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Technical Specification

Rebus Insurance Systems
Bordereau Reprint Error Reports
Author Stephen Canning
Applicability: Product: Genius
Custo!er: "#$
Re%ision $ate: &'(&'()&*+
Authorised by: ,ustine "iggins Rebus
Copyright Rebus #nsurance Syste!s *
All rights reser%ed- .o part of this publication !ay be reproduced/ stored in a retrie%al syste!/ or
trans!itted in any for! or by any !eans/ electronic/ !echanical/ photocopying/ recording or
other0ise/ 0ithout the prior per!ission of Rebus #nsurance Syste!s-
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not be current-
A!end!ent and Re%ie0 2istory
3ersion &*a &)(**(* S4C $raft
3ersion &*b &+(**(* S4C After re%ie0 by ,5"
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Technical Specification
Table of Contents
4.1. CWIC27 WID Bord. Etract Control !Customer "odel# $
4.2. CWIC$4 WID Bordereau Re%r&nt !Customer "odel# $
4.'. (eer Test (lan $
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Technical Specification
1. I!"#$%&!'#/B(&)*"#%$
9ollo0ing on fro! the R# Bordereau !odification in #R*&8+&(CC8*8/ "interthur 0ish to be able to
reproduce error reports 0hilst reprinting R# Bordereau reports- This re:uest has been raised in
"interthur change control **&*8*-
"hen a bordereau e;tract is sub!itted <fro! "interthur #nternational !enu(Bordereau !enu("or=
0ith Bordereau E;tracts>/ a selection of reports can be chosen to be produced fro! the sa!e batch ?ob
that perfor!s the e;traction- $uring the e;traction process t0o error reports are produced/ one for
pre@allocation errors and the other for e;traction errors-
1nce an e;tract has been run/ it is possible to re@print these reports fro! the sa!e screen- 2o0e%er
on the re@print no e;traction ta=es place so the original e;tracted data is used for the reports- As 0e
are not perfor!ing an e;traction/ the t0o error reports created originally 0ill not be run- This leads to
the ne0 spool files generated for the reports bearing no apparent connection to the error logs produced
fro! the original run-
All changes re:uired 0ill be !ade in Synon/ and 0ill be custo!er specific- All ob?ects that 0ill be
changed are in the custo!er !odel-
2. F%&!'#(+ D,-&"'.!'#
The 0ay that the error reports are currently produced is a standard Genius !ethod/ 0hich redirects all
!essages sent/ to a dedicated !essage :ueue <nor!ally in ATEBP>- At the end of the ?ob/ the
!essage :ueue 0ill be du!ped as a spool file- This is all done using progra! GCDT)&/ 0ith action
conditions EStore and EPrint respecti%ely-
Reprinting the error reports at the sa!e ti!e as the bordereau reports 0ill result in all the spool files
being grouped correctly as if the ?ob had been run for the first ti!e- Also it 0ill not be necessary to
=eep the old GCDT)& spool files for reference as it 0ill be possible to reproduce the! at 0ill-
The e;isting structure for this processing is as follo0s:
E;tract @
C"#C)F Bordereau E;tract Control
C"#C)) Produce pre@allocations report <print pre@allocations error report>
Perfor! e;tracts
GRun Bordereau Print "#$ Bordereau 2eaderH <print reports>
Print error report-
C"#C&+ "#$ Bordereau Reprint
GRun Bordereau Print "#$ Bordereau 2eaderH <print reports>
3. S%//("0 #1 P"#.#-,$ D,2,+#./,!
#n order to satisfy this re:uire!ent/ it 0ill be necessary to store these !essage :ueues per!anently so
that they can be reprinted at the sa!e ti!e as their respecti%e reports are reprinted-
"hen a bordereau ?ob is run for the first ti!e and the error report is generated/ the report is stored in
a te!porary !essage :ueue by function GCDT)&-
GCDT)&/ ta=es in as para!eters <a!ong others>/ the library na!e and !essage :ueue na!e-
Currently the !essage :ueue is al0ays called BA#.B1R$ for the !ain report and AII1CB1R$ for
the pre@allocations report/ these are al0ays stored in ATEBP-
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Technical Specification
This 0ill no longer be the case- The !essage :ueues 0ill no0 be na!ed BB;;;;;;;/ <0here
;;;;;;;; is the last eight digits of the Bordereau nu!ber> and BA;;;;;;;;/ respecti%ely- These 0ill
be stored in the !ain data library-
"ith this per!anent record of each runHs error reports/ it 0ill be easy for us to reproduce the! 0hilst
reprinting the other reports- Progra! GCDT)& can be used to do this/ passing in
BB;;;;;;;(BA;;;;;;;; and $ata Iibrary 0ith condition EPrint 0ill cause the reports to be spooled
e;actly as they 0ere originally-
.ote: #t is assu!ed here that the last eight digits of the bordereau nu!ber produce a uni:ue nu!ber-
4. 4. D,!('+,$ R,3%'",/,!- L'-!
4.1. C4IC25 6 4ID B#"$. E7!"(&! C#!"#+ 8C%-!#/," M#$,+9
This is the function 0hich basically dri%es the bordereau run- The error report generated here is the
!ain one 0hich 0e 0ish to =eep for future re@runs- #n order to do this 0e !ust gi%e the !essage
:ueue <0hich the errors are stored on> a uni:ue na!e and locate it in the !ain data library-
At the end of this progra! 0e 0ant to !a=e a copy of the !essage :ueues- As 0ell as BA#.B1R$
in ATEBP/ there 0ill also ha%e been a B1R$AII1C !essage :ueue created here by C"#C))- #n
order to copy these !essage :ueues/ it 0ill be necessary to 0rite a CI progra!-
As para!eters this CI progra! !ust e;cept ne0 BSGA and BSGA@lib/ and old BSGA and BSGA
lib- #n this CI create the ne0 !essage :ueue if it doesnHt already e;ist- #f it does already e;ist then
clear it- .e;t 0e !ust copy each !essage fro! one !essage :ueue to the other- To do this/ use
RC3BSG to recei%e all the info on each !essage in the old !essage :ueue/ then use S.$PGBBSG
to send the !essage off to the ne0 !essage :ueue 0ith the sa!e para!eters-
As 0e 0ill need !ore authority than is a%ailable to create these ob?ects in the data library/ 0e !ust
adopt a higher authority for this progra!- To do this the CRTCIPGB !ust be perfor!ed by so!eone
signed on as ECG./ ta=ing the option to adopt the o0ners authority <i-e- EDSRPR9 J E1".ER>-
Construct the !essage :ueue na!es by concatenating GBBH and GBAH 0ith the last ' digits of the
bordereau reference- .ote the last ' digits can be found by ta=ing the %alue B1$ *&&&&&&&&-
Call the afore!entioned CI for each of these !essage :ueues specifying the appropriate !essage
:ueue in ATEBP and the constructed na!e and data library-
4.3. C4IC04 6 4ID B#"$,",(% R,."'! 8C%-!#/," M#$,+9
At the initialisation stage/ retrie%e the data library <fro! syste! para!eter KSG$TAI#B as before>
and construct the !ain !essage :ueue na!e <BB;;;;;;;; as before> and the pre@allocation :ueue
na!e <BA;;;;;;;;>-
At the beginning 0e no0 0ant to print the pre@allocations report- Add a call to GBsgRpt:Action @ C
Core Genius #nterfacesH <GCDT)&>/ passing in the data library and GBA;;;;;;;;H/ 0ith an action of
At the end of this progra! 0e no0 0ant to print the !ain e;tract error report-
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Technical Specification
Re!o%e the processing GChec= if progra! ended in errorH and replace it 0ith a call to
GBsgRpt:Action @ C Core Genius #nterfacesH <GCDT)&>/ passing in the data library and !essage :ueue
na!e GBB;;;;;;;;H/ 0ith an action of Eprint-
4.4. P,," T,-! P+(
Sub!it a ne0 bordereau e;tract <anything 0ill do>-
Chec= that the GCDT)* error reports are created- Also chec= that the !essage :ueues e;ist in the
data library <i-e- 4GG.$T*"#$> and are na!ed BB;;;;;;;; <;;;;;;;; is the Bordereau
Reference> and BA;;;;;;;;-
$elete all spool files/ and reprint the reports-
Chec= the GCDT)* reports are spooled as before/ along 0ith the other reports and that they contain
the sa!e error !essages- Also chec= that the pre@allocations report is printed as the first spool file
<i-e- header> and the !ain error report as the last spool file printed <i-e- footer->-
5. A--%/.!'#
The bordereau reference nu!ber is a nine digit uni:ue nu!ber- As 0e are only using the last eight
digits of this/ there is potential for duplicates <starting at the one hundred !illionth e;tract>- #f for
so!e reason this is reached/ the !essage :ueues 0ill start to not be uni:ue- This 0ill cause a reprint
of e;tract &&&&&&&&* to print the error reports fro! e;tract *&&&&&&&*- Therefore it is assu!ed that
either these !essage :ueues 0ill be occasionally deleted/ or there 0ill be no need to re@print reports
originally printed one hundred !illion e;tracts ago <!ore li=ely>-
#n the e%ent of a duplicate occurring the ne0est e;tract 0ill clear the !essage :ueue before populating
it 0ith itHs o0n errors-
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Technical Specification
6. C#-!'*
C)*+IR",TI)* )+ ESTI",TE

Re:uire!ents Specification
Technical Specification
See CC **&**8*
Cost to Date- 1.. days
Est&mated Cost to Com%lete- 2.. days
Total Est&mated Cost- 4 days / 01$$2day 3 0'2$$
Est&mate Bas&s- T&me4or5ed
The esti!ate can be bro=en do0n/ appro;i!ately/ as follo0s: $esign 8&LM Progra!!ing 8&LM
Testing 8&LM Banage!ent *&L- #t is %alid for 8& days only/ fro! the last re%ision date-
Custo!er Authorisation:
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