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Nai nesh Suthar cell 91-9376998808

SAP Certified Basis Consultant

Overall 17 year of It !"erience as a !ecutive to a Ad#inistrator of syste#$ Out of 17
year of e!"erience #ore t%en 10 year &or'in( on oracle data)ase and #ore t%en 3 year
as SAP Basis Ad#inistrator
SAP Ad#inistrator &it% stron( e!"erience in SAP Basis Ad#inistration and O*AC+
consultants, !"ertise in trou)les%ootin($ Pro)le# resolution$ and strea#linin(
"rocesses to increase efficiencies &%ile "rovidin( -./7 "roduction su""ort, 0e#)er of
tea# t%at sc%eduled and i#"le#ented all u"(rades$ co##unicatin( sc%edules directly
&it% users, A)le to esta)lis% effective on-(oin( relations%i" &it% users to 1uic'ly identify
"ro)le#s and i#"le#ent solutions to ensure syste#s e!"erience little or no do&n ti#e$
One Sa" I#"le#entations also co#"lete
P23I4 S05 0ani"al In t%e 6ear -008
3IS0 7 A"tec% Co#"uter 8 In t%e 6ear 1999
B,A - S,P, 5niversity :5 ;a(er In t%e 6ear 199.
Present Job
Company : Anupam Industries Ltd
Post Held : SAP Basis Admin/ Database Admin
Platform : Windows !/ AI"
Duration : Sep #$$% to present

&ole and &esponsibilities:
Responsibilities: Creation of new users, roles & authorization and user administration / sap client
administration / configuration of printers in sap environment / interaction with oracle database using
SAP!A and !R"##$S / ta%ing online/off&line bac%ups / running statistics / table space administration /
restore and recover' / import or e(port data / configuration of transport management s'stem / recover sap
r/) instance and oracle database / Appling oracle database patches, sap %ernel upgrade and applied support
patches and add&ons* / monitoring users, bac%ground +obs and database performance / tracing and solving
sap dumps problems / performance tuning of oracle database / starting and stopping sap & oracle instance /
user management, authorization and creation of new users / ta%ing and monitoring database online and
offline bac%up using hp data protector / monitoring hp cluster logs and switching the pac%age to failover
server / monitoring sap, oracle,
Pre'ious Pro(e)ts:
Company : *enit+ Info!e)+ Ltd
Post Held : System In )+ar,e/ &e,ional +ead of AAD/ADIAD
Platform : Windows !/LI-"
Duration : Jun #$$. to Sep #$$%
Client : Central Ban/ 0f India
Crete ;e& Server on *ead <ate +inu! and Oracle$ 0ana(in( data)ase$ 4a)le
s"aces = 3ata files and Control files = *ed lo( files$ 0ana(in( ta)les$ inde!es =
data inte(rity $ S"ace 0ana(e#ent$ Security 0ana(e#ent$ 5ser 0ana(ed Bac'u" =
*ecovery$ 2ive (uideline )et&een Soft&are 3evelo"er = Client$ <el" t%e# %o& to
Create 5ser >riendly o"eration And &%at and ?%ic% &ay a Client need
Pre'ious Pro(e)ts:
Company : La/+otia Computer Center1 Borsad
Post Held : !e)+ni)al Head / Course In2)+ar,e
Platform : 3b1 0ra)le 4i on Windows !
Duration : from De) .%%% to Jun #$$.
*outine ad#inistration tas's suc% as #onitorin( Syste# and Staff *ole and 4%ere

res"onsi)ility$ ;et&or' Ad#inistration$ 4a'e online !a#ination$ Security
0ana(e#ent$ Bac'u"s 0onitorin(
Pre'ious Pro(e)ts:
Company : Somnat+ 5ale'ani 6andal ,,-ivan .i%ash /igh School 0adiad1
Post Held : Center 7aultily 8 Administrator
Platform : o'el etware1 Win Dos 3b1 0ra)le 9
Duration : from De) .%%: to .%%%
0onitorin( 3aily *outin( &or' of center #ana(e#ent and Sc%edule e!a# and
Stander &ise Course
>ull ;a#e @ ;aines% C Sut%ar
Birt% 3ate @ 01
0ay 197-
Se! @ 0ale
Per#anent Add @ ;r *a#Ai 0andir$
Po @ Pi"lave 388.60$4A @SoAitra
3ist @Anand
4ele"%one ;o @ 708 B91-9376998808
- #ail @ naines%999Cya%oo,co,in
+an(ua(es 'no&n @ n(lis%$ <indi$ 2uAarati

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