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Those who are using Caesar II software might be aware that new version

of Caesar II, version 7.0 has come into market from 2014 onwards. The
latest C!"# II release $rovides a lot of im$ortant new and e%tended
ca$abilities in res$onse to market re&uirements of $i$ing industr'. lso it
hel$s to get direct feedback from the growing C!"# II user communit'.
The ma(or changes which have been made to C!"# II, version 7.0 with
res$ect to its earlier versions are mentioned below)
The *atest +i$ing Codes are used.
Caesar II internal ,aterial -atabases are .$dated com$ared to its
$revious version.
.$dated to su$$ort the 2012 !dition of the ",! /01.1 code. This
includes material $ro$ert' u$dates.
.$dated to su$$ort the 2012 !dition of the ",! /01.0 code. This
includes a new e&uation for calculating e%$ansion stress cases as
mentioned in latest / 01.0 code with new "I1 and inde% values.
This version will su$$ort the 2012 !dition of the ",! /01.2 code.
",! /01.2 code inter$retation to use either of the two combined
bia%ial stress e&uations for restrained $i$e, as referred to in
+aragra$h 200.4, instead of using the ma%imum of the two has been
u$dated. 3ow user can s$ecif' this using the 4ield "tress Criterion
con5guration setting in the "I1s and "tresses section of the
Con5guration !ditor.
This version is u$dated to su$$ort ",! /01.6 2010 !dition.
.$dated to su$$ort the 2012 !dition of the !3 10420 code. This
work included addressing bend $ressure sti7ening and changes to
the longitudinal $ressure stress e&uation, among other revisions.
.$dated the ,aterial database, as re&uired for $i$ing code u$dates.
The 8ange rating for in9line 8ange checks $er !3 10:291)2010 and
3"I /1;.6 200: has been u$dated
dded su$$ort for 3"I 1;.6 200: metric 8ange ratings.
1atigue curves as indicated in the 2010 !dition of ",! "ection <III,
-iv. 2. has been added
The content for the ",! /01.0 code u$date and /1;0 to 14001 is
Modelling and User Interface
=uick global $ro$ert' changes >such as for tem$erature and
$ressure? from the *egend dialog bo% in the 0- model has been
-istance command to measure between two $oints in the 0- model
without re&uiring the in$ut of node numbers has been enhanced.
dded a new @lobal menu in $i$ing in$ut, which includes the /lock
commands. These commands are also accessible through the /lock
A$erations toolbar and the right9click conte%t menu from the
*istB!lements dialog bo%.
!nhanced the "tructural "teel CiDard to dis$la' units for various
in$ut 5elds, added more tool bar icons, and enhanced in$ut grid
@ra$hics issues of earlier versions has been addressed.
Com$leted minor usabilit' enhancements based on customer
Static and Dynamic Analysis
#evised the "tatic nal'sis >*oad Case !ditor? to automaticall'
recommend !%$ansion >!E+? stress range load cases for better
coverage of multi$le o$erating conditions.
+rovided an o$tion for users to select the allowable corres$onding to
tem$erature for the s$eci5ed Accasional >ACC? load case for /01.0
dded su$$ort for in9line 8ange check evaluations for ,E and /"
load case combinations.
dded the abilit' to im$ort multi$le su$$orts at the same location
from the Im$ort +C1 or Intergra$h "mart 0- +C1 interfaces.
!nhanced the hanger table for su$$ort design with *I"!@Fs *IC-
software in the -ata !%$ort CiDard >!%$ort to ," ccess?.
dded out$ut 5lters for 8anges so that 'ou can identif' the most
overstressed 8anges.
.$dated to show the actual "tress Indices >I? that are used for
sustained and occasional static load cases for ",! /01.0 code.
.$dated the @enerate "tress Isometrics >C!"# II Isogen module?
with I9Con5gure 2014 >6.0?.
.$dated the =uick #eference @uide with dates and information for
all $i$ing code u$dates made in C!"# II 2014.
.$dated the 11 hel$ in the "tatic Aut$ut +rocessor.
Technical hanges
The following technical changes were made for this release, which ma'
a7ect the numeric results)
dded a new e&uation for calculating e%$ansion stress cases with
new "I1 and inde% values to su$$ort the 2012 !dition of the ",!
/01.0 code.
ddressed bend $ressure sti7ening and changed the longitudinal
$ressure stress e&uation, among other revisions to su$$ort the 2012
!dition of the !3 10420 code.
.$dated the minimum wall thickness e&uation for ",! /01.2
Cha$ter <III to consider the longitudinal (oint eGcienc' >using the !7
in$ut bo%?.
.$dated the ",! /01.2 code inter$retation to use either of the two
combined bia%ial stress e&uations for restrained $i$e, as referred to
in +aragra$h 200.4, instead of using the ma%imum of the two. 4ou
can s$ecif' this using the 4ield "tress Criterion con5guration setting
in the "I1s and "tresses section of the Con5guration !ditor.
#evised the calculations for "I1s in non9corroded conditions when
the CA-!TI $i$ing code is selected, based on clari5cation from
1rench Code Committee.
#evised the "tatic nal'sis >*oad Case !ditor? to automaticall'
recommend !%$ansion >!E+? stress range load cases for better
coverage of multi$le o$erating conditions.
+rovided an o$tion for users to select the allowable corres$onding to
tem$erature for that $articular Accasional >ACC? load case for /01.0
dded su$$ort for in9line 8ange check evaluations for ,E and /"
load case combinations.
#esolved an issue in "tructural In$ut where the software did not
$rocess .3I1 values as gravitational multi$liers >@ loads? after 'ou
added the @*A- command into the in$ut stream. The software
uses the gravitational multi$lier >@ load? value for all .3I1 values
when 'ou add the @*A- command into the in$ut stream.
!eference" <ersion notes b' Coade Inc

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