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Ejaz ul haq

Global prosperity
Network House
no D 130 Street
No 16 upper
#elephone$ %&' 3(( &)(*6)( + %&' 31' &03''*6, -.ail$ulha/e0a1yahoo,co.
2 D M 3 N 3 S # 4 2 # 3 5 N / 5 6 6 3 C - M 2 N 2 G - M - N
Of c e Ma n a g e me n t 7 H4M 8 2ccounts 7 9o:istics Mana:e.ent
;ossessin: 0) years, broa" ran:in: public sector a".inistration e<perience :aine" within an e=er8
chan:in: en=iron.ent, Mana:in: :eneral o!!ice proce"ures, "ealin: with clients an" hi:h =olu.e
workloa"s whilst .eetin: strict "ea"lines, ;ossessin: wi"e8ran:in: >proble. sol=in:? e<perience
.ainly within .ana:e.ent, !inance, personnel, an" 9o:istics, Now lookin: to .ake a continue" an"
si:ni!icant contribution !or a co.pany that nee"s a .ulti8skille", .ulti8taskin: 2ssitant
/a".inistrator within a tea.8workin: en=iron.ent,
2 4 - 2 S 5 6 - @ ; - 4 # 3
S -
Co..unication skills
#ea. workin: 3,#, Co.puter literacy 2ssist
Aorkin: to strict "ea"lines ;roble. sol=in: Contract 2".inistration
Sa!ety an" Security 2ccounts ;ersonnel
; 4 5 6 - S S 3 5 N 2 9 - @ ; - 4 3 - N C - 2 N D S 3 G N 3 6 3 C 2 N # 2 C H 3 - B - M - N # S
ADMIN AND FINANCE Assitant September 2009 to date
Global Prosperity Network (Development Areas Action aid)
Office Administration
2ssist an" .ana:e the :uesthouse cleanin: an" .aintenance, cookin: an" .ess .ana:e.ent an"
.ana:e an" "eal with all o!!icial :uestsC acco..o"ation, .eal, .eetin:s an" appoint.ents,
2ssists an" .ana:e o!!ice .eetin:s, workshops, con!erence, an" any other !unctions an" parties,
5=ersee an" .ana:e all o!!ice e/uip.ents an" suppliesD inclu"in: printers, "esktops, laptops,
photocopier, scanners, .ulti.e"ia, !a< an" o!!ice stationary an" others ite.s,
Mana:e all o!!ice petty cash !un" an" prepare all a".inistration rele=ant pay.ents,
-stablish an" .aintain appropriate !ilin: syste.s !or o!!ice correspon"ence, 4ecei=e an" "ispatch
.ail, contracts, lease a:ree.ents, an" other .iscellaneous a".inistration acti=ities,
4un an" e!!ecti=ely .ana:e the o!!ice .essD inclu"in: kitchen arran:e.ents, super=isin: cooks,
purchasin: o! !oo" ite.s, ser=in: lunch, tea, co!!ee, water an" others,
Super=ise an" .ana:e all the co..unications whereabouts o! or:aniationD inclu"in: lan"line
phones, cell phones, satellite phones, electricity supply, 3nternet an" networkin:,
Cash han"lin:,
Boucher preparation,
6un"s an" bank reconciliation state.ent,
6acilitation o! internal an" e<ternal both au"itors,
;reparation o! ta< receipt an" sub.ission o! ta< state.ent .onthly, /uarterly an" annually
/!ollow8up #a< returns,
Personnel Management
Con"uct recruit.ent process !or the new hirin:, 0ob a"=, CBs screenin:, con"uctin: inter=iews,
o!!er letters, preparation o! new hire EDs,
;repare e.ployees 0ob contracts an" renew accor"in:ly,
Mana:e proper atten"ance o! all e.ployees an" prepare e.ployeeCs .onthly 2tten"ance
Hire" an" prepare" ser=ice contracts !or part8ti.e an" te.porary e.ployees,
-nsure proper i.ple.entation o! H4 policies o! the or:aniation in the o!!ice,
4esponsible an" .ana:e all the transport an" tra=el arran:e.ents o! the or:aniationD hirin: o!
=ehicles, .aintenance o! =ehicles, sche"ulin: o! =ehicles, hirin: "ri=ers, !uellin: o! =ehicles,
-nsure all =ehicles are roa" worthy, security clearance, trip tickets
4esponsible !or o=erall procure.ent o! the ori:inationD collection o! /uotations, placin: purchase
or"ers, recei=in: .aterial accor"in: to purchase or"ers,
3nteract with "i!!erent =en"ors "urin: the procure.ent o! any .aterial an" e<plain the. the
or:aniation procure.ent policies,
4ecei=in:, stackin: an" "ispatchin: o! :oo"s accor"in:ly to the or:aniation policies an"
#roubleshoot har"ware, so!tware an" network operatin: syste.,
;ro=i"e orientation to new users,
;ro=i"e internet ser=ice an" "e=elop a liaison with 3S;,
Maintain an" up"ate the backup o! o!!ice "ata,

2ssist ;rocure.ent Mana:er in collection o! /uotations process an" analye the /uotations
e<clusi=ely in ter.s o! .aterial stan"ar" speci!ication, =ali"ity o! price, co.pany pro!ile an" others
rele=ant issues,
-nsure proper use o! procure.ent paperwork inclu"in: ;urchase 4e/uest, 4e/uest !or Fuotations,
;urchase 5r"er, Gi" 2nalysis an" ;ay.ent 4e/uest,
3nteract with =en"ors an" con=ince the. !or a !a=orable o!!er o! their pro"ucts !or the co.pany an"
e<plain the. the co.pany !uture business with the. !or e<cellent o!!ers,
;repare clai. i! any rise !ro. the .aterial o! a co.pany an" .ana:e to co.pensate the loss
3nteract with technical tea. an" consultants !or the selection o! .aterial accor"in: to appro=e"
;repare a "atabase o! all =en"ors an" contractors an" !re/uently contact the. !or better o!!ers,
Hse 3nternet an" Iellow ;a:es !or the search o! .aterial an" their suppliers or .anu!acturers an" try
to :et .aterial "irectly !ro. !actory or .ain supplier in the country le=el,
Personnel Management
Mana:in: the recruit.ent o! support sta!! with the coor"ination o! H4 Mana:er,
Mana:e proper atten"ance o! all e.ployees an" assist H4 o!!icer in the preparation o!
e.ployeeCs .onthly payroll,
Con"ucte" per!or.ance .ana:e.ent re=iew inter=iews !or support sta!!,
Office Administration
4esponsible an" .ana:e all the transport an" tra=el arran:e.ents o! the or:aniationD hirin: o!
=ehicles, .aintenance o! =ehicles, sche"ulin: o! =ehicles, hirin: "ri=ers, !uellin: o! =ehicles,
-nsure all =ehicles are roa" worthy, security clearance, trip tickets
4esponsible an" .ana:e all the transport an" tra=el arran:e.ents o! the or:aniationD hirin: o!
=ehicles, .aintenance o! =ehicles, sche"ulin: o! =ehicles, hirin: "ri=ers, !uellin: o! =ehicles,
-nsure all =ehicles are roa" worthy, security clearance, trip tickets
Super=ise an" .ana:e the :uesthouse cleanin: an" .aintenance, cookin: an" .ess .ana:e.ent
an" .ana:e an" "eal with all o!!icial :uestsC acco..o"ation, .eal, .eetin:s an" appoint.ents,
Super=ise an" .ana:e o!!ice .eetin:s, workshops, con!erence, an" any other !unctions an"
5=ersee an" .ana:e all o!!ice e/uip.ents an" suppliesD inclu"in: printers, "esktops, laptops,
photocopier, scanners, .ulti.e"ia, !a< an" o!!ice stationary an" others ite.s,
Mana:e all o!!ice petty cash !un" an" prepare all a".inistration rele=ant pay.ents,
-stablish an" .aintain appropriate !ilin: syste.s !or o!!ice correspon"ence, 4ecei=e an" "ispatch
.ail, contracts, lease a:ree.ents, an" other .iscellaneous a".inistration acti=ities,

Fleet Management
2ssist all the !leet .ana:e.ent o! the or:aniation inclu"in:, hirin: o! =ehicles, .aintenance an"
ser=ice o! =ehicles an" sche"ulin: o! =ehicles,
;repare !uel consu.ption report o! each =ehicle on .onthly basis an" a=oi" .isuse o! =ehicles,
Make sure that all the =ehicles are roa" worthyD .ake a weekly check o! =ehicle per!or.ance,
tires, li:hts, tool kits, !ire e<tin:uishers etc,
o 2ssist an" .ana:e recei=in: o! :oo"s, stockin: o! :oo"s an" "ispatchin: o! :oo"s in
accor"in: to the or:aniation8stan"ar"ie" policies,
Assets and Inventor Management
4esponsible !or all assets o! the or:aniationD 3"enti!ication o! assets, ta::in: o! assets, issuin: o!
assets, prepare an" .aintain assets re:ister, an" electronic "atabase Jin=entoriesK,,
Mana:e" an" responsible !or the .o=e.ent o! assets, "isposal o! assets an" allocation o! assets,
;repare "i!!erent types o! assets reports, .onthly asset location, "onor/:rant assets, !iscal year
an" physical counts,
Maintainin: recor"s an" "atabase o! all procure.ent acti=ities in coor"ination with !inance
-nsure proper use o! procure.ent paperwork inclu"in: ;urchase 4e/uest, 4e/uest !or
Fuotations, ;urchase 5r"er, Gi" 2nalysis an" ;ay.ent 4e/uest,
-nsure ;urchase 4e/uests are !ille" in a ti.ely .anner to pro:ra. nee"s in coor"ination with
pro:ra. .ana:ers,
Coor"inate with the Aarehouse on "eli=ery o! ite.s inclu"in: co.pletion o! Goo"s 4ecei=e"
Notes, stora:e o! ite.s an" trans!er o! ite.s to !iel" sites,
-n!orce proper use o! procure.ent ceilin:s an" appro=al proce"ures,
2ssists sta!! as nee"e" on creatin: clear an" un"erstan"able purchase re/uests an" other
3nteract with Ben"ors "urin: collection o! /uotations 7 e<plain 2ctionai" !or.ats an" ensure
that =en"ors will use the pro=i"e" !or.s,
4esponsible !or the recei=in: o! :oo"s, stockin: o! :oo"s an" "ispatchin: o! :oo"s in accor"in:
to the appro=al o! pro:ra. .ana:er,
Dispatch :oo"s !ro. the warehouse usin: appropriate MC proce"ures, Store 4elease !or.s,
Aaybills an" up"ate Stock 4ecor"s,
;repare report o! .onthly stocks, en" o! :rant stocks, !iscal year physical counts an" other
physical counts,
Maintain physical an" electronic copies o! in=entory as per the or:aniationCs warehouse policies
an" proce"ure
4esponsible !or the transportation arran:e.ent !or the co..o"ity .o=e.ent to "i!!erent
;repare the report relate" to the 9o:istics operation on "aily, weekly an" .onthly basis,
4esponsible !or all assets o! the or:aniationD 3"enti!ication o! assets, ta::in: o! assets, prepare
assets re:ister, 2ssets in=entories an" electronic "atabase,
Mana:e" an" responsible !or the .o=e.ent o! assets, "isposal o! assets an" allocation o! assets,
Sche"ules physical count o! assets on "i!!erent locations, pro0ects an" sites,
;repare .onthly assets allocation an" .o=e.ent reports !or Hea" o!!ice,
Catholic Relif Serives (CRS)
Office Administration
4esponsible an" .ana:e all the transport an" tra=el arran:e.ents o! the or:aniationD hirin: o!
=ehicles, .aintenance o! =ehicles, sche"ulin: o! =ehicles, hirin: "ri=ers, !uellin: o! =ehicles,
-nsure all =ehicles are roa" worthy, security clearance, trip tickets
4esponsible an" .ana:e all the transport an" tra=el arran:e.ents o! the or:aniationD hirin: o!
=ehicles, .aintenance o! =ehicles, sche"ulin: o! =ehicles, hirin: "ri=ers, !uellin: o! =ehicles,
-nsure all =ehicles are roa" worthy, security clearance, trip tickets
Super=ise an" .ana:e the :uesthouse cleanin: an" .aintenance, cookin: an" .ess .ana:e.ent
an" .ana:e an" "eal with all o!!icial :uestsC acco..o"ation, .eal, .eetin:s an" appoint.ents,
2ssist o!!ice .eetin:s, workshops, con!erence, an" any other !unctions an" parties,
2ssist an" .ana:e all o!!ice e/uip.ents an" suppliesD inclu"in: printers, "esktops, laptops,
photocopier, scanners, .ulti.e"ia, !a< an" o!!ice stationary an" others ite.s,
Mana:e all o!!ice petty cash !un" an" prepare all a".inistration rele=ant pay.ents,
-stablish an" .aintain appropriate !ilin: syste.s !or o!!ice correspon"ence, 4ecei=e an" "ispatch
.ail, contracts, lease a:ree.ents, an" other .iscellaneous a".inistration acti=ities,
4un an" e!!ecti=ely 2ssist the o!!ice .essD inclu"in: kitchen arran:e.ents, super=isin: cooks,
purchasin: o! !oo" ite.s, ser=in: lunch, tea, co!!ee, water an" others,
Super=ise an" .ana:e all the co..unications whereabouts o! or:aniationD inclu"in: lan"line
phones, cell phones, satellite phones, electricity supply, 3nternet an" networkin:,
; 4 5 6 - S S 3 5 N 2 9 D - B - 9 5 ; M - N #
BA(result waitting
only one subject )
Poltical Science
University of Aza
!ammu an
(SS) Mat#*state* com+uter
6e"eral boar" 3sla.aba"
SS) Science 6e"eral boar" 3sla.aba"
)om+uter )erti,cate
)om+uter #arware *software
#C# MLD 2Ek
Gener tranin: C4S ;k MLD 2EM ,
MS 5663C- !ro.#C# in Mua!!araba"
H3= an" 23D tranin: C4S ;M MLD 2EM
Sa!ety an" security trainin: JC4S pk K
; - 4 S 5 N 2 9
6irst 2i" trainin: JC4S pkK

N#I#C No$ %&&'&()*'')))(+
Date of ,irt-$ Dec 1', 1&*3
Marital Status$ Marrie"
Nationalit$ ;akistani
Domicile$ Ga:h 2a"
Interests and .astime$ 6a.ily, stu"y, internet, #B, keepin: !it,,

4 - 6 - 4 - N C -
1, J4a0a Laheer Mhan K 3,J 3/bal HassanK
;ro0ect Coor"inator ;ro:ra. 5!!icer
D28'& 2ctionai" G;N, 2ctionai"
Cell$ 0300)1)'N31 Cell$03'1'N6&6N)
-.ail$ hasan,i/bal(61yahoo,co.
' , J3.tia Malik K
(, J Shabir kani K
6inance an" 2".in 5!!icer H4 .an:er crs pk ,suka
G;N ,2ctionai" MLD 20k -.ail Dshabirkani1 crs,pk,or:
Contact$ 03() )(0&&30 + 0)*'' (3(10& 03'18)'61'6*

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