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Sun Dec 28 20:44:07 2008

Log started

Sun Dec 28 21:00:14 2008

Server cup started

Message: Type /help to get info on commands.

Message: Starting order: Random
Message: Start mode: Default
Connecting from
Message: Shakey connected, 2/20 players.
Connecting from
Message: barrycad connected, 3/20 players.
Connecting from
Message: king cinder connected, 4/20 players.
Connecting from
Message: ross a connected, 5/20 players.
Connecting from
Message: bulmer connected, 6/20 players.
Connecting from
Message: Tkdandy connected, 7/20 players.
Connecting from
Message: Gerry1875 connected, 8/20 players.
Message: <barrycad> ok
Message: <Shakey> testing 1 2 23
Message: <Tkdandy> test
Message: <king cinder> hullooooooooo
Message: <bulmer> eloo :)
Message: Gerry1875 quit.
Message: Gerry1875 disconnected.
Message: Tkdandy quit.
Message: Tkdandy disconnected.
Message: ross a disconnected.
Message: <Unknown> super
Message: Shakey quit.
Message: Shakey disconnected.
Message: bulmer quit.
Message: bulmer disconnected.
Connecting from
Message: [WW] Kenty connected, 4/20 players.
Message: barrycad quit.
Message: barrycad disconnected.
Connecting from
Message: [Pirate] Maccas connected, 4/20 players.
Message: <[WW] Kenty> test
Message: [WW] Kenty quit.
Message: [WW] Kenty disconnected.
Message: <king cinder> shiny dtars ohhhhhhh
Message: <[Pirate] Maccas> Test
Message: king cinder quit.
Message: king cinder disconnected.
Connecting from
Message: chris marsh connected, 3/20 players.
Connecting from
Message: Birchy connected, 4/20 players.
Message: chris marsh quit.
Message: chris marsh disconnected.
Message: Birchy quit.
Message: Birchy disconnected.
Message: [Pirate] Maccas quit.
Message: [Pirate] Maccas disconnected.
Connecting from
Message: Minglis connected, 2/20 players.
Message: Minglis quit.
Message: Minglis disconnected.
Message: Color: ff0000
Message: Registered players (1):
Message: � Unknown (Server) (d)
Connecting from
Message: [WW] Kenty connected, 2/20 players.
Connecting from
Message: chris marsh connected, 3/20 players.
Connecting from
Message: Shadders connected, 4/20 players.
Message: Color: ff0000
Message: <Unknown> ok guys
Message: <[WW] Kenty> gl shads
Message: <Unknown> I just want to run one test before the official race
Message: <Unknown> just a couple of laps
Message: <Unknown> to make sure there is no lag
Message: <[WW] Kenty> cheers for the ride tonight Alex
Message: <Unknown> TEST
Message: Track 1/2 will be 01 Wolves (by Joe).
Race starting: 1 laps in 01 Wolves with 4 players, non-ghost race
Message: chris marsh ready for race.
Message: [WW] Kenty ready for race.
Message: Shadders ready for race.

Stats for the race in 01 Wolves:

RaceStats, 1 laps, 4 players, first not finished

[WW] Kenty pos 1 (time: 0.000, 0 laps), best lap: 0 (59:59.999) JAWA 889
Lap times:
chris marsh pos 2 (time: 0.000, 0 laps), best lap: 0 (59:59.999) JAWA 889
Lap times:
Shadders pos 3 (time: 0.000, 0 laps), best lap: 0 (59:59.999) JAWA 889 11f30d80
Lap times:
Unknown pos 4 (time: 0.000, 0 laps), best lap: 0 (59:59.999) JAWA 889 338a2d89
Lap times:

Graph for the race in 01 Wolves:

(Cut'n'paste to a spreadsheet program to get a graph)

Graph data:
No laps

Cup Stats:
1. [WW] Kenty 0
1. chris marsh 0
1. Shadders 0
1. Unknown 0
Message: Track 2/2 will be 01 Wolves (by Joe).
Message: <Unknown> anyone get lag?
Message: <chris marsh> wot
Message: <Shadders> nope
Message: <chris marsh> nnu
Message: <[WW] Kenty> nope, but don't forget th starting lights
Message: <[WW] Kenty> unless you want the countdown lol
Message: <Shadders> are we going with old style start?
Message: <Unknown> sorry, my first ever Beta server tonight *blush*
Message: <Unknown> how do you change?
Message: <[WW] Kenty> erm
Message: Unknown command, try /help.
Message: Start mode: Default
Message: <[WW] Kenty> /order 0 I think
Message: <Shadders> erm
Message: Start mode: Default
Message: <[WW] Kenty> nope
Message: Unknown command, try /help.
Message: <[WW] Kenty> /order 1
Message: Possible commands: ([] means optional, | alternatives)
Message: Use ""s to have spaces in car/player/track names
Message: /who (lists players)
Message: /laps [<val>] (shows or sets lap number)
Message: /car [[<player>] <car>] (shows or sets car)
Message: /cars [/add|/remove <car>] (selects possible cars if non-fixed)
Message: /tracks [[/add[2]|/remove] <track>] (shows/adds/removes tracks)
Message: /tracks /clear (deselects all tracks)
Message: /kick <player>|<ip> (kicks player or IP from this cup)
Message: /ban [<player>|<ip>] (bans player/IP or shows bans)
Message: /clearbans (clears all bans)
Message: /order [<0|1|2|3|4>] (shows or sets starting order)
Message: /points [<fastest> <1.> <2.> [...]] (shows or sets points)
Message: /say <msg> (says a message)
Message: /helpmore (shows more advanced commands)
Message: /helpauto (shows autoserver related commands)
Message: <[WW] Kenty> try that
Message: Starting order: Cup Positions
Message: Starting order: Reverse Cup Positions
Message: <[WW] Kenty> darn
Message: <Unknown> no
Message: <[WW] Kenty> erm
Message: Starting order: Random
Message: Unknown command, try /help.
Message: Unknown command, try /help.
Message: <[WW] Kenty> thats it It hink
Message: More advanced commands:
Message: /fixedcar [<0|1|2>] (controls having a fixed car)
Message: /ghostrace [<0|1>] (controls having a ghost race)
Message: /promode [<val>] (controls having pro mode on)
Message: /maxplayers [<n>] (shows or sets max player number)
Message: /tracks /addrnd [<n>] (adds n random tracks from the current track dir)
Message: /transfers [/stop] (displays or stops current file transfers)
Message: /autokick [<0|1>] (controls kicking disconnected players before race)
Message: /continuousreg [<0|1>] (controls accepting new players during cup)
Message: /master [<0|1>] (controls using a master server, 1 also forces an
Message: /info [<server info text>] (shows or sets server info text)
Message: /fuel [1|0] [amount] [time] [%]
Message: /startfuel [<player>] [%]
Message: /set [<var>] [<val>]
Message: /get [<var>]
Message: /show [<category>|<var>]
Message: /default [<category>|<var>]
Message: /helpai
Message: /helppunaball
Message: /demoplayersallowed [0|1]
Message: /spectatorsallowed [0|1]
Message: /startmode [0|1]
Message: <[WW] Kenty> (I think
Message: <Shadders> hmm....
Message: Possible commands: ([] means optional, | alternatives)
Message: Use ""s to have spaces in car/player/track names
Message: /who (lists players)
Message: /laps [<val>] (shows or sets lap number)
Message: /car [[<player>] <car>] (shows or sets car)
Message: /cars [/add|/remove <car>] (selects possible cars if non-fixed)
Message: /tracks [[/add[2]|/remove] <track>] (shows/adds/removes tracks)
Message: /tracks /clear (deselects all tracks)
Message: /kick <player>|<ip> (kicks player or IP from this cup)
Message: /ban [<player>|<ip>] (bans player/IP or shows bans)
Message: /clearbans (clears all bans)
Message: /order [<0|1|2|3|4>] (shows or sets starting order)
Message: /points [<fastest> <1.> <2.> [...]] (shows or sets points)
Message: /say <msg> (says a message)
Message: /helpmore (shows more advanced commands)
Message: /helpauto (shows autoserver related commands)
Message: Start mode: Random
Message: Start mode: Default
Message: Unknown command, try /help.
Message: Start mode: Random
Message: <Unknown> this should be it
Message: <[WW] Kenty> that 1
Message: <Unknown> ok guys
Message: <Unknown> race time
Message: <Unknown> HEAT NUMBER ONE
Message: <Unknown> gl
Race starting: 1 laps in 01 Wolves with 4 players, non-ghost race
Message: chris marsh ready for race.
Message: [WW] Kenty ready for race.
Message: Shadders ready for race.
Message: New JAWA 889 Record and Fastest Lap: 34.222c by Unknown

Stats for the race in 01 Wolves:

RaceStats, 1 laps, 4 players, first finished

[WW] Kenty pos 4 (time: 37.822, 1 laps), best lap: 1 (37.822c) JAWA 889 73201851
Lap times: 37.822c
chris marsh pos 3 (time: 35.078, 1 laps), best lap: 1 (35.078c) JAWA 889 1a2e20aa
Lap times: 35.078c
Shadders pos 2 (time: 34.455, 1 laps), best lap: 1 (34.455c) JAWA 889 11f30d80
Lap times: 34.455c
Unknown pos 1 (time: 34.222, 1 laps), best lap: 1 (34.222c) JAWA 889 338a2d89
Lap times: 34.222c
Best lap was made by Unknown

Graph for the race in 01 Wolves:

(Cut'n'paste to a spreadsheet program to get a graph)

Graph data:
Winner laps: 1, total time: 34.222, average lap: 34.222
"[WW] Kenty" 0 3.600
"chris marsh" 0 0.856
"Shadders" 0 0.233
"Unknown" 0 0.000

Cup Stats:
1. Unknown 20
2. Shadders 19
3. chris marsh 18
4. [WW] Kenty 17

Message: <[WW] Kenty> ooops

Message: chris marsh quit.
Message: chris marsh disconnected.
Message: Server quitting.
Sun Dec 28 21:07:42 2008
Server cup started

Message: Type /help to get info on commands.

Message: Server quitting.
Race starting: 1 laps in 01 Wolves with 4 players, non-ghost race
Sun Dec 28 21:08:37 2008
Server cup started

Message: Type /help to get info on commands.

Connecting from
Message: Tkdandy connected, 1/20 players.
Message: <Tkdandy> gl all
Connecting from
Message: barrycad connected, 2/20 players.
Connecting from
Message: king cinder connected, 3/20 players.
Message: <barrycad> gl tk
Message: Registered players (3):
Message: � Tkdandy ( (d)
Message: � barrycad ( (d)
Message: � king cinder ( (d)
Connecting from
Message: ross a connected, 4/20 players.
Message: Track 1/2 will be 01 Wolves (by Joe).
Message: <king cinder> gl ross
Message: <Server admin> official colours please Ross
Message: <king cinder> gl all
Message: <Server admin> /color green
Message: <ross a> gl kc and all
Message: <Server admin> done that, Ross?
Message: <ross a> yep
Message: <Server admin> thanks
Race starting: 1 laps in 01 Wolves with 4 players, non-ghost race
Message: king cinder ready for race.
Message: Tkdandy ready for race.
Message: ross a ready for race.
Message: barrycad ready for race.
Message: New Fastest Lap: 34.347c by ross a
Message: New GM Mk2000 Record: 34.682c by Tkdandy
Message: New JAWA 889 Record: 35.509 by king cinder

Stats for the race in 01 Wolves:

RaceStats, 1 laps, 4 players, first finished

Tkdandy pos 3 (time: 34.682, 1 laps), best lap: 1 (34.682c) GM Mk2000 10400ffc
Lap times: 34.682c
barrycad pos 2 (time: 34.566, 1 laps), best lap: 1 (34.566c) JAWA 889 4f533b6a
Lap times: 34.566c
king cinder pos 4 (time: 35.509, 1 laps), best lap: 1 (35.509) JAWA 889 155438c1
Lap times: 35.509
ross a pos 1 (time: 34.347, 1 laps), best lap: 1 (34.347c) JAWA 889 7ea4414c
Lap times: 34.347c
Best lap was made by ross a

Graph for the race in 01 Wolves:

(Cut'n'paste to a spreadsheet program to get a graph)

Graph data:
Winner laps: 1, total time: 34.347, average lap: 34.347
"Tkdandy" 0 0.335
"barrycad" 0 0.219
"king cinder" 0 1.162
"ross a" 0 0.000

Cup Stats:
1. ross a 20
2. barrycad 19
3. Tkdandy 18
4. king cinder 17

Message: Track 2/2 will be 01 Wolves (by Joe).

Message: ross a quit.
Message: ross a disconnected.
Message: king cinder quit.
Message: king cinder disconnected.
Message: Server quitting.
Sun Dec 28 21:11:08 2008
Server cup started

Message: Type /help to get info on commands.

Connecting from
Message: barrycad connected, 1/20 players.
Connecting from
Message: Tkdandy connected, 2/20 players.
Message: barrycad quit.
Message: barrycad disconnected.
Message: Tkdandy quit.
Message: Tkdandy disconnected.
Connecting from
Message: Minglis connected, 1/20 players.
Connecting from
Message: bulmer connected, 2/20 players.
Message: Registered players (2):
Message: � Minglis ( (d)
Message: � bulmer ( (d)
Connecting from
Message: Birchy connected, 3/20 players.
Message: <bulmer> muhahahaha im guna get u Birchy <3 ohh i not been on here for a
few days so be nice :) x
Message: <Birchy> lol u wait son
Connecting from
Message: Shakey connected, 4/20 players.
Message: <Birchy> gl captain
Message: <Shakey> gl all
Message: <Minglis> gl
Message: Track 1/2 will be 01 Wolves (by Joe).
Race starting: 1 laps in 01 Wolves with 4 players, non-ghost race
Message: <bulmer> haha son :O ha ur not my father
Message: Minglis ready for race.
Message: Shakey ready for race.
Message: bulmer ready for race.
Message: Birchy ready for race.
Message: <Server admin> incest!
Message: New Fastest Lap: 34.224c by Shakey

Stats for the race in 01 Wolves:

RaceStats, 1 laps, 4 players, first finished

Minglis pos 3 (time: 34.678, 1 laps), best lap: 1 (34.678c) JAWA 889 3afe5ca2
Lap times: 34.678c
bulmer pos 4 (time: 34.898, 1 laps), best lap: 1 (34.898c) GM Mk2000 1de40a2f
Lap times: 34.898c
Birchy pos 2 (time: 34.312, 1 laps), best lap: 1 (34.312c) JAWA 889 4c906964
Lap times: 34.312c
Shakey pos 1 (time: 34.224, 1 laps), best lap: 1 (34.224c) JAWA 889 32023425
Lap times: 34.224c
Best lap was made by Shakey

Graph for the race in 01 Wolves:

(Cut'n'paste to a spreadsheet program to get a graph)

Graph data:
Winner laps: 1, total time: 34.224, average lap: 34.224
"Minglis" 0 0.454
"bulmer" 0 0.674
"Birchy" 0 0.088
"Shakey" 0 0.000

Cup Stats:
1. Shakey 20
2. Birchy 19
3. Minglis 18
4. bulmer 17

Message: Track 2/2 will be 01 Wolves (by Joe).

Message: bulmer disconnected.
Message: Birchy quit.
Message: Birchy disconnected.
Message: Shakey quit.
Message: Shakey disconnected.
Message: Minglis quit.
Message: Minglis disconnected.
Connecting from
Message: Gerry1875 connected, 5/20 players.
Message: Gerry1875 connected.
Connecting from
Message: king cinder connected, 6/20 players.
Message: king cinder connected.
Message: <Gerry1875> cmon kc
Connecting from
Message: [Pirate] Maccas connected, 7/20 players.
Message: [Pirate] Maccas connected.
Message: Server quitting.
Sun Dec 28 21:14:57 2008
Server cup started

Message: Type /help to get info on commands.

Connecting from
Message: [Pirate] Maccas connected, 1/20 players.
Connecting from
Message: king cinder connected, 2/20 players.
Message: <king cinder> cmon ger m8
Connecting from
Message: Gerry1875 connected, 3/20 players.
Connecting from
Message: barrycad connected, 4/20 players.
Message: <king cinder> gl all
Message: <Gerry1875> gl all
Message: <[Pirate] Maccas> gl all
Message: <barrycad> gl
Message: <[Pirate] Maccas> Cmon Bazza :)
Message: <barrycad> hob nob time
Message: Track 1/2 will be 01 Wolves (by Joe).
Message: <Server admin> colours please
Message: <barrycad> mm confusing lol
Message: <Server admin> and no unofficial colours, either
Message: <Server admin> /color red, /color blue etc.
Message: <king cinder> done
Message: <Gerry1875> done here green
Message: <Server admin> thanks
Race starting: 1 laps in 01 Wolves with 4 players, non-ghost race
Message: king cinder ready for race.
Message: Gerry1875 ready for race.
Message: [Pirate] Maccas ready for race.
Message: barrycad ready for race.
Message: New GM Mk2000 Record and Fastest Lap: 33.852c by [Pirate] Maccas

Stats for the race in 01 Wolves:

RaceStats, 1 laps, 4 players, first finished

[Pirate] Maccas pos 1 (time: 33.852, 1 laps), best lap: 1 (33.852c) GM Mk2000
Lap times: 33.852c
king cinder pos 4 (time: 38.226, 1 laps), best lap: 1 (38.226c) JAWA 889 155438c1
Lap times: 38.226c
Gerry1875 pos 2 (time: 34.840, 1 laps), best lap: 1 (34.840c) JAWA 889 2c6f7a0c
Lap times: 34.840c
barrycad pos 3 (time: 35.560, 1 laps), best lap: 1 (35.560c) JAWA 889 4f533b6a
Lap times: 35.560c
Best lap was made by [Pirate] Maccas

Graph for the race in 01 Wolves:

(Cut'n'paste to a spreadsheet program to get a graph)

Graph data:
Winner laps: 1, total time: 33.852, average lap: 33.852
"[Pirate] Maccas" 0 0.000
"king cinder" 0 4.374
"Gerry1875" 0 0.988
"barrycad" 0 1.708

Cup Stats:
1. [Pirate] Maccas 20
2. Gerry1875 19
3. barrycad 18
4. king cinder 17

Message: Track 2/2 will be 01 Wolves (by Joe).

Message: Server quitting.
Sun Dec 28 21:17:31 2008
Server cup started

Message: Type /help to get info on commands.

Connecting from
Message: bulmer connected, 1/20 players.
Connecting from
Message: [WW] Kenty connected, 2/20 players.
Connecting from
Message: Shadders connected, 3/20 players.
Message: <[WW] Kenty> cmon shads
Message: <Shadders> will do champ
Connecting from
Message: Minglis connected, 4/20 players.
Message: <[WW] Kenty>
Message: <Minglis>
Message: <Shadders> track grading
Message: <Minglis> lol
Message: Track 1/2 will be 01 Wolves (by Joe).
Message: <Server admin> yep
Message: <[WW] Kenty> lol go on Mr Bob Dugard
Race starting: 1 laps in 01 Wolves with 4 players, non-ghost race
Message: Minglis ready for race.
Message: bulmer ready for race.
Message: <Server admin> getting the grip right :p
Message: [WW] Kenty ready for race.
Message: Shadders ready for race.
Message: <bulmer> lag :s
Message: <bulmer> and had 2 starts hmm
Message: New Fastest Lap: 34.318c by Shadders

Stats for the race in 01 Wolves:

RaceStats, 1 laps, 4 players, first finished

bulmer pos 4 (time: 0.000, 0 laps), best lap: 0 (59:59.999) JAWA 889 1de40a2f
Lap times:
[WW] Kenty pos 3 (time: 37.693, 1 laps), best lap: 1 (37.693) JAWA 889 73201851
Lap times: 37.693
Shadders pos 1 (time: 34.318, 1 laps), best lap: 1 (34.318c) JAWA 889 11f30d80
Lap times: 34.318c
Minglis pos 2 (time: 34.334, 1 laps), best lap: 1 (34.334c) JAWA 889 3afe5ca2
Lap times: 34.334c
Best lap was made by Shadders

Graph for the race in 01 Wolves:

(Cut'n'paste to a spreadsheet program to get a graph)

Graph data:
Winner laps: 1, total time: 34.318, average lap: 34.318
"bulmer" 0
"[WW] Kenty" 0 3.375
"Shadders" 0 0.000
"Minglis" 0 0.016

Cup Stats:
1. Shadders 20
2. Minglis 19
3. [WW] Kenty 18
4. bulmer 17

Message: Track 2/2 will be 01 Wolves (by Joe).

Message: Minglis quit.
Message: Minglis disconnected.
Message: Shadders disconnected.
Message: <[WW] Kenty> weird at start
Message: Server quitting.
Sun Dec 28 21:21:31 2008
Server cup started

Message: Type /help to get info on commands.

Message: Color: ff0000
Message: Registered players (1):
Message: � Unknown (Server) (d)
Connecting from
Message: Gerry1875 connected, 2/20 players.
Connecting from
Message: ross a connected, 3/20 players.
Connecting from
Message: chris marsh connected, 4/20 players.
Message: <Gerry1875> good luck rossa
Message: <ross a> gl mate
Message: <Gerry1875> gl all
Message: <ross a> and all
Message: <ross a> gl all
Message: Track 1/2 will be 01 Wolves (by Joe).
Message: <Unknown> gl
Race starting: 1 laps in 01 Wolves with 4 players, non-ghost race
Message: Gerry1875 ready for race.
Message: chris marsh ready for race.
Message: ross a ready for race.
Message: New Fastest Lap: 34.451c by Unknown
Message: ross a quit.
Message: ross a disconnected.

Stats for the race in 01 Wolves:

RaceStats, 1 laps, 4 players, first finished

Gerry1875 pos 2 (time: 34.540, 1 laps), best lap: 1 (34.540c) JAWA 889 2c6f7a0c
Lap times: 34.540c
ross a pos 4 (time: 35.458, 1 laps), best lap: 1 (35.458c) JAWA 889 7ea4414c
Lap times: 35.458c
chris marsh pos 3 (time: 34.785, 1 laps), best lap: 1 (34.785c) JAWA 889 1a2e20aa
Lap times: 34.785c
Unknown pos 1 (time: 34.451, 1 laps), best lap: 1 (34.451c) JAWA 889 338a2d89
Lap times: 34.451c
Best lap was made by Unknown

Graph for the race in 01 Wolves:

(Cut'n'paste to a spreadsheet program to get a graph)

Graph data:
Winner laps: 1, total time: 34.451, average lap: 34.451
"Gerry1875" 0 0.089
"ross a" 0 1.007
"chris marsh" 0 0.334
"Unknown" 0 0.000

Cup Stats:
1. Unknown 20
2. Gerry1875 19
3. chris marsh 18
4. ross a 17

Message: Track 2/2 will be 01 Wolves (by Joe).

Message: Server quitting.
Sun Dec 28 21:23:27 2008
Server cup started

Message: Type /help to get info on commands.

Connecting from
Message: Birchy connected, 1/20 players.
Connecting from
Message: Tkdandy connected, 2/20 players.
Message: <Birchy> gl mate
Message: <Tkdandy> gl maccas and monsters
Connecting from
Message: Shakey connected, 3/20 players.
Message: <Birchy> same again captain
Connecting from
Message: [Pirate] Maccas connected, 4/20 players.
Message: <Shakey> gl birchy and gl all
Message: <Tkdandy> japs all around?
Message: <Shakey> no
Message: <Shakey> lol
Message: <Tkdandy> :op damn
Message: <[Pirate] Maccas> gl all
Message: <[Pirate] Maccas> Cmon Andy
Message: <Shakey> pirate????
Message: Track 1/2 will be 01 Wolves (by Joe).
Message: <[Pirate] Maccas> Pool academy Pirate
Race starting: 1 laps in 01 Wolves with 4 players, non-ghost race
Message: <[Pirate] Maccas> LD
Message: Tkdandy ready for race.
Message: Shakey ready for race.
Message: <Shakey> lol
Message: [Pirate] Maccas ready for race.
Message: Birchy ready for race.
Message: New JAWA 889 Record and Fastest Lap: 33.927c by Shakey

Stats for the race in 01 Wolves:

RaceStats, 1 laps, 4 players, first finished

Birchy pos 3 (time: 34.202, 1 laps), best lap: 1 (34.202c) JAWA 889 4c906964
Lap times: 34.202c
Tkdandy pos 4 (time: 34.477, 1 laps), best lap: 1 (34.477c) GM Mk2000 10400ffc
Lap times: 34.477c
Shakey pos 1 (time: 33.927, 1 laps), best lap: 1 (33.927c) JAWA 889 32023425
Lap times: 33.927c
[Pirate] Maccas pos 2 (time: 33.953, 1 laps), best lap: 1 (33.953c) GM Mk2000
Lap times: 33.953c
Best lap was made by Shakey

Graph for the race in 01 Wolves:

(Cut'n'paste to a spreadsheet program to get a graph)

Graph data:
Winner laps: 1, total time: 33.927, average lap: 33.927
"Birchy" 0 0.275
"Tkdandy" 0 0.550
"Shakey" 0 0.000
"[Pirate] Maccas" 0 0.026

Cup Stats:
1. Shakey 20
2. [Pirate] Maccas 19
3. Birchy 18
4. Tkdandy 17

Message: Track 2/2 will be 01 Wolves (by Joe).

Message: Shakey quit.
Message: Shakey disconnected.
Message: [Pirate] Maccas quit.
Message: [Pirate] Maccas disconnected.
Message: Server quitting.
Sun Dec 28 21:27:51 2008
Server cup started

Message: Type /help to get info on commands.

Connecting from
Message: king cinder connected, 1/20 players.
Connecting from
Message: Tkdandy connected, 2/20 players.
Connecting from
Message: chris marsh connected, 3/20 players.
Connecting from
Message: Shadders connected, 4/20 players.
Message: <king cinder> cmon shads
Message: Tkdandy disconnected.
Message: <king cinder> gl all
Message: Track 1/2 will be 01 Wolves (by Joe).
Message: <Shadders> 3 riders
Message: <Server admin> TKDandy dced
Message: <Shadders> oh dear
Connecting from
Message: barrycad connected, 4/20 players.
Message: barrycad connected.
Connecting from
Message: Tkdandy connected, 5/20 players.
Message: Tkdandy connected.
Message: Registered players (5):
Message: � king cinder ( (d)
Message: � chris marsh ( (d)
Message: � Shadders ( (d)
Message: � barrycad ( (d)
Message: � Tkdandy ( (d)
Message: <barrycad> gl all
Message: <Server admin> sorry for confusion, TK
Message: <Server admin> I misread
Message: <Tkdandy> ah kk
Message: Tkdandy quit.
Message: Tkdandy disconnected.
Message: <barrycad> chat died on me
Message: <Server admin> no problems, you are here now
Message: <Server admin> colour correct
Message: <Server admin> ?
Message: <barrycad> yep
Message: <Shadders> gone
Message: <Server admin> enjoy!
Message: Tkdandy kicked from the cup.
Race starting: 1 laps in 01 Wolves with 4 players, non-ghost race
Message: king cinder ready for race.
Message: chris marsh ready for race.
Message: Shadders ready for race.
Message: barrycad ready for race.
Message: New Fastest Lap: 34.643c by Shadders

Stats for the race in 01 Wolves:

RaceStats, 1 laps, 4 players, first finished

king cinder pos 4 (time: 36.939, 1 laps), best lap: 1 (36.939c) GM Mk2000
Lap times: 36.939c
chris marsh pos 3 (time: 35.293, 1 laps), best lap: 1 (35.293c) JAWA 889 1a2e20aa
Lap times: 35.293c
Shadders pos 1 (time: 34.643, 1 laps), best lap: 1 (34.643c) JAWA 889 11f30d80
Lap times: 34.643c
barrycad pos 2 (time: 34.921, 1 laps), best lap: 1 (34.921c) JAWA 889 4f533b6a
Lap times: 34.921c
Best lap was made by Shadders

Graph for the race in 01 Wolves:

(Cut'n'paste to a spreadsheet program to get a graph)
Graph data:
Winner laps: 1, total time: 34.643, average lap: 34.643
"king cinder" 0 2.296
"chris marsh" 0 0.650
"Shadders" 0 0.000
"barrycad" 0 0.278

Cup Stats:
1. Shadders 20
2. barrycad 19
3. chris marsh 18
4. king cinder 17

Message: Track 2/2 will be 01 Wolves (by Joe).

Message: king cinder disconnected.
Message: Shadders disconnected.
Message: Server quitting.
Sun Dec 28 21:31:40 2008
Server cup started

Message: Type /help to get info on commands.

Connecting from
Message: Gerry1875 connected, 1/20 players.
Connecting from
Message: ross a connected, 2/20 players.
Message: <Gerry1875> gl rossa
Connecting from
Message: Minglis connected, 3/20 players.
Message: <ross a> gl mate
Connecting from
Message: bulmer connected, 4/20 players.
Message: <Gerry1875> gl guys
Message: <ross a> gl all
Message: <Minglis> gl lads
Message: <bulmer> gl
Message: <bulmer> hope i do better lol
Message: <ross a> gl minglis
Message: <ross a> all
Message: <Minglis> gl rossa
Message: <Gerry1875> i,m here bully ur bound to do
Message: <bulmer> lol
Message: <Minglis>
Message: <ross a>
Message: <bulmer>
Message: <bulmer>
Message: <ross a>
Message: <Minglis>
Message: <bulmer> :P
Message: <ross a>
Message: <ross a>
Message: <Gerry1875> >
Message: <Minglis>
Message: <ross a>
Message: ross a muted for 50 seconds.
Message: <Minglis> lol
Message: <bulmer> haha
Message: <bulmer> yess
Message: <Gerry1875> shut up rossa
Message: <Minglis> peace and quiet
Message: <bulmer> u tell him gerry
Message: <Gerry1875> who we waiting on
Message: <bulmer> Unk lol
Message: Track 1/2 will be 01 Wolves (by Joe).
Message: <ross a> hu
Message: <Server admin> sorry for the delay, something happened I had to deal with
Message: <Minglis> nw
Message: <Server admin> only a short delay anyway :P
Message: <Gerry1875> nws
Message: <ross a> hunw
Race starting: 1 laps in 01 Wolves with 4 players, non-ghost race
Message: Minglis ready for race.
Message: bulmer ready for race.
Message: Gerry1875 ready for race.
Message: ross a ready for race.
Message: New Fastest Lap: 34.342c by ross a
Message: ross a quit.
Message: ross a disconnected.

Stats for the race in 01 Wolves:

RaceStats, 1 laps, 4 players, first finished

Gerry1875 pos 3 (time: 35.701, 1 laps), best lap: 1 (35.701c) JAWA 889 2c6f7a0c
Lap times: 35.701c
ross a pos 1 (time: 34.342, 1 laps), best lap: 1 (34.342c) JAWA 889 7ea4414c
Lap times: 34.342c
Minglis pos 4 (time: 36.554, 1 laps), best lap: 1 (36.554c) JAWA 889 3afe5ca2
Lap times: 36.554c
bulmer pos 2 (time: 35.073, 1 laps), best lap: 1 (35.073c) JAWA 889 1de40a2f
Lap times: 35.073c
Best lap was made by ross a

Graph for the race in 01 Wolves:

(Cut'n'paste to a spreadsheet program to get a graph)

Graph data:
Winner laps: 1, total time: 34.342, average lap: 34.342
"Gerry1875" 0 1.359
"ross a" 0 0.000
"Minglis" 0 2.212
"bulmer" 0 0.731

Cup Stats:
1. ross a 20
2. bulmer 19
3. Gerry1875 18
4. Minglis 17

Message: Track 2/2 will be 01 Wolves (by Joe).

Message: Server quitting.
Sun Dec 28 21:36:57 2008
Server cup started

Message: Type /help to get info on commands.

Message: Color: ff0000
Connecting from
Message: Minglis connected, 2/20 players.
Connecting from
Message: chris marsh connected, 3/20 players.
Connecting from
Message: Birchy connected, 4/20 players.
Connecting from
Message: Shakey connected, 5/20 players.
Message: <Shakey> could not get in just then?
Message: <Shakey> gl all
Message: <Birchy> minglis?
Message: <Shakey> comon birchy
Message: <Birchy> cmon capt
Message: <chris marsh> ????
Message: <Shakey>
Message: <chris marsh>
Message: <Birchy> i think unkys scared ;p
Message: <Shakey> lol
Message: <Birchy> and for that i will die lol
Message: <Shakey> is minglis in here?
Message: Track 1/2 will be 01 Wolves (by Joe).
Message: <Unknown> too many riders in here
Message: <Unknown> what's going on? :p
Message: Registered players (5):
Message: � Unknown (Server) (d)
Message: � Minglis ( (d)
Message: � chris marsh ( (d)
Message: � Birchy ( (d)
Message: � Shakey ( (d)
Message: <Shakey> minglis out
Message: <Birchy> kick?
Message: <Unknown> Minglis shouldn't be here
Message: Minglis kicked from the cup.
Message: <Unknown> and now he's not!
Message: <Shakey> lol
Message: <Birchy> go on!
Race starting: 1 laps in 01 Wolves with 4 players, non-ghost race
Message: <Unknown> gl
Message: Shakey ready for race.
Message: chris marsh ready for race.
Message: Birchy ready for race.
Message: New JAWA 889 Record and Fastest Lap: 33.881c by Birchy

Stats for the race in 01 Wolves:

RaceStats, 1 laps, 4 players, first finished

chris marsh pos 2 (time: 34.256, 1 laps), best lap: 1 (34.256c) JAWA 889 1a2e20aa
Lap times: 34.256c
Birchy pos 1 (time: 33.881, 1 laps), best lap: 1 (33.881c) JAWA 889 4c906964
Lap times: 33.881c
Shakey pos 4 (time: 36.814, 1 laps), best lap: 1 (36.814c) JAWA 889 32023425
Lap times: 36.814c
Unknown pos 3 (time: 34.831, 1 laps), best lap: 1 (34.831c) JAWA 889 338a2d89
Lap times: 34.831c
Best lap was made by Birchy

Graph for the race in 01 Wolves:

(Cut'n'paste to a spreadsheet program to get a graph)

Graph data:
Winner laps: 1, total time: 33.881, average lap: 33.881
"chris marsh" 0 0.375
"Birchy" 0 0.000
"Shakey" 0 2.933
"Unknown" 0 0.950

Cup Stats:
1. Birchy 20
2. chris marsh 19
3. Unknown 18
4. Shakey 17

Message: Track 2/2 will be 01 Wolves (by Joe).

Message: Server quitting.
Sun Dec 28 21:41:28 2008
Server cup started

Message: Type /help to get info on commands.

Connecting from
Message: Tkdandy connected, 1/20 players.
Connecting from
Message: [Pirate] Maccas connected, 2/20 players.
Connecting from
Message: [WW] Kenty connected, 3/20 players.
Message: <Tkdandy> gl maccas
Message: <[Pirate] Maccas> Cmon Andy
Message: <[WW] Kenty> oh gawd, not maccas
Connecting from
Message: Shadders connected, 4/20 players.
Message: <[Pirate] Maccas> You can do it mate :)
Message: <[WW] Kenty> cmon shads, gl mate
Message: <[Pirate] Maccas> Haha hello Kenty :D
Message: <Tkdandy> i'll try fella :)
Message: <Shadders> come on Kenty boy
Message: <[WW] Kenty> *cries*
Message: <[WW] Kenty> my nemesis (maccas) is here, uh oh
Message: <[Pirate] Maccas> Mwahahaha
Message: <Shadders> oh dear
Message: <[Pirate] Maccas> I feel like Dr Evil :D
Message: <Tkdandy> i must be the pussycat
Message: <[WW] Kenty> look like him as well I bet
Message: <Shadders> don't let him psych youout
Message: <[Pirate] Maccas> haha I wish
Message: <[WW] Kenty> either that or mini me
Message: <[Pirate] Maccas> I aint that sexy :D
Message: <Shadders> he ain't
Message: <[Pirate] Maccas> lol
Message: <Shadders> he has more hair than Dr Evil
Message: <Shadders> a lot more
Message: <[Pirate] Maccas> haha and its even longer now Shadders :D
Message: <[WW] Kenty> I'm the scottish character out of the films, dunno if i can
say the name in a meeting server lol
Message: <Shadders> oh gawd
Message: Track 1/2 will be 01 Wolves (by Joe).
Race starting: 1 laps in 01 Wolves with 4 players, non-ghost race
Message: <[Pirate] Maccas> lol
Message: <Shadders> lol
Message: Tkdandy ready for race.
Message: [WW] Kenty ready for race.
Message: [Pirate] Maccas ready for race.
Message: Shadders ready for race.
Message: New Fastest Lap: 34.202c by [WW] Kenty

Stats for the race in 01 Wolves:

RaceStats, 1 laps, 4 players, first finished

Tkdandy pos 2 (time: 34.621, 1 laps), best lap: 1 (34.621c) GM Mk2000 10400ffc
Lap times: 34.621c
[Pirate] Maccas pos 3 (time: 34.731, 1 laps), best lap: 1 (34.731c) GM Mk2000
Lap times: 34.731c
[WW] Kenty pos 1 (time: 34.202, 1 laps), best lap: 1 (34.202c) JAWA 889 73201851
Lap times: 34.202c
Shadders pos 4 (time: 0.000, 0 laps), best lap: 0 (59:59.999) JAWA 889 11f30d80
Lap times:
Best lap was made by [WW] Kenty

Graph for the race in 01 Wolves:

(Cut'n'paste to a spreadsheet program to get a graph)

Graph data:
Winner laps: 1, total time: 34.202, average lap: 34.202
"Tkdandy" 0 0.419
"[Pirate] Maccas" 0 0.529
"[WW] Kenty" 0 0.000
"Shadders" 0

Cup Stats:
1. [WW] Kenty 20
2. Tkdandy 19
3. [Pirate] Maccas 18
4. Shadders 17

Message: Track 2/2 will be 01 Wolves (by Joe).

Message: [WW] Kenty quit.
Message: [WW] Kenty disconnected.
Message: Shadders disconnected.
Message: [Pirate] Maccas quit.
Message: [Pirate] Maccas disconnected.
Message: Server quitting.
Sun Dec 28 21:45:51 2008
Server cup started

Message: Type /help to get info on commands.

Connecting from
Message: Tkdandy connected, 1/20 players.
Message: Tkdandy quit.
Message: Tkdandy disconnected.
Connecting from
Message: bulmer connected, 1/20 players.
Connecting from
Message: Birchy connected, 2/20 players.
Message: <bulmer> birchy <3
Connecting from
Message: ross a connected, 3/20 players.
Message: <ross a> gl all
Message: <Birchy> leave me be bulmer lol
Connecting from
Message: barrycad connected, 4/20 players.
Message: <Birchy> gl all
Message: <barrycad> gl all
Message: <bulmer> i want ur bum :D haha
Message: <bulmer> gl
Message: <barrycad> chase me
Message: <Birchy> thats what all the ladies say
Message: <bulmer> chasee me chasee meeee
Message: <bulmer> catch meee
Message: <bulmer> lol bazza
Message: <barrycad> mmmm
Message: <ross a>
Message: Track 1/2 will be 01 Wolves (by Joe).
Race starting: 1 laps in 01 Wolves with 4 players, non-ghost race
Message: bulmer ready for race.
Message: <Server admin> behave!
Message: ross a ready for race.
Message: <bulmer> lol bazzalol
Message: <bulmer> we r unk
Message: barrycad ready for race.
Message: <barrycad> GL ALL
Message: Birchy ready for race.
Message: New Fastest Lap: 34.542c by Birchy

Stats for the race in 01 Wolves:

RaceStats, 1 laps, 4 players, first finished

bulmer pos 2 (time: 35.009, 1 laps), best lap: 1 (35.009c) JAWA 889 1de40a2f
Lap times: 35.009c
Birchy pos 1 (time: 34.542, 1 laps), best lap: 1 (34.542c) JAWA 889 4c906964
Lap times: 34.542c
ross a pos 3 (time: 35.033, 1 laps), best lap: 1 (35.033c) JAWA 889 7ea4414c
Lap times: 35.033c
barrycad pos 4 (time: 37.477, 1 laps), best lap: 1 (37.477c) JAWA 889 4f533b6a
Lap times: 37.477c
Best lap was made by Birchy

Graph for the race in 01 Wolves:

(Cut'n'paste to a spreadsheet program to get a graph)

Graph data:
Winner laps: 1, total time: 34.542, average lap: 34.542
"bulmer" 0 0.467
"Birchy" 0 0.000
"ross a" 0 0.491
"barrycad" 0 2.935

Cup Stats:
1. Birchy 20
2. bulmer 19
3. ross a 18
4. barrycad 17

Message: ross a quit.

Message: ross a disconnected.
Message: Track 2/2 will be 01 Wolves (by Joe).
Message: Birchy quit.
Message: Birchy disconnected.
Message: Server quitting.
Sun Dec 28 21:49:15 2008
Server cup started

Message: Type /help to get info on commands.

Message: Color: ff0000
Connecting from
Message: barrycad connected, 2/20 players.
Message: Registered players (2):
Message: � Unknown (Server) (d)
Message: � barrycad ( (d)
Connecting from
Message: Gerry1875 connected, 3/20 players.
Connecting from
Message: [WW] Kenty connected, 4/20 players.
Message: Color: ff0000
Message: <Gerry1875> gl kenty
Message: <Unknown> erm
Message: Registered players (4):
Message: � Unknown (Server) (d)
Message: � barrycad ( (d)
Message: � Gerry1875 ( (d)
Message: � [WW] Kenty ( (d)
Message: <[WW] Kenty> oh my
Message: <Unknown> Barry?
Message: <[WW] Kenty> not maccas again
Message: <Unknown> sorry Barry, but you aren't in this ;)
Message: barrycad kicked from the cup.
Message: Registered players (3):
Message: � Unknown (Server) (d)
Message: � Gerry1875 ( (d)
Message: � [WW] Kenty ( (d)
Message: Max players: 20
Connecting from
Message: [Pirate] Maccas connected, 4/20 players.
Message: Track 1/2 will be 01 Wolves (by Joe).
Message: <Unknown> gl
Message: <[Pirate] Maccas> Hello Kenty!
Message: <[WW] Kenty> cvmon gerry
Message: <Unknown> may need a bit of teamriding here, Maccas
Message: <[WW] Kenty> not maccas again
Race starting: 1 laps in 01 Wolves with 4 players, non-ghost race
Message: <[WW] Kenty> *cries*
Message: Gerry1875 ready for race.
Message: [Pirate] Maccas ready for race.
Message: [WW] Kenty ready for race.
Message: New Fastest Lap: 34.620c by Unknown
Message: [WW] Kenty quit.
Message: [WW] Kenty disconnected.
Stats for the race in 01 Wolves:

RaceStats, 1 laps, 4 players, first finished

Gerry1875 pos 2 (time: 34.790, 1 laps), best lap: 1 (34.790c) JAWA 889 2c6f7a0c
Lap times: 34.790c
[WW] Kenty pos 3 (time: 35.356, 1 laps), best lap: 1 (35.356c) JAWA 889 73201851
Lap times: 35.356c
[Pirate] Maccas pos 4 (time: 35.783, 1 laps), best lap: 1 (35.783c) GM Mk2000
Lap times: 35.783c
Unknown pos 1 (time: 34.620, 1 laps), best lap: 1 (34.620c) JAWA 889 338a2d89
Lap times: 34.620c
Best lap was made by Unknown

Graph for the race in 01 Wolves:

(Cut'n'paste to a spreadsheet program to get a graph)

Graph data:
Winner laps: 1, total time: 34.620, average lap: 34.620
"Gerry1875" 0 0.170
"[WW] Kenty" 0 0.736
"[Pirate] Maccas" 0 1.163
"Unknown" 0 0.000

Cup Stats:
1. Unknown 20
2. Gerry1875 19
3. [WW] Kenty 18
4. [Pirate] Maccas 17

Message: Track 2/2 will be 01 Wolves (by Joe).

Message: [Pirate] Maccas quit.
Message: [Pirate] Maccas disconnected.
Message: Server quitting.
Sun Dec 28 21:51:21 2008
Server cup started

Message: Type /help to get info on commands.

Connecting from
Message: Gerry1875 connected, 1/20 players.
Message: Gerry1875 quit.
Message: Gerry1875 disconnected.
Connecting from
Message: Tkdandy connected, 1/20 players.
Connecting from
Message: Minglis connected, 2/20 players.
Connecting from
Message: Shakey connected, 3/20 players.
Connecting from
Message: king cinder connected, 4/20 players.
Message: <Tkdandy> gl minglis and monsters
Message: <Shakey> gl lads
Message: <Shakey> comon kc
Message: <Minglis> gl lads
Message: <king cinder> gl all
Message: Track 1/2 will be 01 Wolves (by Joe).
Race starting: 1 laps in 01 Wolves with 4 players, non-ghost race
Message: king cinder ready for race.
Message: Minglis ready for race.
Message: Tkdandy ready for race.
Message: Shakey ready for race.
Message: New Fastest Lap: 34.196c by Shakey
Message: Minglis quit.
Message: Minglis disconnected.

Stats for the race in 01 Wolves:

RaceStats, 1 laps, 4 players, first finished

Tkdandy pos 4 (time: 37.565, 1 laps), best lap: 1 (37.565c) GM Mk2000 10400ffc
Lap times: 37.565c
Minglis pos 2 (time: 34.277, 1 laps), best lap: 1 (34.277c) JAWA 889 3afe5ca2
Lap times: 34.277c
Shakey pos 1 (time: 34.196, 1 laps), best lap: 1 (34.196c) JAWA 889 32023425
Lap times: 34.196c
king cinder pos 3 (time: 35.763, 1 laps), best lap: 1 (35.763c) JAWA 889 155438c1
Lap times: 35.763c
Best lap was made by Shakey

Graph for the race in 01 Wolves:

(Cut'n'paste to a spreadsheet program to get a graph)

Graph data:
Winner laps: 1, total time: 34.196, average lap: 34.196
"Tkdandy" 0 3.369
"Minglis" 0 0.081
"Shakey" 0 0.000
"king cinder" 0 1.567

Cup Stats:
1. Shakey 20
2. Minglis 19
3. king cinder 18
4. Tkdandy 17

Message: Track 2/2 will be 01 Wolves (by Joe).

Message: king cinder quit.
Message: king cinder disconnected.
Message: Shakey quit.
Message: Shakey disconnected.
Message: Server quitting.
Sun Dec 28 21:54:20 2008
Server cup started

Message: Type /help to get info on commands.

Connecting from
Message: Tkdandy connected, 1/20 players.
Message: Tkdandy disconnected.
Connecting from
Message: Tkdandy connected, 1/20 players.
Connecting from
Message: king cinder connected, 2/20 players.
Message: <king cinder> gl all
Connecting from
Message: [WW] Kenty connected, 3/20 players.
Message: <[WW] Kenty> gl KC
Message: <Tkdandy> gl all
Message: <king cinder> u too m8
Connecting from
Message: bulmer connected, 4/20 players.
Message: <bulmer> should i ?
Message: <Tkdandy> yeah :) in red
Message: <bulmer> hmm didnt see call
Message: <[WW] Kenty> should you what?
Message: <[WW] Kenty> lol
Message: <bulmer> sorry :)
Message: <bulmer> done
Message: <bulmer> :)
Message: <bulmer> saw shakey asking but i dint see it being called
Message: <king cinder>
Message: <[WW] Kenty>
Message: Track 1/2 will be 01 Wolves (by Joe).
Race starting: 1 laps in 01 Wolves with 4 players, non-ghost race
Message: king cinder ready for race.
Message: Tkdandy ready for race.
Message: bulmer ready for race.
Message: [WW] Kenty ready for race.
Message: New JAWA 889 Record and Fastest Lap: 34.150 by [WW] Kenty

Stats for the race in 01 Wolves:

RaceStats, 1 laps, 4 players, first finished

Tkdandy pos 2 (time: 34.385, 1 laps), best lap: 1 (34.385c) GM Mk2000 10400ffc
Lap times: 34.385c
king cinder pos 4 (time: 35.477, 1 laps), best lap: 1 (35.477c) JAWA 889 155438c1
Lap times: 35.477c
[WW] Kenty pos 1 (time: 34.150, 1 laps), best lap: 1 (34.150) JAWA 889 73201851
Lap times: 34.150
bulmer pos 3 (time: 34.947, 1 laps), best lap: 1 (34.947c) JAWA 889 1de40a2f
Lap times: 34.947c
Best lap was made by [WW] Kenty

Graph for the race in 01 Wolves:

(Cut'n'paste to a spreadsheet program to get a graph)

Graph data:
Winner laps: 1, total time: 34.150, average lap: 34.150
"Tkdandy" 0 0.235
"king cinder" 0 1.327
"[WW] Kenty" 0 0.000
"bulmer" 0 0.797

Cup Stats:
1. [WW] Kenty 20
2. Tkdandy 19
3. bulmer 18
4. king cinder 17

Message: Track 2/2 will be 01 Wolves (by Joe).

Message: [WW] Kenty quit.
Message: [WW] Kenty disconnected.
Message: bulmer disconnected.
Message: king cinder disconnected.
Message: Tkdandy quit.
Message: Tkdandy disconnected.
Message: Server quitting.
Sun Dec 28 21:58:33 2008
Server cup started

Message: Type /help to get info on commands.

Connecting from
Message: Shakey connected, 1/20 players.
Message: <Shakey> my fisrt time going for this
Message: <Server admin> :)
Message: <Shakey> how does it work?
Message: <Server admin> best of luck
Message: <Shakey> cheers
Connecting from
Message: Minglis connected, 2/20 players.
Message: <Server admin> it is held over 3 races
Message: <Shakey> ok 3 match races?
Message: <Server admin> yes
Message: <Minglis> am i red
Message: <Shakey> colours?
Message: <Server admin> minglis red
Message: <Server admin> shakey green
Message: <Shakey> done
Message: <Server admin> best of 3 races, simply, Shakey
Message: <Minglis> gl shakey
Message: Track 1/2 will be 01 Wolves (by Joe).
Message: <Server admin> good luck
Race starting: 1 laps in 01 Wolves with 2 players, non-ghost race
Message: <Shakey> coolio
Message: Minglis ready for race.
Message: Shakey ready for race.
Connecting from
Message: ross a connected, 3/20 players.
Message: New Fastest Lap: 34.029c by Shakey
Message: ross a connected.
Message: <Server admin> what a race

Stats for the race in 01 Wolves:

RaceStats, 1 laps, 2 players, first finished

Shakey pos 1 (time: 34.029, 1 laps), best lap: 1 (34.029c) JAWA 889 32023425
Lap times: 34.029c
Minglis pos 2 (time: 34.151, 1 laps), best lap: 1 (34.151c) JAWA 889 3afe5ca2
Lap times: 34.151c
Best lap was made by Shakey

Graph for the race in 01 Wolves:

(Cut'n'paste to a spreadsheet program to get a graph)

Graph data:
Winner laps: 1, total time: 34.029, average lap: 34.029
"Shakey" 0 0.000
"Minglis" 0 0.122

Cup Stats:
1. Shakey 20
2. Minglis 19

Message: Track 2/2 will be 01 Wolves (by Joe).

Message: <Server admin> RossA?
Message: <ross a> hu won
Message: <Minglis> good race
Message: <Shakey> ffs rossa
Message: ross a quit.
Message: ross a disconnected.
Message: <Shakey> lol i looked at who came in
Message: <Shakey> :)
Message: <Shakey> gd 1 ming
Message: <Minglis> ii gd race
Message: <Minglis> just like heat 14
Message: <Shakey> yep
Message: ross a kicked from the cup.
Race starting: 1 laps in 01 Wolves with 2 players, non-ghost race
Message: Minglis ready for race.
Message: Shakey ready for race.
Message: New Fastest Lap: 33.937c by Shakey

Stats for the race in 01 Wolves:

RaceStats, 1 laps, 2 players, first finished

Shakey pos 1 (time: 33.937, 1 laps), best lap: 1 (33.937c) JAWA 889 32023425
Lap times: 33.937c
Minglis pos 2 (time: 34.229, 1 laps), best lap: 1 (34.229c) JAWA 889 3afe5ca2
Lap times: 34.229c
Best lap was made by Shakey

Graph for the race in 01 Wolves:

(Cut'n'paste to a spreadsheet program to get a graph)

Graph data:
Winner laps: 1, total time: 33.937, average lap: 33.937
"Shakey" 0 0.000
"Minglis" 0 0.292

Cup Stats:
1. Shakey 40
2. Minglis 38

Message: <Minglis> wd shakey

Message: <Shakey> ul mate
Message: <Server admin> Shakey wins the Golden Tricorn 2-0
Message: <Shakey> gd races
Message: <Server admin> congratulations
Message: <Shakey> coolio
Message: <Server admin> back to chat, please
Message: <Minglis> beat me convincingly there
Message: Shakey quit.
Message: Shakey disconnected.
Message: Server quitting.
Sun Dec 28 22:04:51 2008
Log ended

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