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Cease & Desist Letters

Cease & Desist Letters can be written to, or copied to, entities such as the
Servicer's CEO/Executive area, the Servicer's Legal Department see Executive
Contacts page!, and the "oreclosure #ttorne$/Entit$ pointing out errors or
instances o%, %or example, in&
a! 'iolation o% (otice )e*uirements, and/or
b! 'iolation o% State Civil Statutes, and/or
c! 'iolation o% Criminal Statutes, and/or
d! 'iolation o% (otice in paragraph ++ o% Deed to Secure Debt
Example -.
'iolation& #ssignment o% Securit$ /nstrument to Servicer,
not to Secured Creditor
"annie 0ae 1rust, owner, One 2est 3an4 servicer
SC5ED6LED "O) #7)/L 8, +9.+
1O& #nthon$ De0arlo Certi%ied mail - ::::::::::::::::::
0cCurd$ and Candler LLC "ax number& ;;9<+8=<>.>+
?oseph Otting, CEO Certi%ied mail - :::::::::::::::::
One 2est 3an4 "S3 "ax number& @+@<A8A<=+9;
BBB East 2alnut #venue
7asadena, C# >..9.
"ax& @+@<A8A<=+9;
)e%erence 7ropert$& .+8 #n$ Street, Cit$, State Cip
7ursuant to OCGA 44-14-162.2D "oreclosures under power o% sale << 0ailing
or deliver$ o% notice to debtor E 7rocedures
1his is a demand %or a cease and desist o% %oreclosure proceedings because
$ou are violating t! "tat! "tat#t!D See attached evidence %rom the "annie
0ae website which indicates that the$ own the loan or the loan is in a "annie
0ae trustD Fou have advertised that $ou are representing One 2est 3an4 "S3
and One 2est 3an4 as i% the$ are the secured creditorD Fou have personal
4nowledge that One 2est 3an4 "S3 is onl$ the Servicer which does not have
standing to %oreclose in the state o% GeorgiaD
/n the state o% Georgia, onl$ the Secured Creditor can %orecloseD
OCG# H ==<.=<.@+D+
a! (otice o% the initiation o% proceedings to exercise a power o% sale in a
mortgage, securit$ deed, or other lien contract shall be given to the debtor b$
the"!$#%!& $%!&ito% no later than 89 da$s be%ore the date o% the proposed
%oreclosureD Such notice shall be in writing, shall include the name, address, and
telephone number o% the individual or entit$ who shall have %ull authorit$ to
negotiate, amend, and modi%$ all terms o% the mortgage with the debtor, and
shall be sent b$ registered or certi%ied mail or statutor$ overnight deliver$, return
receipt re*uested, to the propert$ address or to such other address as the
debtor ma$ designate b$ written notice to the "!$#%!& $%!&ito%D 1he notice
re*uired b$ this Code section shall be deemed given on the o%%icial postmar4
da$ or da$ on which it is received %or deliver$ b$ a commercial deliver$ %irmD
(othing in this subsection shall be construed to re*uire a "!$#%!& $%!&ito% to
negotiate, amend, or modi%$ the terms o% a mortgage instrumentD
)ecentl$, Governor Deal signed into existence OCG# .@<B<.9+ )esidential
mortgage %raud and $ou are in violation speci%icall$ o%&
OCG# .@<B<.9+
A! "iles or causes to be %iled with the o%%icial registrar o% deeds o% an$ count$ o%
this state an$ document such person 4nows to contain a deliberate
misstatement, misrepresentation, or omissionD
7ursuant to OCG# .@<B<.9A a! 7unishment, $ou are guilt$ o% a %elon$, and this
crime is punishable b$ imprisonment %or not less than one $ear nor more than
ten $ears, b$ a %ine not to exceed IA,999, or bothD
7ursuant to OCG# .@<B<.9A b! 7unishment, $ou and $our %irm will be
investigated %or engaging or participating in a pattern o% residential mortgage
%raud or a conspirac$ or endeavor to engage or participate in a pattern o%
residential mortgage %raudD 1his violation is punishable b$ imprisonment %or not
less than three $ears nor more than +9 $ears, b$ a %ine not to exceed
I.99,999D99, or bothD
3ecause $ou have personal 4nowledge that $ou are 4nowingl$ violating state
statutes, / will be le%t no other option but to report $ou to the Georgia 3ar
#ssociation and others, and pursue legal means, not onl$ civill$ but criminall$ to
sue $ou %or wrong%ul %oreclosure, %or %iling %raudulent documents, %or the%t b$
ta4ing and the%t b$ conversion, and other violationsD
/ will be sending this same notice to "ederal 5ousing "inance #genc$ O%%ice o%
the /nspector General, Georgia stateJs #ttorne$ General, and the O%%ice o% the
Comptroller o% the Currenc$D
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::
5omeowner Date
.! "annie 0ae letter showing loan owned b$ certi%icate holders o% "annie 0ae
+! (otice o% Sale letter %rom 0cCurd$ and Candler LLC
8! (otice o% Sale 6nder 7ower advertisement
#nthon$ De0arlo
0cCurd$ and Candler LLC
Six 7iedmont Center
Suite ;99
8A+A 7iedmont )oad (E
#tlanta, G# 8989A
7hone number& =9=<8;8<.@.+
"ax number& =9=<8;9<;+8+
"ederal 5ousing "inance #genc$ O%%ice o% the /nspector General
7hone number& B99<;>8<;;+=
"ax& +9+<==A<+9;A
O%%ice o% the Comptroller o% the Currenc$
7hone number& B99<@.8<@;=8
"ax& ;.8<88@<=89.
#ttorne$ General Sam Olens Certi%ied 0ail :::::::::::::::::
"ax& =9=<@A;<B;88
7hone& =9=<@A@<8899
?oseph Otting, CEO
One 2est 3an4 "S3
BBB East 2alnut #venue
7asadena, C# >..9.
"ax& @+@<A8A<=+9;
Example -+
'iolation& Servicer/"oreclosure #ttorne$ did not %ollow (otice )e*uirements
SC5ED6LED "O) #7)/L 8, +9.+
1O& Larr$ ?ohnson Certi%ied mail - ::::::::::::::::::
?oel "reedman "ax number& ;;9<+8=<>.>+
?ohnson & "reedman, LLC
?oseph Otting, CEO Certi%ied mail - :::::::::::::::::
One 2est 3an4 "S3 "ax number& @+@<A8A<=+9;
BBB East 2alnut #venue
7asadena, C# >..9.
"ax& @+@<A8A<=+9;
)e%erence 7ropert$& .+8 #n$ Street, Cit$, State Cip
7ursuant to "oreclosures under power o% sale << 0ailing or deliver$ o% notice to debtor
and OCG# H ><.8<.=.D 1iming o% advertisements&
1his is a demand %or a cease and desist o% %oreclosure proceedings because $ou are
in violatation o' "tat! "tat#t!".
/n the state o% Georgia strict notice re*uirements existD Fou have violated&
OCG# H ==<.=<.@+D+ which re*uires that (otice o% the initiation o% proceedings to exercise a
power o% sale in a mortgage, securit$ deed, or other lien contract shall be given to the debtor
b$ the secured creditor no later than 89 da$s be%ore the date o% the proposed %oreclosureD
1here was no notice mailed b$ certi%ied and regular mailD
a! Such notice shall be in writing, shall include the name, address, and telephone number o%
the individual or entit$ who shall have %ull authorit$ to negotiate, amend, and modi%$ all terms
o% the mortgage with the debtor, and shall be sent b$ registered or certi%ied mail or statutor$
overnight deliver$, return receipt re*uested, to the propert$ address or to such other address
as the debtor ma$ designate b$ written notice to the secured creditorD 1he notice re*uired b$
this Code section shall be deemed given on the o%%icial postmar4 da$ or da$ on which it is
received %or deliver$ b$ a commercial deliver$ %irmD (othing in this subsection shall be
construed to re*uire a secured creditor to negotiate, amend, or modi%$ the terms o% a
mortgage instrumentD
b! 1he notice re*uired b$ subsection a! o% this Code section shall be given b$ mailing or
delivering to the debtor a cop$ o% the notice o% sale to be submitted to the publisherD
/n all cases where the law re*uires citations, notices, or advertisements b$ probate court
Kudges, cler4s, sheri%%s, count$ baili%%s, administrators, executors, guardians, trustees, or
others to be published in a newspaper %or 89 da$s or %or %our wee4s or once a wee4 %or %our
wee4s, it shall be su%%icient and legal to publish the same once a wee4 %or %our wee4s, that is,
one insertion each wee4 %or each o% the %our wee4s, immediatel$ preceding the term or da$
when the order is to be granted or the sale is to ta4e placeD
Fou are also in violation o% OCG# H ><.8<.=. which re*uires the advertisement to be
published in a newspaper %or 89 da$s or %or %our wee4s or once a wee4 %or %our wee4s
immediatel$ preceding the date o% the saleD 1he advertisement did not run = consecutive
OCG# H ><.8<.=.
/n all cases where the law re*uires citations, notices, or advertisements b$ probate court
Kudges, cler4s, sheri%%s, count$ baili%%s, administrators, executors, guardians, trustees, or
others to be published in a newspaper %or 89 da$s or %or %our wee4s or once a wee4 %or %our
wee4s, it shall be su%%icient and legal to publish the same once a wee4 %or %our wee4s, that is,
one insertion each wee4 %or each o% the %our wee4s, immediatel$ preceding the term or da$
when the order is to be granted or the sale is to ta4e placeD 1he number o% da$s between the
date o% the %irst publication and the term or da$ when the order is to be granted or the sale is
to ta4e place, whether more or less than 89 da$s, shall not in an$ manner invalidate or render
irregular the notice, citation, advertisement, order, or saleD
3ecause $ou have personal 4nowledge that $ou are 4nowingl$ violating state statutes, / will
be le%t no other option but to report $ou, and pursue legal means, not onl$ civill$ but criminall$
to sue $ou %or wrong%ul %oreclosure, %or the%t b$ ta4ing and the%t b$ conversion, and other
/ will be sending this same notice to Georgia stateJs #ttorne$ General and the O%%ice o% the
Comptroller o% the Currenc$D
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::
5omeowner Date
Example -8
'iolation& Servicer < in the (otice o% De%ault re*uired to be sent prior to #cceleration! < did not
meet re*uirements speci%iced in the Securit$ /nstrument, paragraph ++D #ccelerationL
)emediesD See paragraph ++D
SC5ED6LED "O) #7)/L 8, +9.+
?oseph Otting, CEO Certi%ied mail - :::::::::::::::::
One 2est 3an4 "S3 "ax number& @+@<A8A<=+9;
BBB East 2alnut #venue
7asadena, C# >..9.
"ax& @+@<A8A<=+9;
)e%erence 7ropert$& .+8 #n$ Street, Cit$, State Cip
7ursuant to Securit$ /nstrument Securit$ Deed!, paragraph ++, $ou did not in%orm me o% m$
right to bring a court actionD
1his is a demand %or a cease and desist o% %oreclosure proceedings because $ou are
in violation o% the securit$ agreement %iled in the o%%ice o% the Superior Court Cler4, Chero4ee
Count$, Georgia, boo4 .+8=, pages .<=D
Fou did not in%orm me o% m$ right to bring a court actionD
On page .+ o% .= o% the Securit$ /nstrument given b$ ?ane Doe to 2ashington 0utual 3an4,
"#, dated 8/.A/+99= and recorded on 8/+=/+99=, 7aragraph ++ states&
++D #ccelerationL )emediesD Lender shall give notice to 3orrower prior to acceleration %ollowing 3orrowerJs
breach o% an$ covenant or agreement in this Securit$ /nstrument but not prior to acceleration under Section .B
unless #pplicable Law provides otherwise!D 1he notice shall speci%$& a! the de%aultL b! the action re*uired to
cure the de%aultL c! a date, not less than 89 da$s %rom the date the notice is given to 3orrower, b$ which the
de%ault must be curedL and d! that %ailure to cure the de%ault on or be%ore the date speci%ied in the notice ma$
result in acceleration o% the sums secured b$ this Securit$ /nstrument and sale o% the 7ropert$D 1he notice shall
%urther in%orm 3orrower o% the right to reinstate a%ter acceleration and the right to bring a court action to assert
the non<existence o% a de%ault or an$ other de%ense o% 3orrower to acceleration and saleD /% the de%ault is not
cured on or be%ore the date speci%ied in the notice, Lender at its option ma$ re*uire immediate pa$ment in %ull o%
all sums secured b$ this Securit$ /nstrument without %urther demand and ma$ invo4e the power o% sale granted
b$ 3orrower and an$ other remedies permitted b$ #pplicable LawD 3orrower appoints Lender the agent and
attorne$<in<%act %or 3orrower to exercise the power o% saleD Lender shall be entitled to collect all expenses
incurred in pursuing the remedies provided in this Section ++, including, but not limited to, reasonable attorne$sJ
%ees and costs o% title evidenceD
3ecause $ou have personal 4nowledge that $ou are 4nowingl$ violating state and %ederal
statutes, / will be le%t no other option but to report $ou, and pursue legal means, not onl$ civill$
but criminall$ to sue $ou %or wrong%ul %oreclosure, %or the%t b$ ta4ing and the%t b$ conversion,
and other violationsD
/ will be sending this same notice to Georgia stateJs #ttorne$ General and to the O%%ice o% the
Comptroller o% the Currenc$D
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::
5omeowner Date
1his in%ormation is provided %ree o% charge b$ Operation )estorationD 1han4 $ou in advance %or $our generous
donations which allow us to educate people on a personal levelD
< #nne 3atte, Executive Director

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