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Lecture 7: Adaptation and Functional morphology

1. Definition of adaptation? How do they arise?

fit of an organism to its en!ironment
the process of natural selection
". #hat is natural selection? How does it occur?
$rganisms produce more offspring than can sur!i!e to reproduce
%ot all sur!i!e &ecause the resources needed are limited
Herita&le !ariation occurs naturally in populations
'hose indi!iduals &est a&le to deal with their en!ironments (those most fit)* presuma&ly &y !irtue of
these !ariations* would &e most li+ely to sur!i!e to reproduce the ne,t generation.
-.Hereditary and non.hereditary adaptation
Non-hereditary adaptation
Acclimati/ation 0 e.g.* humans li!ing at high altitudes can a!oid a lac+ of o,ygen &y increasing the
num&er of red &lood cells as o,ygen pressure decreases. 1f they mo!e to lower altitudes* the num&er of
red &lood cells decreases
Hereditary adaptation
1nherited structures that are said to ma+e a &etter fit of an organism to its en!ironment 0
e.g.* flight in &irds. Archaeopteryx had wings &ut couldn2t fly well3 its descendants today can fly !ery
4. How5why is &iological adaptation important?
6iological adaptation is important in at least - different ways:
.'o understand how organisms li!e today in their natural en!ironment
.'o reconstruct functional morphology of organisms (li!ing and e,tinct)
.'o e!aluate theories a&out the long.term mechanisms of e!olution
7. Hypothesis.testing in the study of adaptation
.#ith either li!ing organisms or fossil organisms* we can suggest se!eral hypotheses of the adapti!e
significance of a feature
.Functional analysis pro!ides a test* and can allow us to re8ect some of the hypotheses of adapti!e
significance of a feature* lea!ing others as more plausi&le.
Adapti!e significance must not &e simply assumed (not good science) (e.g.* ostrich wings 09 flight)
:. #hat are the three general ways to in!estigate adaptation and natural selection in paleo&iology using
functional analysis?
.;econstruct &eha!ior or function of a structure
#hat does it do?
<ay compare to li!ing organisms* machines* ideal form . . .
.=!aluate performance
How well does it do it?
<ay compare to li!ing organisms* machines* ideal form . . .
.=!aluate long.term e!olutionary performance
#hat selecti!e ad!antage does it confer?
>an loo+ at patterns of e,tinction and di!ersification
7. ?nderstand the e,ample of pterosaur wings and what it can teach us
>ompare to modern analogues:
@ Gliding like a flying squirrel? Aro&a&ly not.
Features of s+eleton are more similar to those of flying animals* that can generate lift &y powered
flapping flight
@ Flying like bats? Aossi&ly?
6ats are e,cellent* highly maneu!era&le flyers. <ostly with small &ody si/es3 largest &ats are the si/e
of small pterosaurs. Aterosaur an+le structure not a&le to function hanging from tree &ranches. $ther
aspects of pterosaur s+eletal structure fairly different from &ats
@ Flying like birds? Aerhaps the &etter analogy.
6ased on &eha!ior of scale models* small pterosaurs ( were capa&le of slow* efficient
powered flapping flight with high maneu!era&ility. Large (77 ft. wingspan) pterosaurs used wings to
generate lift initially &y flapping* and then pro&a&ly relied on soaring to +eep them in the air.
.Bome li!ing analogues are &etter (more appropriate) than others. > Don2t assume* testC
.Bome e,tinct organisms may perform &etter than either a modern analogue or a machine > #e may
not li!e in the &est of all possi&le worlds
.=!en a structure or function that is !ery close to ideal* &y some standard of e!aluation* doesn2t pre!ent
e,tinction > Long.term selecti!e ad!antage may o&tain* &ut doesn2t last fore!er
D. #hat are the constraints on morphology? #hat can understanding these constraints help us
Ahylogeny.historical factor
Adaptation.functional factor
Erowth.morphological factor
#e are constrained &y our present morphologies*growth processes* and physiologies that ha!e e!ol!ed
o!er our phylogenetic history and are therefore also constrained in how we can adapt to changing
conditions in the future.
Feeping these constraints in mind*we can &etter understand:
.why organisms ha!e the forms that they do
.why and how those forms ha!e e!ol!ed@ why certain shapes ha!e %$' e!ol!ed
.why other forms ha!e e!ol!ed repeatedly
G. #hat is theoretical morphology? <orphospace? ?nderstand ;aup (1G::) e,ample.
'he analysis of the differences &etween all the forms an organism might ha!e and those which ha!e
actually e,isted
<orphospace: Bimplified depiction of comple, shape !ariations using selected !aria&les
Disco!ered that coiled shell morphospace is sparsely occupied
1H. How do we study performance using functional analysis? (- ways)
.#hat does it do?
Aropose hypotheses &ased largely on li!ing organisms I ideal forms.
.How well does it do it?
Adaptations don2t need to &e perfect* or tend toward perfection (optimality)
.98ust good enough is $F.
-What seleti!e ad!antage does it onfer?
%eed a phylogenetic hypothesis and a fossil record to e!aluate.
11. ?nderstand trilo&ite e,ample
.'rilo&ites* nearly 7HH million years ago* de!eloped a type of lens that is al"ost perfetly designed to
transmit light with a minimum of distortion under water.
.=!en a structure5function that is !ery close to ideal doesn#t pre!ent e$tintion.
.#hat we can say a&out seleti!e ad!antage is relati!e.

1". #hat is paleo&iomechanics?
Does not reJuire e,istence of a li!ing homologue or a li!ing or matching analogue.
Arinciples of physics are applied directly to the o&ser!ed structure
1-.?nderstand horseshoe cra& e,ample
<ost e,tinct horseshoe cra&s ha!e spines around front and sides of &ody3 Li!ing horseshoe cra&s today
do not.
14.#hat is e!olutionary functional morphology? How do we study it? ?nderstand e,amples.
=!aluate long.term e!olutionary performance. #hat is the selecti!e ad!antage of certain features
o!er e!olutionary (geological) time scales?
.Features don2t e!ol!e in isolation* &ut as part of whole organisms
.>onte,t.dependence and time.dependence of adaptations: Btructures are not often well.adapted in
all conte,ts* o!er all time
.'here are no goals in e!olution: $ptimality may &e achie!ed locally* &ut rarely glo&ally
slide 1G
Lecture D: Aaleoecology I =!olutionary Aaleoecology
1. #hat is paleoecology? >an we directly apply ecological methods and assumptions to the fossil
.'he reconstruction of ancient en!ironments
.'he study of interactions among fossil organisms and their physical* chemical* and &iological
en!ironment* as they change and e!ol!e o!er time
Direct application of ecological methods and assumptions to the fossil record was common early on in
paleoecological research
Aro&lems with this approach:
.<any paleoecological scenarios were5are difficult(or impossi&le) to test.
.>ontrolled e,periments are not possi&le in the fossil record.
". ?nderstand the four main areas of in!estigation in paleoecological reconstruction and the study of
fossil assem&lages.
'( )edi"entology. physical characteristics of original ha&itat
.;ate of fluid flow depositing sediments
.Direction of flow
.Depth of water
.Aosition of shoreline
*( Geohe"istry
.$,idi/ing or reducing conditions3 from presence of o,idi/ed or reduced iron
.>ar&on content of sediments
.'emperature dependence of o,ygen isotopes3 can estimate paleotemperatures
>( +rae fossils
,hnology (Eree+ ichnos K trace)
.6eha!ior as re!ealed &y trace (and &ody) fossils
.Direct e!idence of ecological interactions in the past* specifically the interaction of an organism and
the su&strate upon which it li!es.
Determining the organism that made the trace can &e difficult* &ut traces:
.<ay &e preser!ed in places where &ody fossils are rare
.Are relati!ely unaffected &y diagenesis
.>annot &e transported away from where they formed
-ertebrates 0 mostly mo!ing traces
. speed* posture* direction of tra!el* locomotor mode
.type of organisms* interactions among indi!iduals
. !aried &eha!iors
feeding* mo!ing* dwelling* escaping &eha!ior
.( +aphono"y of body fossils
/sti"ates of speies loss from original assem&lage to fossil assem&lage
Decay* dissolution* disarticulation* diagenesis* etc.
Btudy how sur!i!ing species accumulate to form a fossil deposit
1s the fossil assem&lage preser!ed in its li!ing habitat or not?
%eed to +now something a&out the life ha&its of organisms today
Aossi&ility of physical transport3 &iotur&ation
+a$ono"i o"pleteness: which species are present? #hich are not?
+e"poral distribution of organis"s
. Li!ed at same time? Accumulated o!er long time?
+i"e a!eraging: groups of organisms li!ing at different times* preser!ed in fossil record apparently
li!ing at the same time
.0ass "ortality
-. ?nderstand &iotic and a&iotic limiting factors in ecosystems.
A&iotic limiting factors:'emperature*$,ygen* Balinity* Depth (and light)* Bu&strate
6iotic limiting factors: e!idence for interaction among species
Aredation* >ompetition* <utualism
4. ?nderstand trophic dynamics and food we&s. #hat are the different components?
.Arimary producers: photosynthesis plants* algae (greatest &iomass) in photic /one.
.>onsumers: carni!ores* her&i!ores* parasites* sca!engers* suspension feeders* deposit feeders* gra/ers
.Decomposers: mostly &acteria
7. How do we recogni/e !erte&rate consumers? 1n!erte&rate consumers? =,amples?
.Lerte&rate consumers:
>arni!ores and her&i!ores: relationship &etween tooth morphology (coprolites) and diet is pretty clear
in modern ecosystem
.1n!erte&rate consumers:
.>arni!orous naticid and muricid snails su&due their prey* and drill a hole through the prey shell* eating
the soft tissues inside
:. How do we use car&on isotopes? #hat do they tell us? ?nderstand e,amples.
Lighter isotope (1">) is preferentially ta+en up in organic matter3 when organisms die* they then
release 1"> &ac+ to the en!ironment.
>ar&on isotopic analysis of tooth enamel of her&i!orous mammals can &e a powerful
paleoen!ironmental tool:
.to reonstrut dietary preferenes of e$tint organis"s
.to reonstrut eosyste"s in anient en!iron"ents
1arbon isotopi ratios& 2ou are 3hat you eat
>an analy/e the car&on isotopic ratio in &ones and teeth of e,tinct organisms to reconstruct their diets
7. ?nderstand e!olutionary paleoecology.
'he study of how ecological interactions affect the e!olutionary history of a group.
D. ?nderstand &arnacle* mammal* coral e,amples
6arnacles: predation (smaller si/e is &etter for predation region) * competition
coral: Bym&iosis (mutualism) with 4oo$anthellae allgae
Algae &enefit &y recei!ing shelter in coral &ody* and recei!ing nitrogen and car&on dio,ide from coral.
>orals &enefit from o,ygen and
nutrients produced &y algae* and an en/yme secreted &y the algae.
mammal: >ompetiti!e e,clusion
<ultitu&erculates and plesiadapids outcompeted &yrodents?
Lecture G: Aaleo&iogeography I =!olutionary &iogeography
1. #hat is ecological &iogeography?
Eeographic distri&ution of organisms today
". ?nderstand the terms: cosmopolitan* endemic (young I relict)* dis8unct
.cosmopolitan: world.wide !ery &road geographical distri&ution
.=ndemic: restricted to single region
young: geographically young. 1slands are geologically young* so speciesoriginating there
ha!en2t had time to mo!e elsewhere
relict: former range was larger* now restricted to smaller area
dis8unct: two or more regions now widely separated
-. #hat are the modern controls on geographic distri&ution?
'( 't"ospheri 1irulation& seasonality
#ind* and patterns of atmospheric circulation determine patterns of oeani irulation
*( 5eani 1irulation& 1urrents
>. >limate and continental position:
.affect patterns of circulation
.continental si/e affects circulation
4. #hat is historical &iogeography?
How organisms got to &e where they are today
7. ?nderstand dispersal and the factors that affect it (including &arriers and corridors).
.=,plains distri&ution of organisms or species prior to plate tectonics
.>an in!ol!e the ati!e mo!ement of organisms themsel!es* or mo!ement of fluid en!ironment
carrying organism along passi!ely
6ody si/e an important factor3 dispersal can occur at different life stages
6arriers limit dispersal for each type of organism*also often related to &ody si/e:
.>an &e physiological* physical* ecological* etc.e.g.* high mountain ranges3 oceans3 deserts3 ri!ers* etc.
.>an change o!er lifetime (organism)* and o!er geological time (species range)
>orridors: relati!ely uno&structed routes of dispersal (terrestrial)
:. ?nderstand plate tectonics and structure of the =arth
Alate tectonics: the e,planation of how =arth wor+s.
M=arth2s outer shell is &ro+en into rigid plates that mo!e.
M<o!ing plates change the face of planet =arth.
MAlate tectonics is a&le to e,plain almost e!erything.
Btructure of =arth: core* mantle* crust (oceanic NdenseO* continental Nless denseO)
1nterior of =arth is hot* crust is cool: heat.dri!en con!ection cells generated in mantle
>rust (relati!ely &rittle) is &ro+en up into plates that interact with one another* &y: spreading3
su&duction3 transform (sliding) motions
7. ?nderstand !icariance &iogeography including the terms %oahPs Ar+* 6eached Li+ing funeral ships*
escalator hopscotch.
Fragmentation of large areas into smaller ones* &y the introduction of non.&iological &arriers 09 plate
%oahPs ar+: li!ing organisms &eing carried passi!ely along with land
6eached Li+ing funeral ships: fossil organisms carried along with land
=scalator hopscotch: li!ing organisms can hop from one island to the ne,t
D. How do we conduct an analysis of !icariance &iogeography?
A. >onduct a phylogenetic analysis with morphology and 5or molecular seJuence data
6. 'ranslate the phylogenetic hypothesis into a &ranching pattern of area relationships
>. 'est with phylogenetic and area cladograms for other organisms
D. 1n!estigatenon.&iological(usually geological)e!ents that produce a similar pattern
G. #hat is e!olutionary paleo&iogeography? ?nderstand the e,amples that we went through.
#hat significance do &iogeographic and paleo&iogeographic patterns and processes ha!e for
e!olutionary patterns and processes?
=,ample 1: 'ectonic fragmentation and species di!ersity : Bpecies di!ersity and si/e (area) of
geographic region: Larger regions support more species3 smaller regions support fewer
=,ample ": Ereat American 6iotic 1nterchange=,ample
-: Lar!al ecology
Lecture 1H: 6iostratigraphy I the stratigraphic record
1. #hat does the fossil record represent?
represents the result (product) of two processes: Deposition of sediment and =!olution of organisms
". #hat are the three main ways of ordering roc+ strata? ?nderstand each.
.Lithostratigraphy: &ased on characters of sedimentary roc+s themsel!es
.6iostratigraphy: &ased on fossils in the roc+s.
>hronostratigraphy: com&ination of relati!e methods of telling time using litho. and &iostratigraphy*
and a&solute methods
-. ?nderstand stratigraphic range* assem&lage* and inde, fossils
.Btratigraphic range: the +nown occurrence of a fossil in the stratigraphic record.
1t &egins at the FAD (First Appearance Datum) and ends at the LAD (Last Appearance Datum)
.Assem&lage: a group of co.occurring species.
Assem&lages can characteri/e /ones
.1nde, fossils:are a highly distincti!e type of /one fossil
a&undant* easily found and typically ha!e:
.#ide (intercontinental)geographic distri&ution
.Bhort !ertical(stratigraphic) range
.Distinct morphologicalcharacteristics
.Hard* minerali/ed s+eletons
4. ?nderstand the geologic time scale and how it was constructed
<ost eons5eras5periods separated &y "ass e$tintions3 characteri/ed &y uniJue groups of fossils and
the nature of the roc+s themsel!es
(orders of the time scale)
7. #hat &iases must &e considered when studying FADs and LADs? (e.g. phylogeny)
/ology and biogeography&
-Generalist ta,a li!e in a wide range of en!ironmental ha&itats3 speialist ta,a li!e in restricted
.1os"opolitan ta,a ha!e &road geographic ranges* while ende"i ta,a ha!e narrower geographic
.'bundant ta,a are more li+ely to &e found in the fossil record*
rare ta,a are less li+ely.
.*ody si6e: s"all.&odied ta,a may &e more difficult to locate as fossils* &ut are more li+ely to &e
a&undant* and thus more easily disco!ered.
.'a,a persisting o!er longer periods of geological time are more li+ely to &e collected than those
persisting o!er shorter time periods.
.'he process of e!olution itself causes organisms to change o!er time* resulting in the recognition and
naming of new ta,a o!er time.
.A lineage (K clade* or system of common ancestry) can persist e!en though indi!idual named ta,a
may originate and &ecome e,tinct within the lineage.
- <ore fossils li+ely to &e collected from particular time periods in which a greater !olu"e of
sedimentary roc+ was deposited.
.<ore fossils li+ely to &e collected from roc+s e,posed and more aessible at the surface of the =arth
M may &e &iased &y roc+ type3 age3 etc.
Hu"an > paleontologist&
.<ore paleontologists may wor+ in certain ti"e periods than in others* resulting in more ta,a named
from those time periods.
.<ore paleontologists may wor+ in certain regions than in others* resulting in more ta,a named from
those regions.
:. ?nderstand Bignor.Lipps effect* La/arus ta,a* =l!is ta,a and Qom&ie effect
-)ignor-8ipps effet 0 poorly sampled strata can ma+e it impossi&le to distinguish a sudden
(synchronous LADs) from gradual (asynchronous LADs) e,tinction e!ent.
-8a6arus ta$a 0 ta,a thought to &e e,tinct reappear in the fossil record at a later time.
-/l!is ta$a 0 e!olution of con!ergent morphologies after e,tinction e!ent mista+en for persistence of
e,tinct predecessor.
.4o"bie effet 0 fossils rewor+ed from older strata and re.deposited in younger strata* falsely
e,tending the stratigraphic range.
Lecture 11: <acroe!olution I ;ates of =!olution
1. #hat is macroe!olution? How does it differ from microe!olution?
Large.scale* long.term e!olutionary change* usually pertaining to species or higher.le!el ta,a* rather
than indi!idual organisms
Ho3 e!olution of different speies o"pare 3ith eah other
Ho3 en!iron"ent affets e!olution in large sale
Ho3 "a9or transitions proeeded
,f there are patterns in e!olutionary history: and if so: 3hy
-<echanism of how a new species e!ol!es
.<echanisms of mutations and how they are inherited.
.How genes flow in a population.
.How molecular structure affect e!olution.
". #hat are the - macroe!olutionary processes we discussed? #hich is the most dominant and how
does it wor+?
-7hylogeneti drift( >ompara&le to genetic drift. ;andom wal+s can produce nota&le trends.
-.ireted speiation( >ompara&le to mutation pressure.
-)peies seletion& >ompara&le to natural selection in populations.
Differential rates of speciation and e,tinction among lineages
Bpecies selection ma,imi/es rates of speciation and minimi/es rates of e,tinction.
-. #hat is di!ersity? How is it calculated?
Di!ersity K $rigination . =,tinction
%um&ers of +inds of different organisms (ta,a) through time.
4. #hat are the models of di!ersity o!er time? ?nderstand empirical and eJuili&rium models.
/"pirial "odel& What you see is 3hat you get; based on obser!ation alone(
/quilibriu" "odel& "any soures of error <bias= in the fossil reord(
7. #hat is Bep+os+iPs model? #hat are the 'hree Ereat =!olutionary Faunas? =,amples of each?
1: >am&rian: trilo&ites* inarticulated &rachiopods* worms
11: Aaleo/oic: articulated &rachiopods* corals* cephalopods* crinoids
111: <odern: molluscs* &ryo/oans* fishes
:. >an we trust the pattern from the three great faunas?
Bome things to consider:
How well do families (or any higher ta,on) pro,y for species?
$nly for marine fossil record* has not &een applied to other groups li+e !erte&rates.
Alroy ("HH4) found the composition of the three faunas de&ata&le and that the rise of the modern fauna
is slower than e,pected.
Btanley ("HH7) found that the constants that Bep+os+i used were unrealistic and the pattern may &e
more similar to an e,ponential cur!e.
7.>an long.term e!olutionary patterns all &e reduced to the process of natural selection acting on
indi!iduals o!er !ery long periods of time? 6e a&le to discuss the de&ate a&out this topic.

D. Has the rates of e!olution !aried o!er geological time?
G. Ahyletic gradualism !ersus punctuated eJuili&rium. 6e a&le to e,plain &oth.
.Anagenesis 09 gradual change in mode of freJuency distri&utions of populations within a lineage
o!er time. Anagenesis results in a pattern referred to as phyletic gradualism in the fossil record.
.Aunctuated eJuili&rium: <ore often* we see long periods of stasis (a&sence of change)* punctuated
&y rapid* a&rupt episodes of change
1H. #hat are adapti!e radiations?
=pisodes of significantly sustained e,cess of origination of new ta,a o!er e,tinction of e,isting ta,a.
11. Are adapti!e radiations dri!en &y intrinsic factors? #hat are e,amples of intrinsic factors? Fnow
the e,amples we went through.
1"( Are adapti!e radiations dri!en &y e,trinsic factors? #hat are e,amples of e,trinsic factors? Fnow
the e,amples we went through.
Lecture 1": $rigination and Di!ersification I =!o.De!o
1.#hen was the origin of life? #hatPs the definition of life? #hatPs the age of the =arth?
Aro&a&ly occurred a&out -.7 . -.D &illion years ago
Age of the =arth S4.: Ea
Life is: self.&ounded (indi!idual)
self.generating (grow)
self.replicating (reproduce)
Life descri&es systems capa&le of e!olution &y natural selection
Life &egins with cells
". #hat organisms were the first life? #hat is the e!idence for the origin of life?
Aurple &acteria (in Domain 6acteria) $; 'hermophilic sulphur.reducing &acteria (in Domain Archaea)
.Btudies of molecular phylogeny
.Btructure* ecology* and &iochemistry of li!ing pro+aryotes
.Fossils 0 can &e difficult to interpret3 indi!idual filamentous &acteria
.Eeological data 0 &iogeochemical cycles3 car&on isotopes
-. #hen does the first fossil appear? #hat was this first fossil?
a&out -.7 &illion years ago
>yano&acteria (& algae) stromatolites
4. #hen do meta/oans originate?
=diacara fauna
:7H.77H <RA
7. #hen do s+eletons originate. #hat is the >am&rian e,plosion? #hy did s+eletons e!ol!e?
>am&rian e,plosion 0 a&out 74H million years ago
First appearance of most ma8or groups of s+eletoni/ed meta/oans occurs more or less at the same time
%ot triggered &y simple chemical change3 some glo&al &iological or ecological factor 0
? Aredation: if predators first appear in >am&rian* they could cause an e!olution of s+eleton
? Adapti!e e!olution of Ho, genes
? 1ncrease $" le!els: allowed animals to ha!e larger &ody
:.#hat was the Archean world li+e? 61Fs?
$cean chemistry dominated &y hydrothermal systems 0 rates of oceanic crust production and
geothermal gradients se!eral times higher than today
Low $"* high >$" and %* !ery high Fe. %o free o,ygen.
6anded 1ron Formations
7. ?nderstand the &asics for the two hypotheses of where life &egan (hot !s. cold)
High temperature: Hydrothermal su&marine !ents
Hyperthermophiles are phylogenetically primiti!e
Low temperature: ;educing en!ironment N>H4* %H-O reJuired
6iochemicals decompose rapidly at high temperatures
D. #hat is e!!o?
=!olutionary De!elopmental 6iology
'he study of de!elopment to elucidate e!olution
G. #hat is heterochrony? Aaedomorphosis? Aeramorphosis?
.Heterchrony: a de!elopmental change in the timing of e!ents* leading to changes in si/e and shape
.Aaedomorphosis M adult of deri!ed organism resem&les 8u!enile of ancestor.
.Aeramorphosis M 8u!enile of deri!ed organism resem&les the adult of the ancestor.
1H. #hat are the de!elopmental parameters? How can we get peramorphic and paedomorphic trends
from !arying these parameters?
.;ate of de!elopment
.'ime of onset of de!elopment (when de!elopment starts)
.'ime of offset of de!elopment (when de!elopment stops)
.;educed rate of de!elopment .
$nset of de!elopment delayed .
de!elopmental offset occurs earlier
.1ncreased rate of de!elopment
.$nset of de!elopment occurs at an earlier time
.Delayed de!elopmental offset
11.?nderstand the feather e,ample including the 7 de!elopmental stages of feathers and what dinosaur
groups e,hi&it these stages:
Fi!e stages in feather de!elopment recogni/ed today:
Btage 1: un&ranched hollow cylinder
Btage ": plumulaceous (downy) tuft of &ar&s.
Btage -: formation of rachis3 open pennaceous feather.
Btage 4: &ar&ules formed3 closed pennaceous feather.
Btage 7: asymmetrical !ane of flight feather.
Dinosaur fossils (in successi!ely more deri!ed clades of dinosaurs) representati!e of each stage:
Btage 1: Binosauroptery,
Btage ": theri/inosaurs
Btage -: tyrannosaurids
Btage 4: <icroraptor3 >audiptery,
Btage 7: Archaeoptery,3 >onfuciusornis
.Fnow the Ho, gene information. How does this relate to the >am&rian e,plosion?
Lecture 1-: =,tinctions
1. 1s e,tinction a normal occurrence?
". How do we identify e,tinctions in the fossil record?
-. Elo&al !s. local e,tinction. Fnow the difference.
4. Btratigraphic sampling and e,tinctions.
Bignor. Lipps effect: a&rupt e,tinctions appear gradual &y sampling error
La/arus ta,a:: re.appearing a&o!e the e,tinction hori/on
=l!is ta,a::La/arus loo+.ali+e3 similar morphology &ut different phylogeny
Qom&ie effect: fossils appear a&o!e the e,tinction hori/on due to rewor+ing of sediment
7. 6ac+ground !s. mass e,tinction. Fnow the difference.
there was a steady &ac+ground e,tinction rate a!eraging " . 4.: families per million years declining
slightly o!er the duration of the Ahanero/oic.
<ass e,tinctions Kgeologically rapid (time)*ma8or reductions (catastrophic)in glo&al di!ersity (ta,a)
:.Tuantity !s. Juality of e,tinction. #hat does each tell us?
Tuantity of e,tinction:>ount up num&ers of ta,a (families* etc.) that &ecome e,tinctcan e!aluate the
se!erity of the e!ent
Tuality of e,tinction:@#hich particular families* etc. &ecome e,tinct?@#e can e!aluate what features
those familiespossessed. Do they gi!e us clues?
7. Fnow the &ig fi!e mass e,tinctions.
=nd.Aermian =,tinction . Loss of >am&rian fauna I decimation of Aaleo/oic fauna
.Aarticularly se!ere at low latitudes (in tropics)
SG7U of species &ecome e,tinct
=nd.>retaceous =,tinction: Loss of large.&odied organisms
S77U of species &ecome e,tinct
D. Fnow the different types of e,tinction selecti!ity.
'a,onomic selecti!ity:different ta,onomic le!els affected differently(e.g.* species much more affected
than phyla)
Ahylogenetic selecti!ity:whole clades affected (those sharing particular deri!edcharacters or
morphological inno!ations)* or not.
<orphological selecti!ity: Bpecies with a particular morphology sur!i!e more than others.
=asy to !isuali/e differences* &ut can &e difficult to interpret.
=cological selecti!ity:specialists affected more than generalists3tropical ta,a more than
temperate5polar3carni!ores (higher in food we&) more than her&i!ores3large.&odied species more than
small.&odied* etc.
6iogeographic selecti!ity:#idespread ta,a tend to sur!i!e more than geographically restricted ta,a.
G. 1s there a periodicity of e,tinctions?
1H. #hat are the possi&le causes of mass e,tinctions?
Bea le!el change
$ceanic circulation change
'ectonic acti!ity
Lolcanic acti!ity
=,traterrestrial impact
11. Fnow the three different mass e,tinctions we loo+ed at in detail. . #hat is the :th great mass
.>atastrophic e,tinction: A&rupt and glo&al changes cause synchronous e,tinctions at a geological
&oundary* with few if any sur!i!ors
.Btepped mass e,tinction Eroups of species sensiti!e to change &ecome e,tinct first* with more ro&ust
groups &ecoming e,tinct in su&seJuent episodes3 generally ele!ated rates of e,tinction across a
geological &oundary
Eraded mass e,tinction. ;ate of e,tinction increases &eyond &ac+ground le!el*straddling a geological
.Appearance of a synchronous e,tinction might result froma poor stratigraphic
record across the &oundary
'he :th Ereat =,tinction?
1nternational ?nion for the >onser!ation of %ature (1?>%) ;ed List: one in eight &irds* one in four
mammals* one in fi!e in!erte&rates* one in three amphi&ians and half of all turtles face e,tinction.
1". How do we study paleoclimate?
stratigraphic record
isotopic record
1-. #hat is the e!idence for climate change?
Historical records
'ree rings
Aollen from la+e &ottoms
$,ygen isotope ratios from ice
glacial e!idence
plan+ton and isotopes in ocean sediment
14. #hat are effects of climate change?
=ffects of >limate >hange
Elacial retreat
Bea.le!el rise
=,treme weather e!ents (flood* drought* etc.)
>hanges in agricultural yield
Bpecies e,tinctio
1ncreases in the range of disease !ectors

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