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}im Lysyl

Taico Laiin Ameiica

May :oi:
Oveiviewof Taico LA in Mexico
Heavy Oil in Mexico
Expeiience in Heavy Oil Pioduciion
Exiiaciion and Pioduciion Issues
Examples of Issues and Soluiions
Teclnology and Innovaiion
Overview of Tarco LA
Taico Laiin Ameiica is an Engineeiing and Seivice Oil and Gas
Company ilai las ovei o yeais of expeiience in pioviding Heavy
Oil soluiions by:
Woiling Togeilei wiil Pemex
Been woiling in Mexico since :oo
Woiling in ile fields and wells
Wells and Field Pioduciion is dynamic in Mexico
Pioduciion piessuie, inflow, fluid viscosiiy, waiei cui, sand, gas oil iaiios
always clange and aie diffeieni fiomwell io well
By Uiilizing Pioven Pioducis and Seivices
Safeiy Fiisi
Using oui leavy oil pioduciion expeiience
Being efficieni
Goal - Inciease Pioduciion and Recoveiy Faciois in Heavy Oil
Heavy Oil in Mexico
API Range fiom S io i6
Viscosiiy ai Reseivoii o io (,ooo cp
Viscosiiy ai Suiface i,oo io :oo,ooo cp
Tleie aie ligl levels of Asplaliene's and Paiaffin in
ile Oil
Some Sand on and offsloie
Reseivoii depils iange fiom iSo io ,oo meieis
Bacl piessuie issues in well boie and flow lines
Mobiliiy is a majoi pioblem
Experience in Heavy Oil Production
Expeiiise in ile following aieas:
Heavy Oil exiiaciion, Tianspoiiaiion, and Piocessing
Sand Pioduciion
Field Life Cycle
Well Life Cycle
Recompleiions wiil Hoiizonial ie-eniiies
Well Seivice Piogiam
Experience in Heavy Oil Production
Aiiificial lifi design supply and insiall
Pipeline inspeciion, leal deieciion, coiiosion pioieciion
and iniegiiiy
Faciliiy design, supply insiall and opeiaie
Measuiemeni and Telemeiiy
Woiling wiil Pemex Unions including Tiaining
Heavy Oil Optimization Strategy
for Current Producing ield!
Assess Reseivoii and Cuiieni Opeiaiing Condiiions
Reseivoii Evaluaiion and Siudy
ReviewWell Files and Visii Fields and Wells
Measuie ai Wells, Flowlines, Pipelines, and Faciliiies
Piessuies, Pioduciion, Fluid Levels, Waiei Cui, Qualiiy
Ai Reseivoii, Well boie, and Suiface
Heavy Oil Mobiliiy is a majoi pioduciion pioblem
Woil ovei wells io gailei well boie infoimaiion
Repoii Findings
Suggesi Coiieciive Aciions
Repaii Wells
De boiilenecl well boie pioduciion issues, flowlines, gaileiing, and faciliiies
Opeiaie and Moniioi io ieaci io dynamic well and field opeiaiing condiiions
Implemeni Pioven Heavy Oil Soluiions
Implemeni Well Life Cycle Piogiam
Reviewdiilling and compleiion meilods io accommodaie Heavy Oil Exiiaciion
Extraction and Production "!!ue!
Focus on wlai we lave found so fai wlile peifoiming engineeiing, woil ovei's and opeiaiing woil in
H:S and Explosive Gases
Well Boie Inieiface
Flow lines and Tianspoiiaiion
Bacl piessuie, leals, and coiiosion
Tiucl load Oui
Tubing and Rods
Weai and Holes
Pumps Inseii and Piogiessive Caviiy
Baiiel Failuie
Values Tiavelling and Sianding
Roioi and Siaioi
Siiole and Size
Gas locl and Flumping
Abiliiy io Handle Waiei and Gas
Heavy Oil Mo#ility
Tiucl Unloading
Unloading iales up io louis
Bacl log of Tiucls
Wells gei slui in
Well side ianls fill befoie iiucl can ieiuin
Soluiion io be implemenied
Tiucl line up
Well Deviaiion
Difficuli io Have Aiiificial Lifi Sysiems and Cieaies Bacl Piessuie
Ovei i degiees of deviaiion
$tilization of a Total ield Plan
Mobile Combinaiion Unii
Minimum damage io well boie and ieseivoii
Small fooipiini
Well Mainienance Piogiam
Safeiy Fiisi Piogiam including H:S and Explosive Gas
Aiiificial Lifi Soluiions foi Heavy Oil
Closen based on well pioduciiviiy
Meclanical Pumps wiil laige valves
Piogiessive Caviiy Pumps
Viscosiiy in Well Boie
Low Mobiliiy due io Well Boie and Suiface Tempeiaiuie
Tec%nology and "nnovation
Pioven Soluiions
H:S and Explosive Gas Moniioiing and Emeigency Sluidown
Gas Deieciion Safeiy Sysiems (GDSS)
Eneicai Down lole iool foi Viscosiiy Reduciion
Yelo Heavy Oil Down Hole Pump
Piogiessive Caviiy Pump Sysiems (PCP's)
Pipeline Leal Deieciion
Mobile Combinaiion Unii (MCU) foi efficieni well
seivicing and mainienance
&a! 'etection Safety Sy!tem (&'SS)
Deiecis H:S, Explosive Gas, Co:, and O:
Alaiming on Piesei Levels
Emeigency Sluidown
Wiieless and Remoie Opeiaiion
Tiailei is used as a Musiei poini
Used foi all Well Opeiaiions
Tubing Tool ilai siabilizes ile lydiocaibon fluid as ii
exisis in ile ieseivoii
Helps io deal wiil Asplaliine's and Paiaffin
:oii Nobel Piize was awaided in Applied Plysics foi
ilis meilodology
Heavy Oil Pioduciion Gains as ligl as oo%
Insialled on ile iubing siiing ai pioducing
*%at Exactly 'oe! "t 'o+
The quartz crystal matrix
vibrates at a frequency
on the far end of the
infrared spectrum
producing a passive
energy wave that
provides a free
electron and stabilizes
the molecular structure
of the hydrocarbon fluid
as it exists in the
Yelo Heavy Oil Down Hole Pump
Yelo Pump is designed foi Heavy Oil
Designed io lifi Sand and Solids io Suiface
Wipei design allows foi piessuie io be
Capaciiy iange fiom i io ,ooo BPD
Handles up io qo% gas
Yelo Pumps lifiing of solids
Progressive Cavity Pump Systems (PCPs)
PCP Pump designed foi ligl lifi
and well depil
:Soo meieis of lifi
Well depil i,qo meieis
Exiia lifi io oveicome
flowline baclpiessuie
Pipeline Lea, 'etection
Leal Deieciion
Moniiois Pipeline Piessuie
Deiecis piessuie diops
Deiecis loi iapping
Pipeline diameiei fiom io 6o incl
Mo#ile Com#ination $nit (MC$)
MCU is self coniained and compiises of iiucls and a iiailei
Seivice Rig :oo,ooo lool load, ,Soo meiei depil
Rig up iime is ( minuies
Pump Tiucl :io baiiel ianl
Uiiliiy iiucl and iiailei lolds ,ooo psi BOP
Small fooipiini X (o meieis
Well Mainienance Piogiam
Woilovei in : io ( days - self coniained
Compeiiiion 6 io q days - slidded equipmeni
MCU was build and designed foi Mexico
Tec%nology and "nnovation
In Piocess and Cuiienily Evaluaiing foi Mexico
Suiface Pumping Sysiems
Sieam Assisi Giaviiy Diainage (SAGD) Tuin Key Soluiion
Have Tiied : clemical companies wiil maiginal success
Consideiing anoilei opiion
Foi well boie and peioiaiion clean oui ilai is non ioxic
Lifis solids and coniaminanis io suiface
We lave a good undeisianding of Heavy Oil Pioduciion in Mexico.
We lave seen numeious pioduciion clallenges
We lave solved mosi of ilemand will coniinue woiling io solve issues as iley aiise
Heavy Oil Pioduciion in Mexico is Dynamic in Naiuie and needs consiani
moniioiing and fine iuning
Woil iogeilei wiil Pemex and iliid paiiies io inciease Pioduciion
Siaiis wiil ile iigli ieseivoii analysis, well diilling, well compleiions,
aiiificial lifi, iianspoiiaiion and iieaimeni
Uiilize Canadian Heavy Oil Associaiion
We undeisiand lowio do business wiil Pemex and ile coniiaci piocess
We aie flexible and open io solving issues and finding ways io woil wiil
Pemex and iliid paiiy coniiaciois
We pui Safeiy Fiisi
We focus on Incieasing Pioduciion and Recoveiy Faciois
We focus on Cosi Effeciive and Efficieni Soluiions
We focus on pioviding Enviionmenially Fiiendly Soluiions
Contact "nformation
-im Ly!y,
Tarco Latin America

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