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Influence of 5 Elements

The causative nature of the five elements: Water, Air, Fire, Earth and Space are the key to the
study and practice of MahaVastu.

The foundation of MahaVastu is Sankhya Darshan (Indian Metaphysics), which is the basis of
all Indian sciences like Yoga, Ayurveda, Tantra and many more.
The entire Universe, whether it is stars, planets, moons, or any form of life, is made up of these
five elements. In buildings each direction is dominated by one element - a balanced state being
the cause of positive, and an imbalanced state the cause of negative effects.
It is the balance or imbalance among these Panchtattva that makes one's Space a virtual heaven
or hell.
An underground water tank in South Zone will cause anxiety, fire-accidents, restlessness and
disturbed sleep. Similarly, the fire placed in North Zone (Zone of Water) will block new
opportunities, receipt of payments and lack of orders, as they are attributes of this Zone. So here
in these examples, you can see how an imbalanced state of elements in a building creates
problematic real-life situations.
It is associated with conception of new ideas, clarity of thoughts, creation of new vision, flowing
of new opportunities in your life, healing energy, immunity and restoration of health. Water
dominates the North direction in buildings.
Balanced State
When Water is in balanced state in a building, the people in such buildings are able to see the
larger picture of life. Though their attitude towards life becomes spiritual and philosophical, they
are, at the core, essentially, worldly beings.
Air represents growth in your life. It is also associated with movement, especially rotational
movement, so it brings refreshment, fun, joy and happiness in life. This element dominates the
East. The Chinese call it the Wood element.
Balanced State
Air gives you the courage to try new things, take risks for your growth and to explore your inner-
self. You get to meet people who pave the way for your growth and you perform impressively.
Fire is the driving force behind all life processes and thus is equated with money in modern era.
It can transform your life with confidence and enthusiasm. South is the direction of Fire.
Balanced State
In its balanced state, Fire brings you fame and recognition among the masses. It gives you zeal,
power, strength, confidence and money, which become the driving force behind life and its
Mother Earth gives stability. balance, infinite patience and maturity in character are imbued by
this element. Earth dominates the centre and diagonal directions in every built-up Space.
Balanced State
When balanced, this element induces stability in your life - be it your career, behaviour,
relationships, or results of your efforts. It encourages towards a feeling of peace and harmony
with the entire world - especially with those related by blood.
Space represents expansion, enhancement, extension, spread, communication and even thought
process (Mental Space). Space dominates the Western direction. The Chinese call it the Metal
element owing to perfect space configuration in metals (Atomic Structure).
Balanced State
In a balanced state, Space gives you the charge of your destiny. It gives you a sense of direction
and the ability to get organized, ensuring that you excel in all that you do. Space gives you the
knowledge and awareness to understand new, creative and beneficial ideas.

Vastu Purush Mandala - Energy

Enlarge View
Every bui l di ng i s governed by energy-fi el ds whi ch are termed as Devtas, these compri se a vi tal
el ement of MahaVastu.
Man makes structures and bui l di ngs to perform certai n functi ons i n a bui l di ng. As soon as space i s
encl osed, i t starts behavi ng as a scal ed down model of the Uni verse. Di fferent energy -fi el ds
emerge automati cal l y. These energy-fi el ds react wi th human consci ousness. They al ter, bl end and
redi rect consci ousness as per thei r own attri butes.
There are 45 such major energy-fi el ds i n a bui l di ng that control and i nfl uence consci ousness, and
980 mi nor energy-fi el ds. These energy-fi el ds are termed as Devtas i n Sanskri t. The meani ng of the
word Dev i s, ' the one who i s sel f -Il l umi nati ng' . As per the property of the energy-fi el d, thei r
names were deri ved. In a bui l di ng, the combi nati on of 45 Devtas i s cal l ed Vastu Purush Mandal a
the one who i s carryi ng 45 energy fi el ds i s Vastu Dev. These 45 energy fi el ds or Devtas are
menti oned i n detai l i n Vedas.
The presence of these Devtas has been fel t at a speci fi c pl ace i n any bui l di ng. Exactl y the same
form of energy (correspondi ng to a Devta) gets devel oped i n exactl y the same
porti on/pl ace/space, i n a bui l di ng, when i t i s constructed, formi ng a gri d, whi ch has been termed
as Vastu Purush Mandal a.
It' s real l y i nteresti ng to know the attri butes of these fi el ds. For exampl e, Indra i s Devta or
presi di ng God of East and contai ns the power of control l i ng i nfl uence. Symbol i cal l y, Indra i s
consi dered as mi nd, the rul er of 5 physi cal senses. In a soci ety, Indra represents the rul i ng power
that connects and bi nds peopl e together.
Yama i s the God of absol ute rest and power to br i ng any phenomena to compl eti on. Compl eti on of
one' s l i fe on thi s pl anet i s consi dered as death; so i n Hi ndu Vedi c phi l osophy Yama i s percei ved as
the God of death al so. Varuna i s the observer and control l er of worl dl y affai rs, the presi di ng Devta
of West. Gods of al l the seas on Earth i s al so Varuna. He i s responsi bl e for creati ng the governi ng
protocol s of the worl d.
Soma i s a Vedi c god of el i xi r of l i fe and presi di ng Devta of North zone. He al so has properti es of
heal i ng and sexual power. Transformati on of sexual energy i n el i xi r i s governed by Soma. Bhudhar
carri es the power to mani fest. Aryama has the power to connect wi th the worl d i n order to (fi nd a
mati ng compani on to) sustai n the process of evol uti on. Vi vaswan control s the change, whi ch i n
turn, i ni ti ates (mani festati on of) the whol e exi stence.
Mi tra, whi ch has been i nvoked repeatedl y i n Atharvaveda, carri es the power of hol di ng the worl d
together; and, Aapaha boosts your i mmune system. In Vedi c l i terature Aapah i s percei ved as
power that i s responsi bl e for al l the fl ows i n Uni verse. Someti mes that very meani ng comes very
cl ose to the fl ow of a ri ver. So Aapah i s responsi bl e to preserve the fl ow of l i fe by empoweri ng the
i mmune system.
Now you can i magi ne, why you are the way you are! Hi ndus i n the past cl earl y defi ned the
attri butes of these energy fi el ds; they devel oped the art of perfect pl acement of di fferent acti vi ti es
to experi ence the peak performance i n thei r acti ons. Based on thi s understandi ng, they made
templ es to such a great preci si on so as to ful fi l l thei r wi shes. VastuShastri Khushdeep Bansal
bel i eves that ol d Hi ndu templ es are i deal exampl es of the appl i cati on of the Al chemy of Space. The
same knowl edge tool s are used i n MahaVastu to sol ve probl ems or to achi eve your targets.

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