )i*ht ha2e to *et suited in a hurry. 0t
+as o(2ious that Chandler +as so)ethin* o- an e..entri., and "ooleBs
heart +ar)ed to hi).
A:ouB2e not ans+ered )y Duestion. 0- you donBt like 'arth, +hat
are you doin* hereIA
AOh, )ostly .onta.tin* old -riends -- itBs +onder-ul to -or*et
hour-lon* delays, and to ha2e real-ti)e .on2ersationsF 8ut o- .ourse
thatBs not the reason. 3y old rust-(u.ket is ha2in* a re-it, u/ at the
#i) shi/yard. And the ar)or has to (e re/la.ed4 +hen it *ets do+n to a
-e+ .enti)eters thi.k, 0 donBt slee/ too +ell.A
Aust shield. 9ot su.h a /ro(le) in your ti)e, +as itI 8ut itBs a
dirty en2iron)ent out round Hu/iter, and our nor)al .ruise s/eed is
se2eral thousand kli.ks -- a se.ondF 5o thereBs a .ontinuous *entle
/atterin*, like raindro/s on the roo-.A
A:ouBre Cokin*FA
ACourse 0 a). 0- +e really .ould hear anythin*, +eBd (e dead.
$u.kily, this sort o- un/leasantness is 2ery rare -- last serious
a..ident +as t+enty years a*o. 7e kno+ all the )ain .o)et strea)s, +here
)ost o- the Cunk is, and are .are-ul to a2oid the) -- e1.e/t +hen +eBre
)at.hin* 2elo.ity to round u/ i.e.
A8ut +hy donBt you .o)e a(oard and ha2e a look around, (e-ore +e
take o-- -or Hu/iterIA
A0Bd (e deli*hted...did you say Hu/iterIA
A7ell, %any)ede, o- .ourse -- Anu(is City. 7eB2e a lot o- (usiness
there, and se2eral o- us ha2e -a)ilies +e ha2enBt seen -or )onths.A
"oole heard hi).
5uddenly -- une1/e.tedly -- and /erha/s none too soon, he had
-ound a reason -or li2in*.
Co))ander Frank "oole +as the sort o- )an +ho hated to lea2e a Co(
undone -- and a -e+ s/e.ks o- .os)i. dust, e2en )o2in* at a thousand
kilo)eters a se.ond, +ere not likely to dis.oura*e hi).
Ee had un-inished (usiness at the +orld on.e kno+n as Hu/iter.
00 -- %O$0ATE
1> -- A Fare+ell to 'arth
AAnythin* you +ant +ithin reason,A he had (een told. Frank "oole
+as not sure i- his hosts +ould .onsider that returnin* to Hu/iter +as a
reasona(le reDuest4 indeed, he +as not Duite sure hi)sel-, and +as
(e*innin* to ha2e se.ond thou*hts.
Ee had already .o))itted hi)sel- to s.ores o- en*a*e)ents, +eeks
in ad2an.e. 3ost o- the) he +ould (e ha//y to )iss, (ut there +ere so)e
he +ould (e sorry to -or*o. 0n /arti.ular, he hated to disa//oint the
senior .lass -ro) his old hi*h s.hool -- ho+ astonishin* that it still
e1istedF -- +hen they /lanned to 2isit hi) ne1t )onth.
Eo+e2er, he +as relie2ed -- and a little sur/rised -- +hen (oth
0ndra and "ro-essor Anderson a*reed that it +as an e1.ellent idea. For
the -irst ti)e, he reali6ed that they had (een .on.erned +ith his )ental
health4 /erha/s a holiday -ro) 'arth +ould (e the (est /ossi(le .ure.
And, )ost i)/ortant o- all, Ca/tain Chandler +as deli*hted. A:ou
.an ha2e )y .a(in,A he /ro)ised. A0Bll ki.k the First 3ate out o- hers.A
There +ere ti)es +hen "oole +ondered i- Chandler, +ith his (eard and
s+a**er, +as not another ana.hronis). Ee .ould easily /i.ture hi) on the
(rid*e o- a (attered three-)aster, +ith 5kull and Cross(ones -lyin*
On.e his de.ision had (een )ade, e2ents )o2ed +ith sur/risin*
s/eed. Ee had a..u)ulated 2ery -e+ /ossessions, and -e+er still that he
needed to take +ith hi). The )ost i)/ortant +as 3iss "rin*le, his
ele.troni. alter e*o and se.retary, no+ the storehouse o- (oth his
li2es, and the s)all sta.k o- tera(yte )e)ories that +ent +ith her.
3iss "rin*le +as not )u.h lar*er than the hand-held /ersonal
assistants o- his o+n a*e, and usually li2ed, like the Old 7estBs Colt
>5, in a Dui.k-dra+ holster at his +aist. 5he .ould .o))uni.ate +ith hi)
(y audio or 8rain.a/, and her /ri)e duty +as to a.t as an in-or)ation
-ilter and a (u--er to the outside +orld. $ike any *ood se.retary, she
kne+ +hen to re/ly, in the a//ro/riate -or)at: A0Bll /ut you throu*h
no+A or -- )u.h )ore -reDuently: A0B) sorry -- 3r. "oole is en*a*ed.
"lease re.ord your )essa*e and he +ill *et (a.k to you as soon as
/ossi(le.A &sually, this +as ne2er.
There +ere 2ery -e+ -are+ells to (e )ade: thou*h realti)e
.on2ersations +ould (e i)/ossi(le o+in* to the slu**ish 2elo.ity o-
radio +a2es, he +ould (e in .onstant tou.h +ith 0ndra and Hose/h -- the
only *enuine -riends he had )ade.
5o)e+hat to his sur/rise, "oole reali6ed that he +ould )iss his
eni*)ati. (ut use-ul A2aletA, (e.ause he +ould no+ ha2e to handle all
the s)all .hores o- e2eryday li-e (y hi)sel-. anil (o+ed sli*htly +hen
they /arted, (ut other+ise sho+ed no si*n o- e)otion, as they took the
lon* ride u/ to the outer .ur2e o- the* +heel, thirty-si1
thousand kilo)eters a(o2e .entral A-ri.a.
A0B) not sure, i), that youBll a//re.iate the .o)/arison. 8ut do
you kno+ +hat %oliath re)inds )e o-IA
They +ere no+ su.h *ood -riends that "oole .ould use the Ca/tainBs
ni.kna)e -- (ut only +hen no one else +as around.
A5o)ethin* un-latterin*, 0 assu)e.A
A9ot really. 8ut +hen 0 +as a (oy, 0 .a)e a.ross a +hole /ile o-
old s.ien.e--i.tion )a*a6ines that )y &n.le %eor*e had a(andoned --
B/ul/sB, they +ere .alled, a-ter the .hea/ /a/er they +ere /rinted
on...)ost o- the) +ere already -allin* to (its. They had +onder-ul
*arish .o2ers, sho+in* stran*e /lanets and )onsters -- and, o- .ourse,
AAs 0 *re+ older, 0 reali6ed ho+ ridi.ulous those s/a.eshi/s +ere.
They +ere usually ro.ket-dri2en -- (ut there +as ne2er any si*n o-
/ro/ellant tanksF 5o)e o- the) had ro+s o- +indo+s -ro) ste) to ste),
Cust like o.ean liners. There +as one -a2orite o- )ine +ith a hu*e *lass
do)e -- a s/a.e-*oin* .onser2atory...
A7ell, those old artists had the last lau*h: too (ad they .ould
ne2er kno+. %oliath looks )ore like their drea)s than the -lyin* -uel-
tanks +e used to laun.h -ro) the Ca/e.
:our 0nertial ri2e still see)s too *ood to (e true -- no 2isi(le
)eans o- su//ort, unli)ited ran*e and s/eed -- so)eti)es 0 think 0B) the
one +hoBs drea)in*FA
Chandler lau*hed and /ointed to the 2ie+ outside.
Aoes that look like a drea)IA
0t +as the -irst ti)e that "oole had seen a *enuine hori6on sin.e
he had .o)e to 5tar City, and it +as not Duite as -ar a+ay as he had
e1/e.ted. A-ter all, he +as on the outer ri) o- a +heel se2en ti)es the
dia)eter o- 'arth, so surely the 2ie+ a.ross the roo- o- this arti-i.ial
+orld should e1tend -or se2eral hundred kilo)eters...
Ee used to (e *ood at )ental arith)eti. -- a rare a.hie2e)ent e2en
in his ti)e, and /ro(a(ly )u.h rarer no+. The -or)ula to *i2e the
hori6on distan.e +as a si)/le one: the sDuare root o- t+i.e your hei*ht
ti)es the radius -- the sort o- thin* you ne2er -or*ot, e2en i- you
+anted to...
$etBs see -- +eBre a(out K )eters u/ -- so root 16 -- this is
easyF -- say (i* # is >0,000 -- kno.k o-- those three 6eros to )ake it
all kli.ks -- > ti)es root >0 -- h)) -- Cust o2er 25...
7ell, t+enty--i2e kilo)eters +as a -air distan.e, and .ertainly no
s/a.e/ort on 'arth had e2er see)ed this hu*e. '2en kno+in* /er-e.tly
+ell +hat to e1/e.t, it +as un.anny to +at.h 2essels )any ti)es the si6e
o- his lon*-lost is.o2ery li-tin* o--, not only +ith no sound, (ut +ith
no a//arent )eans o- /ro/ulsion. Thou*h "oole )issed the -la)e and -ury
o- the old-ti)e .ountdo+ns, he had to ad)it that this +as .leaner, )ore
e--i.ient -- and -ar sa-er.
5tran*est o- all, thou*h, +as to sit u/ here on the #i), in the
%eostationary Or(it itsel- -- and to -eel +ei*htF Hust )eters a+ay,
outside the +indo+ o- the tiny o(ser2ation loun*e,* ro(ots and
a -e+ s/a.esuited hu)ans +ere *lidin* *ently a(out their (usiness4 yet
here inside %oliath the inertial -ield +as )aintainin* standard 3ars-
A5ure you donBt +ant to .han*e your )ind, FrankIA Ca/tain Chandler
had asked Cokin*ly, as he le-t -or the (rid*e. A5till ten )inutes (e-ore
A7ouldnBt (e 2ery /o/ular i- 0 did, +ould 0I 9o -- as they used to
say (a.k in the old days -- +e ha2e .o))it. #eady or not, here 0 .o)e.A
"oole -elt the need to (e alone +hen the dri2e +ent on, and the
tiny .re+ -- only -our )en and three +o)en -- res/e.ted his +ish.
"erha/s they *uessed ho+ he )ust (e -eelin*, to lea2e 'arth -or the
se.ond ti)e in a thousand years -- and, on.e a*ain, to -a.e an unkno+n
Hu/iter-$u.i-er +as on the other side o- the 5un, and the al)ost
strai*ht line o- %oliathBs or(it +ould take the) .lose to Venus. "oole
looked -or+ard to seein*, +ith his o+n unaided eyes, i- 'arthBs sister
/lanet +as no+ (e*innin* to li2e u/ to that des.ri/tion, a-ter .enturies
o- terra-or)in*.
Fro) a thousand kilo)eters u/, 5tar City looked like a *i*anti.
)etal (and around 'arthBs 'Duator, dotted +ith *antries, /ressure do)es,
s.a--oldin* holdin* hal--.o)/leted shi/s, antennas, and other )ore
eni*)ati. stru.tures. 0t +as di)inishin* s+i-tly as %oliath headed
sun+ards, and /resently "oole .ould see ho+ in.o)/lete it +as: there
+ere hu*e *a/s s/anned only (y a s/iderBs +e( o- s.a--oldin*, +hi.h
+ould /ro(a(ly ne2er (e .o)/letely en.losed.
And no+ they +ere -allin* (elo+ the /lane o- the rin*4 it +as
)id+inter in the northern he)is/here, so the sli) halo o- 5tar City +as
in.lined at o2er t+enty de*rees to the 5un. Already "oole .ould see the
A) and Asian to+ers, as shinin* threads stret.hin* out+ards and
a+ay, (eyond the (lue ha6e o- the at)os/here.
Ee +as (arely .ons.ious o- ti)e as %oliath *ained s/eed, )o2in*
)ore s+i-tly than any .o)et that had e2er -allen sun+ards -ro)
interstellar s/a.e. The 'arth, al)ost -ull, still s/anned his -ield o-
2ie+, and he .ould no+ see the -ull len*th o- the A-ri.a To+er +hi.h had
(een his ho)e in the li-e he +as no+ lea2in* -- /erha/s, he .ould not
hel/ thinkin*, lea2in* -or e2er.
7hen they +ere -i-ty thousand kilo)eters out, he +as a(le to 2ie+
the +hole o- 5tar City, as a narro+ elli/se en.losin* the 'arth. Thou*h
the -ar side +as (arely 2isi(le, as a hair-line o- li*ht a*ainst the
stars, it +as a+e-ins/irin* to think that the hu)an ra.e had no+ set
this si*n u/on the hea2ens.
Then "oole re)e)(ered the rin*s o- 5aturn, in-initely )ore
*lorious. The en*ineers still had a lon*, lon* +ay to *o,
(e-ore they .ould )at.h the a.hie2e)ents o- 9ature.
Or, i- that +as the ri*ht +ord, eus.
15 -- Transit o- Venus
7hen he +oke the ne1t )ornin*, they +ere already at Venus. 8ut the
hu*e, da66lin* .res.ent o- the still .loud-+ra//ed /lanet +as not the
)ost strikin* o(Ce.t in the sky:
%oliath +as -loatin* a(o2e an endless e1/anse o- .rinkled sil2er
-oil, -lashin* in the sunli*ht +ith e2er-.han*in* /atterns as the shi/
dri-ted a.ross it.
"oole re)e)(ered that in his o+n a*e there had (een an artist +ho
had +ra//ed +hole (uildin*s in /lasti. sheets: ho+ he +ould ha2e lo2ed
this o//ortunity to /a.ka*e (illions o- tons o- i.e in a *litterin*
en2elo/e...Only in this +ay .ould the .ore o- a .o)et (e /rote.ted -ro)
e2a/oration on its de.ades-lon* Courney sun+ards.
A:ouBre in lu.k, Frank,A Chandler had told hi). AThis is so)ethin*
0B2e ne2er seen )ysel-. 0t should (e s/e.ta.ular. 0)/a.t due in Cust
o2er an hour. 7eB2e *i2en it a little nud*e, to )ake sure it .o)es do+n
in the ri*ht /la.e. onBt +ant anyone to *et hurt.A
"oole looked at hi) in astonish)ent.
A:ou )ean -- there are already /eo/le on VenusIA
AA(out -i-ty )ad s.ientists, near the 5outh "ole. O- .ourse,
theyBre +ell du* in, (ut +e should shake the) u/ a (it -- e2en thou*h
%round Mero is on the other side o- the /lanet. Or 0 should say
BAt)os/here MeroB -- it +ill (e days (e-ore anythin* e1.e/t the
sho.k+a2e *ets do+n to the sur-a.e.A
As the .os)i. i.e(er*, s/arklin* and -lashin* in its /rote.ti2e
en2elo/e, d+indled a+ay to+ards Venus, "oole +as stru.k +ith a sudden,
/oi*nant )e)ory. The Christ)as trees o- his .hildhood had (een adorned
+ith Cust su.h orna)ents, deli.ate (u((les o- .olored *lass. And the
.o)/arison +as not .o)/letely ludi.rous: -or )any -a)ilies on 'arth,
this +as still the ri*ht season -or *i-ts, and %oliath +as (rin*in* a
/resent (eyond /ri.e to another +orld.
The radar i)a*e o- the tortured Venusian lands.a/e -- its +eird
2ol.anoes, /an.ake do)es, and narro+, sinuous .anyons -- do)inated the
)ain s.reen o- %oliathBs .ontrol .enter, (ut "oole /re-erred the
e2iden.e o- his o+n eyes. Althou*h the un(roken sea o- .louds that
.o2ered the /lanet re2ealed nothin* o- the in-erno (eneath, he +anted to
see +hat +ould ha//en +hen the stolen .o)et stru.k. 0n a )atter o-
se.onds, the )yriad o- tons o- -ro6en hydrates that had (een *atherin*
s/eed -or de.ades on the do+nhill run -ro) 9e/tune +ould deli2er all
their ener*y...
The initial -lash +as e2en (ri*hter than he had e1/e.ted. Eo+
stran*e that a )issile )ade o- i.e .ould *enerate te)/eratures that )ust
(e in the tens o- thousands o- de*reesF Thou*h the -ilters o- the 2ie+-
/ort +ould ha2e a(sor(ed all the dan*erous shorter +a2e-len*ths, the
-ier.e (lue o- the -ire(all /ro.lai)ed that it +as hotter than the 5un.
0t +as .oolin* ra/idly as it e1/anded -- throu*h yello+, oran*e,
red...The sho.k+a2e +ould no+ (e s/readin* out+ards at the 2elo.ity o-
sound -- and +hat a sound that )ust (eF -- so in a -e+ )inutes there
should (e so)e 2isi(le indi.ation o- its /assa*e a.ross the -a.e o-
And there it +asF Only a tiny (la.k rin* -- like an insi*ni-i.ant
/u-- o- s)oke, *i2in* no hint o- the .y.loni. -ury that )ust (e (lastin*
its +ay out+ards -ro) the /oint o- i)/a.t. As "oole +at.hed, it slo+ly
e1/anded, thou*h o+in* to its s.ale there +as no sense o- 2isi(le
)o2e)ent: he had to +ait -or a -ull )inute (e-ore he .ould (e Duite sure
that it had *ro+n lar*er.
A-ter a Duarter o- an hour, ho+e2er, it +as the )ost /ro)inent
)arkin* on the /lanet. Thou*h )u.h -ainter -- a dirty *ray, rather than
(la.k -- the sho.k+a2e +as no+ a ra**ed .ir.le )ore than a thousand
kilo)eters a.ross. "oole *uessed that it had lost its ori*inal sy))etry
+hile s+ee/in* o2er the *reat )ountain ran*es that lay (eneath it.
Ca/tain ChandlerBs 2oi.e sounded (riskly o2er the shi/Bs address
A"uttin* you throu*h to A/hrodite 8ase. %lad to say theyBre not
shoutin* -or hel/ -- A
A -- shook us u/ a (it, (ut Cust +hat +e e1/e.ted. 3onitors
indi.ate so)e rain already o2er the 9oko)is 3ountains -- it +ill soon
e2a/orate, (ut thatBs a (e*innin*. And there see)s to ha2e (een a -lash-
-lood in Ee.ate Chas) -- too *ood to (e true, (ut +eBre .he.kin*. There
+as a te)/orary lake o- (oilin* +ater there a-ter the last deli2ery -- A
0 donBt en2y the), "oole told hi)sel- -- (ut 0 .ertainly ad)ire
the). They /ro2e that the s/irit o- ad2enture still e1ists in this
/erha/s too-.o)-orta(le and too-+ell-adCusted so.iety.
A -- and thanks a*ain -or (rin*in* this little load do+n in the
ri*ht /la.e. 7ith any lu.k -- and i- +e .an *et that sun-s.reen u/ into
syn. or(it -- +eBll ha2e so)e /er)anent seas (e-ore lon*. And then +e
.an /lant .oral ree-s, to )ake li)e and /ull the e1.ess CO2 out o- the
at)os/here -- ho/e 0 li2e to see itFA
0 ho/e you do, thou*ht "oole in silent ad)iration. Ee had o-ten
di2ed in the tro/ seas o- 'arth, ad)irin* +eird and .olor-ul
.reatures so (i6arre that it +as hard to (elie2e anythin* stran*er +ould
(e -ound, e2en on the /lanets o- other suns.
A"a.ka*e deli2ered on ti)e, and re.ei/t a.kno+led*ed,A said
Ca/tain Chandler +ith o(2ious satis-a.tion. A%ood(ye Venus -- %any)ede,
here +e .o)e.A
3055 "#09%$'
F0$' 7A$$AC'
Eello, 0ndra. :es, you +ere Duite ri*ht. 0 do )iss our little
ar*u)ents. Chandler and 0 *et alon* -ine, and at -irst the .re+ treated
)e -- this +ill a)use you -- rather like a holy reli.. 8ut theyBre
(e*innin* to a..e/t )e, and ha2e e2en started to /ull )y le* (do you
kno+ that idio)I!.
0tBs annoyin* not to (e a(le to ha2e a real .on2ersation -- +eB2e
.rossed the or(it o- 3ars, so radio round-tri/ is already o2er an hour.
8ut thereBs one ad2anta*e -- you +onBt (e a(le to interru/t )e...
'2en thou*h it +ill take us only a +eek to rea.h Hu/iter, 0
thou*ht 0Bd ha2e ti)e to rela1. 9ot a (it o- it: )y -in*ers started to
it.h, and 0 .ouldnBt resist *oin* (a.k to s.hool. 5o 0B2e (e*un (asi.
trainin*, all o2er a*ain, in one o- %oliathBs )inishuttles. 3ay(e i)
+ill a.tually let )e solo...
0tBs not )u.h (i**er than is.o2eryBs /ods -- (ut +hat a
di--eren.eF First o- all, o- .ourse, it doesnBt use ro.kets: 0 .anBt *et
used to the lu1ury o- the inertial dri2e, and unli)ited ran*e. Could -ly
(a.k to 'arth i- 0 had to -- thou*h 0Bd /ro(a(ly *et -- re)e)(er the
/hrase 0 used on.e, and you *uessed its )eanin*I -- Astir .ra6yA.
The (i**est di--eren.e, thou*h, is the .ontrol syste). 0tBs (een a
(i* .hallen*e -or )e to *et used to hands-o-- o/eration -- and the
.o)/uter has had to learn to re.o*ni6e )y 2oi.e .o))ands. At -irst it
+as askin* e2ery -i2e )inutes Ao you really )ean thatIA 0 kno+ it +ould
(e (etter to use the 8rain.a/ -- (ut 0B) still not .o)/letely .on-ident
+ith that *ad*et. 9ot sure i- 0Bll e2er *et used to so)ethin* readin* )y
8y the +ay, the shuttleBs .alled Fal.on. 0tBs a ni.e na)e -- and 0
+as disa//ointed to -ind that no one a(oard kne+ that it *oes all the
+ay (a.k to the A/ollo )issions, +hen +e -irst landed on the 3oon...
&h-huh -- there +as a lot )ore 0 +anted to say, (ut the ski//er is
.allin*. 8a.k to the .lassroo) -- lo2e and out.
Eello Frank -- 0ndra .allin* -- i- thatBs ri*ht +ordF -- on )y ne+
Thou*ht+riter -- old one had ner2ous (reakdo+n ha ha -- so (e lots o-
)istakes -- no ti)e to edit (e-ore 0 send. Eo/e you .an )ake sense.
CO35'TF Channel one oh three -- re.ord -ro) t+el2e thirty --
.orre.tion -- thirteen thirty. 5orry...
Eo/e 0 .an *et old unit -i1ed -- kne+ all )y short-.uts and
a((rie2es -- )ay(e should *et /sy.hoanaly6ed like in your ti)e -- ne2er
understood ho+ that Fraudian -- )ean Freudian ha ha -- nonsense lasted
as lon* as it did -- #e)inds )e -- .a)e a.ross late T+entieth de-in
other day -- )ay a)use you -- so)ethin* like this -- Duote --
"sy.hoanalysis -- .onta*ious disease ori*inatin* Vienna .ir.a 1<00 --
no+ e1tin.t in 'uro/e (ut o..asional out(reaks a)on* ri.h A)eri.ans.
&nDuote. FunnyI
5orry a*ain -- trou(le +ith Thou*ht+riters -- hard to sti.k to
/oint -- 16 12N + KKK 5 Cs<Kl2ye(d. A39...5TO" 8ACG&"
id 0 do so)ethin* +ron* thenI 7ill try a*ain. :ou )entioned
anil...sorry +e al+ays e2aded your Duestions a(out hi) -- kne+ you +ere
.urious, (ut +e had 2ery *ood reason -- re)e)(er you on.e .alled hi) a
non-/ersonI...not (ad *uess...F
On.e you asked )e a(out .ri)e no+adays -- 0 said any su.h interest
/atholo* -- )ay(e /ro)/ted (y the endless si.kenin* tele2ision
/ro*ra)s o- your ti)e -- ne2er a(le to +at.h )ore than -e+ )inutes
OO# ACG9O7$'%'F OE, E'$$O 3'$09A 'LC&5' 50T O79 9'A#$:
:es -- .ri)e. Al+ays so)e...5o.ietyBs irredu.i(le noise le2el.
7hat to doI
:our solution -- /risons. 5tate-s/onsored /er2ersion -a.tories --
.ostin* ten ti)es a2era*e -a)ily in.o)e to hold one in)ateF &tterly
.ra6y...O(2iously so)ethin* 2ery +ron* +ith /eo/le +ho shouted loudest
-or )ore /risons -- They should (e /sy.hoanaly6edF 8ut letBs (e -air --
really no alternati2e (e-ore ele.troni. )onitorin* and .ontrol /er-e.ted
-- you should see the Coy-ul .ro+ds s)ashin* the /rison +alls then --
nothin* like it sin.e 8erlin -i-ty years earlierF
:es -- anil. 0 donBt kno+ +hat his .ri)e +as -- +ouldnBt tell you
i- 0 did -- (ut /resu)e his /sy.h /ro-ile su**ested heBd )ake a *ood --
+hat +as the +ordI -- (allet -- no, 2alet. Very hard to *et /eo/le -or
so)e Co(s -- donBt kno+ ho+ +eBd )ana*e i- .ri)e le2el 6eroF Any+ay ho/e
heBs soon de.ontrolled and (a.k in nor)al so.iety.
5O##: 3'$09A 9'A#$: F0905E'
ThatBs it, Frank -- re*ards to i)itri -- you )ust (e hal-+ay to
%any)ede no+ -- +onder i- theyBll e2er re/eal 'instein so +e .an talk
a.ross s/a.e in real-ti)eF
Eo/e this )a.hine soon *ets used to )e. Other+ise (e lookin* round
-or *enuine antiDue t+entieth .entury +ord /ro.essor...7ould you (elie2e
-- on.e e2en )astered that J7'#T:0:&0O" nonsense, +hi.h you took a
.ou/le o- hundred years to *et rid o-I
$o2e and *ood-(ye.
Eello Frank -- here 0 a) a*ain. 5till +aitin* a.kno+led*e)ent o-
)y last...
5tran*e you should (e headin* to+ards %any)ede, and )y old -riend
Ted Ghan. 8ut /erha/s itBs not su.h a .oin.iden.e: he +as dra+n (y the
sa)e eni*)a that you +ere...
First 0 )ust tell you so)ethin* a(out hi). Eis /arents /layed a
dirty tri.k, *i2in* hi) the na)e Theodore. That shortens -- donBt e2er
.all hi) thatF -- to Theo. 5ee +hat 0 )eanI
CanBt hel/ +onderin* i- thatBs +hat dri2es hi). onBt kno+ anyone
else +hoBs de2elo/ed su.h an interest in reli*ion -- no, o(session.
8etter +arn you4 he .an (e Duite a (ore.
8y the +ay, ho+ a) 0 doin*I 0 )iss )y old Think+riter, (ut see) to
(e *ettin* this )a.hine under .ontrol. Ea2enBt )ade any (ad -- +hat did
you .all the)I -- (loo/ers -- *lit.hes -- -lu--s -- so -ar at least --
9ot sure 0 should tell you this, in .ase you a..identally (lurt it out,
(ut )y /ri2ate ni.kna)e -or Ted is AThe $ast HesuitA. :ou )ust kno+
so)ethin* a(out the) -- the Order +as still 2ery a.ti2e in your ti)e.
A)a6in* /eo/le -- o-ten *reat s.ientists -- su/er( s.holars -- did
a tre)endous a)ount o- *ood as +ell as )u.h har). One o- historyBs
su/re)e ironies -- sin.ere and (rilliant seekers o- kno+led*e and truth,
yet their +hole /hiloso/hy ho/elessly distorted (y su/erstition...
Luedn2k3Cn deer 2leidC d+//
a)n. %ot e)otional and lost .ontrol. One, t+o, three,
is the ti)e -or all *ood )en to .o)e to the aid o- the /arty...thatBs
Any+ay, Ted has that sa)e (rand o- hi*h-)inded deter)ination4
donBt *et into any ar*u)ents +ith hi) -- heBll *o o2er you like a stea)-
8y the +ay +hat +ere stea)-rollersI &sed -or /ressin* .lothesI Can
see ho+ that .ould (e 2ery un.o)-orta(le...
Trou(le +ith Think+riters...too easy to *o o-- in all dire.tions,
no )atter ho+ hard you try to dis.i/line* to (e said
-or key(oards a-ter all...sure 0B2e said that (e-ore...
Ted Ghan...Ted Ghan...Ted Ghan
EeBs still -a)ous (a.k on 'arth -or at least t+o o- his sayin*s:
ACi2ili6ation and #eli*ion are in.o)/ati(leA and AFaith is (elie2in*
+hat you kno+ isnBt trueA. A.tually, 0 donBt think the last one is
ori*inal4 i- it is, thatBs the nearest he e2er *ot to a Coke. Ee ne2er
.ra.ked a s)ile +hen 0 tried one o- )y -a2orites on hi) -- ho/e you
ha2enBt heard it (e-ore. 0t o(2iously dates -ro) your ti)e.
The eanBs .o)/lainin* to his Fa.ulty. A7hy do you s.ientists need
su.h e1/ensi2e eDui/)entI 7hy .anBt you (e like the 3aths e/art)ent,
+hi.h only needs a (la.k(oard and a +aste-/a/er (asketI 8etter still,
like the e/art)ent o- "hiloso/hy. That doesnBt e2en need a +aste/a/er
(asket...A 7ell, /erha/s Ted had heard it (e-ore...0 e1/e.t )ost
/hiloso/hers ha2e...
Any+ay, *i2e hi) )y re*ards -- and donBt, re/eat donBt, *et into
any ar*u)ents +ith hi)F
$o2e and (est +ishes -ro) A-ri.a To+er.
T#A95C#08' 5TO#'
T#A9530T "OO$'
16 -- The Ca/tainBs Ta(le
The arri2al o- su.h a distin*uished /assen*er had .aused a .ertain
disru/tion in the ti*ht little +orld o- %oliath, (ut the .re+ had
ada/ted to it +ith *ood hu)or. '2ery day, at 1K.00 hours, all /ersonnel
*athered -or dinner in the +ardroo), +hi.h in 6ero-*ee .ould hold at
least thirty /eo/le in .o)-ort, i- s/read uni-or)ly around the +alls.
Eo+e2er, )ost o- the ti)e the shi/Bs +orkin* areas +ere held at lunar
*ra2ity, so there +as an undenia(le -loor -- and )ore than ei*ht (odies
)ade a .ro+d.
The se) ta(le that un-olded around the auto-.he- at
)ealti)es .ould Cust seat the entire se2en-/erson .re+, +ith the Ca/tain
at the /la.e o- honor. One e1tra .reated su.h insu/era(le /ro(le)s that
so)e(ody no+ had to eat alone -or e2ery )eal. A-ter )u.h *ood-natured
de(ate, it +as de.ided to )ake the .hoi.e in al/ha( order -- not
o- /ro/er na)es, +hi.h +ere hardly e2er used, (ut o- ni.kna)es. 0t had
taken "oole so)e ti)e to *et used to the): A8oltsA (stru.tural
en*ineerin*!4 AChi/sA (.o)/uters and .o))uni.ations!4 AFirstA (First
3ate!4 A$i-eA () and li-e-su//ort syste)s!4 A"ro/sA (/ro/ulsion
and /o+er!4 and A5tarsA (or(its and na2i*ation!.
urin* the ten-day 2oya*e, as he listened to the stories, Cokes
and .o)/laints o- his te)/orary shi/)ates, "oole learned )ore a(out the
solar syste) than durin* his )onths on 'arth. All a(oard +ere o(2iously
deli*hted to ha2e a ne+ and /erha/s nai2e listener as an attenti2e one-
)an audien.e, (ut "oole +as seldo) taken in (y their )ore i)a*inati2e
:et so)eti)es it +as hard to kno+ +here to dra+ the line. 9o one
really (elie2ed in the %olden Asteroid, +hi.h +as usually re*arded as a
t+enty--ourth-.entury hoa1. 8ut +hat a(out the 3er.urian /las)oids,
+hi.h had (een re/orted (y at least a do6en relia(le +itnesses durin*
the last -i2e hundred yearsI
The si)/lest e1/lanation +as that they +ere related to (all-
li*htnin*, res/onsi(le -or so )any A&nidenti-ied Flyin* O(Ce.tA re/orts
on 'arth and 3ars. 8ut so)e o(ser2ers s+ore that they had sho+n
/ur/ose-ulness -- e2en inDuisiti2eness -- +hen they +ere en.ountered at
.lose Duarters. 9onsense, ans+ered the ske/ti.s -- )erely ele.trostati.
0ne2ita(ly, this led to dis.ussions a(out li-e in the &ni2erse,
and "oole -ound hi)sel- -- not -or the -irst ti)e -- de-endin* his o+n
era a*ainst its e1tre)es o- .redulity and ske/ Althou*h the
AAliens are a)on* usA )ania had already su(sided +hen he +as a (oy, e2en
as late as the 2020s, the 5/a.e A*en.y +as still /la*ued (y lunati.s +ho
.lai)ed to ha2e (een .onta.ted -- or a(du.ted -- (y 2isitors -ro) other
+orlds. Their delusions had (een rein-or.ed (y sensational )edia
e1/loitation, and the +hole syndro)e +as later enshrined in the )
literature as AAda)skiBs iseaseA.
The dis.o2ery o- T3A O9' had, /, /ut an end to this
sorry nonsense, (y de)onstratin* that thou*h there +as indeed
intelli*en.e else+here, it had a//arently not .on.erned itsel- +ith
3ankind -or se2eral )illion years. T3A O9' had also*ly re-uted
the hand-ul o- s.ientists +ho ar*ued that li-e a(o2e the (a.terial le2el
+as su.h an i)/ro(a(le /heno)enon that the hu)an ra.e +as alone in this
%ala1y -- i- not the Cos)os.
%oliathBs .re+ +as )ore interested in the te.hnolo*y than the
/oliti.s and e.ono)i.s o- "ooleBs era, and +ere /arti.ularly -as.inated
(y the re2olution that had taken /la.e in his o+n li-eti)e -- the end o-
the -ossil--uel a*e, tri**ered (y the harnessin* o- 2a.uu) ener*y. They
-ound it hard to i)a*ine the s)o*-.hoked .ities o- the t+entieth
.entury, and the +aste, *reed and a//allin* en2iron)ental disasters o-
the Oil A*e.
AonBt (la)e )e,A said "oole, -i*htin* (a.k *a)ely a-ter one round
o- AAny+ay, see +hat a )ess the t+enty--irst .entury )ade.A
There +as a .horus o- A7hat do you )eanIAs around the ta(le.
A7ell, as soon as the so-.alled A*e o- 0n-inite "o+er *ot under
+ay, and e2eryone had thousands o- kilo+atts o- .hea/, .lean ener*y to
/lay +ith -- you kno+ +hat ha//enedFA
AOh, you )ean the Ther)al Crisis. 8ut that +as -i1ed.A
A'2entually -- a-ter youBd .o2ered hal- the 'arth +ith re-le.tors
to (oun.e the 5unBs heat (a.k into s/a.e. Other+ise it +ould ha2e (een
as /ar(oiled as Venus (y no+.A
The .re+Bs kno+led*e o- Third 3illenniu) history +as so
sur/risin*ly li)ited that "oole -- thanks to the intensi2e edu.ation he
had re.ei2ed in 5tar City -- .ould o-ten a)a6e the) +ith details o-
e2ents .enturies a-ter his o+n ti)e. Eo+e2er, he +as -lattered to
dis.o2er ho+ +ell-a.Duainted they +ere +ith is.o2eryBs lo*, it had
(e.o)e one o- the .lassi. re.ords o- the 5/a.e A*e. They looked on it as
he )i*ht ha2e re*arded a Vikin* sa*a4 o-ten he had to re)ind hi)sel-
that he +as )id+ay in ti)e (et+een %oliath and the -irst shi/s to .ross
the +estern o.ean...
AOn your ay K6,A 5tars re)inded hi), at dinner on the -i-th
e2enin*, Ayou /assed +ithin t+o thousand kay o- asteroid ==<> -- and
shot a /ro(e into it. o you re)e)(erIA
AO- .ourse 0 do,A "oole ans+ered rather (rusDuely ATo )e, it
ha//ened less than a year a*oA
A&), sorry. 7ell, to)orro+ +eBll (e e2en .loser to 13,>>5. $ike to
ha2e a lookIA 7ith auto*uidan.e and -ree6e--ra)e, +e should ha2e a
+indo+ all o- ten )illise.onds +ide.A
A hundredth o- a se.ondF That -e+ )inutes in is.o2ery had see)ed
he.ti. enou*h, (ut no+ e2erythin* +ould ha//en -i-ty ti)es -aster.
AEo+ lar*e is itIA "oole asked.
AThirty (y t+enty (y -i-teen )eters,A 5tars re/lied. A$ooks like a
(attered (ri.k.A
A5orry +e donBt ha2e a slu* to -ire at it,A said "ro/s. Aid you
e2er +onder i- ==<> +ould hit (a.kIA
A9e2er o..urred to us. 8ut it did *i2e the astrono)ers a lot o-
use-ul in-or)ation, so it +as +orth the risk...Any+ay, a hundredth o- a
se.ond hardly see)s +orth the (other. Thanks all the sa)e.A
A0 understand. 7hen youB2e seen one asteroid, youB2e seen the) --
A9ot true, Chi/s. 7hen 0 +as on 'ros -- A
AAs youB2e told us at least a do6en ti)es -- A
"ooleBs )ind tuned out the dis.ussion, so that it +as a (a.k*round
o- )eanin*less noise. Ee +as a thousand years in the /ast, re.allin* the
only e1.ite)ent o- is.o2eryBs )ission (e-ore the -inal disaster. Thou*h
he and 8o+)an +ere /er-e.tly a+are that ==<> +as )erely a li-eless,
airless .hunk o- ro.k, that kno+led*e a--e.ted their -eelin*s.
0t +as the only solid )atter they +ould )eet this side o- Hu/iter, and
they had stared at it +ith the e)otions o- sailors on a lon* sea 2oya*e,
skirtin* a .oast on +hi.h they .ould not land.
0t +as turnin* slo+ly end o2er end, and there +ere )ottled /at.hes
o- li*ht and shade distri(uted at rando) o2er its sur-a.e. 5o)eti)es it
s/arkled like a distant +indo+, as /lanes or*s o- .rystalline
)aterial -lashed in the 5un...
Ee re)e)(ered, also, the )ountin* tension as they +aited to see i-
their ai) had (een a..urate. 0t +as not easy to hit su.h a s)all tar*et,
t+o thousand kilo)eters a+ay, )o2in* at a relati2e 2elo.ity o- t+enty
kilo)eters a se.ond.
Then, a*ainst the darkened /ortion o- the asteroid, there had (een
a sudden, da66lin* e1/losion o- li*ht. The tiny slu* -- /ure &raniu) 23K
-- had i)/a.ted at )eteori. s/eed: in a -ra.tion o- a se.ond, all its
kineti. ener*y had (een trans-or)ed into heat. A /u-- o- in.andes.ent
*as had eru/ted (rie-ly into s/a.e, and is.o2eryBs .a)eras +ere
re.ordin* the ra/idly -adin* s/e.tral lines, lookin* -or the tell-tale
si*natures o- *lo+in* ato)s. A -e+ hours later, (a.k on 'arth, the
astrono)ers learned -or the -irst ti)e the .o)/osition o- an asteroidBs
.rust. There +ere no )aCor sur/rises, (ut se2eral (ottles o- .ha)/a*ne
.han*ed hands.
Ca/tain Chandler hi)sel- took little /art in the 2ery de)o.rati.
dis.ussions around his se) ta(le: he see)ed .ontent to let his
.re+ rela1 and e1/ress their -eelin*s in this in-or)al at)os/here. There
+as only one uns/oken rule: no serious (usiness at )ealti)es. 0- there
+ere any or o/erational /ro(le)s, they had to (e dealt +ith
"oole had (een sur/rised -- and a little sho.ked -- to dis.o2er
that the .re+Bs kno+led*e o- %oliathBs syste)s +as 2ery su/er-i.ial.
O-ten he had asked Duestions +hi.h should ha2e (een easily ans+ered,
only to (e re-erred to the shi/Bs o+n )e)ory (anks. A-ter a +hile,
ho+e2er, he reali6ed that the sort o- in-de/th trainin* he had re.ei2ed
in his days +as no lon*er /ossi(le: -ar too )any .o)/le1 syste)s +ere
in2ol2ed -or any )an or +o)anBs )ind to )aster. The 2arious s/e.ialists
)erely had to kno+ +hat their eDui/)ent did, not ho+. #elia(ility
de/ended on redundan.y and auto)ati. .he.kin*, and hu)an inter2ention
+as )u.h )ore likely to do har) than *ood.
Fortunately none +as reDuired on this 2oya*e: it had (een as
une2ent-ul as any ski//er .ould ha2e ho/ed, +hen the ne+ sun o- $u.i-er
do)inated the sky ahead.
000 -- TE' 7O#$5 OF %A$0$'O
('1tra.t, te1t only, TouristBs %uide to Outer 5olar 5yste), 2
'2en today, the *iant satellites o- +hat +as on.e Hu/iter /resent
us +ith )aCor )ysteries. 7hy are -our +orlds, or(itin* the sa)e /ri)ary
and 2ery si)ilar in si6e, so di--erent in )ost other res/e.tsI
Only in the .ase o- 0o, the inner)ost satellite, is there a* e1/lanation. 0t is so .lose to Hu/iter that the *ra2itational
tides .onstantly kneadin* its interior *enerate .olossal Duantities o-
heat -- so )u.h, indeed, that 0oBs sur-a.e is se)i-)olten. 0t is the
)ost a.ti2e +orld in the 5olar 5yste)4 )a/s o- 0o ha2e a
hal--li-e o- only a -e+ de.ades.
Thou*h no /er)anent hu)an (ases ha2e e2er (een esta(lished in su.h
an unsta(le en2iron)ent, there ha2e (een nu)erous landin*s and there is
.ontinuous ro(ot )onitorin*. (For the tra*i. -ate o- the 25=1
'1/edition, see 8ea*le 5.!
'uro/a, se.ond in distan.e -ro) Hu/iter, +as ori*inally entirely
.o2ered in i.e, and sho+ed -e+ sur-a.e -eatures e1.e/t a .o)/li.ated
net+ork o- .ra.ks. The tidal +hi.h do)inate 0o +ere )u.h less
/o+er-ul here, (ut /rodu.ed enou*h heat to *i2e 'uro/a a *lo(al o.ean o-
liDuid +ater, in +hi.h )any stran*e li-e--or)s ha2e e2ol2ed.
0n 2010 the Chinese shi/ Tsien tou.hed do+n on 'uro/a on one o-
the -e+ o- solid ro.k /rotrudin* throu*h the .rust o- i.e. 0n
doin* so it distur(ed a .reature o- the 'uro/an a(yss and +as destroyed
(see 5/a.e.ra-t Tsien, %ala1y, &ni2erse!.
5in.e the .on2ersion o- Hu/iter into the )ini-sun $u.i-er in 2061,
2irtually all o- 'uro/aBs i.e-.o2er has )elted, and e1tensi2e 2ul.anis)
has .reated se2eral s)all islands.
As is +ell-kno+n, there ha2e (een no landin*s on 'uro/a -or al)ost
a thousand years, (ut the satellite is under .ontinuous sur2eillan.e.
%any)ede, lar*est )oon in the 5olar 5yste) (dia)eter 5260
kilo)eters!, has also (een a--e.ted (y the .reation o- a ne+ sun, and
its eDuatorial re*ions are +ar) enou*h to sustain terrestrial li-e-
-or)s, thou*h it does not yet ha2e a (reatha(le at)os/here. 3ost o- its
/o/ulation is a.ti2ely en*a*ed in terra-or)in* and s.ienti-i. resear.h4
the )ain settle)ent is Anu(is (/o/ >1,000!, near the 5outh "ole.
Callisto is a*ain +holly di--erent. 0ts entire sur-a.e is .o2ered
(y i)/a.t .raters o- all si6es, so nu)erous that they o2erla/. The
(o)(ard)ent )ust ha2e .ontinued -or )illions o- years, -or the ne+er
.raters ha2e .o)/letely o(literated the earlier ones. There is no
/er)anent (ase on Callisto, (ut se2eral auto)ati. stations ha2e (een
esta(lished there.
1= -- %any)ede
0t +as unusual -or Frank "oole to o2erslee/, (ut he had (een ke/t
a+ake (y stran*e drea)s. "ast and /resent +ere ine1tri.a(ly )i1ed4
so)eti)es he +as on is.o2ery, so)eti)es in the A-ri.a To+er -- and
so)eti)es he +as a (oy a*ain, a)on* -riends he had thou*ht lon*-
7here a) 0I he asked hi)sel- as he stru**led u/ to .ons.iousness,
like a s+i))er tryin* to *et (a.k to the sur-a.e. There +as a s)all
+indo+ Cust a(o2e his (ed, .o2ered (y a .urtain not thi.k enou*h to
.o)/letely (lo.k the li*ht -ro) outside. There had (een a ti)e, around
the )id-t+entieth .entury, +hen air.ra-t had (een slo+ enou*h to -eature
First Class slee/in* a..o))odation: "oole had ne2er sa)/led this
nostal*i. lu1ury, +hi.h so)e tourist or*ani6ations had still ad2ertised
in his o+n day, (ut he .ould easily i)a*ine that he +as doin* so no+.
Ee dre+ the .urtain and looked out. 9o, he had not a+akened in the
skies o- 'arth, thou*h the lands.a/e unrollin* (elo+ +as not unlike the
Antar.ti.. 8ut the 5outh "ole had ne2er (oasted t+o suns, (oth risin* at
on.e as %oliath s+e/t to+ards the).
The shi/ +as or(itin* less than a hundred kilo)eters a(o2e +hat
a//eared to (e an i))ense /lou*hed -ield, li*htly dusted +ith sno+. 8ut
the /lou*h)an )ust ha2e (een drunk -- or the *uidan.e syste) )ust ha2e
*one .ra6y -- -or the -urro+s )eandered in e2ery dire.tion, so)eti)es
.uttin* a.ross ea.h other or turnin* (a.k on the)sel2es. Eere and there
the terrain +as dotted +ith -aint .ir.les -- *host .raters -ro) )eteor
i)/a.ts aeons a*o.
5o this is %any)ede, "oole +ondered dro+sily. 3ankindBs -urthest
out/ost -ro) ho)eF 7hy should any sensi(le /erson +ant to li2e hereI
7ell, 0B2e o-ten thou*ht that +hen 0B2e -lo+n o2er %reenland or 0.eland
in +inter-ti)e...
There +as a kno.k on the door, a A3ind i- 0 .o)e inIA, and Ca/tain
Chandler did so +ithout +aitin* -or a re/ly.
AThou*ht +eBd let you slee/ until +e landed -- that end-o--tri/
/arty did last lon*er than 0Bd intended, (ut 0 .ouldnBt risk a )utiny (y
.uttin* it short.A
"oole lau*hed.
AEas there e2er (een a )utiny in s/a.eIA
AOh, Duite a -e+ (ut not in )y ti)e. 9o+ +eB2e )entioned the
su(Ce.t, you )i*ht say that Eal started the tradition...sorry -- /erha/s
0 shouldnBt -- look -- thereBs %any)ede CityFA
Co)in* u/ o2er the hori6on +as +hat a//eared to (e a .riss-.ross
/attern o- streets and a2enues, interse.tin* al)ost at ri*ht-an*les (ut
+ith the sli*ht irre*ularity ty/ o- any settle)ent that had *ro+n (y
a..retion, +ithout .entral /lannin*. 0t +as (ise.ted (y a (road ri2er --
"oole re.alled that the eDuatorial re*ions o- %any)ede +ere no+ +ar)
enou*h -or liDuid +ater to e1ist -- and it re)inded hi) o- an old +ood-
.ut he had seen o- )edie2al $ondon.
Then he noti.ed that Chandler +as lookin* at hi) +ith an
e1/ression o- a)use)ent...and the illusion 2anished as he reali6ed the
s.ale o- the A.ityA.
AThe %any)edeans,A he said dryly, A)ust ha2e (een rather lar*e, to
ha2e )ade roads -i2e or ten kilo)eters +ide.A
AT+enty in so)e / 0)/ressi2e, isnBt itI And all the result
o- i.e stret.hin* and .ontra.tin*. 3other 9ature is in*enious...0 .ould
sho+ you so)e /atterns that look e2en )ore arti-i.ial, thou*h theyBre
not as lar*e as this one.A
A7hen 0 +as a (oy, there +as a (i* -uss a(out a -a.e on 3ars. O-
.ourse, it turned out to (e a hill that had (een .ar2ed (y sand-
stor)s...lots o- si)ilar ones in 'arthBs deserts.A
AidnBt so)eone say that history al+ays re/eats itsel-I 5a)e sort
o- nonsense ha//ened +ith %any)ede City -- so)e nuts .lai)ed it had (een
(uilt (y aliens. 8ut 0B) a-raid it +onBt (e around )u.h lon*er.A
A7hyIA asked "oole in sur/rise.
A0tBs already started to .olla/se, as $u.i-er )elts the
/er)a-rost. :ou +onBt re.o*ni6e %any)ede in another hundred
years...thereBs the ed*e o- $ake %il*a)esh -- i- you look .are-ully --
o2er on the ri*ht -- A
A0 see +hat you )ean. 7hatBs ha//enin* -- surely the +aterBs not
(oilin*, e2en at this lo+ /ressureIA
A'le.trolysis /lant. onBt kno+ ho+ )any skillions o- kilo*ra)s o-
o1y*en a day. O- .ourse, the hydro*en *oes u/ and *ets lost -- +e ho/e.A
ChandlerBs 2oi.e trailed o-- into silen.e. Then he resu)ed, in an
unusually di--ident tone: AAll that (eauti-ul +ater do+n there --
%any)ede doesnBt need hal- o- itF onBt tell anyone, (ut 0B2e (een
+orkin* out +ays o- *ettin* so)e to Venus.A
A'asier than nud*in* .o)etsIA
AAs -ar as ener*y is .on.erned, yes -- %any)edeBs es.a/e 2elo.ity
is only three kli.ks /er se.ond. And )u.h, )u.h Dui.ker -- years instead
o- de.ades. 8ut there are a -e+ / di--i.ulties..
A0 .an a//re.iate that. 7ould you shoot it o-- (y a )ass-
AOh no -- 0Bd use to+ers rea.hin* u/ throu*h the at)os/here, like
the ones on 'arth, (ut )u.h s)aller. 7eBd /u)/ the +ater u/ to the to/,
-ree6e it do+n to near a(solute 6ero, and let %any)ede slin* it o-- in
the ri*ht dire.tion as it rotated. There +ould (e so)e e2a/oration loss
in transit, (ut )ost o- it +ould arri2e -- +hatBs so -unnyIA
A5orry -- 0B) not lau*hin* at the idea -- it )akes *ood sense. 8ut
youB2e (rou*ht (a.k su.h a 2i2id )e)ory. 7e used to ha2e a *arden
s/rinkler -- dri2en round and round (y its +ater Cets. 7hat youBre
/lannin* is the sa)e thin* -- on a sli*htly (i**er s.ale...usin* a +hole
5uddenly, another i)a*e -ro) his /ast o(literated all else. "oole
re)e)(ered ho+, in those hot Ari6ona days, he and #ikki had lo2ed to
.hase ea.h other throu*h the .louds o- )o2in* )ist, -ro) the slo+ly
re2ol2in* s/ray o- the *arden s/rinkler.
Ca/tain Chandler +as a )u.h )ore sensiti2e )an than he /retended
to (e: he kne+ +hen it +as ti)e to lea2e.
A%otta *et (a.k to the (rid*e,A he said *ru--ly. A5ee you +hen +e
land at Anu(is.A
1K -- %rand Eotel
The %rand %any)ede Eotel -- ine2ita(ly kno+n throu*hout the 5olar
5yste) as AEotel %ranny)edeA +as .ertainly not *rand, and +ould (e
to *et a ratin* o- one-and-a-hal- stars on 'arth. As the nearest
.o)/etition +as se2eral hundred )illion kilo)eters a+ay, the )ana*e)ent
-elt little need to e1ert itsel- unduly.
:et "oole had no .o)/laints, thou*h he o-ten +ished that anil +as
still around, to hel/ hi) +ith the )e.hani.s o- li-e and to .o))uni.ate
)ore e--i.iently +ith the se)i-intelli*ent +ith +hi.h he +as
surrounded. Ee had kno+n a (rie- )o)ent o- /ani. +hen the door had
.losed (ehind the (hu)an! (ell(oy, +ho had a//arently (een too a+ed (y
his *uest to e1/lain ho+ any o- the roo)Bs -un.tioned. A-ter
-i2e )inutes o- -ruitless talkin* to the unres/onsi2e +alls, "oole had
-inally )ade .onta.t +ith a syste) that understood his a..ent and his
.o))ands. 7hat an AAll 7orldsA ne+s ite) it +ould ha2e )ade -- AEistori.
astronaut star2es to death, tra//ed in %any)ede hotel roo)AF
And there +ould ha2e (een a dou(le irony. "erha/s the na)in* o-
the %ranny)edeBs only lu1ury suite +as ine2ita(le, (ut it had (een a
real sho.k to )eet an an.ient li-e-si6e holo o- his old shi/)ate, in
-ull-dress uni-or), as he +as led into -- the 8o+)an 5uite. "oole e2en
re.o*ni6ed the i)a*e: his o+n o--i.ial /ortrait had (een )ade at the
sa)e ti)e, a -e+ days (e-ore the )ission (e*an.
Ee soon dis.o2ered that )ost o- his %oliath .re+)ates had do)esti.
arran*e)ents in Anu(is, and +ere an1ious -or hi) to )eet their
5i*ni-i.ant Others durin* the shi/Bs /lanned t+enty-day sto/. Al)ost
i))ediately he +as .au*ht u/ in the so.ial and /ro-essional li-e o- this
-rontier settle)ent, and it +as A-ri.a To+er that no+ see)ed a distant
$ike )any A)eri.ans, in their se.ret hearts, "oole had a nostal*i.
a--e.tion -or s)all .o))unities +here e2eryone kne+ e2eryone else -- in
the real +orld, and not the 2irtual one o- .y(ers/a.e. Anu(is, +ith a
resident /o/ulation less than that o- his re)e)(ered Fla*sta--, +as not
a (ad a//ro1i)ation to this ideal.
The three )ain /ressure do)es, ea.h t+o kilo)eters in dia)eter,
stood on a /lateau o2erlookin* an i.e--ield +hi.h stret.hed un(roken to
the hori6on. %any)edeBs se.ond sun -- on.e kno+n as Hu/iter -- +ould
ne2er *i2e su--i.ient heat to )elt the /olar .a/s. This +as the
/rin.i/al reason -or esta(lishin* Anu(is in su.h an inhos/ita(le s/ot:
the .ityBs -oundations +ere not likely to .olla/se -or at least se2eral
And inside the do)es, it +as easy to (e .o)/letely indi--erent to
the outside +orld. "oole, +hen he had )astered the )e.hanis)s o- the
8o+)an 5uite, dis.o2ered that he had a li)ited (ut i)/ressi2e .hoi.e o-
en2iron)ents. Ee .ould sit (eneath /al) trees on a "a.i-i. (ea.h,
listenin* to the *entle )ur)ur o- the +a2es -- or, i- he /re-erred, the
roar o- a tro/ hurri.ane. Ee .ould -ly slo+ly alon* the /eaks o- the
Ei)alayas, or do+n the i))ense .anyons o- 3ariner Valley. Ee .ould +alk
throu*h the *ardens o- Versailles or do+n the streets o- hal- a do6en
*reat .ities, at se2eral +idely s/a.ed ti)es in their history. '2en i-
the Eotel %ranny)ede +as not one o- the 5olar 5yste)Bs )ost hi*hly
a..lai)ed resorts, it (oasted -a.ilities +hi.h +ould ha2e astounded all
its )ore -a)ous /rede.essors on 'arth.
8ut it +as ridi.ulous to indul*e in terrestrial nostal*ia, +hen he
had .o)e hal--+ay a.ross the 5olar 5yste) to 2isit a stran*e ne+ +orld.
A-ter so)e e1/eri)entin*, "oole arran*ed a .o)/ro)ise, -or enCoy)ent --
and ins/iration -- durin* his steadily -e+er )o)ents o- leisure.
To his *reat re*ret, he had ne2er (een to '*y/t, so it +as
deli*ht-ul to rela1 (eneath the *a6e o- the 5/hin1 -- as it +as (e-ore
its .ontro2ersial ArestorationA -- and to +at.h tourists s.ra)(lin* u/
the )assi2e (lo.ks o- the %reat "yra)id. The illusion +as /er-e.t, a/art
-ro) the no-)anBs-land +here the desert .lashed +ith the (sli*htly +orn!
.ar/et o- the 8o+)an 5uite.
The sky, ho+e2er, +as one that no hu)an eyes had seen until -i2e
thousand years a-ter the last stone +as laid at %i6a. 8ut it +as not an
illusion4 it +as the .o)/le1 and e2er-.han*in* reality o- %any)ede.
8e.ause this +orld -- like its .o)/anions -- had (een ro((ed o-
its s/in aeons a*o (y the tidal dra* o- Hu/iter, the ne+ sun (orn -ro)
the *iant /lanet hun* )otionless in its sky. One side o- %any)ede +as in
/er/etual $u.i-er-li*ht -- and althou*h the other he)is/here +as o-ten
re-erred to as the A9i*ht $andA, that desi*nation +as as )isleadin* as
the )u.h earlier /hrase AThe dark side o- the 3oonA. $ike the lunar
Farside, %any)edeBs A9i*ht $andA had the (rilliant li*ht o- old 5ol -or
hal- o- its lon* day.
8y a .oin.iden.e )ore .on-usin* than use-ul, %any)ede took al)ost
e1a.tly one +eek -- se2en days, three hours -- to or(it its /ri)ary.
Atte)/ts to .reate a AOne 3ede day O one 'arth +eekA .alendar had
*enerated so )u.h .haos that they had (een a(andoned .enturies a*o. $ike
all the other residents o- the 5olar 5yste), the lo.als e)/loyed
&ni2ersal Ti)e, identi-yin* their t+enty--our-hour standard days (y
nu)(ers rather than na)es.
5in.e %any)edeBs ne+(orn at)os/here +as still e1tre)ely thin and
al)ost .loudless, the /arade o- hea2enly (odies /ro2ided a ne2er-endin*
s/e.ta.le. At their .losest, 0o and Callisto ea.h a//eared a(out hal-
the si6e o- the 3oon as seen -ro) 'arth -- (ut that +as the only thin*
they had in .o))on. 0o +as so .lose to $u.i-er that it took less than
t+o days to ra.e around its or(it, and sho+ed 2isi(le )o2e)ent e2en in a
)atter o- )inutes. Callisto, at o2er -our ti)es 0oBs distan.e, reDuired
t+o 3ede days -- or si1teen 'arth ones -- to .o)/lete its leisurely
The / .ontrast (et+een the t+o +orlds +as e2en )ore
re)arka(le. ee/--ro6en Callisto had (een al)ost un.han*ed (y Hu/iterBs
.on2ersion into a )ini-sun: it +as still a +asteland o- shallo+ i.e
.raters, so .losely /a.ked that there +as not a sin*le s/ot on the
entire satellite that had es.a/ed -ro) )ulti/le i)/a.ts, in the days
+hen Hu/iterBs enor)ous *ra2ity -ield +as .o)/etin* +ith 5aturnBs to
*ather u/ the de(ris o- the outer 5olar 5yste). 5in.e then, a/art -ro) a
-e+ stray shots, nothin* had ha//ened -or se2eral (illion years.
On 0o, so)ethin* +as ha//enin* e2ery +eek. As a +it had
re)arked, (e-ore the .reation o- $u.i-er it had (een Eell -- no+ it +as
Eell +ar)ed u/.
O-ten, "oole +ould 6oo) into that (urnin* lands.a/e and look into
the sul/hurous throats o- 2ol.anoes that +ere .ontinually resha/in* an
area lar*er than A-ri.a. 5o)eti)es in.andes.ent -ountains +ould soar
(rie-ly hundreds o- kilo)eters into s/a.e, like *i*anti. trees o- -ire
*ro+in* on a li-eless +orld.
As the -loods o- )olten sul-ur s/read out -ro) 2ol.anoes and
2ents, the 2ersatile ele)ent .han*ed throu*h a narro+ s/e.tru) o- reds
and oran*es and yello+s +hen, .ha)eleon-like, it +as trans-or)ed into
its 2ari-.olored allotro/es. 8e-ore the da+n o- the 5/a.e A*e, no one
had e2er i)a*ined that su.h a +orld e1isted. Fas.inatin* thou*h it +as
to o(ser2e it -ro) his .o)-orta(le 2anta*e /oint, "oole -ound it hard to
(elie2e that )en had e2er risked landin* there, +here e2en ro(ots -eared
to tread...Eis )ain interest, ho+e2er, +as 'uro/a, +hi.h at its .losest
a//eared al)ost e1a.tly the sa)e si6e as 'arthBs solitary 3oon, (ut
ra.ed throu*h its /hases in only -our days. Thou*h "oole had (een Duite
un.ons.ious o- the sy)(olis) +hen he .hose his /ri2ate lands.a/e, it no+
see)ed +holly a//ro/riate that 'uro/a should han* in the sky a(o2e
another *reat eni*)a -- the 5/hin1.
'2en +ith no )a*ni-i.ation, +hen he reDuested the naked-eye 2ie+,
"oole .ould see ho+ *reatly 'uro/a had .han*ed in the thousand years
sin.e is.o2ery had set out -or Hu/iter. The s/iderBs +e( o- narro+
(ands and lines that had on.e .o)/letely en2elo/ed the s)allest o- the
-our %alilean satellites had 2anished, e1.e/t around the /oles. Eere the
*lo(al .rust o- kilo)eter-thi.k i.e re)ained un)elted (y the +ar)th o-
'uro/aBs ne+ sun: else+here, 2ir*in o.eans seethed and (oiled in the
thin at)os/here, at +hat +ould ha2e (een .o)-orta(le roo) te)/erature on
0t +as also a .o)-orta(le te)/erature to the .reatures +ho had
e)er*ed, a-ter the )eltin* o- the un(roken i.e shield that had (oth
tra//ed and /rote.ted the). Or(itin* s/ysats, sho+in* details only
.enti)eters a.ross, had +at.hed one 'uro/an s/e.ies startin* to e2ol2e
into an a)/hi(ious sta*e: thou*h they still s/ent )u.h o- their ti)e
under+ater, the A'uro/sA had e2en (e*un the .onstru.tion o- si)/le
That this .ould ha//en in a )ere thousand years +as astonishin*,
(ut no one dou(ted that the e1/lanation lay in the last and *reatest o-
the 3onoliths -- the )any-kilo)eter-lon* A%reat 7allA standin* on the
shore o- the 5ea o- %alilee.
And no one dou(ted that, in its o+n )ysterious +ay, it +as
+at.hin* o2er the e1/eri)ent it had started on this +orld -- as it had
done on 'arth -our )illion years (e-ore.
1< -- The 3adness o- 3ankind
3055 "#09%$'
F0$' 09#A
3y dear 0ndra -- sorry 0B2e not e2en 2oi.e-)ailed you (e-ore --
usual e1.use, o- .ourse, so 0 +onBt (other to *i2e it.
To ans+er your Duestion -- yes, 0B) no+ -eelin* Duite at ho)e at
the %ranny)ede, (ut a) s/endin* less and less ti)e there, thou*h 0B2e
(een enCoyin* the sky dis/lay 0B2e had /i/ed into )y suite. $ast ni*ht
the 0o -lu1-tu(e /ut on a -ine /er-or)an.e -- thatBs a kind o- li*htnin*
dis.har*e (et+een 0o and Hu/iter -- 0 )ean $u.i-er. #ather like 'arthBs
aurora, (ut )u.h )ore s/e.ta.ular. is.o2ered (y the radio astrono)ers
e2en (e-ore 0 +as (orn.
And talkin* a(out an.ient ti)es -- did you kno+ that Anu(is has a
5heri--I 0 think thatBs o2erdoin* the -rontier s/irit. #e)inds )e o- the
stories )y *rand-ather used to tell )e a(out Ari6ona...3ust try so)e o-
the) on the 3edes...
This )ay sound silly -- 0B) still not used to (ein* in the 8o+)an
5uite. 0 kee/ lookin* o2er )y shoulder...
Eo+ do 0 s/end )y ti)eI 3u.h the sa)e as in A-ri.a To+er. 0B)
)eetin* the intelli*entsia, thou*h as you )i*ht e1/e.t theyBre
rather thin on the *round (ho/e no one is (u**in* this!. And 0B2e
intera.ted -- real and 2irtual -- +ith the edu.ational syste) -- 2ery
*ood, it see)s, thou*h )ore oriented than youBd a//ro2e.
ThatBs ine2ita(le, o- .ourse, in this hostile en2iron)ent...
8ut itBs hel/ed )e to understand +hy /eo/le li2e here. ThereBs a
.hallen*e -- a sense o- /ur/ose, i- you like -- that 0 seldo) -ound on
0tBs true that )ost o- the 3edes +ere (orn here, so donBt kno+ any
other ho)e. Thou*h theyBre -- usually -- too /olite to say so, they
think that the Eo)e "lanet is (e.o)in* de.adent. Are youI And i- so,
+hat are you Terries -- as the lo.als .all you -- *oin* to do a(out itI
One o- the teena*e .lasses 0B2e )et ho/es to +ake you u/. TheyBre
dra+in* u/ ela(orate To/ 5e.ret /lans -or the 0n2asion o- 'arth. onBt
say 0 didnBt +arn you...
0B2e )ade one tri/ outside Anu(is, into the so-.alled 9i*ht $and,
+here they ne2er see $u.i-er. Ten o- us -- Chandler, t+o o- %oliathBs
.re+, si1 3edes -- +ent into Farside, and .hased the 5un do+n to the
hori6on so it really +as ni*ht. A+eso)e -- )u.h like /olar +inters on
'arth, (ut +ith the sky .o)/letely ( -elt 0 +as in s/a.e.
7e .ould see all the %alileans (eauti-ully, and +at.hed 'uro/a -- sorry, o..ult -- 0o. O- .ourse, the tri/ had (een ti)ed so +e
.ould o(ser2e this...
5e2eral o- the s)aller satellites +ere Cust also 2isi(le, (ut the
dou(le star 'arth-3oon +as )u.h )ore .ons/i.uous. id 0 -eel ho)esi.kI
Frankly, no -- thou*h 0 )iss )y ne+ -riends (a.k there...
And 0B) sorry -- 0 still ha2enBt )et r. Ghan, thou*h heBs le-t
se2eral )essa*es -or )e. 0 /ro)ise to do it in the ne1t -e+ days --
'arth days, not 3ede onesF
8est +ishes to Hoe -- re*ards to anil, i- you kno+ +hatBs
ha//ened to hi) -- is he a real /erson a*ainI -- and )y lo2e to
5TO#' T#A9530T
8a.k in "ooleBs .entury, a /ersonBs na)e o-ten *a2e a .lue to
his?her a//earan.e, (ut that +as no lon*er true thirty *enerations
later. r. Theodore Ghan turned out to (e a 9ordi. (lond +ho )i*ht ha2e
looked )ore at ho)e in a Vikin* lon*(oat than ra2a*in* the ste//es o-
Central Asia: ho+e2er, he +ould not ha2e (een too i)/ressi2e in either
role, (ein* less than a hundred and -i-ty .enti)eters tall. "oole .ould
not resist a little a)ateur /sy.hoanalysis: s)all /eo/le +ere o-ten
a**ressi2e o2er-a.hie2ers -- +hi.h, -ro) 0ndra 7alla.eBs hints, a//eared
to (e a *ood des.ri/tion o- %any)edeBs sole resident /hiloso/her. Ghan
/ro(a(ly needed these Duali-i.ations, to sur2i2e in su.h a /
)inded so.iety.
Anu(is City +as -ar too s)all to (oast a uni2ersity .a)/us -- a
lu1ury +hi.h still e1isted on the other +orlds, thou*h )any (elie2ed
that the tele.o))uni.ations re2olution had )ade it o(solete. 0nstead, it
had so)ethin* )u.h )ore a//ro/riate, as +ell as .enturies older -- an
A.ade)y, .o)/lete +ith a *ro2e o- oli2e trees that +ould ha2e -ooled
"lato hi)sel-, until he had atte)/ted to +alk throu*h it. 0ndraBs Coke
a(out de/art)ents o- /hiloso/hy reDuirin* no )ore eDui/)ent than
(la.k(oards .learly did not a//ly in this so/histi.ated en2iron)ent.
A0tBs (uilt to hold se2en /eo/le,A said r. Ghan /roudly, +hen
they had settled do+n on .hairs o(2iously desi*ned to (e not-too-
.o)-orta(le, A(e.ause thatBs the )a1i)u) one .an e--i.iently intera.t
+ith. And, i- you .ount the *host o- 5o.rates, it +as the nu)(er /resent
+hen "haedo deli2ered his -a)ous address...A
AThe one on the i))ortality o- the soulIA
Ghan +as so o(2iously sur/rised that "oole .ould not hel/
A0 took a .rash .ourse in /hiloso/hy Cust (e-ore 0 *raduated --
+hen the sylla(us +as /lanned, so)eone de.ided that +e hairy-knu.kled
en*ineers should (e e1/osed to a little .ulture.A
A0B) deli*hted to hear it. That )akes thin*s so )u.h easier. :ou
kno+ -- 0 still .anBt .redit )y lu.k. :our arri2al here al)ost te)/ts )e
to (elie2e in )ira.lesF 0Bd e2en thou*ht o- *oin* to 'arth to )eet you
-- has dear 0ndra told you a(out )y -- ah -- o(sessionIA
A9o,A "oole ans+ered, not alto*ether truth-ully.
r. Ghan looked 2ery /leased4 he +as .learly deli*hted to -ind a
ne+ audien.e.
A:ou )ay ha2e heard )e .alled an atheist, (ut thatBs not Duite
true. Atheis) is un/ro2a(le, so uninterestin*. 'Dually, ho+e2er unlikely
it is, +e .an ne2er (e .ertain that %od on.e e1isted -- and has no+ shot
o-- to in-inity, +here no one .an e2er -ind hi)...$ike %auta)a 8uddha, 0
take no /osition on this su(Ce.t. 3y -ield o- interest is the
/sy.ho/atholo*y kno+n as #eli*ion.A
A"sy.ho/atholo*yI ThatBs a harsh Cud*e)ent.A
AA)/ly Custi-ied (y history. 0)a*ine that youBre an intelli*ent
e1traterrestrial, .on.erned only +ith 2eri-ia(le truths. :ou dis.o2er a
s/e.ies +hi.h has di2ided itsel- into thousands -- no (y no+ )illions --
o- tri(al *rou/s holdin* an in.redi(le 2ariety o- (elie-s a(out the
ori*in o- the uni2erse and the +ay to (eha2e in it. Althou*h )any o-
the) ha2e ideas in .o))on, e2en +hen thereBs a ninety-nine /er .ent
o2erla/, the re)ainin* one /er .ent is enou*h to set the) killin* and
torturin* ea.h other, o2er tri2ial /oints o- do.trine, utterly
)eanin*less to outsiders.A
AEo+ to a..ount -or su.h irrational (eha2iorI $u.retius hit it on
the nail +hen he said that reli*ion +as the (y-/rodu.t o- -ear -- a
rea.tion to a )ysterious and o-ten hostile uni2erse. For )u.h o- hu)an
/rehistory, it )ay ha2e (een a ne.essary e2il -- (ut +hy +as it so )u.h
)ore e2il than ne.essary -- and +hy did it sur2i2e +hen it +as no lon*er
A0 said e2il -- and 0 )ean it, (e.ause -ear leads to .ruelty. The
sli*htest kno+led*e o- the 0nDuisition )akes one asha)ed to (elon* to
the hu)an s/e.ies...One o- the )ost re2oltin* (ooks e2er /u(lished +as
the Ea))er o- 7it.hes, +ritten (y a .ou/le o- sadisti. /er2erts and
des.ri(in* the tortures the Chur.h authori6ed -- en.oura*edF -- to
e1tra.t B.on-essionsB -ro) thousands o- har)less old +o)en, (e-ore it
(urned the) ali2e...The "o/e hi)sel- +rote an a//ro2in* -ore+ordFA
A8ut )ost o- the other reli*ions, +ith a -e+ honora(le e1.e/tions,
+ere Cust as (ad as Christianity...'2en in your .entury, little (oys
+ere ke/t .hained and +hi//ed until theyBd )e)ori6ed +hole 2olu)es o-
/ious *i((erish, and ro((ed o- their .hildhood and )anhood to (e.o)e
A"erha/s the )ost (a--lin* as/e.t o- the +hole a--air is ho+
o(2ious )ad)en, .entury a-ter .entury, +ould /ro.lai) that they -- and
they aloneF -- had re.ei2ed )essa*es -ro) %od. 0- all the )essa*es had
a*reed, that +ould ha2e settled the )atter. 8ut o- .ourse they +ere
+ildly dis.ordant -- +hi.h ne2er /re2ented sel--styled )essiahs -ro)
*atherin* hundreds -- so)eti)es )illions -- o- adherents, +ho +ould
-i*ht to the death a*ainst eDually deluded (elie2ers o- a
)i.ros.o/ di--erin* -aith.A
"oole thou*ht it +as a(out ti)e he *ot a +ord in ed*e+ays.
A:ouB2e re)inded )e o- so)ethin* that ha//ened in )y ho)e-to+n
+hen 0 +as a kid. A holy )an -- Duote, unDuote -- set u/ sho/, .lai)ed
he .ould +ork )ira.les -- and .olle.ted a .ro+d o- de2otees in ne1t to
no ti)e. And they +erenBt i*norant or illiterate4 o-ten they .a)e -ro)
the (est -a)ilies. '2ery 5unday 0 used to see e1/ensi2e .ars /arked
round his -- ah -- te)/le.A
AThe B#as/utin 5yndro)eB, itBs (een .alled: there are )illions o-
su.h .ases, all throu*h history, in e2ery .ountry. And a(out one ti)e in
a thousand the .ult sur2i2es -or a .ou/le o- *enerations. 7hat ha//ened
in this .aseIA
A7ell, the .o)/etition +as 2ery unha//y, and did its (est to
dis.redit hi). 7ish 0 .ould re)e)(er his na)e -- he used a lon* 0ndian
one -- 5+a)i so)ethin*-or-other -- (ut it turned out he .a)e -ro)
Ala(a)a. One o- his tri.ks +as to /rodu.e holy o(Ce.ts out o- thin air,
and hand the) to his +orshi//ers. As it ha//ened, our ra((i +as an
a)ateur .onCuror, and *a2e /u(li. de)onstrations sho+in* e1a.tly ho+ it
+as done. idnBt )ake the sli*htest di--eren.e -- the -aith-ul said that
their )anBs )a*i. +as real, and the ra((i +as Cust Cealous.A
AAt one ti)e, 0B) sorry to say, 3other took the seriously
-- it +as soon a-ter ad had run o--, +hi.h )ay ha2e had so)ethin* to do
+ith it -- and dra**ed )e to one o- his sessions. 0 +as only a(out ten,
(ut 0 thou*ht 0Bd ne2er seen anyone so un/leasant-lookin*. Ee had a
(eard that .ould ha2e held se2eral (irdsB nests, and /ro(a(ly did.A
AEe sounds like the standard )odel. Eo+ lon* did he -lourishIA
AThree or -our years. And then he had to lea2e to+n in a hurry: he
+as .au*ht runnin* teena*e or*ies. O- .ourse, he .lai)ed he +as usin*
) soul-sa2in* te.hniDues. And you +onBt (elie2e this -- ,
ATry )e.A
A'2en then, lots o- his du/es still had -aith in hi). Their *od
.ould do no +ron*, so he )ust ha2e (een -ra)ed.A
A5orry -- .on2i.ted (y -aked e2iden.e -- so)eti)es used (y the
/oli.e to .at.h .ri)inals, +hen all else -ails.A
AE)). 7ell, your s+a)i +as /er-e.tly ty/ 0B) rather
disa//ointed. 8ut he does hel/ to /ro2e )y .ase -- that )ost o- hu)anity
has al+ays (een insane, at least so)e o- the ti)e.A
A#ather an unre/resentati2e sa)/le -- one s)all Fla*sta-- su(ur(.A
ATrue, (ut 0 .ould )ulti/ly it (y thousands -- not only in your
.entury, (ut all do+n the a*es. ThereBs ne2er (een anythin*, ho+e2er
a(surd, that .ountless /eo/le +erenBt /re/ared to (elie2e, o-ten so
/assionately that theyBd -i*ht to the death rather than a(andon their
illusions. To )e, thatBs a *ood o/erational de-inition o- insanity.A
A7ould you ar*ue that anyone +ith stron* reli*ious (elie-s +as
A0n a stri.tly sense, yes -- i- they really +ere
sin.ere, and not hy/o.rites. As 0 sus/e.t ninety /er .ent +ere.A
A0B) .ertain that #a((i 8erenstein +as sin.ere -- and he +as one
o- the sanest )en 0 e2er kne+, as +ell as one o- the -inest. And ho+ do
you a..ount -or thisI The only real *enius 0 e2er )et +as r. Chandra,
+ho led the EA$ /roCe.t. 0 on.e had to *o into his o--i.e -- there +as
no re/ly +hen 0 kno.ked, and 0 thou*ht it +as uno..u/ied.A
AEe +as /rayin* to a *rou/ o- -antasti. little (ron6e statues,
dra/ed +ith -lo+ers. One o- the) looked like an ele/hant...another had
)ore than the re*ular nu)(er o- ar)s...0 +as Duite e)(arrassed, (ut
lu.kily he didnBt hear )e and 0 ti/toed out. 7ould you say he +as
A:ouB2e .hosen a (ad e1a)/le: *enius o-ten isF 5o letBs say: not
insane, (ut )entally i)/aired, o+in* to .hildhood .onditionin*. The
Hesuits .lai)ed: B%i2e )e a (oy -or si1 years, and he is )ine -or li-e.B
0- theyBd *ot hold o- little Chandra in ti)e, heBd ha2e (een a de2out
Catholi. -- not a Eindu.A
A"ossi(ly. 8ut 0B) /u66led -- +hy +ere you so an1ious to )eet )eI
0B) a-raid 0B2e ne2er (een a de2out anythin*. 7hat ha2e 0 *ot to do +ith
all thisIA
5lo+ly, and +ith the o(2ious enCoy)ent o- a )an un(urdenin*
hi)sel- o- a hea2y, lon*-hoarded se.ret, r. Ghan told hi).
20 -- A/ostate
#'CO# "OO$'
Eello, Frank...5o youB2e -inally )et Ted. :es, you .ould .all hi)
a .rank -- i- you de-ine that as an enthusiast +ith no sense o- hu)or.
8ut .ranks o-ten *et that +ay (e.ause they kno+ a 8i* Truth -- .an, you
hear )y .a/italsI
-- and no one +ill listen...0B) *lad you did -- and 0 su**est you
take hi) Duite seriously.
:ou said you +ere sur/rised to see a "o/eBs /ortrait /ro)inently
dis/layed in TedBs a/art)ent. That +ould ha2e (een his hero, "ius LL --
0B) sure 0 )entioned hi) to you. $ook hi) u/ -- heBs usually .alled the
0)/iusF 0tBs a -as.inatin* story, and e1a.tly /arallels so)ethin* that
ha//ened Cust (e-ore you +ere (orn. :ou )ust kno+ ho+ 3ikhail %or(a.he2,
the "resident o- the 5o2iet ')/ire, (rou*ht a(out its dissolution at the
end o- the t+entieth .entury, (y e1/osin* its .ri)es and e1.esses.
Ee didnBt intend to *o that -ar -- heBd ho/ed to re-or) it, (ut
that +as no lon*er /ossi(le. 7eBll ne2er kno+ i- "ius LL had the sa)e
idea, (e.ause he +as assassinated (y a de)ented .ardinal soon a-ter heBd
horri-ied the +orld (y releasin* the se.ret -iles o- the 0nDuisition...
The reli*ious +ere still shaken (y the dis.o2ery o- T3A M'#O only
a -e+ de.ades earlier -- that had a *reat i)/a.t on "ius LL, and
.ertainly in-luen.ed his a.tions...
8ut you still ha2enBt told )e ho+ Ted, that old .ry/toeist,
thinks you .an hel/ hi) in his sear.h -or %od. 0 (elie2e heBs still )ad
at hi) -or hidin* so su..ess-ully. 8etter not say 0 told you that.
On se.ond thou*hts, +hy notI
$o2e -- 0ndra.
3055 "#09%$'
Eello -- 0ndra -- 0B2e had another session +ith r. Ted, thou*h
0B2e still not told hi) Cust +hy you think heBs an*ry +ith %odF
8ut 0B2e had so)e 2ery interestin* ar*u)ents -- no, dialo*ues --
+ith hi), thou*h he does )ost o- the talkin*. 9e2er thou*ht 0Bd *et into
/hiloso/hy a*ain a-ter all these years o- en*ineerin*. "erha/s 0 had to
*o throu*h the) -irst, to a//re.iate it. 7onder ho+ heBd *rade )e as a
:esterday 0 tried this line o- a//roa.h, to see his rea.tion.
"erha/s itBs ori*inal, thou*h 0 dou(t it. Thou*ht youBd like to hear it
-- +ill (e interested in your .o))ents. EereBs our dis.ussion -- 3055
"#09%$' CO": A&0O <>.
A5urely, Ted, you .anBt deny that )ost o- the *reatest +orks o-
hu)an art ha2e (een ins/ired (y reli*ious de2otion. oesnBt that /ro2e
A:es -- (ut not in a +ay that +ill *i2e )u.h .o)-ort to any
(elie2ersF Fro) ti)e to ti)e, /eo/le a)use the)sel2es )akin* lists o-
the 8i**ests and %reatests and 8ests -- 0B) sure that +as a /o/ular
entertain)ent in your day.A
A0t .ertainly +as.A
A7ell, there ha2e (een so)e -a)ous atte)/ts to do this +ith the
arts. O- .ourse su.h lists .anBt esta(lish a(solute -- eternal --
2alues, (ut theyBre interestin* and sho+ ho+ tastes .han*e -ro) a*e to
AThe last list 0 sa+ -- it +as on the 'arth Artnet only a -e+
years a*o -- +as di2ided into Ar.hite.ture, 3usi., Visual Arts...0
re)e)(er a -e+ o- the e1a)/les...the "arthenon, the TaC 3ahal...8a.hBs
To..ata and Fu*ue +as -irst in )usi., -ollo+ed (y VerdiBs #eDuie) 3ass.
0n art -- the 3ona $isa, o- .ourse. Then -- not sure o- the order -- a
*rou/ o- 8uddha statues so)e+here in Ceylon, and the *olden death-)ask
o- youn* Gin* Tut.
A'2en i- 0 .ould re)e)(er all the others -- +hi.h o- .ourse 0
.anBt -- it doesnBt )atter: the i)/ortant thin* is their .ultural and
reli*ious (a.k*rounds. O2erall, no sin*le reli*ion do)inated -- e1.e/t
in )usi.. And that .ould (e due to a /urely te.hnolo* a..ident: the
or*an and the other /re-ele.troni. ) instru)ents +ere /er-e.ted in
the Christiani6ed 7est. 0t .ould ha2e +orked out Duite di--erently...i-,
-or e1a)/le, the %reeks or the Chinese had re*arded )a.hines as
so)ethin* )ore than toys.
A8ut +hat really settles the ar*u)ent, as -ar as 0B) .on.erned, is
the *eneral .onsensus a(out the sin*le *reatest +ork o- hu)an art. O2er
and o2er a*ain, in al)ost e2ery listin* -- itBs An*kor 7at. :et the
reli*ion that ins/ired that has (een e1tin.t -or .enturies -- no one
e2en kno+s /re.isely +hat it +as, e1.e/t that it in2ol2ed hundreds o-
*ods, not )erely oneFA
A7ish 0 .ould ha2e thro+n that at dear old #a((i 8erenstein -- 0B)
sure heBd ha2e had a *ood ans+er.A
A0 donBt dou(t it. 0 +ish 0 .ould ha2e )et hi) )ysel-. And 0B)
*lad he ne2er li2ed to see +hat ha//ened to 0srael.A
'9 A&0O.
There you ha2e it, 0ndra. 7ish the %ranny)ede had An*kor 7at on
its )enu -- 0B2e ne2er seen it -- (ut you .anBt ha2e e2erythin*...
9o+, the Duestion you really +anted ans+ered...+hy is r. Ted so
deli*hted that 0B) hereI
As you kno+, heBs .on2in.ed that the key to )any )ysteries lies on
'uro/a -- +here no one has (een allo+ed to land -or a thousand years.
Ee thinks 0 )ay (e an e1.e/tion. Ee (elie2es 0 ha2e a -riend
there. :es -- a2e 8o+)an, or +hate2er heBs no+ (e.o)e...
7e kno+ that he sur2i2ed (ein* dra+n into the 8i* 8rother 3onolith
-- and so)eho+ re2isited 'arth a-ter+ards. 8ut thereBs )ore, that 0
didnBt kno+. Very -e+ /eo/le do, (e.ause the 3edes are e)(arrassed to
talk a(out it...
Ted Ghan has s/ent years .olle.tin* the e2iden.e, and is no+ Duite
.ertain o- the -a.ts -- e2en thou*h he .anBt e1/lain the). On at least
si1 o..asions, a(out a .entury a/art, relia(le o(ser2ers here in Anu(is
ha2e re/orted seein* an -- a//arition -- Cust like the one that Eey+ood
Floyd )et a(oard is.o2ery. Thou*h not one o- the) kne+ a(out that
in.ident, they +ere all a(le to identi-y a2e +hen they +ere sho+n his
holo*ra). And there +as another si*htin* a(oard a sur2ey shi/ that )ade
a .lose a//roa.h to 'uro/a, si1 hundred years a*o...
0ndi2idually, no one +ould take these .ases seriously -- (ut
alto*ether they )ake a /attern. TedBs Duite sure that a2e 8o+)an
sur2i2es in so)e -or), /resu)a(ly asso.iated +ith the 3onolith +e .all
the %reat 7all. And he still has so)e interest in our a--airs.
Thou*h heBs )ade no atte)/t at .o))uni.ation, Ted ho/es +e .an
)ake .onta.t. Ee (elie2es that 0B) the only hu)an +ho .an do it...
0B) still tryin* to )ake u/ )y )ind. To)orro+, 0Bll talk it o2er
+ith Ca/tain Chandler. 7ill let you kno+ +hat +e de.ide. $o2e, Frank.
T#A9530T 09#A
21 -- Juarantine
Ao you (elie2e in *hosts, i)IA
ACertainly not4 (ut like e2ery sensi(le )an, 0B) a-raid o- the).
7hy do you askIA
A0- it +asnBt a *host, it +as the )ost 2i2id drea) 0B2e e2er had.
$ast ni*ht 0 had a .on2ersation +ith a2e 8o+)an.A
"oole kne+ that Ca/tain Chandler +ould take hi) seriously, +hen
the o..asion reDuired4 nor +as he disa//ointed.
A0nterestin* -- (ut thereBs an o(2ious e1/lanation. :ouB2e (een
li2in* here in the 8o+)an 5uite, -or eusBs sakeF :ou told )e yoursel-
it -eels haunted.A
A0B) sure -- +ell, ninety-nine /er .ent sure -- that youBre ri*ht,
and the +hole thin* +as /ro)/ted (y the dis.ussions 0B2e (een ha2in*
+ith "ro-. Ted. Ea2e you heard the re/orts that a2e 8o+)an o..asionally
a//ears in Anu(isI A(out on.e e2ery hundred yearsI Hust as he did to r.
Floyd a(oard is.o2ery, a-ter sheBd (een rea.ti2ated.A
A7hat ha//ened thereI 0B2e heard 2a*ue stories, (ut ne2er taken
the) seriously.A
Ar. Ghan does -- and so do 0 -- 0B2e seen the ori*inal
re.ordin*s. FloydBs sittin* in )y old .hair +hen a kind o- dust-.loud
-or)s (ehind hi), and sha/es itsel- into a2e -- thou*h only the head
has detail. Then it *i2es that -a)ous )essa*e, +arnin* hi) to lea2e.A
A7ho +ouldnBt ha2eI 8ut that +as a thousand years a*o. "lenty o-
ti)e to -ake it.A
A7hat +ould (e the /ointI Ghan and 0 +ere lookin* at it yesterday.
0Bd (et )y li-e itBs authenti..A
AAs a )atter o- -a.t, 0 a*ree +ith you. And 0 ha2e heard those
ChandlerBs 2oi.e trailed a+ay, and he looked sli*htly e)(arrassed.
A$on* ti)e a*o, 0 had a *irl--riend here in Anu(is. 5he told )e
that her *rand-ather had seen 8o+)an. 0 lau*hed.A
A0 +onder i- Ted has that si*htin* on his list. Could you /ut hi)
in tou.h +ith your -riendIA
A'r -- rather not. 7e ha2enBt s/oken -or years. For all 0 kno+,
she )ay (e on the 3oon, or 3ars...Any+ay, +hy is "ro-essor Ted
AThatBs +hat 0 really +anted to dis.uss +ith you.A
A5ounds o)inous. %o ahead,A
ATed thinks that a2e 8o+)an -- or +hate2er heBs (e.o)e -- )ay
still e1ist -- u/ there on 'uro/a.A
AA-ter a thousand yearsIA
A7ell -- look at )e.A
AOne sa)/le is /oor statisti.s, )y )aths /ro-. used to say. 8ut *o
A0tBs a .o)/li.ated story -- or )ay(e a Ci*sa+, +ith )ost o- the
/ )issin*. 8ut itBs *enerally a*reed that so)ethin* .ru.ial
ha//ened to our an.estors +hen that 3onolith a//eared in A-ri.a, -our
)illion years a*o. 0t )arks a turnin* /oint in /rehistory -- the -irst
a//earan.e o- tools -- and +ea/ons -- and reli*ion...That .anBt (e /ure
.oin.iden.e. The 3onolith )ust ha2e done so)ethin* to us -- surely it
.ouldnBt ha2e Cust stood there, /assi2ely a..e/tin* +orshi/...A
ATedBs -ond o- Duotin* a -a)ous /aleontolo*ist +ho said BT3A M'#O
*a2e us an e2olutionary ki.k in the /antsB. Ee ar*ues that the ki.k
+asnBt in a +holly desira(le dire.tion. id +e ha2e to (e.o)e so )ean
and nasty to sur2i2eI 3ay(e +e did...As 0 understand hi), Ted (elie2es
that thereBs so)ethin* -unda)entally +ron* +ith the +irin* o- our
(rains, +hi.h )akes us in.a/a(le o- .onsistent lo* thinkin*. To )ake
)atters +orse, thou*h all .reatures need a .ertain a)ount o-
a**ressi2eness to sur2i2e, +e see) to ha2e -ar )ore than is a(solutely
ne.essary. And no other ani)al tortures its -ello+s as +e do. 0s this an
e2olutionary a..ident -- a /ie.e o- *eneti. (ad lu.kI
A0tBs also +idely a*reed that T3A O9' +as /lanted on the 3oon to
kee/ tra.k o- the /roCe.t -- e1/eri)ent -- +hate2er it +as -- and to
re/ort to Hu/iter -- the o(2ious /la.e -or 5olar 5yste) 3ission Control.
ThatBs +hy another 3onolith -- 8i* 8rother -- +as +aitin* there. Ead
(een +aitin* -our )illion years, +hen is.o2ery arri2ed. A*reed so -arIA
A:es4 0B2e al+ays thou*ht that +as the )ost /lausi(le theory.A
A9o+ -or the )ore s/e.ulati2e stu--. 8o+)an +as a//arently
s+allo+ed u/ (y 8i* 8rother, yet so)ethin* o- his /ersonality see)s to
ha2e sur2i2ed. T+enty years a-ter that en.ounter +ith Eey+ood Floyd in
the se.ond Hu/iter e1/edition, they had another .onta.t a(oard &ni2erse,
+hen Floyd Coined it -or the 2061 rende62ous +ith EalleyBs Co)et. At
least, so he tells us in his )e)oirs -- thou*h he +as +ell o2er a
hundred +hen he di.tated the).A
ACould ha2e (een senile.A
A9ot a..ordin* to all the .onte)/orary a..ountsF Also -- /erha/s
e2en )ore si*ni-i.ant -- his *randson Chris had so)e eDually +eird
e1/ +hen %ala1y )ade its -or.ed landin* on 'uro/a. And, o-
.ourse, thatBs +here the 3onolith -- or a 3onolith -- is, ri*ht no+F
5urrounded (y 'uro/ans...A
A0B) (e*innin* to see +hat r. TedBs dri2in* at. This is +here +e
.a)e in -- the +hole .y.leBs startin* o2er a*ain. The 'uro/s are (ein*
*roo)ed -or stardo).A
A'1a.tly -- e2erythin* -its. Hu/iter i*nited to *i2e the) a sun,
to tha+ out their -ro6en +orld. The +arnin* to us to kee/ our distan.e
-- /resu)a(ly so that +e +ouldnBt inter-ere +ith their de2elo/)ent...A
A7here ha2e 0 heard that idea (e-oreI O- .ourse, Frank -- it *oes
(a.k a thousand years -- to your o+n ti)eF BThe "ri)e ire.ti2eBF 7e
still *et lots o- lau*hs -ro) those old 5tar Trek /ro*ra)s.A
Aid 0 e2er tell you 0 on.e )et so)e o- the a.torsI They +ould
ha2e (een sur/rised to see )e no+...And 0B2e al+ays had t+o thou*hts
a(out that non-inter-eren.e /oli.y. The 3onolith .ertainly 2iolated it
+ith us, (a.k there in A-ri.a. One )i*ht ar*ue that did ha2e disastrous
A5o (etter lu.k ne1t ti)e -- on 'uro/aFA "oole lau*hed, +ithout
)u.h hu)or. AGhan used those e1a.t +ords.A
AAnd +hat does he think +e should do a(out itI A(o2e all -- +here
do you .o)e into the /i.tureIA
AFirst o- all, +e )ust -ind +hatBs really ha//enin* on 'uro/a --
and +hy. 3erely o(ser2in* it -ro) s/a.e is not enou*h.A
A7hat else .an +e doI All the /ro(es the 3edes ha2e sent there
+ere (lo+n u/, Cust (e-ore landin*.A
AAnd e2er sin.e the )ission to res.ue %ala1y, .re+-.arryin* shi/s
ha2e (een di2erted (y so)e -ield o- -or.e, +hi.h no one .an -i*ure out.
Very interestin*: it /ro2es that +hate2er is do+n there is /rote.ti2e,
(ut not )ale2olent. And -- this is the i)/ortant /oint -- it )ust ha2e
so)e +ay o- s.annin* +hatBs on the +ay. 0t .an distin*uish (et+een
ro(ots and hu)ans.A
A3ore than 0 .an do, so)eti)es. %o on.A
A7ell, Ted thinks thereBs one hu)an (ein* +ho )i*ht )ake it do+n
to the sur-a.e o- 'uro/a -- (e.ause his old -riend is there, and )ay
ha2e so)e in-luen.e +ith the B/o+ers-that-(eB.A
Ca/tain i)itri Chandler *a2e a lon*, lo+ +histle.
AAnd youBre +illin* to risk itIA
A:es: +hat ha2e 0 *ot to loseIA
AOne 2alua(le shuttle .ra-t, i- 0 kno+ +hat you ha2e in )ind. 0s
that +hy youB2e (een learnin* to -ly Fal.onIA
A7ell, no+ that you )ention it...the idea had o..urred to )e.A
A0Bll ha2e to think it o2er -- 0Bll ad)it 0B) intri*ued, (ut there
are lots o- /ro(le)s.A
AGno+in* you, 0B) sure they +onBt stand in the +ay -- on.e youB2e
de.ided to hel/ )e.A
22 -- Venture
3055 "#09%$' $05T "#0O#0T: 3'55A%'5 F#O3 'A#TE
ear 0ndra -- 0B) not tryin* to (e dra)ati., (ut this )ay (e )y
last )essa*e -ro) %any)ede. 8y the ti)e you re.ei2e it, 0 +ill (e on )y
+ay to 'uro/a.
Thou*h itBs a sudden de.ision -- and no one is )ore sur/rised than
0 a) -- 0B2e thou*ht it o2er 2ery .are-ully. As youBll ha2e *uessed, Ted
Ghan is lar*ely res/onsi(le...let hi) do the e1/lainin*, i- 0 donBt .o)e
(a.k. "lease donBt )isunderstand )e -- in no +ay do 0 re*ard this as a
sui.ide )issionF 8ut 0B) ninety /er .ent .on2in.ed (y TedBs ar*u)ents,
and heBs aroused )y .uriosity so )u.h that 0Bd ne2er -or*i2e )ysel- i- 0
turned do+n this on.e-in-a-li-eti)e o//ortunity. 3ay(e 0 should say on.e
in t+o li-eti)es...
0B) -lyin* %oliathBs little one-/erson shuttle Fal.on -- ho+ 0Bd
ha2e lo2ed to de)onstrate her to )y old .ollea*ues (a.k at the 5/a.e
Ad)inistrationF Hud*in* (y /ast re.ords, the )ost likely out.o)e is that
0Bll (e di2erted a+ay -ro) 'uro/a (e-ore 0 .an land. '2en this +ill
tea.h )e so)ethin*...
And i- it -- /resu)a(ly the 3onolith, the %reat 7all --
de.ides to treat )e like the ro(ot /ro(es itBs 6a//ed in the /ast, 0Bll
ne2er kno+. ThatBs a risk 0B) /re/ared to take.
Thank you -or e2erythin*, and )y 2ery (est to Hoe. $o2e -ro)
%any)ede -- and soon, 0 ho/e, -ro) 'uro/a.
0V -- TE' G09%O3 OF 5&$"E&#
23 -- Fal.on
A'uro/aBs a(out -our hundred thousand kay -ro) %any)ede at the
)o)ent,A Ca/tain Chandler in-or)ed "oole.
A0- you ste//ed on the *as -- thanks -or tea.hin* )e that /hraseF
-- Fal.on .ould *et you there in an hour. 8ut 0 +ouldnBt re.o))end it:
our )ysterious -riend )i*ht (e alar)ed (y anyone .o)in* in that -ast.A
AA*reed and 0 +ant ti)e to think. 0B) *oin* to take se2eral hours,
at least. And 0B) still ho/in*...A "ooleBs 2oi.e trailed o-- into
AEo/in* +hatIA
AThat 0 .an )ake so)e sort o- .onta.t +ith a2e, or +hate2er it
is, (e-ore 0 atte)/t to land.A
A:es, itBs al+ays rude to dro/ in unin2ited -- e2en +ith /eo/le
you kno+, let alone /er-e.t stran*ers like the 'uro/s. "erha/s you
should take so)e *i-ts -- +hat did the old-ti)e e1/lorers useI 0 (elie2e
)irrors and (eads +ere on.e /o/ular.A
ChandlerBs -a.etious tone did not dis*uise his real .on.ern, (oth
-or "oole and -or the 2alua(le /ie.e o- eDui/)ent he /ro/osed to (orro+
-- and -or +hi.h the ski//er o- %oliath +as ulti)ately res/onsi(le.
A0B) still tryin* to de.ide ho+ +e +ork this. 0- you .o)e (a.k a
hero, 0 +ant to (ask in your re-le.ted *lory. 8ut i- you lose Fal.on as
+ell as yoursel-, +hat shall 0 sayI That you stole the shuttle +hile +e
+erenBt lookin*I 0B) a-raid no one +ould (uy that story. %any)ede
Tra--i. ControlBs 2ery e--i.ient -- has to (eF 0- you le-t +ithout
ad2an.e noti.e, theyBd (e on to you in a )i.rose. -- +ell, a
)illise.ond. 9o +ay you .ould lea2e unless 0 -ile your -li*ht-/lan ahead
o- ti)e.A
A5o this is +hat 0 /ro/ose to do, unless 0 think o- so)ethin*
A:ouBre takin* Fal.on out -or a -inal Duali-i.ation test --
e2eryone kno+s youB2e already soloed. :ouBll *o into a t+o-thousand-
kilo)eter-hi*h or(it a(o2e 'uro/a -- nothin* unusual a(out that --
/eo/le do it all the ti)e, and the authorities donBt see) to
A'sti)ated total -li*ht ti)e -i2e hours /lus or )inus ten )inutes.
0- you suddenly .han*e your )ind a(out .o)in* ho)e, no one .an do
anythin* a(out it -- at least, no one on %any)ede. O- .ourse, 0Bll )ake
so)e indi*nant noises, and say ho+ astonished 0 a) (y su.h *ross
na2i*ational errors, et.., et.. 7hate2er +ill look (est in the
su(seDuent Court o- 'nDuiry.A
A7ould it .o)e to thatI 0 donBt +ant to do anythin* that +ill *et
you into trou(le.A
AonBt +orry -- itBs ti)e there +as a little e1.ite)ent round
here. 8ut only you and 0 kno+ a(out this /lot4 try not to )ention it to
the .re+ -- 0 +ant the) to ha2e -- +hat +as that other use-ul e1/ression
you tau*ht )eI -- B/lausi(le denia(ilityB.A
AThanks, i) -- 0 really a//re.iate +hat youBre doin*. And 0 ho/e
youBll ne2er ha2e to re*ret haulin* )e a(oard %oliath, out round
"oole -ound it hard to a2oid arousin* sus/i.ion, (y the +ay he
(eha2ed to+ards his ne+ .re+)ates as they /re/ared Fal.on -or +hat +as
su//osed to (e a short, routine -li*ht. Only he and Chandler kne+ that
it )i*ht (e nothin* o- the kind.
:et he +as not headin* into the totally unkno+n, as he and a2e
8o+)an had done a thousand years a*o. 5tored in the shuttleBs )e)ory
+ere hi*h-resolution )a/s o- 'uro/a sho+in* details do+n to a -e+ )eters
a.ross. Ee kne+ e1a.tly +here he +ished to *o4 it only re)ained to see
i- he +ould (e allo+ed to (reak the .enturies-lon* Duarantine.
2> -- 's.a/e
A3anual .ontrol, /lease.A
AAre you sure, FrankIA
AJuite sure, Fal.on...Thank you.A
0llo* thou*h it see)ed, )ost o- the hu)an ra.e had -ound it
i)/ossi(le not to (e /olite to its arti-i.ial .hildren, ho+e2er si)/le-
)inded they )i*ht (e. 7hole 2olu)es o- /sy.holo*y, as +ell as /o/ular
*uides (AEo+ 9ot to Eurt :our Co)/uterBs Feelin*sA4 AArti-i.ial
0ntelli*en.e -- #eal 0rritationA +ere t+o o- the (est-kno+n titles! had
(een +ritten on the su(Ce.t o- 3an-3a.hine etiDuette. $on* a*o it had
(een de.ided that, ho+e2er in.onseDuential rudeness to ro(ots )i*ht
a//ear to (e, it should (e dis.oura*ed. All too easily, it .ould s/read
to hu)an relationshi/s as +ell.
Fal.on +as no+ in or(it, Cust as her -li*ht-/lan had /ro)ised, at
a sa-e t+o thousand kilo)eters a(o2e 'uro/a. The *iant )oonBs .res.ent
do)inated the sky ahead, and e2en the area not illu)inated (y $u.i-er
+as so (rilliantly lit (y the )u.h )ore distant 5un that e2ery detail
+as .learly 2isi(le. "oole needed no o/ aid to see his /lanned
destination, on the still-i.y shore o- the 5ea o- %alilee, not -ar -ro)
the skeleton o- the -irst s/a.e.ra-t to land on this +orld. Thou*h the
'uro/ans had lon* a*o re)o2ed all its )etal .o)/onents, the ill--ated
Chinese shi/ still ser2ed as a )e)orial to its .re+4 and it +as
a//ro/riate that the only Ato+nA -- e2en i- an alien one -- on this
+hole +orld should ha2e (een na)ed ATsien2illeA.
"oole had de.ided to .o)e do+n o2er the 5ea, and then -ly 2ery
slo+ly to+ards Tsien2ille -- ho/in* that this a//roa.h +ould a//ear
-riendly, or at least non-a**ressi2e. Thou*h he ad)itted to hi)sel- that
this +as 2ery nai2e, he .ould think o- no (etter alternati2e.
Then, suddenly, Cust as he +as dro//in* (elo+ the thousand-
kilo)eter le2el, there +as an interru/tion -- not o- the kind he had
ho/ed -or, (ut one +hi.h he had (een e1/e.tin*.
AThis is %any)ede Control .allin* Fal.on. :ou ha2e de/arted -ro)
your -li*ht-/lan. "lease ad2ise i))ediately +hat is ha//enin*.A
0t +as hard to i*nore su.h an ur*ent reDuest, (ut in the
.ir.u) it see)ed the (est thin* to do.
'1a.tly thirty se.onds later, and a hundred kilo)eters .loser to
'uro/a, %any)ede re/eated its )essa*e. On.e a*ain "oole i*nored it --
(ut Fal.on did not.
AAre you Duite sure you +ant to do this, FrankIA asked the
shuttle. Thou*h "oole kne+ /er-e.tly +ell that he +as i)a*inin* it, he
+ould ha2e s+orn there +as a note o- an1iety in its 2oi.e.
AJuite sure, Fal.on. 0 kno+ e1a.tly +hat 0B) doin*.A
That +as .ertainly untrue, and any )o)ent no+ -urther lyin* )i*ht
(e ne.essary, to a )ore so/histi.ated audien.e.
5eldo)-a.ti2ated indi.ator li*hts started to -lash near the ed*e
o- the .ontrol (oard. "oole s)iled +ith satis-a.tion: e2erythin* +as
*oin* a..ordin* to /lan.
AThis is %any)ede ControlF o you re.ei2e )e, Fal.onI :ou are
o/eratin* on )anual o2erride, so 0 a) una(le to assist you. 7hat is
ha//enin*I :ou are still des.endin* to+ards 'uro/a. "lease a.kno+led*e
"oole (e*an to e1/erien.e )ild t+in*es o- .ons.ien.e. Ee thou*ht
he re.o*ni6ed the ControllerBs 2oi.e, and +as al)ost .ertain that it +as
a .har)in* lady he had )et at a re.e/tion *i2en (y the 3ayor, soon a-ter
his arri2al at Anu(is. 5he sounded *enuinely alar)ed.
5uddenly, he kne+ ho+ to relie2e her an1iety -- as +ell as to
atte)/t so)ethin* +hi.h he had /re2iously dis)issed as alto*ether too
a(surd. "erha/s, a-ter all, it +as +orth a try: it .ertainly +ouldnBt do
any har) -- and it )i*ht e2en +ork.
AThis is Frank "oole, .allin* -ro) Fal.on. 0 a) /er-e.tly OG --
(ut so)ethin* see)s to ha2e taken o2er the .ontrols, and is (rin*in* the
shuttle do+n to+ards 'uro/a. 0 ho/e you are re.ei2in* this -- 0 +ill
.ontinue to re/ort as lon* as /ossi(le.A
7ell, he hadnBt a.tually lied to the +orried Controller, and one
day he ho/ed he +ould (e a(le to -a.e her +ith a .lear .ons.ien.e.
Ee .ontinued to talk, tryin* to sound as i- he +as .o)/letely
sin.ere, instead o- skirtin* the ed*e o- truth.
AThis is Frank "oole a(oard the shuttle Fal.on, des.endin* to+ards
'uro/a. 0 assu)e that so)e outside -or.e has taken .har*e o- )y
s/a.e.ra-t, and +ill (e landin* it sa-ely.A
Aa2e -- this is your old shi/)ate Frank. Are you the entity that
is .ontrollin* )eI 0 ha2e reason to think that you are on 'uro/a.
A0- so -- 0 look -or+ard to )eetin* you -- +here2er or +hate2er
you are.A
9ot -or a )o)ent did he i)a*ine there +ould (e any re/ly: e2en
%any)ede Control a//eared to (e sho.ked into silen.e.
And yet, in a +ay, he had an ans+er. Fal.on +as still (ein*
/er)itted to des.end to+ards the 5ea o- %alilee.
'uro/a +as only -i-ty kilo)eters (elo+4 +ith his naked eyes "oole
.ould no+ see the narro+ (la.k (ar +here the *reatest o- the 3onoliths
stood *uard -- i- indeed it +as doin* that -- on the outskirts o-
9o hu)an (ein* had (een allo+ed to .o)e so .lose -or a thousand
25 -- Fire in the ee/
For )illions o- years it had (een an o.ean +orld, its hidden
+aters /rote.ted -ro) the 2a.uu) o- s/a.e (y a .rust o- i.e. 0n )ost
/ the i.e +as kilo)eters thi.k, (ut there +ere lines o- +eakness
+here it had .ra.ked o/en and torn a/art. Then there had (een a (rie-
(attle (et+een t+o i)/la.a(ly hostile ele)ents that .a)e into dire.t
.onta.t on no other +orld in the 5olar 5yste), The +ar (et+een 5ea and
5/a.e al+ays ended in the sa)e stale)ate4 the e1/osed +ater
si)ultaneously (oiled and -ro6e, re/airin* the ar)or o- i.e.
The seas o- 'uro/a +ould ha2e -ro6en .o)/letely solid lon* a*o
+ithout the in-luen.e o- near(y Hu/iter. 0ts *ra2ity .ontinually kneaded
the .ore o- the little +orld4 the that .on2ulsed 0o +ere also
+orkin* there, thou*h +ith )u.h less -ero.ity. '2ery+here in the dee/
+as e2iden.e o- that tu*-o--+ar (et+een /lanet and satellite, in the
.ontinual roar and thunder o- su()arine earthDuakes, the shriek o- *ases
es.a/in* -ro) the interior, the in-rasoni. /ressure +a2es o- a2alan.hes
s+ee/in* o2er the a(yssal /lains. 8y .o)/arison +ith the tu)ultuous
o.ean that .o2ered 'uro/a, e2en the noisy seas o- 'arth +ere )uted.
Eere and there, s.attered o2er the deserts o- the dee/, +ere oases
that +ould ha2e a)a6ed and deli*hted any terrestrial (iolo*ist. They
e1tended -or se2eral kilo)eters around tan*led )asses o- /i/es and
.hi)neys de/osited (y )ineral (rines *ushin* -ro) the interior. O-ten
they .reated natural /arodies o- %othi. .astles, -ro) +hi.h (la.k,
s.aldin* liDuids /ulsed in a slo+ rhyth), as i- dri2en (y the (eatin* o-
so)e )i*hty heart. And like (lood, they +ere the authenti. si*n o- li-e
The (oilin* -luids dro2e (a.k the deadly .old leakin* do+n -ro)
a(o2e, and -or)ed islands o- +ar)th on the sea-(ed. 'Dually i)/ortant,
they (rou*ht -ro) 'uro/aBs interior all the .he)i.als o- li-e. 5u.h
-ertile oases, o--erin* -ood and ener*y in a(undan.e, had (een
dis.o2ered (y the t+entieth-.entury e1/lorers o- 'arthBs o.eans. Eere
they +ere /resent on an i))ensely lar*er s.ale, and in -ar *reater
eli.ate, s/idery stru.tures that see)ed to (e the analo*ue o-
/lants -lourished in the Atro/i.alA 6ones .losest to the o-
heat. Cra+lin* a)on* these +ere (i6arre slu*s and +or)s, so)e -eedin* on
the /lants, others o(tainin* their -ood dire.tly -ro) the )ineral-laden
+aters around the). At *reater -ro) the su()arine -ires around
+hi.h all these .reatures +ar)ed the)sel2es li2ed sturdier, )ore ro(ust
or*anis)s, not unlike .ra(s or s/iders.
Ar)ies o- (iolo*ists .ould ha2e s/ent li-eti)es studyin* one s)all
oasis. &nlike the "aleo6oi. terrestrial seas, the 'uro/an a(yss +as not
a sta(le en2iron)ent, so e2olution had /ro*ressed +ith astonishin*
s/eed, /* )ultitudes o- -antasti. -or)s. And all +ere under the
sa)e inde-inite stay o- e1e.ution4 sooner or later, ea.h -ountain o-
li-e +ould +eaken and die, as the that /o+ered it )o2ed their else+here. All a.ross the 'uro/an sea-(ed +as e2iden.e o- su.h
tra*edies4 .ountless .ir.ular areas +ere littered +ith the skeletons and
)ineral-en.rusted re)ains o- dead .reatures, +here entire .ha/ters o-
e2olution had (een deleted -ro) the (ook o- li-e. 5o)e had le-t as their
only )e)orial hu*e, e)/ty shells like .on2oluted tru)/ets, lar*er than a
)an. And there +ere .la)s o- )any sha/es -- (i2al2es, and e2en
tri2al2es, as +ell as s/iral stone /atterns, )any )eters a.ross --
e1a.tly like the (eauti-ul a))onites that disa//eared so )ysteriously
-ro) 'arthBs o.eans at the end o- the Creta.eous "eriod.
A)on* the *reatest +onders o- the 'uro/an a(yss +ere ri2ers o-
in.andes.ent la2a, /ourin* -ro) the .alderas o- su()arine 2ol.anoes. The
/ressure at these de/ths +as so *reat that the +ater in .onta.t +ith the
red-hot )a*)a .ould not -lash into stea), so the t+o liDuids .o-e1isted
in an uneasy tru.e.
There, on another +orld and +ith alien a.tors, so)ethin* like the
story o- '*y/t had (een /layed out lon* (e-ore the .o)in* o- 3an. As the
9ile had (rou*ht li-e to a narro+ ri((on o- desert, so this ri2er o-
+ar)th had 2i2i-ied the 'uro/an dee/. Alon* its (anks, in a (and ne2er
)ore than a -e+ kilo)eters +ide, s/e.ies a-ter s/e.ies had e2ol2ed and
-lourished and /assed a+ay. And so)e had le-t /er)anent )onu)ents.
O-ten, they +ere not easy to distin*uish -ro) the natural
-or)ations around the ther)al 2ents, and e2en +hen they +ere .learly not
due to /ure .he)istry, one +ould (e hard /ut to de.ide +hether they +ere
the /rodu.t o- instin.t or intelli*en.e. On 'arth, the ter)ites reared
.ondo)iniu)s al)ost as i)/ressi2e as any -ound in the sin*le 2ast o.ean
that en2elo/ed this -ro6en +orld.
Alon* the narro+ (and o- -ertility in the deserts o- the dee/,
+hole .ultures and e2en .i2ili6ations )i*ht ha2e risen and -allen,
ar)ies )i*ht ha2e )ar.hed -- or s+u) -- under the .o))and o- 'uro/an
Ta)(erlanes or 9a/oleons. And the rest o- their +orld +ould ne2er ha2e
kno+n, -or all their oases +ere as isolated -ro) one another as the
/lanets the)sel2es, The .reatures +ho (asked in the *lo+ o- the la2a
ri2ers, and -ed around the hot 2ents, .ould not .ross the hostile
+ilderness (et+een their lonely islands. 0- they had e2er /rodu.ed
historians and /hiloso/hers, ea.h .ulture +ould ha2e (een .on2in.ed that
it +as alone in the &ni2erse.
:et e2en the s/a.e (et+een the oases +as not alto*ether e)/ty o-
li-e4 there +ere hardier .reatures +ho had dared its ri*ors. 5o)e +ere
the 'uro/an analo*ues o- -ish -- strea)lined tor/edoes, /ro/elled (y tails, steered (y -ins alon* their (odies. The rese)(lan.e to
the )ost su..ess-ul d+ellers in 'arthBs o.eans +as ine2ita(le4 *i2en the
sa)e en*ineerin* /ro(le)s, e2olution )ust /rodu.e 2ery si)ilar ans+ers.
7itness the dol/hin and the shark -- su/er-i.ially al)ost, yet
-ro) -ar distant (ran.hes o- the tree o- li-e.
There +as, ho+e2er, one 2ery o(2ious di--eren.e (et+een the -ish
o- the 'uro/an seas and those in terrestrial o.eans4 they had no *ills,
-or there +as hardly a tra.e o- o1y*en to (e e1tra.ted -ro) the +aters
in +hi.h they s+a). $ike the .reatures around 'arthBs o+n *eother)al
2ents, their )eta(olis) +as (ased on sul-ur .o)/ounds, /resent in
a(undan.e in this 2ol.ani. en2iron)ent.
And 2ery -e+ had eyes. A/art -ro) the -li.kerin* *lo+ o- la2a
out/ourin*s, and o..asional (ursts o- (iolu)ines.en.e -ro) .reatures
seekin* )ates, or hunters Duestin* /rey, it +as a li*htless +orld.
0t +as also a doo)ed one. 9ot only +ere its ener*y
s/oradi. and .onstantly shi-tin*, (ut the tidal that dro2e the)
+ere steadily +eakenin*. '2en i- they de2elo/ed true intelli*en.e, the
'uro/ans +ere tra//ed (et+een -ire and i.e.
8arrin* a )ira.le, they +ould /erish +ith the -inal -ree6in* o-
their little +orld.
$u.i-er had +rou*ht that )ira.le.
26 -- Tsien2ille
0n the -inal )o)ents, as he .a)e in o2er the .oast at a sedate
hundred kilo)eters an hour, "oole +ondered i- there )i*ht (e so)e last-
)inute inter2ention. 8ut nothin* unto+ard ha//ened, e2en +hen he )o2ed
slo+ly alon* the (la.k, -or(iddin* -a.e o- the %reat 7all.
0t +as the ine2ita(le na)e -or the 'uro/a 3onolith as, unlike its
little (rothers on 'arth and 3oon, it +as lyin* hori6ontally, and +as
)ore than t+enty kilo)eters lon*. Althou*h it +as literally (illions o-
ti)es *reater in 2olu)e than T3A M'#O and T3A O9', its /ro/ortions +ere
e1a.tly the sa)e -- that intri*uin* ratio 1:>:<, ins/irer o- so )u.h
nu)erolo* nonsense o2er the .enturies.
As the -a.e +as al)ost ten kilo)eters hi*h, one /lausi(le
theory )aintained that a)on* its other -un.tions the %reat 7all ser2ed
as a +ind-(reak, /rote.tin* Tsien2ille -ro) the -ero.ious *ales that
o..asionally roared in -ro) the 5ea o- %alilee. They +ere )u.h less
-reDuent no+ that the .li)ate had sta(ili6ed, (ut a thousand years
earlier they +ould ha2e (een a se2ere dis.oura*e)ent to any li-e--or)s
e)er*in* -ro) the o.ean.
Thou*h he had -ully intended to do so, "oole had ne2er -ound ti)e
to 2isit the Ty.ho 3onolith -- still To/ 5e.ret +hen he had le-t -or
Hu/iter -- and 'arthBs *ra2ity )ade its t+in at Oldu2ai ina..essi(le to
hi). 8ut he had seen their i)a*es so o-ten that they +ere )u.h )ore
-a)iliar than the /ro2er(ial (a.k o- the hand (and ho+ )any /eo/le, he
had o-ten +ondered, +ould re.o*ni6e the (a.ks o- their handsI!. A/art
-ro) the enor)ous di--eren.e in s.ale, there +as a(solutely no +ay o-
distin*uishin* the %reat 7all -ro) T3A O9' and T3A M'#O -- or, -or that
)atter, the A8i* 8rotherA 3onolith that is.o2ery and the $eono2 had
en.ountered or(itin* Hu/iter.
A..ordin* to so)e theories, /erha/s .ra6y enou*h to (e true, there
+as only one ar.hety/al 3onolith, and all the others -- +hate2er their
si6e -- +ere )erely /roCe.tions or i)a*es o- it. "oole re.alled these
ideas +hen he noti.ed the s/otless, unsullied s)oothness o- the %reat
7allBs to+erin* e(on -a.e. 5urely, a-ter so )any .enturies in su.h a
hostile en2iron)ent, it should ha2e .olle.ted a -e+ /at.hes o- *ri)eF
:et it looked as i))a.ulate as i- an ar)y o- +indo+-.leaners had Cust
/olished e2ery sDuare .enti)eter.
Then he re.alled that althou*h e2eryone +ho had e2er .o)e to 2ie+
T3A O9' and T3A M'#O -elt an irresisti(le ur*e to tou.h their a//arently
/ristine, no one had e2er su..eeded. Fin*ers -- dia)ond drills
-- laser kni2es -- all skittered a.ross the 3onoliths as i- they +ere
.oated (y an i)/enetra(le -il). Or as i- -- and this +as another /o/ular
theory -- they +ere not Duite in this uni2erse, (ut so)eho+ se/arated
-ro) it (y an utterly i)/assa(le -ra.tion o- a )illi)eter.
Ee )ade one .o)/lete, leisurely .ir.uit o- the %reat 7all, +hi.h
re)ained totally indi--erent to his /ro*ress. Then he (rou*ht the
shuttle -- still on )anual, in .ase %any)ede Control )ade any -urther
atte)/ts to Ares.ueA hi) -- to the outer li)its o- Tsien2ille, and
ho2ered there lookin* -or the (est /la.e to land.
The s.ene throu*h Fal.onBs s)all /anora)i. +indo+ +as +holly
-a)iliar to hi)4 he had e1a)ined it so o-ten in %any)ede re.ordin*s,
ne2er i)a*inin* that one day he +ould (e o(ser2in* it in reality. The
'uro/s, it see)ed, had no idea o- to+n /lannin*4 hundreds o-
he)is/ stru.tures +ere s.attered a//arently at rando) o2er an
area a(out a kilo)eter a.ross. 5o)e +ere so s)all that e2en hu)an
.hildren +ould -eel .ra)/ed in the)4 thou*h others +ere (i* enou*h to
hold a lar*e -a)ily, none +as )ore than -i2e )eters hi*h.
And they +ere all )ade -ro) the sa)e )aterial, +hi.h *lea)ed a
*hostly +hite in the dou(le dayli*ht. On 'arth, the 'sDui)au1 had -ound
the ans+er to the .hallen*e o- their o+n -ri*id, )aterials-
/oor en2iron)ent4 Tsien2illeBs i*loos +ere also )ade o- i.e.
0n lieu o- streets, there +ere .anals -- as (est suited .reatures
+ho +ere still a)/hi(ious, and a//arently returned to the +ater to
slee/. Also, it +as (elie2ed, to -eed and to )ate, thou*h neither
hy/othesis had (een /ro2ed.
Tsien2ille had (een .alled AVeni.e, )ade o- i.eA, and "oole had to
a*ree that it +as an a/t des.ri/tion. Eo+e2er, there +ere no Venetians
in si*ht4 the /la.e looked as i- it had (een deserted -or years.
And here +as another )ystery4 des/ite the -a.t that $u.i-er +as
-i-ty ti)es (ri*hter than the distant 5un, and +as a /er)anent -i1ture
in the sky, the 'uro/s still see)ed lo.ked to an an.ient rhyth) o- ni*ht
and day. They returned to the o.ean at sunset, and e)er*ed +ith the
risin* o- the 5un -- des/ite the -a.t that the le2el o- illu)ination had
.han*ed (y only a -e+ /er .ent. "erha/s there +as a /arallel on 'arth,
+here the li-e .y.les o- )any .reatures +ere .ontrolled as )u.h (y the
-ee(le 3oon as the -ar )ore (rilliant 5un.
0t +ould (e sunrise in another hour, and then the inha(itants o-
Tsien2ille +ould return to land and *o a(out their leisurely a--airs --
as (y hu)an standards, they .ertainly +ere. The sul-ur-(ased
(io.he)istry that /o+ered the 'uro/s +as not as e--i.ient as the o1y*en-
dri2en one that ener*i6ed the 2ast )aCority o- terrestrial ani)als. '2en
a sloth .ould outrun a 'uro/, so it +as di--i.ult to re*ard the) as
/otentially dan*erous. That +as the %ood 9e+s4 the 8ad 9e+s +as that
e2en +ith the (est intentions on (oth sides, atte)/ts at .o))uni.ation
+ould (e e1tre)ely slo+ -- /erha/s intolera(ly tedious.
0t +as a(out ti)e, "oole de.ided, that he re/orted (a.k to
%any)ede Control. They )ust (e *ettin* 2ery an1ious, and he +ondered ho+
his .o-.ons/irator, Ca/tain Chandler, +as dealin* +ith the situation.
AFal.on .allin* %any)ede. As you .an dou(tless see, 0 ha2e -- er
-- (een (rou*ht to rest Cust a(o2e Tsien2ille. There is no si*n o-
hostility, and as itBs still solar ni*ht here all the 'uro/s are
under+ater. 7ill .all you a*ain as soon as 0B) on the *round.A
i) +ould ha2e (een /roud o- hi), "oole thou*ht, as he (rou*ht
Fal.on do+n *ently as a sno+-lake on a s)ooth /at.h o- i.e. Ee +as
takin* no +ith its sta(ility, and set the inertial dri2e to
.an.el all (ut a -ra.tion o- the shuttleBs +ei*ht -- Cust enou*h, he
ho/ed, to /re2ent it (ein* (lo+n a+ay (y any +ind.
Ee +as on 'uro/a -- the -irst hu)an in a thousand years. Ead
Ar)stron* and Aldrin -elt this sense o- elation, +hen 'a*le tou.hed do+n
on the 3oonI "ro(a(ly they +ere too (usy .he.kin* their $unar 3oduleBs
/ri)iti2e and totally unintelli*ent syste)s. Fal.on, o- .ourse, +as
doin* all this auto) The little .a(in +as no+ 2ery Duiet, a/art
-ro) the ine2ita(le -- and reassurin* -- )ur)ur o- +ell-te)/ered
ele.troni.s. 0t *a2e "oole a .onsidera(le sho.k +hen ChandlerBs 2oi.e,
o(2iously /re-re.orded, interru/ted his thou*hts.
A5o you )ade itF Con*ratulationsF As you kno+, +eBre s.heduled to
return to the 8elt +eek a-ter ne1t, (ut that should *i2e you /lenty o-
AA-ter -i2e days, Fal.on kno+s +hat to do. 5heBll -ind her +ay
ho)e, +ith or +ithout you. 5o *ood lu.kFA
3055 "#09%$'
ACT0VAT' C#:"TO "#O%#A3
Eello, i) -- thanks -or that .heer-ul )essa*eF 0 -eel rather
silly usin* this /ro*ra) -- as i- 0B) a se.ret a*ent in one o- the s/y
)elodra)as that used to (e so /o/ular (e-ore 0 +as (orn. 5till, it +ill
allo+ so)e /ri2a.y, +hi.h )ay (e use-ul. Eo/e 3iss "rin*le has
do+nloaded it /ro/erly...o- .ourse, 3iss ", 0B) only Cokin*F
8y the +ay, 0B) *ettin* a (arra*e o- reDuests -ro) all the ne+s
)edia in the 5olar 5yste). "lease try to hold the) o-- -- or di2ert the)
to r. Ted. EeBll enCoy handlin* the)...
5in.e %any)ede has )e on .a)era all the ti)e, 0 +onBt +aste (reath
tellin* you +hat 0B) seein*. 0- all *oes +ell, +e should ha2e so)e
a.tion in a -e+ )inutes -- and +eBll kno+ i- it really +as a *ood idea
to let the 'uro/s -ind )e already sittin* here /ea.e-ully, +aitin* to
*reet the) +hen they .o)e to the sur-a.e...
7hate2er ha//ens, it +onBt (e as (i* a sur/rise to )e as it +as to
r. Chan* and his .ollea*ues, +hen they landed here a thousand years
a*oF 0 /layed his -a)ous last )essa*e a*ain, Cust (e-ore lea2in*
%any)ede. 0 )ust .on-ess it *a2e )e an eerie -eelin* -- .ouldnBt hel/
+onderin* i- so)ethin* like that .ould /ossi(ly ha//en a*ain...+ouldnBt
like to i))ortali6e )ysel- the +ay /oor Chan* did...
O- .ourse, 0 .an al+ays li-t o-- i- so)ethin* starts *oin*
+ron*...and hereBs an interestin* thou*ht thatBs Cust o..urred to )e...0
+onder i- the 'uro/s ha2e any history -- any kind o- re.ords...any
)e)ory o- +hat ha//ened Cust a -e+ kilo)eters -ro) here, a thousand
years a*oI
2= -- 0.e and Va.uu)
...This is r. Chan*, .allin* -ro) 'uro/a. 0 ho/e you .an hear )e,
es/e.ially r. Floyd -- 0 kno+ youBre a(oard $eono2...0 )ay not ha2e
)u.h ti)* )y suit antenna +here 0 think you are.../lease relay
this in-or)ation to 'arth.
Tsien +as destroyed three hours a*o. 0B) the only sur2i2or. &sin*
)y suit radio -- no idea i- it has enou*h ran*e, (ut itBs the only
.han.e. "lease listen .are-ully...
TE'#' 05 $0F' O9 '&#O"A. 0 re/eat: TE'#' 05 $0F' O9 '&#O"A...
7e landed sa-ely, .he.ked all the syste)s, and ran out the hoses
so +e .ould start /u)/in* +ater into our /ro/ellant tanks
i))ediately...Cust in .ase +e had to lea2e in a hurry.
'2erythin* +as *oin* a..ordin* to / see)ed al)ost too *ood
to (e true. The tanks +ere hal- -ull +hen r. $ee and 0 +ent out to
.he.k the /i/e insulation. Tsien stands -- stood -- a(out thirty )eters
-ro) the ed*e o- the %rand Canal. "i/es +ent dire.tly -ro) it and do+n
throu*h the i.e. Very thin -- not sa-e to +alk on.
Hu/iter +as Duarter -ull, and +e had -i2e kilo+atts o- li*htin*
strun* u/ on the shi/. 5he looked like a Christ)as tree -- (eauti-ul,
re-le.ted on the i.e...
$ee sa+ it -irst -- a hu*e dark )ass risin* u/ -ro) the de/ths. At
-irst +e thou*ht it +as a s.hool o- -ish -- too lar*e -or a sin*le
or*anis) -- then it started to (reak throu*h the i.e, and (e*an )o2in*
to+ards us.
0t looked rather like hu*e strands o- +et sea+eed, .ra+lin* alon*
the *round. $ee ran (a.k to the shi/ to *et a .a)era -- 0 stayed to
+at.h, re/ortin* o2er the radio. The thin* )o2ed so slo+ly 0 .ould
easily outrun it. 0 +as )u.h )ore e1.ited than alar)ed. Thou*ht 0 kne+
+hat kind o- .reature it +as -- 0B2e seen /i.tures o- the kel/ -orests
o-- Cali-ornia -- (ut 0 +as Duite +ron*.
0 .ould tell it +as in trou(le. 0t .ouldnBt /ossi(ly sur2i2e at a
te)/erature a hundred and -i-ty (elo+ its nor)al en2iron)ent. 0t +as
-ree6in* solid as it )o2ed -or+ard -- (its +ere (reakin* o-- like *lass
-- (ut it +as still* to+ards the shi/, a (la.k tidal +a2e,
slo+in* do+n all the ti)e.
0 +as still so sur/rised that 0 .ouldnBt think strai*ht and 0
.ouldnBt i)a*ine +hat it +as tryin* to do. '2en thou*h it +as headin*
to+ards Tsien it still see)ed .o)/letely har)less, like -- +ell, a s)all
-orest on the )o2e. 0 re)e)(er s)ilin* -- it re)inded )e o- 3a.(ethBs
8irna) 7ood...
Then 0 suddenly reali6ed the dan*er. '2en i- it +as .o)/letely
ino--ensi2e -- it +as hea2y -- +ith all the i.e it +as .arryin*, it )ust
ha2e +ei*hed se2eral tons, e2en in this lo+ *ra2ity.
And it +as slo+ly, /ain-ully .li)(in* u/ our landin* *ear...the
le*s +ere (e*innin* to (u.kle, all in slo+ )otion, like so)ethin* in a
drea) -- or a ni*ht)are...
9ot until the shi/ started to to//le did 0 reali6e +hat the thin*
+as tryin* to do -- and then it +as -ar too late. 7e .ould ha2e sa2ed
oursel2es -- i- +eBd only s+it.hed o-- our li*htsF
"erha/s itBs a /hototro/e, its (iolo* .y.le tri**ered (y the
sunli*ht that -ilters do+n throu*h the i.e. Or it .ould ha2e (een
attra.ted like a )oth to a .andle. Our -loodli*hts )ust ha2e (een )ore
(rilliant than anythin* that 'uro/a has e2er kno+n, e2en the 5un
Then the shi/ .rashed. 0 sa+ the hull s/lit, a .loud o- sno+-lakes
-or) as )oisture .ondensed. All the li*hts +ent out, e1.e/t -or one,
s+in*in* (a.k and -orth on a .a(le a .ou/le o- )eters a(o2e the *round.
0 donBt kno+ +hat ha//ened i))ediately a-ter that. The ne1t thin*
0 re)e)(er, 0 +as standin* under the li*ht, (eside the +re.k o- the
shi/, +ith a -ine /o+derin* o- -resh sno+ all around )e. 0 .ould see )y
-ootste/s in it 2ery .learly. 0 )ust ha2e run there4 /erha/s only a
)inute or t+o had ela/sed...
The /lant -- 0 still thou*ht o- it as a /lant -- +as )otionless. 0
+ondered i- it had (een da)a*ed (y the i)/a.t4 lar*e se.tions -- as
thi.k as a )anBs ar)s -- had s/lintered o--, like (roken t+i*s.
Then the )ain trunk started to )o2e a*ain. 0t /ulled a+ay -ro) the
hull, and (e*an to .ra+l to+ards )e. That +as +hen 0 kne+ -or .ertain
that the thin* +as li*ht-sensiti2e: 0 +as standin* i))ediately under the
thousand-+att la)/, +hi.h had sto//ed s+in*in* no+.
0)a*ine an oak tree -- (etter still, a (anyan +ith its )ulti/le
trunks and roots -- -lattened out (y *ra2ity and tryin* to .ree/ alon*
the *round. 0t *ot to +ithin -i2e )eters o- the li*ht, then started to
s/read out until it had )ade a /er-e.t .ir.le around )e. "resu)a(ly that
+as the li)it o- its toleran.e -- the /oint at +hi.h /hoto-attra.tion
turned to re/ulsion.
A-ter that, nothin* ha//ened -or se2eral )inutes, 0 +ondered i- it
+as dead -- -ro6en solid at last.
Then 0 sa+ that lar*e (uds +ere -or)in* on )any o- the (ran.hes.
0t +as like +at.hin* a ti)e-la/se -il) o- -lo+ers o/enin*. 0n -a.t 0
thou*ht they +ere -lo+ers -- ea.h a(out as (i* as a )anBs head.
eli.ate, (eauti-ully .olored )e)(ranes started to un-old. '2en
then, it o..urred to )e that no one -- no thin* -- .ould e2er ha2e seen
these .olors /ro/erly, until +e (rou*ht our li*hts -- our -atal li*hts
-- to this +orld.
Tendrils, sta)ens, +a2in* -ee(ly...0 +alked o2er to the li2in*
+all that surrounded )e, so that 0 .ould see e1a.tly +hat +as ha//enin*.
9either then, or at any other ti)e, had 0 -elt the sli*htest -ear o- the
.reature. 0 +as .ertain that it +as not )ale2olent -- i- indeed it +as
.ons.ious at all.
There +ere s.ores o- the (i* -lo+ers, in 2arious sta*es o-
un-oldin*. 9o+ they re)inded )e o- (utter-lies, Cust e)er*in* -ro) the
.hrysalis -- +in*s .ru)/led, still -ee(le -- 0 +as *ettin* .loser and
.loser to the truth.
8ut they +ere -ree6in* -- dyin* as Dui.kly as they -or)ed. Then,
one a-ter another, they dro//ed o-- -ro) the /arent (uds. For a -e+
)o)ents they -lo//ed around like -ish stranded on dry land -- and at
last 0 reali6ed e1a.tly +hat they +ere. Those )e)(ranes +erenBt /etals
-- they +ere -ins, or their eDui2alent. This +as the -ree-s+i))in*
lar2al sta*e o- the .reature. "ro(a(ly it s/ends )u.h o- its li-e rooted
on the sea-(ed, then sends these )o(ile o--s/rin* in sear.h o- ne+
territory. Hust like the .orals o- 'arthBs o.eans.
0 knelt do+n to *et a .loser look at one o- the little .reatures.
The (eauti-ul .olors +ere -adin* no+, to a dra( (ro+n. 5o)e o- the
/etal--ins had sna//ed o--, (e.o)in* (rittle shards as they -ro6e. 8ut
it +as still )o2in* -ee(ly, and as 0 a//roa.hed it tried to a2oid )e. 0
+ondered ho+ it sensed )y /resen.e.
Then 0 noti.ed that the sta)ens -- as 0Bd .alled the) -- all
.arried (ri*ht (lue dots at their ti/s. They looked like tiny star
sa//hires -- or the (lue eyes alon* the )antle o- a s.allo/ -- a+are o-
li*ht, (ut una(le to -or) true i)a*es. As 0 +at.hed, the 2i2id (lue
-aded, the *e)s (e.a)e dull, ordinary stones...
r. Floyd -- or anyone else +ho is listenin* -- 0 ha2enBt )u.h
)ore ti)e4 )y li-e-su//ort syste) alar) has Cust sounded. 8ut 0B2e
al)ost -inished.
0 kne+ then +hat 0 had to do. The .a(le to that thousand-+att la)/
+as han*in* al)ost to the *round. 0 *a2e it a -e+ tu*s, and the li*ht
+ent out in a sho+er o- s/arks.
0 +ondered +hether it +as too late. For a -e+ )inutes nothin*
ha//ened. 5o 0 +alked o2er to the +all o- tan*led (ran.hes around )e --
and ki.ked it.
5lo+ly, the .reature started to un+ea2e itsel-, and to retreat
(a.k to the Canal. 0 -ollo+ed it all the +ay (a.k to the +ater,
en.oura*in* it +ith )ore ki.ks +hen it slo+ed do+n, -eelin* the
-ra*)ents o- i.e .run.hin* all the ti)e (eneath )y (oots...As it neared
the Canal, it see)ed to *ain stren*th and ener*y, as i- it kne+ it +as
a//roa.hin* its natural ho)e. 0 +ondered i- it +ould sur2i2e, to (ud
0t disa//eared throu*h the sur-a.e, lea2in* a -e+ last dead lar2ae
on the alien land. The e1/osed -ree +ater (u((led -or a -e+ )inutes
until a s.a( o- /rote.ti2e i.e sealed it -ro) the 2a.uu) a(o2e. Then 0
+alked (a.k to the shi/ to see i- there +as anythin* to sal2a*e -- 0
donBt +ant to talk a(out that.
0B2e only t+o reDuests to )ake, o.tor. 7hen the ta1ono)ists
.lassi-y this .reature , 0 ho/e theyBll na)e it a-ter )e.
And -- +hen the ne1t shi/ .o)es ho)e -- ask the) to take our (ones
(a.k to China.
0Bll lose /o+er in a -e+ )inutes -- +ish 0 kne+ +hether anyone +as
re.ei2in* )e. Any+ay, 0Bll re/eat this )essa*e as lon* as 0 .an...
This is "ro-essor Chan* on 'uro/a, re/ortin* the destru.tion o-
the s/a.eshi/ Tsien. 7e landed (eside the %rand Canal and set u/ our
/u)/s at the ed*e o- the i.e --
2K -- The $ittle a+n
3055 "#09%$'
Eere .o)es the 5unF 5tran*e -- ho+ Dui.kly it see)s to rise, on
this slo+ly turnin* +orldF O- .ourse, o- .ourse -- the dis.Bs so s)all
that the +hole o- it /o/s a(o2e the hori6on in no ti)e...9ot that it
)akes )u.h di--eren.e to the li*ht -- i- you +erenBt lookin* in that
dire.tion, youBd ne2er noti.e that there +as another sun in the sky.
8ut 0 ho/e the 'uro/s ha2e noti.ed. &sually it takes the) less
than -i2e )inutes to start .o)in* ashore a-ter the $ittle a+n. 7onder
i- they already kno+ 0B) here, and are s.ared...
9o -- .ould (e the other +ay round. "erha/s theyBre inDuisiti2e --
e2en an1ious to see +hat stran*e 2isitor has .o)e to Tsien2ille...0
rather ho/e so...
Eere they .o)eF Eo/e your s/ysats are +at.hin* -- Fal.onBs .a)eras
Eo+ slo+ly they )o2eF 0B) a-raid itBs *oin* to (e 2ery (orin*
tryin* to .o))uni.ate +ith the)...e2en i- they +ant to talk to )e...
#ather like the thin* that o2erturned Tsien, (ut )u.h
s)aller...They re)ind )e o- little trees, +alkin* on hal- a do6en
slender trunks. And +ith hundreds o- (ran.hes, di2idin* into t+i*s,
+hi.h di2ide a*ain...and a*ain. Hust like )any o- our *eneral-/ur/ose
ro(ots...+hat a lon* ti)e it took us to reali6e that i)itation hu)anoids
+ere ridi.ulously .lu)sy, and the /ro/er +ay to *o +as +ith )yriad o-
s)all )ani/ulatorsF 7hene2er +e in2ent so)ethin* .le2er, +e -ind that
3other 9atureBs already thou*ht o- it...
ArenBt the little ones .ute -- like tiny (ushes on the )o2e.
7onder ho+ they re/rodu.e -- (uddin*I 0 hadnBt reali6ed ho+ (eauti-ul
they are. Al)ost as .olor-ul as .oral ree- -ish -- )ay(e -or the sa)e attra.t )ates, or -ool /redators (y /retendin* to (e
so)ethin* else...
id 0 say they looked like (ushesI 3ake that rose-(ushes --
theyB2e a.tually *ot thornsF 3ust ha2e a *ood reason -or the)...
0B) disa//ointed. They donBt see) to ha2e noti.ed )e. TheyBre all
headin* into to+n, as i- a 2isitin* s/a.e.ra-t +as an e2eryday
o..urren.e...only a -e+ le-t...)ay(e this +ill +ork...
0 su//ose they .an dete.t sound 2i(rations -- )ost )arine
.reatures .an -- thou*h this at)os/here )ay (e too thin to .arry )y
2oi.e 2ery -ar...
FA$CO9 -- 'LT'#9A$ 5"'AG'#...
E'$$O, CA9 :O& E'A# 3'I 3: 9A3' 05 F#A9G "OO$'...AE'3...0 CO3' 09
"'AC' FO# A$$ 3A9G09...
3akes )e -eel rather stu/id, (ut .an you su**est anythin* (etterI
And it +ill (e *ood -or the re.ord...
9o(odyBs takin* the sli*htest noti.e. 8i* ones and little ones,
theyBre all .ree/in* to+ards their i*loos. 7onder +hat they a.tually do
+hen they *et there -- /erha/s 0 should -ollo+. 0B) sure it +ould (e
/er-e.tly sa-e -- 0 .an )o2e so )u.h -aster -- 0B2e Cust had an a)usin*
-lash(a.k. All these .reatures *oin* in the sa)e dire.tion -- they look
like the .o))uters +ho used to sur*e (a.k and -orth t+i.e a day (et+een
ho)e and o--i.e, (e-ore ele.troni.s )ade it unne.essary. $etBs try
a*ain, (e-ore they all disa//ear.
E'$$O TE'#' TE05 05 F#A9G "OO$', A V050TO# F#O3 "$A9'T 'A#TE. CA9
:O& E'A# 3'I
0 E'A# :O&, F#A9G. TE05 05 AV'.
2< -- The %hosts in the 3a.hine
Frank "ooleBs i))ediate rea.tion +as one o- utter astonish)ent,
-ollo+ed (y o2er+hel)in* Coy. Ee had ne2er really (elie2ed that he +ould
)ake any kind o- .onta.t, either +ith the 'uro/s or the 3onolith.
0ndeed, he had e2en had -antasies o- ki.kin* in -rustration a*ainst that
to+erin* e(on +all and shoutin* an*rily, A0s there any(ody ho)eIA
:et he should not ha2e (een so a)a6ed: so)e intelli*en.e )ust ha2e
)onitored his a//roa.h -ro) %any)ede, and /er)itted hi) to land. Ee
should ha2e taken Ted Ghan )ore seriously.
Aa2e,A he said slo+ly, Ais that really youIA
7ho else .ould it (eI a /art o- his )ind asked. :et it +as not a
-oolish Duestion. There +as so)ethin* .uriously ) -- i)/ersonal
a(out the 2oi.e that .a)e -ro) the s)all s/eaker on Fal.onBs .ontrol
:'5, F#A9G. 0 A3 AV'.
There +as a 2ery (rie- /ause: then the sa)e 2oi.e .ontinued,
+ithout any .han*e o- intonation:
E'$$O F#A9G. TE05 05 EA$.
3055 "#09%$'
7ell -- 0ndra, i) -- 0B) *lad 0 re.orded all that, other+ise
youBd ne2er (elie2e )e...
0 *uess 0B) still in a state o- sho.k. First o- all, ho+ should 0
-eel a(out so)eone +ho tried to -- +ho did -- kill )e -- e2en i- it +as
a thousand years a*oF 8ut 0 understand no+ that Eal +asnBt to (la)e4
no(ody +as. ThereBs a 2ery *ood /ie.e o- ad2i.e 0B2e o-ten -ound use-ul
A9e2er attri(ute to )ale2olen.e +hat is )erely due to in.o)/eten.eA 0
.anBt -eel any an*er to+ards a (un.h o- /ro*ra))ers 0 ne2er kne+, +hoB2e
(een dead -or .enturies.
0B) *lad this is en.ry/ted, as 0 donBt kno+ ho+ it should (e
handled, and a lot that 0 tell you )ay turn out to (e .o)/lete nonsense.
0B) already su--erin* -ro) in-or)ation o2erload, and had to ask a2e to
lea2e )e -or a +hile -- a-ter all the trou(le 0B2e *one throu*h to )eet
hi)F 8ut 0 donBt think 0 hurt his -eelin*s: 0 ) not sure yet i- he has
any -eelin*s...
7hat is he -- *ood DuestionF 7ell, he really is a2e 8o+)an, (ut
+ith )ost o- the hu)anity stri//ed a+ay -- like -- ah -- like the
syno/sis o- a (ook or a /a/er. :ou kno+ ho+ an a(stra.t .an
*i2e all the (asi. in-or)ation (ut no hint o- the authorBs /ersonalityI
:et there +ere )o)ents +hen 0 -elt that so)ethin* o- the old a2e +as
still there. 0 +ouldnBt *o so -ar as to say heBs /leased to )eet )e
a*ain -- )oderately satis-ied )i*ht (e )ore like it...For )ysel-, 0B)
still 2ery .on-used. $ike )eetin* an old -riend a-ter a lon* se/aration,
and -indin* that theyBre no+ a di--erent /erson. 7ell, it has (een a
thousand years -- and 0 .anBt i)a*ine +hat e1/ heBs kno+n,
thou*h as 0Bll sho+ you /resently, heBs tried to share so)e o- the) +ith
And Eal -- heBs here too, +ithout Duestion. 3ost o- the ti)e,
thereBs no +ay 0 .an tell +hi.h o- the) is s/eakin* to )e. ArenBt there
e1a)/les o- )ulti/le /ersonalities in the ) re.ordsI 3ay(e itBs
so)ethin* like that.
0 asked hi) ho+ this had ha//ened to the) (oth, and he -- they --
da))it, Eal)anF -- tried to e1/lain. $et )e re/eat -- 0 )ay ha2e *ot it
/artly +ron*, (ut itBs the only +orkin* hy/othesis 0 ha2e.
O- .ourse, the 3onolith -- in its 2arious )ani-estations -- is the
key -- no, thatBs the +ron* +ord -- didnBt so)eone on.e say it +as a
kind o- .os)i. 5+iss Ar)y kni-eI :ou still ha2e the), 0B2e noti.ed,
thou*h (oth 5+it6erland and its ar)y disa//eared .enturies a*o. 0tBs a
*eneral-/ur/ose de2i.e that .an do anythin* it +ants to. Or +as
/ro*ra))ed to do...
8a.k in A-ri.a, -our )illion years a*o, it *a2e us that
e2olutionary ki.k in the /ants, -or (etter or -or +orse. Then its
si(lin* on the 3oon +aited -or us to .li)( out o- the .radle. That +eB2e
already *uessed, and a2eBs .on-ir)ed it.
0 said that he doesnBt ha2e )any hu)an -eelin*s, (ut he still has
.uriosity -- he +ants to learn. And +hat an o//ortunity heBs hadF
7hen the Hu/iter 3onolith a(sor(ed hi) -- .anBt think o- a (etter
+ord -- it *ot )ore than it (ar*ained -or. Thou*h it used hi) --
a//arently as a .a/tured s/e.i)en, and a /ro(e to in2esti*ate 'arth --
heBs also (een usin* it. 7ith EalBs assistan.e -- and +ho should
understand a su/er-.o)/uter (etter than another oneI -- heBs (een
e1/lorin* its )e)ory, and tryin* to -ind its /ur/ose.
9o+, this is so)ethin* thatBs 2ery hard to (elie2e. The 3onolith
is a /o+er-ul )a.hine -- look +hat it did to Hu/iterF --
(ut itBs no )ore than that. 0tBs runnin* on auto)ati. -- it has no
.ons.iousness. 0 re)e)(er on.e thinkin* that 0 )i*ht ha2e to ki.k the
%reat 7all and shout A0s there anyone thereIA And the .orre.t ans+er
+ould ha2e to (e -- no one, e1.e/t a2e and Eal...
7orse still, so)e o- its syste)s )ay ha2e started to -ail4 a2e
e2en su**ests that, in a -unda)ental +ay, itBs (e.o)e stu/idF "erha/s
itBs (een le-t on its o+n -or too lon* -- itBs ti)e -or a ser2i.e .he.k.
And he (elie2es the 3onolith has )ade at least one )isCud*)ent.
"erha/s thatBs not the ri*ht +ord -- it )ay ha2e (een deli(erate,
.are-ully .onsidered...
0n any e2ent, itBs -- +ell, truly a+eso)e, and terri-yin* in its
i)/li.ations. $u.kily, 0 .an sho+ it to you, so you .an de.ide -or
yoursel2es. :es, e2en thou*h it ha//ened a thousand years a*o, +hen
$eono2 -le+ the se.ond )ission to Hu/iterF And all this ti)e, no one has
e2er *uessed...
0B) .ertainly *lad you *ot )e -itted +ith the 8rain.a/. O- .ourse
itBs (een in2alua(le -- 0 .anBt i)a*ine li-e +ithout it -- (ut no+ itBs
doin* a Co( it +as ne2er desi*ned -or. And doin* it re)arka(ly +ell.
0t took Eal)an a(out ten )inutes to -ind ho+ it +orked, and to set
u/ an inter-a.e. 9o+ +e ha2e )ind-to-)ind .onta.t -- +hi.h is Duite a
strain on )e, 0 .an tell you. 0 ha2e to kee/ askin* the) to slo+ do+n,
and use (a(y-talk. Or should 0 say (a(y-think...
0B) not sure ho+ +ell this +ill .o)e throu*h. 0tBs a thousand-
year-old re.ordin* o- a2eBs o+n e1/erien.e, so)eho+ stored in the
3onolithBs enor)ous )e)ory, then retrie2ed (y a2e and inCe.ted into )y
8rain.a/ -- donBt ask )e e1a.tly ho+ -- and -inally trans-erred and
(ea)ed to you (y %any)ede Central. "he+. Eo/e you donBt *et a heada.he
do+nloadin* it.
O2er to a2e 8o+)an at Hu/iter, early t+enty--irst .entury...
30 -- Foa)s.a/e
The )illion-kilo)eter-lon* tendrils o- )a*neti. -or.e, the sudden
e1/losion o- radio +a2es, the *eysers o- ele.tri-ied /las)a +ider than
the /lanet 'arth -- they +ere as real and .learly 2isi(le to hi) as the
.louds (andin* the /lanet in )ulti-hued *lory. Ee .ould understand the
.o)/le1 /attern o- their intera.tions, and reali6ed that Hu/iter +as
)u.h )ore +onder-ul than anyone had e2er *uessed.
'2en as he -ell throu*h the roarin* heart o- the %reat #ed 5/ot,
+ith the li*htnin* o- its .ontinent-+ide thunderstor)s detonatin* under
hi), he kne+ +hy it had /ersisted -or .enturies thou*h it +as )ade o-
*ases -ar less su(stantial than those that -or)ed the hurri.anes o-
'arth. The thin s.rea) o- hydro*en +ind -aded as he sank into the .al)er
de/ths, and a sheet o- +a1en sno+-lakes -- so)e already* into
(arely /al/a(le )ountains o- -oa) -- des.ended -ro) the
hei*hts a(o2e. 0t +as already +ar) enou*h -or liDuid +ater to e1ist, (ut
there +ere no o.eans there4 this /urely *aseous en2iron)ent +as too
tenuous to su//ort the).
Ee des.ended throu*h layer a-ter layer o- .loud, until he entered
a re*ion o- su.h .larity that e2en hu)an 2ision .ould ha2e s.anned an
area )ore than a thousand kilo)eters a.ross. 0t +as only a )inor eddy in
the 2aster *yre o- the %reat #ed 5/ot4 and it held a se.ret that )en had
lon* *uessed, (ut ne2er /ro2ed. 5kirtin* the -oothills o- the dri-tin*
-oa) )ountains +ere )yriad o- s)all, shar/ly de-ined .louds, all a(out
the sa)e si6e and /atterned +ith si)ilar red and (ro+n )ottlin*. They
+ere s)all only as .o)/ared +ith the inhu)an s.ale o- their
surroundin*s4 the 2ery least +ould ha2e .o2ered a -air-si6ed .ity.
They +ere .learly ali2e, -or they +ere )o2in* +ith slo+
deli(eration alon* the -lanks o- the aerial )ountains, (ro+sin* o--
their slo/es like .olossal shee/. And they +ere .allin* to ea.h other in
the )eter (and, their radio -aint (ut .lear a*ainst the
.ra.klin*s and .on.ussions o- Hu/iter itsel-.
9othin* less than li2in* *as(a*s, they -loated in the narro+ 6one
(et+een -ree6in* hei*hts and s.or.hin* de/ths. 9arro+, yes -- (ut a
do)ain -ar lar*er than all the (ios/here o- 'arth.
They +ere not alone. 3o2in* s+i-tly a)on* the) +ere other
.reatures so s)all that they .ould easily ha2e (een o2erlooked. 5o)e o-
the) (ore an al)ost un.anny rese)(lan.e to terrestrial air.ra-t, and
+ere o- a(out the sa)e si6e. 8ut they too +ere ali2e -- /erha/s
/redators, /erha/s /arasites, /erha/s e2en herds)en.
A +hole ne+ .ha/ter o- e2olution, as alien as that +hi.h he had
*li)/sed on 'uro/a, +as o/enin* (e-ore hi). There +ere Cet-/ro/elled
tor/edoes like the sDuids o- the terrestrial o.eans, huntin* and
de2ourin* the hu*e *as-(a*s. 8ut the (alloons +ere not de-enseless4 so)e
o- the) -ou*ht (a.k +ith ele.tri. thunder(olts and +ith .la+ed tenta.les
like kilo)eter-lon* .hainsa+s.
There +ere e2en stran*er sha/es, e1/loitin* al)ost e2ery
/ossi(ility o- *eo)etry -- (i6arre, translu.ent kites, tetrahedra,
s/heres, /olyhedra, tan*les o- t+isted ri((ons...The *i*anti. /lankton
o- the Ho2ian at)os/here, they +ere desi*ned to -loat like *ossa)er in
the u/risin* .urrents, until they had li2ed lon* enou*h to re/rodu.e4
then they +ould (e s+e/t do+n into the de/ths to (e .ar(oni6ed and
re.y.led in a ne+ *eneration.
Ee +as sear.hin* a +orld )ore than a hundred ti)es the area o-
'arth, and thou*h he sa+ )any +onders, nothin* there hinted o-
intelli*en.e. The radio o- the *reat (alloons .arried only si)/le
)essa*es o- +arnin* or o- -ear. '2en the hunters, +ho )i*ht ha2e (een
e1/e.ted to de2elo/ hi*her de*rees o- or*ani6ation, +ere like the sharks
in 'arthBs o.eans -- )indless auto)ata.
And -or all its (reathtakin* si6e and no2elty, the (ios/here o-
Hu/iter +as a -ra*ile +orld, a /la.e o- )ists and -oa), o- deli.ate
silken threads and /a/er-thin tissues s/un -ro) the .ontinual sno+-all
o- /etro.he)i.als -or)ed (y li*htnin* in the u//er at)os/here. Fe+ o-
its .onstru.ts +ere )ore su(stantial than soa/ (u((les4 its )ost a+eso)e
/redators .ould (e torn to shreds (y e2en the -ee(lest o- terrestrial
$ike 'uro/a, (ut on a 2astly *rander s.ale, Hu/iter +as an
e2olutionary .ul-de-sa.. 0ntelli*en.e +ould ne2er e)er*e here4 e2en i-
it did, it +ould (e doo)ed to a stunted e1isten.e. A /urely aerial
.ulture )i*ht de2elo/, (ut in an en2iron)ent +here -ire +as i)/ossi(le,
and solids e1isted, it .ould ne2er e2en rea.h the 5tone A*e.
31 -- 9ursery
3055 "#09%$'
7ell, 0ndra -- i) -- 0 ho/e that .a)e throu*h in *ood sha/e -- 0
still -ind it hard to (elie2e. All those -antasti. .reatures -- surely
+e should ha2e dete.ted their radio, e2en i- +e .ouldnBt
understand the)F -- +i/ed out in a )o)ent, so that Hu/iter .ould (e )ade
into a sun.
And no+ +e .an understand +hy. 0t +as to *i2e the 'uro/s their
.han.e. 7hat /itiless lo*i.: is intelli*en.e the only thin* that
)attersI 0 .an see so)e lon* ar*u)ents +ith Ted Ghan o2er this -- The
ne1t Duestion is: +ill the 'uro/s )ake the *rade -- or +ill they re)ain
-ore2er stu.k in the kinder*arten -- not e2en that -- the nurseryI
Thou*h a thousand years is a 2ery short ti)e, one +ould ha2e e1/e.ted
so)e /ro*ress, (ut a..ordin* to a2e theyBre e1a.tly the sa)e no+ as
+hen they le-t the sea. "erha/s thatBs the trou(le4 they still ha2e one
-oot -- or one t+i*F -- in the +ater.
And hereBs another thin* +e *ot .o)/letely +ron*. 7e thou*ht they
+ent (a.k into the +ater to slee/. 0tBs Cust the other +ay round -- they
*o (a.k to eat, and slee/ +hen they .o)e on landF As +e )i*ht ha2e
*uessed -ro) their stru.ture -- that net+ork o- (ran.hes -- theyBre
/lankton -eeders...
0 asked a2e a(out the i*loos theyB2e (uilt. ArenBt they a
te.hnolo* ad2an.eI And he said: not really -- theyBre only
ada/tations o- stru.tures they )ake on the sea-(ed, to /rote.t
the)sel2es -ro) 2arious /redators -- es/e.ially so)ethin* like a -lyin*
.ar/et, as (i* as a -oot(all -ield...
ThereBs one area, thou*h, +here they ha2e sho+n initiati2e -- e2en
.reati2ity. TheyBre -as.inated (y )etals, /resu)a(ly (e.ause they donBt
e1ist in /ure -or) in the o.ean. ThatBs +hy Tsien +as stri//ed -- the
sa)e thin*Bs ha//ened to the o..asional /ro(es that ha2e .o)e do+n in
their territory. 7hat do they do +ith the .o//er and (erylliu) and
titaniu) they .olle.tI 9othin* use-ul, 0B) a-raid. They /ile it all
to*ether in one /la.e, in a -antasti. hea/ that they kee/ reasse)(lin*.
They .ould (e de2elo/in* an aestheti. sense -- 0B2e seen +orse in the
3useu) o- 3odern Art...8ut 0B2e *ot another theory -- did you e2er hear
o- .ar*o .ultsI urin* the t+entieth .entury, so)e o- the -e+ /ri)iti2e
tri(es that still e1isted )ade i)itation aero/lanes out o- (a)(oo, in
the ho/e o- attra.tin* the (i* (irds in the sky that o..asionally
(rou*ht the) +onder-ul *i-ts. "erha/s the 'uro/s ha2e the sa)e idea.
9o+ that Duestion you kee/ askin* )e...7hat is a2eI And ho+ did
he -- and Eal -- (e.o)e +hate2er it is they are no+I
The Dui.k ans+er, o- .ourse, is that theyBre (oth e)ulations --
si)ulations -- in the 3onolithBs *i*anti. )e)ory. 3ost o- the ti)e
theyBre ina.ti2ated4 +hen 0 asked a2e a(out this, he said heBd (een
Aa+akeA -- his a.tual +ord -- -or only -i-ty years alto*ether, in the
thousand sin.e his -- er -- )eta)or/hosis.
7hen 0 asked i- he resented this takeo2er o- his li-e, he said,
A7hy should 0 resent itI 0 a) /er-or)in* )y -un.tions /er-e.tly.A :es,
that sounds e1a.tly like EalF 8ut 0 (elie2e it +as a2e -- i- thereBs
any distin.tion no+.
#e)e)(er that 5+iss Ar)y kni-e analo*yI Eal)an is one o- this
.os)i. kni-eBs )yriad o- .o)/onents.
8ut heBs not a .o)/letely /assi2e tool -- +hen heBs a+ake, he has
so)e autono)y, so)e inde/enden.e -- /resu)a(ly +ithin li)its set (y the
3onolithBs o2erridin* .ontrol. urin* the .enturies, heBs (een used as a
kind o- intelli*ent /ro(e to e1a)ine, Hu/iter -- as youB2e Cust seen --
as +ell as %any)ede and the 'arth. That .on-ir)s those )ysterious e2ents
in Florida, re/orted (y a2eBs old *irl--riend, and the nurse +ho +as
lookin* a-ter his )other, Cust )o)ents (e-ore her +ell as the
en.ounters in Anu(is City.
And it also e1/lains another )ystery. 0 asked a2e dire.tly: +hy
+as 0 allo+ed to land on 'uro/a, +hen e2eryone else has (een turned a+ay
-or .enturiesI 0 -ully e1/e.ted to (eF
The ans+erBs ridi.ulously si)/le. The 3onolith uses a2e -- Eal)an
-- -ro) ti)e to ti)e, to kee/ an eye on us.
a2e kne+ all a(out )y res.ue -- e2en sa+ so)e o- the )edia
inter2ie+s 0 )ade, on 'arth and on %any)ede. 0 )ust say 0B) still a
little hurt he )ade no atte)/t to .onta.t )eF 8ut at least he /ut out
the 7el.o)e )at +hen 0 did arri2e...
i) -- 0 still ha2e -orty-ei*ht hours (e-ore Fal.on lea2es -- +ith
or +ithout )eF 0 donBt think 0Bll need the), no+ 0B2e )ade .onta.t +ith
Eal)an4 +e .an kee/ in tou.h Cust as easily -ro) Anu(is...i- he +ants to
do so.
And 0B) an1ious to *et (a.k to the %ranny)ede as Dui.kly as
/ossi(le. Fal.onBs a -ine little s/a.e.ra-t, (ut her /lu)(in* .ould (e
i)/ro2ed -- itBs (e*innin* to s)ell in here, and 0B) it.hin* -or a
$ook -or+ard to seein* you -- and es/e.ially Ted Ghan.
7e ha2e )u.h to talk a(out, (e-ore 0 return to 'arth.
V -- T'#309AT0O9
The toil o- all that (e
Eeals not the /ri)al -ault4
0t rains into the sea,
And still the sea is salt.
-- A. '. Eous)an, 3ore "oe)s
32 -- A %entle)an o- $eisure
On the +hole, it had (een an interestin* (ut une2ent-ul de.ades,
/un.tuated (y the Coys and sorro+s +hi.h Ti)e and Fate (rin* to all
)ankind. The *reatest o- those had (een +holly une1/e.ted4 in -a.t,
(e-ore he le-t -or %any)ede, "oole +ould ha2e dis)issed the 2ery idea as
There is )u.h truth in the sayin* that a(sen.e )akes the heart
*ro+ -onder. 7hen he and 0ndra 7alla.e )et a*ain, they dis.o2ered that,
des/ite their (anterin* and o..asional disa*ree)ents, they +ere .loser
than they had i)a*ined. One thin* led to another in.ludin*, to their
)utual Coy, a+n 7alla.e and 3artin "oole.
0t +as rather late in li-e to start a -a)ily -- Duite a/art -ro)
that little )atter o- a thousand years -- and "ro-essor Anderson had
+arned the) that it )i*ht (e i)/ossi(le. Or e2en +orse...
A:ou +ere in )ore +ays than you reali6e,A he told "oole.
A#adiation da)a*e +as sur/risin*ly lo+, and +e +ere a(le to )ake all
essential re/airs -ro) your inta.t 9A. 8ut until +e do so)e )ore tests,
0 .anBt /ro)ise *eneti. inte*rity. 5o enCoy yoursel2es -- (ut donBt
start a -a)ily until 0 *i2e the OG.A
The tests had (een ti)e-.onsu)in*, and as Anderson had -eared,
-urther re/airs +ere ne.essary. There +as one )aCor set-(a.k --
so)ethin* that .ould ne2er ha2e li2ed, e2en i- it had (een allo+ed to *o
(eyond the -irst -e+ +eeks a-ter .on.e/tion -- (ut 3artin and a+n +ere
/er-e.t, +ith Cust the ri*ht nu)(er o- heads, ar)s and le*s. They +ere
also handso)e and intelli*ent, and (arely )ana*ed to es.a/e (ein*
s/oiled (y their dotin* /arents -- +ho .ontinued to (e the (est o-
-riends +hen, a-ter -i-teen years, ea.h o/ted -or inde/enden.e a*ain.
8e.ause o- their 5o.ial A.hie2e)ent #atin*, they +ould ha2e (een
/er)itted -- indeed, en.oura*ed -- to ha2e another .hild, (ut they
de.ided not to /ut any )ore o- a (urden on their astonishin*ly *ood
One tra*edy had shado+ed "ooleBs /ersonal li-e durin* this /eriod
-- and indeed had sho.ked the +hole 5olar .o))unity. Ca/tain Chandler
and his entire .re+ had (een lost +hen the nu.leus o- a .o)et they +ere
re.onnoiterin* e1/loded suddenly, destroyin* %oliath so .o)/letely that
only a -e+ -ra*)ents +ere e2er lo.ated. 5u.h e1/losions -- .aused (y
rea.tions a)on* unsta(le )ole.ules +hi.h e1isted at 2ery lo+
te)/eratures -- +ere a +ell-kno+n dan*er to .o)et-.olle.tors, and
Chandler had en.ountered se2eral durin* his .areer. 9o one +ould e2er
kno+ the e1a.t .ir.u) +hi.h .aused so e1/erien.ed a s/a.e)an to
(e taken (y sur/rise.
"oole )issed Chandler 2ery (adly: he had /layed a uniDue role in
his li-e, and there +as no one to re/la.e hi) -- no one, e1.e/t a2e
8o+)an, +ith +ho) he had shared so )o)entous an ad2enture. Ee and
Chandler had o-ten )ade /lans to *o into s/a.e to*ether a*ain, /erha/s
all the +ay out to the Oort Cloud +ith its unkno+n )ysteries and its
re)ote (ut ine1hausti(le +ealth o- i.e. :et so)e .on-li.t o- s.hedules
had al+ays u/set their /lans, so this +as a +ished--or -uture that +ould
ne2er e1ist.
Another lon*-desired *oal "oole had )ana*ed to a.hie2e -- des/ite
do.torBs orders. Ee had (een do+n to 'arth: and on.e +as Duite enou*h.
The 2ehi.le in +hi.h he had tra2eled looked al)ost to
the +heel.hairs used (y the lu.kier /ara/le*i.s o- his o+n ti)e. 0t +as
)otori6ed, and had (alloon tires +hi.h allo+ed it to roll o2er
reasona(ly s)ooth Eo+e2er, it .ould also -ly -- at an altitude
o- a(out t+enty .enti)eters -- on an air.ushion /rodu.ed (y a set o-
s)all (ut 2ery /o+er-ul -ans. "oole +as sur/rised that so /ri)iti2e a
te.hnolo*y +as still in use, (ut inertia-.ontrol +ere too (ulky
-or su.h s)all-s.ale a//li.ations.
5eated .o)-orta(ly in his, he +as .ons.ious o-
his in.reasin* +ei*ht as he des.ended into the heart o- A-ri.a4 thou*h
he did noti.e so)e di--i.ulty in (reathin*, he had e1/erien.ed -ar +orse
durin* his astronaut trainin*. 7hat he +as not /re/ared -or +as the
(last o- -urna.e-heat that s)ote hi) as he rolled out o- the *i*anti.,
sky-/* .ylinder that -or)ed the (ase o- the To+er. :et it +as
still )ornin*: +hat +ould it (e like at noonI
Ee had (arely a..usto)ed hi)sel- to the heat +hen his sense o-
s)ell +as assailed. A )yriad odors -- none un/leasant, (ut all
un-a)iliar -- .la)ored -or his attention. Ee .losed his eyes -or a -e+
)inutes, in an atte)/t to a2oid o2erloadin* his in/ut .ir.uits.
8e-ore he had de.ided to o/en the) a*ain, he -elt so)e lar*e,
)oist o(Ce.t /al/atin* the (a.k o- his ne.k.
A5ay hello to 'li6a(eth,A said his *uide, a (urly youn* )an
dressed in traditional %reat 7hite Eunter *ar(, )u.h too s)art to ha2e
seen any real use: AsheBs our o--i.ial *reeter.A
"oole t+isted round in his .hair, and -ound hi)sel- lookin* into
the soul-ul eyes o- a (a(y ele/hant.
AEello, 'li6a(eth,A he ans+ered, rather -ee(ly. 'li6a(eth li-ted
her trunk in salute, and e)itted a sound not usually heard in /olite
so.iety, thou*h "oole -elt sure it +as +ell-intentioned.
Alto*ether, he s/ent less than an hour on "lanet 'arth, skirtin*
the ed*e o- a Cun*le +hose stunted trees .o)/ared un-a2ora(ly +ith
5kylandBs, and en.ounterin* )u.h o- the -auna. Eis *uides
a/olo*i6ed -or the -riendliness o- the lions, +ho had (een s/oilt (y
tourists -- (ut the )ale2olent e1/ressions o- the .ro.odiles )ore than
.o)/ensated4 here +as 9ature ra+ and un.han*ed.
8e-ore he returned to the To+er, "oole risked takin* a -e+ ste/s
a+ay -ro) his Ee reali6ed that this +ould (e the eDui2alent
o- .arryin* his o+n +ei*ht on his (a.k, (ut that did not see) an
i)/ossi(le -eat, and he +ould ne2er -or*i2e hi)sel- unless he atte)/ted
0t +as not a *ood idea4 /erha/s he should ha2e tried it in a
.ooler .li)ate. A-ter no )ore than a do6en ste/s, he +as *lad to sink
(a.k into the lu1urious .lut.hes o- the .hair.
AThatBs enou*h,A he said +earily. A$etBs *o (a.k to the To+er.A
As he rolled into the ele2ator lo((y, he noti.ed a si*n +hi.h he
had so)eho+ o2erlooked durin* the e1.ite)ent o- his arri2al. 0t read:
7'$CO3' TO AF#0CAF
A0n +ildness is the /reser2ation o- the +orld.A
E'9#: AV0 TEO#'A&
O(ser2in* "ooleBs interest, the *uide asked Aid you kno+ hi)IA
0t +as the sort o- Duestion "oole heard all too o-ten, and at the
)o)ent he did not -eel eDui//ed to deal +ith it.
A0 donBt think so,A he ans+ered +earily, as the *reat doors .losed
(ehind the), shuttin* out the si*hts, s.ents and sounds o- 3ankindBs
earliest ho)e.
Eis sa-ari had satis-ied his need to 2isit 'arth, and he
did his (est to i*nore the 2arious a.hes and /ains a.Duired there +hen
he returned to his a/art)ent at $e2el 10,000 -- a /resti*ious lo.ation,
e2en in this de)o.rati. so.iety. 0ndra, ho+e2er, +as )ildly sho.ked (y
his a//earan.e, and ordered hi) strai*ht to (ed.
AHust like Antaeus -- (ut in re2erseFA she )uttered darkly. A7hoIA
asked "oole: there +ere ti)es +hen his +i-eBs erudition +as a little
o2er+hel)in*, (ut he had deter)ined ne2er to let it *i2e hi) an
in-eriority .o)/le1.
A5on o- the 'arth %oddess, %aea. Eer.ules +restled +ith hi) -- (ut
e2ery ti)e he +as thro+n to the *round, Antaeus rene+ed his stren*th.A
A7ho +onIA
AEer.ules, o- .ourse -- (y holdin* Antaeus in the air, so 3a
.ouldnBt re.har*e his (atteries.A
A7ell, 0B) sure it +onBt take )e lon* to re.har*e )ine. And 0B2e
learned one lesson. 0- 0 donBt *et )ore e1er.ise, 0 )ay ha2e to )o2e u/
to $unar %ra2ity le2el.A
"ooleBs *ood resolution lasted a -ull )onth: e2ery )ornin* he +ent
-or a (risk -i2e-kilo)eter +alk, .hoosin* a di--erent le2el o- the
A-ri.a To+er ea.h day. 5o)e -loors +ere still 2ast, e.hoin* deserts o-
)etal +hi.h +ould /ro(a(ly ne2er (e o..u/ied, (ut others had (een
lands.a/ed and de2elo/ed o2er the .enturies in a (e+ilderin* 2ariety o-
ar.hite.tural styles. 3any +ere (orro+in*s -ro) /ast a*es and .ultures4
others hinted at -utures +hi.h "oole +ould not .are to 2isit. At least
there +as no dan*er o- (oredo), and on )any o- his +alks he +as
a..o)/anied, at a res/e.t-ul distan.e, (y s)all *rou/s o- -riendly
.hildren. They +ere seldo) a(le to kee/ u/ +ith hi) -or lon*.
One day, as "oole +as stridin* do+n a* -- thou*h
s/arsely /o/ulated -- i)itation o- the Cha)/s 'lyseBes, he suddenly
s/otted a -a)iliar -a.e.
AanilFA he .alled.
The other )an took not the sli*htest noti.e, e2en +hen "oole
.alled a*ain, )ore loudly.
AonBt you re)e)(er )eIA
anil -- and no+ that he had .au*ht u/ +ith hi), "oole did not
ha2e the sli*htest dou(t o- his identity -- looked *enuinely (a--led.
A0B) sorry,A he said. A:ouBre Co))ander "oole, o- .ourse. 8ut 0B)
sure +eB2e ne2er )et (e-ore.A
9o+ it +as "ooleBs turn to (e e)(arrassed.
A5tu/id o- )e,A he a/olo*i6ed. A3ust ha2e )istaken you -or so)eone
else. Ea2e a *ood day.A
Ee +as *lad o- the en.ounter, and +as /leased to kno+ that anil
+as (a.k in nor)al so.iety. 7hether his ori*inal .ri)e had (een a1e-
)urders or o2erdue li(rary (ooks should no lon*er (e the .on.ern o- his
one-ti)e e)/loyer4 the a..ount had (een settled, the (ooks .losed.
Althou*h "oole so)eti)es )issed the .o/s-and-ro((ers dra)as he had o-ten
enCoyed in his youth, he had *ro+n to a..e/t the .urrent +isdo):
e1.essi2e interest in /atholo* (eha2ior +as itsel- /atholo*
7ith the hel/ o- 3iss "rin*le, 3k 000, "oole had (een a(le to
s.hedule his li-e so that there +ere e2en o..asional (lank )o)ents +hen
he .ould rela1 and set his 8rain.a/ on #ando) 5ear.h, s.annin* his areas
o- interest. Outside his i))ediate -a)ily, his .hie- .on.erns +ere still
a)on* the )oons o- Hu/iter?$u.i-er, not least (e.ause he +as re.o*ni6ed
as the leadin* e1/ert on the su(Ce.t, and a /er)anent )e)(er o- the
'uro/a Co))ittee.
This had (een set u/ al)ost a thousand years a*o, to .onsider
+hat, i- anythin*, .ould and should (e done a(out the )ysterious
satellite. O2er the .enturies, it had a..u)ulated a 2ast a)ount o-
in-or)ation, *oin* all the +ay (a.k to the Voya*er -ly(ys o- 1<=< and
the -irst detailed sur2eys -ro) the or(itin* %alileo s/a.e.ra-t o- 1<<6.
$ike )ost lon*-li2ed or*ani6ations, the 'uro/a Co))ittee had
(e.o)e slo+ly -ossili6ed, and no+ )et only +hen there +as so)e ne+
de2elo/)ent. 0t had +oken u/ +ith a start a-ter Eal)anBs rea//earan.e,
and a//ointed an ener*eti. ne+ .hair/erson +hose -irst a.t had (een to
.o-o/t "oole.
Thou*h there +as little that he .ould .ontri(ute that +as not
already re.orded, "oole +as 2ery ha//y to (e on the Co))ittee. 0t +as
o(2iously his duty to )ake hi)sel- a2aila(le, and it also *a2e hi) an
o--i.ial /osition he +ould other+ise ha2e la.ked. "re2iously his status
+as +hat had on.e (een .alled a Anational treasureA, +hi.h he -ound
-aintly e)(arrassin*. Althou*h he +as *lad to (e su//orted in lu1ury (y
a +orld +ealthier than all the drea)s o- +ar-ra2a*ed earlier a*es .ould
ha2e i)a*ined, he -elt the need to Custi-y his e1isten.e.
Ee also -elt another need, +hi.h he seldo) arti.ulated e2en to
hi)sel-. Eal)an had s/oken to hi), i- only (rie-ly, at their stran*e
en.ounter t+o de.ades a*o. "oole +as .ertain that, i- he +ished, Eal)an
.ould easily do so a*ain. 7ere all hu)an .onta.ts no lon*er o- interest
to hi)I Ee ho/ed that +as not the .ase4 yet that )i*ht (e one
e1/lanation o- his silen.e.
Ee +as -reDuently in tou.h +ith Theodore Ghan -- as a.ti2e and as e2er, and no+ the 'uro/a Co))itteeBs re/resentati2e on
%any)ede. '2er sin.e "oole had returned to 'arth, Ted had (een tryin* in
2ain to o/en a .hannel o- .o))uni.ation +ith 8o+)an. Ee .ould not
understand +hy lon* lists o- i)/ortant Duestions on su(Ce.ts o- 2ital
/hiloso/ and histori. interest re.ei2ed not e2en (rie-
Aoes the 3onolith kee/ your -riend Eal)an so (usy that he .anBt
talk to )eIA he .o)/lained to "oole. A7hat does he do +ith his ti)e,
0t +as a 2ery reasona(le Duestion4 and the ans+er .a)e, like a
thunder(olt out o- a .loudless sky, -ro) 8o+)an hi)sel- -- as a
/er-e.tly .o))on/la.e 2id/hone .all.
33 -- Conta.t
AEello, Frank. This is a2e. 0 ha2e a 2ery i)/ortant )essa*e -or
you. 0 assu)e that you are no+ in your suite in A-ri.a To+er. 0- you are
there, /lease identi-y yoursel- (y *i2in* the na)e o- our instru.tor in
or(ital )e.hani.s. 0 +ill +ait -or si1ty se.onds, and i- there is no
re/ly +ill try a*ain in e1a.tly one hour.A
That )inute +as hardly lon* enou*h -or "oole to re.o2er -ro) the
sho.k. Ee -elt a (rie- sur*e o- deli*ht, as +ell as astonish)ent, (e-ore
another e)otion took o2er. %lad thou*h he +as to hear -ro) 8o+)an a*ain,
that /hrase Aa 2ery i)/ortant )essa*eA sounded distin.tly o)inous.
At least it +as -ortunate, "oole told hi)sel-, that heBs asked -or
one o- the -e+ na)es 0 .an re)e)(er. :et +ho .ould -or*et a 5.ot +ith a
%las*o+ a..ent so thi.k it had taken the) a +eek to )aster itI 8ut he
had (een a (rilliant le.turer -- on.e you understood +hat he +as sayin*.
Ar. %re*ory 3.Vitty.A
AA..e/ted. 9o+ /lease s+it.h on your 8rain.a/ re.ei2er. 0t +ill
take three )inutes to do+nload this )essa*e. o not atte)/t to )onitor:
0 a) usin* ten-to-one .o)/ression. 0 +ill +ait t+o )inutes (e-ore
Eo+ is he )ana*in* to do thisI "oole +ondered. Hu/iter?$u.i-er +as
no+ o2er -i-ty li*ht-)inutes a+ay, so this )essa*e )ust ha2e le-t al)ost
an hour a*o. 0t )ust ha2e (een sent +ith an intelli*ent a*ent in a
/ro/erly addressed /a.ka*e on the %any)ede-'arth (ea) -- (ut that +ould
ha2e (een a tri2ial -eat to Eal)an, +ith the he had a//arently
(een a(le to ta/ inside the 3onolith.
The indi.ator li*ht on the 8rain(o1 +as -li.kerin*. The )essa*e
+as .o)in* throu*h.
At the .o)/ression Eal)an +as usin*, it +ould take hal- an hour
-or "oole to a(sor( the )essa*e in real-ti)e. 8ut he needed only ten
)inutes to kno+ that his /ea.e-ul li-e-style had .o)e to an a(ru/t end.
3> -- Hud*e)ent
0n a +orld o- uni2ersal and instantaneous .o))uni.ation, it +as
2ery di--i.ult to kee/ se.rets. This +as a )atter, "oole de.ided
i))ediately, -or -a.e-to--a.e dis.ussion.
The 'uro/a Co))ittee had *ru)(led, (ut all its )e)(ers had
asse)(led in his a/art)ent. There +ere se2en o- the) -- the
nu)(er, dou(tless su**ested (y the /hases o- the 3oon, that had al+ays
-as.inated 3ankind. 0t +as the -irst ti)e "oole had )et three o- the
Co))itteeBs )e)(ers, thou*h (y no+ he kne+ the) all )ore thorou*hly than
he .ould /ossi(ly ha2e done in a /re-8rain.a//ed li-eti)e.
AChair/erson O.onnor, )e)(ers o- the Co))ittee -- 0Bd like to say
a -e+ +ords -- only a -e+, 0 /ro)iseF -- (e-ore you do+nload the )essa*e
0B2e re.ei2ed -ro) 'uro/a. And this is so)ethin* 0 /re-er to do
2er(ally4 thatBs )ore natural -or )e -- 0B) a-raid 0Bll ne2er (e Duite
at ease +ith dire.t )ental trans-er.
AAs you all kno+, a2e 8o+)an and Eal ha2e (een stored as
e)ulations in the 3onolith on 'uro/a. A//arently it ne2er dis.ards a
tool it on.e -ound use-ul, and -ro) ti)e to ti)e it a.ti2ates Eal)an, to
)onitor our a--airs -- +hen they (e*in to .on.ern it. As 0 sus/e.t )y
arri2al )ay ha2e done -- thou*h /erha/s 0 -latter )ysel-.
A8ut Eal)an isnBt Cust a /assi2e tool. The a2e .o)/onent still
retains so)ethin* o- its hu)an ori*ins -- e2en e)otions. And (e.ause +e
+ere trained to*ether -- shared al)ost e2erythin* -or years -- he
a//arently -inds it )u.h easier to .o))uni.ate +ith )e than +ith anyone
else. 0 +ould like to think he enCoys doin* it, (ut /erha/s thatBs too
stron* a +ord.
AEeBs also .urious -- inDuisiti2e -- and /erha/s a little
resent-ul o- the +ay heBs (een .olle.ted, like a s/e.i)en o- +ildli-e.
Thou*h thatBs /ro(a(ly +hat +e are, -ro) the 2ie+/oint o- the
intelli*en.e that .reated the 3onolith.
AAnd +here is that intelli*en.e no+I Eal)an a//arently kno+s the
ans+er, and itBs a .hillin* one.
AAs +e al+ays sus/e.ted, the 3onolith is /art o- a *ala.ti.
net+ork o- so)e kind. And the nearest node -- the 3onolithBs .ontroller,
or i))ediate su/erior -- is >50 li*ht-years a+ay.
A3u.h too .lose -or .o)-ortF This )eans that the re/ort on us and
our a--airs that +as trans)itted early in the t+enty--irst .entury +as
re.ei2ed hal- a )illenniu) a*o. 0- the 3onolithBs -- letBs say
5u/er2isor -- re/lied at on.e, any -urther instru.tions should (e
arri2in* Cust a(out no+.
AAnd thatBs e1a.tly +hat see)s to (e ha//enin*. urin* the last
-e+ days, the 3onolith has (een re.ei2in* a .ontinuous strin* o-
)essa*es, and has (een settin* u/ ne+ /ro*ra)s, /resu)a(ly in a..ordan.e
+ith these.
A&n-ortunately, Eal)an .an only )ake *uesses a(out the nature o-
those instru.tions. As youBll *ather +hen youB2e do+nloaded this ta(let,
he has so)e li)ited a..ess to )any o- the 3onolithBs .ir.uits and )e)ory
(anks, and .an e2en .arry on a kind o- dialo*ue +ith it. 0- thatBs the
ri*ht +ord -- sin.e you need t+o /eo/le -or thatF 0 still .anBt really
*ras/ the idea that the 3onolith, -or all its /o+ers, doesnBt /ossess
.ons.iousness -- doesnBt e2en kno+ that it e1istsF
AEal)anBs (een (roodin* o2er the /ro(le) -or a thousand years --
on and o-- -- and has .o)e to the sa)e ans+er that )ost o- us ha2e done.
8ut his .on.lusion )ust surely .arry -ar )ore +ei*ht, (e.ause o- his
inside kno+led*e.
A5orryF 0 +asnBt intendin* to )ake a Coke -- (ut +hat else .ould
you .all itI
A7hate2er +ent to the trou(le o- .reatin* us -- or at least
tinkerin* +ith our an.estorsB )inds and *enes -- is de.idin* +hat to do
ne1t. And Eal)an is /essi)isti.. 9o -- thatBs an e1a**eration. $etBs say
he doesnBt think )u.h o- our, (ut is no+ too deta.hed an
o(ser2er to (e unduly +orried. The -uture -- the sur2i2alF -- o- the
hu)an ra.e isnBt )u.h )ore than an interestin* /ro(le) to hi), (ut heBs
+illin* to hel/.A
"oole suddenly sto//ed talkin*, to the sur/rise o- his intent
AThatBs stran*e. 0B2e Cust had an a)a6in* -lash(a.k...0B) sure it
e1/lains +hatBs ha//enin*. "lease (ear +ith )e.
Aa2e and 0 +ere +alkin* to*ether one day, alon* the (ea.h at the
Ca/e, a -e+ +eeks (e-ore laun.h, +hen +e noti.ed a lar*e (eetle lyin* on
the sand. As o-ten ha//ens, it had -allen on its (a.k and +as +a2in* its
le*s in the air, stru**lin* to *et ri*ht-+ay-u/.
A0 i*nored it -- +e +ere en*a*ed in so)e .o)/li.ated
dis.ussion -- (ut not a2e. Ee ste//ed aside, and .are-ully -li//ed it
o2er +ith his shoe. As it -le+ a+ay 0 .o))ented, BAre you sure that +as
a *ood ideaI 9o+ it +ill *o o-- and .ho)/ so)e(odyBs /ri6e
.hrysanthe)u)s.B And he ans+ered, B3ay(e youBre ri*ht. 8ut 0Bd like to
*i2e it the (ene-it o- the dou(t.B
A3y a/olo*ies -- 0Bd /ro)ised to say only a -e+ +ordsF 8ut 0B)
2ery *lad 0 re)e)(ered that in.ident: 0 really (elie2e it /uts Eal)anBs
)essa*e in the ri*ht /ers/e.ti2e. EeBs *i2in* the hu)an ra.e the (ene-it
o- the dou(t...
A9o+ /lease .he.k your 8rain.a/s. This is a hi*h-density re.ordin*
-- to/ o- the u.2. (and, Channel 110. 3ake yoursel2es .o)-orta(le, (ut
(e sure youBre -ree line o- si*ht. Eere +e *o...A
35 -- o- 7ar
9o one asked -or a re/lay. On.e +as su--i.ient.
There +as a (rie- silen.e +hen the /lay(a.k -inished4 then
Chair/erson r. O.onnor re)o2ed her 8rain.a/, )assa*ed her shinin*, and said slo+ly:
A:ou tau*ht )e a /hrase -ro) your /eriod that see)s 2ery
a//ro/riate no+. This is a .an o- +or)s.A
A8ut only 8o+)an -- Eal)an -- has o/ened it,A said one o- the
Co))ittee )e)(ers. Aoes he really understand the o/eration o- so)ethin*
as .o)/le1 as the 3onolithI Or is this +hole s.enario a -i*)ent o- his
A0 donBt think he has )u.h i)a*ination,A r. O.onnor ans+ered.
AAnd e2erythin* .he.ks /er-e.tly. 's/e.ially the re-eren.e to 9o2a
5.or/io. 7e assu)ed that +as an a..ident4 a//arently it +as a --
AFirst Hu/iter -- no+ 5.or/io,A said r. Grauss)an, the
distin*uished / +ho +as /o/ularly re*arded as a rein.arnation o-
the le*endary 'instein. A little /lasti. sur*ery, it +as ru)ored, had
also hel/ed. A7ho +ill (e ne1t in lineIA
A7e al+ays *uessed,A said the Chair, Athat the T3As +ere
)onitorin* us.A 5he /aused -or a )o)ent, then added rue-ully: A7hat (ad
-- +hat in.redi(ly (adF -- lu.k that the -inal re/ort +ent o--, Cust
a-ter the 2ery +orst /eriod in hu)an historyFA
There +as another silen.e. '2eryone kne+ that the t+entieth
.entury had o-ten (een (randed AThe Century o- TortureA
"oole listened +ithout interru/tin*, +hile he +aited -or so)e
.onsensus to e)er*e. 9ot -or the -irst ti)e, he +as i)/ressed (y the
Duality o- the Co))ittee 9o one +as tryin* to /ro2e a /et theory, s.ore
de(atin* /oints, or in-late an e*o: he .ould not hel/ dra+in* a .ontrast
+ith the o-ten (ad-te)/ered ar*u)ents he had heard in his o+n ti)e,
(et+een 5/a.e A*en.y en*ineers and ad)inistrators, Con*ressional sta--s,
and industrial e1e.uti2es.
:es, the hu)an ra.e had undou(tedly i)/ro2ed. The 8rain.a/ had not
only hel/ed to +eed out )is-its, (ut had enor)ously in.reased the
e--i.ien.y o- edu.ation. :et there had also (een a loss4 there +ere 2ery
-e+ )e)ora(le .hara.ters in this so.iety. O--hand he .ould think o- only
-our -- 0ndra, Ca/tain Chandler, r. Ghan and the ra*on $ady o- +ist-ul
The Chair/erson let the dis.ussion -lo+ s)oothly (a.k and -orth
until e2eryone had had a say, then (e*an her su))in* u/.
AThe o(2ious -irst Duestion -- ho+ seriously should +e take this
threat -- isnBt +orth +astin* ti)e on. '2en i- itBs a -alse alar), or a
)isunderstandin*, itBs /otentially so *ra2e that +e )ust assu)e itBs
real, until +e ha2e a(solute /roo- to the .ontrary. A*reedIA
A%ood. And +e donBt kno+ ho+ )u.h ti)e +e ha2e. 5o +e )ust assu)e
that the dan*er is i))ediate. "erha/s Eal)an )ay (e a(le to *i2e us so)e
-urther +arnin*, (ut (y then it )ay (e too late.A
A5o the only thin* +e ha2e to de.ide is: ho+ .an +e /rote.t
oursel2es, a*ainst so)ethin* as /o+er-ul as the 3onolithI $ook +hat
ha//ened to Hu/iterF And, a//arently, 9o2a 5.or/io...A
A0B) sure that (rute -or.e +ould (e useless, thou*h /erha/s +e
should e1/lore that o/tion. r. Grauss)an -- ho+ lon* +ould it take to
(uild a su/er-(o)(IA
AAssu)in* that the desi*ns still e1ist, so that no resear.h is
ne.essary -- oh, /erha/s t+o +eeks. Ther)onu.lear +ea/ons are rather
si)/le, and use .o))on )aterials -- a-ter all, they )ade the) (a.k in
the 5e.ond 3illenniu)F 8ut i- you +anted so)ethin* so/histi.ated -- say
an anti)atter (o)(, or a )ini-(la.k-hole -- +ell, that )i*ht take a -e+
AThank you: .ould you start lookin* into itI 8ut as 0B2e said, 0
donBt (elie2e it +ould +ork4 surely so)ethin* that .an handle su.h
/o+ers )ust also (e a(le to /rote.t itsel- a*ainst the). 5o -- any other
ACan +e ne*otiateIA one .oun.ilor asked, not 2ery ho/e-ully.
A7ith +hat...or +ho)IA Grauss)an ans+ered. AAs +eB2e dis.o2ered,
the 3onolith is essentially a /ure )e.hanis), doin* Cust +hat itBs (een
/ro*ra))ed to do. "erha/s that /ro*ra) is -le1i(le enou*h to allo+ o-
.han*es, (ut thereBs no +ay +e .an tell. And +e .ertainly .anBt a//eal
to Eead O--i.e -- thatBs hal- a thousand li*ht-years a+ayFA
"oole listened +ithout interru/tin*4 there +as nothin* he .ould
.ontri(ute to the dis.ussion, and indeed )u.h o- it +as .o)/letely o2er
his head. Ee (e*an to -eel an insidious sense o- de/ression, +ould it
ha2e (een (etter, he +ondered, not to /ass on this in-or)ationI Then, i-
it +as a -alse alar), no one +ould (e any the +orse. And i- it +as not
-- +ell, hu)anity +ould still ha2e /ea.e o- )ind, (e-ore +hate2er
ines.a/a(le doo) a+aited it.
Ee +as still )ullin* o2er these *loo)y thou*hts +hen he +as
suddenly alerted (y a -a)iliar /hrase.
A Duiet little )e)(er o- the Co))ittee, +ith a na)e so lon* and
di--i.ult that "oole had ne2er (een a(le to re)e)(er, still less
/ronoun.e it, had a(ru/tly dro//ed Cust t+o +ords into the dis.ussion.
ATroCan EorseFA
There +as one o- those *enerally des.ri(ed as A/re*nantA,
then a .horus o- A7hy didnBt 0 think o- thatFA AO- .ourseFA AVery *ood
ideaFA until the Chair/erson, -or the -irst ti)e in the session, had to
.all -or order.
AThank you, "ro-essor Thiru*nanasa)/antha)oorthy,A said r.
O.onnor, +ithout )issin* a (eat. A7ould you like to (e )ore s/e.i-i.IA
ACertainly. 0- the 3onolith is indeed, as e2eryone see)s to think,
essentially a )a.hine +ithout .ons.iousness -- and hen.e +ith only
li)ited sel--)onitorin* a(ility -- +e )ay already ha2e the +ea/ons that
.an de-eat it. $o.ked u/ in the Vault.A
AAnd a deli2ery syste) -- Eal)anFA
AHust a )inute, r. T. 7e kno+ nothin* -- a(solutely nothin* --
a(out the 3onolithBs ar.hite.ture. Eo+ .an +e (e sure that anythin* our
/ri)iti2e s/e.ies e2er desi*ned +ould (e e--e.ti2e a*ainst itIA
A7e .anBt -- (ut re)e)(er this. Eo+e2er so/histi.ated it is, the
3onolith has to o(ey e1a.tly the sa)e uni2ersal la+s o- lo*i. that
Aristotle and 8oole -or)ulated, .enturies a*o. ThatBs +hy it )ay -- no,
shouldF -- (e 2ulnera(le to the thin*s lo.ked u/ in the Vault. 7e ha2e
to asse)(le the) in su.h a +ay that at least one o- the) +ill +ork. 0tBs
our only ho/e -- unless any(ody .an su**est a (etter alternati2e.A
A'1.use )e,A said "oole, -inally losin* /atien.e. A7ill so)eone
kindly tell )e -- +hat and +here is this -a)ous Vault youBre talkin*
36 -- Cha)(er o- Eorrors
Eistory is -ull o- ni*ht)ares, so)e natural, so)e )an)ade.
8y the end o- the t+enty--irst .entury, )ost o- the natural ones
-- s)all/o1, the 8la.k eath, A05, the hideous 2iruses lurkin* in the Cun*le -- had (een eli)inated, or at least (rou*ht under
.ontrol, (y the ad2an.e o- )edi.ine. Eo+e2er, it +as ne2er +ise to
underesti)ate the in*enuity o- 3other 9ature, and no one dou(ted that
the -uture +ould still ha2e un/leasant (iolo* sur/rises in store -or
0t see)ed a sensi(le /re.aution, there-ore, to kee/ a -e+
s/e.i)ens o- all these horrors -or s.ienti-i. study -- .are-ully
*uarded, o- .ourse, so that there +as no /ossi(ility o- the) es.a/in*
and a*ain +reakin* ha2o. on the hu)an ra.e. 8ut ho+ .ould one (e
a(solutely sure that there +as no dan*er o- this ha//enin*I
There had (een -- understanda(ly -- Duite an out.ry in the late
t+entieth .entury +hen it +as /ro/osed to kee/ the last kno+n s)all/o1
2iruses at isease Control Centers in the &nited 5tates and #ussia.
Eo+e2er unlikely it )i*ht (e, there +as a -inite /ossi(ility that they
)i*ht (e released (y su.h a..idents as earthDuakes, eDui/)ent -ailures
-- or e2en deli(erate sa(ota*e (y terrorist *rou/s.
A solution that satis-ied e2eryone (e1.e/t a -e+ A"reser2e the
lunar +ildernessFA e1tre)ists! +as to shi/ the) to the 3oon, and to kee/
the) in a la(oratory at the end o- a kilo)eter-lon* sha-t drilled into
the isolated )ountain "i.o, one o- the )ost /ro)inent -eatures o- the
3are 0)(riu). And here, o2er the years, they +ere Coined (y so)e o- the
)ost outstandin* e1a)/les o- )is/la.ed hu)an in*enuity -- indeed,
There +ere *ases and )ists that, e2en in )i.ros.o/i. doses, .aused
slo+ or instant death. 5o)e had (een .reated (y reli*ious .ultists +ho,
thou*h )entally deran*ed, had )ana*ed to a.Duire .onsidera(le s.ienti-i.
kno+led*e. 3any o- the) (elie2ed that the end o- the +orld +as at hand
(+hen, o- .ourse, only their -ollo+ers +ould (e sa2ed!. 0n .ase %od +as
a(sent-)inded enou*h not to /er-or) as s.heduled, they +anted to )ake
sure that they .ould re.ti-y Eis un-ortunate o2ersi*ht.
The -irst assaults o- these lethal .ultists +ere )ade on su.h
2ulnera(le tar*ets as .ro+ded su(+ays, 7orld Fairs, s/orts stadiu)s, /o/
.on.erts...tens o- thousands +ere killed, and )any )ore inCured (e-ore
the )adness +as (rou*ht under .ontrol in the early t+enty--irst .entury.
As o-ten ha//ens, so)e *ood .a)e out o- e2il, (e.ause it -or.ed the
+orldBs la+-en-or.e)ent a*en.ies to .o-o/erate as ne2er (e-ore4 e2en
ro*ue states +hi.h had /ro)oted / terroris) +ere una(le to
tolerate this rando) and +holly un/redi.ta(le 2ariety.
The .he) and (iolo* a*ents used in these atta.ks -- as
+ell as in earlier -or)s o- +ar-are -- Coined the deadly .olle.tion in
"i.o. Their antidotes, +hen they e1isted, +ere also stored +ith the). 0t
+as ho/ed that none o- this )aterial +ould e2er .on.ern hu)anity a*ain
-- (ut it +as still a2aila(le, under hea2y *uard, i- it +as needed in
so)e des/erate e)er*en.y.
The third .ate*ory o- ite)s stored in the "i.o 2ault, althou*h
they .ould (e .lassi-ied as /la*ues, had ne2er killed or inCured anyone
-- dire.tly. They had not e2en e1isted (e-ore the late t+entieth
.entury, (ut in a -e+ de.ades they had done (illions o- dollarsB +orth
o- da)a*e, and o-ten +re.ked li2es as e--e.ti2ely as any (odily illness
.ould ha2e done. They +ere the diseases +hi.h atta.ked 3ankindBs ne+est
and )ost 2ersatile ser2ant, the .o)/uter.
Takin* na)es -ro) the ) di.tionaries -- 2iruses, /rions,
ta/e+or)s -- they +ere /ro*ra)s that o-ten )i)i.ked, +ith un.anny
a..ura.y, the (eha2ior o- their or*ani. relati2es. 5o)e +ere har)less --
little )ore than /lay-ul Cokes, .ontri2ed to sur/rise or a)use Co)/uter
o/erators (y une1/e.ted )essa*es and i)a*es on their 2isual dis/lays.
Others +ere -ar )ore )ali.ious -- deli(erately desi*ned a*ents o-
0n )ost .ases their /ur/ose +as entirely )er.enary4 they +ere the
+ea/ons that so/histi.ated .ri)inals used to (la.k)ail the (anks and
.o))er.ial or*ani6ations that no+ de/ended utterly u/on the e--i.ient
o/eration o- their .o)/uter syste)s. On (ein* +arned that their data
(anks +ould (e erased auto) at a .ertain ti)e, unless they
trans-erred a -e+ )e*adollars to so)e anony)ous o--shore nu)(er, )ost
2i.ti)s de.ided not to risk /ossi(ly irre/ara(le disaster. They /aid u/
Duietly, o-ten -- to a2oid /u(li. or e2en /ri2ate e)(arrass)ent --
+ithout noti-yin* the /oli.e.
This understanda(le desire -or /ri2a.y )ade it easy -or the
net+ork hi*h+ay)en to .ondu.t their ele.troni. holdu/s: e2en +hen they
+ere .au*ht, they +ere treated *ently (y le*al syste)s +hi.h did not
kno+ ho+ to handle su.h no2el .ri)es -- and, a-ter all, they had not
really hurt anyone, had theyI 0ndeed, a-ter they had ser2ed their (rie-, )any o- the /er/etrators +ere Duietly hired (y their 2i.ti)s,
on the old /rin.i/le that /oa.hers )ake the (est *a)e-kee/ers.
These .o)/uter .ri)inals +ere dri2en /urely (y *reed, and
.ertainly did not +ish to destroy the or*ani6ations they /reyed u/on: no
sensi(le /arasite kills its host. 8ut there +ere other, and )u.h )ore
dan*erous, ene)ies o- so.iety at +ork...
&sually, they +ere )aladCusted indi2iduals -- ty/ adoles.ent
)ales -- +orkin* entirely alone, and o- .ourse in .o)/lete
Their ai) +as to .reate /ro*ra)s +hi.h +ould si)/ly .reate ha2o. and
.on-usion, +hen they had (een s/read o2er the /lanet (y the +orld-+ide
.a(le and radio net+orks, or on / .arriers su.h as diskettes and
C #O35. Then they +ould enCoy the resultin* .haos, (askin* in the sense
o- /o+er it *a2e their /iti-ul /sy.hes.
5o)eti)es, these /er2erted *eniuses +ere dis.o2ered and ado/ted (y
national intelli*en.e a*en.ies -or their o+n se.reti2e /ur/oses --
usually, to (reak into the data (anks o- their ri2als. This +as a -airly
har)less line o- e)/loy)ent, as the or*ani6ations .on.erned did at least
ha2e so)e sense o- .i2i. res/onsi(ility.
9ot so the a/o.aly/ti. se.ts, +ho +ere deli*hted to dis.o2er this
ne+ ar)ory, holdin* +ea/ons -ar )ore e--e.ti2e, and )ore easily
disse)inated, than *as or *er)s. And )u.h )ore di--i.ult to .ounter,
sin.e they .ould (e (road.ast instantaneously to )illions o- and
The .olla/se o- the 9e+ :ork-Ea2ana 8ank in 2005, the laun.hin* o-
0ndian nu.lear )issiles in 200= (lu.kily +ith their +arheads
una.ti2ated!, the shutdo+n o- "an-'uro/ean Air Tra--i. Control in 200K,
the /aralysis o- the 9orth A) tele/hone net+ork in that sa)e year
-- all these +ere .ult-ins/ired rehearsals -or oo)sday. Thanks to
(rilliant -eats o- .ounterintelli*en.e (y nor)ally un.oo/erati2e, and
e2en +arrin*, national a*en.ies, this )ena.e +as slo+ly (rou*ht under
At least, so it +as *enerally (elie2ed: there had (een no serious
atta.ks at the 2ery -oundations o- so.iety -or se2eral hundred years.
One o- the .hie- +ea/ons o- 2i.tory had (een the 8rain.a/ -- thou*h
there +ere so)e +ho (elie2ed that this a.hie2e)ent had (een (ou*ht at
too *reat a .ost.
Thou*h ar*u)ents o2er the -reedo) o- the 0ndi2idual 2ersus the
duties o- the 5tate +ere old +hen "lato and Aristotle atte)/ted to
.odi-y the), and +ould /ro(a(ly .ontinue until the end o- ti)e, so)e
.onsensus had (een rea.hed in the Third 3illenniu). 0t +as *enerally
a*reed that Co))unis) +as the )ost /er-e.t -or) o- *o2ern)ent4
un-ortunately it had (een de)onstrated -- at the .ost o- so)e hundreds
o- )illions o- li2es -- that it +as only a//li.a(le to so.ial inse.ts,
#o(ots Class 00, and si)ilar restri.ted .ate*ories. For i)/er-e.t hu)an
(ein*s, the least-+orst ans+er +as e)oso.ra.y, -reDuently de-ined as
Aindi2idual *reed, )oderated (y an e--i.ient (ut not too 6ealous
5oon a-ter the 8rain.a/ .a)e into *eneral use, so)e hi*hly
intelli*ent -- and )a1i)ally 6ealous -- (ureau.rats reali6ed that it had
a uniDue /otential as an early-+arnin* syste). urin* the settin*-u/
/ro.ess, +hen the ne+ +earer +as (ein* )entally A.ali(ratedA it +as
/ossi(le to dete.t )any -or)s o- /sy.hosis (e-ore they had a .han.e o-
(e.o)in* dan*erous. O-ten this su**ested the (est thera/y, (ut +hen no
.ure a//eared /ossi(le the su(Ce.t .ould (e ta**ed -- or,
in e1tre)e .ases, se*re*ated -ro) so.iety. O- .ourse, this )ental
)onitorin* .ould test only those +ho +ere -itted +ith a 8rain.a/ -- (ut
(y the end o- the Third 3illenniu) this +as as essential -or e2eryday
li-e as the /ersonal tele/hone had (een at its (e*innin*. 0n -a.t,
anyone +ho did not Coin the 2ast )aCority +as auto) sus/e.t, and
.he.ked as a /otential de2iant.
9eedless to say, +hen A)ind-/ro(in*A, as its .riti.s .alled it,
started .o)in* into *eneral use, there +ere .ries o- outra*e -ro) .i2il-
ri*hts or*ani6ations4 one o- their )ost e--e.ti2e slo*ans +as A8rain.a/
or 8rain.o/IA 5lo+ly -- e2en relu.tantly -- it +as a..e/ted that this
-or) o- )onitorin* +as a ne.essary /re.aution a*ainst -ar +orse e2ils4
and it +as no .oin.iden.e that +ith the *eneral i)/ro2e)ent in )ental
health, reli*ious also started its ra/id de.line --
7hen the lon*-dra+n-out +ar a*ainst the .y(ernet .ri)inals ended,
the 2i.tors -ound the)sel2es o+nin* an e)(arrassin* .olle.tion o-
s/oils, all o- the) utterly in.o)/rehensi(le to any /ast .onDueror.
There +ere, o- .ourse, hundreds o- .o)/uter 2iruses, )ost o- the) 2ery
di--i.ult to dete.t and kill. And there +ere so)e entities -- -or +ant
o- a (etter na)e -- that +ere )u.h )ore terri-yin*. They +ere
(rilliantly in2ented diseases -or +hi.h there +as no .ure -- in so)e
.ases not e2en the /ossi(ility o- a .ure.
3any o- the) had (een linked to *reat )athe)ati.ians +ho +ould
ha2e (een horri-ied (y this .orru/tion o- their dis.o2eries. As it is a
hu)an .hara.teristi. to (elittle a real dan*er (y *i2in* it an a(surd
na)e, the desi*nations +ere o-ten -a.etious: the %odel %re)lin, the
3andel(rot 3a6e, the Co)(inatorial Catastro/he, the Trans-inite Tra/,
the Con+ay Conundru), the Turin* Tor/edo, the $orent6 $a(yrinth, the
8oolean 8o)(, the 5hannon 5nare, the Cantor Cata.lys)...
0- any *enerali6ation +as /ossi(le, all these )athe) horrors
o/erated on the sa)e /rin.i/le. They did not de/end -or their
e--e.ti2eness on anythin* as nai2e as )e)ory-erasure or .ode .orru/tion
-- on the .ontrary. Their a//roa.h +as )ore su(tle4 they /ersuaded their
host )a.hine to initiate a /ro*ra) +hi.h .ould not (e .o)/leted (e-ore
the end o- the uni2erse, or +hi.h -- the 3andel(rot 3a6e +as the
deadliest e1a)/le -- in2ol2ed a literally in-inite series o- ste/s.
A tri2ial e1a)/le +ould (e the .al.ulation o- "i, or any other
irrational nu)(er. Eo+e2er, e2en the )ost stu/id ele.tro-o/ti. .o)/uter
+ould not -all into su.h a si)/le tra/: the day had lon* sin.e /assed
+hen ) )orons +ould +ear out their *ears, *rindin* the) to
/o+der as they tried to di2ide (y 6ero...
The .hallen*e to the de)on /ro*ra))ers +as to .on2in.e their
tar*ets that the task set the) had a de-inite .on.lusion that .ould (e
rea.hed in a -inite ti)e. 0n the (attle o- +its (et+een )an (seldo)
+o)an, des/ite su.h role-)odels as $ady Ada $o2ela.e, Ad)iral %ra.e
Eo//er and r. 5usan Cal2in! and )a.hine, the )a.hine al)ost in2aria(ly
0t +ould ha2e (een /ossi(le -- thou*h in so)e .ases di--i.ult and
e2en risky -- to destroy the .a/tured o(s.enities (y '#A5'?OV'#7#0T'
.o))ands, (ut they re/resented an enor)ous in2est)ent in ti)e and
in*enuity +hi.h, ho+e2er )is*uided, see)ed a /ity to +aste. And, )ore
i)/ortant, /erha/s they should (e ke/t -or study, in so)e se.ure
lo.ation, as a sa-e*uard a*ainst the ti)e +hen so)e e2il *enius )i*ht
rein2ent and de/loy the).
The solution +as o(2ious. The di*ital de)ons should (e sealed +ith
their .he) and (iolo* .ounter/arts, it +as ho/ed -or e2er, in
the "i.o Vault.
3= -- O/eration a)o.les
"oole ne2er had )u.h .onta.t +ith the tea) +ho asse)(led the
+ea/on e2eryone ho/ed +ould ne2er ha2e to (e used. The o/eration --
o)inously, (ut a/tly, na)ed a)o.les -- +as so hi*hly s/e.iali6ed that
he .ould .ontri(ute nothin* dire.tly, and he sa+ enou*h o- the task
-or.e to reali6e that so)e o- the) )i*ht al)ost (elon* to an alien
s/e.ies. 0ndeed, one key )e)(er +as a//arently in a lunati. asylu) --
"oole had (een sur/rised to -ind that su.h / still e1isted -- and
Chair/erson O.onnor so)eti)es su**ested that at least t+o others should
Coin hi).
AEa2e you e2er heard o- the 'ni*)a "roCe.tIA she re)arked to
"oole, a-ter a /arti.ularly -rustratin* session. 7hen he shook his head,
she .ontinued: A0B) sur/rised -- it +as only a -e+ de.ades (e-ore you
+ere (orn: 0 .a)e a.ross it +hile +hen 0 +as resear.hin* )aterial -or
a)o.les. Very si)ilar /ro(le) -- in one o- your +ars, a *rou/ o-
(rilliant )athe)ati.ians +as *athered to*ether, in *reat, to
(reak an ene)y, they (uilt one o- the 2ery -irst
real .o)/uters, to )ake the Co( /ossi(le.A
AAnd thereBs a lo2ely story -- 0 ho/e itBs true -- that re)inds )e
o- our o+n little tea). One day the "ri)e 3inister .a)e on a 2isit o-
ins/e.tion, and a-ter+ards he said to 'ni*)aBs ire.tor: B7hen 0 told
you to lea2e no stone unturned to *et the )en you needed, 0 didnBt
e1/e.t you to take )e so literallyB.A
"resu)a(ly all the ri*ht stones had (een turned -or "roCe.t
a)o.les. Eo+e2er, as no one kne+ +hether they +ere +orkin* a*ainst a
deadline o- days, +eeks or years, at -irst it +as hard to *enerate any
sense o- ur*en.y. The need -or also .reated /ro(le)s4 sin.e
there +as no /oint in s/readin* alar) throu*hout the 5olar 5yste), not
)ore than -i-ty /eo/le kne+ o- the /roCe.t. 8ut they +ere the /eo/le +ho
)attered -- +ho .ould )arshal all the ne.essary, and +ho alone
.ould authori6e the o/enin* o- the "i.o Vault, -or the -irst ti)e in
-i2e hundred years.
7hen Eal)an re/orted that the 3onolith +as re.ei2in* )essa*es +ith
in.reasin* -reDuen.y, there see)ed little dou(t that so)ethin* +as *oin*
to ha//en. "oole +as not the only one +ho -ound it hard to slee/ in
those days, e2en +ith the hel/ o- the 8rain.a/Bs anti-inso)nia /ro*ra)s.
8e-ore he -inally did *et to slee/, he o-ten +ondered i- he +ould +ake
u/ a*ain. 8ut at last all the .o)/onents o- the +ea/on +ere asse)(led --
a +ea/on in2isi(le, untou.ha(le and uni)a*ina(le to al)ost all the
+arriors +ho had e2er li2ed.
9othin* .ould ha2e looked )ore har)less and inno.ent than the
/er-e.tly standard tera(yte )e)ory ta(let, used +ith )illions o-
8rain.a/s e2ery day. 8ut the -a.t that it +as en.ased in a )assi2e (lo.k
o- .rystalline )aterial, .riss-.rossed +ith )etal (ands, indi.ated that
it +as so)ethin* Duite out o- the ordinary. "oole re.ei2ed it +ith
relu.tan.e4 he +ondered i- the .ourier +ho had (een *i2en the a+eso)e
task o- .arryin* the Eiroshi)a ato) (o)(Bs .ore to the "a.i-i. air(ase
-ro) +hi.h it +as laun.hed had -elt the sa)e +ay. And yet, i- all their
-ears +ere Custi-ied, his res/onsi(ility )i*ht (e e2en *reater.
And he .ould not (e .ertain that e2en the -irst /art o- his
)ission +ould (e su..ess-ul. 8e.ause no .ir.uit .ould (e a(solutely
se.ure, Eal)an had not yet (een in-or)ed a(out "roCe.t a)o.les4 "oole
+ould do that +hen he returned to %any)ede.
Then he .ould only ho/e that Eal)an +ould (e +illin* to /lay the
role o- TroCan Eorse -- and, /erha/s, (e destroyed in the /ro.ess.
3K -- "re-e)/ti2e 5trike
0t +as stran*e to (e (a.k in the Eotel %ranny)ede a-ter all these
years -- stran*est o- all, (e.ause it see)ed .o)/letely un.han*ed,
des/ite e2erythin* that had ha//ened. "oole +as still *reeted (y the
-a)iliar i)a*e o- 8o+)an as he +alked into the suite na)ed a-ter hi):
and, as he e1/e.ted, 8o+)an?Eal)an +as +aitin*, lookin* sli*htly less
su(stantial than the an.ient holo*ra).
8e-ore they .ould e2en e1.han*e *reetin*s, there +as an
interru/tion that "oole +ould ha2e +el.o)ed -- at any other ti)e than
this. The roo) 2id/hone *a2e its ur*ent trio o- risin* notes -- also
un.han*ed sin.e his last 2isit -- and an old -riend a//eared on the
AFrankFA .ried Theodore Ghan, A+hy didnBt you tell )e you +ere
.o)in*F 7hen .an +e )eetI 7hy no 2ideo -- so)eone +ith youI And +ho +ere
all those o--i.ial-lookin* ty/es +ho landed at the sa)e ti)e -- A
A"lease TedF :es, 0B) sorry -- (ut (elie2e )e, 0B2e *ot 2ery *ood
reasons -- 0Bll e1/lain later. And 0 do ha2e so)eone +ith )e -- .all you
(a.k Cust as soon as 0 .an. %ood-(yeFA
As he (elatedly *a2e the Ao 9ot istur(A order, "oole said
a/olo* A5orry a(out that -- you kno+ +ho it +as, o- .ourse.A
A:es -- r. Ghan. Ee o-ten tried to *et in tou.h +ith )e.A
A8ut you ne2er ans+ered. 3ay 0 ask +hyIA Thou*h there +ere -ar
)ore i)/ortant )atters to +orry a(out, "oole .ould not resist /uttin*
the Duestion.
AOurs +as the only .hannel 0 +ished to kee/ o/en. Also, 0 +as
o-ten a+ay. 5o)eti)es -or years.A
That +as sur/risin* -- yet it should not ha2e (een. "oole kne+
+ell enou*h that Eal)an had (een re/orted in )any /, in )any ti)es.
:et -- Aa+ay -or yearsAI Ee )i*ht ha2e 2isited Duite a -e+ star syste)s
-- /erha/s that +as ho+ he kne+ a(out 9o2a 5.or/io, only -orty li*ht-
years distant. 8ut he .ould ne2er ha2e *one all the +ay to the 9ode4
there and (a.k +ould ha2e (een a nine-hundred-year Courney.
AEo+ that you +ere here +hen +e needed youFA 0t +as 2ery
unusual -or Eal)an to hesitate (e-ore re/lyin*. There +as )u.h lon*er
than the una2oida(le three-se.ond ti)e-la* (e-ore he said slo+ly AAre
you sure that it +as lu.kIA
A7hat do you )eanIA
A0 do not +ish to talk a(out it, (ut t+i.e 0 ha2e -- *li)/sed --
/o+ers -- entities -- -ar su/erior to the 3onoliths, and /erha/s e2en
their )akers. 7e )ay (oth ha2e less -reedo) than +e i)a*ine.A
That +as indeed a .hillin* thou*ht4 "oole needed a deli(erate
e--ort o- +ill to /ut it aside and .on.entrate on the i))ediate /ro(le).
A$et us ho/e +e ha2e enou*h -ree-+ill to do +hat is ne.essary.
"erha/s this is a -oolish Duestion. oes the 3onolith kno+ that +e are
)eetin*I Could it (e -- sus/i.iousIA
A0t is not .a/a(le o- su.h an e)otion. 0t has nu)erous -ault-
/rote.tion, so)e o- +hi.h 0 understand. 8ut that is all.A
ACould it (e o2erhearin* us no+IA
A0 do not (elie2e so.A
0 +ish that 0 .ould (e sure it +as su.h a nai2e and si)/le-)inded
su/er-*enius, thou*ht "oole as he unlo.ked his (rie-.ase and took out
the sealed (o1 .ontainin* the ta(let. 0n this lo+ *ra2ity its +ei*ht +as
al)ost ne*li*i(le4 it +as i)/ossi(le to (elie2e that it )i*ht hold the
destiny o- 3ankind.
AThere +as no +ay +e .ould (e .ertain o- *ettin* a se.ure .ir.uit
to you, so +e .ouldnBt *o into details. This ta(let .ontains /ro*ra)s
+hi.h +e ho/e +ill /re2ent the 3onolith -ro) .arryin* out any orders
+hi.h threaten 3ankind. There are t+enty o- the )ost de2astatin* 2iruses
e2er desi*ned on this, )ost o- +hi.h ha2e no kno+n antidote4 in so)e
.ases, it is (elie2ed that none is /ossi(le. There are -i2e .o/ies o-
ea.h. 7e +ould like you to release the) +hen -- and i- -- you think it
is ne.essary. a2e -- Eal -- no one has e2er (een *i2en su.h a
res/onsi(ility. 8ut +e ha2e no other .hoi.e.A
On.e a*ain, the re/ly see)ed to take lon*er than the three-se.ond
round tri/ -ro) 'uro/a.
A0- +e do this, all the 3onolithBs -un.tions )ay .ease. 7e are
un.ertain +hat +ill ha//en to us then.A
A7e ha2e .onsidered that, o- .ourse. 8ut (y this ti)e, you )ust
surely ha2e )any -a.ilities at your .o))and -- so)e o- the) /ro(a(ly
(eyond our understandin*. 0 a) also sendin* you a /eta(yte )e)ory
ta(let. Ten to the -i-teenth (ytes is )ore than su--i.ient to hold all
the )e)ories and e1/ o- )any li-eti)es. This +ill *i2e you one
es.a/e route: 0 sus/e.t you ha2e others.A
ACorre.t. 7e +ill de.ide +hi.h to use at the a//ro/riate ti)e.A
"oole rela1ed -- as -ar as +as /ossi(le in this e1traordinary
situation. Eal)an +as +illin* to .o-o/erate: he still had su--i.ient
links +ith his ori*ins.
A9o+, +e ha2e to *et this ta(let to you -- / 0ts
.ontents are too dan*erous to risk sendin* o2er any radio or o/
.hannel. 0 kno+ you /ossess lon*-ran*e .ontrol o- )atter: did you not
on.e detonate an or(itin* (o)(I Could you trans/ort it to 'uro/aI
Alternati2ely, +e .ould send it in an auto-.ourier, to any /oint you
AThat +ould (e (est: 0 +ill .olle.t it in Tsien2ille. Eere are the
"oole +as still slu)/ed in his .hair +hen the 8o+)an 5uite )onitor
ad)itted the head o- the dele*ation that had a..o)/anied hi) -ro) 'arth.
7hether Colonel Hones +as a *enuine Colonel -- or e2en i- his na)e +as
Hones -- +ere )inor )ysteries +hi.h "oole +as not really interested in
sol2in*4 it +as su--i.ient that he +as a su/er( or*ani6er and had
handled the )e.hani.s o- O/eration a)o.les +ith Duiet e--i.ien.y.
A7ell, Frank -- itBs on its +ay. 7ill (e landin* in one hour, ten
)inutes. 0 assu)e that Eal)an .an take it -ro) there, (ut 0 donBt
understand ho+ he .an a.tually handle -- is that the ri*ht +ordI --
these ta(lets.A
A0 +ondered a(out that, until so)eone on the 'uro/a Co))ittee
e1/lained it. ThereBs a +ell-kno+n -- thou*h not to )eF -- theore)
statin* that any .o)/uter .an e)ulate any other .o)/uter. 5o 0B) sure
that Eal)an kno+s e1a.tly +hat heBs doin*. Ee +ould ne2er ha2e a*reed
A0 ho/e youBre ri*ht,A re/lied the Colonel. A0- not -- +ell, 0
donBt kno+ +hat alternati2e +e ha2e.A
There +as a *loo)y /ause, until "oole did his (est to relie2e the
A8y the +ay, ha2e you heard the ru)or a(out our 2isitIA
A7hi.h /arti.ular oneIA
AThat +eBre a s/e.ial .o))ission sent here to in2esti*ate .ri)e
and .orru/tion in this ra+ -rontier to+nshi/. The 3ayor and the 5heri--
are su//osed to (e runnin* s.ared.A
AEo+ 0 en2y the),A said AColonel HonesA. A5o)eti)es itBs Duite a
relie- to ha2e so)ethin* tri2ial to +orry a(out.A
3< -- ei.ide
$ike all the inha(itants o- Anu(is City (/o/ulation no+ 56,521!,
r. Theodore Ghan +oke soon a-ter )idni*ht to the sound o- the
%eneral Alar). Eis -irst rea.tion +as A9ot another 0.eDuake, -or eusBs
Ee rushed to the +indo+, shoutin* AO/enA so loudly that the roo)
did not understand, and he had to re/eat the order in a nor)al 2oi.e.
The li*ht o- $u.i-er should ha2e .o)e strea)in* in, /aintin* the
/atterns on the -loor that so -as.inated 2isitors -ro) 'arth, (e.ause
they ne2er )o2ed e2en a -ra.tion o- a )illi)eter, no )atter ho+ lon*
they +aited...
That un2aryin* (ea) o- li*ht +as no lon*er there. As Ghan stared
in utter dis(elie- throu*h the hu*e, trans/arent (u((le o- the Anu(is
o)e, he sa+ a sky that %any)ede had not kno+n -or a thousand years. 0t
+as on.e )ore a(la6e +ith stars4 $u.i-er had *one.
And then, as he e1/lored the -or*otten .onstellations, Gahn
noti.ed so)ethin* e2en )ore terri-yin*. 7here $u.i-er should ha2e (een
+as a tiny dis. o- a(solute (la.kness,* the un-a)iliar stars.
There +as only one /ossi(le e1/lanation, Ghan told hi)sel- nu)(ly.
$u.i-er has (een s+allo+ed (y a 8la.k Eole. And it )ay (e our turn ne1t.
On the (al.ony o- the %ranny)ede Eotel, "oole +as +at.hin* the
sa)e s/e.ta.le, (ut +ith )ore .o)/le1 e)otions. '2en (e-ore the *eneral
alar), his .o)se. had +oken hi) +ith a )essa*e -ro) Eal)an.
A0t is (e*innin*. 7e ha2e in-e.ted the 3onolith. 8ut one --
/erha/s se2eral -- o- the 2iruses ha2e entered our o+n .ir.uits. 7e do
not kno+ i- +e +ill (e a(le to use the )e)ory ta(let you ha2e *i2en us.
0- +e su..eed, +e +ill )eet you in Tsien2ille.A
Then .a)e the sur/risin* and stran*ely )o2in* +ords +hose e1a.t
e)otional .ontent +ould (e de(ated -or *enerations:
A0- +e are una(le to do+nload, re)e)(er us.A Fro) the roo) (ehind
hi), "oole heard the 2oi.e o- the 3ayor, doin* his (est to reassure the
no+ slee/less .iti6ens o- Anu(is. Thou*h he o/ened +ith that )ost
terri-yin* o- o--i.ial state)ents -- A9o .ause -or alar)A -- the 3ayor
did indeed ha2e +ords o- .o)-ort.
A7e donBt kno+ +hatBs ha//enin* (ut $u.i-erBs still shinin*
nor)allyF 0 re/eat -- $u.i-er is still shinin*F 7eB2e Cust re.ei2ed ne+s
-ro) the interor(it shuttle Al.yone, +hi.h le-t -or Callisto hal- an
hour a*o. EereBs their 2ie+ -- , "oole le-t the (al.ony and rushed into
his roo) Cust in ti)e to see $u.i-er (la6e reassurin*ly on the
A7hatBs ha//ened,A the 3ayor .ontinued (reathlessly, Ais that
so)ethin* has .aused a te)/orary -- +eBll 6oo) in to look at
it...Callisto O(ser2atory, .o)e in /lease...A
Eo+ does he kno+ itBs Ate)/oraryAI thou*ht "oole, as he +aited -or
the ne1t i)a*e to .o)e u/ on the s.reen.
$u.i-er 2anished, to (e re/la.ed (y a -ield o- stars. At the sa)e
ti)e, the 3ayor -aded out and another 2oi.e took o2er:
A -- t+o-)eter teles.o/e, (ut al)ost any instru)ent +ill do. 0tBs
a dis. o- /er-e.tly (la.k )aterial, Cust o2er ten thousand kilo)eters
a.ross, so thin it sho+s no 2isi(le thi.kness. And itBs /la.ed e1a.tly
-- o(2iously deli(erately -- to (lo.k %any)ede -ro) re.ei2in* any li*ht.
A7eBll 6oo) in to see i- it sho+s any details, thou*h 0 rather
dou(t it...A
Fro) the 2ie+/oint o- Callisto, the o..ultin* dis. +as
-oreshortened into an o2al, t+i.e as lon* as it +as +ide. 0t e1/anded
until it .o)/letely -illed the s.reen4 therea-ter, it +as i)/ossi(le to
tell +hether the i)a*e +as (ein* 6oo)ed, as it sho+ed no stru.ture
AAs 0 thou*ht -- thereBs nothin* to see. $etBs /an o2er to the
ed*e o- the thin*...A
A*ain there +as no sense o- )otion, until a -ield o- stars
suddenly a//eared, shar/ly de-ined (y the .ur2in* ed*e o- the +orld-
si6ed dis.. 0t +as e1a.tly as i- they +ere lookin* /ast the hori6on o-
an airless, /er-e.tly s)ooth /lanet.
9o, it +as not /er-e.tly s)ooth...
AThatBs interestin*,A .o))ented the astrono)er, +ho until no+ had
sounded re)arka(ly )atter-o---a.t, as i- this sort o- thin* +as an
e2eryday o..urren.e. AThe ed*e looks Ca**ed -- (ut in a 2ery re*ular
-ashion -- like a sa+-(lade...A
A .ir.ular sa+ "oole )uttered under his (reath. 0s it *oin* to
.ar2e us u/I onBt (e ridi.ulous...
AThis is as .lose as +e .an *et (e-ore di--ra.tion s/oils the
i)a*e -- +eBll /ro.ess it later and *et )u.h (etter detail:A
The )a*ni-i.ation +as no+ so *reat that all tra.e o- the dis.Bs
.ir.ularity had 2anished. A.ross the 2ids.reen +as a (la.k (and,
serrated alon* its ed*e +ith trian*les so that "oole -ound it
hard to a2oid the o)inous analo*y o- a sa+-(lade. :et so)ethin* else +as
na**in* at the (a.k o- his )ind...
$ike e2eryone else on %any)ede, he +at.hed the in-initely )ore
distant stars dri-tin* in and out o- those *eo) /er-e.t
2alleys. Very /ro(a(ly, )any others Cu)/ed to the sa)e .on.lusion e2en
(e-ore he did.
0- you atte)/t to )ake a dis. out o- re.tan*ular (lo.ks -- +hether
their /ro/ortions are 1:>:< or any other -- it .annot /ossi(ly ha2e a
s)ooth ed*e. O- .ourse, you .an )ake it as near a /er-e.t .ir.le as you
like, (y usin* s)aller and s)aller (lo.ks. :et +hy *o to that trou(le,
i- you )erely +anted to (uild a s.reen lar*e enou*h to a sunI
The 3ayor +as ri*ht4 the +as indeed te)/orary. 8ut its
endin* +as the /re.ise o//osite o- a solar one.
First li*ht (roke throu*h at the e1a.t .enter, not in the usual
ne.kla.e o- 8aileyBs 8eads alon* the 2ery ed*e. Ha**ed lines radiated
-ro) a da66lin* /inhole -- and no+, under the hi*hest )a*ni-i.ation, the
stru.ture o- the dis. +as (ein* re2ealed. 0t +as .o)/osed o- )illions o- re.tan*les, /erha/s the sa)e si6e as the %reat 7all o- 'uro/a.
And no+ they +ere s/littin* a/art: it +as as i- a *i*anti. Ci*sa+ /u66le
+as (ein* dis)antled.
0ts /er/etual, (ut no+ (rie-ly interru/ted, dayli*ht +as slo+ly
returnin* to %any)ede, as the dis. -ra*)ented and the rays o- $u.i-er
/oured throu*h the +idenin* *a/s. 9o+ the .o)/onents the)sel2es +ere
e2a/oratin*, al)ost as i- they needed the rein-or.e)ent o- ea.h otherBs
.onta.t to )aintain reality.
Althou*h it see)ed like hours to the an1ious +at.hers in Anu(is
City, the +hole e2ent lasted -or less than -i-teen )inutes. 9ot until it
+as all o2er did anyone /ay attention to 'uro/a itsel-.
The %reat 7all +as *one: and it +as al)ost an hour (e-ore the ne+s
.a)e -ro) 'arth, 3ars and 3oon that the 5un itsel- had a//eared to
-li.ker -or a -e+ se.onds, (e-ore resu)in* (usiness as usual.
0t had (een a hi*hly sele.ti2e set o-, o(2iously tar*eted
at hu)ankind. 9o+here else in the 5olar 5yste) +ould anythin* ha2e (een
0n the *eneral e1.ite)ent, it +as a little lon*er (e-ore the +orld
reali6ed that T3A M'#O and T3A O9' had (oth 2anished, lea2in* only their
-our-)illion-year-old i)/rints on Ty.ho and A-ri.a.
0t +as the -irst ti)e the 'uro/s .ould e2er ha2e )et hu)ans, (ut
they see)ed neither alar)ed nor sur/rised (y the hu*e .reatures )o2in*
a)on* the) at su.h li*htnin* s/eed. O- .ourse, it +as not too easy to
inter/ret the e)otional state o- so)ethin* that looked like a s)all,
lea-less (ush, +ith no o(2ious sense or*ans or )eans o- .o))uni.ation.
8ut i- they +ere -ri*htened (y the arri2al o- Al.yone, and the e)er*en.e
o- its /assen*ers, they +ould surely ha2e re)ained hidin* in their
As Frank "oole, sli*htly en.u)(ered (y his /rote.ti2e suit and the
*i-t o- shinin* .o//er +ire he +as .arryin*, +alked into the untidy
su(ur(s o- Tsien2ille, he +ondered +hat the 'uro/s thou*ht o- re.ent
e2ents. For the), there had (een no o- $u.i-er, (ut the
disa//earan.e o- the %reat 7all )ust surely ha2e (een a sho.k. 0t had
stood there -or a thousand years, as a shield and dou(tless )u.h )ore4
then, a(ru/tly, it +as *one, as i- it had ne2er (een...
The /eta(yte ta(let +as +aitin* -or hi), +ith a *rou/ o- 'uro/s
standin* around it, de)onstratin* the -irst si*n o- .uriosity that "oole
had e2er o(ser2ed in the). Ee +ondered i- Eal)an had so)eho+ told the)
to +at.h o2er this *i-t -ro) s/a.e, until he .a)e to .olle.t it.
And to take it (a.k, sin.e it no+ .ontained not only a slee/in*
-riend (ut terrors +hi.h so)e -uture a*e )i*ht e1or.ise, to the only
/la.e +here it .ould (e sa-ely stored.
>0 -- 3idni*ht: "i.o
0t +ould (e hard, "oole thou*ht, to i)a*ine a )ore /ea.e-ul s.ene
-- es/e.ially a-ter the trau)a o- the last +eeks. The slantin* rays o- a
nearly -ull 'arth re2ealed all the su(tle details o- the +aterless 5ea
o- #ains -- not o(literatin* the), as the in.andes.ent -ury o- the 5un
+ould do.
The s)all .on2oy o- )oon.ars +as arran*ed in a se) a
hundred )eters -ro) the in.ons/i.uous o/enin* at the (ase o- "i.o that
+as the entran.e to the Vault. Fro) this 2ie+/oint, "oole .ould see that
the )ountain did not li2e u/ to the na)e that the early astrono)ers,
)isled (y its /ointed shado+, had *i2en to it. 0t +as )ore like a
rounded hill than a shar/ /eak, and he .ould +ell (elie2e that one o-
the /asti)es +as (i.y.le-ridin* to the su))it. &ntil no+, none o-
those s/orts)en and +o)en .ould ha2e *uessed at the se.ret hidden
(eneath their +heels: he ho/ed that the sinister kno+led*e +ould not
dis.oura*e their healthy e1er.ise.
An hour a*o, +ith a sense o- )in*led sadness and triu)/h, he had
handed o2er the ta(let he had (rou*ht -- ne2er lettin* it out o- his
si*ht -- -ro) %any)ede dire.tly to the 3oon.
A%ood-(ye, old -riends,A he had )ur)ured. A:ouB2e done +ell.
"erha/s so)e -uture *eneration +ill rea+aken you. 8ut on the +hole -- 0
rather ho/e not.A
Ee .ould i)a*ine, all too .learly, one des/erate reason +hy
Eal)anBs kno+led*e )i*ht (e needed a*ain. 8y no+, surely, so)e )essa*e
+as on its +ay to that unkno+n .ontrol .enter, (earin* the ne+s that its
ser2ant on 'uro/a no lon*er e1isted. 7ith reasona(le lu.k, it +ould take
<50 years, *i2e or take a -e+, (e-ore any res/onse .ould (e e1/e.ted.
"oole had o-ten .ursed 'instein in the /ast4 no+ he (lessed hi).
'2en the /o+ers (ehind the 3onoliths, it no+ a//eared .ertain, .ould not
s/read their in-luen.e -aster than the s/eed o- li*ht. 5o the hu)an ra.e
should ha2e al)ost a )illenniu) to /re/are -or the ne1t en.ounter -- i-
there +as to (e one. "erha/s (y that ti)e, it +ould (e (etter /re/ared.
5o)ethin* +as e)er*in* -ro) the tunnel -- the tra.k-)ounted, se)i-
hu)anoid ro(ot that had .arried the ta(let into the Vault. 0t +as al)ost
.o)i. to see a )a.hine en.losed in the kind o- isolation suit used as
/rote.tion a*ainst deadly *er)s and here on the airless 3oonF 8ut no one
+as takin* any, ho+e2er unlikely they )i*ht see). A-ter all, the
ro(ot had )o2ed a)on* those .are-ully seDuestered ni*ht)ares, and
althou*h a..ordin* to its 2ideo .a)eras e2erythin* a//eared in order,
there +as al+ays a .han.e that so)e 2ial had leaked, or so)e .anisterBs
seal had (roken. The 3oon +as a 2ery sta(le en2iron)ent, (ut durin* the
.enturies it had kno+n )any Duakes and )eteor i)/a.ts.
The ro(ot .a)e to a halt -i-ty )eters outside the tunnel. 5lo+ly,
the )assi2e /lu* that sealed the Vault s+un* (a.k into /la.e, and (e*an
to rotate in its threads, like a *iant (olt (ein* into the
AAll not +earin* dark *lasses, /lease .lose your eyes or look a+ay
-ro) the ro(otFA said an ur*ent 2oi.e o2er the ) radio. "oole
t+isted round in his seat, Cust in ti)e to see an e1/losion o- li*ht on
the roo- o- the 2ehi.le. 7hen he turned (a.k to look at "i.o, all that
+as le-t o- the ro(ot +as a hea/ o- *lo+in* sla*4 e2en to so)eone +ho
had s/ent )u.h o- his li-e surrounded (y 2a.uu), it see)ed alto*ether
+ron* that tendrils o- s)oke +ere not slo+ly s/irallin* u/ -ro) it.
A5terili6ation .o)/leted,A said the 2oi.e o- the 3ission
Controller. AThank you, e2ery(ody. 9o+ returnin* to "lato City.A
Eo+ ironi. -- that the hu)an ra.e had (een sa2ed (y the skil-ul
de/loy)ent o- its o+n insanitiesF 7hat )oral, "oole +ondered, .ould one
/ossi(ly dra+ -ro) thatI
Ee looked (a.k at the (eauti-ul (lue 'arth, huddlin* (eneath its
tattered (lanket o- .louds -or /rote.tion a*ainst the .old o- s/a.e. &/
there, a -e+ +eeks -ro) no+, he ho/ed to .radle his -irst *randson in
his ar)s.
7hate2er *odlike /o+ers and /rin.i/alities lurked (eyond the
stars, "oole re)inded hi)sel-, -or ordinary hu)ans only t+o thin*s +ere
i)/ortant -- $o2e and eath.
Eis (ody had not yet a*ed a hundred years: he still had /lenty o-
ti)e -or (oth.
ATheir little uni2erse is 2ery youn*, and its *od is still a
.hild. 8ut it is too soon to Cud*e the)4 +hen 7e return in the $ast
ays, 7e +ill .onsider +hat should (e sa2ed.A

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