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Correlation, or "coincidence?"
By Watchman Dean
Christians continue to take certain parts of
Revelation completely literal. Recently a oneness
person tried to argue that in Revelation it says that
God and esus are "the temple" in the !e"
erusalem, and since there is only one temple, God
and esus "ould #$%& to 'e "the same" entity. (his
"ould 'e a )*+!D argument if it "eren,t for the fact
that Revelation is not literal 'ut -gurative and the
*!&!&)) of God and esus are also ./G+R$(/%&. /f
not, then W& (** are "the temple" and 'y the
reasoning of this person "e are therefore 0ust as
much God and esus is.
John 17:
20 Neither pray I for these aone! "#t for
the$ aso %hi&h sha "eie'e on $e
thro#(h their %or)*
21 That they a $ay "e one* as tho#!
+ather! art in $e! an) I in thee! that they
aso $ay "e one in #s: that the %or) $ay
"eie'e that tho# hast sent $e,
22 -n) the (ory %hi&h tho# (a'est $e I
ha'e (i'en the$* that they $ay "e one!
e'en as %e are one:
2. I in the$! an) tho# in $e! that they
$ay "e $a)e perfe&t in one* an) that the
%or) $ay /no% that tho# hast sent $e!
an) hast o'e) the$! as tho# hast o'e)
20 +ather! I %i that they aso! %ho$ tho#
hast (i'en $e! "e %ith $e %here I a$*
that they $ay "eho) $y (ory! %hi&h
tho# hast (i'en $e: for tho# o'e)st $e
"efore the fo#n)ation of the %or),
So in the above verses we see three truths about our
"oneness" with Christ and with the Father.
1. (his oneness is not 0ust for the $postles 'ut for "e
"ho have 'elieved 'ecause of their testimony.
2. (he "glory" Christ had "'efore the foundation of
the "orld" "as granted to +), "e "ho 'elieve 'y the
testimony of the $postles, 3'efore "e "ere even
5. We are *!& "ith the .ather "even as" he 3Christ4 is
one. /f Christ,s oneness means that he /) G*D
/!C$R!$(& 3as Christianity clearly claims4 then "e
are "one" even "as he is one." We too, "ould have to
'e God incarnate.
Now, to the coincidences.
/n Revelation 21 3"here it says that God and esus
are the temple4 "e -nd imagery and terminology
that is used &6)&W#&R& 'y Christ and the $postles
to descri'e our relationship "ith esus and "ith the
Compare these verses:
Re'eation 21:
21 -n) I sa% a ne% hea'en an) a ne%
earth: for the 1rst hea'en an) the 1rst
earth %ere passe) a%ay* an) there %as
no $ore sea,
2 2orinthians 3:
17 Therefore if any $an "e in 2hrist! he is
a ne% &reat#re: o) thin(s are passe)
a%ay* "eho)! a thin(s are "e&o$e ne%,
$ccording to 8aul W& are the "ne" creation"
descri'ed in Revelation 21. /f you have $!9 dou'ts
a'out this those dou'ts should 'e :uelled 'y reading
Romans ;<
Ro$ans 4:
15 +or the earnest e6pe&tation of the
&reat#re %aiteth for the $anifestation of
the sons of Go),
20 +or the &reat#re %as $a)e s#"7e&t to
'anity! not %iin(y! "#t "y reason of hi$
%ho hath s#"7e&te) the sa$e in hope!
21 8e&a#se the &reat#re itsef aso sha
"e )ei'ere) fro$ the "on)a(e of
&orr#ption into the (orio#s i"erty of the
&hi)ren of Go),
22 +or %e /no% that the %hoe &reation
(roaneth an) tra'aieth in pain to(ether
#nti no%,
2. -n) not ony they! "#t o#rse'es aso!
%hi&h ha'e the 1rstfr#its of the Spirit!
e'en %e o#rse'es (roan %ithin
o#rse'es! %aitin( for the a)option! to
%it! the re)e$ption of o#r "o)y,
So, we are the new creation and that creation
"groans and travails" in us to be birthed.
Interestingly enough that is how Christ
describes it as well.
John 19:
20 :eriy! 'eriy! I say #nto yo#! That ye
sha %eep an) a$ent! "#t the %or)
sha re7oi&e: an) ye sha "e sorro%f#!
"#t yo#r sorro% sha "e t#rne) into 7oy,
21 - %o$an %hen she is in tra'ai hath
sorro%! "e&a#se her ho#r is &o$e: "#t as
soon as she is )ei'ere) of the &hi)! she
re$e$"ereth no $ore the an(#ish! for
7oy that a $an is "orn into the %or),
22 -n) ye no% therefore ha'e sorro%:
"#t I %i see yo# a(ain! an) yo#r heart
sha re7oi&e! an) yo#r 7oy no $an ta/eth
fro$ yo#,
2. -n) in that )ay ye sha as/ $e
nothin(, :eriy! 'eriy! I say #nto yo#!
Whatsoe'er ye sha as/ the +ather in $y
na$e! he %i (i'e it yo#,
We have a "new creation" inside of us that is
travailing in sorrow awaiting the SECOND
COIN! O" C#$IS% IN &S' %his is C(E)$ fro*
scri+ture. "or the "*ystery" of !od is "Christ
in you the ho+e of !(O$,."
2oossians 1:
29 E'en the $ystery %hi&h hath "een hi)
fro$ a(es an) fro$ (enerations! "#t no%
is $a)e $anifest to his saints:
27 To %ho$ Go) %o#) $a/e /no%n %hat
is the ri&hes of the (ory of this $ystery
a$on( the Genties* %hi&h is 2hrist in
yo#! the hope of (ory:
24 Who$ %e prea&h! %arnin( e'ery $an!
an) tea&hin( e'ery $an in a %is)o$*
that %e $ay present e'ery $an perfe&t in
2hrist Jes#s:
,et, this is not the ON(, +lace we read of this
-gurative "wo*an in travail" we -nd her in
$evelation as well...
Re'eation 12:
1 -n) there appeare) a (reat %on)er in
hea'en* a %o$an &othe) %ith the s#n!
an) the $oon #n)er her feet! an) #pon
her hea) a &ro%n of t%e'e stars:
2 -n) she "ein( %ith &hi) &rie)!
tra'aiin( in "irth! an) paine) to "e
%his wo*an is the bride of Christ, ready to
bring forth "Christ" in her. Is it .ust
COINCIDENCE that we -nd the S)E
"I!&$)%I/E I)!E$, over and over again in
the New %esta*ent0 %hen it *ust be a
coincidence too that in $evelation 12 it
describes the New Creation as "the New
3erusale*" as "a bride adorned for her
Re'eation 21:
2 -n) I John sa% the hoy &ity! ne%
Jer#sae$! &o$in( )o%n fro$ Go) o#t of
hea'en! prepare) as a "ri)e a)orne) for
her h#s"an),
It *ust also be a coincidence that in $evelation
12 the angel declares of the New 3erusale*
that "the tabernacle of !od is with *en" and
that 4aul said the 5$IDE of C#$IS% is "!od6s
husbandry, !od6s building" and called the bride
"the te*+le in which the #oly S+irit dwells."
Re'eation 21:
. -n) I hear) a (reat 'oi&e o#t of hea'en
sayin(! 8eho)! the ta"erna&e of Go) is
%ith $en! an) he %i )%e %ith the$!
an) they sha "e his peope! an) Go)
hi$sef sha "e %ith the$! an) "e their
1 2orinthians .:
5 +or %e are a"o#rers to(ether %ith Go):
ye are Go)'s h#s"an)ry! ye are Go)'s
10 -&&or)in( to the (ra&e of Go) %hi&h is
(i'en #nto $e! as a %ise $aster"#i)er! I
ha'e ai) the fo#n)ation! an) another
"#i)eth thereon, 8#t et e'ery $an ta/e
hee) ho% he "#i)eth there#pon,
11 +or other fo#n)ation &an no $an ay
than that is ai)! %hi&h is Jes#s 2hrist,
1 2orinthians .:
19 ;no% ye not that ye are the te$pe of
Go)! an) that the Spirit of Go) )%eeth
in yo#<
So, either 4aul was confused or WE are "the
te*+le" of !od, we are his "tabernacle."
O%#E$ SII()$I%IES "$O $E/E()%ION 12
Re'eation 21:
0 -n) Go) sha %ipe a%ay a tears fro$
their eyes* an) there sha "e no $ore
)eath! neither sorro%! nor &ryin(! neither
sha there "e any $ore pain: for the
for$er thin(s are passe) a%ay,
3 -n) he that sat #pon the throne sai)!
8eho)! I $a/e a thin(s ne%, -n) he
sai) #nto $e! Write: for these %or)s are
tr#e an) faithf#,
9 -n) he sai) #nto $e! It is )one, I a$
-pha an) O$e(a! the "e(innin( an) the
en), I %i (i'e #nto hi$ that is athirst of
the fo#ntain of the %ater of ife freey,
7 He that o'er&o$eth sha inherit a
thin(s* an) I %i "e his Go)! an) he sha
"e $y son,
8aul said of our W$6= "old things have passed a"ay
and all things have 'ecome ne"." (hat is the &>$C(
phrase "e -nd in verse ? a'ove and it even says "/
shall "ipe the tears from their eyes" so the ne"
creation are a "they" "hom have "tears."
(hen "e have he that sits on the throne saying "/ am
$lpha and *mega." (rinitarians and *neness people
alike point to that and say "see, esus calls himself
that earlier in Revelation, esus sits on the throne."
Well, they could 'e R/G#( 3even though in Revelation
@ "e see the 6am' is not on the throne 'ut steps up
and takes the 'ook from him that sits on the throne4.
(hey could still 'e right, at this point esus could 'e
on the throne. But notice in verse A it says "he that
overcometh shall inherit all things."
Would this not include %#E %#$ONE0
.urthermore, are "e not "he that overcometh?" /n
fact esus promises that they "ho overcome shall sit
"ith him on G*D,) (#R*!&.
Re'eation .:
21 To hi$ that o'er&o$eth %i I (rant to
sit %ith $e in $y throne! e'en as I aso
o'er&a$e! an) a$ set )o%n %ith $y
+ather in his throne,
!otice it says that esus "overcame." /f esus is God
himself "hat did he overcome? God is not an
overcomer for God "as never overcome and cannot
'e over"helmed nor can he 'e threatened. /t says
that "e "ill "sit "ith Christ on God,s (#R*!&." But it
doesn,t 0ust say that, look "hat else it says in
Revelation 5.
Re'eation .:
3 He that o'er&o$eth! the sa$e sha "e
&othe) in %hite rai$ent* an) I %i not
"ot o#t his na$e o#t of the "oo/ of ife!
"#t I %i &onfess his na$e "efore $y
+ather! an) "efore his an(es,
Christ says if you overco*e he will NO% blot
your na*e out of the boo7 of life. SO, your
na*e C)N be blotted out of the boo7 of life
and those who +reach "once saved always
saved" are W$ON!. 5ut that isn6t all that it
says about the overco*er.
Re'eation .:
5 8eho)! I %i $a/e the$ of the
syna(o(#e of Satan! %hi&h say they are
Je%s! an) are not! "#t )o ie* "eho)! I
%i $a/e the$ to &o$e an) %orship
"efore thy feet! an) to /no% that I ha'e
o'e) thee,
Christ "ill make them come and ""orship" at our
feet7 (rinitarians and *neness alike point to (homas
'o"ing at Christ,s feet and declaring "By 6ord and
By God" as evidence that Christ is God 'ecause
Christ received ""orship." (hey also point to the
angels and the 2? elders in Revelation "orshipping
the 6am' as evidence that esus is God. W&66, "e
must 'e God too, for esus is going to make them of
the synagogue of )atan to come and "orship at our
feet as "e sit on God,s throne "ith him.
5ut wait, there6s *ore. $evelation 8 also says
WE *a7e u+ the %E4(E of !od.
Re'eation .:
12 Hi$ that o'er&o$eth %i I $a/e a
piar in the te$pe of $y Go)! an) he
sha (o no $ore o#t: an) I %i %rite
#pon hi$ the na$e of $y Go)! an) the
na$e of the &ity of $y Go)! %hi&h is ne%
Jer#sae$! %hi&h &o$eth )o%n o#t of
hea'en fro$ $y Go): an) I %i %rite
#pon hi$ $y ne% na$e,
We are not only the (&B86& "e have the name of the
city of God !e" erusalem "ritten upon us7
/ ask you, ho" can all this 'e coincidence? (he
ans"er is, it cannot. (he same imagery eCists
throughout the !e" (estament for a R&$)*!. God is
trying to tell us something 'ut you have to have
"ears to hear" "hat the )pirit is saying to the
Clearly, the Christian religion does not have "its ears
on" for they have B/))&D the a'ove correlations
completely and insist on taking Revelation 21 and 22
/f you still aren,t convinced of the -gurative nature of
those chapters and ho" they are descri'ing our
heavenly relationship "ith the .ather 3and / don,t
kno" ho" you could not 'e convinced4 look at
Revelation 22 and compare it "ith Christ,s o"n
Re'eation 22:
1 -n) he she%e) $e a p#re ri'er of %ater
of ife! &ear as &rysta! pro&ee)in( o#t of
the throne of Go) an) of the =a$",
2 In the $i)st of the street of it! an) on
either si)e of the ri'er! %as there the tree
of ife! %hi&h "are t%e'e $anner of
fr#its! an) yie)e) her fr#it e'ery $onth:
an) the ea'es of the tree %ere for the
heain( of the nations,
Now, notice Christ said that the "river of life"
would 9ow O&% O" &S, the believers:
John 7:
.4 He that "eie'eth on $e! as the
s&ript#re hath sai)! o#t of his "ey sha
>o% ri'ers of i'in( %ater,
.5 ?8#t this spa/e he of the Spirit! %hi&h
they that "eie'e on hi$ sho#) re&ei'e:
for the Hoy Ghost %as not yet (i'en*
"e&a#se that Jes#s %as not yet (ori1e),@
(he gospel of ohn clearly identi-es the "river of life"
as the #*69 )8/R/( "hich Do"s out of Christ and *+(
*. +)7 Coincidence, or correlation?
Watch*an Dean

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