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Check the condition of the device

Fill out the formula PC Name, Name, 5-2-1, etc.
Maintain pilot user list Serial Number
Business Unit
Update iLearn certificate to SharePoint pilot user list (Win8 GL)
Add user to MSS open https://www.gmt.novartis.intra/Groups/Details/98325
Select Members
Click Edit
Click Add Members and search for the name
Tag the searched person and Add x selected User(s)
Click Save
Register Live ID open
fill out the form
select the link to start the verification of your email address
select Send email
The client has to confirm his mail address by clicking on the link in the mail

Prepare a bag with name of the user and date & time of the pick-up/handover
Store the received equipment of the user in the bag so it wont get lost
Check if CR file was created
Contact Matthias Tschopp or Philipp Stotz to get the SCCM entry deleted
If none of them are available, call the service desk (+41 61 32 49292)
Wait until the deletion is confirmed
Provide power supply
Stage Device

Install important drivers
Anbei die Weblinks fr die Getrbe-Treiber:
Lenovo Helix:
Surface Pro 1 / 2:
Manuell nach dem Staging installieren (mit SUP-account)

Check if software was successfully installed (Office)
Put the device in the prepared bag

Welcome the client
Show client the content of his bag (device, equipment) make sure that nothing got lost
Let user log in to his 5-2-1 account
Establish Wi-Fi connection
Setup Mail app: sign in separately
enter Windows Live ID and the matching password
Choose active sync
click show more details
EU: ; US:
eunet, apnet, nanet, jpnet, lanet
click allow app to use private key
first attempt will fail wait 15min
click connect
click enforce these policies
Setup secure mail open link:
enter 5-2-1 ID and password
click get current certificate mail will be sent
follow the prompts in the mail received
Personalize the Start-Menu with the user and show him the new functions and touch motions
Business Scenario: Start Lync call from Outlook
Share PowerPoint Presentation
File Sharing
Present new Win8.1 features
Inform user about support & service ( service desk)
Maintain pilot user list (date of checkout)

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