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Publ i cat i on 1734-IN058B-EN-P - June 2005

Installation Instructions
POINT I/O 24V dc Expansion Power Supply
Cat al og Number 1734-EP24DC, Seri es B
Inside . . .

For See Page
Import ant User Inf ormat i on 2
Prevent i ng El ect rost at i c Di scharge 3
Envi ronment and Encl osure 4
Nort h Ameri can Hazardous Locat i on Approval 5
European Hazardous Locat i on Approval 6
About t he Power Suppl y 8
Inst al l t he Power Suppl y 9
Remove t he Power Suppl y 10
Repl ace t he Power Suppl y 10
Wi re t he Power Suppl y 11
Speci f i cat i ons 16
2 POINT I/ O 24V dc Expansi on Power Suppl y
Publ i cat i on 1734-IN058B-EN-P - June 2005
Important User Information
Sol i d st at e equi pment has operat i onal charact eri st i cs di f f eri ng f rom t hose of el ect romechani cal
equi pment . Saf et y Gui del i nes f or t he Appl i cat i on, Inst al l at i on and M ai nt enance of Sol i d St at e Cont rol s
(Publ i cat i on SGI-1.1 avai l abl e f rom your l ocal Rockw el l Aut omat i on sal es of f i ce or onl i ne at
ht t p:/ / www.l i t erat ure.rockwel l aut omat i descri bes some i mport ant di f f erences bet ween sol i d
st at e equi pment and hard-wi red el ect romechani cal devi ces. Because of t hi s di f f erence, and al so
because of t he wi de vari et y of uses f or sol i d st at e equi pment , al l persons responsi bl e f or appl yi ng t hi s
equi pment must sat i sf y t hemsel ves t hat each i nt ended appl i cat i on of t hi s equi pment i s accept abl e.
In no event wi l l Rockwel l Aut omat i on, Inc. be responsi bl e or l i abl e f or i ndi rect or consequent i al damages
resul t i ng f rom t he use or appl i cat i on of t hi s equi pment .
The exampl es and di agrams i n t hi s manual are i ncl uded sol el y f or i l l ust rat i ve purposes. Because of t he
many vari abl es and requi rement s associ at ed wi t h any part i cul ar i nst al l at i on, Rockw el l Aut omat i on, Inc.
cannot assume responsi bi l i t y or l i abi l i t y f or act ual use based on t he exampl es and di agrams.
No pat ent l i abi l i t y i s assumed by Rockw el l Aut omat i on, Inc. wi t h respect t o use of i nf ormat i on, ci rcui t s,
equi pment , or sof t ware descri bed i n t hi s manual .
Reproduct i on of t he cont ent s of t hi s manual , i n whol e or i n part , wi t hout wri t t en permi ssi on of Rockwel l
Aut omat i on, Inc., i s prohi bi t ed.
Throughout t hi s manual , when necessary, we use not es t o make you aw are of saf et y consi derat i ons.
Ident i f i es i nf ormat i on about pract i ces or ci rcumst ances t hat can cause an expl osi on i n
a hazardous envi ronment , whi ch may l ead t o personal i nj ury or deat h, propert y
damage, or economi c l oss.
Ident i f i es i nf ormat i on t hat i s cri t i cal f or successf ul appl i cat i on and underst andi ng of
t he product .
Ident i f i es i nf ormat i on about pract i ces or ci rcumst ances t hat can l ead t o personal
i nj ury or deat h, propert y damage, or economi c l oss. At t ent i ons hel p you i dent i f y a
hazard, avoi d a hazard and recogni ze t he consequences.
Label s may be l ocat ed on or i nsi de t he equi pment (e.g., dri ve or mot or) t o al ert peopl e
t hat dangerous vol t age may be present .
Label s may be l ocat ed on or i nsi de t he equi pment (e.g., dri ve or mot or) t o al ert peopl e
t hat surf aces may be dangerous t emperat ures.
POINT I/ O 24V dc Expansi on Power Suppl y 3
Publ i cat i on 1734-IN058B-EN-P - June 2005
Preventing Electrostatic Discharge
This equipm ent is sensitive to electrostatic discharge,
w hich can cause internal dam age and affect norm al
operation. Follow these guidelines w hen you handle this
equipm ent:
Touch a grounded object to discharge potential static.
W ear an approved grounding w riststrap.
D o not touch connectors or pins on com ponent
D o not touch circuit com ponents inside the
equipm ent.
If available, use a static-safe w orkstation.
W hen not in use, store the equipm ent in appropriate
static-safe packaging.
4 POINT I/ O 24V dc Expansi on Power Suppl y
Publ i cat i on 1734-IN058B-EN-P - June 2005
Environment and Enclosure
This equipm ent is intended for use in a Pollution D egree
2 industrial environm ent, in overvoltage Category II
applications (as defined in IEC publication 60664-1), at
altitudes up to 2000 m eters w ithout derating.
This equipm ent is considered G roup 1, Class A industrial
equipm ent according to IEC/CISPR Publication 11.
W ithout appropriate precautions, there m ay be potential
difficulties ensuring electrom agnetic com patibility in other
environm ents due to conducted as w ell as radiated
This equipm ent is supplied as open typeequipm ent. It
m ust be m ounted w ithin an enclosure that is suitably
designed for those specific environm ental conditions that
w ill be present and appropriately designed to prevent
personal injury resulting from accessibility to live parts.
The interior of the enclosure m ust be accessible only by
the use of a tool. Subsequent sections of this publication
m ay contain additional inform ation regarding specific
enclosure type ratings that are required to com ply w ith
certain product safety certifications.
See N EM A Standards publication 250 and IEC publication
60529, as applicable, for explanations of the degrees of
protection provided by different types of enclosure. Also,
see the appropriate sections in this publication, as w ell as
the Allen-Bradley publication 1770-4.1 (Industrial
Autom ation W iring and G rounding G uidelines), for
additional installation requirem ents pertaining to this
equipm ent.
POINT I/ O 24V dc Expansi on Power Suppl y 5
Publ i cat i on 1734-IN058B-EN-P - June 2005
North American Hazardous Location Approval
The following information applies when
operating this equipment in hazardous
Informations sur lutilisation de cet quipement
en environnements dangereux:
Product s marked CL I, DIV 2, GP A, B, C, D are sui t abl e
f or use i n Cl ass I Di vi si on 2 Groups A, B, C, D, Hazardous
Locat i ons and nonhazardous l ocat i ons onl y. Each product
i s suppl i ed wi t h marki ngs on t he rat i ng namepl at e
i ndi cat i ng t he hazardous l ocat i on t emperat ure code. When
combi ni ng product s wi t hi n a syst em, t he most adverse
t emperat ure code (l owest T number) may be used t o
hel p det ermi ne t he overal l t emperat ure code of t he
syst em. Combi nat i ons of equi pment i n your syst em are
subj ect t o i nvest i gat i on by t he l ocal Aut hori t y Havi ng
Juri sdi ct i on at t he t i me of i nst al l at i on.
Les produi t s marqus CL I, DIV 2, GP A, B, C, D ne
convi ennent qu une ut i l i sat i on en envi ronnement s de Cl asse I
Di vi si on 2 Groupes A, B, C, D dangereux et non dangereux.
Chaque produi t est l i vr avec des marquages sur sa pl aque
d i dent i f i cat i on qui i ndi quent l e code de t emprat ure pour l es
envi ronnement s dangereux. Lorsque pl usi eurs produi t s sont
combi ns dans un syst me, l e code de t emprat ure l e pl us
df avorabl e (code de t emprat ure l e pl us f ai bl e) peut t re
ut i l i s pour dt ermi ner l e code de t emprat ure gl obal du
syst me. Les combi nai sons d qui pement s dans l e syst me
sont suj et t es i nspect i on par l es aut ori t s l ocal es qual i f i es
au moment de l i nst al l at i on.
Do not di sconnect equi pment unl ess
power has been removed or t he area
i s known t o be nonhazardous.
Do not di sconnect connect i ons t o
t hi s equi pment unl ess power has
been removed or t he area i s known
t o be nonhazardous. Secure any
ext ernal connect i ons t hat mat e t o
t hi s equi pment by usi ng screws,
sl i di ng l at ches, t hreaded
connect ors, or ot her means provi ded
wi t h t hi s product .
Subst i t ut i on of component s may
i mpai r sui t abi l i t y f or Cl ass I, Di vi si on
If t hi s product cont ai ns bat t eri es,
t hey must onl y be changed i n an
area known t o be nonhazardous.
Couper l e courant ou s assurer que
l envi ronnement est cl ass non
dangereux avant de dbrancher
l ' qui pement .
Couper l e courant ou s' assurer que
l envi ronnement est cl ass non
dangereux avant de dbrancher l es
connect eurs. Fi xer t ous l es
connect eurs ext ernes rel i s cet
qui pement l ' ai de de vi s, l oquet s
coul i ssant s, connect eurs f i l et s ou
aut res moyens f ourni s avec ce
produi t .
La subst i t ut i on de composant s peut
rendre cet qui pement i nadapt une
ut i l i sat i on en envi ronnement de
Cl asse 1, Di vi si on 2.
S assurer que l envi ronnement est
cl ass non dangereux avant de
changer l es pi l es.
6 POINT I/ O 24V dc Expansi on Power Suppl y
Publ i cat i on 1734-IN058B-EN-P - June 2005
European Hazardous Location Approval
European Zone 2 Certification (The following applies when the product bears the
EEx marking.)
Thi s equi pment i s i nt ended f or use i n pot ent i al l y expl osi ve at mospheres as def i ned by
European Uni on Di rect i ve 94/ 9/ EC.
DEM KO cert i f i es t hat t hi s equi pment has been f ound t o compl y wi t h t he Essent i al Heal t h
and Saf et y Requi rement s rel at i ng t o t he desi gn and const ruct i on of Cat egory 3 equi pment
i nt ended f or use i n pot ent i al l y expl osi ve at mospheres, gi ven i n Annex II t o t hi s Di rect i ve.
The exami nat i on and t est resul t s are recorded i n conf i dent i al report No 03NK30347.
Compl i ance wi t h t he Essent i al Heal t h and Saf et y Requi rement s has been assured by
compl i ance wi t h EN 50021.
O bserve the follow ing additional Zone 2 certification
requirem ents.
This equipm ent is not resistant to sunlight or
other sources of U V radiation.
The secondary of a current transform er shall not
be open-circuited w hen applied in Class I, Zone
2 environm ents.
Equipm ent of lesser Enclosure Type Rating m ust
be installed in an enclosure providing at least
IP54 protection w hen applied in Class I, Zone 2
environm ents.
This equipm ent shall be used w ithin its specified
ratings defined by Allen-Bradley.
Provision shall be m ade to prevent the rated
voltage from being exceeded by transient
disturbances of m ore than 40% w hen applied in
Class I, Zone 2 environm ents.
POINT I/ O 24V dc Expansi on Power Suppl y 7
Publ i cat i on 1734-IN058B-EN-P - June 2005

D o not connect 120/240V ac to the 1734-EP24D C
term inals. D am age to the supply w ill result.
ATTENTION U se the 1734-EP24D C expansion pow er supply only w ith
1734 PO IN T I/O adapters, such as the 1734-AD N
D eviceN et adapter.
PO IN T I/O is grounded through the D IN rail to chassis
ground. U se zinc plated yellow -chrom ate steel D IN rail to
assure proper grounding. The use of other D IN rail
m aterial (e.g., alum inum , plastic, etc.) that can corrode,
oxidize, or are poor conductors, can result in im proper or
interm ittent grounding.
Secure D IN rail to m ounting surface approxim ately every
200 m m (7.8 inches).
8 POINT I/ O 24V dc Expansi on Power Suppl y
Publ i cat i on 1734-IN058B-EN-P - June 2005
About the Power Supply
The expansion pow er supply passes 24V dc field pow er to the I/O
m odules to the right of it. The expansion pow er supply extends the
backplane bus pow er for up to 17 I/O m odules to the right of the
supply and creates a new field voltage partition segm ent for driving
field devices. The expansion pow er supply separates field pow er
from I/O m odules to the left of the unit, effectively providing
functional and logical partitioning for the follow ing.
Separate field pow er betw een input and output m odules.
Separate field pow er to the analog and digital m odules.
G roup m odules to perform a specific task or function.
The dark-gray color of the expansion pow er supply allow s for easy
visual inspection and identification. Refer to the figure to identify
external pow er supply com ponents.
U se m ultiple expansion pow er supplies w ith PO IN T I/O adapters to
assem ble a full system . W ith any PO IN T I/O adapter, use an
expansion pow er supply to add additional m odules in 4-17 m odule
increm ents, for a total of 63 I/O m odules.
Int erl ocki ng Si de
Pi eces
M odul e
DIN Rai l Locki ng
Screw (orange)
RTB Removal
Handl e
Removabl e
Termi nal
Bl ock (RTB)
POINT I/ O 24V dc Expansi on Power Suppl y 9
Publ i cat i on 1734-IN058B-EN-P - June 2005
Install the Power Supply
To install the expansion pow er supply on the D IN rail, proceed as
follow s.
1. Position the pow er supply vertically above the D IN rail.
2. Engage the interlocking side pieces w ith the unit on the left.
3. Press dow n firm ly to install the pow er supply on the D IN rail.
The locking m echanism locks the m odule to the D IN rail.
Remove the Power Supply
To rem ove an expansion pow er supply, proceed as follow s.
W hen you insert or rem ove the m odule w hile
backplane pow er is on, an electrical arc can occur.
This could cause an explosion in hazardous
location installations.
Be sure that pow er is rem oved or the area is
nonhazardous before proceeding. Repeated
electrical arcing causes excessive w ear to contacts
on both the m odule and its m ating connector. W orn
contacts m ay create electrical resistance that can
affect m odule operation.
10 POINT I/ O 24V dc Expansi on Power Suppl y
Publ i cat i on 1734-IN058B-EN-P - June 2005
1. Pull up on the RTB rem oval handle to rem ove the term inal
2. Rem ove the m odule to the right of the 1734-EP24D C m odule
from its base unit.
3. U se a sm all-bladed screw driver to rotate the D IN rail locking
screw to a vertical position.
This releases the locking m echanism .
4. Lift straight up to rem ove.
Replace the Power Supply
To install a replacem ent expansion pow er supply, proceed as follow s.
W hen you connect or disconnect the rem ovable
term inal block (RTB) w ith field-side pow er applied,
an electrical arc can occur. This could cause an
explosion in hazardous location installations.
Be sure that pow er is rem oved or the area is
nonhazardous before proceeding.
POINT I/ O 24V dc Expansi on Power Suppl y 11
Publ i cat i on 1734-IN058B-EN-P - June 2005
1. Rem ove the m odule to the right of the pow er supply from its
base unit.
2. Position the pow er supply vertically above the D IN rail.
3. Slide the pow er supply dow n allow ing the interlocking side
pieces to engage the adjacent m odules (both left and right
4. Press firm ly to seat the pow er supply on the D IN rail.
The pow er supply locking m echanism snaps into place.
5. Reinsert the m odule into the base next to the expansion
pow er supply.
Wire the Power Supply

If you connect or disconnect w iring w hile the field-side
pow er is on, an electrical arc can occur. This could cause
an explosion in hazardous location installations. Be sure
that pow er is rem oved or the area is nonhazardous before
U se the 1734-EP24D C expansion pow er supply only w ith
adapter class products.
ATTENTION U se the 1734-EP24D C expansion pow er supply only w ith
1734 PO IN T I/O adapters, such as the 1734-AD N
D eviceN et adapter.
12 POINT I/ O 24V dc Expansi on Power Suppl y
Publ i cat i on 1734-IN058B-EN-P - June 2005
12/24Vdc Wiring
NC = No Connect i on
CHAS GND = Chassi s Ground
C = Common
V = Suppl y
V dc
Thi s suppl y wi l l be
connect ed t o t he
i nt ernal f i el d power
V = 12/ 24V dc C = Common
CHAS GND = Chassi s Ground
0 1
12/ 24V dc
Do not connect
120/ 240V ac power t o
t hi s suppl y.
POINT I/ O 24V dc Expansi on Power Suppl y 13
Publ i cat i on 1734-IN058B-EN-P - June 2005
Example of Continuing Power
Connect Terminal Terminals (for continuing power)
+V dc 6 7
-V dc 4 5
Chas Gnd 2 3
12/ 24V dc becomes t he i nt ernal f i el d power bus f or modul es t o t he ri ght .
0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
0 1
0 1
P ower
Exampl e of Cont i nued Power
12/ 24V dc onl y
1734- EP24DC 1734- ADN
P ower
14 POINT I/ O 24V dc Expansi on Power Suppl y
Publ i cat i on 1734-IN058B-EN-P - June 2005
Example of Functional Partitioning
0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
0 1
0 1
P ower
P ower
12/ 24V dc
Di gi t al Suppl y
1734- EP24DC 1734- ADN
12/ 24V dc
Anal og
Suppl y
Syst em
P ower
Devi ceNet
P ower
POINT I/ O 24V dc Expansi on Power Suppl y 15
Publ i cat i on 1734-IN058B-EN-P - June 2005
Example of Logical Partitioning
0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
0 1
0 1
P ower
24V dc Suppl y
1734- EP24DC 1734- ADN
12V dc
Suppl y
St a tu s
P ower
P ower
16 POINT I/ O 24V dc Expansi on Power Suppl y
Publ i cat i on 1734-IN058B-EN-P - June 2005
1734-EP24DC POINT I/O 24V dc Expansion Power Supply
Specification Value
I/ O M odul e Capaci t y 4-17 modul es, dependi ng on current rat i ng of each modul e
Input Vol t age Rat i ng 24V dc nomi nal
10 28.8V dc range
Fi el d Si de Power
Requi rement s
24V dc (+20% = 28.8V dc maxi mum) @ 400 mA maxi mum
Inrush Current 6 A maxi mum f or 10 ms
Indi cat ors 1 Green Fi el d Power St at us Indi cat or
1 Green 5V Syst em Power Indi cat or
POINTBus Out put Current Hori zont al mount i ng -
1 A at 10 19.2V i nput ;
1.3 A at 19.2 28.8V i nput
Vert i cal mount i ng -
1 A at 10 28.8V i nput
Input Overvol t age Prot ect i on Reverse pol ari t y prot ect ed
Int errupt i on Out put vol t age wi l l st ay wi t hi n speci f i cat i ons when i nput
drops out f or 10ms at 10V wi t h maxi mum l oad.
M odul e Locat i on Bet ween I/ O modul es i n 1734 syst em
Breaks f i el d power bus
Li mi t at i ons Use wi t h POINT I/ O Adapt ers onl y
Di mensi ons mi l l i met ers
i nches
76.2H x 25.4W x 133.4L mm
(3.00H x 1.00W x 5.25L i n)
Wei ght 0.12 kg (0.27 l b)
Termi nal Base Screw Torque 0.6 Nm (7 l b-i n)
POINT I/ O 24V dc Expansi on Power Suppl y 17
Publ i cat i on 1734-IN058B-EN-P - June 2005
General Specifications
Specification Value
Power Consumpt i on 9.8 W maxi mum @ 28.8V dc
Power Di ssi pat i on 3.0 W maxi mum @ 28.8V dc
Thermal Di ssi pat i on 10.0 BTU/ hr maxi mum @ 28.8V dc
Isol at i on Vol t age
(cont i nuous-vol t age
wi t hst and rat i ng)
50V cont i nuous
Test ed t o wi t hst and 2600V dc f or 60 s
Fi el d Power Bus
Suppl y Vol t age
Vol t age Range
Suppl y Current
24V dc nomi nal
10 28.8V dc range
10 A maxi mum
Environmental Specifications
Specification Value
Operat i onal Temperat ure IEC 60068-2-1 (Test Ad, Operat i ng Col d),
IEC 60068-2-2 (Test Bd, Operat i ng Dry Heat ),
IEC 60068-2-14 (Test Nb, Operat i ng Thermal Shock)
-20...55 C (-4...131 F)
St orage Temperat ure IEC60068-2-1 (Test Ab, Unpackaged Non-operat i ng Col d)
IEC60068-2-2 (Test Bb, Unpackaged Non-operat i ng Dry
Heat )
IEC60068-2-14 (Test Na, Unpackaged Non-operat i ng
Thermal Shock)

C (-40...185 F)
Rel at i ve Humi di t y IEC60068-2-30
(Test Db, Unpackaged Non-operat i ng Damp Heat )
5...95% non-condensi ng
Shock Operat i ng IEC60068-2-27 (Test Ea, Unpackaged Shock) 30 g
Shock Non-operat i ng IEC60068-2-27 (Test Ea, Unpackaged Shock) 50 g
Vi brat i on IEC 60068-2-6 (Test Fc, Operat i ng)
5 g @ 10-500 Hz
18 POINT I/ O 24V dc Expansi on Power Suppl y
Publ i cat i on 1734-IN058B-EN-P - June 2005
Emi ssi ons CISPR 11: Group 1, Cl ass A
ESD Immuni t y IEC6100-4-2
6 kV cont act di scharges
8 kV ai r di scharges
Radi at ed RF Immuni t y IEC 61000-4-3
10V/ m wi t h 1 KHz si ne-wave 80% AM
f rom 30 M Hz t o 2000 M Hz
10V/ m wi t h 200 Hz 50% Pul se 100% AM at 900 M Hz
10V/ m wi t h 200 Hz 50% Pul se 100% AM at 1890 M Hz
EFT/ B Immuni t y IEC 61000-4-4
+4 kV at 2.5 kHz on power port s
Surge Transi ent Immuni t y IEC 61000-4-5
+1 kV l i ne-l i ne (DM ) and + 2kV l i ne-eart h (CM )
on power port s
Conduct ed RF Immuni t y IEC61000-4-6
10Vrms wi t h 1 kHz si ne-wave 80% AM
f rom 150 kHz t o 80 M Hz
Encl osure Type Rat i ng None (open-st yl e)
Conduct or Si ze #22 #14 AWG (0.324 2.08 sq. mm)
sol i d or st randed copper wi re rat ed @ 75 C or great er
3/ 64 i nch (1.2 mm) i nsul at i on maxi mum
Conduct or Cat egory
1 - on power port s
1 Use t hi s Conduct or Cat egory i nf ormat i on f or pl anni ng conduct or rout i ng. Ref er t o publ i cat i on
1770-4.1, Indust ri al Aut omat i on Wi ri ng and Groundi ng Gui del i nes.
Environmental Specifications
POINT I/ O 24V dc Expansi on Power Suppl y 19
Publ i cat i on 1734-IN058B-EN-P - June 2005
Current Derating for Mounting
Environmental Specifications
Hori zont al - 1A @ (10-19.2V); 1.3A @ (19.2-28.8)
Vert i cal - 1A @ (10-28.8V)
10 19.2 28.8

Publ i cat i on 1734-IN058B-EN-P - June 2005 PN 957955-68
Supersedes Publ i cat i on 1734-IN058A-EN-P - August 2000 Copyri ght 2005 Rockw el l Aut omat i on, Inc. Al l ri ght s reserved. Pri nt ed i n t he U.S.A.
Cert i f i cat i ons
(when product i s marked)
c-UL-us UL Li st ed Indust ri al Cont rol Equi pment ,
cert i f i ed f or U.S. and Canada
c-UL-us UL Li st ed f or Cl ass I, Di vi si on 2, Group A,B,C,D
Hazardous Locat i ons, cert i f i ed f or U.S. and Canada
CE European Uni on 89/ 336/ EEC EM C Di rect i ve,
compl i ant wi t h:
EN 50082-2; Indust ri al Immuni t y
EN 61326; M eas./ Cont rol / Lab., Indust ri al
Requi rement s
EN 61000-6-2; Indust ri al Immuni t y
EN 61000-6-4; Indust ri al Emi ssi ons
C-Ti ck Aust ral i an Radi ocommuni cat i ons Act ,
compl i ant wi t h:
AS/ NZS CISPR11; Indust ri al Emi ssi ons
EEX European Uni on 94/ 9/ EC ATEX Di rect i ve,
compl i ant wi t h:
EN 50021; Pot ent i al l y Expl osi ve At mospheres,
Prot ect i on n (Zone 2)
1 See t he Product Cert i f i cat i on l i nk at f or Decl arat i ons of Conf ormi t y, Cert i f i cat es,
and ot her cert i f i cat i on det ai l s.
PO IN T I/O and PO IN TBus are tradem arks of Rockw ell Autom ation.

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