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Soal Bahasa Inggris SMP beserta

Perhatikan teks dibawah ini :
How to make New Folder
What you need :
- Computer sets
- Your documents
The instructions :
1 Click start! usually located on the le"t bottom o" the monitor
# Place the pointer on pro$ram
% Place the pointer on window e&plorer and click
' Find the document "older on the le"t side column o" the window e&plorer
( )o*e the pointer to my documents and double click on it
+ )o*e the pointer to "ile and click
, )o*e the pointer to New
- )o*e the pointer to "older and click
. Type in the name o" your new "older and press return or enter You ha*e made a new "older
1 What do we need i" we want to create a new "older/
a )oney and "lashdisk
b The documents and "lashdisk
c Computer sets and documents
d Computer sets and "lashdisk
# What is the third step i" we want to create a new "older/
a Place the pointer on window e&plorer
b )o*e the pointer to new
c Place the pointer on pro$ram
d )o*e the pionter to my documents and double click on it
% Find it on the le"t side column o" the windows e&plorer What does the underlined word
re"ers to/
a Folder
b 0ocument "older
c 0ouble click
d 1tart menu
' Where can we "ind computer set/
a 2oal
b 1teps
c )aterials
d )ethods
3i$$est 3and 1how 4 5ndi 6ianto 3and7
Held : 1aturday! 0ecember %8
Time : 8,88 pm 9 1188 pm
Place : 1arbini hall
We present the "amous sin$ers :
- :risdayanti
- 6uth 1ahanaya
- Titi 0;
Tickets : 6p 1(8888<adult
6p 188888<child
For entrance tickets! please call :
6e=a : >8#1? %#+,'((
@ra : 8-(.(.+1,%%1
( What does the passa$e tell us about/
a Antrance tickets
b Tiket Price
c Ticket sellers
d 5 band show
+ When will the show be held/
a @n the mornin$
b @n the a"ternoon
c Bn 1unday
d @n the e*enin$
, We present the "amous sin$ers
the underlined word re"ers toCC
a The readers
b The writer
c The or$ani=er
d Th sin$er
Player @ was really happy to ha*e it because it had many "unctions especially @ could listen to
the music clearly 3esides! it could record our *oice! so @ recorded my *oice when @ practiced
speakin$ en$lishFinally! @ could sa*e the data on it or trans"or to a computer
)y )P% player is easy to operate i Dust touch the button what @ want to choose Take "or st
e&ample: i" i want to listen to the music @ choose the music menu! and then touch the play
button To select the son$s only mo*e the cursor to the le"t or to the ri$ht and the son$ will
chan$e "ast
@Em sure y ou are interested in it! because it has many other "unctions
1( what kind o" the te&t is it/
a announcement
bpersonal letter
c letter
d ad*etisement
1+ the purpose o" the letter is toCC
a retell e*ents
b persuade readers
c show happiness
d share am usin$ stories
1, Who is the sender o" the letter/
a teacher
b lo*e
c Gina
d karina
:AAF BF THA 26511
#8 This notice means that weCC
a should walk on the $rass
b must not cut the $rass
c are not allowed to step and sit on the $rass
d are allowed to step on the $rass
#' )r 5min : 0o you mind ha*in$ dinner at my house this e*enin$/
)r ;oni : That sounds $ood
)r 5min : 5re you sure/
)r ;oni : CCCCCCC
a @Em posti*e
b @Em a"raid i canEt
c No! @ canEt
d Fine
#( )ira : Ton! are you sure that we are $oin$ to ha*e en$lish test tomorrow/
Toni : CC )rs 5ni has told it many time
a @ hope so
b @ a$ree with that
c @Em certain
d @ donEt thin$ so
#+ 3udi : Fook 5nH The weather is cloudy! do you thin$ it will rain soon/
5ni : @ donEt thin$ so @ am CCC because the sun is still shinin$
a 1ure
b 0oubt
c Certaintly
d 0oubt"ul
#, 0ony : 0o you know where did 5li $o/ @ want to see him
Wati : He went to buy some "ood at Yo$ya store CC He will come soon because he Dust
went out in a "ew minutes
a @ doubt
b @Em 1ure
c @Em certain
d @ am doubt
#- )other : Fook at the shipsH
5nisa : WowH CC TheyEre the bi$$est ships @E*e e*er seen
a What a bi$ shipH
b What bi$ is the shipH
c How a bi$ ship is itH
d What bi$ ship theyEre
#. Teacher : well!boys and $irls! hereEs the bus "or you
5ditya :CCC itEs air-conditioned and has a reclinin$ seats as well as TG
a How com"ortable is itH
b Which bus is com"ortableH
c W hat a com"ortable busH
d WhatEs a real busH
%8 @wan : @E*e $ot a $ood newsH Bur $o*ernment has launched the rule about ille$al lo$in$
0ian : Bh! pretty $ood HCCCCCC
a @Em sorry to hear that
b @ be$ your pardon/
c Tell me more about itH
d @Em absolutely sure about that
%1 Nia : Your $arden is *ery lo*ely The scenery is beauti"ul and the en*ironment is *ery
clear @ really enDoy stayin$ here
1ri : Thank you!CCCCC
a @Em doubt"ul
b @Em $lad you like it
c What a supriseH
d @ am certain about that
%# )aya : wowH What a beauti"ul en*ironment H where is it/
Neni : it is Fondon
Neni : Fondon !@ said
a 5re you sure/
b Pardon me/
c Tell me more about it
d 5nythin$ else/
1 :ey : C
1olution : karena diba$ian what you need-apa y$ dibutuhkan yaitu computer sets and
# :ey : 5
1olution : karena diba$ian instructions third step- instruksi ke % yaitu Place the pointer
on window e&plorer
% :ey : 3
1olution : karena diba$ian on the le"t side coulumn o" the windows e&plorer- diba$ian
kolom kiri e&plorer adalah document "older
' :ey : C
1olution : karena kita bisa menemukan sets computer-peralatan komputer di matherials
. :ey : 0
1olution : karena dibaris pert ama tertera 3i$$est 3and 1how-pertunDukan band besar
18 :ey : 0
1olution : karena dibaris ke % tertera 8,88pm-1188pm-8,88malam-1188malam
11 :ey : C
1olution : karena 5!3!0 tidak ada hubun$annya den$an pertanyaan
1( :ey : 3
1olution : karena bahasanya tidak terlalu resmi
1+ :ey : C
1olution : karena dibaris pertama di men$atakan @ was really happy
1, :ey : 0
1olution : karena dibaris akhir ada nama :arina
#8 :ey : C
1olution : karena di slo$an tersebut menyuruh kita untuk tidak melan$kah dan duduk
diatas rumput itu
#' :ey : 0
1olution : karena )r ;oni menyetuDui ide )r 5min
#( :ey : C
1olution : Toni sudah yakin karena )rs 5ni selalu men$atakannya
#+ key : 3
1olution : :arena sinta men$atakan idonEt think so-aku tidak seperti itu
#, key: 0
1olution: :arena kata kata sesudah Dawaban 0 berhubun$an den$an pertanyaan tersebut
#- key: 5
1olution: karena Dawan 3!C!0 tidak ada hubun$annya den$an pertanyaan
#. key: 5
1olution: :arena 5ditya men$atakannya den$an emosi
%8 key: 0
1olution : karena dia setuDu den$an peraturan baru yan$ dibuat oleh $o*erment
%1 key : 3
1olution: karena Dawaban 5!C!0 tidak berhubun$an den$an soal
%# key : 5
1olution: karena maya kuran$ menden$ar apa yan$ dikatakan oleh Neni
# Choose the correct answer base on the !ollowing "#estions$
Read the text to answer question number 1 to 4
5damEs 0iary
)ay #818
#% 1unday When @ $ot up! @ "elt ill! @ went back to bed )um called the doctor 3ut he
couldnEt come! because he was ill too
#' )onday The doctor come at 11 BEclock He wrote a prescription "or some medicine
)um bou$ht it in the dru$store @t was horrible YuckH
#( Tuesday 0ad bou$ht me model aeroplane @ read the instructions! but @ couldnEt
make it! because the do$ ate the $lue
1 What happened at #%rd )ay to 5dam/
a He couldnEt come
b He wrote a prescription
c% He !elt ill
d He was slippin$
# Who called the doctor/
a Father
b 5dam
c% Mother
d 0octor
% What did the doctor write at #'th/
a @nstructions
b )odel aeroplane
c 5ddress o" dru$store
% Prescri&tion
' 5dam could not make the aeroplane! why/ 3ecauseC
a He "elt ill
b% 'he og ate the gl#e
c The doctor was ill too
d )um bou$ht medicine
Read the text to answer question number 5 to 9
Fast holiday @ went to Paris @ *isited museums and sat in public $ardens 5 "riendly
waiter tau$ht me a "ew words o" French Then he lent me a book @ read a "ew lines! but
@ did not understand a word A*eryday @ thou$ht about postcards )y holidays passed
Juickly! but @ did not send any cards to my "riends
Bn the last day @ made a bi$ decision! @ $ot up early and bou$ht thirty se*en cards @
spent the whole day in my room! but @ did not write a sin$le cardH
( What is the te&t about/
a Gisitin$ museum
b Postcard
c Words o" French
% Holia(
% + What is the $eneric structure >tenses? o" the te&t abo*e/
a 1imple present tense
b% Sim&le &ast tense
c Present continues tense
d 1imple "uture tense
' , Whom did the writer meet in Paris/
a% )rienl( waiter
b His "riends
c Postman
d )other
- What was the "irst place the writer *isited/
a% M#se#m
b Public $arden
c His room
d Post o""ice
. K@ read a "ew lines! CE
What does the underlined phrase mean/
a Words in a postcard
b% 'e*t on the boo+
c )useum $uidin$
d 2ardenEs rules
Read the text then find the suitable words to complete the sentences as an answer of
question number 10 to 15
Fast week @ CC>1? my $randmotherEs house @ CC>#? public transportation to reach
the house Bn the trip! @ CC>%? so many beauti"ul scenery there )y $randmother
$reet me! when @ CC>'? her house 1he looked so $lad 1he C>(? me her delicious
"ood! then weCCC>+? to$ether
18 The suitable word "or number 1 isC
a $o to
b $oes to
c% went to
d $one to
11 The suitable word "or number # isC
a% 'oo+
b Take
c Taken
d Takked
1# The suitable word "or number % isC
a 1ee
b 1een
c% Saw
d 1awed
1% The suitable word "or number ' isC
a% Came
b Come
c Comed
d Comin$
1' The suitable word "or number ( isC
a 2i*e
b 2i"t
c 2i*en
% Ga,e
1( The suitable word "or number + isC
a Aat
b Aated
c% Ate
d Aatin$
Read the text to answer question number 16 to 21
There were a $irl named 3awan$ Putih! she li*ed with her step mother and her step
sister named 3awan$ )erah 3awan$ PutihEs li"e was sad Her step mother and her step
sister treated 3awan$ Putih badly and always asked her to do all the household chores
Bne mornin$! 3awan$ Putih was washin$ some clothes in a ri*er 5ccidentally! her
motherEs clothes "ell down to the ri*er Finally she met an old woman The old woman
returned the clothes 1he also $a*e 3awan$ Putih a small pumpkin 5t home! 1uddenly
3awan$ putih and her step mother and step sister were surprised @nside the pumpkin
they "ound Dewelries 43awan$ )erah! hurry up 2o to the ri*er then "ound the old
woman and took bi$ pumpkin They were screamin$ There were a lot o" snakes inside
the pumpkinH
Finally both o" them reali=ed their mistakes They apolo$i=ed and 3awan$ Putih "or$a*e
1+ What is the story about/
a )alin :undan$
b% Bawang P#tih - Bawang Merah
c 1an$kurian$
d Tan$kuban Perahu
1, What kind o" te&t the story abo*e/
a 6ecount
b 0escripti*e
c Procedure
% Narrati,e
1- Who is 3awan$ )erah/
a 3awan$ PutihEs mother
b% Bawang P#tih.s ste& sister
c The old woman
d The pumpkinEs owner
1. Who $a*e the clothes back to 3awan$ Putih
a% 'he ol woman
b 3awan$ merah
c Her 1tep mother
d 6i*er
#8 Why were 3awan$ )erah and mother screamin$/
a They "ound Dewelries
b )otherEs clothes "ell down to the ri*er
c 3oth o" them reali=ed their mistakes
% 'here were a lot o! sna+es insie the &#m&+in
#1 Why did 3awan$ )erah and mother say apolo$i=e to 3awan$ Putih/
a They "ound Dewelries
b )otherEs clothes "ell down to the ri*er
c% Both o! them reali/e their mista+es
d There were a lot o" snakes inside the pumpkin
Complete the conversation bellow usin one of the best choices
5 : Hi! buddy
3 : oh hiH
5 : Ha*e you e*er watched Faskar Pelan$i/
3 : Yes! @ ha*e
5 : CCCCCCCCCCthat mo*ie/
3 : @ think it was so ama=in$ mo*ie
a @ donEt think so
b Can @ ha*e
c% What o (o# thin+ o!
d Can you
5 : ;immy! CCCCCCyour cell phoneEs number please/
3 : B" CourseH
a @ donEt think so
b% Can I ha,e
c What do you think o"
d Can you
5 : @ think she is *ery stron$ $irl
3 : CCCCCCCCC! because somebody told me that she was cryin$
a% I on.t thin+ so
b Can @ ha*e
c What do you think o"
d Can you
5 : Bh NoH @ "or$et to brin$ my pen
CCCCCCland me your pen! please/
3 : 1ureH
a @ donEt think so
b Can @ ha*e
c What do you think o"
% Can (o#
5: e&cuse me! CCCCwhere the barber shop/
3: yes Dust $o strai$ht down this road! the barbershop is on the ri$ht side
a% 0o (o# +now
b This is @ndah 1peakin$
c WhatEs wron$
d 0o you a$ree
5: FistenH 5"ter the class we will $o "or a play CCCC/
3: ThatEs a $ood idea! @ a$ree with you
a 0o you know
b This is @ndah 1peakin$
c WhatEs wron$
% 0o (o# agree
5: HelloHCCCCCCCCC )ay @ speak to 5ndree /
3: @Em sorry! he has Dust $one out
a 0o you know
b% 'his is Inah S&ea+in$
c WhatEs wron$
d 0o you a$ree
5: Hi! you are di""erent today! tell meCCCC/
3: )y hand! it is hurt
a 0o you know
b This is @ndah 1peakin$
c% What.s wrong
d 0o you a$ree
5: C>%8?! ToniH
3: Bh hiH 6ina! how are you/
5: Fine! how about you/
3: @Em "ine too
5: Where do you li*e now Toni/
3: @ li*e here! at that house
CCCCC>%1?why are you here/
5: @Em $oin$ to my "riendEs house near "rom here
3: 6eally/ 1o can you come to my house "irst/
5: Bh! sorry Toni @ canEt! she is waitin$ me 5nd @ ha*e to $o now
3: @tEs okH Come to my house when you ha*e a time
5: Yes @ will CC>%#?Toni
3: 3ye 6inaH
a% Hi
b 2ood bye
c 3y the way
d Please
a Hi
b 2ood bye
c% B( the wa(
d Please
a Hi
b% Goo b(e
c 3y the way
d Please
%% CCCCCcar does your "ather ha*e/
a% How man(
b When
c Where are
d How much
%' 1he CCCCCCC some "ood when @ saw her
a @s
b 5re eatin$
c Were eatin$
% Was eating
%( They CCCCCCto the school to$ether yesterday
a 5re
b% Went
c 2o
d Were
%+ You CCCCcome at the party! because it will make you happy
a 5re
b Were
c% Sho#l
d Could
Read the text to answer question number !" to 40
When @ was in elementary school! @ really lo*ed "ootball A*ery 1aturday a"ternoon @
practiced in school "ield with my team and my coach They were stron$ and smart
players The coach was couchin$ *ery discipline He would $rounded anyone who came
late and not obey the team rules
%, When did the writer really lo*e "ootball/
a% When he was in elementar( school
b A*ery 1aturday a"ternoon
c When he came late and not obey the team rules
d When he was in Dunior hi$h school
%- Where the writer used to play "ootball
a @n stadium
b @n the sport hall
c @n his own "ield
% In a school !iel
%. How was the couch couchin$ him/
a 1tron$
b 1mart
c% 0isci&line
d Fa=y
'8 The coach $rounded players because theyC
a 1mart
b% Come late
c 1mart
d Play "ootball
1umber: http:<<wwwbelaDarbahasain$$risyukcom<contoh-soal-uas-bahasa-in$$ris-smp-

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