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UNESCO Culture World Heritage Centre The List World Heritage List
Aflaj Irrigation Systems of Oman
Aflaj Irrigation Systems of Oman
The property includes five aflaj irrigation systems and is representative of some 3,000 such systems still in use in Oman.
The origins of this system of irrigation may date back to AD 500, but archaeological evidence suggests that irrigation
systems existed in this extremely arid area as early as 2500 BC. Using gravity, water is channelled from underground
sources or springs to support agriculture and domestic use. The fair and effective management and sharing of water in
villages and towns is still underpinned by mutual dependence and communal values and guided by astronomical
observations. Numerous watchtowers built to defend the water systems form part of the site reflecting the historic
dependence of communities on the aflaj system. Threatened by falling level of the underground water table, the aflaj
represent an exceptionally well-preserved form of land use.
Systmes dirrigation aflaj dOman
Les cinq systmes dirrigation inscrits reprsentent les quelques 3 000 systmes dirrigation encore en activit en Oman.
La construction la plus ancienne pourrait remonter aux environs de 500 apr. J.C. mais des preuves archologiques
rcentes suggrent que les systmes dirrigation existaient dans la rgion ds 2 500 av. J.-C. Ce systme dirrigation
conduit leau des sources souterraines, par gravit, sur des kilomtres pour alimenter lagriculture et les peuplements
permanents. La gestion et le partage quitable et efficace de leau dans les villages et les villes sont toujours sous-tendus
par des notions de dpendance mutuelle et de collectivit, et guids par des observations astronomiques. De nombreuses
tours de guet construites pour dfendre les systmes dadduction deau sont intgres au site. Elles refltent la
dpendance des communauts aux aflaj . Menac par la baisse du niveau des eaux souterraines, l'aflaj reprsente une
forme doccupation des sols exceptionnellement bien conserve.
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500 . 3 000
. 2500

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source: UNESCO/ERI


source: UNESCO/ERI

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. 500 . ..,
2500 . .. , :
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source: UNESCO/ERI
Aflajs, sistemas de irrigacin de Omn
Los cinco aflajs inscritos son representativos de los 3.000 sistemas de irrigacin anlogos todava utilizados en Omn. Su
origen se remonta al ao 500, aunque hay pruebas arqueolgicas de que ya existan en esta regin particularmente rida
desde el ao 2.500 a.C. Aprovechando la fuerza de la gravedad, hacen discurrir por canales el agua de capas subterrneas
o manantiales para destinarla al regado de cultivos o usos domsticos. La gestin y el reparto eficaz y equitativo del agua
en las ciudades y pueblos se siguen basando en la solidaridad y los valores comunes de la colectividad, y continan
guindose por observaciones astronmicas. El sitio comprende numerosas torres vigas edificadas para defender los
aflajs, que ponen de relieve la importancia vital de estos sistemas de aduccin de agua para las comunidades.
Amenazados por el descenso del nivel de las aguas subterrneas, los aflajs son representativos de una forma de
ocupacin del suelo extraordinariamente bien preservada.
source: UNESCO/ERI

source: NFUAJ
Aflaj irrigatiesystemen van Oman
Dit gebied omvat vijf 'Aflaj' irrigatiesystemen en is representatief voor ongeveer 3.000 van dergelijke nog in gebruik zijnde
systemen in Oman. De oorsprong van dit irrigatiesysteem dateert uit 500 na Christus, maar er zijn archeologische
aanwijzingen dat irrigatiesystemen al in 2500 voor Christus bestonden in dit uiterst droge gebied. Met behulp van de
zwaartekracht wordt water uit ondergrondse bronnen gekanaliseerd voor landbouw en huishoudelijk gebruik. Tal van
wachttorens zijn gebouwd om de watersystemen in de gaten te houden. Het Aflaj systeem is een uitzonderlijk mooi
bewaard gebleven vorm van landgebruik, die tegenwoordig wordt bedreigd door een dalende grondwaterspiegel.
<i>Aflaj</i> Irrigation Systems of Oman
Aflaj Irrigation Systems of Oman
Statement of Significance
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Committee sessions The List
Criterion (v): The collection of Aflaj irrigation systems represents some 3,000 still functioning systems in Oman.
Ancient engineering technologies demonstrate long standing, sustainable use of water resources for the
cultivation of palms and other produce in extremely arid desert lands. Such systems reflect the former total
dependence of communities on this irrigation and a time-honoured, fair and effective management and sharing of
water resources, underpinned by mutual dependence and communal values.
Historical Description
The histories of the five aflaj in the nomination are unknown, since no written records survive. By virtue of its size and
complexity, and the importance of the town of Izki that it supplies, a case could be made for Falaj Al-Malki as being one of
the earliest in Oman. There are similar indications that Falaj Daris, with its links to the town of Nizwa, could be
considerable antiquity. The relationship of Falaj Al-Khatmeen to the Bait Al-Redadah fort, known to have been built
during the Yaruba Imamates, suggests that this falaj originated in the 17th century.
It would be helpful if more information could be assembled from both technical and archival sources and excavations to
allow clearer indication to emerge of the chronology of daoudi aflaj construction.
Source: Advisory Body Evaluat ion
Aflaj Irrigation Systems of Oman (UNESCO/NHK)
Ancient irrigation system (Oman) and Palaces of Genoa (Italy) among ten new sites on World Heritage List
Jul 13, 2006
Dakhiliya, Sharqiya and Batinah Regions
N22 59 56 E57 32 9.8
Date of Inscription: 2006
Criteria: (v)
Property : 1,456 ha
Buffer zone: 16,404 ha
Ref: 1207
State of Conservation (SOC) by year
2009 2007
Imagerie 2014 NASA, TerraMetrics
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