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Chapter 1Managing Human Resources

1. Founded in 1998 by Larry Page and Sergey Brin, Google has grown from a two-erson !omany with
no re"enue to a !omany "alued at more than #1$% billion. Google both !reated and !ontinues to
transform the world of online sear!h and ad"ertising. &s art of their '( management hilosohy,
whi!h of the following !ultural "alues does Google hold imortant)
a. high on trust
b. low on oliti!s
!. sharing of resour!es and wealth
d. meaning and signifi!an!e
e. all of the abo"e
&*S+ , P-S+ 1 ./F+ 0 (,F+ .1
2B3+ &li!ation *&-+ &&4SB+ &nalyti! 5 &&4SB+ '(0
-2P+ -he Strategi! /mortan!e of 0anaging 'uman (esour!es
6. Sta7eholders are+
a. indi"iduals or grous that ha"e interests, rights, or ownershi in an organi8ation and its
b. !an benefit from a !omany9s su!!esses su!h as a rofitable year
!. harmed by a business9s rodu!t failures
d. interdeendent with an organi8ation
e. are a!!urately des!ribed by all of the abo"e
&*S+ , P-S+ 1 ./F+ , (,F+ .:
2B3+ .efinition *&-+ &&4SB+ &nalyti! 5 &&4SB+ '(0
-2P+ -he Strategi! /mortan!e of 0anaging 'uman (esour!es
1. ;;;;; sta7eholders are those whose !on!erns the organi8ation must address in order to ensure its own
a. strategi!
b. rimary
!. dire!t
d. organi8ational
e. !ororate
&*S+ B P-S+ 1 ./F+ , (,F+ .:
2B3+ .efinition *&-+ &&4SB+ &nalyti! 5 &&4SB+ '(0
-2P+ -he Strategi! /mortan!e of 0anaging 'uman (esour!es
:. -ru!7 dri"ers would be an e<amle of a=n> ;;;;;;;;;;;; sta7eholder grou whose !on!erns an
e<ress a!7age deli"ery firm must address in order to ensure its own sur"i"al.
a. strategi!
b. rimary
!. dire!t
d. organi8ational
e. !ororate
&*S+ B P-S+ 1 ./F+ , (,F+ .:
2B3+ .efinition *&-+ &&4SB+ &nalyti! 5 &&4SB+ '(0
-2P+ -he Strategi! /mortan!e of 0anaging 'uman (esour!es
$. & sulier that is the sole sour!e of a !riti!al rodu!t !omonent would be an e<amle of a=n>
;;;;;;;;;;;; sta7eholder grou whose !on!erns a manufa!turing firm must address in order to
ensure its own sur"i"al.
a. strategi!
b. rimary
!. dire!t
d. organi8ational
e. !ororate
&*S+ B P-S+ 1 ./F+ 4 (,F+ .:
2B3+ .efinition *&-+ &&4SB+ &nalyti! 5 &&4SB+ '(0
-2P+ -he Strategi! /mortan!e of 0anaging 'uman (esour!es
?. @hi!h of the following would be an e<amle of a rimary sta7eholder grou for a manufa!turer of
mi<es for bread ma!hines)
a. the newsaer that runs an arti!le on the fat !ontent of su!h bread mi<es
b. a oliti!al a!tion grou that sues the manufa!turer for not hiring enough 'isani!-
!. a lo!al en"ironmentalist who is !on!erned about how the manufa!turer disoses of its
waste rodu!ts
d. the !ustomer who ur!hases the bread mi<
e. all of the abo"e
&*S+ . P-S+ 1 ./F+ 4 (,F+ .:
2B3+ &li!ation *&-+ &&4SB+ &nalyti! 5 &&4SB+ '(0
-2P+ -he Strategi! /mortan!e of 0anaging 'uman (esour!es
A. -he sta7eholders of the organi8ation in!lude all but+
a. ,mloyees
b. So!iety
!. Lo!al Go"ernment
d. 4ustomers
e. 2wners and /n"estors
&*S+ 4 P-S+ 1 ./F+ , (,F+ .$ 5 ,<hibit 1.1
2B3+ 4omrehensi"e *&-+ &&4SB+ &nalyti! 5 &&4SB+ '(0
-2P+ -he Strategi! /mortan!e of 0anaging 'uman (esour!es
8. @hi!h of the following is *2- a tangible asset for a firm+
a. Part-time emloyees
b. /n-ro!ess in"entory
!. Plant eBuiment
d. 0ortgaged real estate
e. &!!ounts re!ei"able
&*S+ & P-S+ 1 ./F+ 0 (,F+ .$
2B3+ 4omrehensi"e *&-+ &&4SB+ &nalyti! 5 &&4SB+ '(0
-2P+ -he Strategi! /mortan!e of 0anaging 'uman (esour!es
9. @hi!h of the following statements about intangible assets is true)
a. /ntangible assets !an influen!e a firmCs rofitability.
b. /ntangible assets are !omarati"ely so!ial in nature.
!. /ntangible assets !an be Dust as "aluable as tangible assets.
d. /ntangible assets !an influen!e a firmCs ability to inno"ate and !hange.
e. &ll of these statements are true.
&*S+ , P-S+ 1 ./F+ 0 (,F+ .$
2B3+ 4omrehensi"e *&-+ &&4SB+ &nalyti! 5 &&4SB+ '(0
-2P+ -he Strategi! /mortan!e of 0anaging 'uman (esour!es
1%. @hi!h of the following statements des!ribing how owners and shareholders relate to the organi8ation
is true)
a. 4omanies with better '( ra!ti!es ha"e greater in!reases in mar7et "alueEemloyee.
b. &n in"estor9s Dudgment about the "alue of a !omany9s intangible assets is based on su!h
things as reutation ran7ings.
!. 0ost owners and shareholders in"est their money in !omanies for finan!ial reasons.
d. /ntangibles su!h as how emloyees feel about their emloyer !an be used by shareholders
to redi!t finan!ial erforman!e.
e. &ll of the abo"e statements about how owners and shareholders relate to the organi8ation
are true.
&*S+ , P-S+ 1 ./F+ 4 (,F+ .?
2B3+ 4omrehensi"e *&-+ &&4SB+ &nalyti! 5 &&4SB+ '(0
-2P+ -he Strategi! /mortan!e of 0anaging 'uman (esour!es
11. Fou are an intern in the '( deartment at a !hain of sas in the !ity where you attend !ollege. -he
!hainCs '( dire!tor has as7ed you to suggest ways to imro"e !ustomer satisfa!tion through '(
a!ti"ities, so you ma7e re!ommendations in whi!h of the following areas)
a. 4reating new rodu!ts
b. (edu!ing !osts
!. /mro"ing rodu!t Buality
d. /mro"ing ser"i!e Buality
e. &ll of the abo"e
&*S+ , P-S+ 1 ./F+ 4 (,F+ .?
2B3+ 4omrehensi"e *&-+ &&4SB+ &nalyti! 5 &&4SB+ '(0
-2P+ -he Strategi! /mortan!e of 0anaging 'uman (esour!es
16. -he relationshi between Buality of '(0 a!ti"ities and mar7et "alue+
a. flu!tuates with the e!onomy
b. has not been ro"en
!. indi!ates firms with better '( ra!ti!es ha"e greater in!reases in "alue er emloyee
d. deends uon the relationshi among the members of the '( triad
e. none of the abo"e
&*S+ 4 P-S+ 1 ./F+ 4 (,F+ .?-A
2B3+ 4omrehensi"e *&-+ &&4SB+ &nalyti! 5 &&4SB+ '(0
-2P+ -he Strategi! /mortan!e of 0anaging 'uman (esour!es
11. @hat are the rimary !on!erns of !ustomers in their role as sta7eholders)
a. legal !omlian!e of the !omany and how it meets its so!ial resonsibility
b. return on sales, return on assets, and return on in"estments
!. Buality ser"i!e and rodu!t, inno"ation, and low !ost
d. !on!ern about safety, health, and fair treatment
e. whether the !omany uses !ollaborati"e roblem-sol"ing
&*S+ 4 P-S+ 1 ./F+ , (,F+ .?-A
2B3+ 4omrehensi"e *&-+ &&4SB+ &nalyti! 5 &&4SB+ '(0
-2P+ -he Strategi! /mortan!e of 0anaging 'uman (esour!es
1:. @hen managers at Sa7s Fifth &"enue addressed emloyeesC !on!erns about what the emloyees
needed to do their Dobs, they obser"ed that emloyee engagement and !ustomer engagement+
a. e<hibited an in"erse relationshi
b. failed to ma<imi8e long-term shareholder interests
!. ad"ersely affe!ted the e!onomi! needs of the organi8ation
d. had a signifi!ant ositi"e ima!t on !ustomer satisfa!tion and sales
e. affe!ted !ustomer loyalty but did not in!rease sales
&*S+ . P-S+ 1 ./F+ 4 (,F+ .A
2B3+ 4omrehensi"e *&-+ &&4SB+ &nalyti! 5 &&4SB+ '(0
-2P+ -he Strategi! /mortan!e of 0anaging 'uman (esour!es
1$. /n the eyes of a"erage &meri!ans, the best emloyers+
a. ma<imi8e shareholder rofits
b. ma<imi8e long term shareholder interests
!. ma7e de!isions based on e!onomi! needs of the organi8ation
d. see7 to ha"e a ositi"e ima!t on so!iety
e. simly obey the letter of the law
&*S+ . P-S+ 1 ./F+ 0 (,F+ .A-8
2B3+ 4omrehensi"e *&-+ &&4SB+ &nalyti! 5 &&4SB+ '(0
-2P+ -he Strategi! /mortan!e of 0anaging 'uman (esour!es
1?. &!!ording to 0ilton Friedman, if managers hire e!onomi!ally disad"antaged youths they+
a. are simly stealing from the firmCs owners
b. are not !onsidering the firmCs e!onomi! needs and finan!ial well-being
!. are Dustified in doing so be!ause itCs the right thing to do for so!iety
d. will be !orre!t in their a!tions if the hirings ay off finan!ially for the firm
e. none of the abo"e
&*S+ . P-S+ 1 ./F+ 0 (,F+ .A-8
2B3+ 4omrehensi"e *&-+ &&4SB+ &nalyti! 5 &&4SB+ '(0
-2P+ -he Strategi! /mortan!e of 0anaging 'uman (esour!es
1A. Free-mar7et !aitalism is the result of+
a. shareholders9 e<e!tations of rofits
b. an o"erabundan!e of s7illed labor in the G.S.
!. the new sellers9 mar7et
d. de!reased emhasis on so!ial resonsibility
e. less use of !ollaborati"e roblem sol"ing
&*S+ & P-S+ 1 ./F+ 4 (,F+ .8
2B3+ 4omrehensi"e *&-+ &&4SB+ &nalyti! 5 &&4SB+ '(0
-2P+ -he Strategi! /mortan!e of 0anaging 'uman (esour!es
18. Being so!ially resonsi"e has many imli!ations for managing human resour!es, in!luding+
a. the tye of emloyees a firm !hooses to hire
b. the !riteria used to e"aluate emloyee erforman!e
!. the s!heduling and !oordinating of a!ti"ities within wor7 units
d. the !omensation ra!ti!es asso!iated with aying emloyees for time sent in the
e. all of these
&*S+ , P-S+ 1 ./F+ 0 (,F+ .8
2B3+ 4omrehensi"e *&-+ &&4SB+ &nalyti! 5 &&4SB+ '(0
-2P+ -he Strategi! /mortan!e of 0anaging 'uman (esour!es
19. @hi!h of the following statements about !ororate sending on so!ial issues and !ommunity
in"ol"ement are true)
a. 4ororations should send whate"er is needed to ma<imi8e so!iety9s well-being.
b. /t is art of a !ororation9s !ontra!t with so!iety to ro"ide funds for the !ommon good.
!. 0ost !ororations today oerate under the rules of so!ialism.
d. 0anagers of !ororations try to show how the !omany9s !ommitment to !ommunity
in"ol"ement and de"eloment !ontribute to the !ororate goals.
e. &ll of the abo"e statements about !ororate sending on so!ial issues and !ommunity
in"ol"ement are true.
&*S+ . P-S+ 1 ./F+ 4 (,F+ .8
2B3+ 4omrehensi"e *&-+ &&4SB+ &nalyti! 5 &&4SB+ '(0
-2P+ -he Strategi! /mortan!e of 0anaging 'uman (esour!es
6%. 'ow does an organi8ation intera!t with its so!iety sta7eholders)
a. by obeying lo!al laws and regulations
b. by being !ommitted to !ommunity relations
!. through emloyee "olunteerism
d. by a!ting so!ially resonsible to rote!t the en"ironment
e. by doing all or any of the abo"e
&*S+ , P-S+ 1 ./F+ 0 (,F+ .A-9
2B3+ 4omrehensi"e *&-+ &&4SB+ &nalyti! 5 &&4SB+ '(0
-2P+ -he Strategi! /mortan!e of 0anaging 'uman (esour!es
61. -he Florida Huarry 4omany wants to reoen a Buarry mine in *orth Georgia. -he mine !ontains an
estimated A? million tons of granite and would ma7e the !omany one of the leading granite rodu!ers
in the ,astern Gnited States. -he lo!al !ommunities fear what su!h mining will do to their
en"ironment. -his e<amle refle!ts+
a. a !onfli!t between shareholders and so!iety
b. a la!7 of so!ial resonsibility by the !omany
!. a !onfli!t among all of Florida Huarry9s se!ondary sta7eholders
d. how the !ustomer sta7eholder !an influen!e the organi8ation
e. a !onfli!t among all of Florida Huarry9s rimary sta7eholders
&*S+ &
2nly time will tell if &lternati"e B is !orre!t.
P-S+ 1 ./F+ 4 (,F+ .A-9 2B3+ &li!ation
*&-+ &&4SB+ &nalyti! 5 &&4SB+ '(0
-2P+ -he Strategi! /mortan!e of 0anaging 'uman (esour!es
66. @hi!h of the following statements des!ribing the sta7eholder relationshi between emloyees and
their emloyers is true)
a. 4ororate restru!turing has had minimal effe!t on G.S. emloyees.
b. For most wor7ers whether the emloyer ro"ides se!ure and affordable health insuran!e,
aid si!7 lea"e, and assured ension and retirement benefits are more imortant than their
!. -he ,Bual Pay &!t is unne!essary today be!ause all emloyees are aid a!!ording to their
erforman!e, not their gender.
d. 0any emloyees "alue a good Buality of wor7 life while on the Dob.
e. &ll of the abo"e statements a!!urately des!ribe the sta7eholder relationshi between
emloyees and their emloyers.
&*S+ . P-S+ 1 ./F+ 0 (,F+ .1%
2B3+ 4omrehensi"e *&-+ &&4SB+ &nalyti! 5 &&4SB+ '(0
-2P+ -he Strategi! /mortan!e of 0anaging 'uman (esour!es
61. 2rgani8ations offer their emloyees training and de"eloment rograms to imro"e their s7ills, safe
and healthy wor7 en"ironments, fair and eBuitable sele!tion and romotion systems, and Dobs designed
to in!rease emloyee self-esteem in order to+
a. !reate stronger !ommitment from its emloyees
b. in!rease emloyee satisfa!tion
!. in!rease emloyee emowerment
d. imro"e emloyee Buality of wor7 life
e. do all of the these
&*S+ , P-S+ 1 ./F+ 0 (,F+ .1%
2B3+ 4omrehensi"e *&-+ &&4SB+ &nalyti! 5 &&4SB+ '(0
-2P+ -he Strategi! /mortan!e of 0anaging 'uman (esour!es
6:. 4omuter *erds is a !omany that se!iali8es in Bui!7 and effi!ient !omuter reairs. -he emloyees
are e<e!ted to dress li7e nerds-o!7et rote!tors, olyester, and ugly glasses. ,a!h emloyee must
also ha"e an e<!etional ability at re!ogni8ing !omuter roblems and fi<ing them. -he organi8ation9s
!ulture is based on the idea that these e<erts should be only minimally suer"ised and should be left
alone to do what they do best. ,a!h !omuter reairerson is gi"en a er!entage of the rofit he or she
earns for the !omany. -he !omany has more than triled in "alue sin!e it began fi"e years ago
through the+
a. use of an oen hiring oli!y
b. !lose monitoring of day-to-day a!ti"ities
!. use of human resour!es to !reate a !ometiti"e ad"antage
d. de"eloment of a demo!rati! !ororate !ulture
e. !reation of a strategi! lan that !an be easily !oied
&*S+ 4 P-S+ 1 ./F+ , (,F+ .11-1:
2B3+ &li!ation *&-+ &&4SB+ &nalyti! 5 &&4SB+ Strategy
-2P+ Gaining and Sustaining a 4ometiti"e &d"antage
6$. Peole referred to as !ore emloyees are !losest to the essential wor7 of the organi8ation. &ll of the
following are !ore emloyees ,I4,P-+
a. s!ientists and resear!hers in harma!euti!al firms
b. rogrammers in software de"eloment firms
!. do!tors in health !are fa!ilities
d. musi!ians in or!hestras
e. maintenan!e ersonnel in !olleges and uni"ersities
&*S+ , P-S+ 1 ./F+ 0 (,F+ .11
2B3+ &li!ation *&-+ &&4SB+ &nalyti! 5 &&4SB+ Strategy
-2P+ Gaining and Sustaining a 4ometiti"e &d"antage
6?. & !ometiti"e ad"antage deri"ed from human resour!es is sustainable for a !omany when+
a. it uses a !entrali8ed ta!ti!al rogram of !lose-suer"ision
b. its emloyees ha"e some rare and se!iali8ed s7ill not easily !oied
!. it has a newly !reated organi8ational !ulture
d. its rodu!t is intangible
e. its !ustomers remember the rodu!t and not the saleserson
&*S+ B P-S+ 1 ./F+ 0 (,F+ .16
2B3+ 4omrehensi"e *&-+ &&4SB+ &nalyti! 5 &&4SB+ Strategy
-2P+ Gaining and Sustaining a 4ometiti"e &d"antage
6A. @hi!h of the following would be an e<amle of how to !reate an inimitable !ororate !ulture+
a. 'iring the best emloyees a"ailable
b. Ben!hmar7ing against other su!!essful firms
!. .e"elo a !omle< and integrated system of '( ra!ti!es o"er a eriod of many years
d. & !omany-se!ifi! training rogram
e. &ll of the abo"e
&*S+ 4 P-S+ 1 ./F+ 4 (,F+ .16-11
2B3+ &li!ation *&-+ &&4SB+ &nalyti! 5 &&4SB+ Strategy
-2P+ Gaining and Sustaining a 4ometiti"e &d"antage
68. @hi!h of the following would be an e<amle of how Southwest &irlines has !reated an inimitable
!ororate !ulture+
a. 'iring the best eole a"ailable
b. 'a"ing emloyees who understand the firmCs strategy
!. 2ffering a rofit-sharing rogram
d. Setting goals and erforman!e targets for the firm as a whole
e. &ll of the abo"e
&*S+ , P-S+ 1 ./F+ 0 (,F+ .16-11
2B3+ &li!ation *&-+ &&4SB+ &nalyti! 5 &&4SB+ Strategy
-2P+ Gaining and Sustaining a 4ometiti"e &d"antage
69. -he most diffi!ult !omany !ulture to !oy would be one that+
a. has e"ol"ed o"er time and a!tually suits the needs of the !omany
b. has e"ol"ed o"er the last twel"e months
!. has been used su!!essfully by other !omanies not in the industry
d. is based on a ta!ti!al ri!ing and romotion lan
e. suorts a newly de"eloed te!hni!ally-oriented !omany
&*S+ & P-S+ 1 ./F+ , (,F+ .16
2B3+ 4omrehensi"e *&-+ &&4SB+ &nalyti! 5 &&4SB+ Strategy
-2P+ Gaining and Sustaining a 4ometiti"e &d"antage
1%. &ll of the eole who !urrently !ontribute to doing the wor7 of the organi8ation, those who !ould
otentially !ontribute in the future, and those who ha"e !ontributed in the re!ent ast are referred to as+
a. emloyees
b. the '( triad
!. human resour!es
d. '( rofessionals
e. !ustomers
&*S+ 4 P-S+ 1 ./F+ , (,F+ .11
2B3+ .efinition *&-+ &&4SB+ &nalyti! 5 &&4SB+ '(0
-2P+ Gaining and Sustaining a 4ometiti"e &d"antage
11. @hi!h of the following is *2- a art of human resour!es management a!ti"ities)
a. .e"eloing organi8ational strategy
b. 4omensating emloyees
!. Promoting wor7la!e safety and health
d. Gnderstanding unioni8ation and !olle!ti"e bargaining
e. 0easuring erforman!e and ro"iding feedba!7
&*S+ & P-S+ 1 ./F+ 4 (,F+ .1: 5 ,<hibit 1.6
2B3+ 4omrehensi"e *&-+ &&4SB+ &nalyti! 5 &&4SB+ '(0
-2P+ & Framewor7 for 0anaging 'uman (esour!es
16. -he !hara!teristi!s that tend to shae the way a firm manages its eole in!lude+
a. the leadershi of the to management team
b. the firm9s !ulture
!. te!hnology
d. business strategy
e. all of the abo"e
&*S+ , P-S+ 1 ./F+ 0 (,F+ .1$
2B3+ 4omrehensi"e *&-+ &&4SB+ &nalyti! 5 &&4SB+ '(0
-2P+ & Framewor7 for 0anaging 'uman (esour!es
11. &B4 4omany has a strategy of being a low-!ost ro"ider of ser"i!es and thus ays its emloyees a
low wage rate. @hi!h of the following is an e<amle of an '( ra!ti!e that would be in alignment
with this strategy)
a. a hea"y in"estment in training
b. re!ruitment at to edu!ational institutions
!. !omle< !omensation lans su!h as rofit sharing and sto!7 otions
d. !areer lanning sessions with emloyees
e. ongoing re!ruitment a!ti"ities
&*S+ , P-S+ 1 ./F+ 4 (,F+ .1?
2B3+ &li!ation *&-+ &&4SB+ &nalyti! 5 &&4SB+ '(0
-2P+ & Framewor7 for 0anaging 'uman (esour!es
1:. -he human resour!es triad !ontains+
a. to-le"el, middle-le"el, and lower le"el managers
b. reresentati"es from ea!h rimary sta7eholder grou
!. suliers, !ustomers, and resellers
d. line managers, human resour!e rofessionals, and emloyees
e. emloyees, staff managers, and line managers
&*S+ . P-S+ 1 ./F+ , (,F+ .19
2B3+ .efinition *&-+ &&4SB+ &nalyti! 5 &&4SB+ '(0
-2P+ -he '( -riad
1$. Bill is a line manager at a food a!7aging lant. 'is resonsibilities in managing the human resour!es
of his organi8ation in!lude all of the following ,I4,P-+
a. be roa!ti"e about learning how leading !omanies are managing human resour!es
b. see7 inut from '( rofessionals and line wor7ers to imro"e own !ometen!y
!. learn about and aly basi! rin!iles for managing '(
d. wor7 !losely with '( rofessionals in the !omany to de"elo and imlement '(
e. understand that as line managers they share resonsibility for managing human resour!es
with '(
&*S+ & P-S+ 1 ./F+ 4 (,F+ .6%
2B3+ 4omrehensi"e *&-+ &&4SB+ &nalyti! 5 &&4SB+ '(0
-2P+ -he '( -riad
1?. JiDay is one of the leaders in the '( deartment at his firm. 'is 7ey roles are+
a. business artner, !onsultant, inno"ator, monitor and !hange manager
b. business artner, edu!ator, !onsultant, monitor and !hange manager
!. edu!ator, !onsultant, business artner, monitor and !hange manager
d. !hange manager, business artner, !onsultant, edu!ator and inno"ator
e. !onsultant, edu!ator, inno"ator, monitor and !hange manager
&*S+ & P-S+ 1 ./F+ 4 (,F+ .61 5 ,<hibit 1.1
2B3+ 4omrehensi"e *&-+ &&4SB+ &nalyti! 5 &&4SB+ '(0
-2P+ -he '( -riad
1A. 0elissa is an '( rofessional who wor7s for a natural gas !omany. She wants to maintain
rofessional resonsibility, so she has de!ided to+
a. ursue formal a!ademi! oortunities
b. measure the effe!ti"eness of '( in !ontributing to organi8ational goals
!. use his or her osition for ersonal or finan!ial gain
d. see7 referential treatment in the '( ro!esses
e. a"oid !onfli!ts of interest
&*S+ B P-S+ 1 ./F+ 0 (,F+ .61 5 ,<hibit 1.:
2B3+ &li!ation *&-+ &&4SB+ &nalyti! 5 &&4SB+ '(0
-2P+ -he '( -riad
18. /mro"ing on time deli"ery of results to satisfy !ustomers and reinfor!e or e<and informal networ7s
to satisfy emloyees are !ommon reasons for the e<anding use of+
a. assessment !enters in sele!tion
b. wor7 teams
!. emloyee sto!7 ownershi
d. synergy
e. globali8ation
&*S+ B P-S+ 1 ./F+ , (,F+ .6$ 5 ,<hibit 1.$
2B3+ 4omrehensi"e *&-+ &&4SB+ &nalyti! 5 &&4SB+ '(0
-2P+ Loo7ing &head+ Fi"e Se!ial -hemes
19. -he "iew of !ororate so!ial resonsibility =4S(> that was held by the largest er!entage of managers
was that 4S(+
a. is a ne!essary !ost of business
b. ro"ides a distin!ti"e osition in the mar7et
!. is meaningless if it in!ludes things that firms would do anyway
d. is a waste of time
e. is only for those firms that !an afford it
&*S+ & P-S+ 1 ./F+ 0 (,F+ .6A 5 ,<hibit 1.?
2B3+ 4omrehensi"e *&-+ &&4SB+ &nalyti! 5 &&4SB+ '(0
-2P+ Loo7ing &head+ Fi"e Se!ial -hemes
:%. So!ial media te!hnologies in!lude all of the following ,I4,P-+
a. so!ial networ7ing
b. blogs
!. tweets
d. wi7is
e. the grae"ine
&*S+ , P-S+ 1 ./F+ 0 (,F+ .68
2B3+ 4omrehensi"e *&-+ &&4SB+ &nalyti! 5 &&4SB+ '(0
-2P+ 4urrent /ssues
:1. 4omle<ity is !reated by+
a. raidly e"ol"ing !ometition from around the world
b. !onstant inno"ations in rodu!ts and ser"i!es
!. !hanging organi8ational stru!ture and strategies
d. oliti!al and e!onomi! dynami!s
e. the !ontinuous introdu!tion of new te!hnologies
f. all of the abo"e
&*S+ F P-S+ 1 ./F+ 0 (,F+ .68-69
2B3+ 4omrehensi"e *&-+ &&4SB+ &nalyti! 5 &&4SB+ '(0
-2P+ 4urrent /ssues
1. /n"estors, !reditors, and suliers are referred to as sto!7holdersK emloyees, !ustomers, and
distributors are referred to as sta7eholders.
&*S+ F P-S+ 1 ./F+ 0 (,F+ .$ 5 ,<hibit 1.1
2B3+ .efinition *&-+ &&4SB+ &nalyti! 5 &&4SB+ Strategy
-2P+ -he Strategi! /mortan!e of 0anaging 'uman (esour!es
6. &s sta7eholders, !ustomers are most !on!erned with Buality ser"i!e and rodu!ts, seed and
resonsi"eness, low !ost, and new rodu!ts.
&*S+ - P-S+ 1 ./F+ , (,F+ .$ 5 ,<hibit 1.1
2B3+ .efinition *&-+ &&4SB+ &nalyti! 5 &&4SB+ Strategy
-2P+ -he Strategi! /mortan!e of 0anaging 'uman (esour!es
1. Se"eral studies ha"e shown that the aroa!hes firms ta7e to manage their human resour!es !an
in!rease rofitability, annual sales er emloyee =rodu!ti"ity>, mar7et "alue, and earnings-er-share
&*S+ - P-S+ 1 ./F+ 0 (,F+ .?
2B3+ 4omrehensi"e *&-+ &&4SB+ &nalyti! 5 &&4SB+ Strategy
-2P+ -he Strategi! /mortan!e of 0anaging 'uman (esour!es
:. -he a"erage &meri!an "iews so!ially resonsible organi8ations as referable for emloyment o"er less
so!ially resonsible ones.
&*S+ - P-S+ 1 ./F+ , (,F+ .A-8
2B3+ 4omrehensi"e *&-+ &&4SB+ &nalyti! 5 &&4SB+ Strategy
-2P+ -he Strategi! /mortan!e of 0anaging 'uman (esour!es
$. & !ommitment to !ommunity in"ol"ement and de"eloment !an ha"e maDor imli!ations for
managing human resour!es be!ause "oluntary labor is freBuently a !ommunity9s biggest need.
&*S+ - P-S+ 1 ./F+ , (,F+ .8
2B3+ 4omrehensi"e *&-+ &&4SB+ &nalyti! 5 &&4SB+ Strategy
-2P+ -he Strategi! /mortan!e of 0anaging 'uman (esour!es
?. & good Buality of wor7 life !ontributes to in!reased emloyee satisfa!tion, !ommitment, and feelings
of emowerment.
&*S+ - P-S+ 1 ./F+ , (,F+ .9-1%
2B3+ .efinition *&-+ &&4SB+ &nalyti! 5 &&4SB+ Strategy
-2P+ -he Strategi! /mortan!e of 0anaging 'uman (esour!es
A. & manufa!turer of air !onditioners has been able to retain its osition as a low-!ost leader for the ast
6% years. -his !ometiti"e ad"antage !ould be des!ribed as sustainable be!ause the manufa!turer has
maintained it for a long eriod of time, e"en though other firms ha"e tried to !oy it.
&*S+ F P-S+ 1 ./F+ 0 (,F+ .11
2B3+ .efinition *&-+ &&4SB+ &nalyti! 5 &&4SB+ Strategy
-2P+ Gaining and Sustaining a 4ometiti"e &d"antage
8. 0anagement ra!ti!es su!h as using raid mar7et intelligen!e and !ometiti"e ri!ing will !reate a
sustainable !ometiti"e ad"antage, regardless of the human resour!es used to imlement these
&*S+ F P-S+ 1 ./F+ 0 (,F+ .11
2B3+ 4omrehensi"e *&-+ &&4SB+ &nalyti! 5 &&4SB+ Strategy
-2P+ Gaining and Sustaining a 4ometiti"e &d"antage
9. -own &uto .ealer has been in business for more than ?% years, and is the largest !hain of !ar
dealershis in its region. /ts !ororate !ulture is diffi!ult to !oy be!ause it has e"ol"ed o"er a eriod
of time and suits its own se!ifi! needs.
&*S+ - P-S+ 1 ./F+ 0 (,F+ .16
2B3+ 4omrehensi"e *&-+ &&4SB+ &nalyti! 5 &&4SB+ Strategy
-2P+ Gaining and Sustaining a 4ometiti"e &d"antage
1%. -he e<ternal en"ironment affe!ts all organi8ations, but its effe!ts are not the same for all organi8ations.
&*S+ - P-S+ 1 ./F+ , (,F+ .1$
2B3+ 4omrehensi"e
*&-+ &&4SB+ &nalyti! 5 &&4SB+ ,n"ironmental /nfluen!e
-2P+ & Framewor7 for 0anaging 'uman (esour!es
1. @ho are the rimary sta7eholders in most !omanies in the Gnited States)
4ustomers, emloyees, shareholders, and so!iety
P-S+ 1 ./F+ , (,F+ .$ 5 ,<hibit 1.1
2B3+ 4omrehensi"e *&-+ &&4SB+ &nalyti! 5 &&4SB+ Strategy
-2P+ -he Strategi! /mortan!e of 0anaging 'uman (esour!es
6. Gi"e an e<amle of a !ometiti"e ad"antage that is *2- sustainable.
Students will ha"e a "ariety of answers to this Buestion. -o be !orre!t, their answer must des!ribe an
easily !oied a!tion su!h as de!reasing a selling ri!e by 1% er!ent, using a !ouon romotion, or
!reating a oint-of-ur!hase dislay.
P-S+ 1 ./F+ 4 (,F+ .11 2B3+ 4omrehensi"e
*&-+ &&4SB+ &nalyti! 5 &&4SB+ Strategy
-2P+ Gaining and Sustaining a 4ometiti"e &d"antage
1. List the members of the human resour!es ='(> triad.
Line managers, human resour!e ersonnel, and emloyees
P-S+ 1 ./F+ , (,F+ .19-6: 2B3+ 4omrehensi"e
*&-+ &&4SB+ &nalyti! 5 &&4SB+ '(0 -2P+ -he '( -riad
:. @hat are fi"e reasons for using wor7 teams in organi8ations)
1> to imro"e on-time deli"ery of results, 6> to fa!ilitate management de"eloment and !areer growth,
1> to redu!e !osts and imro"e effi!ien!y, :> to imro"e emloyees9 understanding of the business, and
$> to in!rease emloyee ownershi, !ommitment and moti"ation.
P-S+ 1 ./F+ 0 (,F+ .6$ 5 ,<hibit 1.$
2B3+ 4omrehensi"e *&-+ &&4SB+ &nalyti! 5 &&4SB+ '(0
-2P+ Loo7ing &head+ Fi"e Se!ial -hemes
1. .es!ribe the relationshi between a firm and its sta7eholders.
Sta7eholders are indi"iduals or grous that ha"e interests, rights, or ownershi in an organi8ation and
its a!ti"ities. ,a!h sta7eholder grou has an interest in how an organi8ation erforms and is
interdeendent with it. -hese sta7eholder grous !an benefit from a !omany9s su!!esses and !an be
harmed by its failures and mista7es. Similarly, the organi8ation has an interest in maintaining the
general well-being and effe!ti"eness of those sta7eholder grous. /f one or more of the sta7eholder
grous were to brea7 off their relationshi with the organi8ation, the organi8ation would suffer.
P-S+ 1 ./F+ 0 (,F+ .: 2B3+ 4omrehensi"e
*&-+ &&4SB+ (efle!ti"e -hin7ing 5 &&4SB+ Strategy
-2P+ -he Strategi! /mortan!e of 0anaging 'uman (esour!es
6. .is!uss the following statement+ L2rgani8ations loo7 to the legal institutions to determine if they are
a!ting in the best interest of so!iety.L
Formal laws and regulations establish relati"ely !lear guidelines of how so!iety e<e!ts a !omany to
beha"e, but effe!ti"e !omanies resond to more than simly the formal statement of a !ommunity9s
e<e!tations. -he most effe!ti"e !omanies understand that the ena!tment of formal laws and
regulations often lag behind ubli! oinion by se"eral years. Long before legislation is assed,
!ommunities !ommuni!ate their e<e!tations and attemt to hold organi8ations a!!ountable for
"iolations of these e<e!tation.
P-S+ 1 ./F+ 4 (,F+ .A 2B3+ 4omrehensi"e
*&-+ &&4SB+ &nalyti! 5 &&4SB+ Legal (esonsibilities
-2P+ -he Strategi! /mortan!e of 0anaging 'uman (esour!es
1. 4omuter *erds is a firm that emloys indi"iduals who are e<erts at re!ogni8ing and reairing
!omuter roblems. -heir slogan is L4all a nerd when you ha"e a nerdy roblem.L .es!ribe how su!h
a firm !an !reate a sustainable !ometiti"e ad"antage.
Students will answer this Buestion in a "ariety of fashions, but all answers should ha"e three maDor
!omonents. =1> 4omuter *erds should ha"e emloyees who add "alue. -he emloyees as des!ribed
would !ertainly be of "alue to a !omuter reair firm. -o 7ee them, the firm !ould ay well and hire a
bounty for re!ruiting new Buality !omuter reair eole. -he firm !ould also gi"e rodu!ti"ity
bonuses and ay on !ommission. =6> 4omuter *erds should ha"e emloyees who are rare. -here is a
limited number of s7illed !omuter reair eole on the mar7et today. =1> 4omuter *erds should
!reate a !ulture that !annot be !oy. -he name suggests that the firm lets the emloyees ha"e fun with
the title of Lnerd.L /t !ould en!ourage them to dress the art. &lso, gi"en the Dob being erformed, its
emloyees would need !onsiderable autonomy.
P-S+ 1 ./F+ 4 (,F+ .11-11 2B3+ 4omrehensi"e
*&-+ &&4SB+ (efle!ti"e -hin7ing 5 &&4SB+ Strategy
-2P+ -he Strategi! /mortan!e of 0anaging 'uman (esour!es
:. @hy would in!reased di"ersity in the wor7la!e ma7e managing teams more !hallenging than in a
non-di"erse wor7la!e)
-eams reBuire !lose !ooeration, !ommuni!ation among team members. .i"erse team membershi
means that more !ommuni!ation and interersonal s7ills will be needed by team members and
managers to oerate effe!ti"ely. 2n!e this o!!urs, the full ad"antages of both di"ersity and teams !an
be a!hie"ed.
P-S+ 1 ./F+ 0 (,F+ .6$-6? 2B3+ 4omrehensi"e
*&-+ &&4SB+ .i"ersity 5 &&4SB+ Grou .ynami!s -2P+ 4urrent /ssues
$. .is!uss why the G.S. wor7for!e is be!oming more !ulturally di"erse.
0ore and more women are wor7ing, resulting in a new gender mi< that is nearly balan!ed instead of
being male-dominated. -hroughout the twentieth !entury, immigration atterns also !hanged, resulting
in more !ultural di"ersity. /n addition, emloyees now differ on a wider "ariety of ersonal "alues and
lifestyles su!h as religion, se<ual orientation, marital and family status, age, and other unifying life
P-S+ 1 ./F+ 0 (,F+ .6$-6? 2B3+ 4omrehensi"e
*&-+ &&4SB+ .i"ersity 5 &&4SB+ ,n"ironmental /nfluen!e -2P+ 4urrent /ssues
?. 'ow !an '( rofessions assist managers in doing an effe!ti"e Dob of managing !omle<ity)
'( rofessionals !an assist in art by ma7ing the ro!ess of managing human resour!es as effi!ient
and effe!ti"e as ossible. -hey also !an !ontribute by designing management de"eloment rograms
that bring managers together to share their e<erien!es with ea!h other and learn how others are
addressing the !hallenge of !omle<ity. '( rofessionals !an hel line managers by ma7ing sure that
!omle<ity is always a toi! for dis!ussionK e"en if it !annot be redu!ed, it !an be managed effe!ti"ely.
P-S+ 1 ./F+ 0 (,F+ .68-69 2B3+ 4omrehensi"e
*&-+ &&4SB+ (efle!ti"e -hin7ing 5 &&4SB+ '(0 -2P+ 4urrent /ssues

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