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1- Talk about something you use to help you in your studies:

Talk about my laptop
Id like to tell you about my laptop which has helped me a lot in my studies
and business. Its a Sony, black, 14 inches laptop. Its very important for me not
only for my works but also my relaxation. Everyday I use it to connect the
internet, to chat with my friends, to send and receive business emails, etc. here
are so many thin!s to do with it all day. "t the weekend my laptop is used to
play "!e of Empires !ame all ni!ht with my !ame !roup. #y life seems to
connect closely with my laptop. I cant ima!ine my life without it.
1 Talk about something you use to help you in your studies
he thin! that helps me a lot in my studies is my $"%&%.
It is shaped like a notebook. It's black and li!ht. It's made in (hina. It's a
It has a screen, a keyboard, a mouse and some ports for peripherals.
I use it to connect to the Internet to share data and information, to read
books, to write papers and essays, to prepare power points for my lectures.
I also use it for entertainment such as watchin! movies, listenin! to music,
playin! !ames, sendin! emails.
I use it every day at home and at work.
It's a wonderful thin!. If I couldn't use my laptop, my studies would be more
difficult. I would waste me a lot of time travelin!, searchin! information,
correctin! my documents. hat is I could save a lot of time and ener!y with my
!- "es#ribe an ele#troni# gadget you like to use:
*"t the moment my favourite !ad!et is my +okia (, phone. I use my phone
for everythin!. It acts like a -S) so I can put files on it like .ords, Excels, and
%ower %oints. I can download #%,s, video clips, the weather and even trailers
for films. I can also find the nearest caf/ with its 0%S function or !et road
directions. I can !et online throu!h a fast .i12i connection, stay in touch with
my friends, and share whats new throu!h social networks. I think a
multifunction phone like my phone will be popular in the future3.
! "es#ribe an ele#troni# gadget you like to use
he electronic !ad!et I most like to use is my mobile phone.
It is shaped like a small, thin box. It has a tiny screen, a keyboard with
number, letters and symbols and function buttons.
I always have it with me and use it whenever and wherever I need.
I like it because it is a multifunctional device for communication and
I use it to contact with people. It functions as a small computer and camera. I
used it to connect the Internet, take photos and record voice. #ore over, it's not
very expensive.
I think the modern inte!rated, electronic !ad!ets like Iphone or Ipad will be
popular in the future.
$ "es#ribe a sub%e#t you really en%oy studying
*I learnt many sub4ects at school, but the one I en4oy learnin! is 5istory.
5istory helps us know what people did and how they lived a!es a!o. It also tells
us how men had to mana!e to make their lives better and better.
#any learners do not like to read 5istory. hey do not understand that if we
know nothin! about the past, we cannot have a !ood knowled!e of the present.
In fact, only the study of 5istory will make us reali6e what we do today is the
result of what our ancestors did in the past. 5istory therefore is a lon! story of
mans stru!!le throu!h the a!es. "s we read the story, we are learnin! many
interestin! thin!s.
I en4oy learnin! history. I have a lar!e number of history books in my house.3
& Talk about an a#ti'ity you ha'e done to keep (it or healthy) eg some
kind o( physi#al e*er#ise) a diet) stopping smoking) et#
7 what the activity was 7 what you did exactly
7 how lon! you did this activity for
7 also say whether the activity was successful or not.
*here are many way to keepin! fit. 2irst of all, doin! exercise re!ularly can
help to stay youn! and healthy lon!er. Secondly, your diet plays an important
role. In order to have a !ood health, you should eat more fruit and ve!etables but
less fattenin! or fast food. 2inally, your work r/!ime and life1style are also
factors which affect your health. 8ou should work and relax properly, dont
work too hard, dont play too much. 9elaxation improves your health physically
and mentally.3
& Talk about an a#ti'ity you ha'e done to keep (it or healthy
I started !oin! on a diet : years a!o.
I be!an cuttin! down on meet, beer, alcohol, coffee and tea.
I have eaten more ve!etables, fruit, fish and tofu.
I drink a lot of water and fruit 4uice, about : litres a day.
I stopped smokin! and took up swimmin!.
I don't eat snack and choose healthy food.
I feel much better after : years. I don't feel headache or tired any more. I
haven't seen the doctors since then.
+- - "es#ribe your (a'ourite T, programme
"s a senior hi!h school student, I am very busy with my studies. "lthou!h I
am very fond of watchin! television, I can only spend an hour after dinner on
my hobby. &f all the ; pro!rams, I like the news and documentaries best.
he news pro!rams shown on all ; channels at <=>> p.m. help me to know
almost everythin! about different places in our country and important events
happenin! all over the world. hrou!h these pro!rams, I can also know about
the main national and international sportin! events.
he documentary pro!rams at weekends are my favorites. )y watchin! them,
I can learn a !reat deal about human civili6ations, the wonders of nature and the
ama6in! inventions and discoveries of !reat people in the world.
.atchin! television is my hobby. I cannot ima!ine a day in my life without
watchin! it.
+ "es#ribe your (a'ourite T, programme
&ne of my favourite ; pro!rams is the ?-I@ S5&.S on ;;,. his is
an entertainment pro!ram but it's informative and educational.
It is a competition in which people have to answer a lot of Auestion related
to their knowled!e and experience and the winner !et a lot of money.
I watch the Aui6 shows at weekends, I like it because it's interestin!, use ful
and relaxin! and sometimes it's full surprires
I can improve my knowled!e by whatchin! it.
I think the news, the sports and Aui6 shows are popular in ;+ now.
- - "es#ribe a tea#her you really admire:
.hen I was in hi!h school, my favorite teacher is #rs 5uon!, a maths
#rs 5uon! has short curly hair and wears thick !lasses, which makes her
look stern. 5owever, she is actually very approachable and is always ready to
lend an ear to our problems. She is motherly and cares very much for us.
I used to dislike maths when I was youn!er because I found it far too
complicated. #rs 5uon! always makes maths lessons interestin! and easy to
understand. She is very patient in explainin! maths problems to us and always
makes sure everyone understands. -nder her !uidance, my maths has improved
by leaps and bounds.
I have !rown to love maths and I always score hi!h marks in my maths tests
now. It is all because of my favorite teacher.
- "es#ribe a tea#her you really admire
he teacher I really admire is my teacher of #aths. 5er name is am.
I like her because she is helpful, considerate and responsible. She is always
there when I need her. She has every effective method of teachin! which helps
to increase our studyin! interest.
She has been our teacher when I was at hi!h school.
.e have her classes three days a week. She is very patient in explainin!
maths problems to us and always makes sure everyone understands. -nder her
!uidance, my maths has improved by leaps and bounds.
. - "es#ribe your best (riend
*o me, one of my best friends is +am. +am is only over ei!hteen but he is
well developedB so he is thou!ht to be twenty or more. 5e has black hair, a
broad forehead, a strai!ht nose and bri!ht eyes. 5e is very !ood1lookin!. 5e has
a kind heart and is easy to !et on with everybody. .e have been friends for a
very lon! time. .e are the best pupils in our class. +am is always at the top. 5e
is !ood at every sub4ect, but he never shows pride in his abilities and always
tries to learn harder.
5e is always ready to help his weak friends in their studyB as a result, lots of
friends, thanks to his whole1hearted help, have become !ood ones.
In my relation with +am, I have !ot precious experience= thirst for learnin!,
patience to overcome difficulties, helpfulness and filial piety.3
. /our best (riend
#y best friend is -"+. 5e is ,, year old. 5e lives in a flat in 5anoi. 5e is
a teacher. 5e works at hi!h school.
.e have known each other since we studied at hi!h school.
.hat I like best about my friend is he has a kind face. 5e always lends me
money whenever I need. 5e is willin! to help me when I am in need. .hen you
meet him, the first thin! you notice is his lovely warm smile.
I consider his my best friend because he is incredibly considerate and
.e both like playin! football and usually play to!ether .
0- "es#ribe a memorable e'ent in your li(e:
*.e all have memorable days and experiences. It may be !ood or bad, happy
or sad, or simply because we are with our special someone. I also have one but it
sure is a happy one and this is what I am about to share to you.
It all started last Cecember, I never knew that meetin! this person would
chan!e my life. 2rom the moment I met her, she chan!ed my whole world. I
never thou!ht that I would meet an an!el like herB a !irl who is very different in
personality from me. $ovin! her chan!ed my life because I have found out more
characteristics in me that I never knew I had. I !et influenced by her smile
especially when I see the excitement in her eyes. She is my wife.3
0 "es#ribe a memorable e'ent in your li(e
" memorable event in my life is that I first met my wife now.
hat event took place in #arch :>>D.
In the home of my collea!ues, I met her.
2rom the moment I met her, she chan!ed my world.
I never thou!ht I would see her as an an!el, a !irl that is very different in my
5er love chan!ed my life because I have found many more features that I
never knew I had. I !et affected by her smile, especially when I see the
excitement in her eyes.
1 "es#ribe something you o2n 2hi#h is 'ery important to you:
Id like to tell you about my laptop which has help me a lot in my studies and
business. Its a Sony, black, 14 inches laptop. I bou!ht it from electronic
supermarket : months a!o. Its very important for me not only for my works but
also my relaxion. Everyday I use it to connect the internet, to chat with my
friend, to send and receive business email, etc. here are so many thin!s to do
with it all day. In the weekend my laptop is used to play "!e of Empires !ame
all ni!ht with my !ame !roup. #y life seems to connect closely with my laptop.
I cant ima!ine my life without it.
1 "es#ribe something you o2n 2hi#h is 'ery important to you
"nother important item for me it is a laptop
I !ot it while studyin! in 5anoi. I used it for E years.
I use it to connect to the Internet to share data and information, to read
books, to write papers and essays, to prepare power points for my lectures.
I also use it for entertainment such as watchin! movies, listenin! to music,
playin! !ames, sendin! emails.
I use it every day at home and at work.
It's important, if I couldn't use my laptop, my studies would be more
difficult. I would waste a lot of time travelin!, searchin! information, correctin!
my documents. hat is I could save a lot of time and ener!y
13- "es#ribe the best gi(t4present you ha'e re#ei'ed=
Id like to tell you about my laptop which has help me a lot in my studies and
business. Its a Sony, black, 14 inches laptop. #y father !ave it to me in my :>
birthday. Its very important for me not only for my works but also my relaxion.
Everyday I use it to connect the internet, to chat with my friend, to send and
receive business email, etc. here are so many thin!s to do with it all day. In the
weekend my laptop is used to play "!e of Empires !ame all ni!ht with my !ame
!roup. #y life seems to connect closely with my laptop. I cant ima!ine my life
without it.
13 "es#ribe the best gi(t4present you ha'e re#ei'ed
he best !ift I received was that the laptop.
" friend !ave me when I was studyin! in 5anoi.
It's important because I use it to connect to the Internet to share data and
information, to read books, to write papers and essays, to prepare power points
for my lectures.
I also use it for entertainment such as watch movies, listen to music, play
!ames, send emails.
I use it every day at home and at work.
if I couldn't use my laptop, my studies would be more difficult. I would
waste a lot of time travelin!, searchin! information, correctin! my documents.
hat is I could save a lot of time and ener!y.
11 - "es#ribe the most important holiday in your #ountry
*"ccordin! to our traditional custom, et holiday is the $unar +ew 8ear
5oliday F the most important holiday in ;ietnam. It is around late Ganuary or
early 2ebruary, depends on each year. .e celebrate three days be!innin! of the
new year, the first day of new year marks the be!innin! of et.
"lthou!h there are three days which are the main days of et but we usually
start to prepare much time before. here are many thin!s to do such as clean and
redecorate our houses, try to pay all our debts or everythin! we borrowed before
the et, buy new clothes and presents for our relatives...
&n this special occasion, everybody wants to return to their families, to
where they !rew up. he people, who are married, mana!e to take their families
to visit or stay with their parents. here is a funny thin! that people try not to
sweep their house durin! et, because they believe that sweepin! means put the
!ood luck away.
.e spend time on visitin! our relatives, friends, collea!ues and !o to pa!odas
or temples to pray health, happiness ans success for our families.
%eople usually say *the 2irst Cay is 2athers et, the Second Cay is #others
et and the hird Cay is eachers et. et is time to hold !et1to!ether parties.3
11 "es#ribe the most important holiday in your #ountry
he most important holiday in my country it's $unar +ew 8ear.
.e celebrate three days be!innin! of the new year, the first day of new
year marks the be!innin! of et.
"lthou!h there are three days which are the main days of et but we usually
start to prepare much time before. here are many thin!s to do such as clean and
redecorate our houses, try to pay all our debts or everythin! we borrowed before
the et, buy new clothes and presents for our relatives...
It's important because &n this special occasion, everybody wants to return to
their families, to where they !rew up. he people, who are married, mana!e to
take their families to visit or stay with their parents.
.e spend time on visitin! our relatives, friends, collea!ues and !o to
pa!odas or temples to pray health, happiness and success for our families.
1!- "es#ribe your (a'ourite restaurant
*I like to eat out and I !o to a restaurant for dinner twice a week. I !o with
my wife, (hinh. &ur favourite restaurant is a ;ietnamese restaurant in 0ian! ;o
Street. It is not very bi! but it is always busy. here are only a few tables in the
restaurant and there is a white tablecloth on each table. here is also a vase with
lovely flowers on each table. here are plants in the corners. .e usually order
hot curries and eat them with rice. he food is delicious so we en4oy it very
much. he service is Auick and friendly. .e always have a pleasant evenin! at
our favorite restaurant.3
1! "es#ribe your (a'orite restaurant
&ur favorite restaurant is a hanh $oc restaurant in +!uyen &anh Street 1
0o ;ap Cistrict.
It is not very bi! but it is always busy. here are only a few tables in the
restaurant and there is a white tablecloth on each table. here is also a vase with
lovely flowers on each table. here are plants in the corners. .e usually order
hot curries and eat them with rice
I !o to a restaurant for dinner on the weekend. I went with my wife and my
he food is delicious so we en4oy it very much. he service is Auick and
friendly. .e always have a pleasant evenin! at our favorite restaurant.

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