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Monorails cost 10% - 15% of Rail Subways
and can carry
60,000 assen!ers " hour#
An e$tensive Monorail Syste% can be constructed for a
fraction of the rice of the roosed road and rail tunnels#
A sub%ission for the &ast 'est (in) *eeds Assess%ent study
Alan Ide
of July 2008
(Download document at to use hyperlinks)
The Monorail Alternative
The East West Monorail Solution
Imagine gliding silently above Melbourne's trees and traffic on a graceful and elegant
Monorail and being able to build it for a fraction of the cost of a rail subway
! eattle monorail (Image: Wikipedia)
The Proposal
Much more "ublic trans"ort can be built by building monorail lines then s"ending #$%&' (illion
on road ) rail tunnels*
&ast-'est (in) Route " *otes +ost
0i!hoint 1 Ashburton Monorail +ootscray ,(- -omain ,aulfield
,hadstone .olmesglen / Ashwood&
3oc)land 1 3oncaster Monorail 0onsdale !treet1 Albert 2oad1 .oddle !treet1
3astern +reeway1 -oncaster 2oad&
Southern +ross 1 Rich%ond
Rail Subway
A 2 4m rail subway with one underground
station lin4ed to +linders !treet !tation
T6TA( -7#2
Why Monorail?
Monorails are the chea"est way of adding grade/se"arated1 high/ca"acity "ublic trans"ort over the
gridloc4 on the ground&
Monorails are roven# Many monorail systems are in use as high/ca"acity "ublic trans"ort systems
carrying thousands of "assengers a day&
Monorails are safe# (eing totally grade/se"arated monorails are one of the safest forms of trans"ort&
Monorails are environ%entally friendly# Monorails have similar energy/efficiency to other mass/
transit systems& 5hey are far less energy/intensive to build than a rail subway while having a far lower
foot"rint than surface rail& Monorails can be installed with a minimum of disru"tion on the ground and
have a lower visual im"act than other ty"es of elevated rail systems& Monorails can travel at over
804m6h "roviding an e7cellent alternative to cars in crowded cities&
Monorails are cost effective# 2etrofitting a subway to a crowded city is usually "rohibitively
e7"ensive& 8reat uncertainties usually e7ist as to the full cost of dealing with the myriad underground
services 9sewers1 storm water1 mains water1 electricity ) gas&: as well as geological challenges such
as roc4 and mud& ;ften subway systems are below sea/level creating many e7"ensive and time/
consuming challenges during construction and maintenance&
Monorails are 8uic) to build# 5he monorails "ro"osed here could be built in time for the 20$0
The Monorail Alternative
Monorails Cost Less
Monorail systems cost about 14% er )ilo%etre of a subway system& ,onstruction ris4s are less with
Monorail system due to the ease of above/ground construction&
Transort Syste% +ost er
.eavy rail subway -A 211 +rom !ir 3ddington's re"ort / #< (illion for $<
!hanhai Maglev Monorail
#=! >0 ,onstructed in 20021 s"eeds u" to '00 4m 6 h& ,ost
#=! $&2 (illion for ?0 4m&
;4inawa Monorail @ 9.itachi: #=! 2< ,onstructed in 200? and now o"erating& A Medium
siAed monorail with flat wal4/through floors&
Bita4yushu Monorail @ 9.itachi: #=! %2 0arge monorail system with full/siAed carriages&
+lat wal4/through floors& ,onstructed $98'&
5o4yo/.aneda Monorail @
#=! $' Medium siAed monorail with wal4/through floors&
,onstructed $9%>&
Buala 0um"ur Monorail @
9Monorail Malaysia:
#=! ?% A recent two/carriage monorail system on high
Melbourne &ast-'est
-A 50 CroDected cost of .itachi 'Medium siAed' monorail&
@ !ee Monorail !ociety cost data "age&
9roosal Aro$i%ate
+ost er )ilo%etre
,-A Millions/
&sti%ated Total +ost
.igh"oint Ashburton Monorail 28 #'0 -1#2
-oc4land -oncaster Monorail 2? #'0 -1#4
!outhern ,ross 2ichmond 2ail
2 #>$$ -0#5
Total +ost -7#2
Re%ainder fro% -16#5 .illion -17#1
Eote that some of this cost should be recou"ed from a FMonorail land ta7G on commercial land near
monorail stations& .igh"oint1 ,rown and ,hadstone would be e7"ected to donate s"ace to route the
monorail to their "ro"erties&
5he remainder of the #$? (illion could fund
="grade signalling to allow 2/minute headway throughout metro area&
2ail e7tensions to 2owville1 !outh Morang1 Mornington ) Alamein to 3ast Malvern&
3lectrification to !unbury1 Melton ) 8eelong&
Many tram and bus im"rovements& Curchase of more trains&
="grades to the regional rail networ4& !tandardisation of 4ey freight routes&
-u"licate single/line trac4s& 37tra e7"ress trac4s from +ootscray !unshine&
2emove flat rail crossovers between !outhern ,ross and Eorth Melbourne stations&
,layton !tation Monash Medical Monash =ni !"ringvale 2oad / Eunawading monorail&
Building rail subways is so expensive it should only be onsidered as a last resort!
$See What to do with ! "illion# ta$ in Schedule.%ls
The Monorail Alternative
Monorail Syste" Capaity
Monorails ca"acity varies widely from small tourist systems to the giant 5ama commuter trains&
Monorail Tye &$a%le 9assen!er
+arria!es 9assen!ers " hour "
direction with 4
%inute headway
:ery S%all
?0 4m6h

3&g& !ydney
< $1>>0
0itachi - S%all
%0 4m6h
3&g& !inga"ore
> <1>>0
0itachi -
80 4m6h
for Melbourne/
3&g& 5o4yo ) ;4inawa
% ?01$80
0itachi - (ar!e
80 4m6h
3&g& 5ama ) Bita4yushu
% ?>1<>0
5he high ca"acity of the .itachi monorails is due to the wheels being below the floor1 unli4e the low/
ca"acity !ydney monorail which has the wheels between each car& Cassengers in all .itachi monorails
can move through the full length of the monorail train&
5he "assenger loadings for the .itachi monorails were "rovided by .itachi Australia as "art of their
review of an earlier version of this document& .itachi Australia suggests a "ea4 standee loading of 8
"eo"le6sH& meter with <? 4g6"erson& Eote that the .itachi system/ca"acity "age "rovides higher loading
figures suitable for Ja"anese commuters&
The Monorail Alternative
Monorail Cars
Le#t: &he 'lat walk(through 'loor on a )itachi*s +itakyushu monorail.(Image: )itachi )
$ight: &okyo ,onorail. Note the 'ront door 'or emergency e-acuation $etween trains. (Image:
.itachi monorails are characterised with an o"en layout allowing for loads of about $1000 "assengers on
a Medium/siAed si7/car train&
5he straddle/beam A0I38 designs shown on this "age are recommended over the sus"ended car
designs such as !A+383 to reduce the visual im"act of beams and the ris4 of truc4 / monorail
As A0I38 monorails run on rubber tyres and are "owered by electric motors they are very Huiet&
0evels of <'d( are Huoted here for .itachi A0I38 systems& 0i4e other "ublic trans"ort1 monorails
would reHuire adeHuate heating and cooling to ensure "assenger comfort&
%isabled &ess
5he Monorail system can be accessed by lift from street level& As lift floor1 "latform floor and monorail
car floors are at the same level there is no im"ediment to the disabled "erson using a Monorail system&
.itachi's vehicles are also able to acce"t a wal4way to evacuate disabled "assengers between monorail
trains should a monorail become stranded between stations&
Ideally the Monorail would use the new my4i system or whatever system is in "lace for the rest of
Melbourne's "ublic trans"ort&
Alternatively the Monorail could be 'free' with o"erating costs being met with a monorail land/ta7
The Monorail Alternative
!tations can be built into e7isting buildings increasing the value of the building& Minor stations could
have a smaller foot"rint if they use multi"le lifts rather than escalators& !tairs should also be "rovided for
the athletic as well as for emergencies&
Ideally stations would be translucent to reduce visual im"act& 5his would entail as much as "ossible of
the structure being constructed of glass or other trans"arent material& !olar "anels could "rovide "ower
to the station& !tation walls would "robably need to wra" around the monorail to "rovide "rotection for
"assengers in bad weather&
A station on the small Sydney monorail. .se o' transparent materials should reduce the
impact o' the station while retaining the weather(proo'ing (Image: Wikipedia)
The Monorail Alternative
,oscow monorail (Image: Wikipedia)
MelbourneGs monorail could be a great visual asset to the city and a maDor tourist draw card if adeHuate
attention is given to the design of the "illars and beamway& 95his has not always been the case with
other e7isting monorails&:
A FMedium siAedG monorail such as the !eattle Monorail is recommended for Melbourne& 5he Flarge
siAedG monorail such as the Bita4yushu Monorail "robably has too large a visual im"act&
5he Moscow Monorail shows that it is Huite "ossible to have aesthetic su""ort "illars& 5he beam should
be "laced above street trees to avoid the need for tree removal1 as demonstrated with sections of the
5o4yo Monorail& !ome Ja"anese monorail "illars are covered in lattice wor4 to encourage cree"ers to
cover the "illar& 5his would discourage graffiti& !ee also the !inga"ore Monorail "illars&
Advertising should not be "ermitted on "illars1 monorail cars or the beamway& Cillar design should be
sim"le and elegant / the obDective should be to fit in with Melbourne rather than stand out from it&
5here is a myth that monorails have a "roblem with switching& .owever1 in reality all serious monorail
systems have switches that are used continuously in day/to/day o"eration&
5he "ro"osed system reHuires switching at the Ashburton end and from the main beamway to storage
and maintenance facilities& 5his can be achieved using one of the methods e7"lained by 5he Monorail
!ociety on their switch myth "age& !ee also .itachi 5rac4 !witch "age& (oth sites have video cli"s of
switches in o"eration&
5he Melbourne Monorail would "robably use the !egmented !witches shown on the above "ages&
The Monorail Alternative
Monorail systems are not immune from "roblems caused by "oor design&
5he !eattle monorail has suffered a collision between two cars on a section of trac4 where the beams
were too close together& 5he beams should always be far enough a "art to allow monorails to "ass
without signalling&
Ihere monorail "ylons are located on or near road or rail lines they should be built to withstand
substantial im"acts without colla"se&
As far as "ossible Monorail cars should be fire "roof and "rovide some means of esca"e& .itachi
recommends evacuation from one monorail train to another one on the adDacent beam / although this
has never been necessary in "ractice& .itachi monorails can also be cou"led together and "assengers
evacuated through the front or rear doors& 9!ee .itachi web site for diagram&:
Ihere monorail beams cross roads with a height clearance less than other e7isting infrastructure then
a "rotecting beam should be "laced across the road ahead of the monorail beam&
5he monorail should draw "ower at multi"le "oints and have multi"le bac4/u" generators ca"able of at
least moving the monorail cars to the ne7t station&
All monorail stations should be staffed& !taff should be trained in first aid and be ready to assist the
disabled as well as "roviding security and information&
&ama monorail / a )itachi 0arge &ype# monorail carrying o-er 1222 passengers per 3(car
train at up to 42 km5h. (Image: Wikipedia)
The Monorail Alternative
& Case Study( The To'yo Monorail
5he 5o4yo Monorail ( a *,edium Si6ed* )itachi monorail. (Image: Wikipedia)
5he 5o4yo .aneda Monorail "rovides a great e7am"le of how well a monorail can "erform and is a
good model for a Melbourne Monorail&
$2<1000 Cassengers 6 day&
$&' (illion Cassengers from $9%> January 200<&
9 !tations&
$< 4m&
'00 5rain 6 day o"erating 0'*?0 2>*00&
80 4m 6 h to" s"eed&
,ost J#=! $' Million 6 4m to build& 9Includes a tunnel1 seismic "rotection and several long/
s"an bridges that are not reHuired in Melbourne& Many su""ort "illions are on reclaimed land or
in canals& :
2un at a "rofit by a "rivate o"erator&
-ual/beam system with switches at each end&
Ihile technically similar to what I "ro"ose for Melbourne1 more attention needs to be given to "illar
aesthetics than is evident in this and some other Monorails&
2See 7apan &imes Article 89 7an 822:
The Monorail Alternative
)ighpoint &shburton Monorail $oute
0i!hoint 1 =ootscray 1 +.3 1 3o%ain - >ueens Road 1 'indsor -
+aulfield 1 +hadstone 1 0ol%es!len 1 Ashwood - Ashburton
37ce"t for the turning loo" at the .igh"oint end of the system1 the beamway would consist of two beams
su""orted on single "illars& Cillars would generally be located on the median stri"s of maDor roads and
not result in loss of roadway e7ce"t on Kueens 2oad& 9,lic4 =20 to see relevant 8oogle Ma"&:
Se!%ent "
3etails Available Transort
Return (oo
$>0m diameter single/beam loo" with maintenance
wal4way and some stabling& Crovision for future e7tension
to Air"orts
.igh"oint !tation between .igh"oint .ome Ma4er and !ho""ing
.igh"oint bus services&
.igh"oint /
-ual/beam over Ci"e Ma4ers Car41 Maribyrnong 2iver and
+ischer Carade to +lemington 2acecourse
+lemington !tation at Iest/end of main stadiums& =le%in!ton Railway (ine
-ual/beam over +ischer Carade and "ar4land&
!tation over Mills ,lose Eone&
=niversity /
-ual beam over Eicholson !treet1 over low/rise sho"s to
+ootscray 2ailway !tation&
+ootscray 5he +ootscray Monorail !tation is above Irving !treet and
the +ootscray 2ailway !tation&
@eelon!, Altona,
'illia%stown, Melton,
.endi!o, St# Albans lines "lus
bus and tram services&
+ootscray /
-ual/beam over .o"4ins !treet and -ynon 2oad&
5he main maintenance and Monorail storage facility could
be located at some "oint adDacent to -ynon 2oad&
Monorail !tation is over railway station& .road%eadows, Afield and all
Eorth Melbourne lines&
!outhern ,ross
-ual/beam over rail trac4s leaving s"ace for future rail
over"asses that are needed to remove flat rail crossings in
this area&
!outhern ,ross Monorail !tation is over L60ine "latforms near !"encer
!treet and under e7isting roof structure&
All rail services#
,ollins1 (our4e and !"encer
!treet 5rams&
!outhern ,ross
Monorail e7its through new o"ening in !outh wall over
,ollins !treet and in front of the new Age building along
!"encer !treet& -ual beam crosses over rail viaduct and
Marra 2iver to 37hibition !tation& !ome loss of "ar4ing in
!"encer !treet&
,rown Monorail !tation is over or near ,rown ,asino near
,larendon !treet& +ootbridge to 37hibition ,entre&
!t& Bilda1 Cort Melbourne1 Albert
Car4 5rams&
-ual/beam over ,larendon !treet1 Ihitman !treet1 Bings
Iay !treet ;2 another route over the M$ 5oll way&
The Monorail Alternative
Se!%ent "
3etails Available Transort
!tation near the intersection of !turt !treet and Bings Iay& !turt !treet and Bings Iay
Melbourne /
Cower !treet1 !turt !treet1 Bings Iay1 Car4 !treet
-omain Monorail !tation is over -omain tram interchange All !t& Bilda 2oad 5rams
-omain /
-ual/beam over !t& Bilda 2oad 9north service lane over
trees: and (owen ,rescent to Kueens 2oad& (eam over
street trees& !ome loss of car "ar4ing s"aces&
0eo"old !tation over Kueens 2oad ) 0eo"old !treets& ,onnecting
wal4way from Albert Car4 to Armadale !treet over Kueen
and !t& Bilda 2oads&
!t& Bilda 2oad 5rams
-ual beam continues over centre of Kueens 2oad&
0orne !tation over Kueens 2oad ) 0orne !treets& ,onnecting
wal4way from Albert Car4 to .igh !treet over Kueen and
!t& Bilda 2oads&
!t& Bilda 2oad 5rams
-ual/beam along Kueens 2oad to Crinces .wy&
Iindsor ;ver Crinces .wy& Sandrin!ha% (ine#
,ha"el !treet 5rams
-ual/beam along Crinces .wy& Cylons on Eorth side of
central median stri" with beam over street trees&
Malvern ;ver or near Malvern 2ailway !tation& 8lenferrie 2oad and .awthorne
2oad 5rams&
+ranbourne, 9a)enha% and
=ran)ston (ine
-ual/beam along Crinces .wy and then along !ir John
Monash -rive&
,aulfield ;ver !ir John Monash -rive adDacent to ,aulfield 2ailway
9Cossible monorail stabling over current rail wor4 yards:
+ranbourne, 9a)enha% and
=ran)ston (ine#
Eo ? 5ram&
,aulfield /
-ual/beam along !ir John Monash -rive and -andenong
2oad 6 Crinces .wy
,arnegie !tation over Bornang 2oad&
,arnegie /
-ual/beam along -andenong 2oad 6 Crinces .wy1
entering sho""ing centre near -avid Jones&
,hadstone !tation in1 over or ne7t to ,hadstone !ho""ing ,entre& ,hadstone bus services
-ual beam along Middle 2oad and Iarrigal .wy over9N:
Monash +reeway&
.olmesglen Monorail !tation at 3ast/end of .olmesglen 5A+3 near
railway station&
@len 'averley Railway (ine#
-ual beam along Iarrigal .wy median stri"&
Ashwood !tation near .igh !treet Iarrigal .wy intersection
-ual beam above .igh !treet median stri"&
Ashburton Monorail station over Ashburton 2ailway !tation car "ar4&
(eam switch to allow trains to return to .igh"oint&
Ala%ein Railway (ine
!tabling for several monorails over rail easement Eorth of
station between red tennis courts and rail line&
The Monorail Alternative
)ighpoint Southern Cross Station Seg"ent
Monorail "ath shown in red&
37isting heavy rail M35 lines shown in blue&
9Ma"s courtesy of 8oogle Ma"s:
The Monorail Alternative
Southern Cross &la"ein $ailway Line Seg"ent
5his segment connects the !andringham1 -andenong1 +ran4ston1 8len Iaverley and Alamein heavy
rail lines&
The Monorail Alternative
%o'lands * %onaster Monorail $oute
3oc)lands 1 (onsdale Street 1 Albert Road 1 0oddle Street 1 &astern
=reeway 1 3oncaster Road 1 Srin!vale Road - *unawadin!
37ce"t for the turning loo" at the -oc4lands end of the system1 the beamway would consist of two
beams su""orted on single "illars& Cillars would generally be located on the median stri"s of maDor
roads and not result in loss of roadway& 9,lic4 =20 to see relevant 8oogle Ma"&:
Se!%ent "
3etails Available Transort
Return (oo
A single/beam loo" around the doc4lands area with a
!outhern ,ross !tation over the -+; near !outhern ,ross .igh"oint Ashburton Monorail
All other rail lines&
0onsdale !treet -ual/beam over trees
!tation over Myer/end of Melbourne ,entral 9above
All loo" services
0onsdale !treet -ual/beam over trees
Carliament !tation near Carliament 2ail !tation All loo" services& 5rams&
Albert 2oad )
.oddle !treet
-ual beam over trees&
Eorth 2ichmond 0in4 to Eorth 2ichmond 2ail !tation ,lifton .ill 0ines1 5rams
.oddle !treet -ual/beam over trees
Lictoria Car4 Monorail !tation is near railway station& ,lifton .ill 0ines
-ual/beam on median stri" with "rotective barriers&
,handler Monorail !tation near ,handler .ighway& (uses
-ual/beam on median stri" with "rotective barriers&
(ur4e Monorail !tation is near (ur4e 2oad (uses
-ual/beam on median stri" with "rotective barriers&
(ulleen 2oad !tation near intersection& (uses
-ual/beam on median stri" with "rotective barriers&
-oncaster 2oad !tation near intersection& (uses& Eo >8 5ram 5erminusNN
-oncaster 2oad -ual/beam over median stri"
!tation over or in !ho""ing ,entre (uses
-oncaster 2oad
-ual beam continues over centre of road& !everal stations
in this segment&
Eunawading !tation near Eunawading rail station& (eam switch to
allow trains to return to -oc4lands& 0ine could be
e7tended down !"ringvale 2oad&
2ingwood 0ine 5rains
The Monorail Alternative
The Southern Cross $ih"ond $ail Subway
5he 4ey bottlenec4 is between +linders !treet and !outhern ,ross !tations where there are only si7
trac4s to carry all 3ast/Iest traffic& A short rail subway can solve the "roblem while 4ee"ing the
enormous costs involved with subway construction to a minimum&
5his two/trac4 J2 4m subway could run under the ,(- with 3astern "ortals near 37hibition !treet and a
Iestern Cortal near !outhern ,ross !tation& A single underground station would be "rovided under
+linders !treet with escalators u" to +linders !treet station& 5he above subway should be built to allow
e7tension to +ootscray1 ,aulfield or elsewhere at a later date&
5he "ro"osed rail subway route is shown in blue on the above ma"& 5he "latform at !outhern ,ross
would be Dust north of the (our4e !treet "edestrian wal4way& 5his subway could connect Altona1
Iilliamstown ) Ierribee services to one or more eastern lines&
+nreasing Train Capaity without a Subway
;ne of the 4ey Dustifications for "ro"osing an 3ast/Iest rail subway is to increase the ca"acity of the
suburban train system& 5he "ro"osition is that the e7isting four trac4s between +ootscray and ,aulfield
are at ca"acity and two new trac4s are needed&
.owever1 if signalling across the networ4 is enhanced to allow trains to run with 2/minute headway
most of these "roblems can be solved& 92/minute headway is already attained in the evening "ea4 in the
city loo"& .eadway of 2/minutes or less is common on the Moscow1 Caris and 0ondon metros&:
.etter Ti%etablin!
5o fully utilise e7isting trac4s trains should be run in OburstsP& ;n the -andenong line this would involve
running the following services in the following seHuence in twenty/minute bursts from the city on the
-andenong trac4*
$& +!!
/ 8i""sland 37"ress Ca4enham !ervice 9Cassenger or +reight:
2& 0oo" / Ca4enham 37"ress -andenong !ervice $
?& 0oo" / Ca4enham 37"ress -andenong !ervice 2 9"ea4 hours:
>& 0oo" / ,ranbourne 37"ress ;a4leigh !ervice $
'& 0oo" / ,ranbourne 37"ress ;a4leigh !ervice 2 9"ea4 hours:
%& 0oo" / 2owville 37"ress ,aulfield !ervice $
<& 0oo" / 2owville 37"ress ,aulfield !ervice 2 9"ea4 hours:
!imilarly on the +ran4ston trac4*
$& +!! / !tony Coint 37"ress +ran4ston service 9Cassenger or +reight:
2& 0oo" / +ran4ston 37"ress ,heltenham !ervice $
?& 0oo" / +ran4ston 37"ress ,heltenham !ervice 2 9"ea4 hours:
>& 0oo" / ,heltenham !to""ing All !tation service $
'& 0oo" / ,heltenham !to""ing All !tation service 2 9"ea4 hours:
?;linders Street Station
The Monorail Alternative
!ince the 8i""sland services originate from +linders !treet !tation only ten of the above services travel
via the single ,aulfield =nderground 0oo" trac4& Assuming trains run with a 2/minute headway these
ten services could run every 20 minutes& 5his then "rovides the following level of service*
3estination +urrent evenin! ea)
services er hour
9roosed evenin! ea)
services er hour
8i""sland 5wo 5hree
Ca4enham +our !i7
,ranbourne 5hree !i7
2owville *oneB 90ine not built yet: !i7
!tony Coint ;ne every other hour ;ne
every hour
+ran4ston +ive !i7 from loo"1 two from +!!
,heltenham +ive !i7
.ere is a sam"le 20/minute segment for the -andenong 0ine& +or sim"licity it starts at $<*00 at
2ichmond& 5he second service to each destination would only run in "ea4 hours&
2ichmond $<*00 $<*02 $<*0> $<*0% $<*08 $<*$0 $<*$2 $<*20
,aulfield $<*0< $<*09 $<*$$ $<*$? $<*$' $<*$< $<*$9 $<*2<
;a4leigh $<*$2 $<*$> $<*$% $<*$8 $<*20 $<*2' $<*2< $<*?2
-andenong $<*2> $<*2% $<*28 $<*?% $<*?8 $<*>>
Ca4enham $<*?% $<*'0 $<*'2 $<*'%
5he area shaded yellow shows the "ortion of each service that is e7"ress& 9!tations from 2ichmond to
,aulfield are serviced by ,heltenham sto""ing/all/stations trains on the +ran4ston trac4s&:
8ra"hically this can be "resented as follows& 92owville trains s"lit off after ;a4leigh station1 ,ranbourne
trains s"lit off after -andenong !tation&:
3andenon! (ine Schedule
2ichmond ,aulfield ;a4leigh -andenong Ca4enham
Sample Dandenong 0ine train schedule showing two <$ursts= o' trains o-er 32 minutes.
Eote that the second 8i""sland service is able to run at e7"ress s"eed to -andenong without running
into the bac4 of the "revious Ca4enham1 ,ranbourne or 2owville services& !imilarly the Ca4enham
services do not run into the ,ranbourne services1 and so on&
>Due to single track to Stony >oint only one ser-ice 5 hour is practical at this stage.
'?stimate does N@& consider use o' third track so more ser-ices should $e 'easi$le.
The Monorail Alternative
Eote also that the timetable is Ocloc4 faceP& 5he ,aulfield to Ca4enham "assenger need only remember
that there is a train at 9 "ast1 29 "ast and >9 "ast each hour on every day morning and night& In "ea4
hours there is an e7tra train in case she canGt get on the first one&
5he only Huestion mar4 over this is the assum"tion that the networ4 is ca"able of safely running with 2/
minute headway& If not1 clearly wor4 is needed to bring the signalling system u" to international
standards& 5his is li4ely to be far chea"er than building e7tra trac4 in a subway& !ee !chedule&7ls for
further details&
A similar result can be achieved on the !ydenham line& In the following e7am"le ? (endigo/line trains
are scheduled 9and can run at J$004mh: with 9 !ydenham trains in "ea4 hour& At best % !ydenham
trains are scheduled currently with (endigo/line trains often forced to travel at below %04mh&
Eote that !ydenham !ervice? would need to o"erate out of !outhern ,ross and not via the 0oo"&
Sample Sydenham 0ine train schedule showing two <$ursts= o' trains o-er 32 minutes.
Rail 6verasses between Southern +ross and *orth Melbourne
,urrently there are maDor delays near !outhern ,ross !tation due to M35 trains from Eorth Melbourne
crossing L60ine trains attem"ting to reach the L60ine "latforms at !outhern ,ross&
(uilding one or two rail over"asses for M35 trains would eliminate this "roblem&
+onsistent +ity (oo 6eration
5he current "ractice of altering the direction of the city loo" at lunch time should be abandoned& All M35
trains should run to !outhern ,ross or +linders !treet stations first as these are best able to co"e with
large crowds& ,aulfield1 (urnley and Jolimont loo" trains should then travel cloc4wise around the loo" at
all times& Eorth Melbourne loo" trains should o"erate counter/cloc4wise at all times& 5his should
o"timise signalling in the loo" to facilitate maintaining 2/minute headway and reduce "assenger
In "ea4 hour many more services can be scheduled by not running trains through the loo" but
terminating them at !outhern ,ross 9Eorth or Iest trains: or +linders !treet 9Eorth1 !outh ) 3ast
*o 'aitin! in the +.3
All loo" services should run to the ,(-1 around the loo" and bac4 to the edge of the networ4 without
waiting at +linders !treet station& 5rains terminating at +linders !treet or !outhern ,ross should
'bounce' bac4 out again after the driver has wal4ed from one cab to the other&
,leaning1 maintenance1 fuelling1 driver change/over and safety chec4s should all ha""en at the outer
edge of the networ41 not in the congested centre&
+ootscray !ydenham
Sydenha% (ine Schedule
(endigo !ervice
!ydenham !ervice$
!ydenham !ervice2
!ydenham !ervice?
(endigo !ervice
!ydenham !ervice$
!ydenham !ervice2
!ydenham !ervice?
The Monorail Alternative
Seven +ar Train Sets
Many new train sets would be needed to o"erate an im"roved timetable& All new train sets should be
four/car sets& 5hese can be matched with e7isting three/car sets to form seven/car sets which are the
most that can be accommodated at the loo" stations&
Croceed with a feasibility study of the monorail o"tions&
Croceed with the design of a 2 4m !outhern ,ross 2ichmond rail subway&
Croceed with other "ublic trans"ort "roDects made "ossible by E;5 building a $<
4ilometre rail subway or a road tunnel&
Im"rove train scheduling to obtain immediate ca"acity im"rovements&
3arlier versions of this document were reviewed by*
Ci% 9ederson / Cresident1 5he Monorail !ociety&
CenDi 'atanabe / .itachi Australia@
9A ,-TE: () )itachi*s comment is limited to technical aspects where we 'ind applica$le to comment as a supplier. (8)
)itachi is not in the position to comment on any commercial -alues indicated in this paper. (B) "y gi-ing comments to
this paper1 it does not mean )itachi*s appro-al o' the document or does not make )itachi responsi$le 'or the contents
o' this document1 or any damage or loss arising 'rom or in relation to this document. )
.ey $e#erenes
5he Monorail !ociety www&monorails&org
.itachi 2ail !ystems / Monorails www&hitachi/rail&com6"roducts6monorailQsystem
3ast Iest 0in4 Eeeds
Assessment 9-;I:
Ii4i"edia Information about and images of various monorail systems&
8oogle Ma"s !atellite ma"s of Melbourne see hy"erlin4s in 9roosed
Route section&
Contat %etails
&-%ailE AlanIdeREewAustralia&net
9honeE 0> $8'? 000%
'ebE www&EewAustralia&net6ewm&html for latest version of this document and other
information including !chedule&7ls&

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