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Neverwinter Nights 2 Version 1.

03 Patch Notes
November 17
, 2006
New Features
Weapon combos in hotbar: Added the ability to set up dual weapon,
weapon & shield, or weapon & torch combos in the hotbar. lic!in" the
hotbar button #or a weapon you already have e$uipped will une$uip it.
Camera Changes: %e&ve made a series o# camera chan"es to this version:
o New options #or ad'ustin" sensitivity #or controllin" the camera by
!eyboard, mouse, and ed"e o# screen.
o hase am ad'usted to wor! more li!e N%N1.
o (n #ree cam mode, the arrow !eys now pan the camera, and holdin"
down )*+ will ,oom and yaw the camera.
o Added bindable !eyboard !ey #or mouse loo! - camera control. )his
mimics #unctionality o# pressin" down the middle mouse button #or
those without a middle mouse button.
Graphics Optimiations! A number o# new "raphics optimi,ations have been
o "nti#"liasing $%pport: Anti.aliasin" is now supported and can be
enabled in the /ptions 0enu. 1lease note: )his could si"ni#icantly
a##ect #rame rate, dependin" on your hardware.
o $ha&ow 'en&ering: 2hadow renderin" speed has been improved.
o (ree 'en&ering: 2peed improvements to the renderin" o# trees.
o Water 'en&ering: 2peed improvements to how water is rendered by
the en"ine.
New Options:
o 3uy-2ell on#irmation: 4ou can now turn o## the buy-sell con#irmation
o /ptions menu has been reor"ani,ed to support many new camera
control options.
o 4ou can now chan"e !eybindin"s in "ame.
)atabase $%pport!
o )he database script #unctions #rom N%N1 have been re.enabled. )hey
are now si"ni#icantly #aster in many cases.
(mproved -t style chat.
)* Client
Added initial support #or hotbar buttons and conte5t menus.
Added in party bar. (t will only list the connected players in the "ame and not
who is in your #action.
4ou can now hover over menu items in the hooser instead o# havin" to clic!
on them #irst.
67ery 8asy9 di##iculty option has been restored.
)he :0 chat channel is once a"ain available via the -dm pre#i5.
8##ect%ildshape;< = New #unction #or %ildshape e##ect.
>et8ncumbrance2tate ;< . Added script #unction to "et the encumbrance state
o# a "iven player
>et1layerreature85amine)ar"et;< . Added script #unction to "et the current
creature e5amine tar"et #or a player
1ac!ampai"n:atabase;< = A new database #eature to N%N2, this will pac!
the campai"n database and pur"e deleted records #rom a database.
>et1layer)ar"et/b'ect;< = New script #unction to "et the current selected
tar"et ob'ect #or a "iven player.
?nlin!:oor;< = New script command to turn an area transition door into a
normal door.
:atabase support has been added, includin" new 1ac!ampai"n:atabase;<
Added a load screen ima"e previewer.
Added item icon previewer.
Area names and ta"s now de#ault to the area&s #ile name #or new areas.
)he spell tab now shows multiple instances o# spells, so creatures can have
multiple instances o# a spell with di##erent metama"ic types.
*i"ht.clic!in" while placin" tiles now rotates the tile.
)he #irst column and row o# the 2:A viewer are now pinned, ma!in" it easier
to use.
han"es on item blueprints will now be propa"ated to items in creature or
placeable inventories, or that are e$uipped on creatures.
Added new option to the @ile menu that allows the user to compile only
currently open scripts.
)here is a new panel in the script editor that allows the user to insert scripts
#rom the N%N2)oolsetA)emplates #older into the current script.
2cript search #unctionality chan"ed to brin" up all results in one result window
and the user can double.clic! to open up that search result.
(tem cost calculations added to the item properties.
New visual style.
:oors now have a #la" that allows them to render an invisible area transition
;a!a an invisible Bblac! door.B< )his is ad'ustable in the toolset. )his is to
address concerns with the 6blac! area9 behind open doors and how silly it
loo!ed on open "ates in the middle o# Neverwinter, etc.
%hen users enter a strin" re#, they can also chec! a bo5 to say that the strin"
re# is #rom the custom #ile and the strin" returned will be #rom that #ile instead
o# the main .tl! table.
@eminine versions o# strin"s are now editable.
Ce5 values can now be used as strin" re#erences within 2:As. )his ma!es it
easier to use custom )+D #iles with 2:As.
)he script editor runs #aster and uses less memory.
Bug Fixes
Animal ompanions, @amiliars, and 2ummoned reatures are now
unsummoned when a roster member is bein" despawned. )his will address
problems where companions can become #amiliars on transitions.
2ome minor ad'ustments to the pathin" system to prevent characters #rom
bein" put into ille"al areas.
2plit out Armored aster #eat into class speci#ic #eats #or 3ards and %arloc!s
to properly apply spell #ailure percenta"es. )his will allow users who add new
classes to "ive them speci#ic armored castin" ability easily.
2ome minor #i5es to drop shadow renderin".
)he debu" :irectE chec! has been removed = some users had problems
runnin" the "ame, even without the :irectE 2:D bein" installed.
)he "ame would crash when a module with more than 16,000 ob'ects was
@i5ed a memory lea! related to "rass that would occur in certain areas.
@i5ed issue when a player was resurrected by another player, the 6respawn9
button would stay up on their screen, and could be used to restore li#e and
remove e##ects.
)* Client
Added lar"er 6F9 buttons #or the hooser and reator to ma!e them easier to
clic! on.
@i5ed some issues with !eymappin".
1layer list is used instead o# the party list when displayin" party members on
the minimap and areamap.
:0&s can now area transition while possessin" somethin" and the entire
#action doesn&t come with them.
@i5ed issue with tryin" to possess a creature in a di##erent area than the one
the :0 is currently standin" in.
@i5ed mouse action tar"et #or :un"eon 0asters, so they donGt start
conversations with everyone. Also #i5ed hi"hli"ht, so they canGt always
hi"hli"ht themselves.
:0 can now move around while "ame is paused.
0oved #eats "ranted to a :0 character #rom bein" hard.coded to a new #la"
in the #eat.2da, B:0@eatB. (# itGs mar!ed as 0, the :0 doesnGt "et itH as 1, he
N%N database bu": 7ariables names are now properly truncated to I2
characters in all cases.
(# weapon trails are disabled in the options menu, hit and parry visuals are
disabled as well.
haracter validation was not ta!in" 2pellcastin" 1rodi"y into account #or a
number o# spells wi,ards learn at #irst level.
4ou no lon"er "et ma5 spells a#ter une$uippin" an ability boost item, then an
e5tra spell slot item. Also, chan"ed e5tra spell slot items so that they only
"rant e5tra spell slots i# you are capable o# castin" spells o# that level.
Neutrali,e 1oison should not remove :isease and Ability :ecrease e##ects.
+owered @ren,y dama"e to 6 per round.
4ou can no lon"er recover traps with : 20 or hi"her i# you do not have the
)rap#indin" #eat. (# you try to disarm or recover a : 20F trap without
)rap#indin", you will receive #eedbac! that success is never possibleH it is still
possible to su##er a critical #ailure and have the trap "o o## on you. 4ou can
still #la", e5amine, and set a trap o# any : without )rap#indin"H you can also
always disarm or recover a trap you set yoursel#.
8##ect2hare:ama"e;< was not actually applyin" dama"e to the caster.
2ome #i5es to "lobal scripts on how spells a##ect N1s, etc., in Cardcore
@in"er o# :eath a##ects players in multiplayer mode now.
Ceal spells no lon"er call a touch attac! when cast on undead.
)he 0ass (n#lict +ine o# spells now properly call a will save instead o# a @ort
)he 0ass (n#lict +ine o# spells have now been updated to have the same
behavior as 0ass (n#lict +i"ht %ounds in re"ards to tar"et discrimination and
0ass (n#lict +i"ht %ounds no lon"er harms hostile undead. Neither will it heal
them. )he healin" e##ect is only applied to #riendly undead.
astin" 0a"e Armor on a character who already has (mproved 0a"e Armor
applied will no lon"er remove the stron"er spell.
(mproved 0a"e Armor now correctly provides F6 A rather than FJ.
)he duration on )ymora&s 2mile has been corrected.
)he spells @oundation o# 2tone, 3ody o# 2un, Ka""ed )ooth, )ortoise 2hell,
2wamp +un", 2torm Avatar, and NatureGs Avatar now properly apply their
metama"ic abilities.
)ymoraGs 2mile is now sel#.cast only.
ra#tin" wands, potions, and scrolls was not wor!in" #or many spells. All
spells should now cra#t properly.
2oothin" +i"ht will now auto.cast when selected.
>uardin" the +ord will now only tar"et other creatures.
%arloc! :ar!ness now has the same tar"etin" ?( as arcane :ar!ness.
0ass Ceal now has a ran"e o# Bclose.B
)he 0ass ure line o# spells now uni#ormly have a ran"e o# Bclose.B
/ld behavior #or 3i"byGs I was causin" some creatures to become paraly,ed
rather than immobili,ed in order to simulate "rapplin". )his allowed them a
chance to brea! out on a will save. )he paralysis e##ect has been replaced
with an immobili,ation e##ect.
1rismatic 2pray was always petri#yin", rather than applyin" a random e##ect.
)his is #i5ed.
%eb and >reater 2hadow on'uration-%eb now have the same tar"etin" ?(.
>reater @ireburst will no lon"er dama"e the caster on hardcore di##iculty.
@ireburst will no lon"er harm the caster.
(ron Corn now properly uses a cone shape instead o# a sphere.
@oundation o# stone was calculatin" its duration in seconds rather than
rounds. )his has been #i5ed.
0a"ic @an" and >reater 0a"ic @an" now can be applied to any animal, beast,
or vermin. )his includes wildshaped druids.
0issile 2torm will no lon"er tar"et #riendlies on hardcore mode.
3ombardment now !noc!s down tar"ets on a #ailed save.
3lade 3arrier now plays a species speci#ic blood spray when it dama"es a
:estruction now chec!s the tar"et #or death immunity.
han"ed Coly Aven"er bonus dama"e #rom 1d6 to 2d6 vs. evil.
Attempt)o:isarm)rap;< . *eturns @A+28 i# character cannot path to trap
instead o# assumin" they donGt have the s!ill points to do so.
>etArmor*an! . *eturns whether an e$uipped item is A*0/*L*ANDLN/N8,
L+(>C), L08:(?0, or LC8A74
>et2pell+evel;< wasn&t ta!in" cleric domains into account. )his has been
>et%eapon)ype;< = +ets Deen 8d"e spell also a##ect piercin" weapons.
)alent2pell@ilter;< = )his has been standardi,ed in re"ards to Deen 8d"e and
%eapon o# (mpact.
Added script command "rLcharacterL5ml run #rom console that will e5port
character data in E0+ #ormat to the lo".
@i5ed E2LincLswitches constant that was causin" the override spellscript and
the ta"based script pre#i5 to overwrite each other.
N1 casters can no lon"er a##ect themselves with A/8 spells in CardcoreF
N1s o# non.opposed #actions can no lon"er a##ect each other with A/8 spells
in CardcoreF di##iculty
Added additional e##ects and #i5ed parameter listin" #or "aLe##ect.
G0edalion o# )hou"htG recipe now "ives that item instead o# the G)alisman o#
1ure 8vilG
)he GArmor o# Arrow :e#lectionG recipe now "ives the correct e##ect and not
G2pell 2peciali,ation: Ab'urationG on the Armor enchanted
G(nvulnerable ArmorG recipe now "ive :ama"e *eduction 8##ect
G1osion %eaponG recipe now "ive poison e##ect
)he GArmor o# 2pell *esistanceG recipes now "ives spell resistance e##ect.
ra#ted wands, and scrolls now "ive the correct class restrictions based on
class spell lists.
%ands and potions now ta!e into account the class and level o# the caster #or
determinin" i# the ma5 spell level is surpasses instead o# usin" the innate
level o# a spell.
removed item cast at item restriction #or spell storin" devices ;wands,
potions, scrolls<
*educed cost o# 0 level spells #or wands, potions, and scrolls by hal#
Added warloc! dar!ness cra#tin" recipes #or >old @ili"ree harm and (n#ernal
Number o# char"es #or newly cra#ted wand now de#aults to M0.
@i5ed a bu" where screen ed"e turnin" was #rame rate dependent, ma!in"
the camera behave di##erently based on "raphics settin"s or area.
@i5ed a #ew minor bu"s with mouse selection.
2ave "ame name will now show up properly when overwritin" save"ames.
@i5ed issue where "ainin" bonus #eats #rom items were not causin" a re#resh
o# the character sheet.
)he character NO& has been added to our #onts.
onte5t 0enu :elay slider and %eapon trail /ption are now properly saved
and read in correctly.
4ou can no lon"er resi,e on o# the multiplayer chat windows o##screen.
4ou can now clic! past #eat selection i# you have no #eats to select. 4ou lose
that #eat pic! permanently. )his was added so characters with low stats in
core abilities could process throu"h level up.
)urnin" o## #o" alon" with the 6use area #ar plane9 option now wor!s correctly,
and will render the area up to the #ar plane speci#ied in the >raphics section
o# the /ptions screen.
/riented billboards in visual e##ects will now render correctly in the toolset.
%eapon scalin" now loo!s correct in the toolset.
@i5ed a bu" with the script and conversation search windows stealin" #ocus.
@i5ed a bu" with chan"es to spells not "ettin" saved i# the active tab was
chan"ed be#ore chan"es were applied.
+evel P spells are now saved correctly #or creatures.
@ont pre#erences are now saved correctly.
@i5ed a bu" where doc!in" windows would snap closed i# a drop.down bo5
was used while they were shown.
*eduction in memory pre.allocation by hal#. )his should address some
customer reported issues with the toolset crashin" on load.
2ome improvements to script editor speed and reductions in memory usa"e.
@i5ed a bu" where placed instances o# stores werenGt copyin" the Bin#initeB
#la" #or items.
@i5ed memory lea! when erasin" "rass.
@i5ed issue #or non.8n"lish versions where some re$uired toolset pre#erences
were not bein" loaded.
0odule variables are now displayed under the 62cripts9 cate"ory.
@i5ed bu" where turnin" o## li"ht spheres would turn o## sound spheres.
@ocus wouldn&t chan"e properly when clic!in" on the property"rid or the
blueprint view. @i5ed.
@i5ed crash when tryin" to modi#y pre#abs in the universal blueprint chan"er.
@i5 #or an e5ception that could be thrown i# a 'ournal was modi#ied #rom code
;li!e a plu"in.<
@i5ed inability to modi#y camera orientation, /rientation has been re.enabled.
2ome #i5es to toolset memory mana"ement to improve stability.
@loatin" windows that are o##screen will be moved bac! onscreen on startup.
Newly.created blueprints will have their template property set to the same
name as the blueprint.
@i5ed a bu" where creatin" new item blueprints, assi"nin" them to a creature
or placeable, and then immediately placin" the creature or placeable would
result in the item havin" incorrect properties.
@i5ed a bu" in the script editor where certain N%N.speci#ic data types would
con#use the parameter in#o display.
?sin" the 6@ind All9 button in the script search window now displays all results
in a popup window. ?sers can select the matchin" script-line they want to
An estimated value #or the cost o# an item ;be#ore appraise rolls etc< has been
added to the properties o# items.
?pdated loo! and #eel o# the tab controls.
@i5ed a bu" with the 62ave9 button in the world map editor. (t will no lon"er
corrupt map ima"es.
Original Campaign Fixes Possible Spoilers Below!
0ore N1s will drop poisons now.
ompanions will now no lon"er stop #ollowin" the player a#ter certain cutscenes.
1oisons can be purchased #rom ?ncus or aelryna in rossroad Deep.
1layers can no lon"er encumber companions to e5ploit certain battles in the
@i5ed some #aulty condition chec!s in 3evil&s conversation in rossroad Deep.
@i5ed a bu" in the rossroad Deep report that showed the %alls as ruined
when they have been up"raded.
Added bonuses to +and and *oad 2ecurity when up"radin" %alls, )owers and
surroundin" areas in rossroad Deep.
"ct 1!
3ishop ta!es the two weapon #i"htin" path o# ran"ers despite lon"bow #eats
and constant re#erences to arrows. )his has been #i5edH the "ame will scan
your pac!a"e #or valid *an"er ombat 2tyles ;when you become a level 2
ran"er< and pic!s that. (# you don&t have one in your pac!a"e, it de#aults to
@i5ed $uest.brea!er where player can not turn in N+ewyGs ho"& $uest i# player
committed a triple cross.
0ind a##ectin" spells should no lon"er #ree,e the Carvest 3rawl.
Archery ompetition now more multiplayer #riendly.
@i5ed issue where stripped items in the tutorial were not bein" returned in
%est Carbor.
2cript chan"es to the #ollowin" to address the B3lac! 2creenB issue where
cutscenes would #ail to #ire ;this is in addition to the code #i5<:
o %heat @ield battle in %est Carbor
o asavirGs intro in /ld /wl %ell
o onstruct intro when raidin" >ithyan!i Cideout
o 2handraGs scenes late in Act 1
o 3ishopGs scenes in 8mber
@i5ed problem with >eor" in %est Carbor where he could occasionally "et into
a state where his dialo" wouldnGt start up.
@i5ed the lin"erin" sound e##ects, #ires, and bodies #rom the raid on %est
@i5ed issue where 3evil was in a B2tand your "roundB state a#ter recoverin"
the shard in %est Carbor.
>alen will now tal! to you in @ort +oc!e even i# you havenGt spo!en with
0arshal ormic! yet.
Added a couple obsidian "ems in Ci"hcli## module so cra#ters can create F1
@i5ed issue where ommander )ann would have nothin" to say in some
@i5ed $uest brea! in the Ci"hcli## "raveyard i# player pulled lever be#ore
spea!in" to )ann.
0oved ,ombie spawns away #rom the portcullis near the 2hadow 1riest in the
crypt near @ort +oc!e so they and companions donGt a""ro each other throu"h
the "ate.
@i5ed issue where )ann was not bein" removed #rom the party in a
multiplayer "ame
@i5ed ,ombies that were "ettin" into a perpetually stuc! state in Ci"hcli##
castle ruins. /ccasionally, the ,ombies around the shadow priest would never
attac! or react.
0ade a script chan"e to how 8lanee is spawned durin" her intro to #i5 a bu"
where she would sometimes #ail to appear.
@i5ed issue where players would occasionally "et stuc! on the boat ride to
Neverwinter city.
@i5ed many creatures who were improperly mar!ed as non.disarmable.
@i5ed Darina stic!in" around /ld /wl %ell when she should have returned to
(ron#ist lanhold 'ournal update now occurs when pic!in" up the >auntlets o#
@i5ed %orld 0ap )ransitions in Ci"hcli## and asavirGs intro that re$uired the
player to drive into them rather than bein" activated on clic!in".
@i5ed issue where 2laan was not bein" removed #rom the party in a
multiplayer "ame.
Clam in the hurch o# )yr now heals the party properly when as!ed to.
/phala should no lon"er tal! about +eldon i# the 1 hasnGt run into any o# the
3ounty Cunters yet.
*educed #ramerate hit early in >ithyan!i Cideout due to number o# spawns
@i5in" 2hadow 1riest heads in Act 1 to use the proper head model.
:ruid in wol# #orm in the :oc!s that opens up 8laneeGs 2!ymirror $uest now
properly shows up in Act 1 only.
@i5ed issue where >robnar and asavir were not showin" up in the 2un!en
@la"on when they should have.
@i5ed incorrect 'ournal entry appearin" a#ter de#eatin" Ah'a durin" the 2ea
>host $uest.
ompanions will now participate in the >ithyan!i attac! on the #la"on.
@i5ed issue where some >ithyan!i would stic! around a#ter the >ithyan!i
attac! on the @la"on.
@i5ed e5ploit where player can s!ip QeeaireGs con#rontation cut scene usin"
the inter.dimensional sphere.
Allowed player to ta!e their shards bac! #rom QeeaireGs corpse. 1layer doesnGt
need to wait until they are automatically awarded bac! at the be"innin" o# Act
@i5ed a dialo" loop involvin" 3ishop and #emale players a#ter rescuin"
2handra #rom Qeeaire.
A5leGs house no lon"er accessible to ity %atch players in acts 2 and I.
@i5ed issue where 3evil could not be recruited in Act 2.
ompanions will no lon"er cast GDeen 8d"eG and G%eapon o# (mpactG on
inappropriate weapons.
@i5ed issue where companions would say they couldnGt disarm a trap when
they meant they couldnGt path to one.
@i5ed rare issue where spell breach was not removin" more than one
@i5ed a number o# errors with N1 descriptions.
"ct 2!
@i5ed an issue where i# you choose to attac! 1entin #or not payin" you #or ore
deposits, he wasn&t turnin" hostile.
:ialo"ue with Ra""" in +ord )avoric!&s basement should #ire more
reliably now.
>annish estate will show up on the 3lac!la!e area map now when it&s
supposed to.
Added an alternate solution to the #ourth ri## in the 3attle o# the 3ards, since
one o# the pitches was ambi"uous.
@i5ed issue where loadin" a saved "ame durin" an encounter with an Animus
elemental caused a di##erent cutscene to #ire.
2and will no lon"er be mar!ed as unselectable i# he wasn&t in the party and
the player attempted to transition to 1ort +last.
@i5ed an issue where the outdoor statue o# puri#ication in Arvahn wasn&t
useable i# the player !illed everythin" in the area prior to usin" it.
1layer can no lon"er leave Kerro&s Caven a#ter completin" the three paths in
the approach and tellin" the "uardian about them. )his #i5es a potential
pro"ression brea!.
@i5ed a bu" where A5le&s house would be unloc!ed in Act 2 even i# the player
was with the ity %atch.
(# the player has recruited >uyven, he will receive e5perience points #or
discoverin" Ammon Kerro&s Caven.
alindra will now leave the Alliance Arms (nn in 1ort +last i# you return a#ter
you have recruited her to rossroad Deep.
/rlan will now leave %est Carbor i# you return a#ter you have recruited him to
rossroad Deep.
3evil will now leave %est Carbor i# you return a#ter you have recruited him to
rossroad Deep.
)orio in rossroad Deep will no lon"er tal! about the hurch and )ower be#ore
Act I.
"ct 3!
1oisons will drop o## o# the 2hadow )hieves in the 0erchant Ruarter.
0ephasm will now ta!e the intended item #or the blind sacri#ice.
0inor improvements to some cutscenes in Act I.
Added a wor!around #or a bu" reported on the #orums where Nolaloth&s 7alley
was not bein" revealed on the %orld 0ap.
(# the player has recruited >uyven, he will receive e5perience points #or
discoverin" the %endersnaven clearin".
@i5ed (varr&s Atonement and 1ath o# the Coly $uests so that they can be
completed by tal!in" to (varr a#ter slayin" )holapsy5.
@i5ed a problem with 7eedle tellin" you there is more to build when you have
already built everythin".
Added a 'ournal entry and E1 awards #or !illin" the three 2hadow *eavers in
the 0erdelain >auntlet.
@i5ed an issue with the %endersnaven cutscene not tri""erin" correctly i# you
use a companion to loot the Kournal o# the *elentless 1oet.
@i5ed +i"ht o# Ceaven&s Ceal special ability so it will wor! properly.
onstruct will no lon"er be in two places at once in rossroad Deep a#ter the
@i5ed a conversation drop that happened at the be"innin" cutscene in the
0erdelain >auntlet i# 8lanee was not there.
Added theme music to the endin" denouement se$uences.
0ephasm will now "ive you an (n#ernal 3ar"ainin" epithet #eat i# you
success#ully bar"ain with him three times.
)he )rial o# the 2un 2oul will no lon"er remove the player&s inventory.
0erdelain: Added ollision 2phere to more easily select portal ob'ect
0erdelain: @i5ed 8vil 8ndin" combat A(
0erdelain: *emoved latent spell sounds durin" "ame endin"

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