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MOO Pepsi Tutorial

(Written by Mark Horan)

A MOO Programming Tutorial Vol 1.
This tutorial will help the reader write a "drink" verb on a can of text-virtual pepsi. The verb will display a
drink message each time it is invoked, until the contents of the pepsi are exhausted. In the first example
listing, each gulp of pepsi will decrement the original volume of pepsi in the can by 20%. In the second
example listing, the size of gulps of pepsi will be randomly selected. This tutorial is not designed to answer
any question about MOO programming in a definitive manner; It is designed as a quick-start, a help toward
getting started with a few basics when one finds oneself, as many beginners do, without a clue concerning
where to begin. So this tutorial will provide help on getting started. Some important MOO programming
structures will be implemented, and the basics of using the verb editor will be explained.
It is assumed that the reader will have already requested programmer status at KccMOO, and that their
programmer bit has been set to true.
First create an object upon which to define verbs and properties with:
@create $thing named pepsi
You have now created a child instance of the generic thing object #5. Your can of pepsi inherits all the
functionality of $thing; namely, it can be picked up and dropped and, provided you set its .description
property, it can be looked at. However, it cannot yet be drunk from. Note: There are a number of key
MOO objects that can be referenced via the "$" syntax. This is simply a convienence, providing a
mechanism for MOO programmers to reference commonly used objects without needed to remember their
exact database references; e.g., The generic room #3 can be referenced with $room, the generic exit #7
can be referenced
with $exit and the generic player #6 can be referenced with $player.
Next create a verb on the pepsi called "drink" with:
@verb pepsi:drink this none none
Note: The three items, "this none none", define the command line arguments for invoking this verb. Since
the verb will be invoked with the command, "drink pepsi", the "this" argument, or direct object, refers to
the object itself. The second argument is reserved for prepositions, and the third argument is reserved for
an indirect object. Thus, one can define a verb's command line arguments such that it might be invoked
with "give pepsi to charles". In this case, the verb would be declared with: "@verb pepsi:give this to any".
And the programmer, in the body of his/her code, would be responsible for checking to see that the value
of the built-in variable iobjstr ( indirect object string ) is the name of an actual player object named
Charles. However, in the case of our "drink" verb, we only need to inform the server that we are
specifying our pepsi thing itself, as a direct object, with the identity variable, "this".
Next we define a property on the pepsi, called "remaining", which will hold a value representing the
amount of pepsi remaining in the can. A property is a MOO variable which is allocated more or less
permanent storage in the database; that is, it is a named slot in the database whose value tends to survive
beyond the run of whatever verbs use or minipulate it. This particular property, pepsi.remaining, will be
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initialized to 100, or 100%. Type the following command:
@property pepsi.remaining 100
Now we will invoke the verb editor and write the actual code which implements the "drink pepsi"
command, so type the following:
@edit pepsi:drink
This command teleports you to a room called the verb editor, and loads it with the verb you've specified.
At this point, the verb is empty; It contains no lines of code. In the verb editor, you enter lines of code as if
you were speaking MOO wise, to someone in the room; which is to say, you precede each line with the
word or, alternatively, with <">. Some other useful commands are as follows:
---------- Useful Verb Editor Commands ----------
to compile your code listing. Your verb will not run until it is compiled. Enter this command after you have
entered the complete listing of your verb. You will receive either a success message, or an error message.
If you have an error, use the following commands to move around in the verb editor to correct you
"ins _"
to insert a line after the specified line number.
"ins ^"
to insert a line before the specified line number.
"del "
to delete the specified line number.
As well, you can type "look" while in the editor to learn about additional commands and options. You can
also type "help editors" and "help @edit". They are many more verb editor commands and options, but
you don't really need to learn them if you'd rather not bother. The above list will serve you well. Note: If
you don't like putting double quotes at the beginning of each line of code, you can give the editor
command "enter", and the editor will then accept multiple lines of code, each terminated by hitting the
key; however, to get out of the "enter" mode, you must enter a line of text consisting of only a period "."
as its first and only character.
When you have entered in all your code, type 'com' to compile it. You'll see a message informing you of
success if all went well, otherwise you'll see an error message. Usually this will entail a syntax error, such
as forgetting a semi-colon at the end of a statement, or forgetting to surround a string with two sets of
double quotes. You can develop a sort of perverse talent for spotting these sorts of errors, but the following
code listing should work as advertised. Enter it into the verb editor exactly as shown. If you get errors,
which is normal enough, use the above listed editing commands to move about in the listing to delete and
insert appropriate lines of text. When you have successfully compiled your verb, type 'quit' to quit the
Now, here is a listing for the "drink" verb:
(Remember, the variable this stands for the pepsi object itself.)
BEGIN Example 1
""-- check to see if player has the pepsi --";
"if ( this.location != player )
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" player:tell("You need to be holding the pepsi to drink it!");
" return;
""-- check to see if there is even any pepsi to drink --";
"if ( this.remaining == 0 )
" player:tell("The can of pepsi is empty.");
" return;
""-- drink twenty percent of original volume --";
"this.remaining = this.remaining - 20;
"if ( this.remaining == 0 )
" player:tell("You finish off the last of the pepsi.");
" player:tell("You take a cool, thirst-quenching gulp of pepsi.");
END Example 1
Note: In the above listing, and in the one below, you will see lines of code preceded by two double quotes,
such as the first line in example 1. This line is a comment line. Its purpose is for communicating with
human beings; The compiler will ignore it entirely. Remember, the first double quote tells the verb editor
that you are entering a line of code. The second double quote defines the line as a comment line. Notice
also the double quote at the end of this line, just before the semi-colon. This double quote is also necessary
to specify a comment line. As well, a comment is a MOO code statement, and like all MOO code
statements, it must be terminated with a semi-colon.
Now that you've defined a verb on your can of pepsi, try it out!
Type: 'drink pepsi'
Now here is the code listing for Example 2. You can enter the verb editor again with '@edit pepsi:drink'
and delete all the lines you put there, or you might create a new child of $thing, called 'coke' maybe, and
define Example 2 on it.
BEGIN Example 2
""-- check to see if player has the pepsi --";
"if ( this.location != player )
" player:tell("You need to be holding the pepsi to drink it!");
" return;
"-- check to see if there is even any pepsi to drink --";
"if ( this.remaining == 0 )
" player:tell("The can of pepsi is empty.");
" return;
""-- get a gulp --";
"gulps = { 5, 10 ,15, 20 };
"cool = 0;
"while (!cool)
" $command_utils:suspend_if_needed(0);
" gulp = random(length(gulps));
" if ( gulps[gulp] <= this.remaining )
" cool = 1;
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" endif
"-- drink the gulp --";
"this.remaining = this.remaining - gulps[gulp];
"if ( this.remaining == 0 )
" player:tell("You gulp down the last of the pepsi.");
"elseif ( gulps[gulp] == 5 || gulps[gulp] == 10 )
" player:tell("You take a sip of pepsi.");
" player:tell("You take a cool, thirst-quenching gulp of pepsi.");
End Example 2
Note: Lines of code which define programming structures do not end in a semi-colon. These exceptions
include "if (condition)/else/endif" statements, and while (condition)/endwhile statements.
BTW: Here's a nicer-looking alternative to the while loop in example 2. These lines can replace everything
between and including the 'while' and 'endwhile':
"if ( this.remaining >= 20 )
" gulp = random(4);
"elseif ( this.remaining >= 15 )
" gulp = random(3);
"elseif ( this.remaining >= 10 )
" gulp = random(2);
" gulp = 1;
When the can of pepsi is empty, you can type:
@set pepsi.remaining to 100
This will fill the can back up with pepsi, or you can write a verb that performs this task. In fact the
conclusion of this tutorial will include just that: We will write a callable verb which implements the
"fork()" statement, to reset the pepsi to a full state.
Note: The line in Example 2, "$command_utils:suspend_if_needed(0);", is a call to a verb,
suspend_if_needed, defined on the command utilities object. The utilities are a collection of objects which
comprise a library of useful, callable functions, or verbs, which are not listed or explained in the
LambdaMOO Programmer's Manual. You can type "help utilities" to begin learning more about this
Some explanation of terms used in Example 2:
!= means "is not equal to"
== means "is equal to"
>= means "is greater than or equal to"
|| means "or"
{ 5, 10, 15, 20 }is a list of four numbers
""-- get a gulp --"; is a comment line ( ignored when verb is invoked )
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Refer to the LambdaMOO Programmer's manual for more explanation of MOO programming terms. If you
are going to do MOO programming, you must have the manual.
Or the manual is available for downloading from, in /pub/MOO. The file you want is
called ProgrammersManual.txt. You also access this file using your favorite web browser, by goto'ing this
It's important to know how to call one verb from another. In this way a programmer can write modules of
code, each with relatively specialized functions, and get them to work together to produce desired results.
A typical program might have three modules, a module designed to get some sort of user input, a module
designed to process that input in some way, and a module designed to display or output the results of data
processing. And there is likely a fourth, or main module designed to coordinate the behaviors of the other
three in some fashion, usually to keep doing these three things until told, somehow, to quit doing them.
Such a main module might look like this:
done = 0;
while (!done )
input = this:get_input();
result = this:process_input(input);
if ( !$command_utils:yes_or_no("Do you want to process another?"))
player:tell("You decide not to process anymore data.");
done = 1;
So we will declare and define a verb to be called upon by another verb, namely our Example 1 listed
above, although our new, "called" module, which we are going to write, could just as easily be called from
example 2. Its purpose will be to reset the value of pepsi.remaining to 100, or 100%, after an appropriate
amount of time has elapsed since it was emptied; say, five minutes.
First declare a verb, on the pepsi object, called "reset":
@verb pepsi:reset this none this
Note: The arguments 'this none this' are a special format to be used with callable verbs. The form 'this none
none' would work just as well, but then you would have this verb being displayed when users type 'exam
pepsi', which is unnecessary as it is not a command, but an object-internal process. By using the form 'this
none this', the server will know not to tell users about this verb when they use the 'exam' command.
Now we need to change the permission string on this verb to include the character which will allow it to be
called from another verb:
@chmod pepsi:reset +x
Refer to the Programmers Manual for a more detailed treatment of object, verb and property permissions.
Now the listing for the "reset" verb can be loaded into the editor as before. Here is the listing:
" this.remaining = 100;
Enter these three lines into the verb editor and compile as before.
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That's all. The fork statement begins a separate process at the time specified ( 5 times 60 seconds, or 5
minutes ). The statement which resets pepsi.remaining to 100 is not processed until that time; however,
control passes immediately to the line "endfork" and, since this is the end of the verb listing, control is
passed back to the calling verb ( pepsi:drink ), with the statement(s) within the fork remaining to be
executed at the time scheduled. If you'd like to keep matters a little simpler, just omit the lines 'fork(5*60)'
and 'endfork', in which case the remaining statement, 'this.remaining = 100', will be executed by our
called-upon verb immediately.
Now we only need to add a single line of code to example listing 1, which will call upon the verb we've just
written: "this:reset();". Note the syntax, with the parentheses at the end. In OOP speak ( Object Oriented
Programming ), you are saying, "call reset, a member function of "this", the identity variable which, in this
case, refers to our can of pepsi. The empty parentheses '()' show that the verb is being called with no
arguments. You will eventually want to write some callable verbs so that they can be called with
arguments; which is to say, data that your callable verbs need in order to do their jobs. But that is beyond
the scope of this tutorial. If you have questions concerning anything this tutorial doesn't illuminate entirely,
or that the Programmer Manual doesn't make clear, post them to *programmeurs ( *prog ).
Now here is the modified listing of Example 1:
BEGIN listing of modified Example 1 code
""-- check to see if player has the pepsi --";
"if ( this.location != player )
" player:tell("You need to be holding the pepsi to drink it!");
" return;
"-- check to see if there is even any pepsi to drink --";
"if ( this.remaining == 0 )
" player:tell("The can of pepsi is empty.");
" return;
""-- drink twenty percent of original volume --";
"this.remaining = this.remaining - 20;
"if ( this.remaining == 0 )
" player:tell("You finish off the last of the pepsi.");
" this:reset();
" player:tell("You take a cool, thirst-quenching gulp of pepsi.");
END listing of modified Example 1 code
Notice the fourth line from the bottom. This is the call to the callable verb we just wrote, which contained
the forked statement resetting the value of pepsi.remaining to 100 after five minutes have elapsed.
Hopefully, this little tutorial has provided a useful introduction to MOO programming. The example listings
are relatively simple, and you can create objects with these verbs defined on them, interact with
these objects, observe their behavior, and study the code which produces that behavior. You can generally
do this with most objects throughout the moo; that is, interact with them, observe their behavior, and study
the associated code. Some useful commands for doing this are:
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Shows information about specified object
Shows all the verbs defined on an object.
@d .
Shows all properties on an object. Note the period after the object name. If I want to see all the properties
defined on my own player object, I can type '@d me.'
@d :
Shows information on all of an object's verbs. Note the colon.
Shows information about an object.
@show obj.property_name
Shows the specified property
@list obj:verb
Shows the source listing for the specified verb
Shows all properties and verbs on an object with values and listings.
Additionally, beginning programmers should make sure they are subscribed to *prog. If you have questions
regarding MOO programming, ask a programmer or wizard, and/or post it to *prog. It is quite likely that
your question will serve the concerns of other programmers too, either now or later.
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