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Prediction of Cracking and Deflections;

International Code Provisions and Recent Research

Doug Jenkins
Interactive Design Services Pty Ltd
Hornsby, S!, "ustralia
The most common requirements that need to be satisfied for Serviceability Limit State design are
the limitation of deflections and crack widths to the requirements of the applicable code.
Moreover the stiffness of concrete members has a significant effect on load distribution through
the structure, and can have a major influence on design loads in situations such as temporary
propping and design for soilstructure interaction. !owever the accurate prediction of cracking
and deflections is very difficult, due to the inherently random nature of the cracking process, and
the lack of agreement on a standard procedure to approach the task.
"n this paper the provisions of the #ustralian and major international concrete design codes are
compared, and recent relevant research is summarised.
$ase studies are presented, comparing actual measured deflections with those predicted at the
time of design, and backcalculated estimates including all the significant influences on deflection.
%ecommendations are given for procedures to estimate fle&ural crack widths and upperbound
limits to deflections.
#$ I%R&D'C%I&
The purpose of this paper is to summarise #ustralian and international concrete code provisions
and recent research on the prediction of fle&ural cracking and deflections, to compare these
provisions with some measured deflections on recent projects, and to make recommendations for
design for cracking and deflection in practice.
The following topics will be discussed'
(hy is the prediction of cracking and deflection important)
(hy is it difficult)
!ow do cracks develop and propagate, how does this affect deflections)
Time related effects
(hat do the codes say)
%ecent research on fle&ural cracking and deflections.
$ase studies
*or deflections, this paper will concentrate on lightly reinforced members, where the fle&ural
strength of the concrete and shrinkage effects dominate the behaviour. The effect of differential
shrinkage on prestressed members is also considered.
($ !H) IS %H* PR*DIC%I& &+ CR"C,I- "D D*+L*C%I& I.P&R%"%/
Limits on cracking and deflection are the two most common requirements for Serviceability Limit
State +SLS, design. #s well as the specific code requirements, cracking has a direct influence on
other SLS requirements, such as control of corrosion and spalling, and deflections have a large
influence on load distribution, both to other structural members and to nonstructural elements.
"n addition to specific code requirements, there are often additional contract specification
requirements +particularly for crack widths,, and for many structures clients will have an
e&pectation that there is no visually obvious cracking, no sagging or other obvious e&cessive
deflections, and that the aesthetics of the finished structure are not affected by e&cessive
deflections or cracking. -&cessive deflections or cracking may also affect the functionality of the
finished structure, through reduced clearances, ponding of water, or leaking of water retaining
structures for instance.
0$ !H) IS I% DI++IC'L%/
.esign codes recognise that the accurate prediction of the long term behaviour of reinforced
concrete is not possible. *or instance #S /011 +2, states'
3Consideration shall be given to the fact that cs (the design shrinkage strain) has a range of
"n addition to the variability of shrinkage, variability in the following properties is also important'
The concrete tensile strength, and loss of tensile strength over time.
$oncrete short term stiffness in compression and tension.
Time related deformation +creep and shrinkage,, and the effect of environmental
conditions on the rate of deformation.
$oncrete behaviour under unloading and reloading
The load at cracking, and location and spacing of cracks is also inherently unpredictable, and this
has a direct effect on the section stiffness and deflections.
4ariations in the manufacturing and5or construction process and programme, which cannot be
known at design time, also have a significant effect on the cracking and deflection of the
"n addition to the variable nature of cracking and time related deformations in concrete, code
provisions have much less uniformity than is the case than for instance the provisions for
calculation of bending strength. .ifferent codes have completely different approaches to dealing
with the calculation of cracking and section stiffness, and the resulting design values can vary by
2116 or more. "n addition some significant effects are not covered by some codes, or are
included in empirical coefficients, making comparison of the provisions of different codes difficult.
The inherent variability of concrete cracking and deflection in practice is illustrated by *igure 2,
taken from the #$" recommendations for the prediction of deflection of concrete structures +7,.
8okinen and Scanlon measured the deflections of 91 nominally identical slab panels in a 7: story
building and found deflections varying in the range from about 2; to <1 mm after 2 year.
*igure 2' Measured deflections in 91 nominally identical slab panels
1$ H&! D& CR"C,S D*2*L&P "D PR&P"-"%*, H&! D&*S %HIS "++*C%
=oth crack width and deflections are strongly affected by crack spacing, but location and spacing
of cracks is controlled by random factors which cannot be predicted by any deterministic process.
The crack formation process is illustrated in the following diagrams +*igures 79,, taken from
=eeby and Scott>s paper, %ef'+/,.
+igure (3 Stress conditions in the region of
cracks during crack for4ation
+igure 0 5to673 +re8uency distribution of
crack s6acing
+igure 1 5botto473 2ariation in reinforce4ent
strain in the region of a crack
"f an increasing tensile load is applied to a member the first crack will form anywhere along the
member, depending on local imperfections or variations in concrete tensile strength. There will
be a transfer of stress from the reinforcement to the concrete over a length S1 either side of the
crack, depending on the concrete5reinforcement bond characteristics, the cracking stress, and the
si?e of the tension block. The concrete tension will be reduced over this region, so the second
crack will form anywhere along the member greater than S1 from the crack. Subsequent cracks
will be subject to the same constraints, so it would be e&pected that cracks will appear at a
spacing in the range S1 to 7S1. (hen cracks are spaced closer than 7S1 there is insufficient
length for the stress transferred from the reinforcement to reach the concrete cracking stress.
"n practice it is found that the range of crack widths is much greater than would be e&pected from
this analysis +*igure /,. The greater variability in crack spacing can be accounted for by
variations in the concrete cracking strength along the member, such that new cracks may occur
within the transfer ?one, or regions of length greater than 7S1 may remain uncracked. Statistical
analysis of cracking with a varying cracking stress has achieved crack spacing distributions
reasonably close to the e&perimental pattern +/,.
To determine the crack width and curvature of a section, in addition to the crack spacing, it is
necessary to know the distribution of shear stress along the bar. Many alternatives have been
proposed, but =eeby reports that a linear distribution of strain fits e&perimental results well +/,9,.
!aving established upper and lower bounds for crack spacing, and the distribution of shear stress
along the bar, ma&imum and minimum crack widths, and average section curvature values may
be calculated. "ncreasing crack spacing will increase crack widths, and reduce section curvature,
i.e. increase section stiffness.
The transfer of stress from the reinforcement to the concrete between cracks is known as tension
stiffening, and is taken into account in deflection calculations by all the design codes studied in
this paper. "t is recognised that the level of tension stiffening reduces over time, and most codes,
e&plicitly or implicitly, recognise this loss of tension stiffening, but none put a specific time scale to
the loss of stiffness. %ecent papers by =eeby et al. +<;, suggest that tension stiffening reaches
its minimum long term value in a matter of 71/1 days, and that the reduced value of tension
stiffening should always be used for design purposes, e&cept for very short term loads.
9$ %I.* R*L"%*D *++*C%S
Time related deformation +creep and shrinkage, has a significant effect on concrete deflections,
particularly for reinforced concrete where there is a triangular stress distribution such that creep
deformations will increase the section curvature. This is well recognised by all the codes, and
procedures for dealing with creep deformations are reasonably consistent. Shrinkage can also
have a large effect on deformations, particularly for lightly reinforced sections, but there is less
consistency in how this is handled in the codes, and there are no specific requirements to
consider differential shrinkage in monolithic members in any of the codes
:$ !H"% D& %H* C&D*S S")/
:$# Control of cracking
#ll the codes studied make some provision for limiting concrete cracking, either in the form of
specific crack width limits, or stress limits dependant on reinforcement diameter and spacing.
:$( Code Provisions for Stress Li4its
#S /011 limits the ma&imum reinforcement stress under serviceability loads to a ma&imum value
dependant on either the bar diameter or the bar spacing, whichever gives the greater stress. #S
<211 has the same limits, with an additional requirement to check for lower limits under
permanent loads for elements in e&posure classifications =7, $ or @.
-urocode 7 limits stresses in essentially the same way, e&cept that the limits are presented as
ma&imum bar spacing or diameter for a specified stress, rather than vice versa. The -urocode 7
limits are related to / different values of nominal crack width, 1.7 mm, 1./ mm or 1.9 mm, under
pseudostatic loading. The applicable crack width depends on the e&posure classification and
type of member.
The stress limits specified in the three codes are listed in *igure <a +Stress Limits for Ma&imum
=ar .iameter, and *igure <b +Stress limits for Ma&imum =ar Spacing,. "t can be seen that the #S
/011 stress limits are similar to the -urocode 7 limits for 1.9 mm crack width for bar diameter, but
to the 1./ mm crack width limits for bar spacing. The #S <211 limits for e&posure classification
=7 and higher are similar to the -urocode 7 limits for 1.7 mm crack width.
"n order to check the crack widths likely to result from the application of the #S /011 stress limits,
the design crack width to -urocode 7 was calculated for a cover depth of 91 mm +*igure 0, and
:< mm +*igure ;,. $rack widths were also calculated to =S <911 for the :< mm cover depth
Aote' #S <211 stresses are for -&posure $lassification =7, $ or @ under
permanent loads. *or other conditions the #S /011 limits apply.
+igure 95a7 5to673 Stress li4its for s6ecified bar dia4eters
+igure 95b7 5botto473 Stress li4its for s6ecified bar s6acing
+*igure :,, using a Live Load 5 .ead Load ratio of 2. The section details were based on an actual
precast arch section, under construction in the Middle -ast, designed to =S <911. The actual
cross section details were as follows'
$ross section dimensions' 2<11mm wide & 911 mm deep
%einforcement +both faces, 27 no. 71 mm diameter class A bars
$over to main reinforcement :< mm
$oncrete 91 MBa cube strength
#&ial load #ppro&' 711 kA5m width under self weight
*or each reinforcement arrangement covered by the #S /011 stress limit tables the applied
moment was adjusted so that the reinforcement stress was at the ma&imum limit, and the crack
width was calculated for this moment. %einforcement arrangements that did not provide the
minimum required area, or the minimum clear bar spacing were e&cluded from the analysis. "t
can be seen from the figures that'
*or 91 mm cover all reinforcement arrangements e&cept one had crack widths to
-urocode 7 of less than 1./< mm.
"ncreasing the cover to :< mm substantially increased the design crack widths, up to a
ma&imum approaching 1.01 mm.
$alculated crack widths using the actual project cover of :< mm, and design code =S
<911 resulted in crack widths e&ceeding 1./< mm for every reinforcement arrangement,
with a ma&imum of 1.:< mm.
+igure :3 Design crack ;idths to *urocode ( at 4a<i4u4 stress for 1= 44 cover
+igure >3 Design crack ;idths to *urocode ( at 4a<i4u4 stress for ?9 44 cover
+igure ?3 Design crack ;idths to @S 91== at 4a<i4u4 stress for ?9 44 cover
The following conclusions may be drawn from these results'
@se of the #S /011 stress limits is likely to give satisfactory results for cover depths of
91 mm or less in moderate environments.
"f crack widths substantially greater than 1./ mm are unacceptable the design crack
width should be checked for sections with a cover of <1 mm or greater.
#ll reinforced concrete members in aggressive environments +$lass =7 or worse,
should either be designed to the #S <211 stress limits, or be designed for a specific
crack width.
Structures designed to =S <911 with a high live load component in the loading are likely
to require much higher reinforcement levels than similar structures designed to
#ustralian codes.
:$0 Code Provisions for Crack !idth Li4its
:$0$# A "S 0:== and "S 9#== have no provisions for calculation of crack width.
:$0$( A *urocode (
#s well as stress limits, -urocode 7 has detailed provisions for the calculation of design crack
widths, which are summarised below'
The basic formula for crack width' crack spacing & +mean steel strain C mean concrete strain,
makes no allowance for variation in crack width between the level of the reinforcement and the
surface of the concrete, however the crack spacing is mainly related to the cover depth, and the
crack width is directly proportional to crack spacing, so the depth of cover has a significant effect
on crack widths.
The e&pression for Dsm C Dcm limits the effect of tension stiffening to 916 of the steel strain. *or
long term effects the tension stiffening coefficient is reduced by 25/, from 1.0 to 1.9.
:$0$0 A@S 91== and @S ?##=
The =ritish concrete design codes specify a design crack width at the surface of the concrete as
The basic approach is similar to -urocode 7, e&cept that the crack width is projected from the
reinforcement level to the concrete surface.
The main differences between =S <911 and =S :221 are'
=S <911 includes a factor to reduce the effect of tension stiffening, depending on the
ratio of live load moment to dead load moment +Mq 5 Mg,. The effect of this is to reduce
tension stiffening effects to ?ero for a load ratio of 2 or greater.
The tension stiffening coefficients are differently formulated.
:$0$1 AC*@ A +IP #BB= 5.C B=7
The design crack width is given by'
This is the only code of those studied that includes the effect of concrete shrinkage in the crack
width calculation.
:$0$9 A "CI 0#? A ?B,BB -ergely A LutC e8uation
The #$" requirements are based on stress limits derived from the EergelyLut? equation'
The #$" /2: equation makes no allowance for tension stiffening, and predicts crack width at the
upper bound of those studied in this paper. %esults are usually similar to those from the =S <911
equation using a Mq 5 Mg ratio of 2.
:$0$: A Co46arative crack ;idth results
The crack widths predicted by the different codes have been calculated for a range of varying
4arying tension reinforcement stress +*igure F,
4arying cover +*igure 21,
4arying bar spacing with constant reinforcement area and stress. +*igure 22,
4arying bar spacing with constant reinforcement area and ma&imum stress to #S /011.
+*igure 27,
=S <911 results have been plotted using a Mq 5 Mg ratio of 1.2 and 2. #ll results have used long
term values where available. Larger versions of these graphs may be found on the Bowerpoint
presentation associated with this paper. The following observations can be made from the graph
The =S <911 results using the two different load ratios gave substantially different
results, with the higher ratio giving increased crack widths. The =S :221 results were
either appro&imately centrally placed between the two =S <911 results, or close to the
lower values.
The -urocode 7 results were usually reasonably close to the mean of the other results.
The $-=*"B2FF1 results were consistently the lowest for high steel stresses and high
concrete cover values. %esults with varying spacing were close to -urocode 7 results.
The #$" /2: results were consistently the highest, being close to and slightly higher
than the upper bound =S <911 values.
#ll crack widths increased appro&imately linearly with increasing steel stress
$rack widths increased with increasing cover, with -urocode 7 reaching a constant
value at ;1 mm cover, and the $-=*"B code at /< mm cover. The other codes
continued to increase more than linearly up to 211 mm cover.

x) - x)/(d - (h =
A d f z
c s
( ) ( ) units m N z w =

10 11
#ll codes predicted increasing crack width with increasing bar spacing and constant
reinforcement area steel stress.
+igure B3 2arying tension reinforce4ent stress
+igure #=3 2arying cover
+igure ##3 2arying bar s6acing ;ith constant reinforce4ent area and stress
+igure #(3 2arying bar s6acing ;ith constant reinforce4ent area and 4a<i4u4 stress to
"S 0:==$

(hen the steel stress was adjusted to the ma&imum allowable under #S /011 +i.e.
reduced for increasing bar spacing and increasing bar diameter, the predicted crack
widths were reasonably uniform in the spacing range <1 to 711 mm, then tended to
reduce with greater spacing.
:$1 Code Provisions for deflections
:$1$# "S 0:==, "S 9#==, and "CI 0#?
#S /011 and #S <211 provisions for 3simplifiedG calculation of deflections are identical +other than
a typographical error in #S <211,, and are both based on the 3=ransonG equation, which is also
used in #$" /2:. The equation in #$" /2: is differently formulated, but will give identical results
for the same cracking moment and section stiffness values. The #S /011 version of the equation
is shown below'
"ef is calculated for the ma&imum moment section, and applied along the full length of the member
being analysed.
The calculation of the cracking moment in the #ustralian codes +but not #$" /2:, includes an
allowance for the shrinkage induced tensile stress in the uncracked section, which contributes to
loss of tension stiffening'
#S /011 and #S <211 provide a factor kcs , applied to the calculated deflection, to account for the
additional deflection due creep and shrinkage'
kcs H I7 2.7+#sc 5 #st ,J KH 1.:
Aote that for a symmetrically reinforced section kcs reduces to the minimum value of 1.:, being
the effect of creep deflection alone.
:$1$( @S 91==, @S ?##=
.eflections in =S <911 and =S :221 are calculated from integration of section curvatures. The
cracking moment and curvature of cracked sections allows for a short term concrete tensile stress
of 2 MBa, reducing to 1.<< MBa in the long term.
Shrinkage curvatures in =S :221 are determined from the free shrinkage strain, and the first
moment of area of the reinforcement about the cracked or uncracked section, as appropriate. =S
<911 uses a similar approach, but tabulates factors based on the compression and tension
reinforcement ratios.
:$1$0 *urocode ( and C*@D+IP #BB= 5.C B=7
The -uropean codes also provide for calculation of deflections by integration of section
curvatures, but provide a different e&pression for the stiffness of cracked sections'
Shrinkage curvatures are assessed using a similar method to that given in =S :221'
:$1$1 Su44ary
The main differences in approach to the calculation of deflections are summarised below'
#ustralian and #merican codes are based on the =ranson equation, using a uniform
average effective stiffness value.
#ustralian codes allow for loss of tension stiffening through a reduction of the cracking
moment related to the free concrete shrinkage.
#llowance for shrinkage curvature in the #ustralian codes is simplified and will
underestimate curvature in symmetrically reinforced sections.
=ritish codes allow only a low tension value for cracked sections, which is further
reduced for long term deflections
-uropean codes adopt an intermediate approach for cracked sections, with an
allowance for loss of tension stiffening.
=ritish and -uropean code provisions for shrinkage curvature are essentially the same
-ffective stiffness, calculated according to #S /011, -urocode 7, =S <911, and =S :221, and with
no tension stiffening, is plotted against bending moment for the same concrete section used in
the crack width analysis. *igure 2/ shows results with no shrinkage, and *igure 29 with a
shrinkage of /11 Microstrain.
>$ R*C*% R*S*"RCH
#ll of the codes studied, other than #$" /2:, include some allowance for loss of tension stiffening
over time, but they give no guidance on the rate of this mechanism, other than in #S /011 and #S
<211, where this effect is related to the concrete shrinkage.
#s previously noted, recent papers by =eeby et al. +<;, suggest that tension stiffening reaches
its minimum long term value in a matter of 71/1 days, and that the reduced value of tension
stiffening should always be used for design purposes, e&cept for very short term loads.
The mechanism for loss of tension stiffening is believed to be cumulative damage, resulting from
loss of tensile strength under load. $reep is believed to play an insignificant part, in the process,
and the rate of shrinkage is also too slow to account for the observed rate of loss of strength.
There is evidence that final tension stiffening may be largely independent of concrete strength +<,,
however it has also been noted that tension stiffening appears to influenced to a significant
degree by the type of cement and whether or not silica fume was used in the mi& +/,.
=eeby et al. have recently published recommendations for changes to the code provisions for
prediction of deflection in =S :221 +0,.
?$ C"S* S%'DI*S
Two case studies are presented illustrating aspects of the prediction of deflections.
?$# Larger than *<6ected Deflections in a Precast Concrete "rch
# large span precast concrete arch that e&hibited larger than e&pected vertical deflections at the
crown under self weight, before the commencement of backfill. #t design time short term crown
deflections were estimated to be about 9< mm. "nitial deflection measurements were consistent
with predictions, but survey of a section where backfilling had been delayed for si& months
revealed crown deflections of up to 2<1 mm. %evised estimates of the crown deflection are
shown in *igures 2< and 20. "t can be seen that even allowing for creep and shrinkage effects,
the ma&imum predicted crown deflection is only just over 211 mm according to =S :221
provisions, and less than :1 mm according to #S /011.
The reasons for the increased deflection over the initial estimate were found to be'
$reep, shrinkage, and loss of tension stiffening effects, included in the results shown in
*igure 20.
.ifferential shrinkage during storage offsite. Stored arch units were found to have an
additional curvature due to differential shrinkage, resulting in a loss of chord length of
about /1 mm, which would cause an additional crown deflection of about <1 mm,
accounting for the total deflection observed in the erected units. # possible reason for
the differential shrinkage is the application of a waterproofing membrane to the outer
face of the arch units, resulting in more rapid drying of the inside surface.
?$( Sagging in Precast Pretensioned @ridge @ea4s 5>7
Two simply supported bridges constructed of precast pretensionsed SuperT beams, with spans
in the range /1 to 91 metres, e&hibited less than e&pected hogging at the time of transfer of
prestress. #fter one month the hog deflection had substantially reduced, and after placement of
the insitu deck slab and superimposed dead loads the final midspan deflection was a sag of
about 91 mm, compared with a predicted hog of 7< mm. .etailed analysis of the time dependant
behaviour of the beams revealed two reasons for the sag deflections'
Load shedding to bonded reinforcement in the section due to creep and shrinkage.
.ifferential shrinkage due to the much greater effective thickness of the SuperT bottom
flange than the thin web and top flange. #dditional shrinkage in the top flange results in
a downward deflection of the beam.
# revised analysis using the 3#ge #djusted -ffective Modulus MethodG +#-MM,, and including the
two effects described above successfully replicated the observed beam behaviour.
The main conclusions drawn from the studies described in this paper are'
$racking and deflections may be highly variable, even under nominally identical
$odes do not make specific provisions for all the relevant factors affecting cracking and
deflection of concrete structures.
#S /011 and #S <211 stress limits may result in substantially greater crack widths than
allowed in other codes for structures with greater than normal depths of cover.
"n spite of similar approaches, different code methods for crack width calculation give
highly variable results.
-urocode 7 appears to be the most consistent
Bredicted section stiffness and deflection values are also highly variable between
Shrinkage effects are significant, even in symmetrically reinforced sections. "n
asymmetrically reinforced sections shrinkage may be the dominant effect on long term
Loss of tension stiffening appears to take place much more rapidly than creep or
shrinkage, and should be allowed for in all cases e&cept very short term loads.
.ifferential shrinkage may have a significant effect on deflections, and should be
considered where deflections are critical.
#=$ "C,&!L*D-*.*%S
The author wishes to thank the following organisations for permission to publish the information
contained in the case studies'
The %einforced -arth $ompany' Larger than -&pected .eflections in a Brecast $oncrete #rch
Maunsell #ustralia' Sagging in Brecast Bretensioned =ridge =eams
##$ R*+*R*C*S
2. #S /011, #ustralian Standard, $oncrete Structures, Standards #ustralia "nternational, 7112
7. 8okinen, -. B., and Scanlon, #., 3*ield Measured Two(ay Slab .eflections,G Proceedings,
2F:< #nnual $onference, $S$-, Saskatoon, $anada, May 2F:<.
/. #.(. =eeby and %.!. Scott, 3"nsights into the cracking and tension stiffening behaviour of
reinforced concrete tension members revealed by computer modellingG, Maga?ine of $oncrete
%esearch, 7119, <0, Ao. 1/, Thomas Telford, London
9. Scott %.!. and Eill B.#.T. Short term distribution of strain and bond stress along tension
reinforcement, The Structural -ngineer, 2F:;, 0<=, Ao 7 /F9/
<. #.(. =eeby and %.!. Scott, 3Mechanisms of longterm decay of tension stiffeningG, Maga?ine
of $oncrete %esearch, 7110, <:, Ao. 1<, Thomas Telford, London
0. #.(. =eeby, %.!. Scott and #.-.L. 8ones, 3%evised code provisions for longterm deflection
calculationsG, Structures and =uildings, 2<: "ssue S=2, 711<
;. 8. $onnal, .eflections of Brecast Bretensioned =eams, #ustroads =ridge $onference,
September 7110.
*igure 2/' -ffective stiffnes vs =ending Moment with no shrinkage
*igure 29' -ffective stiffnes vs =ending Moment with /11 Microstrain shrinkage
*igure 2<' Bredicted crown deflection of an arch structure, no creep or shrinkage
*igure 20' Bredicted crown deflection of an arch structure, including creep or shrinkage

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